Where to start self-education. Where to start self-education: effective practical advice, training plan



Fiction is the basis of any education. It helps to develop imagination, learn how to use stylistic devices correctly and write correctly. On the Internet you can find a lot of lists of books that, according to their authors, you need to have time to read in a lifetime or up to a certain age. In fact, not all of these books need to be read. Look at their description, diverse reviews and decide what will really interest you.

Classical Russian literature is considered great throughout the world, so it should not be neglected. Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Chekhov - the works of these authors are studied in school years, but they wrote much more than what is included in the curriculum.

Don't forget about world classics. "Jane Eyre" by S. Bronte, "Wuthering Heights" by E. Bronte, "Vanity Fair" by W. Thackeray, "Les Misérables" by V. Hugo, "Red" by F. Stendhal - beautiful, exciting works that make you experience everything with their heroes current events. The works of E.-M. Remarque, A. Hailey and F. S. Fitzgerald will introduce you to the 20th century in its various manifestations. And written at the beginning of the twentieth century by D. London "Martin Eden" will show what heights self-education can help to achieve.

Sometimes your reading circle can be diluted with modern literature. These days there are worthwhile works, but you need to look for them wisely, and not take on the first bestseller that comes into your hands. Popularity is not always a sign of quality. "Extremely Close & Incredibly Loud" by J. Foer, "Just Together" by A. Gavalda are easy to read books with meaning, you can start with them.

Read works in foreign languages. There are series of books where the original text goes along with the translation - so you can understand how certain sentences are translated. It is more effective for learning a foreign language on your own, but many problems can arise here. So it is better to start with parallel texts, or read the book in the original with someone who can definitely help you with the correct translation. Read your favorite work first, it will be easier to understand.

Read the Bible. An educated person should familiarize himself with it, even if he is an unbeliever. As with other religious texts: the Koran, the Vedas. This will help to better understand religion, to judge it, without tearing words and events out of context. Without knowledge, it is impossible to draw up a clear position on the issue, and even more so to criticize something.

History and historical works are important for understanding the course of events and the relationship between them. On the other hand, they are monuments to great people and simply interesting literary works. Read the biographies of your favorite writers and public figures, or their memoirs - they convey the spirit of their time well. Through E.-M. Remarque and A.I. Solzhenitsyn, you can get acquainted with the world wars of the 20th century - not so much with the course of events, but with human feelings and experiences.

Psychology, sociology, philosophy, social psychology - you can read manuals on these topics, and if something arouses more interest, delve into more serious literature. These four sciences will help you understand yourself and those around you, find out what processes are taking place in society and what principles relationships between people are built on. D. Myers "Social Psychology" is a good and interesting textbook for getting to know the human inner world. The study of philosophy should begin with the works of Greek thinkers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.

Helpful advice

Read about what interests you. Books on needlework, science, technology. You may need someone to explain the basics - feel free to ask for help. Clarify everything that you do not understand, in the future everything will fall into place and you will gain a lot of invaluable knowledge.

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Due to lack of time, desire or finances, many people do not attend educational institutions. They make their own curriculum. Thoughtful plan self-education like a good house plan. Such plan Guaranteed to lead to the goal without loss of time.


Define a measurable end goal and intermediate goals. This is necessary, self-education will seem something vague, indefinite. Take as an example getting a certain . Their final measurable goal is a diploma, and their intermediate goals are hours worked in practice, grades. You must also measure the end goal and all intermediate results with something.

Set a deadline for reaching your goal. Do this for intermediate targets as well. Of course, self-education should not stop all life. Consider this step as an opportunity to climb one of the mountains self-education. There will be many such peaks in life, but now you need to conquer something specific, without stretching this process for an indefinite period.

Make a calendar plan. This plan until it is tied to the volume of the studied material. You simply plan how much time you have each day for self-study. Schedule the entire period assigned in the 2nd step by day. Behind plan take holidays if necessary. So you can determine the total number of study hours, taking into account the nuances of everyday life.

5. Gustave Flaubert "Madame Bovary" - the author worked on the work for a long time, as a result, all the characters are written with special care, and the image of the main, far from positive character, clearly shows how immoderation of desires and immorality acts destructively.

It is believed that the heroine of the novel, Emma Bovary, has a real prototype - Delphine Delamare, a friend of the writer's mother, whose story is almost identical to that described by Flaubert. However, the author has repeatedly argued that this is not the case.

