With you, give a biography of tests. Mysterious Psychic Swami Dashi


    Swami Dashi is a well-known master of oriental practices who uses both yoga skills and meditation skills, as well as Osho's massage and bodily pulsations to change a person's consciousness. These are practices that are entirely aimed at improving the body. Swami Dashi opened several Meditation Centers of his own name, regularly conducts his traveling Seminars and the Internet is literally littered with laudatory reviews about this unique person. And at the same time, a very mysterious person. It is not known how old Swami Dasha is, who he is by nationality, where he came from on this planet. We can only say with certainty that a person is unique.

    You can sign up for an individual lesson with Swami on the website of his Center.

    Swami Dashi (Peter Smirnov), participated in the 17th season of the battle of psychics and won. According to information, possibly from the official page of Peter Smirnov, he is married. Swami Dashi was born on August 22, 1960 (which is confirmed by the input of Swami Dashi and the choice of age from 56 to 56 years old in the Vkontakte search bar), is fond of yoga, alternative Eastern medicine, meditation and various healing techniques. He is an active folk healer.

    Swami Dashi is a relatively new media face. But to say that he was not known to anyone before the Battle of Psychics (he will take part in the 17th season) is to sin against the truth.

    Swami Dashi has been a spiritual practitioner for over 20 years. His path includes personal physical improvement. But not only personal. In certain circles, he is known as a guru who conducts various trainings and seminars. This is his life and work.

    They, these classes, are quite expensive, so probably not everyone can get into them. Directions of activity for spiritual and physical improvement are very different, a mix of different practices.

    There are examples of his master classes on the net. You can also listen to reviews here. But even from the video you can understand what is the meaning of Swami Dashi's methods.

    Judging by the information available, as well as received from the reviews, he is about 50 years old.

    I came to the first classes myself in an Armani jacket and with a gold chain on my chest, with two guards. During the introduction to this philosophy has changed.

    His real name is not advertised, he could not be found on the network. As well as nationality, but, apparently, he is a Slav. Russian speech is pure, without dialectical admixtures. They write that he comes from St. Petersburg, it is quite possible.

    Quite a lot of information in the official group. Here you can learn about Dasha's own projects and those where he is a participant.

    Swami Dashi is a participant in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics, who has one of the highest chances of winning this year. This is a fairly well-known person in esoteric circles, who is also an athlete and practices yoga, therapeutic massage and other methods of spiritual and physical development.

    In the world, his name is Peter Smirnov, he comes from Kazakhstan. Although the biography of Swami Dasha was not published by him directly, some facts from his life are known from messages on his official website forum, where he shared information with other participants in the conversations. Also, you can get bits of knowledge about him from Dasha's Instagram. But his real age is a secret. He himself wrote a few years ago about preparations for his sixtieth birthday. However, in his appearance, it is extremely difficult for him to give so many years, however, all people who really take care of their bodies look younger than their years.

    By religion, Dashi is a Sufi Muslim, however, he does not deny the huge influence of other religions and cultures on people's lives, believing that in fact, all people worship the same god, just in its different manifestations and regarding their understanding.

    Dasha is Russian by nationality, it is also known about his family that his son is also an athlete and even participated in the Beijing Olympics as part of the Russian athletics team. His grandmother was also fond of sports, and in his youth, Swami Dashi himself was very successful in pole vaulting. And his wife Irina Nogina is now also a fitness, yoga and Pilates trainer. Dashi was born in Kazakhstan, in the family of an academician.

    It is also interesting that this is one of the few participants in the Battle of Psychics, whose talents were known to a wide range of people long before the appearance of the program itself. Dasha has been teaching people and helping them for more than twenty years.

    Information about Swami Dasha, one might say, is hidden. None of the sources mentions who he is by nationality, how old he is. It is only known that he is a practicing yogi: he heals with massages, dances dervish dances and generally behaves very strangely.

    I got into the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics, during the tests I received a minute of fame by giving a massage to the winner of one of the seasons, Natalya Banteeva.

    The trunk passed the test with ease and was included in the list of participants. Now the whole country will be watching this strange man and his abilities.

    He is from St. Petersburg, owns many meditation centers and leads a healthy lifestyle.

    As expected, Swami Dasha's personal life did not remain a secret for long. In the modern world, it is generally difficult to hide anything, especially if there are those who are very interested in unearthing the hidden, secret facts of the biography of such a person as Swami Dashi.

    It became known who is the wife of Swami Dasha. This is Irina Nogina, a former master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, who now works as a Pilates trainer, that is, she does what she loves. Irina Nogina also helps her husband, Swami Dasha, who has become famous, or in the world Peter Smirnov, this is the real name of Swami Dasha, in everything, and even supervises groups on social networks.

