The coolest surnames for girls. Beautiful surnames for girls, male surnames: Russian and foreign


Studying the history of the appearance of a person's surname, you can learn a lot of interesting facts from the life of his family. Which ones? The surname will tell you how it all began in his family. Many people understand the value of such information and are proud of their origin. Despite this, today it has become a very common phenomenon for people to change their data - last name, first name.

Some rules of the VKontakte service

To begin with, it would not hurt to get acquainted with the rules of the service where a person registers.

And this must be done even before the creation of a personal page on the site. Since the very fact of registration means that the user unconditionally agrees with the rules of the service, which he undertakes to comply with. It is recommended to constantly review these instructions for their changes, additions, since the site administration has the right to make them without notifying users.

As part of the participant's obligations, it is written that he must provide reliable, up-to-date information to the site administration in order to form a personal page. Such data includes login, password for access to the site, first and last name. The user is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.

After its registration, the site administration creates a personal page. So, what is next? The user has the right to give this page a short name instead of the id number that was created at the time of registration on the server. What can you put the name of "VKontakte"? When creating a name, there are certain restrictions on the use of profanity, trade names, if the user does not have the rights to them. Everyone agrees that these are fair rules.

Registration on behalf of or instead of another person is prohibited. It is unacceptable to mislead site visitors about their identity, to distort information about themselves: gender, age, last name, first name.

Communities, groups and pages

The family name is unusually large. This is evidenced by the fact that 32,197 communities have been created on the server, united by the theme "Surname". For VKontakte, this indicator can be a kind of pride for the project. In each of the communities there are more than tens of thousands of active participants who are interested in the secret meaning of the German, ancient clans (the list goes on and on).

People are united by the desire to know not only their ancestors, but also the country, world history. The good news is that the members of the groups promote a positive lifestyle. They call on people to unite, be friends, be proud of themselves and their ancestors. Nationality, gender, age, place of residence, occupation does not play any role in joining groups. And this means that as a result of communication, different people enrich each other, give impetus to development, improvement. Many groups offer help finding people.

If a person is really worried about the question of what kind of surname “VKontakte” can put, then it will be useful for him to visit some of the groups, chat with people, maybe join his community, and the question of choosing a pseudonym will disappear by itself. After all, your own name is the best option!

Why does a person change his surname "VKontakte"?

Visiting the pages of the service, you can easily notice that among the participants there are still many people who used names other than their own for registration. A fictional pseudonym can be taken by a person for various reasons. One wants to remain anonymous - it's easier to express their innermost thoughts. Another user has a violent fantasy, and it can also be splashed out through a pseudonym. Sometimes a person just wants to play a joke on himself - a cool one will help here, Dreaming of fame, fame - again there is a reason for changes in his data.

It has been noticed that people of young age are mainly interested in fictitious surnames. Since it is they who are on the path of search, experiments. Changing the last name is kind of fun. Teenagers have more free time to communicate with each other, and this topic can be just an excuse for this.

What can you put the name "VKontakte"

There are no specific rules, frameworks in choosing a pseudonym. What surname can be put on VKontakte for people of different ages, status, positions in society? A simple analysis of the fictional pseudonyms used by the project participants explains how they were invented:

  1. An enumeration of animals with an indication of some qualitative characteristic.
  2. Phrase in a foreign language (increasingly began to use Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese).
  3. Listing of plants.
  4. Name of the company (an option used by people who promote the business on social networking pages). In this way, employees or partners can be attracted.
  5. Service name: used by people who want to attract customers to their business.

As you can see, sometimes the invented surname is justified.

What do the boys choose?

But this does not always happen. For example, cool surnames for VKontakte often cause only a smile.

This category of pseudonyms is chosen mainly by young men in order to attract the attention of others, to point out their “outstanding” characteristics (Maxim Admiral, Mr. Koshak, Shadowboxing, Hacker in Law, Jacket Button).

Girls' Choice

Beautiful surnames (for VKontakte), of course, are intended for girls who dream of a sweet carefree life, where everyone will adore them, consider them unique, the only ones. For example, the Mystery of Life, the Sun is shining, Liu-Lu, Galusya, Elmira Modnaya, etc.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a fictitious surname, photos, statuses that a person chooses for himself on social networks can most directly affect his fate. Therefore, all actions must first be considered.

It has also been noticed that people who have already had something in their lives rarely use fictitious surnames to register on social networks. They understand that the personal page of the site is a business card of a person. The whole world sees him, and the main task is to stand before him with dignity!

