The most winning lottery in stoloto. Buying a lottery ticket: how to catch luck and choose the most successful one


Thoughts about the fabulous amount of money that can be obtained without much effort visit each of us. A big win in a casino, an unexpected inheritance, a failure in the banking system, in the end, a treasure trove ... the boundaries of human fantasies are endless. But isn't it easier to go the other way: stop dreaming and start participating in lotteries. You can read about the chances of getting rich this way, and which lottery to really win, can be read below.

Cash draws: how it all began

Gambling in the Soviet Union was strictly prohibited. The taboo remained until February 1969, and already in March of the same year, the chairman of the USSR Sports Committee had the idea to hold the Olympic Games in the country. The leadership of the CPSU liked this proposal.

To prepare sports battles, they began to look for additional funds:

  • Sportloto 6 of 49. The first money lottery of the Soviet Union. According to the rules of the game, 50% of the proceeds went to pay winnings, and the state kept 50% for itself. For each number, and in total 49 balls participated in the drawing, a certain sport was assigned. So the usual passion turned into a humane mission;
  • Sportloto 5 of 36. Having studied the world practice of holding lotteries, a new draw format appears in the country - Sportloto 5 out of 36. If we compare the circulation of the new game with its “big brother”, we can state the following pattern: the size of the main prize is more modest, but on the other hand, winning small amounts, and for this you need guess only 3 numbers, it was possible more often;
  • Sprint. Instant lottery. Having broken the spine of the control, it was possible to find out the result right on the spot. Among Soviet citizens, this lottery enjoyed particular success;
  • Sports forecast. After the first draw of Sportloto, and this happened in the fall of 1970, 17 years have passed. An analogue of foreign bookmakers appears in the country - Sportprognoz. From the list of matches presented, the sports fan had to guess the outcome - the victory of the first team, a draw, or the triumph of the visiting team.

The country's leadership was stunned by the financial success. The excitement of the Soviet man beat all records - not only the Olympics-80 was financed for the money received, but many modern sports complexes were also built.

What is the most winning lottery in Russia

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the family of lotteries in Russia is only growing. If you do not take into account certain features of each of them, you can figure out which lotteries the most profitable:

  • "Gosloto" 6 out of 45 ". The largest national prize belongs to this giant - in August 2014, a resident of Nizhny Novgorod became the proud owner of an amount exceeding 200 million rubles;
  • "Gosloto" 5 out of 36 ". The circulation of this lottery can rightly be called the "forge of the rich." With a relatively small contribution, any citizen of our country can become a millionaire;
  • Gosloto 7 out of 49. The chances of conquering the main peak of this lottery are small, but the minimum bet of 20 rubles and a guaranteed cash prize of 50 million rubles when you win do their job - the draws are incredibly successful.

Unlike Soviet times, circulations are made several times a day, and the availability of electronic money and access to the Internet allow you to check "lady luck" without leaving your home.

Which lottery is more likely to win

When playing state lotteries, a person is faced with a difficult dilemma - to choose frequent wins with a relatively small prize, or to set a goal to hit a stunning jackpot. Let's talk about lotteries in which it will be easier for a player to win a cash prize:

  • Gosloto 4 out of 20. Probability 1 to 3.4. On two fields consisting of 20 cells, you need to mark 4 numbers each (8 in total), and guess only 3. For example, guessing one number in the first field and two in the second, the player will become the owner of 100 rubles;
  • "Gosloto" 6 out of 45 ". The probability is 1 to 7. Everything is simple here - out of 45 cells presented to the player, you should guess 6. The minimum win starts with two guessed numbers;
  • "Gosloto" 5 out of 36 ". The probability is 1 to 8. The rules of the game are similar to Gosloto 6 out of 45. The difference in the chances of winning the main prize: the probability of guessing 6 numbers out of 45 is 1 in 8,000,000, and 5 out of 36 is 1 in 376,000.

The above three gives the player a good chance to win. To be successful, you need to regularly participate in the drawings, and the constancy will definitely return in the form of a cash prize.

Gambling in Russia: popular games

Let's consider other cash draws held on the territory of Russia, placing them in certain nominations:

  • Legend. To the very first lottery of the post-Soviet space "Sportloto 6 out of 49", many participants in the game are treated with special trepidation;
  • Generosity. In the most generous lottery "Rapido", more than 2/3 of the entire prize fund will be allocated for the payment of winnings;
  • Availability. 10 rubles in your pocket? No problem. This is enough to buy a KENO-Sportloto ticket, in which there is a chance to win up to 10 million rubles.