Foreign literature of the twentieth century

1. Erich Maria Remarque "Three Comrades" - the book turned out to be very close to the reader. This is a work about the most ordinary people living in the difficult post-war period of devastation and unemployment, who, having gone through wars, have not forgotten how to rejoice, love and help each other, even to the detriment of themselves.

2. J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" is a story told from the perspective of an ordinary teenager, which has become a symbol of nonconformism and purity for a whole generation. A simple and honest book about the problems of a small person in the adult world.

3. George Orwell "1984" is one of the most famous dystopian works. Society is depicted as a subdued system, permeated with fear and hatred, everything is under control and constant surveillance. But there is always at least one person who decides to challenge the established system ...

Many features of a totalitarian society were borrowed from the example of Nazi Germany, as well as from the realities of the Soviet Union during the Stalinist dictatorship.

4. Ken Kesey "Over the Cuckoo's Nest" - the author, which caused a lot of noise and became one of the cult among beatniks and hippies. The line between sanity and insanity is clearly depicted, and the storytelling style is blunt and at times rough. The book is about the struggle for the ability to think and be yourself.

5. John Fowles "Magician" - a bizarre combination of realism, intrigue that persists to the end. In the novel, on a lost island in Greece, a mysterious "doctor" performs cruel psychological experiments on people, exposing them to various strong emotions. The erotic scenes described by the author are considered to be one of the best depictions of carnal love in the second half of the 20th century.

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The ancient word "Veda" means "knowledge". The sages compiled Vedic books that described the ways to achieve self-sufficiency, universality and perfection, but until recently they were absent from material media. Today, everyone can get access to the Vedas - but how to handle the Vedas in order to draw age-old wisdom from them?

Reading the Vedas

Today, to obtain sacred knowledge, it is not at all necessary to study a huge number of Vedic books. There are two main ones, in which the entire depth of the philosophy of the Vedas is collected - the Bhagavad Gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam. The Bhagavad Gita is the pearl of the Indian Vedic scriptures, which were written five thousand years ago by Vyasadeva, who reached perfect spiritual development. The second scripture, Srimad Bhagavatam, contains the most complete knowledge of the laws of the material universe.

The Srimad Bhagavatam consists of twelve songs, each written in verse form.

Starting to read the Vedas, a person turns to the source of such ancient wisdom that he may have a feeling that the Vedas are not attached to his nationality. This is an erroneous feeling, because the Vedas contain knowledge about the human soul, and not the place of his birth. Today, the Vedic books in their original form become available to the world, coming from the territory of India, therefore, only a person who is fluent in Sanskrit can read them in the original.

Rules for reading the Vedas. What are they talking about?

Information in the Vedas is recorded at several levels - in this regard, each reader will understand only the wisdom for which his mind is ready. If a person is not familiar with Sanskrit, he can learn the meanings of the runes and try to read the Slavic-Aryan Vedas or their deciphered version. However, if the level of evolutionary development of a person is rather low, he will not understand the deep information encrypted in the Vedic books - no matter what language they are written in.

The difficulty in writing the Vedas was due to the fact that the most important information should not fall into the hands of people unable to apply their wisdom in practice.

The Vedas should be read with full faith in what is written, since the human brain subconsciously perceives only information that it can believe in, or for which it is ready. The system of the Vedas is based on imagery - when reading them, voluminous thought forms and pictures arise in the head, therefore, in order to correctly read the Vedas, it is necessary to learn how to defocus the vision. This is similar to the way psychics look at the human aura - however, serious and persistent training is needed to fully master it. As a result, a person can read "between the lines", penetrating deeply into the meaning of Vedic literature and its philosophical messages.

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Red and Black is a classic novel by the French writer Henri Marie Bayle, better known by his pseudonym Stendhal. The book became one of the first and most striking examples of the psychological novel.

Red or black: how Julien Sorel became himself

The protagonist of the novel is a young man from a poor family named Julien Sorel. Clever by nature, and not devoid of talent, the young man suffocates within the framework of his bourgeois family. The time has come for post-Napoleonic France - the time of restoration and "sluggishness" in all sectors of the life of the then society. Julien dreams of fame, of a high position in the world, but for a person from a simple family, the road there is closed. Fifteen years ago, a young man could become a colonel at thirty, and a marshal at forty. Today, this requires a title of nobility, connections and money.

