The most interesting myths Ancient myth read


In the beginning, there was nothing. No moon, no sun, no stars. Only the waters stretched immeasurably, from the complete darkness of the primordial chaos, which rested without movement, like a deep sleep, the waters arose before other creations. The waters were able to create fire. Because of the great power of heat, the Golden Egg was born in them. At that time there was not yet a year, since there was no one to measure time, but as long as a year lasted, the Golden Egg floated in the waters, in the bottomless and boundless ocean. A year later, the Progenitor Brahma appeared from the Golden Embryo. He split the egg into two parts, the upper half of the egg became the Sky, and the lower half became the Earth, and between them, in order to somehow separate them, Brahma placed the air space. In turn, he established the earth among the waters, initiated time and created the countries of the world. That is how the universe was created.

At that moment, the creator was frightened, because there was no one around him, and he became afraid. But he thought: “After all, there is no one here but me. Whom should I be afraid of? and his fear is gone, for the fear may be of someone else. He also did not know joy, because he was all alone. The Creator thought: “How can I create offspring?” and only by a single power of thought he gave birth to 6 sons - the great Lords of creation. From the soul of the creator, the eldest son, Marichi, was born. From his eyes was born - Atri, the second son. The third son, Angiras, was born from the mouth of Brahma. The fourth from the right ear is Nulastya. The fifth from the left ear is Pulaha. And the sixth of the nostrils of the Progenitor is Kratu.

Marichi had a wise son Kashyapa, gods, people and demons, snakes and birds, monsters and giants, cows and priests and many other creatures of a demonic or divine nature originated from him, they inhabited the earth, heaven and underworlds. Atri gave birth to Dharma, who became the god of justice. Angiras laid the foundation for the lineage of the holy sages Angiras, the eldest was Brihaspati, Samvarta and Utathya.

The seventh of the Lords of creation is Daksha. He appeared from the thumb on the right foot of the creator, and from the finger on the left foot of the Ancestor, a daughter was born - Virini, which means Night, she was the wife of Daksha. In total, she had 50 daughters, 13 she gave as wife to Kashyapa, 20 to Soma, 10 of her daughters became wives of Dharma. And Daksha also had daughters who were to become the wives of great sages and gods.

The eldest of Daksha's daughters, Diti, was the mother of formidable demons - Daityas. The second daughter, Dana, gave birth to mighty giants - danavs. And the third daughter, Aditi, gave birth to 12 bright sons-Adityas, great gods.

For a long time the sons of Danu and Diti (asuras) were the enemies of the gods, the sons of Aditi. And their struggle for power over the universe lasted for many centuries, which had no end.

Myths and legends of the peoples of the world: Slavic, Ancient world, Egypt

The past of humanity has always been shrouded in mystery. And the most alluring part of these mysteries are ancient myths and legends that tell about heroes endowed with incredible power, or unimaginably terrible monsters that heroes have fought for centuries.

What is a myth? This is a scripture about how the people of those times saw the world. Records that tell about the structure of our universe, about the gods, the world order. Reading ancient myths - you seem to be reading ancient diaries written by people who lived many centuries ago. It is believed that all ancient myths and legends had some kind of real basis and were not invented simply as a legend designed to entertain or scare a little. Each taken myth or legend carries a hidden meaning that people of those times tried to preserve. How true mythological legends are, how much reality they contain, and how much fiction - we do not know. And therefore, allow yourself to simply get acquainted with this cultural heritage of our past, which can enrich us today.

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Read the book Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece

Part one. gods and heroes

Myths about the gods and their struggle with giants and titans are set out mainly in Hesiod's poem "Theogony" (The Origin of the Gods). Some legends are also borrowed from the poems of Homer "Iliad" and "Odyssey" and the poem of the Roman poet Ovid "Metamorphoses" (Transformations).

In the beginning, there was only eternal, boundless, dark Chaos. In it was the source of the life of the world. Everything arose from the boundless Chaos - the whole world and the immortal gods. From Chaos came the goddess Earth - Gaia. It spread wide, mighty, giving life to everything that lives and grows on it. Far under the Earth, as far as the vast, bright sky is from us, in the immeasurable depth, the gloomy Tartarus was born - a terrible abyss, full of eternal darkness. From Chaos, the source of life, a mighty force was born, all animating Love - Eros. The world began to form. Boundless Chaos gave birth to the Eternal Darkness - Erebus and the dark Night - Nyukta. And from Night and Darkness came the eternal Light - Ether and the joyful bright Day - Hemera. Light spread over the world, and night and day began to replace each other.