For lovers of material prizes, such as apartments, cars, etc., there are state lotteries "Golden Key" and "Victory". Also, do not forget about the heir to the "Russian Lotto" - the popular game "Golden Horseshoe".

What is the tax on lottery winnings

Any income in the Russian Federation is taxed. Lotteries are no exception in this list. In its form, the tax affects:

  • Cash win. A certain percentage is deducted from the amount (13% from a Russian citizen, 30% from a non-resident);
  • Incentive Lottery. Drawing in supermarkets of a car, washing machine, TV, etc. receipts on the player's balance is an increase in his capital. The tax in this case is 35% of the value of the material gain.

The deduction of tax can be carried out both by the organizer of the lottery, and by the winner himself - by entering the winnings into his declaration.

What is the punishment for the traviata lottery

Participation in illegally organized lotteries implies not only dishonest play and deceit, but also penalties:

  • Carrying out unauthorized draws - organizers from 800,000 rubles, participants (individuals) from 4,000 rubles;
  • Provision of premises for lotteries- administrative liability and a fine of 200,000 rubles.

Now you know which lottery you can really win. Buying a ticket from a pioneer in the face of "Sportloto 6 out of 49", or a new formation lottery, such as the "First National Lottery", can end up with decent winnings. Main - catch luck. Absolutely every citizen of our country, no matter if he spent 10 rubles or several thousand on its purchase, can win!

Video experiment: trying to win different lotteries

In this video, Evgeny Dorofeev will conduct an experiment, for which he will buy 100 different lottery tickets and tell which one turned out to be more winning:

Gambling for money has always excited the minds: everyone at least once, but wanted to try their luck and win without making any effort. Today, cards and roulette have been replaced by lottery tickets. They are inexpensive, but at the same time they can bring a lot of money, if only you choose them correctly.

Modern lotteries are very similar to fairy tales: they promise huge winnings just for buying a ticket. However, if everything was so simple, the organizing firms would have gone bankrupt long ago. There are two types of lottery tickets: some already offer an arbitrary combination of numbers, and the second is to choose the numbers in advance and check whether they guessed right. It is difficult to say which option is better, but if in the first case it is possible to influence the choice only at the time of choosing a ticket, then in the second there are a little more opportunities.

Some rules for choosing numbers

There are several recognized methods that players often rely on:

  1. Choose the same numbers. According to the theory of probability, the selected combination must fall out at least once. However, it will take a long time to wait: for some lucky ones, luck smiled only after several decades of continuous participation.

Attention! It is worth remembering the cost of a ticket: over several years of continuous purchase, the amount will become quite significant.

To speed things up a little, you can calculate the probability of each number falling out and choose the most probable ones. You can do this manually or on special sites - the latter help you find lucky combinations.

You can often find the following combination: to get the first number, you need to add all the digits of the date of birth (for example, July 5, 1994 - 5 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4). The second number is the addition of all the digits of the name, if a is 1, b is 2, c is 3, etc. The third number is the sum of the first two.

  1. Randomness is not accidental: many gamblers are sure that only a lucky chance can help win a large amount. For example, the license plate of a car passing by, the number of the bus they were on the day before, etc. To check the method, you need to pay attention to minor details on the day of buying a ticket or write down the very first numbers that come to mind.

Surprisingly, “unlucky” numbers often become lucky: for example, after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, many bet on the numbers “9” and “11” and won. Often they use the numbers of cars that have been in an accident or exploded the day before.

A bit of math

Although experts cannot say which numbers will fall out exactly, they can give some advice:

  1. You should not choose only even or only odd numbers - the probability of a match is less than 5%. It is better to choose equally those and those;
  2. You should not choose numbers that are nearby and even in one ten: it is unlikely that anyone will be lucky to pull out consecutive kegs. It is worth dividing the field diagonally and "scatter" them;
  3. The same endings will not work either, for example, 2-12-22-32, etc. - the probability of falling out is less than 1%;
  4. You can use addition or multiplication methods: for example, 7-14-21-28-35, etc. This choice gives a wide spread and allows you to use all tens.

