Who does Madonna live with? Family gathering: Madonna first posted a picture with six children on Instagram


The legend of world show business, the queen of the stage - these are the epithets that are awarded to this unsurpassed woman, an outstanding personality. She knows how to attract attention and hold it. Singer Madonna is a star who needs no introduction. Comprehensively gifted with talents, she falls in love at first sight.

Star Trek

How old is Madonna? Such a question comes to mind when you look at her chiseled body, young face and shining eyes. She can be given about thirty years, no more. But facts are stubborn things, and they say that the singer was born on August 16, 1958. Thus, this year she will celebrate her 56th birthday. How old is Madonna now? 55.

The star's full name is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. She is originally from Bay City, Michigan. In the veins flows the blood of French Canadians (on the mother) and American Italians (on the father). When Madonna was born, the family already had two children, after her three more were born. They lived together and piously.

The girl's relationship with others was difficult. Madonna recalls that she was not a favorite, but she did not allow herself to be offended. The loss of her mother at an early age (she died at thirty) turned out to be an expansion of the list of relatives for her. The father married again, thus, another brother and sister appeared in the family.

Dancing in the life of a celebrity

How old is Madonna difficult to answer, looking at her body. And all thanks to fitness and dancing. Very early, the girl persuaded her father to enroll her in ballet. Then she went to school, the University of Michigan, but left because the teacher persuaded her to devote herself to a career. The future queen of the stage moved to New York. The city of the big apple taught her to fight poverty and for her place in the sun. She danced in several bands, took part in the world tour of Patrick Eronandez, met Dan Gilroy. Together with this musician, she creates the first rock band, and then the second. Recordings were successful, and then fell into the hands of the founder of Sire Records Seymour Stein.

Madonna's rise as a singer

How old is Madonna - it did not matter. She set a goal for herself and confidently walked towards it. She personally distributed her notes to the right people at the Dunsteria in Manhattan. Then she began an affair with the king of disc jockeys, Mark Kamins, who did his best to get Warner Bros to promote the rising star. The first single - "Everybody" - gained immense popularity and became a real hit. The success of the song was repeated by the video for it, despite the extremely minimal budget. The second single confirmed that Madonna is popular and has a great future.

worldwide success

The perfect figure of Madonna, her passion for dancing determined the direction in which the girl worked. Dance compositions were close to her, and it was they who brought her to the top of the hit parade. The singer's first album was sold out in the amount of 19 million copies, and it is still considered the most successful. After that, the star began to be invited to act in films, she continues to sing songs and goes on her first world tour.

How old is Madonna the singer was already interesting to people, because in 1986 the first nude photos in black and white appeared in men's glossy magazines. True, the star, who began a serious relationship with Sean Penn, forbade them to be published. The celebrity's third album received good criticism from the outside and entered it into the Guinness Book of Records. Together with her beloved, Madonna plays in films and theater, writes soundtracks for them, and works on remixes.

Scandalous reputation

You can tell exactly how old Madonna is by looking at her passport. A woman who during her lifetime was given a four-meter statue (the city of Pacentro) always looks young and seductive. The rupture of relations with Sean Penn did not stop the singer's victorious march. And scandals fueled interest in her. The first such case occurred during the cooperation with Pepsi. The star with the chaste pseudonym used a lot of Catholic symbols and wore overly revealing outfits. An advertisement for a popular drink featuring Madonna was heavily condemned by the Vatican. As a result, the company breaks off cooperation, and the girl receives decent compensation. A year later, the star again shocks the public with a clip of erotic content.

Madonna and her professions

So, the world knows Madonna as an excellent dancer, a successful singer with a charming voice and a brawler. But in 1992, she founded Maverick, an entertainment company. Together with partner Time Warner, Madonna releases a book with a loud title (“Sex”), the album “Erotica”, but then she changes her style. Passion for Kabbalah and Judaism has borne fruit: the image of the singer has become restrained and more chaste. Confirming her unofficial title of "Queen of the Stage", Madonna records diverse albums. And between all this, she starred in Dolce & Gabbana commercials, creates youth clothing collections with her daughter, tries herself as a screenwriter and director, and opens a network of fitness clubs.

