Independent work on literature for elementary grades “Semantic reading. Methodical development on literature on the topic: Independent work on literature


1. Define the concepts: tradition, innovation

1) A.S. Pushkin 2) U. Shakespeare 3) D.I. Fonvizin 4) N.M. Karamzin 5) M.Yu. Lermontov 6) N.V. Gogol 7) I.S. Turgenev 8) N.S. Leskov 9) M. Gorky 10) A .I.Kuprin 11) A. Saint-Exupery 12) A.P.Platonov 13) A.T.Tvardovsky 14) V.M.Shukshin 15) A.S.Green

A) Scarlet Sails b) Uncle Yermolai c) Makar Chudra d) Sonnet e) Undergrowth f) In a Beautiful and Furious World g) Mtsyri h) Stationmaster i) Vasily Terkin j) Biryuk l) The Man on the Clock m) Portrait n) Poor Liza o) Gambrinus o) The Little Prince

3. What work are these characters from?

1) Igor 2) Mitrofan 3) Thomas 4) Sasha 5) pilot 6) Saltan 7) usurer 8) Postnikov 9) Loiko Zobar 10) Maltsev 11) Erasmus 12) knight on a golden horse 13) robbers

4. Match the definitions of literary movements and trends

1) Classicism 2) romanticism c) realism d) sentimentalism

A) the literary movement of the 18th and early 19th centuries, which is characterized by high themes, strict observance of certain creative norms and rules, reflection of life in ideal images, unity of time, place, action, division of heroes into positive and negative, division of literature into strictly defined genres works

a) high - ode, heroic poem, tragedy
b) low genres - comedy, satire, fables, the world of the poem, the novel.

B) (from the French "feeling") - a trend in literature and art of the second half of the 18th century, characterized by an increased interest in human feelings and a heightened emotional attitude to the world around. The landscape is not a passionless background for the development of events, but a recreation of living nature, deeply perceived and felt. Main genres: 1. Letters 2. Travels 3. Memoirs 4. Tales 5. Elegy 6. Novels

IN) true depiction of reality.

D) the literary direction of the late 18th - early 19th century, characterized by two worlds, the hero is lonely, dreams of escaping from this world, but fate often ends tragically.

5. What hero are we talking about?

1) Affected by a natural phenomenon.

2) Showed his talent by playing any musical instrument

3) Was killed by the father of the girl he was in love with

4) A man of art who suffered from envy.

5) A boy dreaming of his homeland.

6) A person living according to the rules adopted during the reign of Peter 1.

7) A sentry who abandoned his post in order to save a person's life.

8) The hero who escaped from captivity, destroyed the army, but was greeted with joy

9) A young man who deprived a poor girl of happiness and life.

6. In what works does the action take place in these places?

1) in St. Petersburg 2) in the Tolubeevsky depot 3) on different planets 4) in Eastern Lebanon (desert) 5) in the port 6) on the seashore 7) in the Caucasus 8) in the Prostakovs' estate 9) in Moscow

7. Determine the genre of the work, find a match

1) an epic work that depicts one event in the life of a hero.

2) One of the species of the lyroepic genus. A large verse poem with a lyrical or epic plot.

3) The average genre of the epic, shows the history of human life over a short period.

4) A poem consisting of 14 lines.

5 ) A small work created according to the laws of poetic speech, having rhythm and rhyme.

6) Genre artwork , characterized byhumorous or satirical approach, as well asdrama.

7) A genre of folklore that tells an incredible but instructive story.

A) folk tale B) short story C) sonnet D) comedy E) Poem

E) story G) poem

8. Name the writer based on his characteristics.

1) The writer, who has a pseudonym, real name Peshkov, was born in Nizhny Novgorod, on the banks of the Volga.

2) He began to write poetry early, still not knowing all the letters of the alphabet, he went through the whole war, was a special correspondent for a military newspaper.

3) I had to go through a lot: from the age of 14 I had to go to work, see loved ones dying of hunger, bury my beloved son, go to war ...

4) His profession is a pilot, although he was very fond of drawing, from childhood he dreamed of conquering the world, he was in difficult situations more than once, but he got out of them, and once he failed to return.

5) He was an adventurer, traveler, poet, warrior, scribe, aristocrat, most of all he liked to visit Africa.

6) He wrote the collection "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka"

7) The heroes of his works were almost always peasants, whom he showed from different angles: some resigned themselves to their position, others fought injustice.