Attention! It is not worth choosing an already winning combination - the probability that the same numbers will be pulled out is negligible.

If there are already numbers

If the numbers are already selected and written down in the lottery ticket, you only need to draw a lucky ticket. On the one hand, this allows you to rely on fate in everything, on the other hand, it does not allow the player to participate personally.

  1. Most people have lucky talismans or signs: when buying a ticket, you must use them.
  2. You can invite a baby or a person with a “light” hand to choose a piece of paper - it is believed that they are more lucky.
  3. You need to pull the ticket at random, without looking, so that fate itself leads the hand.
  4. It is important to avoid red and yellow clothes, it is better to go to the store in the dark. A cage and a strip will not work, it is also worth abandoning jewelry made of precious metals and any new things.
  5. Do not forget about the days: it is believed that luck is stronger on the day of birth, as well as on the same date and day of the week. Traditionally, good luck is attributed to the first half of Monday and Tuesday and the second half of Saturday and Sunday.

Attention! A curious method is visualization: by thinking about winning, you can materialize it in reality. Some even draw a mountain of money or new things to constantly think about winning.

Of course, no one can guarantee that the lottery ticket chosen according to all the rules will be successful and hit the jackpot. These are just tips that can help avid gamers get lucky. But it is worth remembering that you may not be lucky: you do not need to spend all your money trying to win.

How to choose a lottery ticket: video

Win a large amount of money in the lottery in order to fulfill all your desires and the desires of your loved ones ... Who has not dreamed about this at least once in their life? Let's figure out how realistic it is to win the lottery, what are the chances of winning and how many lucky people in Russia who hit the jackpot.

Is it really possible to win the lottery?

People are divided into two types: those who do not play the lottery and those who do. The former are of the opinion that the organizers always win, but the chances of winning a large amount of money for each specific player are so small that it is not worth even trying. The latter regularly or from time to time buy lottery tickets and believe that all players still have a chance to win, so anyone who buys an arbitrarily chosen lottery ticket at any official distribution point can get rich.

There are many lotteries in Russia, and their popularity is not weakening precisely because the victory does not cost the player who hit the jackpot anything but a very small (literally symbolic) amount of money. The lottery business simply brings huge incomes, therefore it is controlled by the state. It is quite possible to win the lottery and get your prize. The main thing is that the company involved in its distribution should be well-known and successfully function for a sufficiently long period of time.

Varieties of lotteries

In order not to spend your money on scammers, you should give preference to well-known domestic lotteries - this way you can easily purchase a ticket and, if you win, get everything you are due on it. Those who prefer foreign lotteries have to use the services of intermediaries, who may turn out to be unscrupulous.

There are two main types of lotteries: instant and draw. Each of these types has its own advantages and a large number of supporters.


Instant lotteries are extremely simple: you buy a ticket and, by erasing a special protective coating on it (or unfolding the ticket), you will immediately find out whether it is winning or not. You can often get the small amount due to you (or a material prize) right at the point of purchase of the ticket. If you win a large amount in an instant lottery, you will have to spend several days to receive the money due to you.


Draw lotteries are divided into two types: in one, players are given the right to choose numbers from a limited list, and in the second, participants are given tickets with the numbers already on them. In any case, luck smiles at the one who has the lucky number determined during the draw. Such draws are held regularly (usually at the same time) and broadcast on television.

How to win a large amount of money in the lottery?

When playing the lottery, where, when and how you buy a ticket will not affect the amount of winnings. Therefore, in order to win a large amount of money, you can use any approach to choosing and purchasing tickets that seems worthy of your attention. The most well-known approaches are listed below.

Psychological factor

In drawing lotteries, where the sequence of numbers is offered to be chosen by the players themselves, not only the laws of probability theory work, but also psychology. Since people tend to think stereotypically, they prefer some numbers more or less than others (for example, 7 and 13). Since you still can’t predict which numbers will fall out, try to guess which ones other players bet on the least. In the event that the unpopular numbers you have guessed fall out, the size of your prize will be much larger, since in draw lotteries the amount of remuneration is distributed among all players who bet on a lucky sequence of numbers.

Lottery Syndicate

Lottery syndicate is a great approach to buying lottery tickets invented by experienced players. This method consists in the fact that a group of people united by common interests regularly throws off money in order to purchase as many lottery tickets as possible.

