The longest railway line in the world. Russian railway schemes


The longest railway in Russia

In Russia, as well as throughout the world, the Trans-Siberian Railway is recognized as the longest railway. Its second name is Transsib.

The giant road began to be laid in 1891. In those years, it was called the Great Siberian Way. Despite the fact that construction has been carried out since the nineteenth century, this road has been modernized and quite modern.

Its length is almost nine thousand three hundred kilometers. The path passes through the capital of Russia, through Perm, Yaroslavl, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg and other large industrial cities. Stretching across the Far East and Eastern Siberia, this record-breaking railway pierces the largest outlets to Asia. Connecting Asia and Europe, for the most part it passes through Asia.

The fastest train of the Trans-Siberian Railway is Rossiya. His route is Moscow-Vladivostok. The train delivers passengers from one destination to another in just over six days.

I must say that Russia is second only to America in the length of railroad tracks, being in second place in the world. The length of Russian networks is eighty-five thousand kilometers three hundred meters.

The longest railroad in the USA

The oldest and one of the longest in America is the transcontinental railroad, which links the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Construction began in the days of President Lincoln, was carried out for a long time and with great difficulty.

The opening took place in 1869. It took the locomotive almost eighty-four hours to cover the journey from San Francisco to New York. This significant railroad connected ports located on two oceans and became the impetus for the development of the US economy. By the end of the nineteenth century, three more transcontinental railways appeared on the continent, today there are seven of them.

Thanks to the growing popularity of railroads and their active construction, America has become the world leader in the length of the railroad network (254 thousand miles). Now there is a trend towards a significant reduction.

In 2001, the two roads were merged in order to improve their economic situation and competitiveness. Thus was formed the longest system in the United States, which included fifty-four thousand kilometers of one road and fifty-three thousand kilometers of another.

The longest railway in Latin America

In Latin America, railroad construction began in the nineteenth century and continued until the mid-twentieth century. Transcontinental railways cross countries such as Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Central America, Bolivia, Argentina. They are distinguished by a large length, but low technical equipment.

Railroads are located in Latin America very unevenly. A country like Argentina is in first place among the countries of its continent in terms of passenger traffic. The length of the railways of this country is thirty-two thousand kilometers.

Not to mention Brazil and Mexico. Countries on their continent occupy a leading position in terms of freight transport by rail. The length of the railways in Mexico is twenty-one thousand kilometers, and in Brazil - thirty thousand kilometers.

China recently signed an agreement with Brazil to build a transatlantic railroad that will connect the country's midwest to the Pacific Ocean. This road, passing through Bolivia and Peru, will enable all Latin American countries to trade directly with China.

The longest railway in minecraft

In the popular minecraft game, anyone can play the role of a railroad builder. Fans of the game, numerous gamers, even compete with each other in who will have such a road the longest.

Throughout the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century, the Trans-Siberian Railway was considered the longest railway line, which connects Moscow and the Far East with a terminal station in Vladivostok. But after the Chinese launched the 13,052 km “New Silk Road” from Yiwu to Madrid in 2014, the title of “the longest railway in the world” changed its owner. In addition to Moscow - Vladivostok and Yiwu - Madrid, the TOP-10 rating also includes other unique routes, the direct railway connection of which is several thousand kilometers.

10. Shanghai - Lhasa: 4373 km

The train ride from Shanghai to Lhasa is an incredible journey that passes through 8 provinces of China and culminates in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Net travel time is 47 hours. Although formally the trip takes 3 days, since the only train on this route leaves Shanghai at 20:10 local time and arrives in Lhasa on the 3rd day, at 19:20, passing 13 stations.

The Shanghai-Lhasa railway is very popular with tourists, as the geography of the area repeatedly changes during the journey. Particularly impressive is the "mountain" journey, when the train, winding around the mountain, makes an ascent, the degree of which is clearly visible to the naked eye.

9. Chicago - Los Angeles: 4390 km

As you know, the United States has the largest rail network in the world, with a total length of 250,000 km. At the same time, a significant part of the track falls on the direct route from Chicago to the very heart of California - Los Angeles. In 65 hours, the train crosses 7 states, making 40 stops.