Do you think you're lucky with your last name?

If not, then you are one of the over 70% of girls who think the same way. Ivanovs, Petrovs, Pistrunkins - girls often think about changing personal data due to the prevalence or dissonance of the surname. But how do you choose a new one? Check out our list!

Note! When choosing new data, it is important for you to be 100% sure about this step. A change means a new life, and you need to think carefully about whether this fact will affect your work in a team or communication with your next of kin.

List of beautiful surnames for girls

You should start with a list of beautiful data for girls. For ease of reading, they are placed in the table:










































Surnames for girls VKontakte

Changing the name of Vkontakte is a great chance not only to highlight your person, but also to conduct a “fitting” for official changes. Personal data for a social network should be selected depending on hobbies, nationality, nickname and other important factors for you.

The most popular in the previous year were surnames with an original and noble sound, for example: Preobrazhenskaya, Lyubimaya, Skazka and similar others.

There were also such interesting options:

  • Arman.
  • Banshee.
  • Gabriel.
  • Vansai.
  • Vivaldi.
  • Ditto.
  • Iskander.
  • Ingul.
  • Farin.
  • Carat.
  • Caprice.
  • Kalina.
  • Cupid.
  • Lucifer.
  • Xylan.
  • Minor.
  • Rasputin.
  • Donut.
  • Picasso.
  • Figaro.
  • Topaz.
  • Silver.
  • Gold.
  • Lancelot.
  • Lizanchuk.
  • Berry.
  • Okkervil.

Personal data taken from movies and TV shows were also popular, for example: Smith, Snow, Targaryen, Lannister and the like.

Foreign surnames (foreign)

With Russian names, foreign surnames often look beautiful. When choosing such a surname, it is important to remember that it should be combined not only with the name, but also with the patronymic. Agree, Faina Antonovna Takahashi - sounds strange, if not ridiculous.


Personal data originally from England in most cases are great for European girls, so the choice often falls on them.

Among the most beautiful are:

  • Alexander.
  • Alison.
  • Baker.
  • Barlow.
  • Barret.
  • Hall.
  • Bentley.
  • Beverly.
  • Bradley.
  • Black.
  • Hunt.
  • Khbuz.
  • Jean.
  • Harris.
  • Joy.
  • Brook.
  • Love.
  • Knight.
  • Meredith.
  • Moore.
  • Phillips.
  • Ray.
  • Cole.

English surnames are similar to American ones in many ways.


Personal data of German origin especially go to girls with sonorous names like Anastasia, Elena, Sophia and the like.

Most popular:

  • Becker.
  • Hertz.
  • Kaufman.
  • Klee.
  • Kopp.
  • Lehmann.
  • Mayer.
  • Möbius.
  • Milch.
  • Ohman.
  • Preyer.
  • Rauch.
  • Rieger.
  • Reuss.
  • Till.
  • Fin Feuerbach.
  • Schultz.
  • Schuppe.
  • Erkert.
  • Junghans.


Japanese surnames are distinguished by the fact that, in addition to their beautiful sound, they carry a sacred meaning.

The table shows the most sonorous personal data and a transcript of their meaning:



bell + tree

middle of the rice field

pass + neighborhood


small forest


young tree



pure water

what's in the shade

stone + river

small island

3 bays


golden child

tall tree

big hill

Japanese cedar


American personal data is distinguished by sonority and solidity. A girl who takes an American surname will show herself not only original, but also serious.

The most popular among girls are:

  • Smith.
  • Moore.
  • Jones.
  • Brown.
  • Taylor.
  • Harris.
  • Clark.
  • Hall.
  • Robinson.
  • Wilson.
  • King.
  • Wright.
  • Scott.
  • Baker.
  • Adams.
  • Peres.
  • Mitchell.
  • Green.

Almost any word translated into English can serve as the basis for new personal data, for example: Snow - Snow.

Russian maiden names

Beautiful Russian personal data is often formed from proper names, for example: Romanova, Pavlova, Illarionova and others. Despite the fact that they are great for all European names, it is important to ensure that your name does not seem overloaded, as is the case with Yana Romanova Romanova.

Some surnames are formed from Orthodox traditions: Christmas, Resurrection - they seem noble and bright.

Often girls select new personal data based on the meaning, noble families or the names of graceful animals:

  • Generous.
  • Motherland.
  • Obolenskaya.
  • Sokolov.
  • Heyden.
  • Lebedev.
  • Moscow.
  • Orlov.

