Russian folk tale "White feathers. Encyclopedia of fairy tale characters: "White feathers" White feathers Russian folk tale


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April 2, 1805 Hans-Christian Andersen was born in Denmark, in the small town of Odense. It was a country of forests, mountains, water world. Odensen street in Odense, where G.Kh. Andersen lived He lived in the family of a laundress and a shoemaker. He heard his first fairy tales from his father. The boy remade the tales in his own way, decorating them, and in an unrecognizable way he told them again. Andersen was the only child in the family and, despite the poverty of his parents, he lived freely and carefree. The house where HH Andersen spent his childhood He was never punished. He did only what he always dreamed of. And he dreamed of everything that could only come into his head. Hans had homemade toys, a cardboard puppet theater. He huddled in a corner and composed himself, played performances for himself. What he did not alter in his youth: he repaired shoes, and was a singer, and went to a dance school. In 1819, when he was 14, he went to Copenhagen to become an actor. But the theater management was attracted not by acting talent, but by Andersen's writing gift. In 1835 (at the age of 30) he published three collections of his works, Fairy Tales Told for Children. Gradually, fairy tales take the main place in his work. Then the most wonderful tales come out: "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Nightingale", "The Ugly Duckling", "Thumbelina", "Swineherd". In total, Andersen wrote 170 fairy tales. Here is a quiz on Andersen's fairy tales Answer the questions! And we will find out how well you know Andersen's fairy tales In 1819, having earned some money and bought the first boots, Hans Christian Andersen went to Copenhagen. Hans Christian decides to write a play. His works attracted the attention of the director of the capital's theater, thanks to which Andersen received a royal scholarship and in 1822 went to Slagels. In Slagels, the seventeen-year-old writer was enrolled in the second grade of the Latin gymnasium. In 1826-1827, Andersen's first poems ("Evening", "The Dying Child") were published, which received a positive response from critics. In 1828, Hans Christian Andersen entered the University of Copenhagen and, upon graduation, passed two examinations for the title of candidate of philosophy. Copenhagen The heroine of Andersen's fairy tale, whose monument was erected in Copenhagen, has become a symbol of the capital of Denmark. Who is she? What fairy tale is the little mermaid from? Among the works of Hans Christian Andersen are novels, short stories, plays, short stories, short stories, philosophical essays, essays, poems, more than 400 fairy tales. The poems were set to music: romances were written by Schumann and Mendelssohn. In Russia, Andersen's fairy tales were first published in 1844 ("The Bronze Boar"), in 1894-1895 the first collected works of Andersen were published in 4 volumes. Monument to Andersen in Copenhagen Monument to the Little Mermaid Monument to the Steadfast Tin Soldier All his life Hans Christian Andersen lived as a bachelor. Two months before his death, the writer learned in one of the English newspapers that his fairy tales were among the most widely read in the world. Hans Christian Andersen died on August 4, 1875 in Copenhagen. August 4, 1875 Andersen's grave Assistance cemetery. Copenhagen Tell me, who was the son of the old pewter spoon? . What story are these lines from? “Your children are nice!” said the old duck, with a red patch on its paw. “All are very sweet, except for one ... He is very big, but some kind of wonderful ...” Who is this wonderful child, who later turned into a beautiful swan? What marvelous things did the swineherd prince make? A pot with a bell. When something was cooked in it, it was possible to find out who was cooking in which kitchen. What was the name of the girl who was born from a wonderful flower that looked like a tulip? What fairy tale are these swans from? What were the names of the boy and girl from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? And what kind of fairy tale begins with such words? “A soldier was walking along the road: one-two, one-two. Knapsack on the back, saber on the side. He was walking home from the war. On the way he met an old witch. Which of the heroes of Andersen's fairy tale abandoned his home, relatives, grandmother and father, agreed to accept torment and even die for the sake of his beloved prince and gain an immortal soul? Who helped Gerda from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"? get into the royal palace? What egg did this handsome man hatch from? “What is it?” the emperor was surprised. “A nightingale? But I don't know him! How? Such an amazing bird lives in my state and even in my own garden ... "From what fairy tale are these lines? What fairy tale are these lines from? “How cold it was that evening! It was snowing and dusk was gathering. And the evening was the last of the year - New Year's Eve. In this cold and dark time, a little beggar girl with her head uncovered and barefoot wandered through the streets. One night, when Thumbelina was sleeping in her cradle, she climbed in through the open window. Who is she? Do you know the hero of this story?