The state-owned Amtrak, which operates most of the special trains in the US, has a special attitude to passenger transportation. Many of the trains have a cozy, antique feel, and the stewards look like actors from old Hollywood movies. So that tourists can fully experience the landscapes of North America, following the Chicago - Los Angeles route, the company has developed unique living room cars with huge windows that occupy not only the walls, but also part of the ceiling.

8. Harbin - Haikou: 4458 km

Direct railway communication from the administrative center of Heilongjiang Province, the city of Harbin, to the very south of China, to the city of Haikou (Hainan Island), appeared relatively recently. The first train on this route was launched at the end of June 2013. Almost 4.5 thousand km are overcome in 66 hours, taking into account 52 stops.

The main reason for the opening of this branch is the connection of the northern and southern parts of the PRC. In addition, with the advent of the Harbin-Haikou railway, it has become much easier to get to Hainan Island, which is often called the "Eastern Hawaii" in the tourism industry.

7. Toronto - Vancouver: 4466 km

Traveling from Toronto to Vancouver on VIA Rail is a great opportunity to get to know Canada. The 66-stop route passes through the snow-capped Rocky Mountains, the Canadian Shield Forest, and other natural attractions.

Despite the fact that the trip lasts more than 3 days (86 hours), passengers do not get bored. Outside the train window, in addition to the unique landscape, you can see unique animals, including moose, deer and even bears. And intermediate stops in cities such as Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton allow you to get a little touch of the multifaceted Canadian culture.

6. Urumqi - Guangzhou: 4684 km

The railway route Urumqi - Guangzhou is a kind of diagonal that connects the northwestern region of China with the southeastern one. Three trains run on this railway at once: Z138/Z135, T38/T35, L908/L905. The first of them travels the entire distance, which is 31 stations, in 49.5 hours. A T-class train travels 55 hours, and an L-class train travels 65 hours.

Since Guangzhou is considered the political, economic, educational, scientific, technological and cultural center of southern China, this railway is often used by tourists, businessmen and foreign politicians who want to save on airfare by opting for a cheaper mode of transport.

5. Yining - Shanghai: 4742 km

The launch of a branch that connects the important administrative hub of northwestern China - Yining, and the world's largest city in terms of population - Shanghai, took place on December 10, 2014. Passenger trains in both directions cross 7 provinces and stop at 32 stations. The largest among them are Nilki, Kuitun, Jinghe, Saven, Turfan, Urumqi, Shanshan and Hami.

The total duration of the route is almost 56 hours. During this time, passengers manage to cross almost all of China, enjoying the beautiful landscapes and getting acquainted with the level of economic development of this country.

4. Lhasa - Guangzhou: 4980 km

The longest direct railway route within China is Lhasa - Guangzhou, the length of which is 5 thousand km. Travel time by passenger train is 54.5 hours with stops in several big cities such as Chenzhou, Lanzhou, Wuchang and Xi'an. However, a significant part of the route passes through open countryside and mountainous landscapes.

This route is served by the T264 train, which features a 24-hour restaurant with over 100 Tibetan and Chinese dishes. During the trip, the stewards constantly inform passengers about the upcoming sights, and they do it in three languages ​​- English, Chinese and Tibetan.

3. Moscow - Beijing: 8984 km

Strong political, economic and cultural ties have existed between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China for many decades, so it is not surprising that the capitals of these states have direct rail links. The Vostok train, starting its journey in Moscow and ending in Beijing, travels 9,000 km (44 stations) in 145 hours and 37 minutes, that is, passengers spend a full 6 days on the road.

For most of the route, the train travels along the Trans-Siberian Railway, making a “turn” only in Chita to cross the Chinese border. The longest stop is carried out directly before the border in the city of Zabaikalsk. At the same time, the parking time (6 hours) was caused not so much by customs control as by the replacement of wheels, since the Russian gauge differs from the Chinese one in other technical parameters.