As a result, if none of the tickets won, it turns out that each person in the group spent very little money to try their luck. In the event of a win, the amount is divided equally among all participants in the lottery syndicate, regardless of which of them offered to bet on the winning combination of numbers (sometimes quite decent amounts are obtained). The use of this approach allows you to actually increase (from a mathematical point of view) the chances of winning in proportion to the number of tickets purchased.


For those who dream of winning a large amount and at the same time rely entirely on luck, the multi-circulation approach will be convenient. In this case, you need to choose any one sequence of numbers allowed by the rules of the game and bet on it every time you buy a lottery ticket. This will allow you not to fill your head with numbers and spend a minimum of time playing the lottery.

Distribution circulation

A distribution draw is a drawing in which the main cash prize is divided among all the winners. In this case, the probability of receiving a very large amount compared to the usual circulation increases significantly. Therefore, in order to increase your chances of winning, it is worth buying more tickets for distribution draws than usual.

Expanded rate

An expanded bet is a method that is only suitable for lotteries, where the participants themselves are given the right to cross out the numbers. For example, in the "5 out of 36" lottery, a player who wants to make a detailed bet can cross out not 5, but 6 or more numbers in one field. In this case, the chances of winning and the value of the cash prize in case of guessing the winning sequence of numbers increase significantly. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that the ticket price increases significantly (when crossing out 6 numbers instead of 5 - 6 times, since 6 different combinations are obtained).

Lotteries that you can really win

  • Gosloto ("5 out of 36", "6 out of 45", "7 out of 49");
  • Golden Key;
  • housing lottery;
  • Russian gold;
  • Sportloto.

Among foreign lotteries, the American Mega Millions and the European EuroJackpot are very famous. The listed lotteries differ in the type and size of prizes, as well as the probability of winning them.

Important: the purchase of lottery tickets for well-known foreign lotteries, although associated with somewhat higher costs and troubles, can bring simply stunning gains (in terms of rubles) compared to domestic lotteries.

Gosloto ("5 out of 36", "6 out of 45", "7 out of 49")

The distributor of Gosloto lottery tickets "5 out of 36", "6 out of 45" and "7 out of 49" is Stoloto Trading House JSC, and the organizer is the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. This is the largest company in the Russian Federation that distributes lotteries, which has already made (according to statistics) more than 17 hundred people millionaires. Cash prizes in this lottery are awarded for 2 or more guessed numbers.

The probability of winning the jackpot in the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery, thanks to which a record number of people became millionaires, is 1 in 376,992. The probability of winning the Gosloto 6 out of 45 jackpot is 1 in 8,145,060 (how to win the 6 out of 45 "365 or 358 million rubles. With such small chances of winning, the lucky ones from Sochi and Novosibirsk can tell). The odds of winning the jackpot on the 7 out of 49 lottery is 1 in 85,900,584.

Lottery Golden Key

The organizer of the Golden Key lottery is Interlot CJSC. Among the participants of this lottery, apartments and cars, as well as solid sums of money, are raffled off weekly. The rules are similar to those of table lotto. The circulation consists of four rounds.

housing lottery

Tickets of the Housing Lottery are also distributed by Stoloto Trading House JSC. The prizes distributed among the participants are apartments, country houses and sums of money. The rules are similar to the rules of the game in the well-known table lotto. The draw is held in 3 rounds.

Russian loto

Russian Lotto is another analogue of the table lotto game from Stoloto Trading House JSC. The draw takes place in 3 rounds, after which an additional draw called "Kubyshka" is held. This lottery draws cash prizes, houses, apartments, cars, tours and much more.

Since the owner of every third ticket has a chance to win the Russian Lotto lottery, avid players regularly receive the joy of winning. This has supported interest in this lottery since 1994.


Sportloto LLC is an operator of state lotteries organized by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. This company distributes lottery tickets "Sportloto 6 out of 49", "KENO-Sportloto" and 10 instant lotteries.

Draws of the lottery "Sportloto 6 out of 49" are held 3 times a day. The chances of winning are increased thanks to the bonus ball. Cash wins are given to everyone who guessed 3 or more numbers.