The only and shortest way to the top is climbing the stairs of the church hierarchy, which Julien chooses. Here he is successful: he is a student, he can memorize the Holy Scripture, and it is obvious to those around him that in the future he can easily count on the red robe of a bishop or even a cardinal. However, Sorel's heart does not like this path, and he still dreams of another field for the application of his talents. Therefore, he does not hesitate to use the very first loophole that allows him to turn off this path.

The novel was based on a real case from judicial practice: the case of a blacksmith who shot at his mistress.

Monsieur D "Renal is a rustic aristocrat, in whose house Julien teaches scripture and Latin. He thus entered the aristocratic world, but is not part of it. He is a stranger at this ball, which D himself unambiguously and quite often points out to him" Renal. Julien cannot endure such an attitude, and he “beats” the arrogant aristocrat in the weakest place - his young wife. What was first conceived as, develops into a sincere mutual feeling, and he achieves her love. This, of course, cannot end well, and the young man leaves the Renal home with a scandal, leaving to enter the seminary of the city of Besançon.

Julien and Matilda

Once again, he found himself where he wanted to escape. The red officer's uniform, and not at all the black cassock of the priest, sees Sorel on himself. Very soon, he again makes an escape, and in the same way. This time, the young Matilda de La Mole becomes the object of his attention, only this time Julien knew exactly what he needed from the owner of the coveted title. The young girl fell in love with him without memory.

The old marquis, Matilda's father, shocked that his daughter is in love with a commoner, honestly tries to rectify the situation and avoid scandal. Publicity is a shame for him, his daughter's feelings are sacred, so he decides to play a win-win game: to get Julien Sorel the title. But before that, a simple formality: a few words about the young man's past.

The name "Red and Black" has remained a mystery to literary critics. Stendhal did not leave even brief notes that reveal this riddle.

Julien triumphs - he is one step away from fulfilling his dream. But she is not destined to come true - the past overtakes him at the most inopportune moment. A brief summary of recent events in a letter from Madame Renal puts an end to Sorel's plans. She is not only offended by Julien's intention to marry another, but also sees the true goals of the young careerist. However, she could not imagine how far he could go, seeing the collapse of his hopes, and to what tragedy this would lead all the heroes of this story. Julien's dreams were shattered overnight. They were destroyed by the only woman he loved. A pistol shot will put an end to history, after which Sorel will lose his head, and Renal will miraculously survive. However, the tragedy will not end there, and by the will of Stendhal, she will also die three days after the death of her lover.


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Tip 7: 10 great books to read for an educated person

There is one book in the world, after reading which you can live completely calmly with the confidence that you have read everything written after it: there are so many storylines, philosophical thoughts, scary and love stories in it. This book is the Bible. The plots given in it are truly inexhaustible, since they still feed the imagination of many writers, artists, directors. But, meanwhile, an educated person should certainly read at least 10 books in his life. If the education is not humanitarian, but, for example, is related to management or marketing, then this amount may be quite enough.

The book of Ecclesiastes is one of the most quoted books in the world, created by an unknown author, so an educated person, in order not to get into trouble, should definitely read it. Being the Old Testament part of the Bible, this book is not only the progenitor of philosophy as a science, but the foundations of psychotherapy, since everything in this world has already been before us and will be after us, everything is vanity of vanities, which means you need to love yourself, the world and enjoy everything that given. Many of the thoughts embodied in this book have found their reflection and continuation of subsequent centuries. Below are just some of them.

Time to be born and time to die...

Ernst Theodor Hoffmann "Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober" - without this fairy tale, a modern person cannot consider himself truly politically educated, since Hoffmann managed to create a super-image of a real politician-dictator for centuries.

Nikolai Gogol "The Overcoat" - it would be nice to read this book, if only in order to know where it came from: "we all came out of Gogol's "Overcoat". This book is about dreams. A dream so small and insignificant, how small and insignificant was the person who dreamed. But the grief of this man after his parting with the achieved dream gave rise to despair, which became the greatest symbol of many, many losses. Few writers have been able to embody in literature the disproportion between dreams and grief, life and.

Fyodor Dostoevsky " Crime"- this text simply needs to be overcome, if only in order not to lose face in a conversation with foreigners. Pretty much every one of them (at least college graduates) knows this book because it's part of the required curriculum. The ratio of good and evil in the world, the possibility of permissiveness and inevitability and the primacy of God's or human punishment, responsibility for deeds, socialist views and philosophical questions - there are really a lot of different layers in this book. But, and beyond that, it's just a very good detective story.