Masalova Tatyana Sergeevna

Primary school teacher

MOU "Belgorod region Belgorod district Belomestnenskaya secondary school"

Literary reading.

Theme: Russian folk tale "White Feathers"


    Continue work to familiarize students with the works of oral folk art on the example of the Russian folk tale "White Feathers"

    To form reading skills: distinguish between author's and folk tales, distinguish between real and fictional in fairy tales, draw up a schematic plan for fairy tales, retell according to plan, independently read books about animals, perform tasks on the topic, determine the theme and genre of the work

    Raise love and kindness towards animals

    Compare the concepts of "kindness" and "mercy"


textbook, reader, illustration depicting capercaillie, Garshin's illustrated book "Traveling Frog", modeling cards, "Anthill" magazine.

During the classes:

    Organizing time

    Checking homework (students report homework)

Expressive reading of the fairy tale “Where did the whale get such a throat” by F. Kipling by roles

(assessed by students after the control of each student and group)

    The topic of the lesson.

U: Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with the new work "White Feathers".

    Working on new material.

    Work on the text of the work before reading.

W: What can you say about this piece before you hear it?

Get ready to listen, you have the opportunity to test your assumptions, try to remember the content as best as possible.

2 .Listening (read by teacher)

3. Work with the work after reading.

1) Checking assumptions

    Modeling (pay attention to the fact that the folk tale)

2) - reading

- division into parts

- heading

Board writing:


    Cold winter

    Long road

    white feathers

Conversation after independent reading:

- What trouble happened to the capercaillie? (it was hard to winter)

Who did he turn to for help?

- How did the swans react to the request of the capercaillie?

- What qualities did the swans have, since they did not leave the capercaillie in trouble? (kind, sympathetic, attentive, caring, noble, smart, resourceful)

- What was the capercaillie? (persistent, patient, weak)

How did the swans make it easier for the capercaillie to fly?

- How did the capercaillie journey end?

5. Oral drawing

What can you tell about swans and capercaillie? (describe appearance, habits)

- What changes in the appearance of the capercaillie occurred after parting with the swans?

Show pictures of birds.

What is true in this story? (description of capercaillie)

+ Additional information about birds - see.

In the world of interesting:

    Swan - "king of birds" - exercise Russian p. 14

    Capercaillie are the ancestors of the glorious family of grouse birds. (3-4 kg, they fly noisily, but not far, they spend the night in the snow).

Capercaillie is also called a rooster.

The beauty of these birds leaves few people indifferent.

Capercaillie - tail like a fan, like a peacock. Page 48

6. Exercise in expressive reading.


What feelings did you experience while reading the story?

Try to convey this mood while reading.

Group work. Role reading.

7. Reading by roles. (Verification, analysis)

8. Comparison with the fairy tale "The Traveling Frog" (guesses from illustrations)

V. Generalization of knowledge.

1. Today at the lesson ...

2. This fairy tale taught me…

VI . Homework: reading by roles + retelling about the plan.

Additional task: read "Traveling Frog" or watch a cartoon

Show books about birds and books where the characters are birds.

Additional task: 1. Retelling according to plan

2. Work on illustrations

3. Recall fairy tales where the main characters are

swans or other birds.

Fairy tales:

"Wild Swans"

"Swan geese"

"Grey neck"

"The Fox and the Crane"

The main idea of ​​the lesson: "Know how to overcome difficulties."

Sources were not used to create the development.

