The largest cemetery in Russia: area and description. Top largest cemeteries The oldest and most beautiful cemetery in Europe


An-Najaf is the southern city of Iraq. It is located on the right bank of the Euphrates River. About 900 thousand people live in the city. This settlement is the main southern Iraqi city for Shiite Muslims. It is second only to Medina and Mecca in terms of the number of pilgrims who visit it every year.

But An-Najaf is famous not only for this. The city has the largest cemetery in the world. Its area is six square kilometers. According to some estimates, 5-6 million people are buried here. Moreover, the last shelter in this cemetery was found by ordinary residents, and politicians, and scientists, as well as thinkers and imams of Iraq and other Muslim countries.

The cemetery is called Wadi as-Salam. If you translate the name into Russian, but it means "Death Valley". And the minus of this cemetery is that the deceased are buried in a small space, that is, one grave accounts for no more than one square meter.

A few years ago, UNESCO decided to include the Wadi al-Salam cemetery in the World Heritage Fund. For this purpose, a delegation went to An-Najaf to discuss the topic. But the US representatives on this issue turned out to be completely different - during the invasion of Iraq, American troops attacked both militants and sights, including cemeteries. However, there are graveyards in the world that are smaller, but still large-scale. And here are some of them.


More than 3 million people are buried at Calvary Cemetery in New York. And the churchyard is named in honor of Mount Golgotha, where, according to legend, Christ was crucified. The cemetery is divided into four sectors. Each is located in a separate part of New York. The resting place was founded in 1848 and belongs to the Roman Catholic Church. Representatives of the mafia are buried here along with prominent public and political figures, actors and athletes. And it was in this cemetery that the famous painting “The Godfather” was filmed, for example, the episode when the funeral of Don Corleone took place.

Northern cemetery in Rostov-on-Don

The northern cemetery, which is located in the north of Rostov-on-Don, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It is not only the largest in terms of territory in Russia, but also the largest in Europe. It is located on 350 hectares of land, more than 400 thousand people are buried here. On the territory there is the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, a columbarium and a crematorium. And at the main entrance there is a Poklonny stone, this is a memorial composition with an Orthodox cross. The cemetery was founded in 1972.

The largest cemetery in Europe


Among the prehistoric burials, the Korraumor churchyard is considered to be the largest. It is located in Northern Ireland, in County Sligo. The cemetery is the oldest megalithic complex. There are exactly 60 ancient graves on the territory of 4 kilometers. And the oldest belongs to the Neolithic era, that is, it appeared before Stonehenge, Newgrange and the Egyptian pyramids.

The largest stone pyramid of the churchyard is Listogil, which has a diameter of 34 meters. And most of the tombs are dolmens, which are made of stones of a certain shape. And the secrets of these structures haunt archaeologists, scientists and esotericists until now.

Arlington National Cemetery

It is located near the Pentagon and occupies approximately 2.5 square kilometers of land. More than 300 thousand people rest at the military cemetery. The graves are a memory of state wars since 1864. It was in this year that the burial place of the first soldier appeared there. And now the bodies of veterans of all wars that have occurred since that time are buried in the ground. And besides, US presidents, chairmen of the Supreme Court, astronauts are buried in the cemetery.

Kidron Valley

In Jerusalem, the Kidron Valley Cemetery was founded about 3,000 years ago. It has about a million graves. And all the places for burial have already been sold out for many years to come. And this despite the fact that the land is very expensive. Surprisingly for a churchyard, the cemetery is very beautiful.

It has several churches, as well as unique tombstones. This place is sacred for representatives of three faiths - Jews, Muslims and Christians. These religions believe that God's judgment on mankind will take place in the Kidron Valley. The Messiah will descend from the top of the Pancake Mountain, will raise the dead and send sinners to hell, and the righteous to heaven.

Green Wood

Green-Wood Cemetery in New York covers approximately 2 square kilometers. There are about 560,000 graves on the churchyard. Here statesmen and masons found their last refuge. Masters of landscape design have made the churchyard so beautiful that visitors to the graves begin to think: "There is nothing terrible in death." In the 18th century, the battle for US independence took place on the site of Green Wood, a century later a unique cemetery was founded here, which became a National Historic Monument.