2. Moscow - Vladivostok: 9289 km

The construction of the legendary Trans-Siberian Railway started back in 1891, and its result was the ability to follow exclusively rails from the European part of Russia to the shores of the Pacific Ocean. The duration of the route is 178 hours or 7 days, during which time the train travels over 9 thousand km, stopping at intermediate stations 67 times.

For ordinary passengers, the journey from Moscow to Vladivostok is notable for the fact that the highway crosses several hourly trains, captures the unique nature of Siberia, and even makes a “visit” to the largest freshwater reservoir in the world - Lake Baikal. There are also many preferences for freight traffic, so the annual freight traffic is 100 million tons.

1. Yiwu - Madrid: 13052 km

The relatively small city of Yiwu, located in the east of China, is known as one of the largest wholesale trade centers in the world. In order to accelerate the growth of the Chinese economy, it was decided to connect Yiwu with Western Europe by rail, which would significantly reduce the cost of shipping goods. So in November 2014, the first train was launched on the route Yiwu - Madrid, which crossed the borders of 8 states - China, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, France and Spain in 21 days.

The highway itself received the pathetic name "New Silk Road", implying that it was along this route that caravans with goods from Asia to Europe moved many centuries ago. $40 billion was spent on the construction of the road, which once again proves the importance of overland communication between West and East.

The Trans-Siberian Railway or the Great Siberian Way, which connects the Russian capital Moscow with Vladivostok, until recently bore the honorary title of the world's longest railway. But when the New Silk Road was launched, it moved the Trans-Siberian to second place, as it became noticeably longer than the previous record holder. The longest railway routes include unique routes with a length of many thousands of kilometers, during the journey along which a person can learn a lot about our planet.

1. Madrid-Iu, or the "New Silk Road" (13,052 km)

Nowadays, to deliver goods from the Middle Kingdom to Europe, it is not necessary to make dangerous months-long off-road trips on horses and camels. However, to avoid this, huge investments are required. The Chinese have historically dreamed of making the direction to the west profitable, fast and reliable, and at some point attracted Russian specialists to cooperate.
The length of the railway line with the big name "New Silk Road" was 13,052 kilometers. That is how much railway track it took to connect the capital of Spain with the small Chinese town of Yiwu. After the completion of construction, this railway became the record holder in the world in terms of length. The Chinese government has not been stingy and has spent about $40 billion to improve the infrastructure of the railway and increase the tonnage of goods carried on it.
At the end of 2014, a train from the Chinese city of Yiwu, located on the Pacific coast, solemnly set off, and 21 days later it finished in distant Madrid. This was the beginning of the work of the longest railway in the world. Unfortunately, the quality of the track does not yet allow comfortable passenger express trains to run on it, the movement of trains is strongly influenced by the weather and other natural factors, but despite this, the start of operation of this highway has allowed the world economy to rise one step higher.

2. Moscow-Vladivostok, or the Trans-Siberian Railway (9,289 km)

This road passes exclusively through Russian territory; it was the first to globally connect Europe and Asia. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway began in 1891. The heir to the throne, Nikolai Romanov (the future last Emperor Nicholas II), returning from a many-month sea cruise from Japan, laid the first stone of the Ussuri railway in the vicinity of Vladivostok. The longest railway in Russia, like beads, strung 87 cities, 5 federal districts and 8 time zones on itself. 81% of the length of this path falls on the Asian part, and the rest on the European.
The Soviet builders of BAM could envy the speed of construction of this railway line - the route from Kotlas and Miass to Port Arthur and Vladivostok appeared in just 13.5 years (1891-1904). Basically, the "cast iron" passed through undeveloped lands, areas of permafrost. Many bridges were thrown over large rivers. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway was completed on October 1 (according to the old style), 1904. But even after the official completion, construction continued for many more years. For example, only in 1938 the second track was completed. This legendary railway, which has a length of 9289 kilometers, was launched at the height of the First World War - in 1916.
To get from the capital to Vladivostok, a traveler will need to spend 167 hours on the train, which will make 120 stops during this time. Traveling along the Trans-Siberian Railway is akin to a long tourist voyage - passengers will see many famous settlements, natural sights of incredible beauty and untouchedness during the journey. In addition, winding kilometers, the train gradually crosses 8 time zones.

