El Salvador collected Portugal. Salvador Sobral - biography, personal life, photo, is there any social


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In the final of Eurovision-2017, the representative of Portugal, Salvador Sobral, according to the results of voting by the jury and the audience, scored 758 votes.

A participant from Portugal, Salvador Sobral, with the song Amar Pelos Dois (“To love for two”) became the winner of the annual international Eurovision Song Contest 2017, the final of which was held on May 13 at the International Exhibition Center in Kiev. The event was broadcast live on the official YouTube channel of the competition.

The artist could not explain his victory, because during his performance on stage there were no visual effects or dance performances. That is why Sobral is perplexed and even slightly shocked. “Did the audience really appreciate my vocal abilities so highly?”, He was surprised in an interview with reporters.

Sobral noted that there are no dances, accompanying effects and other paraphernalia in his performance, which is why he is surprised that the judges gave him first place in the competition.

Salvador Sobral also did not fully understand the voting system, as a result of which he became the winner of Eurovision 2017.

Second place went to Moscow-born participant from Bulgaria, 17-year-old Kristian Kostov, who performed the song Beautiful Mess. He was given 615 points. In third place is the musical group SunStroke Project from Moldova (374 points). The top six also included Belgian singer Blanche with the song City Lights (363 points), Swedish singer Robin Bengtsson (344 points), and Francesco Gabani from Italy (334 points).

The winner of the competition was the last of all the performers to arrive in Kyiv and missed his rehearsals several times for health reasons - the singer was diagnosed with a heart defect.

A 27-year-old man was diagnosed with congenital heart disease some time ago. Doctors insist on the transplantation of this organ - if the operation is not carried out within the next few months, a fatal outcome is not ruled out.

Contestants from 26 countries competed for the main prize of the contest - "Crystal Microphone". 20 of them - representatives of Moldova, Azerbaijan, Greece, Sweden, Portugal, Poland, Armenia, Australia, Cyprus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Hungary, Denmark, Israel, Romania, Norway, the Netherlands and Austria - went to the final according to the results performances in two semi-finals. Another six countries automatically qualified for the final - the UK, Italy, Spain, France and Germany, which are the sponsors and founders of the competition, as well as Ukraine, which this year hosts all participants.

Russian singer Yulia Samoilova, who was supposed to represent our country at Eurovision in Kyiv, said that she thinks about the victory of the Portuguese performer Salvador Sobral in the song contest.

As the singer said in her Instagram, she is very happy that this particular contestant took first place.

“I am very happy that Portugal won. Salvador Sobral, you are amazing!”, — said the artist.

After the Eurovision final, local Ukrainian stars, ex-participants of the song contest, performed. Last year's winner of the contest Jamala, who brought Eurovision to Kyiv, presented a new song, I Bilieve In U. During her performance, local prankster Vitaly Serdyuk staged a provocation. He jumped onto the stage, wrapped in the flag of Australia, and, turning his back on the audience, took off his pants. The guards brought Serdyuk out. Australian representatives said that the provocateur had nothing to do with them, despite the fact that he was wearing the Australian flag. "This idiot with our flag is not from Australia, we apologize to everyone present," the delegation stressed.

Salvador Sobral was born on December 28, 1989 in Lisbon, but lived for a long time in the USA and then in Barcelona.

Music has always played a big role in his life, so the guy left his studies at the Lisbon Institute of Applied Psychology and entered one of the most prestigious music schools in Spain, Taller de Músics.

During his studies, Salvador wrote many songs, and also tested his talent in various genres of music.

Popularity came to El Salvador after participating in the famous Portuguese talent show "Ídolos". The performer took seventh place in the third season of the project. It is noteworthy that in the family of Salvador, his sister Louise also sings. She is also one of the winners of "Ídolos".

The artist is a member of the indie pop band Noko Woi.

In 2014, the band's debut album was released, and in 2016, Salvador Sobral recorded a solo album, Excuse Me.

The participant from Portugal at Eurovision 2017 was determined during the national selection, which was held as part of the Festival da Canção 2017.

Salvador Sobral - pop singer, representative of Portugal at Eurovision 2017, winner of the contest.