Madonna's personal life

Such an attractive and charming woman has always been the subject of adoration for the stronger sex. Madonna had many novels and connections, but there was also a place for a serious relationship. The singer entered into her first marriage in 1985 with Sean Penn. Their relationship was exemplary, but soon the couple began to compete with each other. The nickname "Mr. Madonna", given to Penn by journalists, he clearly did not like. Four years later they separated. Then the star had an affair with Warren Beatty, a famous womanizer, but it did not lead to anything.

There were rumors that Madonna loves women, and actress Sandra Bernhard, a model, was called her partners. But the queen of the stage herself refutes this, speaking out for traditional relationships. Her marriage to a British director lasted seven years, and after that she met with Jesús Lusa, a Brazilian young model.

Children of a successful woman

Madonna has four children: two biological and two adopted. The eldest is the daughter of Lourdes, whose father was the singer's personal sports coach, but did not become her husband. At what age did Madonna give birth for the first time? The girl was born on October 14, 1996, which means that the new mother was 38. In 2000, that is, at the age of 42, the woman gave birth to a son. An adopted daughter (Mercy James) and a son (David Banda) are from Malawi.

Parameters and other interesting facts

Madonna is an icon of beauty and style, the image of a confident and successful woman, a strong and purposeful person. Of course, the parameters of her figure are of interest to both fans of her work and the stronger sex. We will please both those and others by revealing some interesting facts about the singer.

The practically unchanged appearance of the star is the subject of controversy among her fans. Some argue that Madonna uses the services of plastic surgeons, others believe that sports, proper nutrition and anti-aging procedures support natural beauty. The singer herself denies rhinoplasty and other interventions by doctors, assuring that she uses high-quality cosmetics, does hardware lifting and chemical peeling, and loves Thai massage. She also tries to avoid stress, adheres to the correct regime of work and rest.

Madonna weighs only 55 kg, and all due to the fact that she does not have excess fat accumulation, but consists mainly of muscle tissue, which is heavier. Daily fitness, yoga and a special diet, as well as rehearsals of new shows, help keep fit. In addition, the celebrity is engaged in Pilates, karate, boxing, tennis, horseback riding.

The growth of the queen of pop music is small, only 162-164 cm. But, as you can see, this did not cause the complexes to appear. A high heel or platform always accompanies Madonna (with the exception of sports training). The star easily wears a heel about twenty centimeters high and looks down on everyone.

Here she is, Madonna, an inimitable symbol of the sexual revolution, emancipation and femininity!

Extravaganza woman and steel woman. So you can characterize the singer Madonna. Tough discipline, hard work, no whining. She makes high demands on herself and hopes that the children will follow her example. But they don't agree.

The other day, Madonna lost a lawsuit for her son. 16-year-old Rocco will live with his father, despite the efforts of his mother. The young man does not like the orders and rules of the parent at all, and he rebelled. Madonna is shocked. How did it happen? Why did the pop diva's successful strategy until recently not work?

Madonna herself lost her mother at the age of five. Madonna Louise Ciccone Sr. has died of cancer. Ciccone's large family was inconsolable, but two years later the singer's father, Tony Ciccone, got married. The stepmother raised 2 stepsons and 4 stepdaughters, faithful to the rather strict restrictions of Protestantism, and this could not but affect the character of the young Madonna. Subsequently, the singer frankly spoke about this press:

“I think my rebel character was finally formed when my father married a second time. I lost my mother, but for a while I myself became a mother to my father and brothers. Then they took it away from me."

G Odes later, she would write the song Oh, Father, which contains the lines: "You can't hit me anymore." Tony was outraged and didn't even talk to his daughter for a while.

In October 1996, Madonna herself became a mother. The father of her first child, a daughter named Lourdes Maria, was the coach and dancer Carlos Leon. Gossip that she used a man as a sperm donor, the singer indignantly denied, claiming that there was a happy accident.

“I have to work for someone,” Madonna said during pregnancy.-I need it. And that's something I can be proud of."

In August 2000, the pop diva had another reason to be proud - the son of Rocco. Not without incident, however. Madonna, who lived permanently with her husband Guy Ritchie in the UK, chose to give birth to an heir in an American clinic. “Have you seen those hospitals in England? They are as old as the Victorian style, ”the celebrity explained her choice.

Madonna raised her daughter and son strictly. Rigid daily routine: at 21:00 in bed. No TV shows. Modest clothing. Sweets only on holidays. Lourdes received her first iPhone when she was 15 years old. The singer did not hide this:

“Lourdes herself looked after her clothes, folded them. Made the bed in the morning. She wore the same clothes until she completed school assignments.”