    Irina Nogina is 36 years old and much younger than Swami Dasha, but the couple has at least one common child, and knowing how charming and energetic Dasha can be, we can safely assume that peace and tranquility reign in the family of a psychic. No wonder Dashi diligently protects her family from rumors and gossip.

    This swindler Swami Dashi! The people breed for money and get hooked on endorphins! Crazy aunts do not even fully understand what they are doing! Read about Osho and these practices instead of madly worshiping a new god! And he is not enlightened at all, Enlightened ones do not do this, especially for money! Yes, and in contact on his page it is written about this that he is not enlightened, nor a guru, etc., but simply an instructor. Read, don't deify the person. Psychics are no different from him in terms of energy, the same Marilyn Kerro and her energy is much stronger and cleaner than his!

    Swami Dashi is engaged in Eastern practices, and as you know, they include yoga classes, various meditation practices, as well as Osho's methods for developing consciousness. All this moves the body to recovery, if you do it constantly, that is, alternative medicine methods.

    This person conducts group classes on these topics, there are Internet sites where he can be contacted for training.

    Swami Dashi will take part in the new season of the Battle of Psychics. There are also reviews of those who studied with him, and you can read it here. This name is considered spiritual by him, but it is not known from his passport, he is currently about 50 years old.

    We should get to know Swami Dashi more closely while watching the next seventeenth season of the popular Battle of Psychics on TNT.

    From Internet sources it became known that Swami adequately cope with the selection tasks and enter the circle of selected participants.

    Swami Dashi is an interesting and controversial figure. Swami is known for actively conducting all kinds of seminars, and not only in Russia, which are aimed at uniting the soul, mind, spirit and body.

    Approximately Swami is about fifty years old.

    Swami from the northern capital of Russia.

    Nothing is known about Swami's nationality.

    Swami Dashi is a participant in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. Swami Dashi is a pseudonym, according to some sources his real name is Peter, he was born on August 22 in St. Petersburg.

    He specializes in working with the body, mainly his activities are seminars, lectures on the development of the inner world of a person, he has been practicing for more than 20 years, he works in the northern capital and Moscow.

    I think that this whole project, the Battle of Psychics, is a complete setup, a fake, a well-staged performance, a good game of actors, but no more! Too many blunders, too many obvious lies from season to season. The last straw in the formation of this opinion was the fact that the actor playing the role of a psychic named PAKHOM appeared in our Russian cinema, although his biography was presented in this SHOW not at all as an actor

    Swami Dashi is a participant in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics show. He, in fact, can hardly be called a magician, sorcerer or sorcerer. It combines a combination of Eastern and Western practices aimed at understanding one's body, spirit, and soul.

    Swami Dashi a highly hyped character who already practices his meditation seminars throughout the country (I am sure that after advertising at the Battle of Psychics he will become even more in demand). LINK to the official group of Swami Dasha Vkontakte- on it you can find contact numbers, faces, as well as information about the nearest seminars, cities and the cost of the magician's receptions.

    There is no more information about Swami Dasha's personal life on the Internet yet.

Psychic Swami Dashi is a participant in the Battle of Psychics for the 17th season and host of the School of Psychics on the TNT channel. A mysterious mystic who lived in India for 20 years. He prefers not to talk about his spiritual experience there, but I am sure that now his possibilities are endless. He does not advertise his age, but it is known that his wife is much younger than him, and he has 4 children. Dashi has long been known as a master of bodily practices, he calls his project “spirit-soul-body”, and his method “Spiritless spirituality”. Born in Leningrad, lives in St. Petersburg. Swami Dashi opened several Meditation Centers of his own name, and regularly conducts his traveling seminars.

A psychic who shocked before even showing up for the test. Swami Dashi does not know what a psychic is. He is sure that this is a real gift, about which he is not going to talk. Dashi starts the test in an unusual way, which surprises the observers. In the first episode of the 17th season of "Battles", he gave a massage to the winner of the ninth season of the mystical project Natalya Banteeva. Almost immediately I determined what kind of car the person was in the trunk of. But the actress Samburskaya, who played the role of Miss X, was pissed off, as he said about her internal connection with her father (Nastasya didn’t want to hear about it - her father was imprisoned when she was only five years old) and that she was on souls of children lined up in heaven, and she must fulfill her main destiny - to become a mother. The actress strongly disagreed with this.

For more than 20 years, Swami Dashi has been combining Western and Eastern approaches to changing consciousness through meditation and body-oriented practices, helping people find the strength and courage to see themselves as real, transform and change their lives for the better.

A long way of studying himself and other people through the prism of several denominations and currents, rich life experience and 20 years of practice of working with the body, as well as constant meditations make him a truly unique person and a master in working with people.

Swami Dashi always emphasizes that he is not a Master Mentor or an Enlightened One. He perfectly "reads" people, their bodies, he knows well what methods can be used to transform this or that person.

