Where to start self-development? One helpful exercise. Where to start self-development: some useful tips


The need for spiritual and physical development is beyond doubt. Parents are concerned about the upbringing of young children. An older person builds himself as a person. But how to properly organize this process, where to start self-development?

About self-improvement

What advice would you give to someone who wants to improve themselves? First you need to figure out what exactly he is going to improve, what is the meaning of the concept of “self-development” for him. Modern trends often mean by this term the opportunity to become successful. Not smart, not kind, not talented, but simply achieved some success. But is this the goal to which you really need to strive?

Let's think for a moment: the geniuses and simply successful people of the past did not read on self-development! But this did not prevent them from achieving remarkable results. Moreover, it is difficult to imagine a psychological training capable of making an artist talented, or a self-development pamphlet that allowed a scientist to make a brilliant discovery. Without a doubt, each of the realized personalities worked hard on themselves, but it was unlikely that these were methods similar to those recommended today.

About the goals of self-development

An artist who paints his canvases, a writer, a sculptor - they, having not yet taken up work, already imagine the desired result. And the scientist, approaching his discovery, sees a cherished goal in front of him: a new device, a proven theorem. Those who think about how to start self-development must also imagine what results they want to achieve. Without realizing this, it is foolish to embark on the process of one's own restructuring.

The need for physical improvement can not be reminded once again: the phrase "A healthy mind in a healthy body" speaks of this quite specifically. As for the improvement of a different kind, even 30-40 years ago, ideas on this score were different. To the question of what to do for self-development, answers would be given that fundamentally do not coincide with modern ones. However, a person working on himself would then also be referred to literature - to the works of the classics.

Jack London. "Martin Eden"

Unlike modern psychologists, who present detailed algorithms of where to start self-development, classical literature does not give specific advice. It simply invites a person to think, to understand his own soul. And also try to answer the main question of why he is on this earth, what is the meaning of the life given to him.

Jack London's novel "Martin Eden" can be called a textbook on self-development. A young boy, a sailor, having fallen in love with a girl from another circle, begins to work hard on himself, learn and improve himself in order to be worthy of his beloved. And this brings generous results: the former sailor becomes a famous writer, a rich man. But the success that was once so desired does not give Eden satisfaction, and even passionate feelings leave him. Our hero understands that the beautiful image of his beloved he painted was just a beautiful dream, and a real girl is limited and selfish.

And what's the bottom line? After all this grandiose work on himself, Eden is left with only bitter disappointment and a staunch unwillingness to live. The author, of course, is proud of his hero and his desire for excellence. But the novel also speaks of the wrong arrangement of life priorities, and of the tragic attempts of a person to comprehend life and himself in it.

About books

There are many works in the world that help a person to understand the essence of the universe. But perhaps the best books on self-development are the immortal works of Leo Tolstoy. These are the deepest thoughts about morality and faith, about feelings and duty, about heroism, compassion and love. Descriptions of Tolstoy and his conclusions are akin to the reasoning of the best psychologists who guide their clients through life.

But what about self-improvement? There is a wonderful and very correct phrase “The soul must work!”. The works of Tolstoy and other classics, passed through the mind and soul, are the best answer to the question of what to do for self-development. The soul in the process of reading becomes cleaner, the mind becomes brighter, and the person becomes better.

About life approaches

What does a person live for? The following phrase was once popular: "Man is born for happiness, like a bird for flight." But now these words are hardly remembered, they do not fit well into the current coordinate system. Happiness is a vague concept, it is difficult to teach it. What a success! Successful people are in plain sight, they bow, envy, try to imitate. It has become a fashionable trend to teach how to be successful: the goal of all trainings and seminars on personal development is just such an attitude. But how right is this?

The richest man of our time - Bill Gates - wrote a will, according to which his children receive practically nothing. What is this - whim, tyranny? Or, on the contrary, paternal wisdom, the desire for happiness for their own children? It appears to be the latter.

Money alone has never made anyone happy. It is unlikely that Gates, on the outskirts of the heights, puzzled over where to start self-development, how to achieve success with its help. His life was simply interesting and full, consisted of favorite things and finds and disappointments accompanying any work, achievements and mistakes. In this life there was a thirst for victory and excitement, probably happiness. To leave only money to your children, depriving them of the need to move forward and truly live, means to make them deeply unhappy. Gates understood this in time.