The mighty, fertile Earth gave birth to the boundless blue Sky - Uranus, and the Sky spread over the Earth. The high Mountains, born of the Earth, proudly rose to him, and the eternally noisy Sea spread wide.

Mother Earth gave birth to Heaven, Mountains and the Sea, and they have no father.

Uranus - Sky - reigned in the world. He took the blessed Earth as his wife. Six sons and six daughters - mighty, formidable titans - were Uranus and Gaia. Their son, the titan Ocean, flowing around like a boundless river, the whole earth, and the goddess Thetis gave birth to all the rivers that roll their waves to the sea, and sea goddesses - oceanides. Titan Gipperion and Theia gave the world children: the Sun - Helios, the Moon - Selena and the ruddy Dawn - pink-fingered Eos (Aurora). From Astrea and Eos came all the stars that burn in the dark night sky, and all the winds: the stormy north wind Boreas, the eastern Eurus, the humid southern Noth and the gentle western wind Zephyr, carrying clouds abundant with rain.

In addition to the titans, the mighty Earth gave birth to three giants - Cyclopes with one eye in the forehead - and three huge, like mountains, fifty-headed giants - hundred-armed (hekatoncheirs), so named because each of them had one hundred hands. Nothing can stand against their terrible strength, their elemental strength knows no limit.

Uranus hated his giant children, he imprisoned them in deep darkness in the bowels of the goddess Earth and did not allow them to come out into the light. Their mother Earth suffered. She was crushed by this terrible burden, enclosed in her depths. She called her children, the Titans, and urged them to rebel against their father Uranus, but they were afraid to raise their hands against their father. Only the youngest of them, the treacherous Kronos, overthrew his father by cunning and took power away from him.

The Goddess Night gave birth to a host of terrible substances as punishment to Kron: Tanata - death, Eris - discord, Apatu - deceit, Ker - destruction, Hypnos - a dream with a swarm of gloomy, heavy visions, Nemesis who knows no mercy - revenge for crimes - and many others. Horror, strife, deceit, struggle and misfortune brought these gods into the world, where Kron reigned on the throne of his father.


The picture of the life of the gods on Olympus is given according to the works of Homer - the Iliad and the Odyssey, glorifying the tribal aristocracy and the basileus leading it as the best people, standing much higher than the rest of the population. The gods of Olympus differ from aristocrats and basileus only in that they are immortal, powerful and can work miracles.


Birth of Zeus

Kron was not sure that power would forever remain in his hands. He was afraid that the children would rise up against him and find him the same fate that he condemned his father Uranus to. He was afraid of his children. And Kron commanded his wife Rhea to bring him newborn children and mercilessly prog

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(Ancient Indian literature, beginning with the Vedas, contains many versions of the creation myth. Usually, even within one monument, such as the Rigveda or the Mahabharata, there is no single cosmogonic concept and the most contradictory ideas about the origin of the universe are presented. The version about the origin of the world from the Golden Embryo (Hiranyagarbha), which arose in the primeval waters, is the most common, starting from the Brahman literature and throughout the entire epic period. Our presentation uses the cosmogonic texts of the twelfth book of the Mahabharata, as well as the Shatapatha Brahmana (book XI), where the main ideas coincide. In the Shatapatha Brahmana, the creator god is called Prajapati. Also used is the cosmogonic text of the first book of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, where the creator is Purusha (Man). (For an earlier version of the creation myth, see no. 13.))

At first there was nothing. There was no sun, no moon, no stars. Only the waters stretched indefinitely; from the darkness of the primordial chaos, resting without movement, as if in a deep sleep, the waters arose before other creations. The waters gave birth to fire. The Golden Egg was born in them by the great power of warmth. There was not yet a year, for there was no one to measure the time; but as long as the year lasts, the Golden Egg floated in the waters, in the boundless and bottomless ocean. A year later, the Progenitor Brahma arose from the Golden Embryo. He broke the Egg and it split in two. Its upper half became Heaven, the lower half became Earth, and between them, to separate them, Brahma placed air space. And he established the earth among the waters, and created the countries of the world, and laid the foundation for time. This is how the universe was created.

