Self-staging a wedding dance: tips and lessons on video. Setting up a waltz wedding dance on your own: video lesson Learning the first wedding dance


Every couple wants to make their holiday unforgettable not only for themselves, but also for dear guests. What surprise to present to relatives and friends at a wedding celebration? A beautifully staged dance of the young will do just fine.

Even though you both think you're great dancers, you still have to prepare for the wedding performance. Why?

  • A special atmosphere reigns at the wedding, so the style of the production should correspond to it. It is likely that you are far from familiar with all dance styles, so the recommendations of an experienced teacher will be very helpful.
  • The choreographer will offer movements, focusing directly on you: your preferences and skills.
  • Preliminary training in pairs will help you feel the rhythm of the music and the movements of your partner.
  • Having clearly rehearsed the movements, you can focus on the emotional side: give guests true emotions, evoke touching feelings.
  • Speaking at the festival itself, you will feel confident and will be able to shine in front of all those gathered.
  • A beautifully performed dance can be captured on video and remember wonderful moments.

When to start choreographing the first dance?

When choosing a time for preparation, you should proceed from your skills and abilities. If they are average enough, then you need to lay more time for training. When practicing under the guidance of a choreographer, it may be necessary to 3 to 8 rehearsals.

Ideal if you have about a month before the wedding. If you later remembered about your performance at a future celebration, you can use the time that is left. Even in a couple of days it is possible to learn simple movements.

Who to contact?

It is best to entrust the setting to a professional. It could be private choreographer, school or dance studio. Specialists will take into account your wishes, offer options and work out with you all the necessary movements and their sequence.

The main advantage of staging under the guidance of a teacher will be classes in a spacious room, which the school or studio will certainly provide. It is worth honing your skills in a fairly large hall, because at the very celebration the entire dance floor will be provided for the wedding dance.

Reference! There are wedding dance studios focused specifically on working with newlyweds.

What style to choose?

Traditionally, the first dance of the newlyweds is slow, therefore, choosing the style of performance, they usually focus on this characteristic. However, styles that are completely different in rhythm and temperament, including modern ones, are suitable for a wedding dance.

  1. Most Popular waltz. Beautiful, airy and easy enough to learn, it attracts many couples.
  2. Cheerful foxtrot with a lot of steps and whirling, it looks no less impressive.
  3. Bold newlyweds can show true feelings and hot passion in tango.
  4. Do you like live rhythms of the 30-50s of the last century? Pay attention to style swing, which includes the popular boogie woogie, jive, lindy hop. This is sure to wow your guests!
  5. Rumba- slow and very sensual, rumba will perfectly allow you to express your emotions. Ideal for wedding staging.
  6. Incendiary Latin American rhythms salsa revive traditional ideas about the first wedding dance.
  7. Bachata- originally from the Dominican Republic, intimate, passionate and, at the same time, very romantic. The frankness of the movements is the exact opposite of the classic waltz of the newlyweds. Suitable for loving natures who are not shy about expressing their feelings.

Bachata at the wedding:

Movie Ideas

Ideas for a wedding dance with beautiful lifts and movements can be borrowed from famous films. Exciting performance from "Dirty Dancing" many remember. To repeat this at a wedding celebration would be very original. Examples of beautiful and passionate tangos are presented in films: "Smell of a Woman", "Let's Dance", "Keep the Beat" and others.

Your own unique dance will help create a choreographer. If you want your performance to not look like other couples' performances, then by contacting a professional, you can choose the dance style exactly for your couple, their character and temperament.

An excerpt from the film"Dirty Dancing" (Dirty Dancing) 1987:

What to take to class?

In addition to a training partner, you will need some things:

  1. Comfortable indoor shoes for the very first lessons.
  2. Comfort clothes that does not restrict movement.
  3. Dress in which the bride will dance at the wedding (if it is not a wedding dress).
  4. If a magnificent wedding dress is supposed, then it is better for the bride to try out dance moves, dressed in crinoline.
  5. Shoes in which the bride will dance at the celebration, they will come in handy at the final rehearsals, when the production will already be well learned.
  6. Water(optional).

How many lessons will be required?

The number of required classes is determined strictly individually. Someone will be enough 1-2 times others will need more than 5 sessions. Usually 3-5 rehearsals with a professional choreographer, it is enough for a wedding production of medium complexity.