Pere Lachaise

Pere Lachaise Cemetery is a real museum of tombstones, which has collected a huge number of works of art in one area. Therefore, this French churchyard is the most visited in the world and the largest in Paris. More than 2 million tourists visit Père Lachaise every year.

The churchyard was opened in 1804 by Napoleon. Its territory has about 48 hectares of land. More than 30,000 people rest in it. But tourists are attracted not only by tombstones, but by the abundance of graves of world famous people - politicians and artists, including Oscar Wilde, Francois Kelleran, Jim Morrison, Moliere, Isidora Duncan, Francois Arago, Balzac, Edith Piaf, Sarah Bernhardt. By the way, Russian Decembrists are also buried here.


It is not customary to say this, but Highgate is the best cemetery in London. It is located on the southern slope of the hill of the same name. The churchyard was founded in 1839 and was one of seven built around London. The cemetery is full of gothic crypts, tombstones and mausoleums. There are also catacombs in the Egyptian style. The graves of the rich and famous Englishmen are buried in a huge amount of greenery. And despite the stiffness of the British, there are also eccentric tombstones. It is in this cemetery that Karl Marx is buried.
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A cemetery is an area specially designated for the burial of dead people. Traditionally, relatives and friends of the deceased came to the graves after the funeral to honor the memory of their loved ones. Over time, many cemeteries have become real open-air museums, having gained historical and cultural value.

Some cemeteries are so beautiful that they become a family vacation spot for citizens and attract millions of tourists from all over the world. Fans of famous composers, poets, public and political figures, military leaders consider it their duty to visit the graves of their idols and bow to their ashes.

Wadi Us Salaam

The greatest cemetery in the world is Wadi Us-Salaam, translated from Arabic - the Valley of Peace. It is located near the city of An-Najaf in Iraq. This is a six-square-kilometer Muslim cemetery, where about six million people are buried, so there is less than a square meter per burial. The bodies of many Islamic prophets found their rest here. The largest scientists, philosophers, politicians of Kuwait, Iran, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Lebanon are buried in the Valley of Peace. Most Muslims around the world dream of being buried in this particular cemetery.


More than 3 million graves are located in Calvary Cemetery in New York. It is named after Mount Calvary, where, according to legend, Christ was crucified. The cemetery itself is divided into 4 sectors, which are located in different parts of New York. Founded in 1848, belongs to the city's Roman Catholic Church. Along with outstanding actors, athletes, public and political figures, representatives of the mafia are buried. By the way, it was at this cemetery that the filming of the film "The Godfather" took place, in particular, the episode of Don Corleone's funeral.

Northern Cemetery (Rostov-on-Don)

By the size of the territory, the Northern Cemetery, which is located in the northern part of the city of Rostov-on-Don, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, as it is the largest cemetery in Europe, it is also the largest in Russia. It is located on the territory of more than 350 hectares and has over 355 thousand graves. The cemetery was founded recently, in 1972. On its territory there is the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, there is a crematorium, a columbarium. At the main entrance rises the Poklonny stone - a memorial composition with an Orthodox cross.


Among the prehistoric burial places of people, the Corraumore Cemetery, located in County Sligo in Northern Ireland, is considered to be the largest. This is the oldest megalithic complex, on its territory of 4 kilometers there are 60 ancient burials, the oldest of which dates back to the Neolithic era, and this is much earlier than Newgrange, Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids. The largest stone pyramid of Corraumor is Listogil, with a diameter of 34 meters. Most of the tombs are dolmens - structures of a certain shape made of stones, the secret of which still haunts scientists, archaeologists and esotericists.

Arlington National Cemetery

An area of ​​about 2.5 square kilometers near the Pentagon is occupied by the military Arlington National Cemetery, which contains the ashes of more than 300,000 people. Burials keep the memory of all US military conflicts since 1864, when the grave of the first soldier appeared. Now, in this holy land for America, the bodies of veterans of all the wars that have taken place during this period, as well as US presidents, astronauts, and chairmen of the Supreme Court, are buried. The memorial, erected in honor of George Washington, has collected the largest number of exhibits in the world, revealing the life story of the first US president.