But then the creator looked around and saw that there was no one but him in the whole universe; and he got scared The motive of fear of loneliness as a motive for the generation of offspring is found in the cosmogonic myth of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. In this version, however, Purusha creates the woman by splitting into two halves. We follow further the epic version with the elimination of the woman from the act of birth, characteristic of the mythology of patriarchy (cf. the birth of Athena from the head of Zeus in Greek mythology, etc.).). Since then, fear comes to everyone who is left alone. But he thought: "After all, there is no one here but me. Whom should I be afraid of?" And his fear passed; for the fear may be before someone else. But he did not know joy either; and therefore he who is alone knows no joy.

He thought: "How can I create offspring?" And by the power of his thought he gave birth to six sons ( The number and names of the sons of Brahma vary in various epic and Puranic texts; We have chosen the most common option. In the "Mahabharata" and the Puranas, the sons of Brahma, in addition to the six listed and the seventh - Daksha, are also called Bhrigu (see No. 2), Rudra-Shiva (see No. 3), Narada (see No. 29), Vasistha, Dharma, etc.), the six great Lords of creation ( Prajapati. In Brahman literature, this name belongs to the creator god; in the epic and Puranas, this is a common epithet, the sons of Brahma, the first creatures born in the world he created.). The eldest of them was Marichi, born from the soul of the Creator ( Often all six are declared "spirit-born" ("manasoja"), but in some versions of the Puranas only Marichi is born from the soul of Brahma, while the rest are miraculously born from various parts of his body, as in our text, although versions vary. Sometimes Marichi also has a different origin: for example, in the myth of the Brahmavaivarta Purana (Book I), Marichi is born from the shoulder of Brahma, Atri from the right nostril, Kratu from the left, and then the presentation differs from the version accepted by us. See also below about the birth of other sons of Brahma - Bhrigu (No. 2), Rudra (No. 3), Narada (No. 29) - and the origin of Rakshasas and Yakshas (No. 34).); from his eyes a second son was born - Atri; the third - Angiras - appeared from the mouth of Brahma; the fourth - Pulastya - from the right ear; fifth - Pulaha - from the left ear; Kratu, the sixth - from the nostrils of the Progenitor. The son of Marichi was the wise Kashyapa ( In some texts Kashyapa is called the son of Brahma himself; in the epic, too, often wears the epithet Prajapati.), from which came gods, demons and people, birds and snakes, giants and monsters, priests and cows, and many other creatures of a divine or demonic nature that inhabited heaven, and earth, and the underworlds. Atri, the second of the sons of Brahma, gave birth to Dharma ( Dharma is the god of justice, the personification of the concept of the law of moral order - dharma (see No. 75). In the epic and later, sometimes identified with Yama, the god of death.), who became the god of justice; Angiras, the third son, laid the foundation for the lineage of the holy sages Angiras ( Angirases - already mentioned in the "Rig Veda" kind of mythical sages and seers, mediators between gods and people; researchers bring the Sanskrit An¯giras closer to the Greek aggelos "messenger" (angel).), the eldest of which were Brihaspati, Utathya and Samvarta.

The seventh son of Brahma, the seventh of the Lords of creation, was Daksha. It came out of the big toe on the right foot ( Daksha (in the Vedas - one of the Adityas). The name is related to the Latin dexter, Slavic "right hand", which explains the association with the right side. In the Brahmavaivarta Purana, Daksha is born from the right side of the creator (from the left - Bhrigu).) progenitor. Brahma's daughter was born from a toe on her left foot; her name is Virini ( Virini, identified with Night (Ratri), is called Dakshi in some texts.), which means night; she became the wife of Daksha. She had fifty daughters Some sources speak of sixty daughters and that ten of them were given as wives to Manu, the progenitor of mankind.), and Daksha gave thirteen of them as a wife to Kashyapa, twenty-seven to Soma, the god of the moon, - these became twenty-seven constellations in the sky; ten daughters of Daksha became Dharma's wives. And Daksha's daughters were also born, who were determined to become the wives of the gods and great sages.