And again about happiness

For many, there is a clear substitution of concepts, and success becomes an end in itself. In fact, the psychology of a person's self-development should be based on his desire for happiness. Success can only be a private, concomitant result. Example: a girl aspires to get married, she is only interested in "princes" (by the way, a considerable part is devoted to just this - to teach young people to always achieve their goals). And, let's even say, our heroine, armed with the advice of professionals, everything turns out - the "prince" is with her. But will it bring them both happiness? Will their house become warm, will love and joy settle in it?

But in real fairy tales, everything is different. Folklore characters dream only about love and strive for it, sweeping away any obstacles. Is it because the endings of fairy tales are much better than those that await us in real life?

How to be?

If you do not set your specific goal to achieve success, then what to do? To sit down, like the legendary Emelya, on the stove, and wait for the onset of happiness? In no case! To lazy people with an empty soul, it is unlikely to look. The path to happiness is hard work, it is an attempt to understand and change yourself in order to become better. Where to start self-development? From books and music, the perception of beauty (not without reason it is said that beauty will save the world!). Even from trying to understand people nearby, from the desire to improve life around (difficult in a disharmonious world!).

Self-improvement involves serious work on oneself, and in this matter, the recommendations of specialists will be more than appropriate. Of course, not all. Instructions to achieve success at any cost and to walk towards your goal almost over corpses will never make a person happy. Only those tips that contribute to a real improvement in human qualities will be useful.

It's no secret that people are born different. Absolutely everyone needs wise teachers, even the strongest and most talented. But in one case, a good book will take on the role of an adviser, and in another, a person needs serious outside help.

What do psychologists say? How to start self-development? Although the methods of specialists sometimes differ significantly and are far from indisputable, a number of recommendations are still worth taking note of. For example, to know yourself, to try to understand your goals and desires, to soberly assess your strengths and weaknesses, so that later you can work on both, improving as a person. Any person has a limit of possibilities, but self-development allows you to push the boundaries and accomplish what seemed impossible just yesterday.

Psychologists have a lot of practical advice in store. For example, every day to discover something new - the process of self-development is endless. And also break down a big goal into stages so that the process of achieving it does not seem so complicated. Recommendations will also be useful on how to overcome the laziness inherent in many, how not to give in to difficulties, how to do what you love, and not what you have to.

The advice of a psychologist will be extremely important for people burdened with complexes. Very often, the self-development of a person and the achievement of the set goal are hindered by the inability to communicate and It is not good to impose one's will on others - everyone knows this. But nothing is better than always giving in, not being able to insist on one's own, constantly extinguishing one's impulses, needs, desires.

Organizational councils will also be valuable for the self-development of the individual. overcome obstacles and succeed? How to spend less time on work, but at the same time do more, how not to be afraid of failures and learn from your mistakes? You can even teach a person to read books in a new way, while extracting the maximum benefit. After all, without the ability to perceive information, there is no self-development!

Live in joy

So what is human development? This is the path to harmony, to satisfaction with life, to happiness. Therefore, the most important and truly invaluable are those tips that encourage a person to be happy. How to live your life fruitfully and healthy? How to get rid of anger and envy, learn to believe in yourself, develop a positive attitude towards yourself and people? The result of self-development should be the ability to love and make friends, the ability to appreciate human warmth and admire beauty. The desire for harmony and perfection is in the blood of a person, you just need to direct these impulses in the right direction.

Good day, dear blog readers. Today I want to tell you how to start self-development for girls and why it is important to start doing it as soon as possible.

The first stages on the path of self-development of a girl

For girls, self-realization can consist of many aspects at once, including work, study, family, appearance, and many other facets. At the same time, some of them will really contribute to development, and, accordingly, to a good inner sense of self. The other part will be imposed by social stereotypes and will only lead to a decline in strength.

Self-improvement is a long process that has no end point. Rather, it is a certain lifestyle, attitude, philosophy and interest in the world around. But this does not mean that it occurs independently and unsystematically. On the contrary, it requires a clear setting of goals, a plan and an understanding of the direction of movement in order to correct actions.


In the process of setting a goal, it is necessary to correctly calculate your own strengths and interests. Otherwise, you can jump at a lot of offers without finishing anything.

At the beginning, the goals should be:

  • real;
  • short-term;
  • motivating.