The tavern was crowded and noisy, and Marian grimaced in annoyance as he sat at the counter. I wanted peace and quiet, and not the excited buzz of visitors, but, to his great regret, the customer made an appointment in the most crowded place in the city.

He pushed open the heavy door and went into Kaleda's shop, fortunately a woman, but she knows a lot about weapons.

Oh, Marian, what fate! - the hostess threw up her hands, moving away from the window and approaching the man.

A new order - a new weapon, - the hunter snorted.

Slowly, he walked around the shop, mentally evaluating the exhibited goods. Kaleda was a business woman: friendship is friendship, but she always had time to turn up the price.

I need arrows. Faceted to bleed. And a knife, the tip is long, the handle is short. Should be suitable for both throwing and close combat.

Kaleda frowned, thinking, and then reached somewhere under the counter, removing several knives.

Try it, and I'll bring you arrows for now. How much, a bunch?

The city remained below, and Marian walked through the forest, listening to every rustle. In the distance, a brown-gray skin of a hare flashed, but the hunter did not pursue him - this time his game was larger.

He crossed a turbulent little stream, leaving to the left a deep pool - the abode of the kelpie. It was not worth angering the insidious water spirit, otherwise the wayward horse could drown the stupid traveler. Marian pulled away the spruce branch, looking at the fresh claw marks on the bark: judging by the length and depth of the scratches, a bear roamed very close by. The hunter did not want to run into him, even though at twenty-six he was not afraid of anything, even on a full moon to spend the night in a winter forest, when hungry wolves, and even worse creatures, roamed around.

The hunter had been walking for almost three hours and hoped to reach the Copper Foothills soon. Previously, there were mines where prisoners served their sentences, but over the decades of their existence, they were completely worked out, and gradually these places fell into disrepair. But until now, people were still wary of walking in that area: it was rumored that at night the souls of tortured miners crawled out there, unable to withstand the heat of the mines and hard continuous work.

Marian himself did not believe in the tales of vagabonds and minstrels, who allegedly heard the howling of unfortunate souls who could not find peace after death. In his opinion, it was not worth believing people who wandered into taverns with a lute behind their backs, who did not even hold a hunting knife in their hands. Now, if a person happened to spend the night in a forest during a thunderstorm, when the sky explodes overhead and lightning almost hits the tall ship pines, or going out against a wolf with one knife is another matter.

A gap appeared ahead, and the man sighed - soon the foothills of the Copper mines would appear. Bare rocks, in some places overgrown with dry grass: maybe from a curse, maybe after decades of continuous heat nearby, Marian did not know, and he was not interested. The bow patted him on the back, two knives hung on his hip, and if any evil spirits come out, he will receive an arrow in the eye, he will not have time to blink.

Judging by the words of Tabris, the changeling was seen very close. The hunter took off his bow from his back and put an arrow on the string - if he manages to shoot the creature, the chances of winning will increase.

He had heard of the tarlailims before, but had never seen them before. There were various stories that the women of this people were more beautiful than any human daughters, and the men were braver than the most courageous of the city's sons.

Along with this, Marian heard a lot about how disgusting their true appearance is. Someone described the tarlailims as children of the devil, creatures with the head of a lion, the body of a horse and the wings of an eagle. Others argued until they were hoarse, claiming that their body was covered with dense, hard scales, and their tongue was forked, in a word, as soon as they were not vilified.

Changelings lived in the mountains, but, probably, because of these same stones, they began to hunt them. As a result, they ravaged trading carts passing along the foothill paths, robbed and injured people, trying to defend themselves, but this only attracted attention to themselves.

Marian stepped cautiously out of the woods, surveying the yellowish-gray countryside of the Copper Foothills. Withered grass slowly swayed above the wind, a raven croaked hoarsely in the sky, as if anticipating the near bloodshed. The hunter slowly moved forward, along a barely noticeable path that used to lead to the entrance to the mines.