Combining styles

A little variety, such as a change in rhythm throughout the song, will enliven the production of a wedding dance. So, starting the dance with slow movements, you can complete it with more rhythmic ones.

The American format of the wedding dance is very effective in this regard (sometimes it is called the “wedding dance of the 21st century”), when romantic gentle melody abruptly interrupted, replaced by a completely unexpected track, under which young people frolic from the heart. You can also try the opposite option, demonstrating incendiary movements at the very beginning, and moving on to exciting and touching ones by the end.

How to install on your own?

Wedding it is quite possible to prepare a speech on your own without resorting to the help of a choreographer. However, this requires careful thought and planning. What to do if you decide to stage the dance yourself?

  1. Start by choosing a style, which will be easier for both partners to learn.
  2. Take advantage of the Internet. Collect all information about your favorite style of dance.
  3. Do not take on too long and complex setting.
  4. Pick a musical composition that both of you will love. Make sure she conveys your feelings. Then learning the movements will be easier.
  5. Having decided on the setting, break it up into small parts and start exercising.
  6. Consistently combine individual movements into a larger fragment.
  7. Be considerate and patient with each other. Do not perceive the joint production as a heavy duty, enjoy the moments spent together.

Where to look for movement?

Having decided on the style of dance, you need to turn to illustrative examples. It's easy to find on the internet educational video tutorials, master classes and step-by-step instructions for different dance styles.

In this article, we have collected several video tutorials for you. We hope that they will be useful in self-preparation of the dance.

Difficulties in the learning process

Self-staging of the dance of the young has its drawbacks. What do you need to be prepared for?

  • It is quite difficult to start a completely new business. If neither the groom nor the bride had experience related to choreography, then it will be difficult to start.
  • Required more time to learn movements.
  • The style of dance and the composition for it is selected for a long time. Under the guidance of a mentor, it would have happened faster.
  • Difficulty finding a suitable place to practice because you need a spacious room.
  • Unfortunately, quarrels and misunderstandings are not excluded during rehearsals.

Question price. About the cost of classes

What the cost of studying? Prices for a wedding performance for young people will depend on the skills of the newlyweds, the complexity of the chosen dance and teachers.

So, by contacting a school or studio, you can try to master the movements in one lesson. (2 hours), while paying 3000-4000 rubles. Longer training (5 lessons) will cost 7000-10000 rubles. Careful preparation (10 lessons)15000-20000 rubles.

The staging by private dance teachers will be inexpensive. Hourly rates vary. from 700 to 1500 rubles.

Attention! For some private choreographers, the rent of the rehearsal room is already included in the cost of training.

What if we don't make it?

There are often situations when the newlyweds simply do not have enough time to engage in staging. Then a variant of the usual slow dance to your favorite song will do.

Advice! try choose a beautiful sensual composition, under which you will simply enjoy each other.

And in this video, the couple is just slowly dancing to a beautiful song (it is worth noting that the dance is not varied in movements, but thanks to the interaction of the young with each other, their smiles, hugs, the dance looks surprisingly lively and beautiful):

Video: lessons for preparing a dance for a wedding

You can learn basic movements at home. Below are 5 detailed lessons:

What should happen:

If you want to learn dance Dominican bachata, you will need this master class from the Imagine Dance school:

The first dance of the newlyweds should bring only pleasant emotions. You should not strive to present some kind of enchanting spectacle to the guests. The main thing is that in your movements feelings, love and attitude towards each other are felt.

If time permits, it is better to use the services of a choreographer who will prepare quickly, beautifully and without unnecessary nerves.

The most important tradition of the wedding ceremony is the first dance of the newlyweds. This ritual has long become an integral part of the wedding celebration. To create a beautiful dance that can surprise the guests of the event, you need to study with a professional mentor. For his role, a dance choreographer is perfect, who can easily be found in Moscow at great prices.

How is the wedding dance staged?

In order for the dance of the bride and groom at the wedding to be spectacular and memorable, it must be carefully thought out and rehearsed. The dance style depends on the preferences of the newlyweds and is not limited to anything else. Most often, couples rehearse romantic stories, but no one forbids surprising wedding guests by dancing an incendiary tango or something like that.

The price of staging wedding dances can be very different. It is influenced by factors such as the style of dance, its complexity. The number of classes is a determining factor in the cost of staging a wedding dance. The higher the level of preparation of the newlyweds, the less classes they need. Therefore, the cheaper the rehearsal will cost.