It is not recommended to take personal data based on patriotic reasons: Bykap, Vlapunal, Nacilip or Slaveput, although they were popular in 2015. The fact is that preferences can change, but the surname remains for life.

The most beautiful and popular

Among the most beautiful and popular surnames of recent years were both Russian and foreign:

  • Alexandrova.
  • Korolkova.
  • Blooms.
  • Serebryanskaya.
  • Romero.
  • Flores.
  • Garcia.
  • Leroy.
  • Bonn.
  • Bouquet.

When choosing, as statistics show, girls are guided more by sound than by meaning.

Cool examples of surnames for girls

Love to stand out? Try on one of the original surnames from the list:

  • Star.
  • Solar.
  • Malinovskaya.
  • Beautiful.
  • Rare.
  • Darling.
  • Great.
  • Portman.
  • Akhmatova.
  • Larina.
  • Karenina.
  • Grass.

And remember, no matter what surname you choose, you should like it, and not anyone else!

Beautiful foreign names for girls - in the photo:

Do you think you're in luck with the last name?

If not, then you treat more than 70% of girls who think the same way. Ivanov, Petrov, Pistrunkiny - girls often think about the change of personal data due to the prevalence of surnames or cacophony. But how do you choose a new one? Use our list!

Note! When you select the new data is important to you to be 100% confident in this step. Shift - means a new life, and you need to think well, will not affect whether a given fact at work in a team and communicate with their closest relatives.

The list of beautiful names for girls

You should start with a list of these beautiful girls. For ease of reading, they are placed in the table:






































Teplova South Gold twinkle

The names for the girl VKontakte

Change Vkontakte names - this is a great chance not only to identify his person, but also to "fitting" for the official changes. Personal data for social network is selected depending on lifestyle, ethnicity, nicknames, and other important factors for you.

The most popular names began with the original and noble sound in the previous year, for example: the Transfiguration, favorite, Tale, and similar others.

There were also such interesting options:

  • Arman.
  • Banshee.
  • Gabriel.
  • Vansay.
  • Vivaldi.
  • Ditto.
  • Iskander.
  • Ingul.
  • Farin.
  • carat.
  • Caprice.
  • Kalina.
  • cupid.
  • Lucifer.
  • Xylan.
  • Minor.
  • Rasputin.
  • Donut.
  • Picasso.
  • figaro.
  • Topaz.
  • Silver.
  • Gold.
  • Lancelot.
  • Lizanchuk.
  • Berry.
  • Okkervil.

Also popular were personal data, taken from movies and TV shows, for example: Smith, Snow, Targaryen, Lannister, and the like.

Foreign names (foreign)

With Russian names often look beautiful foreign names. In the selection of such names is important to remember that it should be combined not only with the name, but also the middle name. Agree Faina Antonovny Takahashi - it sounds strange, if not absurd.


Personal data from England, in most cases, perfectly suited to European girls, so the choice often falls on them.

Among the most beautiful are:

  • Alexander.
  • Alison.
  • Baker.
  • barlow.
  • Barret.
  • Hall.
  • Bentley.
  • Beverly.
  • Bradley.
  • black.
  • Hunt.
  • Hbyuz.
  • Jean.
  • Harris.
  • Joy.
  • Brooke.
  • love.
  • Knight.
  • Meredith.
  • Moore.
  • Phillips.
  • Ray.
  • Cole.

English names are very similar to the US.


Personal data of German origin are especially girls with the sonorous names like Anastasia, Elena, Sofia, and the like.

The most popular are:

  • becker.
  • Hertz.
  • Kaufman.
  • Klee.
  • Kopp.
  • Lehmann.
  • Mayer.
  • Mobius.
  • Milch.
  • Ohman.
  • Preyer.
  • Rauch.
  • Rieger.
  • Reuss.
  • Till.
  • Fin Feuerbach.
  • Schultz.
  • Schuppe.
  • Erkert.
  • Younghans.


Japanese names are different in that in addition to the beautiful sound of the bear a sacred meaning.

The following table shows the most sonorous personal data and deciphering their meaning:

example Meaning
Suzuki Bell + wood
Tanaka the middle of a rice field
Watanabe + navigate neighborhood
Yamamoto mountain
Kobayashi small forest
Matsumoto Pine
Aoki young tree
Yoshida happiness
Saito purification
Shimizu pure water
Abe that shade
Ishikawa Riverstone +
Kojima small island
Miura 3 bay
Harada steppe
Kaneko The golden child
Takagi tall tree
Ootsuka big hill
Sugiyama Japanese cedar


US personal details are different sonority and solidity. Who took the name of American woman will not only original, but also serious.