Guy Ritchie had a completely different parenting style. He secretly spoiled the guys and tried to give them maximum freedom. Madge knew about this and even shared with reporters:

“I am a fan of discipline, Guy is a delinquent. When dad comes home, the kids get chocolate. I'm more practical."

In 2006, a replenishment takes place in the family - a star couple adopts an orphan, David from Malawi. Guy and Madonna divorce two years later. In 2009, the singer adopted a girl, Mercy from Malawi, and unequivocally stated that she was no longer going to marry.

“I’d rather throw myself under a train,” the star joked. Children and creativity became the main things for Madonna.

And everything was fine until a few years ago there was a rebellion in the Madonna family. At first, Lourdes presented an unpleasant surprise - the paparazzi photographed the girl with a cigarette. Madonna had to not only talk to her daughter, but also give comments to the press.

“I wasn't very happy when I found out. But, to be honest, I don’t think that I am as strict with children as I should be. I think I might need to be tougher."

During the Rebel Heart tour, the star was surprised by the admission that she had difficulty finding a common language with her eldest son.

“He is completely unsatisfied with all my achievements. He just wants me to cook dinner for him."

At first, the frank confession was taken as a joke. But over time, it became clear that Rocco was serious.

In December last year, the young man went to his father and refused to return. Categorically. The enraged star tried all the ways she knew to return the child and went to court. But in the end, she lost the case.

Now Rocco will live with his father and, if desired, communicate with his mother. Her tactic didn't work. Madonna acknowledges this. She wrote on Instagram last week:

“Sometimes successful moms have to be bitches…”

However, it is too early for Madonna to exaggerate. Lourdes still lives with her mother most of the time, studies and makes a career in the fashion business - the girl has posed for fashion brands more than once. David and Mercy do not give any cause for concern yet: the guys are happy to visit their native Malawi together with their foster mother, sometimes they participate in her charity events.

Madonna still has time to rethink her parenting rules. It seems that her usual attitudes with grown-up children do not work.

Celebrity biographies


16.08.14 09:51

Her contribution to world culture cannot be overestimated: she is a living legend, evidence that perseverance and hard work can move mountains. The biography of Madonna can be published as an excellent guide for those who dream of ascending to the heights of fame.

Biography of Madonna

First loss

Residents of the provincial Bay City, which nestled on the shores of the luxurious Lake Huron, did not suspect that in 1958 (namely, on August 16), a girl would be born in the family of the radiographer and design engineer Ciccone, who would glorify her town and be called the queen of pop music.

The mother of the family, Madonna Louise, had French roots - her great-grandfathers came to conquer America from Europe, her husband Silvio was proud of his Italian ancestors. After two boys, God finally gave them a daughter. And to celebrate, they named her after her mother.

Probably, the profession, with its constant danger of exposure to radiation, was the reason that the mother fell ill with cancer (then she was pregnant for the 6th time, so she refused treatment). Time has been lost. And six children were orphaned. Madonna Sr. was only 30. The future singer could not forgive the heavens for this loss. How she could not understand her father either - he got married after 2 years of widowhood, it was difficult for him to raise such a horde alone. The stepmother, Joan, turned out to be a real despot, she gave birth to two more children, and all the love was directed to them. So Madonna's childhood was not easy. She was offended by brothers who were addicted to drugs. Having seen all sorts of horrors, she herself vowed to ever succumb to this pernicious passion.

Difficulties of growing up

Catholic schools changed for a secular girl, where for the first time she was able to try herself in student performances (her mother sang well and knew how to play the piano, Madonna, who looked like her, inherited a pleasant voice).

The father did not like the young Madonna's classes in ballet, he wanted a profession for her, bringing a guaranteed piece of bread. With her excellent grades (they say that the schoolgirl's aikyu was 140 - an incredibly high figure!) she could have entered any educational institution, but decided to act in her own way.

After school, the girl studied dancing at the University of Michigan. Then she left for New York. Fate continued to test the future star. Part-time work in choreographic groups brought pennies, Madonna lived from hand to mouth, huddled in closets, but did not give up.

Talent plus perseverance

In 1982, young Madonna became a member of the group "Breakfast Club" (she played percussion instruments). Ambitions took their toll: she wrote songs, performed them herself, mastered the guitar and showed herself as a leader. In general, "pulled the blanket over myself." A contract with a producer became a great happiness for the beginning soloist, and in 1983 she was able to release her first album.