Under the reality of goals is understood as their correlation with their capabilities. If you set yourself the task of running 5 kilometers tomorrow, and before that for several years you even drove to a neighboring store by car, then at best you will fail the goal, at worst an ambulance will take you away.

Short-term achievement is necessary to maintain motivation for further achievements. In the early days of the “new life”, old promises kept, cleaning done, a new manicure, a chapter read will give inspiration, but the duration of getting the desired position or graduating from the university can be depressing with a daily lack of visible results.

But you can cheat and not give up on global dreams, they just need to be broken down into smaller components of the task. The weight loss program can be started by completing the point of purchasing a subscription to a fitness room. Developing your creativity by signing up for several master classes that will help you decide on the direction.

It is important to check each goal for truth, whether it is really yours - this is what the motivation point implies. If a woman needs to learn a new language, then this will most likely be done for the sake of new travels or in order to better understand her foreign lover, and the desire may also be associated with an increase in the career ladder.

But if such undertakings occur because one of the relatives demands this, or parents in childhood expected success in just such an area, then there will be no sense. Remember how easy it was for you to do the most difficult and crazy things when you were in love, and how everything fell out of your hands if you had to do something against your will. The feeling of easy falling in love is the main accompanying factor of fast and high-quality changes.

You will find goal setting methods and.

Areas of self-improvement or what to choose

A harmonious personality develops successfully in several directions at once, maintaining all important vital spheres at the proper level. But being at the beginning of the journey, you should conduct a kind of diagnosis of the initial data in order to understand what you have to work on first.

Good helpers for identifying weak areas are:

  • own feeling of dissatisfaction;
  • dissatisfaction of people whose opinion plays an important role (often problems are visible only from the outside);
  • present desires and dreams.

To make it easier to navigate, psychologists have classified the main areas of life:

  • health;
  • spiritual (emotional) sphere;
  • material security;
  • family;
  • friendly relations;
  • creation;
  • Professional Development.

For the most part, each person has a deficiency in the development of several areas at once, which indirectly affect the state of others. It is from scarce places that you should start your self-development, and the best assistant for this can be the area that is best developed.

For example, if you have a complete zero with work, but everything is fine in relations with friends, then you can turn to them for help in finding a job. If you are a creative but lonely person, then organizing your own exhibition can not only expand your circle of acquaintances, but also lead to changes in family status.

Planning your development

With regard to the goals set, it is necessary to build a clear plan for further actions, which will allow you to see the big picture, notice the speed of progress, and also not go astray from what was planned. Naturally, each such plan will be unique, but there are common points.

Step by step instructions for self-development:

  1. Choose several goals of different scale. Let some moments be completed in 1 day, others require several months to implement or 1 year.
  2. For each goal, list milestones that indicate progress towards achievement (purchase of subscriptions, fixed indicators, quantitative achievements, etc.).
  3. The stages must be arranged on a time scale - what needs to be done in a month, in a week, tomorrow, tonight. It is necessary to indicate the execution time and the corresponding indicators. “Running today” and “running a 10K today at 6:00 am” are completely different items. The more specific the planning, the better.
  4. Get started as soon as you decide on a plan. Don't leave it for tomorrow or Monday, much less until next month. Do at least something small today, immediately after making a plan (well, at least google the necessary information on the selected goals).

Most importantly, don't lose your positive attitude, even if it doesn't work out right away. Fix attempts, adjust the load, since the first failures are most often associated with the inadequacy of the requirements set. Remember that any mistake is already an experience.

What helps not to give up halfway?

Step by step instructions only sets the direction. Initial confidence quickly vanishes as life changes and tensions arise. Self-development is always a way out of a comfortable state of suspended animation, where nothing happens, but where it is very tempting to return. In order not to regret the efforts spent and not to start many times from the beginning, it is worth providing yourself with additional support in advance.

The reaction of the social environment is important for every girl. Therefore, it will be great to inform all your loved ones about the decision to change for the better. Let your family know about getting rid of bad habits, then they will do everything to minimize provoking factors and will cheer you up when you want to break loose.

Among friends, you can look for like-minded people, especially when it comes to gaining new knowledge and skills. It is much more fun to go to classes together or sweat on the treadmill. In addition, it may turn out that it was the absence of a partner that stopped your acquaintances from their own development.