The eldest of Daksha's daughters ( Often the list of Kashyapa's wives begins in epic texts with Aditi, followed by Diti and Danu, but the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe asura-demons as the elder brothers of the gods, reflecting the most ancient worldview, is clearly expressed in the Mahabharata.), Diti, the wife of Kashyapa, was the mother of formidable demons - Daityas; Danu, the second daughter, gave birth to mighty giants - danavs. The third - Aditi - gave birth to twelve bright sons - adityas ( In the Vedas, this group of gods consists of seven or eight members. In the post-Vedic period, their number increases to twelve, the group includes the gods Indra, Tvashtar, Savitar and others, who did not belong to it before, at the same time Daksha is excluded from it. The name Aditya most often refers to the god Vivasvat (see No. 6) and becomes synonymous with the Sun.), great gods. Varuna, the god of the ocean, Indra, the god of thunder and thunder, Vivasvat, the god of the sun, who is also called Surya, were the most powerful of them; but the youngest of the sons of Aditi, Vishnu, surpassed all in glory ( In the Vedas, Vishnu is a minor deity (thought to be associated with the mythology of the sun) and is not listed among the Adityas. Starting with Brahman, its importance rapidly increases, and in the late epic it already stands apart from the Adityas; the son of Aditi and Kashyapa is then considered only one of his incarnations (see No. 75). In the Hindu religion, Vishnu is one of the supreme deities, the guardian of the universe.), the keeper of the universe, the lord of space.

How did the ancient people think the world came into being? What is common in the ideas of the ancients about the origin of the world? Why did Zeus not love people and what fate did he have in store for them? Who saved humanity and how did they pay for it? What was the symbol of the egg for the peoples of Ancient India? Why are humans and cows equal in ancient India? Who rewarded people with reason, according to the mythology of the ancient Slavs? Russians say: “Morning is wiser than evening”, but how did they say in ancient India and why? Questions, questions, questions... But they have answers, and they are in this video tutorial.

Theme: Myths of the peoples of the world

Lesson: Myths of Ancient India. "Creation". "Tale of the Creation of the Night"

The purpose of the lesson is to get acquainted with the myths of Ancient India about the origin of the world and see what is common in the ideas of ancient people about the origin of the world and man.

Let's remember what is myth.

Myth- an ancient genre of oral folk art, a story about the origin of the world and man, about the deeds of gods and heroes. Myth explains various natural phenomena.

There are common features in the mythology of the peoples of different countries. Similar events occur in the life of different peoples, they see similar natural phenomena. This leads to the same generalizations. But the myths of different peoples have their own characteristics. This is connected with natural and climatic conditions, with traditions, with established social relations.

Let's get acquainted with the ancient Indian myth "Creation".

In the beginning there was sun, no moon, no stars. Only the waters stretched indefinitely; from the darkness of primordial chaos, resting without movement, as if in a deep sleep...

What does the first sentence of the myth remind us of? It reminds me of the beginning of Greek mythology:

In the beginning, there was only eternal, boundless, dark Chaos...

Recall the Folk Myth of the Sun:

Mother-Cheese-Earth lay in darkness and cold, she was dead, no light, no warmth, no sounds, no movement.

We see that in the ideas of different peoples, the whole world came from chaos, a disorderly, unorganized element.

… the waters came into existence before other creations. The waters gave birth to fire. The Golden Egg was born in them by the great power of warmth. There was not yet a year, for there was no one to measure the time; but as long as the year lasts, the Golden Egg floated ... in the boundless ... ocean. A year later, the Progenitor Brahma arose from the Golden Egg. He broke the Egg and it split in two. Its upper half became Heaven, the lower half became Earth, and between them, to separate them, Brahma placed air space. And he established the earth among the waters, and created the countries of the world, and laid the foundation for time. This is how the universe was created.

Why did the god Brahma, heaven and earth, appear from the egg? The ancients, when they saw the appearance of a chick from, as it seemed to them, an inanimate object, an egg, considered that this was how the Universe could appear. Because the egg is a symbol of the birth of life.

But then the creator looked around and saw that there was no one but him ... he became scared. Since then, fear comes to everyone who is left alone. But Brahma thought: “After all, there is no one here but me. Who am I to be afraid of?" And his fear passed; for the fear may be before someone else. But he did not know joy either; and therefore he who is alone knows no joy.

And Brahma decided to create offspring. From his sons came gods, demons and people, birds and snakes, giants and monsters, priests and cows, and many other creatures of a divine and demonic nature that inhabited heaven, earth, and the underworld and underwater worlds.

The myth explains why all living beings are brothers and equally worthy of divine love, why loneliness gives rise to fear, and a lonely person does not know joy.

What is the difference between creation myths? First of all, in relation to the person. In Indian mythology, man is an equal creature among others. In the Slavic myth, Yarilo distinguishes a person, endowing him with reason and "winged speech". But the fate of man in ancient Greek mythology is deplorable. Zeus wanted to get rid of unreasonable people and send them to the kingdom of the dead. Prometheus took pity on the unfortunate, he stole the divine fire for them, taught them crafts, agriculture and other arts. Zeus severely punished Prometheus. After reading the myth of Prometheus, you can find out what happened to him next.