That disc, "Madonna", did not become a very bright event in the music world, but after the release of "Like a Virgin" they started talking about her as a new star. The compositions topped the charts, they were played on the radio, they were sung along, listened to countless times. 26 million copies of the album were sold. So she stepped on the first step of her fame, since then the biography of Madonna is like an endless bright music video.

The disc "True Blue", born in 1986, consolidated the unexpected resounding success of the singer. The audience was looking forward to new works, was eager for concerts, where the performer gave all her best - to the point of exhaustion.

Some argue that at first the star was outrageous - she exploited sexual images, "flirted" with religious symbols. But talent, incredible perseverance and a constant desire for self-improvement did their job.

Ups and downs

There were ups and downs in the creative biography of Madonna. The Golden Raspberry anti-award called her the worst actress of the century (failures were the tapes “Who is this girl”, “Body as evidence”, they spoke unflatteringly about her role in the Bond movie “Die Another Day”, her last work was terrible on screen - "Gone"). However, the musical tape about the second wife of the Argentine president, who did a lot for the country and died sadly early from cancer - "Evita" - has become a real phenomenon in culture. Madonna's song for the comic book Dick Tracy won an Oscar.

Madonna's personal life

First marriage, first daughter

The passionate feelings experienced by our heroine for Sean Penn were overshadowed by scandals, reaching fights. Madonna's personal life turned out to be an eternal "action movie". The young husband was not ready for a life together, and when two such hot temperaments collided, “scraps along the back streets” literally flew. The singer did not endure the beatings for a long time. Having married in 1985, after 4 years she divorced the actor.

On the set of Dick Tracy, the director and lead actor, Hollywood legend Warren Beatty, became interested in her, but Madonna limited herself to a novel and did not marry the artist.

The Cuban boyfriend Carlos Leon became the father of her daughter in 1996 (the diva will part with him six months later). Madonna's daughter was named Lourdes, she has already celebrated her 19th birthday, and she has a joint business with her mother - her own clothing line.

It was during that period that an acquaintance with Buddhism, yoga, and Kabbalah took place (since then, Madonna has been an adherent of this teaching).

New albums, earned millions, finally won by the Grammy gave strength to the performer.

With and without Richie

In mid-1998, together with then-friend Andy Bird, the singer attended a party with Sting. There was a meeting with director Guy Ritchie - a British man who would later become her husband and change Madonna's personal life, and very much!

In 2000, Madonna moved in with her lover, and the couple's son Rocco was born in August of the same year. She was carried away by British life, got acquainted with the traditions of a new country for herself with pleasure, but did not forget about her work - in 2001, a world tour took place, which gathered a full house.

Alas, the second marriage did not become a union “to the grave” (although, in addition to Rocco, an adopted black son, David, also appeared in the family): in the fall of 2008, it became known about the breakup of the couple. Soon the star adopted a girl from Malawi, Chifundo Mercy, and her British husband was replaced by her Brazilian boyfriend Jesus Luz. In 2010, Madonna began dating dancer Brahim Zeiba. And at the beginning of 2017, the media started talking about the fact that Madonna and Sean Penn are seeing each other more often. Maybe they decided to restore a marriage that collapsed many years ago?

Her fortune is estimated at almost $ 1 billion, she has her own network of fitness clubs. Film We. We believe in love, ”which the singer put, was scolded to smithereens, but she still has so many new ideas! The world will be surprised more than once by the phenomenon named Madonna!

Name: Madonna (Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone)

Age: 60 years

Height: 158

Activity: American singer, songwriter, producer, dancer, writer, actress, film director, screenwriter, entrepreneur, and philanthropist

Family status: divorced

Madonna: biography

Madonna is the queen of pop music and one of the most expensive brands, a famous singer, songwriter and music producer. Madonna's songs and videos set the tone and direction for both the American and global music industry. Madonna's work is often at the center of scandals, the singer is not afraid to touch on sensitive topics of social injustice, racial and sexual oppression.

In the list of awards and prizes that Madonna received at different times, there are several hundred different regalia. The singer was even included in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Madonna has won more than thirty times in various categories of the Billboard Music Awards. The singer has two Golden Globes - for the song "Masterpiece" and for the best actress in the musical "Evita". The singer has received all the music awards that you can only dream of. The name of the diva is on the Hollywood Walk of Fame - Madonna has a personal star there.

