Fish farming as a business idea. Setting up a fish pond


An artificial reservoir can perform not only a decorative function, but it can also be successfully used for breeding fish. This exciting activity will provide an opportunity to spend your leisure time interestingly. It will also bear fruit in the form of environmentally friendly and, of course, tasty fish. But to achieve the result, you will have to work hard, because breeding fish in an artificial reservoir has its own characteristics and secrets that must be taken into account.

How to correctly determine the size of the reservoir

For an artificial reservoir, you need to choose a place located in the very lowland part land plot. It is also desirable that the pond be in partial shade for most of the day. But at the same time, to create a shading effect, it is not recommended to plant trees directly near the pond. Since fallen leaves will pollute the surface, and their roots can lead to deformations in the size of the reservoir over time.

The depth and width of the pond largely depends on what kind of fish you plan to breed in it. In any case, the pit for the reservoir must be at least one meter deep. And each owner forms the width and length of the pond at his own discretion. It is better to stop at a small but deep body of water, since a shallow and wide pool around the perimeter will absorb too much oxygen. While oxygen vital for fish. The enrichment of water with it is ensured by its production by vegetation, as well as due to the mixing of water under the influence of wind and temperature fluctuations.

In winter, to provide fish with air in the ice crust, you need to make holes, and you can also vertically freeze a bundle of reeds in it, which will become an excellent air conductor.

It should also be borne in mind that a tight reservoir will not suit too large a flock of fish, since the water in it will quickly deteriorate from a large amount of food. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the volumes of the future pond based on the fact that for one fish ten centimeters long, about fifty liters of water will be required.

A sufficiently deep reservoir creates successful conditions for wintering fish. But at the same time, in summer, the water in it warms up unevenly, which slows down the process of reproduction of microorganisms, which serve as an additional source of food for fish. Also, when determining the volume of a future reservoir, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the area of ​​​​the water surface without any vegetation and the quality of water purification.

What types of fish are suitable for breeding in artificial reservoirs

The most unpretentious fish in care include carp and crucian carp, respectively, they are most often bred in artificial reservoirs. In addition, cold-water trout, goldfish, and tench can be successfully bred in a self-created pond.

Carp gets along well even in a small pond and even faster and better builds mass in them. This is due to the fact that in a small area it spends much less energy searching for food. An additional advantage of this type of fish is its omnivorous nature. Carp prefers the sun and slightly alkaline water. In such conditions, it grows rapidly and can reach sexual maturity by the fourth year of life.

For carp breeding, a reservoir up to one and a half meters deep, four meters long and six meters wide is ideal. Moreover, one cube of water should account for no more than twenty individuals. Such parameters provide optimal conditions for their life.

As for crucians, stagnant water with a lot of vegetation is ideal for them. In winter, ice holes must be made in the pond to ensure the flow of oxygen. The optimal size of a pond for breeding crucians does not differ from those suitable for carp, so they are often kept in the same pond.

And here tench categorically does not get along with crucian carp. In general, they are very unpretentious in care and easily adapt to fluctuations in the level of acidity and the amount of oxygen in the water. Tench is omnivorous and if the pond is shallow, then it can fight with other species of fish, most often carps, for food.

An artificial pond is ideal as a habitat for goldfish. They are unpretentious both in food and do not impose special requirements on the habitat. And for their active reproduction, two individuals are quite enough. In addition, the goldfish looks very beautiful in the pond. Koi, a decorative Japanese carp, also has exceptional decorative qualities. Their coloring is striking in variety, there are red, black, white and even yellow species. And it is almost impossible to predict the color of future offspring. Koi prefers fairly spacious and deep water bodies, and a large amount of time scours the muddy bottom in search of food. This variety requires a lot of food, and does not refuse small fish.

Making a pond for fish

The creation of an artificial reservoir begins with the determination of its future volumes and the preparation of the pit. After the pit is dug, the soil surface must be properly leveled and well tamped. It is recommended to cement the bottom of the future pond and cover it with a dense polyethylene film on top. If it is operated carefully, then it will serve as a reliable basis for more than one year. If financial possibilities do not allow such an option, then you can limit yourself to only one film for covering the bottom. Also, as a budget flooring for the bottom, cameras from trucks are often used, which are pre-glued together.