Kidron Valley

The Kidron Valley Cemetery in Jerusalem is about 3,000 years old and contains over a million graves. All burial places are sold out for many years to come, despite the very high cost. The cemetery is very beautiful, contains several churches, many unique tombstones with archaic inscriptions.

This is a very prestigious place for burials, it is sacred for representatives of three religions at once - Jews, Christians and Muslims, it is these religions that believe that God's Judgment on humanity will take place at this place. The Messiah must descend from the top of the Shrovetide Mountain, resurrecting the dead and sending the righteous to heaven, and the sinners to hell.

Green Wood

About 2 square kilometers of the area is occupied by the Green-Wood Cemetery in New York. The cemetery contains about 560,000 graves, in which prominent statesmen, masons, and even the daughter of an Indian chief found their last refuge. Masters of landscape design have made this cemetery so beautiful that visitors involuntarily begin to think that there is nothing terrible in death. In the 18th century, the American War of Independence was fought on the site where the cemetery is located, and in the 19th century a unique cemetery was founded, which was recently awarded the high status of a National Historic Monument.

Pere Lachaise

Pere Lachaise is rightfully considered the most visited in the world and the largest in Paris. This cemetery is a real open-air museum of tomb sculptures, which has collected a large number of real works of art. More than 2 million tourists visit Pere Lachaise every year. Founded in 1804 by Napoleon, the cemetery has an area of ​​​​about 48 hectares, more than 300 people rest on it. The cemetery attracts tourists not only with tombstones, but also with many graves of world-famous politicians and artists, including Oscar Wilde, Jim Morrison, Francois Kellerman, Moliere, Francois Arago, Isidora Duncan, Edith Piaf, Balzac, Sarah Bernhardt. Russian Decembrists are also buried here.


The best cemetery in London is located on the southern slope of Highgate and has a similar name. It was created in 1839 and is the first of seven cemeteries built around London. The cemetery is replete with Gothic crypts, tombstones and mausoleums, and there are often catacombs made in the Egyptian style. The graves of the richest and most famous Englishmen are buried in an unbridled riot of vegetation. Despite the stiffness of English views, there are many eccentric tombstones. The famous grave of Karl Marx attracts many followers of the ideological inspirer of the proletariat to Highgate Cemetery.


The largest cemetery in Moscow is the famous Khovanskoye. It has been operating since 1972, covers an area of ​​almost 200 hectares, has 3 sectors: Central, Northern and Western. Many scientists, outstanding poets and musicians, public figures of the USSR and Russia rest on Khovansky. The construction of the Temple named after the Holy Prophet the Forerunner and the Baptist John is in the completion stage. The Chapel of the Icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir, built by the parishioners, is already in operation; ceremonies and services are held in it. Since 1997, a special area has been allocated in the Western wing of the cemetery, where burials of Muslims are carried out, and a washing basin operates. The cemetery is surrounded by greenery, rich in original flower arrangements.

In the city of Najaf, located in the southern part of Iraq, 160 kilometers from Baghdad, there is the largest and oldest Muslim cemetery in the world - Wadi as-Salam (Valley of Peace), where Muslims have been continuously buried for more than 1400 years. The area of ​​the cemetery itself is more than 600 hectares.

Many prophets, scientists and rulers are buried here. The tombs of Prophet Adam (AS) and Prophet Nuh (AS) are also located in Najaf. In addition, the mausoleum of the fourth righteous caliph of the Muslim world, Imam Ali (RA), is located here.

In the Valley of Peace, in addition to scientists, religious and political figures, there are graves of ordinary Muslims from Afghanistan, India, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Pakistan and other countries.

At the moment, more than five million Muslims from all over the world have found peace in Wadi as-Salam. Burials are located close to each other, so that one person accounts for about one square meter. Despite the density of burials, there are still roads, narrow passages between the graves, and in some places you can even find fences.

Gravestones are mainly made of burnt bricks or gypsum. There are both modest and large family burials, which are decorated with domes, they are usually visible from afar. Such burials are more typical for graves belonging to the 30-40s of the 20th century.