The full name of the singer is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. Madonna was born on August 16, 1958 in the US state of Michigan. She spent her childhood surrounded by five brothers and sisters. Her mother died when Madonna was only 5 years old, and her stepmother took care only of her own children. It was this “competition” from childhood, as the singer later tells, that gave birth to a dream in her - to become famous all over the world. But the birth of a star from little Veronica happened 9 years later.

Madonna Ciccone performed at the school talent competition, where she shocked all the teachers. For her number, where the girl sang from the stage in a top and shorts, painted with paints, her father put her under house arrest. Because of this bright show, the reputation of the whole family in the city deteriorated noticeably, and unflattering inscriptions addressed to Madonna began to appear on the fence next to the family's house.

After school, Madonna entered the University of Michigan with the hope of becoming an outstanding ballerina. From that moment on, her relationship with her father deteriorated even more. He saw the future of his daughter as a lawyer or a doctor. However, Madonna did not become a successful dancer, and soon the girl realized that she had to leave the provinces for her dream.

Madonna moved to New York, where she worked for a very long time only for food, living in a criminal area. In 1979, she auditioned for a backup dancer for a famous guest performer. Professionals noticed good potential in her and decided to make a dancing singer out of Madonna. Madonna herself did not like this at all. She was a zealous fan of punk rock and absolutely against any producers and showmen. The singer decided to assemble her own rock band, but the idea ended in failure.


A full-fledged creative career of the pop diva began after meeting the founder of the Sire Records label, Seymour Stein, who saw a remarkable potential in the girl and immediately signed a contract with Madonna. After that, in 1983, the singer recorded her debut album "Madonna", which turned out to be a failure.

But the singer's second album "Like a Virgin" instantly topped the prestigious US charts, which made Madonna famous all over the world. Moreover, even today this album of the singer is considered the most successful in her homeland. In 1985, Madonna released her first video for the song "Material Girl".

In 1986, Madonna's third album "True Blue" was released, dedicated to her lover. It becomes the most commercially successful release of the singer, and the song "Live to Tell" becomes the most "gingerbread" single of the pop diva. The singer continues to present clips for songs. In 1986, a video was released for the song "La Isla Bonita" (La Isla Bonita), written in the genre of Latin American pop music.

In 1995, Madonna again thundered all over the world with the new song "You" ll See, after which critics no longer doubted the phenomenal talent of the singer.

In 1998, "the greatest pop masterpiece of the 90s" was released, as the music magazine "Rolling Stone" called the disc - the album "Ray of Light", the single from which called "Frozen" becomes a record leader in the prestigious charts. "Frozen" reached the second line of the main American chart "Billboard Hot 100", making Madonna the record holder for the number of songs that reached the second line of this top list. In the UK, the song finished at number one on the national chart.

After the release of this album, Madonna again won the title of a progressive musician. The album received four Grammys at once, including the award for Best Pop Album. Four tracks from the new disc become indisputable hits: the title track of the disc "Ray of light", as well as the compositions "The Power Of Good-Bye", "Drowned World/Substitute for Love", "Nothing Really Matters".

The video for the song "Ray of light" also did not go unnoticed by fans and music critics. The video won six MTV Video Music Awards. But performances in support of the new album become the cause of the scandal. Madonna performed songs in an Indian outfit with a dot on her forehead. The singer positioned such an appearance as devotion to God, but religious organizations considered Madonna's outfit blasphemous.

In 1999, the singer received another Grammy for the song "Beautuful Stranger", the soundtrack to the film Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me.

In 2000, Madonna released her eighth studio album, entitled "Music". This album was the first time the singer used a vocoder. The album took first place in the top ratings in the US and the UK. The video for the single "What It Feels Like for a Girl" was filmed from this album. The video was banned from MTV and VH1 because of its violent scenes.

In 2001, the singer went on her first tour after an eight-year hiatus, the Drowned World Tour. The tour is distinguished by a dark dramaturgy, as well as the fact that the singer for the first time began to independently accompany the songs on the guitar.

In 2003, the singer released a new album "American life", recorded in the concept of minimalism. The album becomes a flop. Critics attribute this to the main theme of the disc - the debunking of the American dream - and emphasized pacifism.

That same year, Madonna made her debut as a writer with English Roses, a children's picture book that topped The New York Times bestseller list.