By the way, do not forget to inform your enemies about your plans - this is a great negative motivation. Knowing that these are the people who are waiting for your failure, constantly asking stinging questions about changes, you can not only successfully achieve your goal, but also surpass the planned results.

Make new acquaintances in the areas where you want to develop. Are you going to improve relationships - subscribe to a blog or a psychologist's page, communicate, ask questions. Thinking about expanding your geography - meet flight attendants, tour organizers and travelers. So you get a lot of useful information that is not available on the Internet.

Personal communication with a person who has already achieved something in the area you need allows you to learn faster and better, avoiding many mistakes when drawing up an independent route.

inspirational literature

Self-development books are very different: from direct instructions on what to do and in what sequence, with a description of what your happiness lies in, to methods of spiritual search for your own path.

  • Professional Development Presented in Stephen Covey's Books "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", Seth Godina "Pit".
  • Spiritual and personal growth are considered in the work of Robin Sharma "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" and Paulo Coelho "Alchemist".
  • The sphere of love relationships includes "How to make anyone fall in love with you" Layla Lowdens, "You don't know anything about men" Steve Harvey, "School of a geisha in ten simple lessons" Eliza Tanaka, and "5 Love Languages" G.Chapman.

This is just a small list of literature on the most common topics of self-development. Start with it if you haven't read any of it yet. Numerous other related books can be found.

Also, be sure to check out these free courses, especially for women. There you will find exactly what suits you.


Whatever path you choose, try to make it personal and happy. Joy is an indicator of the right direction of development. And do not forget to share your own ideas and successes with loved ones, to help others develop. If you know someone who needs a push of sorts, please share a link to my article and offer to start moving towards change together.

Until we meet again and good luck on your journey!

The material was prepared by Yulia Gintsevich.

Change is inevitable. They are not needed only by those who are satisfied with the monotonous work and pastime in a beer bar as a rest. For those who have a little more ambition for their own lives, there are paths that are an order of magnitude higher. But change is something that can be exhausting, frightening, draining the last of your strength. And besides, they take time.

Where to start working on yourself if the possibility of change seems almost unrealistic? How to embark on this difficult path called "personal development"? Consider a few fundamental steps, without which the beginning of personal growth is impossible.

accept reality

Acceptance and understanding is one of the most necessary things. Why? Because as long as you do not open your eyes to the reality in which you live, alas, you live in the realm of self-deception. Denying the true state of things, a person himself closes the path to change. He rationalizes the situation, trying to imagine it better than it really is. And this makes him less motivated to make changes. It is also less likely that, by deceiving oneself, a person will be able to turn the energy of despair into a productive channel.

So accept reality, even if it's not easy. This will help you gain awareness, which is the first step to any new endeavor.

To have a wish

In order to grow spiritually and improve your life, you need to strive for improvement. Without this desire, nothing can help - neither advanced psychotechnologies, nor advice, nor best friends and coaches. Do you know what can make it easier to gain desire? Visualization of the result. You must be aware that work on yourself will sooner or later bear fruit. By presenting these results, it will be easier for you to make efforts to achieve the goal again and again.

Take responsibility

Each person is responsible for everything that happens in his life. And the current situation in which you are, is just the result of the decisions once made. No one else can live your life for you, and that someone else can be the cause of your failures is a pure illusion. Working on yourself involves developing the understanding that you no longer need anyone's direction or approval.

Refine your goals

When you have already roughly understood, there is still a need to clearly define the final goals and objectives. Think of them like a navigator in a car - you can't get directions unless you specify the destination.

  • See also:
When you clearly define the tasks that will lead to the desired changes, you become more able to focus on specific efforts. Your goals should determine the path to achieve them, the areas of life that are subject to change, the end result.

Determine your strengths

Each person has a certain gift and has abilities above average in a certain area. Even if you are not a talented actor or singer, you can be a wonderful parent, a compassionate listener, a caring person.

What are your strengths? If you are not sure, you can ask this question to friends or family members. The answers may be surprising. Your talents and characteristics are what makes you exceptional and can help you bring about the change you need.

Set clear deadlines

Goals should be specific and have a time frame. If you have a goal, but you do not define a specific time frame for achieving it, it is unlikely that it will ever be achieved in principle. It's the same if you have a big goal, but you plan to achieve it in a short time. When planning, you need to be realistic about your capabilities. Instead of saying, "One day I'll be the life of the party," it's best to start with a goal of making a few new acquaintances within six months.