The most popular girls are:

  • Smith.
  • Moore.
  • Jones.
  • brown.
  • Taylor.
  • Harris.
  • Clark.
  • Hall.
  • Robinson.
  • wilson.
  • king.
  • wright.
  • Scott.
  • Baker.
  • Adams.
  • Peres.
  • Mitchell.
  • green.

The basis for the new personal data can serve almost any word translated into English, such as: Snow - Snow.

Russian maiden names

Beautiful Russian personal data are often formed from proper names, for example: Romanova, Pavlova, Illarionov and other. Despite the fact that they are perfectly suited to all European names, it is important to make sure that your name does not seem overloaded as in the case of Yana Romanova Romanova.

Some names are formed from the Orthodox traditions: Christmas, Resurrection - they seem to be noble and bright.

Often the girls pick the new personal data based on the sense of noble birth or the name of graceful animals:

  • generic.
  • Rodina.
  • Obolensky.
  • Sokolova.
  • Heiden.
  • Lebedev.
  • Moscow.
  • Orlova.

It is not recommended to take the personal data on the basis of patriotic reasons: Bykap, Vlapunal, Natsilip or Slaveput, although they were popular in 2015. The fact that preferences may change, but the name remains forever.

The most beautiful and popular

Among the most beautiful and popular names of recent years have been both Russian and foreign:

  • Alexandrov.
  • Korol"kova.
  • Tsvetaeta.
  • Serebryanska.
  • Romero.
  • Flores.
  • Garcia.
  • Leroy.
  • Bonn.
  • Bouquet.

When selecting, the statistics show that women are oriented more on the sound rather than meaning.

Steep examples of names for girls

Do you like to stand out? Try on one of the original names from the list:

  • Starry.
  • Solar.
  • Malinovskaya.
  • Beautiful.
  • rare.
  • My favorite.
  • Great.
  • portman.
  • Akhmatova.
  • Larina.
  • Karenina.
  • Grass.

And remember, no matter what name you choose, it must be like for you, not a pleasure to someone else!

Beautiful foreign names for girls - on the photo:

How do you care, did you get lucky with a nickname?

If you don’t know, then you put up to over 70% of the girls, if you think so yourself. Ivanovi, Petrovi, Pistrunkini - girls often think about changing special data through breadth or dissonance. How about picking a new one? Check out our list!

Get respect! When choosing new data, it is important for you to be 100% committed to each other. Change - means a new life, and you need to think well, that this fact is not shown on the work in the team or in connection with the closest relatives.

List of the most beautiful nicknames for girls

Start varto from the list of the most beautiful gifts for girls. For clarity of reading, they are placed in the table:

Mayer Werner Lehmann Bailey Brett
Cole Day Ellis Mills Valevska
Gordon Koval Levandivska Levitska Belska
Sokolovska Dobrovolska Ostrovska Savitska Kovalchuk
Apostolova Angelova Vladova Blagoeva Nikolov
Weber Brown Evans Grant Taylor
Stone Norman Yaguzhinskaya Vitkovska Galonian
Chaikovska Poplavska Gurska Snezhinskaya Kirilenko
Larchenko Toneva Vorontsova Heiden Preobrazhenska
The words "yanska" Teplova Pivdenna Gold vognik

Names for girls VKontakte

Changing the name of Vkontakte is the best chance not only to see your person, but to conduct a “reconciliation” for official changes. Specific data for the social dimension of varto pick up in the fallow landfill, nationality, and other important factors for you.

The most popular in the front turn were nicknames with original and noble sounds, for example: Preobrazhenska, Kokhana, Kazka and similar others.

Zustrichalis and so ts_kav_ options:

  • Arman.
  • Banshee.
  • Gabriel.
  • Vansan.
  • Vivaldi.
  • Ditto.
  • Iskander.
  • Ingul.
  • Farin.
  • Carat.
  • Caprice.
  • Kalina.
  • Cupid.
  • Lucifer.
  • Xylan.
  • Minor.
  • Rasputina.
  • Donut.
  • Picasso.
  • Figaro.
  • Topaz.
  • Silver.
  • Gold.
  • Lancelot.
  • Lizanchuk.
  • Yagidna.
  • Okkervil.

Also, there were popular special data taken from films and serials, for example: Smith, Snow, Targaryen, Lannister and similar.