In mid-2010, the Valley of Peace was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. And in 2012, the city of Najaf was chosen as the capital of Islamic culture by ISESCO. Recall that every year three cities from Africa, Asia and the Middle East are selected as capitals of Islamic culture. The nomination recognizes the contemporary and historical importance of cities in the field of culture, architecture and art, as well as their contribution to Islam.

13 Unique and Fascinating Cemeteries in Europe

While cemeteries are always associated with death, grief, and sadness, they can also be fascinating places to visit with their strange serenity, striking architecture, or well-kept parklands.

From whimsical ancient necropolises to architecturally stunning contemplative sites and true open-air museums, these eerily beautiful and utterly unique cemeteries in Europe are worth the trip alone.

Skogskyrkogården Woodland Cemetery, Stockholm, Sweden

Designed by Swedish architects Gunnar Asplund and Sigurd Leverenz, the Skogskirkogården Cemetery in Stockholm is considered a masterpiece of Scandinavian classicism and an outstanding example of how nature and architecture can exist in perfect harmony.

More than just a burial site, this UNESCO-protected park is shrouded in peace and tranquility, a place for walking, contemplation and bird watching. Guided tours are available during the summer months.

Tucked away in a small Romanian village, the Merry Cemetery (Cimitirul Vesel) is definitely one of a kind. The bright blue wooden crosses of the cemetery are personified with cheerful pictures and darkly humorous epitaphs about the life of the deceased.

The site is located in the village of Sapanta, Maramures (about 600 km from Bucharest) and is considered a monument of folk art of inestimable value.

The Old Jewish Cemetery in Josefov, founded in the 15th century, is one of the most unique and exciting sights in Prague. About 12,000 dilapidated tombstones from various periods are crowded into this compact piece of land, but over 100,000 Jews are said to be buried here. This gives the cemetery, which is the oldest surviving Jewish cemetery in Europe, a mysterious, mournful feeling.

The site is run by the Jewish Museum and it also includes a tour of the museum and visits to various synagogues.

Tucked away in the Caucasus Mountains of North Ossetia, Dargavs - also known as the "City of the Dead" - is shrouded in myths and mysteries. The City of the Dead is an ancient necropolis that impresses with its grandeur. The medieval necropolis is located in the valley of the Midagrabindon River, not far from the Ossetian settlement of Dargavs. It is known that the tradition of burial of ancestors in above-ground tombs is associated with the ancient beliefs of the Ossetians.

With its shaded winding paths winding through tombs, crypts and mausoleums, Highgate Cemetery is undoubtedly one of London's most beautiful and elegant cemeteries. The Victorian Cemetery, opened in 1839, is both a nature reserve and a Grade I Historic Landmark, noted for its fine funerary architecture and famous people buried here. Among them are Karl Marx, Douglas Adams, George Eliot, scientist Michael Faraday and the family of Charles Dickens.

Highgate Cemetery is divided into two parts. While visitors are free to wander (for a small fee) through the East Cemetery, the western section, where the most remarkable architectural features are located, can only be visited through guided tours.

Newgrange (New Grange, Shi-an-Vru), Ireland

Since 3200 BC, Newgrange is no ordinary burial ground. Older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids, this interesting Neolithic burial ground in the ancient east of Ireland coincides with the Winter Solstice and consists of a huge kidney-shaped mound surrounded by friezes engraved with Megalithic art. Inside, a 19-meter passage leads to a chamber with three niches and a stepped roof.

Although human cremated remains were discovered at the site during excavations, it is believed that the original purpose was much more complex, including not only the burial of the dead, but also special rituals and ceremonies.

The place is open to the public all year round, but access to the chamber around the solstice, when the rising sun illuminates the room, revealing the carvings inside, is reserved for only a lucky few.

The cemetery, located in London, is also the burial place of 15,000 people, most of whom are prostitutes and other social outcasts.

Located at Redcross Crossing in Southwark, the abandoned medieval burial site is now a memorial garden and pilgrimage site of deep spiritual significance, hosting monthly worship services as well as various artistic events.

The sad history of Cross Bones Cemetery is indelibly linked to the history of London's first red-light district and the Winchester Geese (women licensed by the church to work in local brothels), offering visitors a unique cultural experience.