A time to love and a time to hate

Charles de Coster, The Legend of Ulenspiegel. To understand the cheerful spirit of a real free person - a person for whom the words "homeland", "country" and "state" are definitely not the same thing, and faith in freedom, as the greatest gift of God, is always primary, in order to understand what a real anarchist spirit, every modern educated person needs to read this book.

Lewis Carroll Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The origins of absurdist literature and one of the most popular literary genres today - fantasy - were born by Sir Lewis Carroll in this book. "The Adventures of Alice" has become a kind of Ecclesiastes of the twentieth, and now the twenty-first century, since this wonderful tale revives almost the same questions and answers as in the biblical book, but they are posed by the author on behalf of a little girl who personifies youth of all mankind.

Ivan Bunin "Dark Alleys" is the greatest literary collection, consisting of novels and stories only and exclusively about love, written so stylistically flawlessly that it is considered a standard. And you need to know the standards. The love languor of heroes of different ages, gender and positions, their meetings and partings, make this book truly the greatest love encyclopedia.

Time for war and time for peace

Franz Kafka "The Process". This book shows the absurdity of a world in which the pursuit of an irreversible state machine-system can last as long as life: from birth to death. The guilt of the hero is unknown, but he is guilty by definition, and therefore will be subjected to an endless trial. A lawsuit turns an ordinary bank clerk into a sexy hero, and the heroes never die of old age. They die beautifully - from a knife in the heart.

Evgeny Schwartz "Dragon". One of the greatest playwrights and explorers of human characters of the twentieth century, Yevgeny Schwartz, wrote his play knowing exactly the prototypes of all his characters. This play creates surprisingly vivid portraits of ordinary dictators and redneck chauvinists, nationalists and low-key townsfolk who do not want any changes and can gladly destroy any hero who comes to save them from the clutches of the cruel Dragon.

Umberto Eco "The Name of the Rose" is a historical detective story, a philosophical novel about literature, politics, art. The book immediately became a classic of the twentieth century, the apotheosis of the postmodern view of life: the search for comedy in tragedy.


Surely, not a single student, after graduating from school, could not master the entire school curriculum in terms of reading for the summer and beyond. It is simply impossible physically, especially when there are so many other hobbies and little worries. Nevertheless, school assignments for the summer for reading books somehow stimulate the development of the student. Classical works, regardless of whether they are asked at school or not, are the base, a kind of foundation that is essential for building a literate personality. It is clear that not a single schoolboy in his right mind will sit down to read Dostoevsky or Bulgakov himself. If there are such, then - units. Usually such classics meaningfully come much later. And yet, it is necessary. Let the child not be able to understand the whole meaning of the work, but at least he will have an idea about it. You can dilute this reading with a discussion with parents, reasoning on these topics, and so on. The problems raised in classical works, oddly enough, are relevant to this day. Perhaps the child will even find in them the answers to the questions that concern him at the moment.


At fifteen, you don’t want to read something boring and tedious, give modern teenagers action and adventurous, adventure stories. Fortunately, the literary heritage provided everything necessary. For example, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain, "The Hobbit" by Tolkien, "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe, "Treasure Island" by Robert Stevenson, "Children of Captain Grant" and in general all the books of Jules Verne, Mine Reed and his "Headless Horseman" , The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas and many others.

Fairy tales

Despite the fact that the child is already fifteen, it is still a child. And he still believes or wants to believe in fairy tales. In addition, everything is easy, calm and kind in them. Modern authors also have excellent fairy tales, for example, little-known Harry Potter. Let the children read it first, and then look at it. There is a kind of classic in the fairy-tale genre. "Pippi the Long", "The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof", "The Little Prince", "Mowgli" - all these books are read by generations of children.


More than fairy tales, children love only fantasy. There are individuals who only recognize her as an object of reading. "The Adventures of Electronics", "The Amphibian Man", "The Chronicles of Narnia", "Howl's Moving Castle", "The Lord of the Rings", "The Girl from Earth", "The Lost World" - this list included both modern and Soviet authors, and also foreign writers.

Self-education is the process of acquiring new knowledge without the participation of a teacher, teacher or coach. This form of development of the intellectual potential of a person can become an alternative or a significant addition to the traditional learning process.

To start the process of self-education and self-development, try to clearly set goals: what you want to do and what result you are striving for.