Wedding choreographer in Moscow

The choreographer helps in preparing the wedding dance. Approach to the choice of a mentor should be scrupulous: look at the portfolio of applicants, conduct personal conversations with them. A truly professional wedding choreographer builds a dance based on the wishes of the bride and groom, and not just their personal experience. He is always ready to discuss any little things and knows how to let the couple feel confident and relaxed.

Classes with a choreographer-trainer for a wedding can be held at home or at school. If possible, you should invite a specialist to the wedding venue so that he can assess how the room fits the intended production. If your couple needs a choreographer in Moscow to stage a wedding dance, then you should look for him in advance so that you definitely have enough time to prepare.

Dance schools and studios

The most comfortable option for staging a wedding dance is a dance school or studio. To stage a newlywed wedding dance from scratch, 5-6 lessons may be required. If the bride and groom know how to dance, then the number of classes may be reduced, and if the complexity of the dance is high, then, on the contrary, increase.

To prepare well, it is advisable to start rehearsals 2 months before the wedding. The commotion associated with this holiday can take a lot of time, and the bride and groom will have to miss several training sessions. You should count on this if you need a wedding dance performance at a dance school or studio in Moscow. It is always worth taking care of such an important action as a wedding dance in advance.

Are you looking for the best wedding choreographer?

How to put on a wedding dance of the newlyweds on your own, so as not to spoil the holiday? In this article, we will talk about the pros and cons of preparing for it without the help of professionals. You will learn when to start rehearsals in order to be in time, about the peculiarities of their organization and conduct, what you need to consider here, what kind of music is better to choose and what movements.

Self-preparation for a wedding dance has both its positive and negative aspects.


  • If the bride and groom have nothing to do with the choreography, then they may begin to be shy in the presence of others. As a result, it will not be possible to relax and study the composition as it should. In the case of self-preparation, this will not happen, and so there will be time to get used to the idea that on the wedding day you will have to speak in public.
  • The spouses will be able to thoroughly analyze all the movements, analyze their mistakes, study the abilities of the partner and choose the ligaments that are most suitable for both. As a result, this exciting and creative process will help to fill the dance with life.
  • Saving money on the choreographer.
  • No need to waste time traveling to a dance studio. Rehearsals can be done at home.
  • Videos with the compositions you like are available at home, which can be repeated as many times as you like.
  • Learning new things together, you will be able to become a full-fledged dance couple on your wedding day.


  • Serious motivation is needed, otherwise the slightest misunderstanding between the bride and groom risks resulting in the termination of classes.
  • It is difficult to calculate your own strength by choosing a composition and a melody appropriate for the physical preparation of both participants.
  • Lots of nuances to consider.
  • There is no one to explain what exactly to do and how to perform certain figures. This can lead to a lack of interaction in a pair.
  • Rehearsing at home does not create the necessary atmosphere that would energize and positive. In such an environment, at the first failures, hands can easily give up.

When to start preparing

It all depends on the presence or absence of experience of the bride and groom. If the young people have at least a little experience, then it will be possible to learn the wedding dance in 1-2 weeks. Rehearsals in this case can be held every 3 days for 1 hour. If there is no dance practice, then the optimal time is 1.5-2 months. During this period, the couple must choose a composition, choose the right music and learn the movements, not forgetting to arrange them into a beautiful dance.

If it is not planned to perform any complex supports, turns and all other elements at the wedding, then a month will be enough for preparation.

Which wedding dance to choose

The dance style should be chosen taking into account the following:

  • Your wishes.
  • character of both partners.
  • Physical training.
  • The presence or absence of dance experience.
  • Remaining time before the holiday.
  • The style of the wedding itself, for example, if it is classic, then Latin will not be entirely appropriate.
  • Places where the banquet is planned to be held.
  • Wedding attire.


The most popular dance for newlyweds is the waltz, which can be performed by almost all couples. It comes in 4 types - Viennese, slow (baston), tango and figured.

Those who have at least some experience in choreography can pay attention to viennese waltz, requiring endurance, flexibility and plasticity from performers.

baston, being elegant and discreet, more suitable for romantic couples.

Tango is a solution for passionate individuals who want their first dance to be remembered for a long time.

The most simple, but at the same time beautiful movements are characteristic of figured waltz. It is especially relevant when the bride plans to get married in a magnificent wedding dress with a wide crinoline, and the groom in a classic suit.