Salvador Vilar Bramkamp Sobral was born on December 28, 1989 in the capital of Portugal. The family soon moved to Spanish Barcelona. Father Salvador Luis Cabral Bramkamp Sobral comes from an ancient aristocratic family, a prominent representative of which is Count Sobral, a Portuguese minister of the early 19th century. In the family of Salvador Luis and wife Luisa Maria Cabral Posser Vilar, by the time of the birth of their son, the eldest daughter Louise Vilar Bramkamp Sobral was already brought up.

Already in the first months of the boy's life, it became clear that he had a congenital heart disease. Therefore, from childhood, El Salvador was protected from excessive workload and fast games. El Salvador could watch his favorite football only from the audience rows of the stadium or sitting on the couch in front of the TV. Forced to spend most of his time at home, Sobral began to study music. Following the example of his sister Louise Sobral, the boy became interested in singing.

In addition to music studies, Salvador was attracted to psychology, which the young man began to study at school. Sobral seriously thought about entering the university at the Faculty of Psychology and chose the unusual specialty of a sports psychologist. In 2009, Salvador approached his own dream by enrolling in the State University of Lisbon.


Already at the age of 10, Salvador Sobral appeared in his first competition. The boy performed in the TV show Bravo Bravíssimo, which was broadcast on Portuguese television. At the age of 19, the young man went to the Pop Idol music competition, which was held for the third time in Portugal. The talent show started in 2002 in the UK under the direction of producer Simon Fuller, the creator of the Spice girls. But three years later, the premiere of the program took place in Lisbon. In the first season of the show, the third place was taken by the young man's sister Louise, now it is the turn of the younger brother to try his hand.

20-year-old Salvador Sobral at a music competition

For the project, the young man chose the works "Sunday Morning", "Crazy Little Thing Called Love", "I "m Your Man", "Heal the World", "Jura". At the competition, Salvador behaved simply, because he felt that he was not ready Often on the set, Sobral appeared in a shabby denim suit and a simple T-shirt.The young man reached the final and finished seventh among the participants of the season.

In his student years, Sobral fell in love with traveling: the young man visited the United States for his studies, went on vacation to the Spanish island of Mallorca, where he worked as a restaurant singer. The Portuguese repertoire was made up of hits, and which he mastered while preparing for a music television competition.

Music inspired El Salvador more and more, and he decided to leave the university in order to start studying at the Taller of Musics Barcelona School of Music. In an educational institution, Sobral studies the stylistic features of jazz and soul performance, the musician is fascinated by the rhythms and intonations of bossa nova and Latino style. After successfully graduating from a music school in 2014, Salvador received a diploma as a professional singer.

While still studying in Spain, the musician creates the Noko Woi band, which performs pop-indie music. The first album of young artists "Live at Cosmic Blend Studios" appears in 2012. In 2014, the musicians perform at the Sónar Festival, which is held annually in Barcelona. The largest event in Europe gathers up to 80 thousand people. At several venues in the city around the clock for three days there are performances of invited musical groups. Participation in the festival is considered a symbol of success in the musical career of alternative music performers.

Salvador Sobral and the group "Noko Woi"

Two years later, the musician decides to leave Spain for his homeland. And in 2016, Salvador leaves the team to start a solo career. The singer's first disc Excuse me, released at the recording studio Valentim de Carvalho, immediately climbed to the 10th line of the national rating of popular compositions. To create the album, which is a fusion of Brazilian music and national motifs, Sobral attracted friends - pianist Julio Resede and Venezuelan composer Leonardo Aldrey. Musical compositions of the musician get into the rotation of Portuguese radio stations, and Sobral himself is invited to the Vodafone Mexefest and EDP Cool Jazz festivals.

Eurovision 2017

Participation in the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest, which took place in the capital of Ukraine, was important for the creative biography of Salvador Sobral. Such a step provided the young performer with popularity in his homeland, and in case of victory - world fame. For the performance at the competition, Salvador Sobral prepared the song "Amar pelos dois" ("Love is enough for two"), which was written by the musician's sister in just one night. The song received the maximum number of votes at the national audition, which took place in March.

Due to illness, participation in the competition itself took place on special conditions for El Salvador. Between the organizers of the event and the representatives of the singer, an agreement was concluded on the arrival of El Salvador only for competitive auditions. At the preliminary rehearsals, the young man was replaced by a sister, a well-known folk singer in her homeland, who was also ready to sing instead of El Salvador in case of health problems during the competitive performance. As a result, the artist performed at the competition without going up to the big stage and with low spotlights.