"KENO-Sportloto" is a lottery where you can win without even guessing a single number. In total, there are 37 categories of winnings in this lottery ranging from 10 to 1 million rubles. At the same time, the player can increase his winnings by choosing a multiplier from 2 to 10. Draws are held every 15 minutes.

Sportloto instant lotteries have been on sale since 2011. During this time, more than 170 million tickets have been sold, while the winners of these instant lotteries receive a total of 1 million rubles. daily.


Consider frequently asked questions regarding lottery winnings.

What is the tax on lottery winnings?

In our country, lottery winnings are subject to a standard income tax of 13% for citizens of the Russian Federation and 30% for those who are not tax residents of the Russian Federation.

How to choose a lottery ticket to win?

To win a large amount of money in the lottery, you only need luck. Belief that you will definitely win, various conspiracies, rituals invented by players - all this does not have any effect on who, in the end, will get the jackpot. Both a person who bought a lottery ticket for the first time, and a person who regularly buys lottery tickets for many years can win. At the same time, mathematics says that the chances of such people are equal.

Many do not believe the claims of mathematicians and are working on creating strategies for playing the lottery. Developing your own lottery strategy can be a lot of fun, especially once it starts to work. However, be that as it may, a series of successes can end at any moment. Therefore, in the lottery, as in any gambling, in the event of a series of successes, you need to be able to finish placing bets on time, and in the event of a series of losses, do not spend a lot so as not to be left without pants.

Which lottery is most often won in Russia?

In Russia, the record win is the jackpot of 365 million rubles. from Gosloto "6 out of 45". He went to a resident of Sochi in May 2017. The lucky person spent only 700 rubles on the purchase of lottery tickets. Prior to that, in February 2016, a record winning in Gosloto in the amount of 358 million rubles. went to a resident of Novosibirsk.

Since there are several Gosloto lotteries (“5 out of 36”, “6 out of 45”, “7 out of 49”) and large winnings are paid out accurately and regularly, this lottery is in great demand. Since the prize is set not only for the correctly guessed entire sequence, but also for its part, after each drawing, the cash prizes of Stoloto Trading House JSC are paid out to a large number of players. So to the question “Is it possible to win in Stoloto? » millions of Russians will respond positively.

Biggest lottery win in the world

The world's largest lottery win is $1.586 billion, which was split among three lucky winners from California, Florida and Tennessee in 2016. Each of the owners of the winning Powerball lottery ticket received $528 million.

On the Internet, you can find many newspaper and magazine publications about the fate of people who, quite unexpectedly for themselves, turn out to be owners of very large sums of money. As you can see from the interviews that these lucky people give to journalists some time after receiving the winnings, not all of them are happy with big money. But this does not make the number of lottery followers less. People like to try their luck and gamble: often the road to the goal is better than reaching it.

How to win a million in the lottery?

As a result of winning a huge amount of money, which in a normal situation would take years (and in some cases centuries) to earn, people hope to solve all their material problems. Therefore, for many, buying a lottery ticket is a kind of outlet in life, in which few interesting and joyful events take place: such players come up with conspiracies to attract good luck, believe in various signs, approach the choice of lottery tickets with great trepidation and watch draws with bated breath.

For others, buying a lottery ticket is a way to give fate a chance to take them to new heights. At the same time, they do not get hung up on the lottery win and do not place all their hopes on it, but improve themselves and work on the implementation of their plans. For still others, playing the lottery involves numerous time-consuming mathematical calculations and is an exciting hobby that sometimes generates income. Each of the people belonging to the listed categories can win a million or more. The main thing is to buy a lucky lottery ticket.

What is the winning strategy?

There are no such strategies. The chances of winning by any of the existing strategies for playing the lottery are no different from the chances of winning by choosing a sequence of numbers at random (whatever the inventors or adherents of certain strategies may claim).

How to increase your chances of winning?

You can only increase your chances of winning by purchasing more tickets. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the probability of winning a large prize, despite the number of tickets purchased, will still remain small (since the number of combinations that can fall during the drawing is very large).

How to get a prize?

The procedure for receiving won prizes is described in detail on the websites of the respective lotteries. Small prizes are usually given out at the point of sale of tickets, and large ones - at the central office of the company engaged in the production and distribution of lottery tickets.

Save the article in 2 clicks:

If you play the lottery, then choose absolutely any strategy that you like. The only thing to consider when buying tickets is the amount of money spent. The amount should not exceed that individually determined minimum that a person can part with completely painlessly for the budget of his family.