Foreign applications (abroad)

With Russian names, foreign names often look beautiful. When picking up such a privilege, it’s important to remember “yatati” that it’s her fault not only for them, but also for fathers. Wait a minute, Faina Antonivna Takahashi - it sounds marvelous, but it's not dumb.


The peculiarities of the data from England are mostly suitable for European girls, so the choice often lies on them.

Among the most beautiful you can see:

  • Alexander.
  • Elison.
  • Baker.
  • Barlow.
  • Barret.
  • Hol.
  • Bentley.
  • Beverly.
  • Bradley.
  • Black.
  • Hunt.
  • Khbuz.
  • Jean.
  • Harris.
  • Joy.
  • Brook.
  • Love.
  • Knight.
  • Meredith.
  • Moore.
  • Phillips.
  • Ray.
  • Cole.

English nicknames are rich in why they are similar to American ones.


The peculiarities of this German campaign are especially suitable for girls with sonorous names on the square Anastasia, Deer, Sophia and the like.

Most Popular:

  • Becker.
  • Hertz.
  • Kaufman.
  • Klee.
  • Kopp.
  • Lehmann.
  • Mayer.
  • Mobius.
  • Milch.
  • Ohman.
  • Preyer.
  • Rauch.
  • Riger.
  • Reuss.
  • Till.
  • Fin Feuerbach.
  • Schultz.
  • Schuppe.
  • Erkert.
  • Junghans.


Japanese nicknames resonate with the fact that the cream of the loud sounding carries a sacred sensation.

The tables present the most specific data and interpretation of their information:

butt sense
Suzuki twinkle + tree
Tanaka middle of the rice field
Watanabe go over + around
Yamamoto mountain
Kobayasi small fox
Matsumoto pine
Aoki yune tree
Yoshida happy
Saito purification
Shimizu clear water
Abe what is in the darkness
Isikava stone + river
Kojima small island
Miura 3 bays
Harada step
Kaneko gold baby
Takagi temple tree
Ootsuka great pagorb
Sugiyama Japanese cedar


American special data are revered by sonority and solidity. She took the American nickname, the girl, show herself not only original, but serious.

The most popular among girls are:

  • Smith.
  • Moore.
  • Jones.
  • Brown.
  • Taylor.
  • Harris.
  • Clark.
  • Hol.
  • Robinson.
  • Wilson.
  • King.
  • Wright.
  • Scott.
  • Baker.
  • Adams.
  • Peres.
  • Mitchell.
  • Green.

The basis for new special data can serve as a practical word, translated into English, for example: Snow - Snow.

Russian girls' names

Beautiful Russian specialties are often used as names, for example: Romanova, Pavlova, Illarionova and others. Regardless of those stinks, miraculously fit to all European names, it’s important to swear, so that your PIB is not seen to be overwhelmed like a lady with Yana Romanova Romanova.

Deyakі prizvishcha utvoryuyutsya in the Orthodox traditions: Rіzdvyana, Voskresenska - the stench is given noble and bright.

Often, girls pick up new special data for honors, noble families, or name graceful creatures:

  • Generous.
  • Batkivshchyna.
  • Obolenska.
  • Sokolov.
  • Heyden.
  • Lebedev.
  • Moscow.
  • Orlov.

It is not recommended to take special data from patriotic churches: Bikap, Vlapunal, National or Slaveput, although they were popular in 2015. On the right, in that the privileges can be remembered, and the privilege is forfeited for life.

The most beautiful and popular

Among the most beautiful and popular names of recent fates were both Russian and foreign:

  • Alexandrova.
  • Korolkova.
  • Blooms.
  • Serebryanska.
  • Romero.
  • Flores.
  • Garcia.
  • Leroy.
  • Bonnie.
  • Bouquet.

When choosing, as the statistics show, the girls are more oriented towards the sound, lower towards the light.

Cool butts for girls

Love to be seen? Try on yourself one of the original names from the list:

  • Zoryan.
  • Sonyachna.
  • Malinovska.
  • Beautiful.
  • Rіdkіsna.
  • Kokhan.
  • Great.
  • Portman.
  • Akhmatova.
  • Larina.
  • Karenina.
  • Grass.

And remember, "yet, if you didn’t choose a nickname, it’s your fault to be yourself, and not to anyone else!

Beautiful foreign names for girls - in the photo:

Every girl would like to have a beautiful surname. So I don’t want to be Tuporylova or Svinukhova! Relatives reassure: here, you will get married, you will change your surname. But if only Chervyakovs and Durakovs are stuffed into suitors. What to do? The last name can be changed.