Here is an example of a classic Viennese waltz:


For expressive natures, the incendiary salsa and bachata, passionate paso doble and reggaeton, romantic rumba and spectacular cha-cha-cha will be an ideal choice.

To perform beautifully their basic movements, turns and steps, you do not need to be a professional. They will allow the newlyweds to show the guests the full range of feelings that fill them both.

It is very important that in this case, if one of the partners forgets some figures at the wedding, you can calmly improvise. There are no strict requirements for clothes and shoes either - comfortable low-heeled shoes, a dress for the bride, as well as an elegant suit for the groom - that's all you need!

In this video, an example of a cha-cha-cha wedding dance:


Fans of the unusual can be offered to mix movements from different styles - classics, Latin, retro. It will be nice to take spins from the first one, steps from the second one, and unusual supports from the last one.

This mix will surprise the guests and give the wedding a zest. To be even more original, it is just right to use music corresponding to their tempo for different figures, which will beautifully emphasize the transition from one style to another.

Here is what the wedding mix looks like:


Boogie-woogie, elegant foxtrot and extreme rock and roll - these dances can be easily staged on your own if the groom is tall and strong, and the bride is small and thin. In this case, you will need to do a lot, and sometimes very complex, supports.

Another obstacle will be the need to constantly be on the move, because such dances are based on jumping, whirling, and various transitions. But they are relevant only if there is free space in the banquet hall.

Wedding dance in the style of the 20s:

What song to perform the first wedding dance

Finding suitable music for dancing is after choosing it. For the performance of the ballroom, the most successful compositions will be the following:

  • Sin Ti – Olga Tanon (samba)
  • Tango_Forte – Duplex_Inc (tango)
  • Am Who I Am – Lara FabianI (rumba)
  • Vom Tod - Das Lied (Paso Doble)
  • Obsession - Aventura (salsa)
  • Abreme la Puerta – Antony Santos (bachata)
  • Ain't Nothing W - Robert Randolph & The Family Band (jive).

The following melodies will help to waltz beautifully:

  • My affectionate and gentle beast - Zara
  • Blut–Wiener
  • Hfchelbels Cannon – Louis Clark
  • Sans voir le jour – Enrico Macias
  • Baston - Alexander Rosembaum.

Those who have chosen a retro-style production should listen to the following compositions:

  • Angels - the Baseballs (rock and roll)
  • Jailhouse Rock – Elvis Presley (boogie-woogie)
  • Detroit Swing City – Liberation Records (foxtrot)
  • The Great Gatsby - Gunther Noris
  • Candyman-Christina Aguilera.

Having made a choice in favor of the “mix” style, it will be interesting to combine musical compositions from the list of retro, latin and classics.

What to consider when staging a dance

Room. First of all, attention is paid to the space that will be allocated for this. If the platform is small, then it will not work on it, as needed, to waltz, moving from side to side. In this case, it is more appropriate to come up with some more compact movements.

The low ceilings in the room can spoil the dance with high supports, characteristic of Latin and rock and roll. So, the bride will not be able to jump into the hands of the groom, which will lead to the implementation of not all elements.

Floor. Of great importance is the material from which the floor of the hall is made. It will be very difficult to move along it if it turns out to be tiled. In this case, you should think about comfortable shoes without heels, which are not suitable for all dance styles.

If the flooring is parquet, then you can safely take figures from latin, waltz, and retro. But since it can creak, it is better to rub the shoes of both partners with special compounds. Also, when dancing on it, the risks of the newlyweds lagging behind each other due to poor gliding are high.

Shoes. It is better to change the bride's wedding shoes for a spare stable pair. It can be ballet shoes, and models with wedges or heels.

In order not to injure your partner due to inexperience, it is better to avoid hairpins. They should not be chosen even when there is a small difference in height between the newlyweds, so that the partner does not turn out to be taller. In this case, it will be very difficult to perform complex choreographic elements.

Guests. Be sure to consider the location of the guests. If the tables are placed on one side, then it is unacceptable to turn the couple with their backs to the audience. Then the steps should be taken from left to right or in the other direction. When placing them around the entire perimeter of the hall, it is necessary to select circular movements so that everyone can see the bride and groom.