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If there were no differences in lotteries, we would all play the same lottery for all. And that would be boring. Fortunately, each lottery has its own specifics and rules of the game, which makes them sharp and intriguing.

We will make it easier for you, we will tell you which lotteries are better - both in terms of the method of conducting, and in terms of the size of the jackpot, and in terms of popularity among the population. This is by no means a prescription for which lottery is better to play. You must make your choice yourself, but we consider it necessary to focus your attention on the really worthy, the best lotteries.

You can immediately buy a ticket:

The best lotteries on our site

Here are the best online lotteries according to our players.

From $40 million (5 main numbers + 1 Powerball), second prize $1 million (5 numbers).

The number of numbers is 5 out of 69, the number of additional numbers (Powerball) is 1 out of 26. Powerball is the biggest lottery.

From $15 million (5 main numbers + 1 Mega). The second prize is $1 million (5 numbers).

Number of rooms - 5 out of 75. The number of additional numbers is 1 out of 15 (Mega). After Powerball - the largest lottery.

From €15 million (5+2 Mega).

The number of rooms - 5 out of 50, the number of additional numbers (Mega) - 2 out of 11. Euromillions is the most honest lottery.

Now you know which lotteries are the most winning. You can be sure of this, because these lotteries constantly create millionaires, and sometimes even billionaires.

Features of the best lotteries

The list of features of the best lotteries does not end there. The given odds of winning apply to all combinations except the jackpot. Before you buy a lottery, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the features of its implementation, the procedure for paying out winnings, and additional features. It is not difficult to determine the most popular lotteries, for example, Megamillions, by the size of jackpots, because the prize fund directly depends on the number of tickets sold.

With all the variety of lotteries, they are united by one principle - randomly numbered balls falling out form a winning combination.

It is easy to guess - the more lottery tickets you buy, the higher the probability of winning the lottery. Assess the capabilities of your wallet to decide which lottery is best to play. The whole gambling and civilized world plays in the lottery. During the broadcasts of the most popular lotteries, an incredible number of interested viewers gather on TV who know which lotteries are winning. If you are still hesitant and do not dare to make a bet, we advise you to take into account the experience of practical Europeans and Americans. Gather a company of like-minded people, friends, colleagues. Organize a lottery cash desk - then you can easily buy several lottery tickets at once. Losing is easy to survive together, especially if the amount of the contribution is small. But winning will inspire you to buy the next batch of the best lotteries.

A similar type of game abroad is called syndicates. People who play syndicates usually know the answer to the question - which lottery is the most winning.

To significantly increase your chances of winning, play with a flat bet

An expanded bet is a bet that contains more than one combination of numbers in one playing field. For example: by choosing 6 numbers in Gosloto 5 out of 36, you get 6 minimum combinations in one playing field, and by choosing 7 numbers - all 21.
The cost of such a choice will be higher. What is the benefit? If you guess at least 2 numbers in such a bet, then you will win not 40 rubles, but 4 times more, 160 rubles. And if you guess 5 numbers at once, 20,000 rubles will be added to your super prize! So a spread bet doesn't just increase your chances of hitting the whole winning combination, it also increases the amount of any winnings you win.

How are the winnings calculated on the expanded bets?

The easiest way to consider the example of 2 guessed numbers.
Suppose you marked 6 numbers on the playing field: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. You can make 6 different combinations of 5 numbers from them. If two numbers coincide with your combination in the draw - for example, 2 and 3, then they will appear in 4 combinations at once, and for each of which you will receive a win.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 6
1 2 3 5 6
1 2 4 5 6
1 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6

Who won the most at the expanded bet?

The biggest win in Gosloto 6 out of 45 was due to the expanded bet! Albert Begrakyan, the lucky winner of the super prize, filled in 6 fields of 7 numbers on his ticket and won 100,118,974 rubles (of which 118,974 were due to the expanded bet).

What games can be played with expanded bets?

Games on the site of the lottery supermarket site in which you can play with a detailed bet:

Please note that in the Rapido game, additional numbers can only be selected in field No. 2.

An expanded bet, although it increases the value of the game coupon, but also significantly increases the chances of winning.