Modern coating options involve the use of special mats made from coconut or synthetic fiber. Their surface is quickly overgrown with algae, thanks to which they perfectly mask the coastal edge.

After the pit is completed, water can be poured into it. And for this purpose, well or spring water is best suited. But you need to do it gradually, so at first the pond is only one-third full. In this way, an ideal spreading of the film under the influence of the gravity of the water is achieved. The bottom is covered with a layer of river sand, in which a variety of underwater plants are planted. After that, the rest of the water is poured into the reservoir.

The final stage in the design of an artificial reservoir is the landscaping of its banks. To complete the pond on its shore, it is recommended to plant willows, cattails and reeds. And if the owner of the pond plans to breed crayfish in addition to fish, then he needs to take care of the presence of stones, broken pots, etc. at the bottom. This will enable the crayfish to create a reliable shelter from fish during the molting period.

Creating a microclimate in the pond

The arrangement of an artificial reservoir without fail includes the creation of a microclimate suitable for breeding fish in it. Therefore, in no case should fish be immediately put into the water again poured into the pond, because it must settle, warm up and be enriched with the necessary microflora. To speed up this process, you can add several buckets of water from a natural reservoir to it, and put a little grass on the bottom that has had time to wither.

A neutral environment is considered optimal for breeding fish, and the acidity level must be kept within seven to eight ph. If it drops to 5 ph, then this adversely affects the life of fish, especially carp and crucian carp. To increase the acidity, you need to add a portion of a solution of soda or limestone to the water. Measurement of the acidity level of water should be carried out regularly, and at once in several places of the reservoir, since the rate of interaction of substances depends on the intensity of sunlight.

A prerequisite for launching fish is equalizing the temperature in the reservoir and the container in which it is contained. If this rule is neglected, then the fish may develop a temperature shock, from which even adults can die on the very first day after they are launched into the pond.

What to feed the fish?

To be successful in breeding fish in an artificial reservoir? you need to take a responsible approach to the issue of their feeding. The most unpretentious in terms of food is rightly considered carp and tench. These species of fish are omnivorous and gladly absorb everything that their owner treats them to.

They are fed often enough. compound feed intended for poultry and pigs. Moreover, if loose or powdered feed is used, then directly before feeding, it must be mixed with pond water until it reaches the consistency of porridge.

For all other varieties of fish, you can use a mixture of legumes and cereal grains. Moreover, before feeding, they are doused with boiling water, due to which the mixture swells. Also, all fish, without exception, are happy to accept earthworms and various insects as food. The amount of feed depends on the weight of the fish and should slightly exceed it, but not more than six percent.

It is advisable to feed the fish once or twice a day at the same time. For feeding, it is recommended to choose a shallow place in which it is convenient to put a tray or a small table. And after the feeding is completed, it can be taken from there without any problems. This approach allows the owner of the pond to promptly remove the remnants of uneaten food, which can quickly spoil the water in the pond.

It is desirable to develop a conditioned reflex for eating in fish. This is facilitated by the implementation of feeding at a set time, as well as the use of other external stimuli, such as a bell.

Fish farming can be used as the basis for a self-sufficient business.

What could be better than your own summer cottage. After all, in this case, you can realize a large number of ideas. One of these is the creation of a small reservoir in which you can spend your leisure time fishing and even commercial fishing. Further about which breed is better to breed in a small pond near the dacha.

The Best Types of Fish for a Small Pond

To understand which breeds are best suited for a not very large body of water, you should have an idea of ​​​​the most popular types of freshwater inhabitants:

  • Carp. Ideal for a compact pond: it is completely unpretentious in food and conditions of detention. At the same time, it has excellent taste and nutritional value. Carp is thermophilic and the decision to breed fish like this should be taken only when living in a fairly warm climate: the optimum temperature for a comfortable life for carp is 18-30 degrees Celsius. The period of onset of puberty directly depends on the mildness of the climate: in a warm climate, already in the 2nd-3rd year of life, the carp is ready for mating, in a cold one - in the 4th-5th year. Carp grows rapidly and by the age of three reaches a weight of 1 kg.
  • Golden carp. A small beardless fish with a copper belly. The best option for breeding fish in a small stagnant pond. Crucian carp is unpretentious, perfectly takes root in water with high acidity or with insufficient oxygen. Sexual maturity of the crucian comes in 2-4 years. The advantages of goldfish include its vitality and excellent survival after crossing with other fish.