With so many famous people buried inside, it's no wonder Père Lachaise is the most visited cemetery in the world. More than a sculpture garden than a burial site, this Parisian landmark showcases many styles of funerary art, featuring everything from ancient mausoleums and ornate Gothic graves to Art Deco monuments and even Egyptian pyramids.

Pere Lachaise Cemetery is also the largest park in Paris, and walking through its shady cobbled streets is like walking through history, as every tomb, crypt, and piece of stone has a story to tell. Molière, Modigliani, Balzac, Oscar Wilde, Edith Piaf, and rock star Jim Morrison are buried here.

Norman American Cemetery and Memorial, France

You'd be hard-pressed to find a quieter European cemetery than the elegant Normandy American Cemetery at Colleville-sur-Mer. This 70-hectare memorial park impresses with green manicured lawns overlooking Omaha Beach and perfectly even snow-white marble crosses and Stars of David. It contains the remains of 9,387 American soldiers who died in the D-Day landings, as well as an imposing colonnaded memorial built around a 7-meter statue called "The Spirit of American Youth Rising from the Waves."

Designed by Italian architect Andrea Dragoni, the extension of the historic Gubbio Necropolis in Umbria is a fine example of modern cemetery architecture. Inspired by the linear layout of the surrounding city, the project embodies the vision of an abstract urban settlement with its own greed of interior streets, well-defined cubic blocks clad in travertine, and large courtyards framing sky views - the so-called "Squares of Silence" that double as art galleries. and places for reflection.

Designed by architect Bernardo Bader, the striking, award-winning Islamic Cemetery in Vorarlberg pays homage to the "first garden" and encompasses 5 finger-shaped cemeteries, prayer rooms, and various areas reserved for Muslim burial rituals.

The red painted concrete complex combines local design with materials reminiscent of Islamic religious architecture. One of the most visually arresting signs is the qibla wall facing Mecca, which is covered in superb oak trellis. No less interesting are the gradient colored handmade prayer rugs in Sarajevo.

Of all the ancient ruins in Myra, these rock-cut tombs are perhaps the most spectacular. Dating back to the 4th century BC, the necropolis, divided into two burials, gives an idea of ​​the ancient culture of the Lycians, their customs and beliefs. Face carved into the rock, these magnificent tombs are artistically designed to resemble houses or temples, and most are decorated with reliefs depicting mythological scenes or passages from the life of the deceased.

A magnificent island cemetery in the Venetian lagoon, San Michele is surrounded by orange brick ramparts and categorized. The place itself looks like a collection of tranquil, beautiful gardens with cypress trees, fresh flowers, and a variety of graves adorned with photographs.

The largest and best landscaped area is devoted to Catholics, but there are also sections dedicated to Protestants, Orthodox Greeks, foreigners, and even gondoliers. Consequently, the variety of monuments is astonishing, from beautifully decorated sculptures to modern minimalist tombstones and magnificent mausoleums.

The island is also home to an ornate chapel and San Michele in Isola, a fine 15th century white marble church dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel. Cimitero San Michele can be reached by vaporetto (shuttle boat) from the Fondamenta Nuove platform in Venice.

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The Northern Cemetery of Rostov-on-Don is one of the largest cemeteries in Europe and in the European part of Russia. It ranks second after the South St. Petersburg cemetery. The area of ​​the necropolis is about 400 hectares. It is divided into 225 sections, each of which contains from 1000 to 3000 grave burials. Every year the cemetery is enlarged by about 9000 graves.

In recent years, the problem of the lack of free places for new burials has become acute. From time to time, the city leadership raises the issue of closing the Northern cemetery for burials, but the opening of a new one in the city has not yet been prepared, and burials continue here. Currently, the Northern Cemetery is the only public cemetery in Rostov-on-Don, where burials with a coffin and ashes are buried in urns.


The northern cemetery of Rostov-on-Don was opened in 1972. About 500 thousand people are buried here. On the territory there is a temple, a cemetery administration building, outbuildings, ritual firms that are engaged in all types of funeral services. A fixed-route taxi runs around the territory.