Beautiful Russian surnames for girls: options

  • Beautiful surnames are often formed from proper names: Romanov, Vladimirov, Illarionov, Grigoriev, Pavlov, Vasiliev, Semenov, etc. They should go well with your name and patronymic. Diana Semyonovna Semyonova - sounds unnecessarily overloaded, this must be understood.
  • Transfiguration, Resurrection, Christmas - pronounced beautifully and nobly, in the Orthodox way.
  • You can choose a surname with meaning - Generous, Moscow, Slavic, Motherland.
  • Very beautiful surnames, according to many, come from the beautiful names of birds and animals - Lebedev, Strizhenov, Orlov, Sokolov, Solovyov.
  • You can borrow a surname from the count dynasties: Bestuzheva, Obolenskaya, Vorontsova, Heiden.
  • Neutral names are also good - Kovaleva, Vlasova, Rogozina, Krasnova, Lavrova, Svetlova, Teplova, Batalina.

Foreign surnames for girls: list

If Russian surnames do not suit you, although there are many wonderful ones among them, you can look for something suitable in the list of foreign ones.

  • Among the euphonious German surnames for girls, the following can be distinguished: Mayer, Weber, Brown, Werner, Lehmann.
  • A lot of beautiful English surnames Cast: Alison, Bailey, Brett, Cole, Day, Ellis, Evans, Gordon, Grant, Norman, Taylor, Stone, Ray, Mills.
  • At Poles there are many good surnames: Podolskaya, Kovalskaya, Valevskaya, Vitovskaya, Vitkovskaya, Vilenskaya, Troyanovskaya, Yaguzhinskaya, Levandovskaya, Koval.
  • Some Belarusian surnames also sound good: Levitskaya, Kaminskaya, Poplavskaya, Polyanskaya, Galonskaya, Chaikovskaya, Belskaya, Sokolovskaya, Dobrovolskaya, Ostrovskaya, Sobolevskaya, Savitskaya, Snezhinskaya, Gurskaya, Larchenko, Kirilenko, Kovalchuk.
  • There are many beautiful surnames Bulgarians: Apostolova, Angelov, Vladov, Danailov, Dimitrova, Blagoev, Nikolov, Tonev, Lyudmilova.

In the event that you opted for a foreign surname, special attention should be paid to its compatibility with the name!

Cool last names for girls: original selection

If you like to stand out, then the original surname from this list will suit you: Starry, Golden, Brilliant, Naughty, Cheerful, Sunny, Azure, Malinovskaya, Tsareva, Bright, Beautiful, Happy, Beloved, Rare, Plastic, Great, Southern, Fairy Tale, Rainbow, Spark.

You can borrow a surname from one of the stars or famous writers, for example, Kirkorova, Boyarskaya, Koroleva, Portman, Douglas, Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, Mayakovskaya, Dostoevskaya, Pushkin.

Literary characters are also suitable: Larina, Karenina, Bolkonskaya, Dubrovskaya.

When choosing a new surname for yourself, see if it suits you so well, combines with your name and patronymic. Remember that when you decide to change your last name, you are taking an important step that may even change your destiny. Think before you do this. Maybe your real name is not quite harmonious, but it connects you with your clan, family.

Beautiful, memorable and original pseudonyms for girls are in great demand for communication on the Internet. There are many services that offer their selection for payment. Another name is nicknames (nicknames), since the most common area of ​​their use is Internet resources. The "second name" can both help to become famous and harm the reputation.

Top 50 best beautiful nicknames for girls. List ツ

  • misskiss
  • Little Devil =)
  • Kolyuchka
  • @ngel
  • Cooler than Gucci
  • LittleEvil
  • RomaSKA :)
  • pussy cat
  • ZebRa
  • Jlucenok
  • Vikki
  • Nyashka
  • blonde
  • 4oKoLatka
  • ice baby
  • Chocolatte
  • Kisska
  • Sexy
  • Blonde @
  • manLOVEcheck
  • CJlageHbka9l
  • Daring
  • vanilla
  • Panda
  • VrednaI
  • PofigistKa
  • blonde
  • Juliet

    Choosing a beautiful pseudonym for a girl is not easy, but quite real!