Swami Dashi uses his gift only for diagnostics, to help a person restore his body and energy system, embark on the path of self-healing and give him the right practice, the necessary vector for transformation. All other manipulations with the gift do not benefit either people or himself.

The whole life of Swami Dasha is permeated with unique meetings with the Masters. His first meeting with a clairvoyant, who showed that hands can heal, opened the way to the spiritual world for him, completely changed his life and set the direction for his transformation.

Years of self-practice led him to meet the master mentor Kalmahan. Many years ago, traveling with him in Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Swami Dashi comprehended Sufism from the original source, was initiated into the Nakshbandi order (the order of the Sufi brotherhood - Mohammedan dervishes in India, founded at the end of the 14th century by Sheikh Bahauddin Nashkband).

The meeting with Zahira (an outstanding Sufi woman) opened neo-Suffism for Swami Dashi and brought Osho, an Indian spiritual leader and mystic, teacher of neo-Hinduism, inspirer of the neo-orientalist movement Rajneesh, leading to total liberation and enlightenment, to the ashram.

Having received the Spiritual name of Swami Bodhi Dashi (Swami Bodhi Darshi), he connected his path with the teachings of Osho and is full of gratitude to the Master. Gradually, the name of Dasha (Darshi) became for him the only direction of his life path.

For many years, Swami Dashi spent in the ashram, meditating and undergoing training. Meeting there with Amio Devienne, the Master of Sacred Movements G. Gurdjieff and a specialist in dance therapy, brought a lot into his life. After a long study, Dashi led groups and trainings in Europe together with Amio Devienne, and also brought the Sacred Movements of G. Gurdjieff to Russia, for the first time introducing people to these practices of awareness, centering and immersion in oneself. A huge layer of his life was embodied in the seminar “Sufi-Gurdjieff-Zen. Through the heart to awareness.

A full six-month yoga course of Tibetan pulsations and subsequent intensives taught him to work with universal energy and human bioenergetics. And now Dashi conducts seminars on this system, using these techniques in individual work.

Periodically coming to Russia and traveling to places of power, Swami Dashi met the Black Shaman Khanda Tsyren Abre, who initiated him into working with spirits.

In Pune (India), Swami Dashi studied the art of Ayurvedic massage (Yoga stretch) from Ma Kusum Modak, a student of B.K.S Iyengar, who enriched his system of working with the body. Then, Dashi improved and supplemented his technique with the study of Thai massage, as well as one of the many techniques of Wilhelm Reich, aimed at "removing the muscle shell" by emotionally and physically relaxing all segments of the body.

In the ashram, Swami Dashi completed the full course of ODHA (OSHO Art of Divine Healing), which became the foundation for the study of Chinese medicine and shiatsu.

Tantra Master Ma Krishna Rada initiated Swami Dashi into the art of Tantra. He also learned a lot from Andrey Lapin and still uses his techniques.

His disappointment in modern medicine in those years when he studied at the Leningrad Medical Pediatric Institute transformed into the belief that people can be helped only through a holistic approach to a person in the Spirit-Soul-Body system, and the fundamental knowledge he received in medical school, became the basis of his work with people.

So, for many years, collecting all the best that life presents him, learning himself and teaching people various techniques, Dashi created his own system of human transformation. Working in the "Spirit-soul-body" system, Swami Dashi always emphasizes the importance of balance between physical, mental and spiritual activities that complement each other.

Conducting meditations, lectures, master classes, trainings and seminars in different cities and countries of the world, Swami Dashi meets interesting people and finds new techniques and methods of working on himself. Passing them through himself, he brings this experience to group classes and individual sessions for Seekers.

Swami Dashi has not used his real name and date of birth for a long time, since when taking sannyas, a person discards his old name and dies for his past. In addition, for obvious reasons, Swami Dashi hides this information, because he wants to protect himself and his family from idle curiosity and annoying attention, keep a distance, leave a certain island of privacy for himself and his family. He is not inclined to share the details of his private life and completely retell his biography. Let's leave this right to him and treat his desire with respect, because he devotes most of his life, his time, his energy to people, directing our bodies and souls to transformation.

Swami Dashi always invites you to a total and uncompromising movement inward, to the search for your real resources. He focuses on the fact that each person is responsible for his own life and should not shift responsibility for it to other people.


Attention! Swami Dashi DOES NOT conduct consultations on Skype and by phone, DOES NOT invite or make an appointment, and DOES NOT write answers to questions via social networks. networks.

There is NO upfront payment for individual sessions.

Prepayment is taken only in the formation of group classes.

Swami Dashi was born on August 22 in Kazakhstan. True, no one except him knows the exact year of birth of this mysterious person. And all because Dashi himself believes that if anyone finds out the date of his birth, then this will deprive the psychic of some kind of protective barrier that he has been building for many years.