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3. Moscow-Beijing (8,984 km)

Russia and China are long-standing partners with common interests not only in politics and economics, but also in culture. It is not surprising that the capitals of these vast countries were connected by a direct railway line, which stretches for 8984 kilometers. The journey from one capital to another lasts about 145 hours. A significant part of the train route is covered by the already mentioned Trans-Siberian Railway, but in Chita, the cars heading to China turn towards the Chinese border. This is followed by a 6-hour stop in Zabaikalsk, where border control and a change of wheelsets are carried out, since the gauge is different in the two countries.

4. Far Eastern Railway (6,826 km)

The length of this route is 6826 kilometers. The railway administration is located in Khabarovsk. Throughout the journey, the train passes through 416 stations, as well as 3 state border crossing points. Travelers sitting on the train will not get bored, because they can admire the nature of the reserves and the view of the permafrost zones.

5. Gorky Railway (5,296 km)

In 1936, the Gorky railway was formed with a length of 5296 kilometers. This highway is being modernized all the time, for example, in 2010 Sapsan, a high-speed electric train manufactured by the German company Siemens, began to run along it, which began to deliver passengers in a shorter time. For example, with its help, it became possible to get from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod in 3.5 hours. More than 52 million passengers travel on the Gorky Railway every year. For Russia, this direction has long been an important economic and political factor; historical cities are located along its path, along the way you can look at large forests and picturesque landscapes.

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6. Lhasa-Guangzhou (4,980 km)

Inside China, there is another long railroad with 4,980 kilometer poles. It connects the port city of Guangzhou and the continental Lhasa, located in the Tibetan Plateau. Train T264 overcomes this grandiose way in 54.5 hours. Conductors tell passengers about the sights flashing outside the windows in three languages. The train has a 24-hour restaurant serving Tibetan and Chinese cuisine.
In recent decades, China has taken a leading position in the world in organizing modern railway networks. The Chinese are using the latest construction technologies, putting on rails modern high-speed trains that can race much faster than ordinary cars.

7. Yining-Shanghai (4,742 km)

In 2014, traffic was opened on a new railway route connecting Shanghai and Yining with a length of 4742 kilometers. Passenger trains move along it, while they sequentially cross 7 Chinese provinces, in which they make 32 stops. Travel time is 56 hours, during which passengers cross most of China and have the opportunity to admire its beauty, which is really quite a lot.

8. Urumqi-Guangzhou (4,684 km)

This railway connects the northwestern lands of China with its southeastern regions, its length was 4684 kilometers, and it will take 49.5 hours to overcome them. Three trains operate here, in which businessmen, politicians and just travelers who want to get to Guangzhou most often sit.

9. Toronto-Vancouver (4,466 km)

In Canada, VIA Rail trains run between Vancouver and Toronto on a 4,466 kilometer route. They make 66 stops along the way. But passengers sitting in comfortable carriages do not have to be bored, because the snow-capped peaks of the Rocky Mountains, the Canadian taiga untouched by man and various natural attractions rush through the windows. Often, passengers manage not only to admire the scenery, but also to see deer, elk or bears.

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10. Chicago - Los Angeles (4,390 km)

The American Transcontinental Highway connects Los Angeles and Chicago, which are on opposite sides of the North American mainland. This route is operated by the state-owned company Amtrak. The length of the path is 4390 kilometers, which the trains cover on average in 65 hours. During the journey, they cross 7 states and make 40 stops along the way. For the convenience of travelers, train cars have a special design - there are windows here not only on their sides, but also on the roof.

The railway is what at one time turned the world upside down, allowed people to travel faster than usual, to deliver goods that were previously inaccessible to transport masses. And most importantly - the railways made it possible to get to the most remote places. Rail transport remains relevant today. After all, there are a lot of railways in the world. Some of them differ not only in their age, but also in length.