The fame of the singer as a children's writer was immediately overshadowed by a scandal. At the MTV ceremony, a famous incident occurred - a kiss with, after which reproaches flew towards Madonna for promoting lesbianism. The singer justified the kiss in a stage way: the artist performed in the suit of the groom, and Britney Spears in the dresses of the brides.

In 2005, with the release of the single "Hung Up", the title of queen of the dance floor was also attached to the singer. This is facilitated by incendiary performances and music videos of the performer. In the same year, the singer released a new album "Confessions on a Dance Floor".

The performances of the singer with the songs of the album again caused a religious scandal. The Madonna sang in image on a mirrored cross, surrounded by images of the suffering children of Africa. During Madonna's world tour, the Russian Orthodox Church called for a boycott of the singer's concert in Moscow.

In 2012, Madonna's song "Masterpiece" from the movie "We. Believe in Love" receives the Golden Globe and immediately hits the top positions of the charts.

In 2014, an Israeli hacker hacked into the singer's computer and leaked to the Web four dozen songs recorded while working on a new album. A couple of days after the leak, the thirteenth album was officially announced. Madonna's 13th studio album, Rebel Heart, was released in 2015. The new album received positive reviews from music critics, in the US and the UK, the disc reached the second place in the charts.

In 2015-2016, Madonna held a tour in support of the new album. The singer gave 82 concerts and earned $ 170 million. Together with other concerts, this tour made Madonna the record holder for the amount earned from ticket sales - the singer earned $ 1.3 billion from concerts over her entire creative biography.


Madonna's acting career was less successful than that of a singer. Nevertheless, Madonna's filmography includes about 20 paintings, many of which, however, were completely defeated by critics.

In 1990, the documentary "In Bed with Madonna" was released, which shows the backstage life of the singer.

In 1996, Madonna played the lead role of Argentine president's controversial wife Eva Perón in the film adaptation of Andrew Lloyd-Webber's musical Evita. For this role, the singer even began to take additional vocal lessons, which had a beneficial effect on Madonna's musical career. On the record, a collection of songs from the musical, the singer for the first time demonstrates mastery of the upper register and singing with the diaphragm.

The film received positive reviews from film critics and original musical author Andrew Lloyd-Webber. The musical also won an Academy Award for the song "You Must Love Me", which Madonna performed especially for the film. In addition, the singer received a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical, and the song Don't Cry For Me Argentina became a hit on the UK Singles Chart and Billboard Hot 100.

In 2000, Madonna plays a major role in the film "Best Friend". Especially for the film, the singer recorded the song "Time Stood Still" and the cover song "American Pie".

In 2004, a second documentary about Madonna, I'm Going to Tell You a Secret, appears.

The sensational press positioned Madonna as a porn star, but all the pictures with the singer were far from pornography, nevertheless, the skeptical attitude of society towards the singer did not soften from this. You can see Madonna in the films "Visual Search", "Desperate Search for Susan", "Dick Tracy", "A League of Their Own". The last film in Madonna's career was the picture "Gone", which received a failed critical response, which is why it was not even released to theaters.

In addition to acting in films, Madonna is actively involved in directing and releases several films that have become quite successful in the world of big cinema. She wrote scripts for the films "Dirt and Wisdom", "We. Believe in Love", etc. In 2014, the singer acquired the rights to the film adaptation of the bestseller "Hell. A Love Story", on which work has already begun.

Personal life

Madonna's personal life is worthy of attention. Great Marge - as her fans called her - did not skimp on the choice of men at all and was not shy about publicity in this intimate matter. The pop icon created a sexual revolution all over the world with her creativity. The sexual revolution in the life of Madonna herself came down to relationships with many men. After settling in New York, the twenty-year-old dancer entered into a relationship with renowned producer John Benitez. It was he who helped the singer to her feet. With his help, Madonna found many profitable acquaintances; Benitez himself, being a DJ, played her songs at discos.

Later, Madonna had an affair with the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. But the artist, like many of her favorites, soon turned out to be uninteresting to her. But one of the most famous star marriages - between the famous Madonna and actor Sean Penn - lasted for four whole years. The actor was even nicknamed "Mr. Madonna".

After the divorce, the singer started a whole series of short-term novels, and none of them were successful. A high-profile romance with, and then with RHCP soloist Anthony Kiedis, were also just stories under a bright sign. Madonna's first child came from an affair with Latin American Carlos Leon, who worked as a fitness trainer: in 1996, Madonna gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes Maria Ciccone-Leon. Shortly after the birth of her daughter, the singer broke up with Carlos.