All the while you are working on change, try not to pay attention to obstacles and difficulties. Imagine how wonderful you will feel when the goal is achieved. And you can also determine for yourself the reward that you will receive when the job is done.

Take the first steps

So, after you have identified the weak points in your life, taken responsibility, clarified your goals, it's time to take concrete steps. These steps are specific actions that will help you achieve the desired changes. In fact, it is at this moment that work on oneself takes place. Where to start depends on your specific needs. If you would like to lose weight, then it will be an entry into a fitness club and the selection of the right diet.

If your goal is to improve academic performance, then these are regular classes on your own or with a teacher. Steps to achieve the goal help to overcome old habits, get rid of unnecessary attitudes, and bring the desired changes closer.

Cultivate perseverance and patience

One of the hardest things about making any change is sticking to your plan every day. It's an easy decision to make, but who wants to learn programming after a hard day's work? How can you refuse a chocolate cake in the company of girlfriends? And can a run on a rainy day be as much fun as a cozy sofa and your favorite TV show?

So, take care to stick to your goals and constantly remind yourself of them. Be vigilant and mark every day how close you are to your goals. Make sure that even in the face of distractions, failures or disappointments, you always have a supply of motivation and purpose.

Change and work on yourself include many aspects: it is the commitment, and the allocation of time, and the application of effort. But all this investment you make in the most important project - in yourself. And when you invest in yourself, you can get the most amazing rewards in the future.

Many people refuse to grow and develop, because at the initial stages, the results are almost impossible to measure or feel. However, those who reach heights know that the key to success is the ability to manage yourself in any situation. And this ability comes through hard work on yourself.

A harmonious, interesting, holistic personality - who among us does not want to be like that? But, as is often the case, desire alone is not enough. To improve yourself, you need to work on yourself, paying attention to all spheres of life. The question arises: where to start self-development? Your attention - the most effective ways.

The best result can be achieved if you practice each of the proposed methods of self-development, and not stop at one.

Method 1. Get rid of junk in your head

In the course of life, we accumulate a lot of superfluous things in ourselves: wrong attitudes, unhealthy habits, someone else's way of thinking. This inevitably leads to the fact that a person begins to live a life that is not his own: he chooses the wrong profession, the wrong people.

To “put things in order” in your head, ask yourself the question: “What do I really want?”. Be honest, drop all prejudice. Perhaps you dream of sewing dresses, but instead languish in the office in the name of overrated stability? Get a notebook, write down your goals and desires in it, make a plan for their implementation, and mark what has been achieved.

Method 2. Start learning new knowledge

Think about what you have long wanted to do, but the right moment still did not come? Learn Swedish? Take a cooking class? Spend more time doing yoga? Learn astrology? That very “right moment” has come! Don't think you won't succeed. Fear drags us down.

When starting to acquire new knowledge and skills, imagine that you are already a professional - this will give you confidence.

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Method 3. Fight laziness

Don't let laziness slow you down! Understand that when the mind tells you, "Let's do it tomorrow!" or “You are so tired, why bother yourself, you better watch TV!” He is trying to deceive you. The mind can resist the new - this is a normal practice, but you should not be led by the voice of laziness.

Plan your day in such a way that it necessarily has a place for the “Rest” item, this will give you strength on the path to harmonization and self-improvement.

Method 4: Think positively

Yes, you have heard more than once about the need to think positively. Now is the time to practice this way of thinking! Drive away every negative thought - just forbid yourself to think about the bad. You will see how the world around you will begin to change for the better.

Method 5. Follow the “art of small steps”

Do not take on an unbearable load. It's much easier and more efficient to split it into smaller pieces. Let's say you decide to lose a couple of kilograms and for this you load yourself with complex workouts. Surely, you experience little joy from activities and quickly get tired. Start by doing 20 squats daily. Soon you will see the result and want to move on!

Method 6. Review your social circle

Where to start self-development? Reduce as much as possible communication with people who pull you down: whiners, gossips, lovers of seeing the negative in everything. Focus on communication with those who can teach you something, who are ready to share creative energy. If now you do not know such people, start looking, and soon you will find them.

Method 7. Keep a diary

Keep a diary to keep track of changes in your life. Write down your achievements in it, even the smallest ones - so you will see how the process of your self-development is going.