1. New Silk Road

A unique railway that starts in the Chinese city of Yiwu and ends in the capital of Spain - Madrid. The road connects Europe and Asia, passes through 8 countries, is the largest in the world. The trip on it takes 21 days, and its total length is 13,026 km.

2. Trans-Siberian Railway

The construction of this railway began in 1981, and it became the first railway to connect Europe and Asia. The road has been repeatedly modernized, which allows it to be used today. Its length is 9,288 km. You can get from Moscow to Vladivostok in 6 days.

3. Moscow-Beijing

Another long railway that intersects with the Trans-Siberian. It is on it that the well-known Vostok train runs. The length of the road is about 9 thousand kilometers. You can overcome them in 145 hours of continuous travel. Also, at about 6 o'clock, the train stops at the border. This is a necessary delay, because the train's wheelsets are being changed.

4. Transcontinental railroad

In terms of the total length of railways, it is the United States that ranks first in the world. They also have giants. The transcontinental railroad was built in 1869. Today it is part of the largest transcontinental network, the total length of which exceeds 107,000 km.

5. Chicago-Los Angeles

One of the longest roads in the USA. Its length is 4,390 km. The road passes through seven states. It will take 67 hours to complete it. The train makes stops at 40 stations!

6. Toronto-Vancouver

Another very long road, this time located in Canada. Its length is 4,466 km. It connects cities such as Toronto and Vancouver. It takes 86 hours by train to get from one city to another. There are 66 stations on the road.

7. Lxasa - Gyangzhou

China can also boast of a long railway track. On the internal routes of the country, this road is one of the longest. Its length is 4,980 km. The train passes this way in just 54 hours. Along the way, the train can meet a huge number of attractions.

Continuing the theme in our time!

The length of the train is measured by the number of wagons loaded with ore, oil, etc., which are attached to the locomotive. The wagon length and load weight can be limited by electrical road sensors with a power of less than 3000 or 1500 V, which affects the traction force. Elevation changes, road bends, circumferential railway length, couplers are also limiting factors in train length. Often the average length of a freight train is 2000 meters. Greater length can be achieved thanks to power plants, which allow the average length of the composition to increase by 3-4 times, up to 8000 meters. The main advantage of using distributed propulsion systems is that they can pull long and heavy trains without the risk of derailing on tight curves. The introduction of an additional locomotive in the middle of freight cars allows you to successfully pull the cars, effectively distributing the load compared to how a single locomotive does, they are certainly not mega long.. So, without further ado, we present you a list of 10 longest trains in the world.

10. Ghan, Australia

Ghan is the only passenger train on this list that runs between Adelaide and Darwin. The whole journey is 2979 km and takes 54 hours. The train is named after the Afghan cameleers who came to the country in the 1880s. and used this train to explore the area. The entire train consists of approximately 16-26 stainless steel wagons. But sometimes it includes up to 99 wagons, and then the total length is 1200 meters.

9. Freight train "Maruti". India

The train was launched in 2011 by Indian Railways, running between Bilaspur and Busawal. The average speed of a train is 50 km/h, and it is pulled by 4 locomotives (2 in front and 2 in the middle). The train has a load capacity of about 9,000-10,000 tons, consists of 118 wagons and operates a total train length of up to 1,400 meters. The train was planned to be even longer, but issues relating to the safety system of train traffic, as well as sharp turns and slopes, were an obstacle to the plans. However, it is one of the longest freight trains in Southeast Asia and inarguably the longest in the country. ninth among the longest trains.

8. Rio Tinto Railway Service, Australia

Rio Tinto owns and operates Australia's largest private rail network. They have access to 15 mines as their backbone network spans over 1,700 km. They have 173 locomotives and 10,500 wagons at their disposal. Hamersley Iron and Robe River Iron often use this company in their iron ore deposits. They assembled huge trains that connect an average of 226 wagons, each of which holds 105 tons. One such fully loaded train can carry 30,000 tons of cargo and has a length of up to 2,400 m.