In early May, 26 participants from different countries came to Kyiv to compete for the "Crystal Microphone". Ukraine, taking advantage of the conflict situation with Russia, did not allow the participation of the Russian singer, the finalist of the Factor-A contest, who suffers from cerebral palsy. The top three leaders of the competition included representatives of Bulgaria and Italy - and. But in terms of the total points scored, El Salvador was far ahead of his rivals. In the final, the Portuguese scored a record number of votes - 758 - and won an unconditional victory. The video of Salvador's performance received 8 million views on the internet. At the award ceremony, Sobral sang the contest song with his sister.

Personal life

There is no information about the personal life of Salvador Sobral in the media. For some time, journalists assumed that the Portuguese was gay, but the rumors were not confirmed.

On the singer's personal page in "Instagram", to which 140 thousand fans have already subscribed, there are no personal photos, except for pictures of Salvador with Louise, mom or friends.

Salvador Sobral now

Now Salvador Sobral, as far as his health allows, conducts concert activities.

In 2017, in an interview, the singer announced that he was preparing a new solo album in Portuguese, which would premiere in a year. There are no professional videos in the artist's video library yet, but fans post recordings from the musician's solo concerts online.

Portuguese singer Salvador Sobral- the winner of Eurovision V Kyiv V 2017 year. The song that he performed Salvador Sobral called "Amar Pelos Dois", in this composition it is sung about a heart that can withstand everything and be able to love for two. Native sister Salvador Sobral Louise wrote this song for her brother, the fact is that the winner Eurovision 2017 from birth he is very seriously ill - he has a heart defect. Disease Salvador Sobral is so serious that he needs a heart transplant urgently, otherwise the guy risks not living to see 2018 of the year. Salvador Sobral I took a chance and nevertheless went to conquer the European public, although you yourself understand that the excitement of being at such a competition just rolls over, then a healthy person will get a nervous breakdown. For example, I remember how Sergey Lazarev nervously exhausted in preparation for Eurovision, Dima Bilan He also spent a long time restoring his nerves, and everything shows that he still has not completely come to his senses, although years have already passed since the moment of his victory.

But the song Salvador Sobral was lyrical, lulling and relaxing, no shows and jumps around the stage, but how beautiful the Portuguese language is, and Portugal one of the most beautiful countries Europe how are the fans Eurovision will be happy to go there 2018 year, especially since Portugal never won this song contest. But nevertheless, I still think that the jury and the audience were influenced by the sad fate-story Salvador Sobral, he sang of course from the heart, and since he sang, only a person who understands that every day lived on this Earth is unique, and life can end at any moment, could sing. The song is simple, uncomplicated and the voice performing it is ordinary, but the soul is invested without a trace. I would even call this composition a swan, the singer who sings it knows something that is not given to each of us at the end of our life path. But I hope a heart transplant Salvador Sobral will do it anyway, but 2018 he will open with his performance Eurovision 2018 V Lisbon, and for many years to come will delight his fans with a sweet voice caressing the ear.

In this photo you see Salvador Sobral standing on stage in Kyiv, this Portuguese singer just realized that he won! The award is presented by the Ukrainian singer Jamal- winner Eurovision 2016.

And in these photos you see Salvador Sobral with my sister Louise, it was she who wrote a song for her brother to participate in Eurovision. In case of an emergency, this brave girl was going to replace her brother on stage!

Take a look at this photo Salvador Sobral, this guy did not always go with a beard, there were days when he was clean-shaven and in this form, in my opinion, he was much prettier.

And in this photo Salvador still very young, and I think he is very cute here.

Photo: www.ctv.by/novosti-ukrainy

Portuguese singer Salvador Sobral announced the winner of the Eurovision 2017 music contest, which took place on the night of May 14 in Kyiv. This is the first victory for Portugal in the history of the competition. We tell you what you need to know about the singer who charmed all of Europe.

Who is Salvador Sobral?

Little is known about the young man. He was born on December 28, 1989 in Lisbon, where he subsequently spent most of his life. However, Sobral lived in New York for some time.