And now let's get acquainted with the "Tale of the Creation of the Night."

legend- a story, a tradition, clothed in a literary form, oral or written. (Explanatory Dictionary of D.N. Ushakov).

The first people were called Yama and Yami. When Yama… died, Yami, his sister…, shed inconsolable tears, and there was no limit to her grief… To all their persuasion and exhortation, she answered: “But he died only today!” And then there was neither day nor night. The gods said: “So she will never forget him! Let's make the night!" And they created the night. And the night passed, and the morning came, and Yami was comforted and forgot about her grief. That is why they say: "The succession of night and day brings oblivion of grief."

The story ends with a proverb. The wisdom contained in this proverb echoes the proverbs and sayings of other peoples.

Proverb- a genre of oral folk art, an aphoristic saying, usually consisting of two parts, rhythmic in form.

Proverbs of different peoples about day and night.

a) One hour in the morning is worth two hours in the evening (English proverb).

b) In the evening, no matter what he lied to, but in the morning he will refuse everything (Turkish proverb).

c) Make plans for the year in the spring, plans for the day in the morning (Chinese proverb).

d) One hour in the morning is better than two in the evening (Tajik proverb).

e) Morning is wiser than evening (Russian proverb).

1. Literature. 6th grade. At 2 p.m. / [V.P. Polukhina, V.Ya. Korovina, V.P. Zhuravlev, V.I. Korovin]; ed. V.Ya. Korovina. - M., 2013.

2. Temkin E.N., Erman V.G. Myths of ancient India. - Moscow: The main editorial office of oriental literature of the Nauka publishing house, 1982.

3. Encyclopedia "Myths of the peoples of the world". - M., 1980-1981, 1987-1988.

1. Legends and myths of the peoples of the world ().

2. Legends and myths of the peoples of the world. Indian mythology ().

3. Mythological encyclopedia ().

1. "The legend of the creation of the night" ends with the proverb: "The succession of night and day brings oblivion of grief." What wisdom is in it?

Remember Russian proverbs that have a similar meaning.

2. Make up questions for the quiz on the studied myths.

If we put together all the ancient chronological systems and look at the creation of the world, we will find two general patterns.

First. According to most ancient traditions or legends, the creation of the world occurred after the supreme deity sacrificed some other creature, stabbing it, setting it on fire or cutting it into pieces. At the same time, a world was formed from the body parts of this victim.

Second. For many nations, the creation of the world begins approximately 5500 years before the birth of Christ:

  • the Byzantine system of chronology begins on September 1, 5509 BC,
  • Old Russian - from March 1, 5508 BC,
  • Alexandrian - from August 29, 5493 BC,
  • Antiochian era from the creation of the world - September 1, 5969 BC,
  • Jewish, or reckoning from Adam - from October 7, 3761 BC.

In total, there are more than a hundred different dates for the creation of the world and the time interval from the creation of the world to the birth of Christ is from 3483 to 6984 years.
A distinctive feature of traditional Indian culture is that it does not know chronology. It is dominated by the cyclicity of everything that exists, the "circle of eternal return." In Indian mythology, this "timelessness" manifested itself in the fact that it lacks a single myth about the creation of the world.

Vedas about the creation of the world

Already in the Vedas there are several equal versions of the cosmogonic myth, and the Brahmanas, Upanishads and Puranas add to them their own versions, no less equal. Upon careful study and comparison of these versions, they reveal a common feature - the idea of ​​the initial chaos, from which, as a result of the actions of various divine "agents", an ordered world arose.

Therefore, according to the “temporal hierarchy”, the first are the versions of the cosmogonic myth found in the Vedas, then the versions of the Brahmanas, Upanishads and Puranas, and then the versions “canonized” by the Vishnuites and Shaivites.

In the Rig Veda, as in other ancient texts, myths are extremely rare, set forth in their entirety. Most often, we come across fragments of myths and even isolated mythological motifs, as a result of which myths have to be restored and reconstructed. The reconstructed Vedic myths include:

  • the myth of Indra killing the demonic serpent Vritra;
  • about the eagle stealing from the sky the wonderful drink of soma,
  • about the flight of the god Agni; who did not want to be a priest;
  • about three mortal Ribhu artisan brothers who received immortality;
  • about the sage Agastya, who reconciled Indra and the Marut gods, as well as cosmogonic myths involving Indra and Vishnu.

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