Golden carp

Lena sturgeon

  • Pelyad. It grows rapidly, differs in unpretentiousness to the conditions of keeping and feeding. Feels great in cold water. It is considered a good alternative to trout, while, unlike the latter, peled is not so demanding on the composition of water and the content of oxygen in it.
  • Tench. An unusual fish that changes its color immediately after being caught: its golden skin is covered with dark spots. This is due to the large amount of mucus that hardens in the air. An excellent place to breed fish will be a calm small pond with a lot of vegetation.
  • Som. Perfect for a small pond. Catfish is carnivorous, large in size, very hardy. In winter, it hibernates. Friendly to other freshwater fish.

Attention! It is advisable to isolate sick fish as quickly as possible from the rest of the living creatures in the pond. Calculating such an individual is very simple: it swims on its side along a circular path, rubs against various objects, and a white coating can be seen on the fins and eyes of sick living creatures.

The subtleties of breeding fish in a small pond

In order to fully enjoy the process of fishing without traveling far beyond your own dacha, you need to make sure that the pond near the house is created using a certain technology:

Advice. It is undesirable to place fish caught from the river in the pond created by painstaking efforts, as it may be sick. It is better to purchase all the necessary types of living creatures in a specialized store.

That's all the subtleties that you should know in order to understand what kind of fish to breed in a small pond. Happy fishing!

How to breed crucian: video

An artificial reservoir on a private plot can become a source of not only aesthetic, but also gastronomic pleasure. With some effort to breed fish, you can get a good help in providing yourself and your loved ones with a valuable fresh product. And if you approach the matter on a grand scale, then earn. After all, doing everything with your own hands in the country at home is not so difficult.

Types of fish are selected in accordance with the breeding conditions. The determining factors are air temperature and water composition. The type of pond is essential - flowing or stagnant. When selecting varieties, one should take into account the coexistence of breeds, competition for food. The most unpretentious and productive are:

  • Carp or carp- heat-loving, but resistant to temperature fluctuations. The diet is vegetable food and mixed fodder. It enters puberty at 1-3 years, depending on the ambient temperature. Varieties - scaly, mirror and leathery.
  • - a large relative of the carp. Reaches a weight of 50 kg or more. Homeland - the Far East. It eats a large amount of plant food, is used to clean overgrown reservoirs.
  • black carp- similar to white, but feeds on molluscs. Scales of dark color. Well sanitizes ponds from pests of other species.
  • White and motley carp- very similar up to 3 years of age. Then the motley appear spots on the scales. Reach 50 kg. The white carp feeds only on plants. Motley is more unpretentious.
  • buffalo- looks like a carp, the birthplace of America. According to the growing conditions, it is similar to carp, but the meat is much more valuable in terms of taste.
  • channel catfish- omnivorous, large, thermophilic. Motherland America. With proper feeding, it has a very pleasant taste of meat.

Less productive, but well amenable to breeding in a man-made pond, are:

Golden and silver carp are unpretentious, fast-growing. Can interbreed with other fish species. Gaining weight up to 5 kg. Feels good even with unfavorable composition of water.

Trout, pike, tench, sturgeon are also bred in artificial reservoirs.

Grass carp is a type of freshwater fish suitable for pond breeding.

Advantages and disadvantages of home fish farming

An important advantage of breeding in a homestead economy is the ability to obtain for personal consumption or sell products that are in great demand all year round.

Fish meat contains a lot of valuable substances and vitamins. Fresh catch has excellent taste.

The capital investment required to start fish farming is not very high. The complexity of cultivation is from 3 to 5 hours a day. Weather conditions when using an artificial reservoir slightly affect the growth of individuals.