Where would he settle if he were a shifter? The man knew for a long time: if you want to outplay your enemy, think like him. Be him. So where can a creature hide knowing it will be hunted? Marian closed his eyes, considering options. In old mines? No, it's too dangerous there, the passages and adits could have collapsed a hundred times already.

Definitely not in an open area - it is too deserted here, in case of danger there is nowhere to even hide. So, you need to look for a place from where the approaches to the Copper Foothills and the mine, as well as the edge of the forest, would be clearly visible.

Marian opened his eyes and looked around, smiling rather amusedly. A small path, winding between the stones, took him upstairs - most likely, the changeling was there.

Without hesitation, the hunter began to rise.

He was not mistaken - the path became steeper, and at the next turn Marian saw several white feathers. He picked them up, twisted them in his fingers, examining them, and decided that they could only belong to a winged shifter - the feathers were not like any others, although the hunter had seen a lot of them in his life.

The bow and arrow were lowered to the ground, the man stepped quietly and carefully: now he was absolutely sure that the tarlailim was hiding here. So, the main thing is not to scare him away.

Boots made of soft durable leather did not creak and concealed steps - Marian carefully watched where he was stepping, so as not to accidentally hit a pebble. He had been in this area before and knew that the path would lead him to a small cave and a cliff, because on the other side the Copper Foothills adjoined a large abyss.

There were three Tarlailims, one adult and two smaller ones, obviously still children. They amused themselves by changing their appearance, and the endless sparks that accompanied the change made Marian's eyes sparkle.

The adult looked like a young man with regular features, and his cold beauty was designed to scare away, to make him admire him from a distance, but not try to get closer. All three had white-white hair. In his hands was a musical instrument, somewhat reminiscent of a harp. Melodious sounds were woven into an intricate melody, and this was at the hands of Marian - the tarlailims could not hear the creak of the drawn bowstring.

With a buzz, the arrow flew meters separating the hunter and the creatures, but at the last moment the hunter's hand trembled, and the point stuck not in the heart, as the man had planned, but higher, under the collarbone.

The smaller Tarlailims screamed, and their appearance began to rapidly change: children, girls, youths, men, old people, an eagle, a kalpie, a werewolf. The adult rose from his knees, and the harp fell from his feet, hitting a stone and splitting in half.

The Changeling reached for the arrow and tugged. His face contorted into a grimace of pain, and blood crawled across the creature's white robe.

The hunter rose to his full height, not intending to hide any longer. Throwing the unnecessary bow aside, he drew two knives from the sheaths at his hips and slowly walked forward. Tarlailim stretched out his hand towards Marian, and his fingers glowed: a short, wide sword appeared in the palm of his hand.

The Changeling turned his head and ordered the little ones:

Fly away. Warn others.

Crying, the little ones clung to him like chicks, and the tarlailim patted them on the head, closing their eyes for a second. And then he pushed back and shouted:

Fly away!

With a cry of sorrow, they turned into children with large white wings and rose into the air. For some time they still circled over the platform, but then turned and flew away, out of sight.

Marian rushed forward, swinging the knife from the bottom up, hoping to hit the left side. However, the shifter easily avoided the blow and swung his sword, crossing it with knives. The hunter did not consider himself weak, but the man, in the form of which he was now tarlailim, possessed strength surpassing that of a human. Marian used all his skills, trying to deceive the creature, to make him lose his guard. The shifter's left arm hung limply - the wound contained poison that paralyzed the creature's body. Silently, the hunter slammed himself for his foresight: putting poison on the arrows was a good idea.

They circled each other, weapons clanging as they collided. Marian did not have time to jump back, and the tip of the sword drew a deep scratch on his forearm. Hissing, he only tightened his grip on the handle of the knife - and rushed forward.

Tarlailim fought using strength, not skill - after all, they were peaceful people who were not accustomed to holding weapons in their hands, which means that Marian would still win. He deceitfully aimed at the throat, achieving the fact that the shapeshifter threw up his sword, blocking, and the second knife at that time entered him exactly in the stomach to the very hilt.