Photo and video shooting. Do not forget about the work of a videographer with a photographer. In order for them to have the opportunity to capture the heroes of the occasion in an interesting and high-quality way, you need to know in advance about the place of their “deployment” in the banquet hall. But usually photography takes place on the right or left side.

duration. The wedding dance usually lasts no longer than 2-3 minutes. For unprepared performers, it will be difficult to spin on the floor for a longer time - they will have shortness of breath and sweating will begin. So not for long and the wedding dress will go bad, the style of which also plays an important role in staging the wedding dance.

Cloth. If the outfit is too loose, then you can get tangled in it and fall. It will also be inconvenient to support the groom with him when the bride needs to be circled and picked up.

However, too narrow long models are not an option, since it will be difficult to move freely around the hall in them. So it will not be possible to repeat either graceful leg swings or sharp transitions in a waltz. In this case, the dance runs the risk of becoming a standing still.

A short wedding dress gives complete freedom of imagination, allowing you to complete absolutely all the planned elements.

How to organize rehearsals: useful tips

Here are some helpful tips to help you organize your rehearsals the right way:

There should be no more time between sessions. 3 days, otherwise the learned movements may be forgotten.

They need to be carried out in shoes and clothes, as similar as possible to the one that will be at the wedding. The groom should wear a suit and shoes, the bride, if a wedding dress with a wide bottom is chosen, a corset and a skirt with a petticoat and rings. The same is better to do in the case of a narrow model, which takes time to get used to. Do not forget about the train, in the presence of which you need to rehearse, constantly holding something in your hand.

If you really want to learn how to dance beautifully, then you must definitely work on your mistakes. Each rehearsal should be filmed. And the next lesson should begin with the analysis of the video - steps, turns, lifts, eliminating the mistakes made. At the same time, it is very important to imagine that each workout is an entrance to the stage.

These are the features of self-preparation of a wedding dance, taking into account which it will be possible to adequately cope with the task.

The wedding dance is an important and touching moment at the newlyweds' celebration. In order for it to be perfect, you need to work and train so much, think everything through and then be sure to capture it in photos and videos. Due to the fact that it allows you to get beautiful shots that will later remind you of such a wonderful day for a lifetime, you can be sure that the photos will contain the brightest and most memorable moments.

How to choose, stage and learn the dance of the young? Yes, this takes time and, of course, desire, without which, as they say, you won’t go far. Where to begin? First, you can roughly imagine and understand how you want to see your dance, and it should be a very real dance without any super tricks and tricks. Let's soberly assess our abilities, and if you are not into choreography and dancing, it is better not to take overly complex compositions for your first dance.

If you understand at least a little what you want, then you have a couple of action scenarios. If you are more or less confident in your abilities, you can try to prepare your marriage dance from videos, which are a lot on the Internet. There are special video tutorials or recordings from weddings in which you can peep interesting movements and positions. But this option can be quite difficult for those who are not too well versed in dances and movements.

Another option, which is not only very popular, but is an almost absolute choice of newlyweds, is the production of a wedding dance by a choreographer. It's really very convenient, and most importantly - professional. You will be able to get exactly the dance that you dreamed about, and you will be able to perform it beautifully, correctly and easily. For this, you need a good choreographer who will come up with beautiful poses and steps, a complete picture of the dance, and also check that everything worked out for you. This option will ensure that you will never forget the first wedding dance, it will be so perfect.

Staging the first dance of the newlyweds

It's no secret that the dance of the bride and groom is a very touching and intimate moment, when it seems as if the hearts of lovers are completely open. This is an incredibly beautiful and delicate sight that will surely please all guests. In order for the dance to be simply excellent, an experienced and caring choreographer in Moscow is needed. You will be able to find one, we are absolutely sure of it.

By the way, you may need a musical. It can be live music or tracks selected by a DJ. The dance of the newlyweds can be danced to your favorite composition after agreeing with the musicians about it. So you can be calm, of course, relatively, because a little excitement on such an important day is even a little nice, right?

One of the most touching moments at the wedding is the first joint dance of the newlyweds, fixing them in the role of legal spouses. Wedding dance production is a popular service, and many turn to professional studios, but even those couples who are far from choreographic art can learn simple movements without the help of teachers, impressing guests at the celebration.

This is a rather difficult task, so you will need to be patient with yourself and your partner, and success can only be achieved with inexhaustible diligence and a positive attitude.