The main investment occurs at the initial stage. It is necessary to build a pool or dig a pond.

The main expenses for breeding - at the initial stage in the manufacture of the pond

Their type and size are determined by the financial capabilities of the owner and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. The minimum depth of an artificial reservoir is 1-1.5 m. The volume is calculated from the estimated number of individuals settled in the pond. One fish 10-15 cm long should have at least 50 liters of water, i.e. in one cubic meter reservoir can peacefully coexist no more than 20 copies.

Types of breeding pools

The quality of water in a mini pond, its chemical composition depends on the source of filling the pond. It also determines the temperature, the presence of food and the oxygen supply of the aquatic environment.

What type of filling the reservoir exists:

  • Stream or river. Water in the reservoir comes from natural sources through the supply channel. The excess is removed by the outlet channel. The content of oxygen and plankton in a pond with such filling is favorable for breeding, because. closest to natural conditions.
  • Spring. Clean water with a high oxygen content is most favorable for breeding fish of different breeds. For a source of food in the territory adjacent to the reservoir, daphnia pits are arranged - small small depressions for the reproduction of plankton. They communicate with the main body of water. Daphnia move to the pond and serve as food for fish.
  • Atmospheric. In the absence of rivers, streams and springs, the source of moisture is rain and melt water. Well-heated water is favorable for the development of vegetation and living organisms.
  • closed water supply. The use of ponds without external water sources has become possible thanks to the use of special equipment: pumps, filters, ultraviolet sterilizers, etc. When constructing a reservoir, special attention should be paid to waterproofing the bottom.

Pond for fish with stream filling

How to make a pond with your own hands

Having decided to arrange a fish pond on the site, you need to determine its location, area and method of construction. If there are no natural sources of filling, the reservoir is built using a closed water supply.

How to choose the right site

The place for the pond must meet the conditions:

  • be away from noisy places and highways,
  • be shaded by trees, but not under them, because falling leaves pollute the water,
  • not be located in a lowland, because there is a risk of contamination by runoff rainwater,
  • have a source of electricity for water purification filter equipment and oxygen enrichment plants.

Necessary tools and materials

The most durable is a pond with a concrete bottom. Its device requires significant material and labor costs, which will pay off with interest in the process of long operation.

To build a pond you will need:

  • rubble,
  • sand,
  • cement,
  • grids of reinforcement with a diameter of 3-4 mm and a cell of 30x30 cm,
  • board formwork,
  • roofing material or other material for waterproofing the bottom and walls,
  • tubes for inlet and outlet openings,
  • waterproofing additive for plastering the bottom and walls.

The technology of creating an artificial reservoir in the country

  1. Mark the size of the pond on the ground. For this, pegs and a cord are used. For fish breeding, the shape of the pond does not matter.
  2. Digging a pit by hand or using an excavator. The optimal depth is 1.5-1.8 m, the angles of inclination of the walls are 20 °.
  3. Before concreting, preparations are made from sand and gravel with tamping of the bottom.
  4. Lay waterproofing from roofing felt or film with its output to the surface of the earth.
  5. The first layer of concrete is poured onto the bottom with a thickness of 10 cm, rammed and recessed reinforcing mesh along the entire bottom.
  6. The second layer of concrete is being poured.
  7. Install the formwork for the walls of the pond. When finished, they should be 10-12 cm thick.
  8. Reinforce and pour concrete walls of the reservoir.
  9. Concrete surfaces are covered with plaster with a waterproofing additive or liquid glass. The wall treatment material must be safe for the life of fish.
  10. Install the necessary equipment: pumps, filters, oxygen water enrichers.

For a successful wintering of fish, a wintering well should be provided. It is arranged from asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 80 cm or ordinary reinforced concrete rings. In a well buried to the mark of 2.7 m, covered with a wooden shield, the fish will not freeze and will not die from a lack of oxygen.

Even a beginner can build a pond with his own hands. Fish farming will not take much time if the process of stocking, fattening and catching is established. Even if the purpose of fish farming is not to generate income, this activity will bring benefits and pleasure.