Method 8. Visualize

One of the techniques that allows you to achieve what you want is visualization. More often imagine in detail what you most want. You can make a map of desires: glue the images of your dreams on a piece of paper and hang them in a prominent place.

Method 9. Take care of your health

Do not limit yourself to spiritual self-development. By the way, you can read about spiritual development in this article. A healthy mind in a healthy body - strive for it! Healthy eating, exercise, the right mode - make sure that all this becomes part of your life.

Method 10. Live here and now

Learn to feel the moment. We are used to delving into the past or thinking in the future tense. And life happens here and now! Realize the uniqueness of every moment - only in this way you can feel the taste of life.

Now that you know where to start self-development, don't put it off. Start the path to a new life right now!

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The question was asked about how to find your mission and determine the direction of changes in life. In this article, I would like to answer this question and recommend some simple techniques that you can try out immediately after reading.

Why do we want change?

If it seems to you that something needs to be changed in this life, then it doesn’t seem to you.

Rinat Valiullin

I believe that the first step to conscious change in life is planning. However, I did not specify what exactly makes us start planning, look for sources of motivation and work with our resources.

Everything is very simple - it is a rejection of reality.

We start thinking about change when we have the urge to say, “Something is wrong in my life. I do not like it!". It happens when something makes us question our living standards.

I recently read the story of a girl who lost 20 kilograms. I'll give it as an example.

“I rode the subway when all the seats were taken. My grandmother was sitting in front of me and for the first few minutes she carefully examined me. Then she got up and with the words: “Sit down, daughter, you are not supposed to stand with a baby” - she gave way to me. I, burning with shame and holding my "baby", sat down. It was at that moment that I realized that it couldn’t go on like this.”

The first thing you need to understand when embarking on a path of change is that the new standards you are striving for do not match what you have at this stage. But after all, not everyone gets such an opportunity to experience a moment of utmost clarity, to see themselves from the outside and rethink their habits, like the aforementioned girl. So what to do?

1. What do I want to change?

It doesn't make much sense to climb a ladder if it's not against the wall you want.

Stephen Covey

This is the main question that worries most people who have received a boost of motivation, but do not know where to direct their energy.

There are many ways to identify problem areas, but the simplest and most effective of them is a competent assessment. To do this, you need to separately consider the main areas of your life, which, as a rule, include:

  • Love;
  • friendship;
  • welfare;
  • health;
  • Job;
  • hobby.

This classification was proposed by Russian business coach Radislav Gandapas. You can use your division, revealing individual directions in more detail.

Now you need to evaluate each of them on a ten-point scale. So you decide which areas need your attention first. If you have opposite ratings (for example, 3 and 10), then you should think about redirecting your efforts to an area that needs it more.

If all the numbers are approximately the same, then start with health and love, since their development most of all trains the will and gives motivation for self-improvement.

2. How to force yourself to act?

To change something, a person needs to survive a catastrophe, poverty or the proximity of death.

Erich Maria Remarque

Once you have decided what to work on, you must bring yourself into a state of rejection of reality. Your desire to raise existing standards must overcome fear, which is guaranteed to make you want to leave things as they are. What is needed for this?

Take a piece of paper and write down the goal in the chosen area. For example: "I want to develop a strong relationship." Now divide the sheet into two columns with the following titles:

  1. old standards. What will happen in five years if I leave everything as it is?
  2. New standards. What will happen in five years if I start working on myself in this area?

Now try to be as honest as possible and write down detailed answers to these questions. In our example of a strong relationship, old standards would include loneliness, lack of understanding, emotional instability, and so on. To the new ones - emotional support, a pleasant pastime, a happy marriage.

So what standards do you want to live by?

3. Live by the new standards. Today!

There is no balance in life. Every moment is either a movement towards perfection or degradation.

Andrew Matthews

Now you know in which direction you need to move and what results await you at the end. At this stage, overwhelmed with emotions, we first begin to make plans to change the chosen area, but our enthusiasm quickly disappears.

To prove to yourself that your standards are indeed a thing of the past, start changing your chosen field today, right now. An excellent example of motivation for you is the picture below.


In order to see multiple changes in a year, it is enough to change by only 1% today. Write to an old friend with whom you haven’t talked in a long time, do exercises, find out about career opportunities at work. Do something every day that will bring you closer to your goal, even if it's just one step closer.

Start working on yourself and change your life for the better!

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