The breakup brought Madonna criticism from social groups for defending a complete family. In addition, detractors accused the artist of Madonna speculating on the topic of family and childhood and became pregnant only for PR purposes.

During this period, the singer also became interested in yoga, Buddhism and Kabbalah. Madonna considers the last teaching not religious, but scientific, linking science and spirituality.

A record-breaking relationship for the great Marge - longer than eight years - was a success with British director Guy Ritchie. In 2000, the couple had a son, Rocco. After marrying Ritchie, the baronet's stepson, Madonna joined the ranks of the British aristocracy. Shortly thereafter, the singer took and British citizenship.

After that, fans noticed the singer made a British accent. This caused dissatisfaction with the Americans and the irony of the British, and the term "Madonna syndrome" came into use.

The singer began to lead the life of a British aristocrat: drinking ale, going pheasant hunting and horseback riding. In 2005, new habits turned into a tragedy - Madonna was thrown off by a horse. The woman suffered broken ribs and other injuries.

In addition to raising two of her own children, Madonna adopted two adopted children - Mercy James and David Banda. The singer's new children also caused a scandal, which was called the "child sale case", since at that time in Malawi, where Mercy and David are from, it was forbidden to give children up for adoption to foreigners.

In 2008, the singer announced a divorce.

The last "toy" of Madonna is the dancer of her own ballet Brahim Zaibat. They say he even made the queen of the pop scene.

According to media reports, Madonna is currently suing ex-husband Guy Ritchie for their 15-year-old son. It is known that Rocco lives with his father and does not intend to return to his mother at the moment. The last trial took place in March 2016, but the parties did not reach an agreement.

Madonna now

In March 2016, Madonna suddenly changed the format of the concerts for the fans and performed with the chamber program Tears of a Clown in Sydney. The name corresponded to the content of the performance: 40 minutes of Madonna in a clown costume interspersed the performance of songs with jokes, anecdotes and classic clown numbers. According to the singer, this performance was still "raw".

The second time Madonna demonstrated the Tears of a Clown program was in December of the same year in Miami. The singer raised $ 7.5 million, which Madonna sent to charity - to build a children's hospital in Malawi.

On January 21, 2017, the singer performed at a mass protest against, called the "Women's March". Madonna with the new president of America since the 90s. In an anti-presidential speech, the singer twice used obscene language, and in the songs "Express Yourself" and "Human Nature" that followed, Madonna replaced the lines with curses in the direction of Trump.

Because of the obscene statements of the singer, American TV channels stopped the broadcast of the protest. Subsequently, critics accused Madonna of anti-American and anti-patriotic remarks. Supporters also disapproved of the singer's words, which discredited the march in the eyes of the audience.

In February 2017, Madonna - four-year-old twin girls from Malawi named Stella and Esther. Adopted daughters became frequent heroines Instagram» singers. Madonna posts photos and videos of the twins playing with other kids, showing off their new fashion outfits, and just cuddling with their new mom. The singer does not post footage from performances and promo shots so often, making the page more personal than working. Madonna's account has been verified, and 9.7 million people are watching the updates.

The hype among fans was caused by a photo of Madonna without makeup. Fans were upset to see that the singer is still getting old. At the same time, Madonna keeps herself in shape, plays sports and tries to keep her weight within 55 kg. The figure of the singer is close to the popular beauty standard 90-60-90 with a height of 158 cm.


  • Madonna
  • "Like a Virgin"
  • "True Blue"
  • "Like a Prayer"
  • Erotica
  • "Bedtime Stories"
  • Ray of Light
  • "Music"
  • "American Life"
  • "Confessions on a Dance Floor"
  • "Hard Candy"
  • "MDNA"
  • Rebel Heart

Madonna (English Madonna) - the pop diva has such a name given to her at birth. And among music lovers there is hardly a person who does not know who she is. Madonna's full name, Madonna Louise, was given to her in honor of her mother. At the same time, the surname of Madonna is Ciccone. Thus, given the name given to the singer at confirmation, Madonna's full real name is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone.

  • Real name: Madonna Louise Ciccone
  • Date of birth: 08/16/1958
  • Zodiac sign: Leo
  • Height: 163 centimeters
  • Weight: 55 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 59 and 84 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 38 (EUR)
  • Eyes and hair color: Green, dark blond.