The territory of the cemetery is very well-groomed, with a well-developed infrastructure. There is a rental office for equipment for caring for the burial site, a flower market, and a fixed-route taxi arrives at the cemetery. The territory is under round-the-clock video surveillance.

From the east of the cemetery there are the lands of the state farm "Temernitsky", from the north - a new residential microdistrict "Suvorovsky", in the southeastern part there is an Auchan store, in the southwestern part - a pet cemetery.

The most prestigious sites in the cemetery are near the entrance, where the burials of famous people and the most valuable tombstones are located.

The administration of the necropolis has a computerized database that allows you to search for burials and provides data on their location.

Crematorium at the Northern Cemetery of Rostov-on-Don

On the territory of the churchyard in 2001, a crematorium was built and opened and a site for urn burial was equipped. But most relatives prefer to bury the remains of deceased loved ones in the traditional way, using a coffin.


On the territory of the Northern Cemetery of Rostov-on-Don, there is the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, next to which are the burial places of church workers and clergymen, they form an independent necropolis.

Burials of famous people in the cemetery of the city of Rostov-on-Don

From the entrance to the cemetery stretches the Alley of Heroes, here are the burial places of the military and honored residents of Rostov. The Monument to the participants of the Great Patriotic War, erected in 2010, is also located here.

Well-known public, scientific, cultural figures of the city and the country found eternal rest at the city cemetery. Not far from the entrance is the grave of V.V. Nikolaev, the famous Rostov athlete, Olympic champion, wrestler. On the main alley is the grave of Savin E.S., a well-known Rostov scientist and civil engineer of the Rostov Civil Engineering Institute. Here is the grave of the famous Rostov journalist and poet Krymsky Yu.P., his grave monument looks like a real pen, and is a romantic image of poetry.

Burials of famous figures of Rostov and Russia:

  • Graves of artists and architects: Slepchenko V.R., Russian artist; Ganus I.V., architect, author of architectural projects for a number of churches in Rostov.
  • The grave of the poetess - Alushkina N.B.
  • Graves of musicians: Dizhechko G.Yu., Russian rock musician, group "Matrosskaya Tishina"; Andrianov V.V., Russian singer, soloist of the VIA "Leisya, song"; Nazaretov K.A., jazz musician and pianist.
  • Graves of famous Russian actors: Ozhigova T. A., theater actress, People's Artist of the Soviet Union; Bushnov M.I., Soviet and Russian film and theater actor, People's Artist of the Soviet Union.
  • The graves of athletes: Shatvoryan G.I., Soviet wrestler, world champion in Greco-Roman wrestling; Nikolaev V.V., wrestler, Olympic champion.
  • The grave of a military man - Pechersky A.A., an officer of the Red Army, the leader of a successful uprising in a concentration camp in the Second World War.
  • The grave of a scientist - Vorovich II, academician, mathematician.

Cemetery address

In the area where the Northern Cemetery of Rostov-on-Don is located, shuttle bus No. 77 and bus No. 33, Orbitalnaya stop, run. From there, walk about a kilometer.

Address of the Northern Cemetery of Rostov-on-Don: Rostov-on-Don, Orbitalnaya street, 1a.

Working hours: from 8:00 to 17:00 (winter period), from 8:00 to 20:00 (summer period).

North Cemetery Rostov-on-Don: prices

Every resident is guaranteed burial services by law of the Russian Federation. Information with the approved cost of funeral services has been published on the website of the city administration of the city. Two lists of prices are indicated: one is for those who are buried by relatives or relatives, and the second is for those who are buried by the state.

For example, these prices are:

The coffin - 2058 rubles (for the second category of citizens it will cost the state 1730 rubles).

Delivery of the coffin to the cemetery - 950 rubles.

Digging a grave pit -1300 rubles.

Cremation - 2250 rubles.

Data on the cost of services are given as of 2016.

According to the cemetery administration, in the future, the cost of burials will only grow, this is due to the rise in prices in the ritual business, therefore, the cost of services will also increase.

Due to the fact that there was practically no free land left for new burials on the territory of the Northern Cemetery, a new place for the cemetery was determined. The administration of Rostov-on-Don purchased a new plot of land for the city cemetery, located 12 km from the city.

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