  • love me
  • Krasotka
  • Simply Star
  • Bagirra
  • B@rbi
  • Caterina
  • Sonya
  • Stacy
  • Marian
  • Kitty
  • RosmariNe
  • smile girl
  • Olivia
  • lady red
  • MeliSSa
  • Brittani
  • Naomi
  • Joanna
  • Alyssa
  • Candy
  • Jessica

The Importance of a Good Nickname

Most famous bloggers or media personalities have pseudonyms, which are patented as a brand. They are used if:

  • The real name and surname are too simple, typical.
  • The real name and surname are ugly or difficult to remember.
  • You need a bright name associated with the type of activity.
  • Friends or relatives have called a person this way for a very long time and it is more comfortable for him to respond to such a name.
  • It would be desirable and appropriate to have a shocking, funny or characterizing nickname.

A good pseudonym should be beautiful-sounding, recognizable and memorable., understandable and close to the majority of the population with which the girl or guy communicates. Its importance is determined by several factors:

  • The audience with which the person communicates will be happy to use it to address this person. This is good word of mouth advertising.
  • The nickname will be associated with the owner's occupation. For example, if she is a famous athlete, then the thought “if this is a sport, then he / she is the best” will pop up in the minds of people.
  • A pseudonym helps to distinguish a person from the general mass and emphasize his features.
  • It hides personal data about the family and the past, if you do not want to put it on public display for a number of reasons.
  • If the owner decides to expand the field of his activity, then a well-chosen and accustomed second name will already work for the development of new projects.

Nicknames of famous people

Many celebrities have pseudonyms that fit into their image so organically that the public does not even know about the unreality of these names. Often their owners themselves become so accustomed to them that even in narrow circles of relatives they are not called by their real name.

Pseudonyms of writers and poets

Many writers and poets invented pseudonyms for themselves in order to be unknown to the authorities due to the political circumstances of different historical periods. For others, the middle name was a way to become shocking or emphasize the features of their personality.

Yes, everyone's favorite Anna Akhmatova was actually Anna Gorenko. She chose her name in her youth, taking the surname of her grandmother. Eyewitnesses claim that her father, after reading her poems, asked her not to shame his name, to which the poetess replied that she did not need his name.

Andrey Bely, whose writing style stood out among modernist writers and remains original to this day, had a real name Boris Bugaev. The color chosen for the surname symbolizes his purity and spirituality, as well as the shade of his hair.

Ukrainian writer Maria Vilenskaya-Markovych perceived by many as a man due to a male pseudonym Marko Vovchok. She chose him in consonance with her husband's surname - Markovich, from whose relative she heard a family story about the Cossack Mark.

Maxim Gorky was born with the name Alexei Peshkov. There are several versions of the origin of his pseudonym. The Soviet version is that he was poor and fully knew the bitter life. More plausible - the name was chosen in honor of his father, who saved a child from cholera by becoming infected himself, and the surname - in honor of the family nickname of his father, who was called bitter for his sharp tongue.

The witty and sarcastic Teffi was, in fact, Nadezhda Buchinskaya. She managed to be unknown to anyone and published in humorous magazines. For many readers, even the gender of the author remained a mystery.

Pseudonyms of Chekhov, Pushkin and Akunin

The world-famous Anton Pavlovich Chekhov had a lot of pseudonyms - researchers number more than 50. In personal correspondence, he explained this by the fact that he was engaged in two completely different, but equally beloved things - medicine and literature. Conventionally, his second me can be divided into groups:

  • Consonant with real name and surname or abbreviations from them. Often he signed Antosha, Antosha Chekhonte, An. Ch., Anche, A.Ch., A.P., ...v, Don-Antonio Chekhonte and others.
  • Completely inconsistent with real names and distorted names of famous writers: Makar Baldastov, Akaki Tarantulov, Schiller Shakespeare Goethe.
  • Phrases of general, literary and medical subjects: Brother of my Brother, Young old man, Hot-tempered Man, Prose poet, Man without a spleen, doctor without patients and others.

Most of the writer's pseudonyms are very witty and humorous, apparently reflecting his current mood or interests. Despite their originality, he entered world literature with his real name.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin often used:

  • Aliases-digital names, the decoding of which helps to unravel his real name: 1 ... 14-16, 1 ... 14-17, 1 ... 17-14. He signed his poems with them, published on the pages of the Russian Museum.
  • The names associated with the limiting period in his life are Arz. And St. Ar., which mean Arzamas and Old Arzamas - in his youth, the writer was a member of the literary circle "Arzamas".
  • Humorous and favorite pseudonym - Feofilakt Kosichkin.
  • Other pseudonyms associated and not with the real name of the author: Alexander Nksh, Yehuda Khlamida, Ivan Petrovich, Publisher, The reviewer.