You can list all the advantages of a country house for a very long time: this is air, nature, and the ability to grow your own environmentally friendly products. For example, you can start raising livestock or poultry, but this is not the whole list of what you can do in your backyard. Pond fish farming is gaining more and more popularity. In dachas, as a rule, all conditions favor this.

fish pond

Growing fish in your own pond is quite an exciting activity., especially if among the household or friends there are lovers of fishing. Watching a fish grow in a pond, feeding it, then hunting for it, and, in the end, always having fresh fish at the table - isn't it a joy for the owners?

In addition, organizing a pond on your site is not difficult. This process can be dealt with in a few days, but for this you need to know and follow some rules. First of all, you should choose a suitable place for the future pond. How to do it?

Choosing the right place

Choosing a place for the future pond is the very first step, which must be approached with all responsibility. The quality of life of its inhabitants will depend on the correct position of the reservoir. When choosing a territory and its further improvement, the following features should be taken into account:

After all the necessary conditions are met and the reservoir is ready, you should not rush to immediately launch the fish there. It must stand for some time in order to acquire its own microflora and microorganisms, as well as to reach the required temperature indicators. To speed up this process, you can pour several buckets of water collected from an ordinary reservoir. To "revive" the water, you should leave a little withered grass at the bottom of the pond.

Equipment for growing fish

To create comfortable conditions for the life of fish in the pool, it is worth acquiring the necessary equipment. To protect water from flowering and pollution, you will need a gravity biofilter. The compressor will provide the required level of oxygen, and the ultraviolet sterilizer will prevent the water from blooming. Among other things, you will have to clean and periodically change the water in the pond, for which a hydraulic pump is useful. It is also necessary to install fish feeders.

Features of fish breeding

Even in the process of creating an artificial reservoir, it is necessary to follow some rules. Before deciding to populate a pond with aquatic inhabitants, one should take into account the depth, temperature, pH level of the water, as well as other factors:

All these conditions must be met for a successful fish breeding process.

Pond dwellers

Among the many varieties of fish, you should choose the most suitable for a particular type of pool and living conditions. The most popular fish species for breeding in their own pond are carp, crucian carp, tench, cold-water trout, goldfish, as well as decorative Japanese carp - koi.

It is necessary to populate these fish in a reservoir at the rate of 10 to 20 individuals per 1 m³ of water. Accordingly, a small pond can accommodate several medium-sized carps and 20-25 crucians. At the same time, the pool should have a perimeter of 4x6 m and a depth of at least 1.5 m. Due to this, the water in it will warm up evenly and quickly enough. The most suitable temperature for keeping these fish species is around 26 °C. Lowering the temperature to 10-12°C or raising it to 30°C negatively affects them: the fish becomes less mobile, the processes of feeding and reproduction slow down sharply.

There are other types of fish that are well suited for breeding at home:

Depending on the purpose of breeding, the owner will be able to choose the most suitable species for himself from the whole variety of underwater inhabitants.

Food for aquatic life

Artificial breeding of fish can only be successful with a responsible attitude to the issue of their feeding. The most unpretentious species is the carp, which eats almost everything. It can be fed with compound feed for pigs or poultry, while the loose powder should be thoroughly mixed with water to a porridge state, and then sent to the pond.

Other breeds prefer a pre-steamed and swollen mixture of cereals and legumes. The volume of this feed should not exceed 3-6% of the mass of the fish itself. It is recommended to feed 1-2 times a day in a certain place of the reservoir at the same time. For convenience, a specially equipped pallet table is used. This convenience lies in the fact that it can be lowered to the bottom without any problems, and then it can be taken out with the same ease. With the help of such a design, it is easy to track how much food has been eaten, whether there are any pieces left that will pollute the water.

It is very interesting to observe how the ringing of a small bell gradually creates a conditioned reflex in the fish and they gather in a flock to enjoy the food brought by the owner.

Undoubtedly breeding fish in an artificial reservoir is not an easy task, after all, it is necessary to comply with all conditions for their most comfortable maintenance. In this case, the fish will live long and delight their owners.

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