8) He is called "the sun of Russian poetry"

9. Define the name of the literary concept.

1 . Types of Literature. 2. The most important thing is the personality of a literary hero. 3. Sequence of events. 4. The hero of a lyrical work. 5. Construction of the work. 6. Description of nature. 7. Type of work. 8. He talks about characters and events. 9. A story about the life of a holy man. 10. Hidden comparison. 11. The speech of one person. 12. A visual tool that helps an inanimate object to be seen alive. 13. Excessive exaggeration. 14. A kind of literature intended to be staged.

10. Answer the questions:

1). Who were called undergrowths in the 18th century?

a) illiterate, half-educated nobles

b) noble children under the age of 15, i.e., the age appointed by Peter I for entry into the service

c) generally ignorant people from different classes

d) teenagers

A) people b) Nikon c) Nestor d) Prince Vladimir

3). What genre does the work "Mtsyri" belong to?

A) ballad B) parable C) poem - confession D) story

4) . What is the repeated word "crossing" in A.T. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin"

A) comparison B) refrain C) anaphora D) metaphor

5). Mark the theme of the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin":

A. Funny and heroic cases from the front-line life of Vasily Terkin.

B. The tragic essence of war and the steadfastness of the Russian soldier.

V. Difficulties of front-line life.

6). Who Invented Literacy?

7). The idea of ​​"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

8). To what great Russian commander did G.R. Derzhavin dedicate the poem "Bullfinch"?

9) . What does the concept of "little man" mean? Give examples of heroes who can be called that.

10). What does spiritual literature mean?

11. Who owns these items?

1) caftan 2) lilies of the valley 3) accordion 4) violin 5) portrait 6) pictures of the prodigal son


  1. Tradition - historically established, passed down from generation to generation customs, practices, rules of conduct; established order in behavior, in everyday life.

Innovation is the creative development of tradition

2. 1z, 2d, 3d, 4n, 5g, 6m, 7k, 8l, 9c, 10o, 11p, 12e, 13i, 14b, 15a

3. 1 “The word about the regiment ...” 2) Undergrowth 3) biryuk 4) Gambrinus 5) The Little Prince 6) The Tale of Tsar Saltan 7) Portrait 8) The man on the clock 9) Makar Chudra 10) In the beautiful and ... 11) Poor Liza 12) Golden Knight 13) Robber Brothers

4. 1)a, 2d, 3c, 4b

5. 1) Maltsev 2) Sasha 3) Zobar 4) Chartkov 5) Mtsyri 6) Starodum 7) Postnikov 8) Igor 9) Erast

6. 1) The man on the clock, Portrait 2) In the beautiful and ... 3) The Little Prince 4) The Golden Knight 5) Gambrinus 6) Makar Chudra 7) Mtsyri 8) Undergrowth 9) Poor Liza

7. 1b, 2g, 3f, 4c, 5e, 6d, 7a

8. 1) Gorky 2) Tvardovsky 3) Kuprin 4) Exupery 5) Gumilyov 6) Gogol 7) Turgenev 8) Pushkin

9. 1) epic, lyrics, drama 2) character 3) plot 4) lyrical hero 5) composition 6) landscape 7) genre 8) narrator 9) life 10) metaphor 11) monologue 12) personification 13) hyperbole 14) drama

10. 1) 2) b 3) c 4) b 5) b 6) Cyril and Methodius 7) Association 8) Suvorov 9) low social status, illegal oppression by those who are higher; poverty; tragic fate; tender, loving, compassionate soul; the ability to make a timid and weak protest; dream of human happiness 10) books about God, man, the world

11. 1) Mitrofan 2) Liza 3) Terkin 4) Sasha 5) Chartkov 6) Samson Vyrin

USE. Literature. Full course. Independent preparation for the exam. Aristova M.A.

M.: 2016. - 288 p.

The manual is intended for self-preparation of schoolchildren for the exam in literature. It includes material for preparing for tasks with a detailed answer in the amount of 5-10 sentences based on the submitted text, as well as for an essay on a given topic, formulated in the form of a problem question. The manual reveals the technology for writing these types of written works, gives the tasks "Test yourself" (with answers) on all topics of the literature course that are part of the Unified State Examination, as well as reference material, including the terms necessary for both short answers to questions, and when performing tasks with a detailed answer. In addition, the manual contains a codifier of the elements of the content of the exam in literature; the criteria for checking and evaluating the performance of tasks are given. The publication is intended for teachers, methodologists and high school students who are preparing to pass the exam in literature.