Make to-do lists

If you feel a certain stagnation and lack of intellectual development, start making lists of specific tasks. This will help you keep track of what you want to do and help you plan your time better. Write down the titles of the books you want to read and set deadlines. After reading the book, it would be good to watch a movie based on it in order to look at the plot from a different point of view and expand your knowledge on the subject.

Add new communication

Live communication is an indispensable source of new knowledge and interesting views that differ from your own. Being open to meeting new people never hurts. In social networks, you can freely communicate with people from all over the globe - this is a unique opportunity not only to enrich yourself culturally, but also to improve your knowledge of foreign languages. Live communication gives a person not only knowledge, but also certain skills, increases his emotional intelligence, develops the ability to be a good interlocutor, overcome conflicts and respect the position of another person. A private school can help in obtaining in-depth knowledge.

Self-education is also possible with the help of online courses, seminars, webinars, trainings and training programs on the Internet. Here you can freely choose the field you are interested in studying and methods of obtaining information. After all, new knowledge and ideas do not immediately get into books and other printed publications, but even more so into the curriculum of educational institutions. If you want to study a certain industry on your own, you can create an individual program: choose information, approaches and methods that are interesting and convenient for you, compile a list of relevant literature and monitor the implementation of this program.

Finding time is easy

Finding time for self-education is much easier than attending an educational institution. When you ride the subway or other public transport, it is convenient to read and watch videos, and when you go for a run or walk to work, listen to audiobooks and podcasts. Moreover, you save not only time, but also money - with self-study, you do not need to pay for the services of teachers, and most of the resources are available completely free of charge.

Self-education is a great way to stay in shape, improve your professional level and just be a more interesting conversationalist. Therefore, many people seriously think about where to start self-education. Alas, the lack of willpower, together with the accumulated mistakes, leads to the fact that time is wasted, a person who until recently was full of enthusiasm gets upset and gives up a very useful start. How to avoid such mistakes?

We set ourselves a goal

First you need to decide on a goal. No one starts self-education just like that. It would hardly occur to anyone to simply study the structural features of the ganglion in large ants or the declension of irregular verbs in the Irish language. Most people are looking for an answer to the question: "Where to start self-education?", at the moment when they realize that they need to know more in a particular area.

That is why it is very important to set a goal for yourself, reaching which you can be proud of yourself. The goal can be very different: one just needs to become a more interesting person with a broad outlook. And another urgently needs to learn a foreign language or the basics of jurisprudence in order to be able to take a vacant place in the company by the end of the year.

However, not always a person engaged in self-education strives for such complex and lofty goals. Often, everything is much simpler, for example, learning to repair a car, mountain bike or computer yourself. Or maybe learn the basics of culinary business.

In any case, you need a goal to have something to focus on. It should be assigned depending on what you want to achieve. Become a versatile person? Find the top 100 best world books and read by the end of the year (at least the next) all those that have not yet been read. Do you want to learn a foreign language? Decide at what point you should be fluent in it, and at what point you should communicate with other people. Have you ever dreamed of learning how to cook? So, before the end of the month, prepare ten new dishes, and before the end of the year, master a whole hundred.

The goal does not have to be global, it can be small, the main thing is that it be achievable. After all, the achievement will raise your self-esteem, will allow you to believe in yourself.

We create a plan

Many people are interested in where to start self-education. The plan, or rather its drawing up, is the most important stage, the foundation, without which all thoughts will simply collapse and will not be realized.

Of course, the top of your plan should be the goal chosen before you start self-education. But its achievement is a very complex and long process. It is impossible to get to the very top of the mountain like that right away. It is necessary to make halts, and it is advisable to assign their places yourself.

Do you want to know the device of a car engine? In one week, study the device of the carburetor. On the next - pay attention to the gearbox and so on. As a result, in a few weeks you will be able to talk with your eyes closed about how the engine works, how it works.

It's the same with languages. For example, every day you have to learn 5 new words, and once a week - a new rule. Such a load seems (and is) very small. But imagine what will happen in a year: knowing almost 2 thousand new words and 50 rules, you can already easily communicate with an ordinary native speaker of this language, even if not on professional topics.

The same principle applies if you are wondering how to start self-education as a lawyer. Make it a rule to study ten articles a day. Not necessarily verbatim, the main thing is to remember their number and meaning.

And most importantly, the schedule is compiled for your convenience. But you can’t get out of it, because it is self-discipline that is the only way to benefit from self-education. Any procrastination, statements like “today I won’t do it, but tomorrow I’ll make a double norm”, although justified in some cases, most often it is simply the beginning of the end. Well, having abandoned self-education halfway, you should not hope that it will be beneficial.