Tarlailim shuddered and dropped his sword from his hand. His eyes became transparent gray, like tears of autumn rain, and a strange smile appeared on his face. He fell to his knees and rolled onto his side, clutching his arms to his chest.

Subject: Russian folk tale "White feathers".


  • acquaintance with the types of fairy tales: literary (author's), folk; genres of folklore: fairy tale, legend, saying, proverb, riddle, tale, nursery rhyme, tongue twister;
  • practice fluent, expressive, conscious reading; instill a love of reading;
  • to instill a caring attitude, love for nature, a sense of responsibility for "our smaller brothers."

Equipment: a video film “The Traveler Frog”, an audio cassette with bird voices, drawings with images of birds, V. M. Garshin’s book “The Traveler Frog” (three copies with illustrations by different artists), an exhibition of books “Russian Folk Tales”, “Author's Tales”.


I. Organizing moment - 1 min.

II. Introductory talk - 6 min.

Teacher: Today in the lesson we will continue to talk about the genres of folklore (on the board):

What genres of folklore do you know? Today we will talk about a fairy tale. Open page 30 of the textbook (L. A. Efrosinina, grade 2, part 2). What is the name of the fairy tale? And who will be discussed in it, you will learn from the riddle:

Dreaming of a spider at night
Miracle - Yudo on a bitch:
Long beak and two wings
Arrives - things are bad.
And who is the spider afraid of?
Guessed? This … (bird)

– Yes, in this tale we will talk about birds: amazingly smart, beautiful and faithful. Who are these birds? (Illustration display - swans). And about this bird: big, large, wintering with us. What is it called? (Show)

Children: Capercaillie (a child's story about a bird, 5 - 6 sentences).

III.Working with the work– 25 min.

1. Reading a fairy tale.

Teacher: What is true in this fairy tale, real facts?, What is invented, fictional?

2. Work on the text. What words begin the story? What comparison is made in the first part to show how cold the winter was? Who survived this difficult winter? Why did the capercaillie gather with a flock of swans to warm lands?

3. Selective reading.

Teacher: Read in the text: how did the swans react to the request of the capercaillie? Would you take pity on him? Tell me, what is the reason for the autumn departure of birds to warm countries? Have you noticed when wild geese, ducks, swans - water birds fly south? How do they fly away? Tell me. (Children compose a story, 4-5 sentences). What kind of birds are preparing to fly away?

4. Reading by roles.

Teacher: Find a description of the beauty of the autumn forest. What is this autumn? What autumn is called golden? Find an expression in a fairy tale, words, when we were very anxious, we understand: it is very difficult for a capercaillie, he is very tired. Tell us about how the capercaillie journey ended.

5. Work in a notebook on literary reading.

Task number 2.

Teacher: What did the swan give the capercaillie? How does this tale end? Read.
There are elements of a scientific and educational story in this fairy tale. What did we learn about the appearance of the capercaillie? What is this bird: migratory or wintering? According to its scientific and cognitive data, this tale has something in common with another tale (show). What is it called? (Who sings what?). Who wrote it? (V. Bianki). What is this fairy tale? (Author's or literary). What is it about?
So, we remembered that a fairy tale can be not only folk, but also author's, or literary. What does it mean?
What literary fairy tale does the journey of the capercaillie remind you of? (On the board there is an exhibition of books with the fairy tale “The Frog is a Traveler”, three types with different illustrations). Who is the author of this tale? (V. M. Garshin). Have you noticed that the book design is different. What does it depend on? (various artists, different editions). Recall this story and find similarities and differences.

1. This is a bird with a long neck (illustration display)

4. Who is in a bright red beret,
In a black satin jacket?
He doesn't look at me
Everything knocks, knocks, knocks.

3. We read task number 3 in the notebook for literary reading (show)

2. And our fairy tale is about this bird.

5. And now let's listen to the singing of this bird (cassette)

Who is without notes and without flute
Best of all displays trills,
Louder, softer
Who is this? (show)

Now let's do our homework.