In recent years, the pop diva, who has often been called the Queen of Pop by the media since the 1980s, has been especially famous for remakes of her work. Both music and images are "remade". At the same time, Madonna acts not only as a singer. Today she is also a famous producer, composer, director, actress, poet, musician, dancer, writer and philanthropist.

She is a successful singer with three hundred million copies of her albums sold, thanks to which she even got into the Guinness Book of Records. At the same time, according to the rating compiled by Time magazine, the pop diva has become one of the most influential women of the 20th century. In addition, she was also recognized by the authoritative publication Billboard as one of the most successful artists among solo artists.

Difficult fate

Since the artist looks quite young, many are wondering: how old is the singer Madonna? After all, her creative path has been going on for more than a decade. Indeed, our heroine, whose age has already approached the sixth decade, perfectly preserves her youth. It's hard to believe that she can look so luxurious today. Therefore, looking at her active life position and remembering what year Madonna is, many of her fans often admire their idol.

However, the fate of the future pop diva was not easy. Her path to success was quite thorny. Born in the small town of Bay City, located in the suburbs of Detroit, the future star became the third child in a family of devout Catholics. And since the girl studied at a Catholic school, the name of the singer's Madonna did not cause her much trouble. By her own admission, only years later, when she was in New York, where everyone was sure that Madonna was the pseudonym chosen for the image, she realized the unusualness of her name.

Dislike for drugs and the collapse of the image of an excellent student

The future singer lost her mother early. And although the mother of our heroine loved to sing and play the piano, because of her fanatical religiosity, she did not seek to speak in public.

The stepmother, who later appeared in Ciccone's house, only aggravated the situation, bringing a Protestant spirit into it. The family began to save money on everything. Children were fed only semi-finished products, forcing them to literally wear clothes in tatters before buying new ones. At the same time, the future pop diva was also forced to endure bullying from her older drug addict brothers, who were jealous of her father. According to the biographers of the singer, Madonna owes much to this fact that she developed a rejection of drugs in the future, which is a rarity for show business.

After the Catholic school, the future singer in high school finds herself in a secular school, where she takes part in theatrical productions. However, despite the excellent academic performance and athletic success, the girl never manages to become "one of her own" among the students who considered her "a little with regards." At the same time, as the singer herself admits, she herself did not particularly strive to communicate with her peers, since she saw in them "idiots", and in herself - a poorly dressed "village".

A turning point for the singer is the performance with which she shocked the audience at the West School talent evening. Then 14-year-old Madonna danced in front of the audience in a top and shorts. Because of this, which ended the reputation of a good girl, the father of our heroine even punished her daughter with house arrest.

Poverty and hunger in New York

The dreams of a stage in the life of the future pop diva were so strong that for them she left the university and moved to New York. Moreover, at that time she gravitated more to choreography than to singing. However, she managed to go through a tough casting with great difficulty, as a result of which the artist had to live in poverty, barely making ends meet. It got to the point that at dance rehearsals, the future world celebrity was weakening from hunger.

After many unsuccessful attempts to break through, the singer managed to record the single "Everybody". At the same time, Madonna's first work, despite a very meager budget and even the absence of her photo on the cover, took 3rd place in the Hot Dance Club Songs. The single "Burning Up" that followed was no less successful. As a result, attention was paid to the singer, and already in the summer of 1983 her debut album Madonna saw the light, reaching the top ten in the American and British charts.

The birth of the first child and marriage with Guy Ricci

In the personal life of pop divas, as is often the case with representatives of bohemia, everything is not simple. Madonna gave birth to her first child in 1996, having married an aspiring actor from Cuba, Carlos Leon. However, this marriage broke up six months after the birth of the girl, who was named Lourdes Maria Ciccone-Leon. In 2000, the singer had a son, Rocco, from director Guy Ricci, with whom she subsequently entered into a marriage union that lasted 7 years.

Return to the stage after a serious test

At the age of 47, Madonna was the victim of an accident that happened to her on her birthday on an estate in Wiltshire, where she was fond of horseback riding. Having fallen from a horse, the singer woke up with many fractures.

Despite a serious test, our heroine found the strength to adequately endure the rehabilitation period and return to the stage. At the same time, the accident made the singer think about the philosophical aspect of the proximity of death, which was subsequently reflected in her work.

Now Madonna has two biological and four adopted children from Malawi.

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