We are looking for like-minded people

Some experts will answer the question: “Where to start self-education?” in a rather original way: by looking for like-minded people. They don't have to be physically close. Dating on the Internet (today there are many specialized forums) will also help. And this applies to any person. It does not matter what the purpose of self-education is - the formation of the beginnings of an ecological culture of preschoolers or the training in virtuoso woodcarving.

Without like-minded people, learning new things is much more difficult. After all, most people would rather laugh at your attempts to become better, they themselves probably never made such attempts and never will. But the person with whom you can talk on a new general topic will always support you.

If you started learning new things at the same time, there is also a competitive effect: everyone wants to get around a friend, to show that he is better at coping with the task.

Finally, a very effective technique: to promise a like-minded person "not to leave the track." You can always justify yourself in front of yourself why you didn’t cook a new dish or didn’t learn the words as planned. And deceiving another person, you will always feel uncomfortable. So, try not to let that happen.

Choose the time

If we continue the topic "How to start self-education for a person", then in no case can we ignore the choice of the optimal time. You should not hope that you will read the necessary literature or listen to lectures when there is time. This is a failed path. There will never be time, you can believe. There will always be something urgent and extremely important to do.

Therefore, decide that every day (or just on weekdays) you will read or listen to selected books while jogging, driving to or from work, one hour before bed. It is very important not to get out of this schedule. Over time, there will definitely be a desire to postpone the case or give yourself a little indulgence. Follow your laziness - you can immediately quit self-education, which means that this is not for you.


The advantages that self-education gives a person are quite obvious. But let's talk about them briefly.

Firstly, you get the opportunity not to adapt to anyone. You are engaged in self-education when you have time, and not the teacher and a group of students.

Secondly, you can always correct the course, ignoring those areas that you are not very interested in or are already familiar with. This saves a lot of time.

Third, you set your own pace. In a group, the teacher adjusts to the average or even the weakest student. But you're not like that, are you? So, it is your time that will be used irrationally. If you are self-taught, you can slow down on a topic that is difficult for you and, conversely, speed up by studying several topics if everything comes unusually quickly.

We use the Internet

Telling how to start self-education for an adult, one cannot fail to mention the Internet. After all, this is not just a bunch of social networks and sites with interesting facts or photos of cats. This is a boundless treasury of knowledge, where all the wisdom of mankind is collected. The main thing is to find it.

Choose the books you need. Many of them can be downloaded from free sites or bought for a symbolic cost of several tens of rubles. It is much easier than looking for highly specialized literature in a small town, paying hundreds or even thousands of rubles.

Don't ignore webinars. Either for free or for a few hundred rubles, you get the opportunity to communicate with experts in a field that interests you, ask them questions, and get comprehensive answers.

Don't forget to repeat

Repetition is the mother of learning. Everyone remembers this, but only those who achieve success apply it in practice. On the first reading, most people remember about half of the material, and the lion's share of this information will soon be forgotten. If, after some time, you re-read the material that is interesting to you, then up to 90-95% of the information will be assimilated, and the risk of forgetting something will drop sharply.

Make a suitable schedule. For example, 20-25% of the time allocated for self-education should be devoted to repeating the material covered. It may seem to someone that it is foolish to spend so much precious time during which you can learn additional important information. But remember, you are working for yourself. This means that all important material should be remembered, and not read and immediately forgotten. There will be no exam after which useless knowledge can be forgotten. You yourself compose the program and know that all the data you read (listened to or viewed) should be assimilated, if not forever, then for many years.

Learn to speed read

If you are wondering where you can start self-education, then first of all get this invaluable skill. Today there are a large number of really working methods. Yes, to learn to read an entire page in seconds, you have to spend several weeks or months. But as a result, you will save much more time by literally swallowing books, rather than reading them line by line.


Now you know where to start self-education, so you can surely achieve your goal. Well, the above tips will make learning even more effective, as well as avoid the most common mistakes.

The modern rhythm of human life does not always allow to fully attend the university for additional education, take courses and lengthy trainings. Despite this trend, the need for continuous development and advanced training does not disappear, but only increases: every employer needs professionals. Deftly get out of a difficult situation is real. This can be done through the appropriate educational sites. All you need is a desire for self-improvement and a couple of hours of free time every day.