At the age of ten, Sobral took part in a TV show Bravo, by the age of 20 he became one of the finalists of the Portuguese version of the famous program Pop Idol - where he took seventh place in the third season of the project, performing songs Stevie Wonder And Leonard Cohen.

Sobral studied psychology at the Institute of Applied Psychology in Lisbon. After leaving the University of Lisbon, he entered the prestigious Academy of Music in Barcelona, ​​where he completed his studies in 2014. He began his big musical career as part of the indie pop band Noki Woi, which he left by 2016. In the same year, Salvador released his first and quite successful solo album called Excuse me.

Salvador has a congenital heart defect, he is forced to live in a sparing regime, so he prepared for his performance at Eurovision and did not rehearse as actively as the rest of the participants. He is very often accompanied by his sister Louise Sobral, who wrote a song for him Amar pelos dois with which he won the competition. According to some reports, the sister could replace Sobral if his health condition did not allow him to go on stage. According to the Western media, the three-minute walk to the main stage of the competition was too much for Sobral, and he sang, standing on a small platform in the middle of the hall.

This year, the representative of Portugal won quite confidently. In the competition, which, thanks to last year's triumph of the Ukrainian singer Jamals was held in Kyiv, 26 applicants competed for the crystal microphone. Unlike most previous competitions, the results of the voting by the jury of the participating countries were announced first, and the results of the audience voting were announced at the very end.

Salvador's main competitors were representing Bulgaria Christian Kostov and Italian Francesco Gabbani. But in the end, Christian took second place, and Francesco did sixth. The representative of Portugal scored 758 points, the Bulgarian - 615, and the third Moldovan group Sunstroke Project- 374. Thus, the next Eurovision Song Contest in 2018 will be held in Portugal. It is curious that the Russian singer Julia Samoilova, not allowed to Kyiv by the Security Service of Ukraine, rejoiced at Sobral's victory.

The Portuguese Salvador Sobral captivated the audience with the lyrical ballad "Amar Pelos Dois" in his native language and became the winner of Eurovision 2017. Styler reports on the biography and career of the performer.

The full name of the Eurovision 2017 winner is Salvador Vilar Braamkamp Sobral. He was born in the capital of Portugal, Lisbon, in 1989. Interestingly, his family comes from an old Portuguese noble family.

Salvador has been fond of music since childhood, but initially the guy chose psychology as a profession.

He was going to study at the Lisbon Institute of Applied Psychology and even went on an exchange program to the United States. But there, instead of classes, he preferred to sing songs of his idols in bars: Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder. The musician is also a fan of Chet Baker and bossa nova performers.

Salvador soon realized that music plays a much greater role in his life than psychology.

He dropped out and entered the Spanish school "Taller de Músics" in the jazz department. In subsequent years, the aspiring performer tried himself in different genres and took part in several musical projects. While living in Barcelona, ​​Salvador was one of the members of the indie pop band Noko Woi and recorded a studio album with them.

Video: Eurovision Song Contest

One of the most significant in the creative career of Sobral was the talent show "Ídolos", in the first season of which his sister Louise successfully performed. Salvador placed seventh in the third season and gained popularity with the Portuguese public.

As a solo artist, in 2016 Salvador Sobral released his debut album "Excuse Me", which received high marks from music critics and became popular with listeners.

In the spring of 2017, the performer took part in the Portuguese national selection for Eurovision - Festival da Canção 2017. The singer performed the song "Amar Pelos Dois", authored by his sister Louise, and won the final of the competition. Thus, Salvador Sobral got the opportunity to represent his country on the stage of Eurovision 2017 in Kyiv.

In preparation for the competition, it became known that El Salvador has serious health problems. He recently had surgery. Due to a congenital defect, the singer needs a heart transplant.

Due to health problems at the official rehearsals in Kyiv, he was replaced by his sister Louise. The Portuguese received the appropriate permission from the organizers of Eurovision. By the way, the sister is a co-author of the song "Amar pelos dois", with which the Portuguese won the national selection of Eurovision.

Photo: With sister Louise / yandex.ua

However, the disease did not prevent the participant from Portugal from winning the Eurovision final, captivating the audience with the lyricism of the performance and the magnetism of the song in their native language.

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