However, you can't stop inquisitive fans. Presumably, the clairvoyant was born in the 60s. Moreover, as befits most psychics and magicians, “Swami Dashi” is just a pseudonym that the famous Osho called this person. Real name at birth - Peter Smirnov.

The biography of a man is literally collected bit by bit due to the secrecy of its owner. Whether Dashi was an only child is also unknown. Even in childhood, the whole family moved from Kazakhstan to St. Petersburg.

Swami's father is a fairly well-known Russian scientist in narrow circles. It is impossible to say who the boy's mother was by occupation. She took her own life when her son was 20 years old.

Since childhood, Peter devoted much time to physical and spiritual development. He combined visits to the gym with spiritual practices. The young man was so drawn to meditation teachings that he decides to give up his higher education, which is at the pediatric university, and, without a shred of doubt, leave, not just anywhere, but to India. In addition, the father turned away from his son, because he was against the unusual hobbies of the future psychic. In fact, since then, the guy has been left to his own devices. He did not try to return his father's love.

Life in India

In total, he spent 20 years in India. During this time, Dashi increasingly moved away from the worldview of an ordinary person and plunged into a state of some kind of spiritual elevation.

It is worth noting that his teacher was none other than Osho. During his studies with the famous mystic, Dashi mastered yoga. In addition, he was a supporter and admirer of neo-Sufism. After the spiritual leader died, Swami does not return to Russia, but travels around Asia to comprehend all the new teachings. In particular, he becomes interested in the activities of Filipino healers.

Having gained experience and knowledge, he returns to Russia.

Practice in Russia and participation in the show

Upon returning to Russia, Swami Dashi decides that the experience he has gained must certainly be passed on to other generations. Thus, for 10 years he has been conducting seminars and trainings where he teaches his wards to concentrate and control their psyche. In addition, Dashi was engaged in therapeutic massage.

He received many positive reviews from his followers.

Having reached a certain spiritual growth, in the fall of 2016, Dasha decides to take part in the casting of the famous show "The Battle of Psychics". The man successfully passes the casting and becomes one of the permanent participants in the project. After many difficult trials, in a stubborn struggle, he takes the main prize of the TV show, which brings him unprecedented success and recognition throughout the country.

At the end of the show, the psychic continued to work in his meditation centers.

Personal life

According to the information available in the sources, Peter has a wife, Irina, who works as a fitness instructor. During their life together, the couple had three children: two sons and a daughter. It is worth noting that this is not Swami's first marriage. From the first wife, the clairvoyant has a son.

Member Name: Swami Dashi

Age (birthday): 22.12.1967

City: St. Petersburg

Job: Leading Meditations and Body-Oriented Practices

Found an inaccuracy? Let's fix the questionnaire

Reading this article:

Swami Dashi is already being called one of the most mysterious personalities of the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. Little is known about him, while he himself is quite popular in his environment.

The real name of the psychic is Peter, and he was born under the sign of the lion, August 22, the year is hidden. For what reason Dashi does not want to disclose personal information about himself, it is not known. There is evidence that St. Petersburg is considered his hometown - no one knows if this is true.

Swami Dashi pays more attention not to his past, but to the present - the gift and skills acquired by him over the past 20 years, the guru uses for the benefit of people. The master of yoga and meditation owns a network of centers in different cities of Russia, where he conducts master classes and seminars.

It is interesting that Dasha appeared at the first such meeting in an Armani jacket and a gold chain in the company of two guards. But as he studied the practices, improving spiritually and physically, Swami's priorities and attitude to luxury changed.

Dashi took such a pseudonym for himself, because Swami in the teaching of neo-Hinduism is a title meaning a person devoid of feelings. Swami is also pronounced as “with you”, that is, the guru is open to communication and help.

Dashi works in the Spirit-Soul-Body system emphasizing the importance of a balance between them. In his work, he uses sounds accompanied by special breathing and movements, revealing the hidden abilities of the body and spirit.

At the “Battle of Psychics”, Swami Dashi attracted the attention of even the witch Natalya Panteeva - she easily agreed that he gave her a therapeutic massage, known only to yogis.

He found the man in Dasha's car very quickly, making rhythmic sounds and circling in a man's dress, he fascinated all observers. When asked to repeat the success, Dashi easily agreed to double-check and again chose the right car.

In communication with Nastasya Samburskaya, who plays the role of Miss X, Swami also gave exhaustive information. And so much so that Nastasya herself began to worry, because her secret thoughts are now known to everyone.

Swami Dashi will definitely surprise the audience in every episode, and it will definitely be interesting to watch him. Perhaps, at some test, he will still tell about himself ...

Photo by Swami Dasha

Swami Dashi is always wearing a hat on the show, but due to the fact that he is not an unknown person, you can find his earlier photos.

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