In addition to the well-known ways of learning on youtube, there are a lot of other useful and exciting programs, about which, unfortunately, there is little information. Let them not teach you how to scuba dive, but they will definitely increase the level of knowledge on a particular topic.

5 sites for those who are passionate about art

If your hobby, passion, profession is any branch of art, then the next top sites will definitely be to your liking. The disadvantage of some of them is the focus on the English-speaking audience. But there is also a certain plus hidden in this: there is a chance to improve the level of English. However, the sites are compiled and described clearly, and therefore it is easy to understand them.
  1. https://artchive.ru is a Russian-language platform for everyone who is fond of fine arts. A huge virtual art gallery is supplemented with interesting facts, information about artists, exhibitions and other thematic events. The site is useful for beginners and professional artists, collectors, art dealers and ordinary users.
  2. https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/beta/- all Google users have the opportunity to plunge into the world of art. The corporation has developed a special website that contains the most famous collections of artists that have left their mark on the history and development of the direction as a whole. You can see in detail not only paintings, but also museums that store masterpieces.
  3. https://www.drawspace.com - if studying theory and revisiting famous paintings is not enough for you, then it means it's time to start practicing. The DrawSpace website will help you try your hand at fine arts. You load the picture and repeat it according to the displayed instructions. Everything is simple and affordable.
  4. https://photo-monster.ru - taking beautiful photos, as everyone knows, is a whole art, the intricacies of which not every photographer knows. This Russian-language platform will help photographers solve many pressing problems, as well as share some tricks and subtleties.
  5. http://teoria.com - it is impossible to master the art of music without practice, as the creators of the site knew about. Here you can find both theoretical nuances and a lot of tutorials for working at home.

5 sites for general development

It is not difficult to increase your knowledge in any field, increase your vocabulary and acquire the status of a well-read person if you regularly visit one of the following platforms:
  1. https://postnauka.ru - simple, accessible and exciting. A site with posts on various topics, supplemented by author's content and unique information.
  2. https://www.lektorium.tv is a constantly growing portal with video files and lectures from leading experts and educational institutions. To gain knowledge, it is enough to enroll in the chosen program.
  3. https://4brain.ru/ - Russian-language courses, articles and lectures for self-improvement. If you spend your free time using this site, then it will not be useless.
  4. https://theoryandpractice.ru - you can find out previously unknown information here, starting from the main page. The materials are not tied to a specific topic, so the site is useful to all users.
  5. https://thequestion.ru/ is a platform for eternally curious people-why-why. Topical, problematic and noteworthy issues are discussed here.

5 websites to learn English

It is simply unacceptable not to try to improve your level of English now. Therefore, new ideas and ways of studying it appear quite often. Below are the most understandable and content-filled platforms. Just choose the most comfortable for you.

It's never too late to pick up your mind and learn something new, especially if you're organized enough to educate yourself. Where to start?

First steps towards self-education

Already at a conscious age, people often regret their dishonest attitude to studying at school or university. But there is always a chance to catch up or learn a new field of activity as an adult. One has only to stock up on patience, willpower and independently organize their own learning process.

The first step should be to draw up an action plan. In this list, it is necessary to indicate not only the goals set (whether it be an amateur level of playing the guitar or learning a foreign language), but also the timing of their implementation. The planned date for the completion of the task will once again motivate you to take action.

So, the to-do list is ready. And for their implementation, any available methods will be needed. This may be reading the necessary literature, watching a video on a topic, or visiting an interest group.

Never miss an opportunity to broaden your horizons. On the way to work or while walking your dog, you can listen to audiobooks or read educational websites instead of useless surfing the Internet.

Even with goals set, a person can acquire knowledge in other areas. An erudite person sees any problem or obstacle as an opportunity to learn something new. Want to cook Spanish food? Or keep up the conversation about Swedish cars? It is necessary not to be lazy and look for information on a topic of interest.

The received theoretical information needs to be put into practice. What's the point of knowing how to change a faucet if you never try to do it yourself? Therefore, all acquired knowledge must be applied in practice.

Communication with professionals will help to test skills in practice and acquire additional skills. New acquaintances often allow you to enrich yourself spiritually, physically, or establish the necessary connections.

It can become the key to new knowledge, contributing to the development of memory, associative thinking, the formation of links between already familiar and fresh material. This gives a chance to travel, communicate with representatives of a different culture and gain access to additional sources of information.

All the proposed methods help to independently organize the process of self-education to your taste.

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