7. Mauritanian Mining Railways, Mauritania

Mauritanian Railways is the country's national railway company. The company's trains transport iron ore from the ore mines in the city of Zouerate to the city of Nouadhibou for a distance of 704 km. People rarely use this road to travel on ordinary passenger cars, many jump on the cars of this train themselves. The train on this railway has a composition of up to 2500 meters in length, the entire composition is pulled by 3-4 electric diesel locomotives. The result is 200-210 wagons, and each wagon holds about 85 tons. More than 16 million tons of ore are transported annually.

6. Daqing Railways. China

Daqing railway trains are used to transport coal over a 653-kilometer transport network in northern China. The railway passes through the provinces of Piqing and Tianjin and is operated by a joint-stock company. The railway was built in 1984 and consisted of one track, then another one was added to meet the growing needs. Freight trains passing through Daqing carry up to 20,000 kilotons of goods, the highest carrying capacity in the country. This is possible thanks to the powerful HXD1 and HXD2 locomotives, which have a power of up to 10 MW, more powerful than the previous DJ1 model. Trains carrying coal usually consist of about 210 wagons and are up to 3,200 meters long.

5. Freight trains in Carajas, Brazil

The length of railways in the province of Carajas is 892 kilometers. The road was officially launched in 1982. The road connects the largest iron ore mines in the world from Carajas to the port of Ponta de Madeira in Sao Luis. More than 120 million tons of iron ore and 350,000 passengers travel on this road, which is considered the most profitable road in Brazil. The income generated from these quarries contributes to the development of the Brazilian economy. 10,756 wagons and 217 locomotives are sent along a given route. More than 35 different trains travel along this line, including one of the largest trains in the world, consisting of 330 cars. The length of the train is about 3300 meters.

4. Train S-400 Association of American Highways, USA

Freight trains bring in profits of up to $60 billion and play an important role in the country's economy. Freight wagons are used to transport mineral and renewable resources. Most freight trains are owned by private companies and 15 to 20 percent of their budget is invested to further develop the company. One of the largest working freight locomotives in the Association of American Railroads is the S-400, which has many safety features such as an electronically controlled aerodynamic and pneumatic braking system that prevents cars from derailing when passing tight turns. The S-400 locomotive consists of 180 cars and reaches a length of up to 3659 meters. Fourth place among the longest trains.

3. Radio distribution power trains, South Africa

The railway for transporting iron ore is 861 kilometers long. The road, built in 1976, connecting the iron ore mines from Xishen in the Northern Cape to the port of Saldana in the western province, was originally used to transport iron ore and was not used to transport passengers. The road is one track with dozens of twists and turns so that trains can turn around and go the other way. Initially, the train on this route consisted of electric locomotives pulling 210 cars, each of which carried cargo weighing up to 80 tons. Now the train can consist of 342 cars, so the total length is 3780 meters. The carrying capacity of the train is up to 4200 tons.

2. Double-deck container trains, Canada

Double-deck container trains travel on the Canadian National Railway with the help of several locomotives that take on the entire load. Until the 1990s, medium freight trains were up to 1,500 meters long thanks to power distribution devices. Now you can hardly see trains with a carrying capacity of up to 18,000 tons and a length of up to 4,000 meters. Ordinary freight trains reach 3700 meters in length, and freight trains - about 3000 meters on average. The longest freight train in Canada is 4,200 meters.

1. BHP Billitron Mining Train, Australia

The longest train in the world
. BHP Billitron operates the Mount Newman Railroad, which is used only for private transportation of iron ore. The track is 426 km long and is one of the longest private railways in Australia. The road was officially launched in 1969. Rail lines run from Newman to Port Hedland, which takes about 8 hours. Trains with iron ore move along them, consisting of an average of 250 wagons, with a total length of up to 2.6 km. But in 2001, the train broke all world records, becoming the heaviest and longest train in the world: 682 more wagons carrying 82,000 tons of ore were attached to the train. Thus, the total length of the train was 7350 meters. The train runs from the Yandy mine to Port Hedland with 8 locomotives.

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