Spikelet. Ukrainian fairy tale

Teacher: Name the characters in this story. What were the mice like? (Lazy). Choose synonyms for this word. (Unreasonable, stupid, carefree, loafers). What was the rooster like? (Hardworking, caring, industrious). What is condemned in this tale? Who is condemned? What qualities are approved, welcomed in this fairy tale? And what Belarusian fairy tale did we read (Fox and black grouse). Are the tales of the Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian people similar? (Illustrations, heroes, costumes are considered).

IV. Generalization– 6 min

Conclusion. How are these stories similar? Why are they similar? (Some ancient Slavic roots, some customs, one attitude to work and laziness). How are all fairy tales alike? (Evil is condemned and good is welcomed). How do all fairy tales end? How to understand the expression on the board “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

V. Summary of the lesson– 4 min

Teacher: Why do we love fairy tales? What are they? What are they teaching?

VI. Homework- 3 min

Russian folk tale "White feathers"

Genre: folk tale about animals

The main characters of the fairy tale "White Feathers" and their characteristics

  1. Capercaillie. Lonely, pathetic, weak.
  2. Swan. Proud, handsome, good friend, strong, fast.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "White Feathers"
  1. terrible winter
  2. Return of the swans
  3. Capercaillie's story
  4. short summer
  5. Fees to the south
  6. Rope
  7. Tired Capercaillie
  8. Parting
  9. white feathers
  10. Capercaillie tears
The shortest content of the fairy tale "White Feathers" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. In the harsh winter, all the birds died and only capercaillie remained.
  2. Swans arrived in the spring, but the warm season quickly came to an end.
  3. Capercaillie began to ask to go south and he was offered to fly on a string
  4. Capercaillie flew on a string all day and completely exhausted
  5. The swans left the capercaillie alone, but gave him white feathers
  6. The capercaillie was crying heavily, and his eyes and eyebrows turned red.
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "White Feathers"
Everyone has their own destiny, a swan to fly south, a capercaillie to spend the winter in the snow.

What does the fairy tale "White Feathers" teach
This tale teaches to love animals, in particular birds. Teaches to be attentive, observant, to notice the various features of animals.

Review of the fairy tale "White Feathers"
This is a very curious story about how capercaillie got white feathers and red eyes. It was a pity for the poor capercaillie, who turned out to be unable to fly with swans even in tow. But in our time, capercaillie winter well under the snow and do not freeze.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "White feathers"
Friend is known in trouble.
Winter has come and brought frost.
One's heart is cold to live.
It is difficult for a tree to grow alone.
The white swan is not a friend of the capercaillie.

Read a summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "White Feathers"
That year was an unusually severe winter. So frosty that all the birds died during the winter. Only the capercaillie miraculously survived, because it hid under the snow all winter.
And when the swans arrived in the spring from the far south, the capercaillie began to tell them about the cold, while he himself trembled with fear.
The short northern summer passed and the swans began to gather again to the south. And the capercaillie begs them not to leave him alone, to take him with him. But how to do that? Capercaillie will not fly, he does not know how to fly as fast as swans.
And then one of the strongest swan said to tie the capercaillie to him on a string. So that he drags the capercaillie, as if in tow.
No sooner said than done, the swans flew, and the capercaillie followed them on a string.
The swans flew for a long time without stopping, the capercaillie was tired, barely flapping its wings.
But then the swans descended, sat down to rest. The capercaillie lies on the ground without strength, breathing heavily. And the swan tells him that he will not pull him further, the capercaillie will not master the flight. The capercaillie will have to winter here, and so that he would not be sad, the swan pulled out ten white feathers from himself and stuck the capercaillie in the wings.
The swans flew on, and the capercaillie sits on the ground, looks after them and cries.
Since then, the eyes and eyebrows of capercaillie have been red from tears, and their wings have white feathers.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "White Feathers"

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