Honeymooners' tradition

Any wedding consists of modern canons and which have come down to our times in their original or modified form. The first dance of the young is also a long tradition, which has been encountered in various interpretations since the ancient world.

Among the Slavs, for example, newlyweds danced inside a common round dance, and the first prototypes of the modern wedding waltz were born during the reign of Peter I.

It was the beautifully staged wedding dance of the newlyweds that opened the gala evening during the grandiose balls. Initially, it was a classic waltz, but gradually new variations began to emerge, and now the bride and groom can choose any direction they like for themselves.

To some extent, during this stage of the wedding banquet, the newlyweds express gratitude to the guests for their presence at the celebration and warm wishes. However, the main role of the first wedding dance number is an expression of the love of the spouses for each other without the help of words, only with movements and emotions. This is a touching and romantic moment that tells the story of a couple from the moment they met until the wedding.

How to prepare your own presentation

Previously, at weddings, the dance was classical - the newlyweds danced the waltz, not trying to surprise their guests with complex movements. Now many people want to make their celebration original, so more and more extraordinary solutions are found. You can make a choice in favor of one or another style of dance, based on the following points.

A beautifully staged wedding dance is made up of many nuances. Particular attention should be paid to the physical features of the bride and groom. In particular, you need to pay attention to the difference in growth. Ideally, professional partners are selected in such a way that the man is no more than 15 cm taller than the woman, and at the same time both are in good physical shape.

The bride and groom rarely meet these standards, so you have to come up with tricks. Depending on all these factors, the setting is chosen. The first wedding dance should look beautiful.


Waltz is still the classic first dance for newlyweds.. Setting up the first wedding dance when choosing a waltz is possible with a little preparation. It can be performed by any couple who have not even thought about choreography before. There are several varieties of waltz, but for a wedding banquet, one of three is usually chosen - figured, Viennese and Boston.

How to put on a simple wedding dance? For this, the first version of the waltz is suitable. The newlyweds will need to learn simple but beautiful movements, resulting in an attractive dance without noticeable mistakes. Also, a figured waltz is suitable if you plan to stage a wedding dance yourself.

wedding planner

The first dance of the newlyweds has a symbolic meaning. They not only confess their love to each other in front of close friends and relatives who are witnesses of their wedding vows, but also determine the course of their future lives. It is believed that, as far as the newlyweds dance harmoniously, such an atmosphere will reign in their family.

Elena Sokolova


If a man is much taller than a woman, then dance elements will look harmonious when the partner goes down in motion, and the partner remains standing straight. If the bride is taller than the groom, or they are about the same height, then you can use supports, in which the girl deviates, and the young man stands straight. If rotation of the partner is envisaged, then it is advisable for the partner to take her in his arms sideways. Supports and complex techniques are abandoned if the bride has a denser physique than the groom.

Maria Stoyanova

The Viennese waltz is chosen by those who have done at least a little choreography, even in childhood, because endurance, flexibility and plasticity are needed. Boston is a slow version of the waltz, which is suitable for restrained and romantic natures.

For expressive individuals who never sit still in everyday life, passionate Latin American dances are suitable. In this case, you can choose from the following options.

Another popular wedding dance is tango, which has different variations - a strict ballroom direction, a passionate Argentinean performance, or Finnish, unusual in its movements. From future newlyweds, staging a tango wedding dance will require more preparation than a waltz, but with the proper attitude and diligence, the dance will turn out to be spectacular and sensual.

For a couple who wants to emphasize tender and warm feelings in their relationship, a foxtrot may be suitable. This is a romantic and elegant dance, characterized by lightness and grace, softness, grace and freedom of movement, smoothness and maneuverability. Only after repeated training, the bride and groom will be able to make the foxtrot the way it was originally intended.

For a retro, disco or hipster celebration, you can learn one of the dances that were popular in the last century. It can be energetic boogie-woogie, daring rock and roll, crazy Charleston, etc. Future newlyweds can even learn dances from their favorite films of the last century, including black and white ones.

A popular solution lately is the mix dance, which combines several different dances performed to the appropriate music. For example, at first the newlyweds dance a classic waltz, then the composition changes, and they already pick up each other in an energetic cha-cha-cha, and then they perform a sensual tango.

Basic movements

Is it possible to stage a wedding dance at home? Without a professional choreographer, it is difficult for the bride and groom to learn the wedding dance, therefore, to make it easier, you can start with separate basic movements, which then add up to a single picture. For example, the main movement in a waltz is a counterclockwise rotation in a square. On each side of the square, there is one large step of both partners and two small ones, while all movements are performed in equal measure.