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Introduction 4
Preparation for the exam in literature: strategy and tactics 7
What knowledge is tested at the exam in literature 15
What is a Content Element Codifier 15
How to repeat literary-theoretical concepts 17
Check yourself 33
How to repeat literary works 46
Check yourself 63
Preparation for tasks with a detailed answer 85
Evaluation criteria: for which points are reduced 85
Preparation for assignments 8-9 and 15-16 91
Check yourself software
Preparation for tasks 17.1, 17.2, 17.3 121
Classification of speech errors 133
Tasks 140
Check yourself 210
General tasks 210
Option 1 210
Option 2 218
Brief Dictionary of Literary Terms 226
Answers 258
Applications 267
Annex 1 267
Codifier of elements of content and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational institutions
for conducting a unified state exam in literature 267
Annex 2 282
Criteria for checking and evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer 282

"It's hard to learn - easy to fight." Who is not familiar with this catchphrase of the legendary Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov? We often use it in a variety of life circumstances, when we need to prepare ourselves for some serious trials, tune in to hard but necessary work, which should ensure future success. The “golden words” of the great military strategist are quite suitable not only for the “novice fighter course”, but also for those who are preparing to “join the battle” with such an unfamiliar enemy as the USE.
Maybe the metaphor I used will seem incorrect to someone: after all, the Unified State Examination is just a new form of the exam, which means that there is no need to plan some kind of “military actions”, but you just need to prepare well for it and calmly go to take it. All this is true, but it is no coincidence that protests against the introduction of the Unified State Examination are often heard in society, many talk about the difficulty or ill-conceivedness of tasks, and graduates and their parents sometimes actually believe that, going to the Unified State Examination, they enter into an unequal battle with an insidious and dangerous enemy. . The only question is, who is this terrible adversary that some of you are so afraid of? Let's try to figure it out.

List of independent works on literature for the 1st course.

1. Abstract on the topic: "The history of the development of the literary language."

2. Expressive reading by heart of a poem by Pushkin A.S., Lermontov M.Yu. (optional)

3. Essays on the topic: "The life and work of F.I. Tyutchev",

4. "The life and work of A.A. Fet."

5. Expressive recitation of a poem by heart (optional)

6. Reading the novel "Oblomov".

7. Abstract on the topic: “Roman Goncharova I.A. "Oblomov" as a social ─ psychological and philosophical novel".

8. Compilation of a chronological table "Biography of Ostrovsky A.N."

9. Essay on the topic: "The creative history of the drama" Storm ".

10. Reading the play "Thunderstorm".

11. Compilation of a comparative description of the images of Wild and Kabanova.

12. Drawing up the image of Katerina.

13. Preparation for an essay on topics:

“Who is to blame for the death of Katerina?”, “Representatives of the “dark kingdom”, “The image of Katerina in the drama”, “Life and customs of the city of Kalinov”, “Katerina and the “dark kingdom”.

14. Watching the film "Thunderstorm".

15. Compilation of a chronological table "Biography of Chernyshevsky N.G."

16. Reading the novel "What to do?".

17. Essay on the topic: "The novel" What to do? Chernyshevsky N.G., its socio-political and philosophical characteristics, problems and ideological content.

18. Learn by heart a poem in prose "Russian language".

19. Reading the novel "Fathers and Sons".

20. Watching the film "Fathers and Sons".

21. Preparation for an essay on the topics: “The Image of Bazarov”, “The Theme of “Fathers” and “Children” in the novel “Fathers and Sons”, “Bazarov and Arkady in the Novel”, etc.

22. Reading the novel "On the Eve".

23. Reading the novel "The Nest of Nobles".

24. Abstract on the topic: “The originality of the genre of the novel“ Crime and Punishment ”.

25. Reading the novel "Crime and Punishment".

26. Reading the novel "The Idiot".

27. Abstract on the topic: "Raskolnikov's theory and its collapse."

28. Watching the film "Crime and Punishment".

29. Preparation for an essay on the topic: "Raskolnikov's theory and its collapse."

30. Abstract on the topic: "The history of the creation of the novel" War and Peace ".

31. Essay on the topic: "The image of Andrei Bolkonsky."

32. Abstract on the topic: "The image of Pierre Bezukhov."

33. Abstract on the topic: "The image of Natasha Rostova."

34. Preparation for an essay on the topics: "The path of searching for Andrei Bolkonsky", "Women's images in the novel", etc.

35. Watching the film "War and Peace".

36. Abstract on the topic: "The life and work of Saltykov-Shchedrin."

37. Reading the fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin.

38. Reading the novel "The History of a City".

39. Preparation for an essay on the topics: “Funny and sad in the fairy tales of Saltykov - Shchedrin M.E.”, “Temporary and eternal in the fairy tales of Saltykov - Shchedrin M.E.”, “Heroes and plots of satirical fairy tales by Saltykov - Shchedrin M.E. ." etc.