Has it ever happened to you: the soul is full of forebodings about the imminent win, but by some chance you missed the opportunity to play. For such situations, please take note of our tip #2.

To participate in each draw, use the "Multi-circulation" option

Multi-circulation - a bet on several circulations in advance.
This is a very popular game strategy for those who want to be in the game with minimal effort. Almost like a subscription to your favorite magazine. Once you made several numerical combinations, chose the number of runs for the game, paid - and you get the results. In each draw, the lottery drum gives out lucky numbers, each time new, and - it really happens - one day they may coincide with yours!

A case is known when a German family played for many years with a combination of numbers made up of dates of birth. Mom usually bought the tickets. But one day she was busy and asked her teenage son to go to the lottery kiosk. And he, like many at his age, took it lightly. And it turned out that it was in this edition that their very family combination fell out! And the ticket, as it turned out later, was bought and was not.

World history knows the fact (it happened in 2012 in England) that 12 people won 38 million pounds, which is equivalent to 1.7 billion rubles.

Never deposit your money for friends and do not take funds for your bet from them. Most often, such syndicates are "in the red." Don't force yourself into a syndicate. Do not take notorious skeptics and losers. The game must be fun!

The experience of playing together pays off!

Each ticket purchased for a distribution draw can win much more than usual.

Participation in distribution draws increases the chances of winning

A distribution draw is a drawing in which the accumulated sum of the super prize is divided among all the winners of the draw. The frequency of such draws is regulated by the Law "On Lotteries", which prescribes their holding at least once a year, if no one wins the super prize throughout the year. By decision of the organizer of the lottery, distribution draws may be held more often.
The distribution significantly increases each of the winnings, because a share of the accumulated super prize is added to the usual part of the prize pool, which falls on the winning bet. Many participants of Gosloto 6 out of 45 thanks to distribution draws. To do this, it was enough to guess not even 6, but 5 numbers - and in some cases even 4! And the games according to the formula "7 out of 49", which took place on September 27, 2013, 6 numbers turned out to be guessed in 3 lottery tickets - one winner won 5,098,339 rubles, and the other two, who played with expanded bets, received more than 10,000,000 rubles each! There is a millionaire and among those who guessed only 5 numbers. And in the 83rd distribution draw of the same game, an even more incredible story happened - one of the winners guessed 6 numbers at once in two lottery receipts! His total winnings amounted to more than 16 million rubles.

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Draw results statistics is an interesting tool that will help you win more often

When you want to justify the choice of numbers with facts, and not with feelings, use circulation statistics. How to get it? Write down in a notebook (or save in a separate file) the winning combinations of each of the draws. Experienced lottery lovers keep track of the number of drops of each number in the draw, keep statistics on the number of even and odd, "hot" and "cold" numbers. In addition, there is an interesting statistics on the count of draws, in which balls fall out sequentially one after another or numbers that for some reason often fall out in pairs.

On the website, you can use automated statistics for each game on the pages of draw archives (for example, Gosloto 5 out of 36 statistics). But the most interesting thing about statistics you will find in the "Numbers" section of your personal account! There are the numbers that personally brought you more money, and the combination that brought the maximum win in the history of the game, and the opportunity to make a bet from the numbers that you liked in different sections of personal and general statistics.

A multiplier is an option with which you can increase the amount of winnings several times

The ability to use the multiplier exists in the daily games "" and "". The multiplier number is the number of identical bets that will be accepted per draw and the number of identical fixed wins that you will receive in case of the desired match. The value of the bet increases accordingly. For example, in "Keno-Sportloto" you can increase the amount of potential winnings by 10 times, and in "Top-3" - by 100 times.

In the history of the KENO-Sportloto game, the largest win was recorded - 550,000 rubles. The participant managed to win such an amount precisely with the use of a multiplier of 10 and a combination of 10 numbers - 9 numbers matched. And if he guessed all 10 numbers, he would win 10,000,000 rubles!

The maximum win in the "Top-3" without using a multiplier is 5,000 rubles. With a multiplier, it can be grown up to 500,000 rubles! And by combining a not very large multiplier with the same combinations in several receipts, you can win even more. This happened in the 1540th draw, where two participants made more than 10 bets with a multiplier of 10, each of which included a combination of 1, 5, 4. As a result, each of them !

So if you feel confident in your numbers - give them 10 or even 100 times more chances.

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