Another simple movement is as follows: the man, continuing to hold his partner with one hand, removes the second behind his back, and the girl at this moment takes the hem of the magnificent dress in her freed hand. On the peculiarities of dancing in a dress with a train. Then the partners take a step towards each other from the right foot and raise their hands up, and then diverge to their original position, starting with the left foot.

The main movement in is a kind of walk. The man holds his partner by the hand with one hand, and the other hugs her waist. Then he takes two steps forward with his left foot, and the girl, respectively, takes two steps back with her right. In this case, the second step does not close, but one leg remains behind the level of the body, followed by two swings back and forth.

Then the man takes one step back, the second to the side and closes the last step, and the woman follows him in the same movements. This is the basic figure, which is then repeated an unlimited number of times.

Useful videos: examples

How to stage a wedding dance yourself? For those who have never done choreography, it is difficult and almost impossible to independently come up with movements for a wedding dance. You can look for a tutorial for setting up a wedding dance. But to avoid difficulties, you can use ready-made solutions from those newlyweds who have already passed this difficult stage.

One of the very successful examples can be seen in the following video: staging a wedding tango dance. The bride and groom organized their own wedding in the style of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, so the girl is wearing a tight black dress with a long slit. The couple dance to Jazmine Sullivan's hit tune "Bust Your Windows".

If the future newlyweds have enough free time before the wedding, then they can learn the classical waltz with lifts that will make it more elegant and interesting. In the video, the couple dances just such a dance to the song "Blind" by the Hurts group, and the entourage is artificial smoke and imitation of snowfall.

Not only classical movements, but also examples from famous films will help to make a dance mix of several compositions. The next video shows the most beautiful wedding dance, the best production of such a mix: the newlyweds first dance a classic waltz to the music of Eugene Doga from the film “My Sweet and Gentle Beast”, then they make a bunch with a lasso movement and perform various dances to popular music, for example, from the film “ Pulp Fiction" to the song of Chuck Berry "You never can tell", from the movie "The Mask" to the song "Hey Pachuco" of the Royal Crown Revue, etc.

When preparing a wedding dance, the bride and groom must give each other good motivation, otherwise even a slight disagreement can lead to a quarrel and a refusal to further rehearsals. In addition, the following nuances must be taken into account.

  1. Room. The first dance of the newlyweds should be staged after the place of celebration has been determined. When choosing certain movements, you need to take into account the size of the banquet hall, the arrangement of tables and chairs, the floor covering and the height of the ceilings. When staging a wedding dance at home, these points should also be taken into account.
  2. Cloth and shoes. The groom is easier in this, since the suits and shoes are not much different from each other in terms of sensations, while the bride is less fortunate. If she has not yet managed to purchase a dress and shoes, but rehearsals have already begun, it is recommended to choose an outfit that will be comfortable to dance in. It’s better to buy a dress and shoes first, and only then choose a dance.
  3. duration of the dance. Even if the bride and groom have perfect perfected movements, you should not drag out the first dance for longer than 2-3 minutes. After that, the guests will already begin to be distracted and will be looking forward to when the newlyweds are finished.
  4. All movements must be coordinated with changes in the composition. A change in motive or the end of a phrase of the performer indicates that it is desirable to change the figure of the dance.
  5. Sing along. Some couples prefer to imitate singing while dancing, but from the outside it looks ridiculous. The meaning of the dance is precisely in the expression of emotions without words, with only movements.

It is best to start rehearsals 2 months before the wedding, while you can train 1-2 times a week. When the full picture begins to emerge, it is recommended to record rehearsals on video, so that you can then analyze the mistakes and determine what looks good and what needs to be worked on.

Shoes and clothes should be selected as close as possible to the wedding. For the first time, you can lay out whatman paper with colored traces on the floor in order to understand what the steps should be. Gradually, whatman paper is removed, and the couple can only hone their movements.

All the guests at the wedding are waiting for the first dance of the newlyweds, although it does not last long. Usually this stage is scheduled for the final part of the evening, so once again it demonstrates the love and tenderness that reigns between the newlyweds. Without the help of professional choreographers, it is difficult for beginners to stage a dance, but acting together, the bride and groom are capable of much.

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