40. Reading the poem "To whom in Rus' it is good to live."

41. Abstract on the topic: "The life and work of N.A. Nekrasov."

42. Reading the story "Ionych".

43. Reading the play "The Cherry Orchard".

44. Abstract on the topic: "The life and work of A.P. Chekhov."

45. Preparation for an essay on the topic: "Past, present and future in the play",

46. ​​"The path from Startsev to Ionych."

List of independent works on literature for the 2nd course.

1. Abstract "Literature of the twentieth century."

2. Expressive reading by heart of a poem (optional).

3. Essay on the topic: "Silver Age".

4. Essay on the topic: "Acmeism".

5. Abstract "Symbolism".

6. Abstract "Futurism".

7. Abstract on the topic "The work of N.S. Gumilyov."

8. Essay on the topic "The work of V. Khlebnikov."

9. Expressive recitation of a poem by heart (optional).

10. Reading the poem "The Twelve".

11. Abstract on the topic: "The theme of the Motherland in the poetry of Blok."

12. Reading the works of A.I. Kuprin "Olesya", "Duel", "Garnet Bracelet".

13. Essay on the topic: "Creativity of Kuprin A.I."

14. Abstract on the topic "The life and work of Bunin I.A."

15. Reading the works "Antonov apples", "Easy breathing", "Dark alleys".

16. Reading the works "Old Woman Izergil", "At the Bottom".

17. Preparation for an essay on the topic: “The fate of the inhabitants of the“ bottom ”.

18. Essay on the topic: “Romantic stories of M. Gorky”, “Life and work of M. Gorky”.

19. Reading the works of Averchenko A.

20. Essay on the topic: "Literature of the 20s."

21. Expressive recitation of a poem by heart (optional).

22. Preparation for an essay on the topic: "The theme of the Motherland in the lyrics of Mayakovsky."

23. Essay on the topic: Mayakovsky's love lyrics.

24. Expressive recitation of a poem by heart (optional).

25. Abstract on the topic: "The theme of the Motherland in Yesenin's poetry."

26. Preparation for composition.

27. Reading the works "Quiet Flows the Don", "Virgin Soil Upturned", "The Fate of Man".

28. Watching the films "Quiet Flows the Don", "Virgin Soil Upturned", "The Fate of a Man".

29. Abstract on the topic "Creativity of Sholokhov M.A."

The manual is intended for self-preparation of schoolchildren for the exam in literature. It includes material for preparing for tasks with a detailed answer in the amount of 5-10 sentences based on the submitted text, as well as for an essay on a given topic, formulated in the form of a problem question.
The manual reveals the technology for writing these types of written works, gives the tasks "Test yourself" (with answers) on all topics of the literature course that are part of the Unified State Examination, as well as reference material, including the terms necessary for both short answers to questions, and when performing tasks with a detailed answer. In addition, the manual contains a codifier of the elements of the content of the exam in literature; the criteria for checking and evaluating the performance of tasks are given.
The publication is intended for teachers, methodologists and high school students who are preparing to pass the exam in literature.

What is the name of the literary direction, in accordance with the rules of which in the comedy D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth" are the speaking names and surnames of the characters used?

In The Captain's Daughter, Pushkin describes Pugachev's appearance as follows: “... he was about forty, medium height, thin and broad-shouldered. Gray hair showed in his black beard, lively big eyes ran around. What is this description called in the literature?

It is known that for the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin came up with a special system of dividing the text, based on grouping the same number of poetic lines according to a certain principle: these are groups of 14 lines of iambic tetrameter, consisting of three quatrains with different rhyming systems (cross, adjacent, encircling rhymes) and the final couplet. How did they call this division of the poetic text?

Preparation for the exam in literature: strategy and tactics
What knowledge is tested at the exam in literature
What is a Content Element Codifier?
How to repeat literary-theoretical concepts
check yourself
How to repeat literary works
check yourself
Preparation for tasks with a detailed answer
Evaluation criteria: for which points are reduced
Preparation for tasks 8-9 and 15-16
check yourself
Preparation for assignments 17.1, 17.2, 17.3
Classification of speech errors
check yourself
Generalizing tasks
Option 1
Option 2
Brief Dictionary of Literary Terms
Annex 1
Codifier of elements of content and requirements for the level of training of graduates of general educational institutions for conducting a unified state
Literature exam
Annex 2
Criteria for checking and evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer.

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