The famous Russian writer Boris Akunin was, in fact, Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili.

In addition to his main pseudonym, which brought him fame, he signed Anna Borisova and Anatoly Brusnikin. He chose the last 2 pseudonyms for his livejournal.

Beautiful aliases for girls. List

Nicknames for girls, beautiful and original, are not easy to choose. Now the trend is to combine English and Russian words, names of celebrities.

List of interesting nicknames by subject:

  1. Just for a beautiful girl - you can focus on:
  • whether the girl is in a relationship: Not Your Love, Not Getting Acquainted, Heart is busy;
  • the dominant trait of her character or features of the worldview: Without Brakes, Without Complexes, Forget-me-not, Not in the format, Loving life, And Beautiful, and Smart.
  • use the names of personalities or mythical characters with which the girl associates herself: Helen of Troy, Dulcinea of ​​Tobos
  • To hint at something with phraseological units I'll Save the World = beautiful, from the phrase "Beauty will save the world", Running on the Waves = easily refers to life.
  1. For the writer:
  • change the name or surname of your favorite writer: (name) Akhmatovna, Alexander Pushkin;
  • point out the peculiarities of his style: Telling the Truth = tries to give reliable information, (name) Yatakthink = writes a subjective opinion based on personal experience, Verbose = likes to write long texts;
  • Playful pseudonyms associated with typing texts: Goddess of the Keyboard, Klavatorovna, Home among mice.
  1. For comedians:
  • change the name of famous comedians: Evgeny Petrosyanova, Evlampy Murphy.
  • phrases that, with or without humor, explain the reason for doing this business: The girl who laughs, I'm joking because I'm ugly.
  1. For women in the fashion and beauty industry pseudonyms that creatively communicate their skills are well suited: Eyelash Fairy, I Create Beautiful, Anka (any other name) Golden Handles.
  2. Girls bloggers you should choose a pseudonym that will combine an indication of their occupation and a variant of the name: Dasha Soul Healer (psychologist), Desperate Housewife Vika (housewife), Sumermamasita (mother on maternity leave).

Perhaps these options for nicknames for girls will not seem beautiful to everyone, but they will probably give you an idea of ​​which nickname to choose for yourself.

Beautiful aliases for guys. List

A variety of options for middle names for men will allow anyone to choose their own option. It will be appropriate to proceed from the specifics of the activity, features of appearance and character.

List by subject:

  1. Just for guys with an indication of his personality traits: Winner in life, Solving Questions, Strength and Power, Adult Child, What Is, Silent Doer, Violent, but Kind, Slightly More Beautiful than Monkeys, Godfather, like Deniro, Always Want, Forever Young.
  2. For bloggers- like girls, you must indicate the type of activity and name. In addition, you can use the following options: World Opener, Breaking Stereotypes, Pro, Eternal Revolutionary, Inspirer, Honest Man, Curious, Writing to the Point.
  3. Athletes good options are:
  • accurately describe the appearance and athletic manner: Local Hulk, Flutter like a Butterfly, Right Crown, Uppercuts;
  • goals: I want like Arnie;
  • playful or cartoonish names: Kong-Fu Panda
  1. comedian- depending on what kind of sense of humor a person has and what kind of character he has: Shark Humor (self-confident, impudent), Laughing Panorama (old-fashioned), Satirist (with a satirical sense of humor), Not Funny, Pike-bearer (self-critical).

In English with translation into Russian

Using English when coming up with a beautiful pseudonym for a girl is a trend. They are understandable to the majority of the population and illustrate the intersection of cultures.

Interesting options:

  1. With indication of character traits: controversial - AngelVSDemon (Angel vs. Demon), not modest - Simply Queen (Just Queen), Perfect (Perfect), funny - Funny princess (Funny Princess), Spread (Womanizer), RealMan (Real Man), Man of Few Words ( Laconic), Man's Man (A man is a Man), Action Man (hero, pro), Bananas (Psycho), Big Daddy (Cool Bump), Dino (Dinosaur, used by men living by the old rules), Fucker (Cool Man, that who has many women), Hot Red (Clear, Cool).
  2. Describing features of appearance: for girls with large breasts - Pamela The Great (Pamela Great), well-fed - Honey Bun (Honey Bun), with elastic buttocks - Sweetest nut (Sweetest Nut).
  3. Life Credo: Love is my Answer (Love is my answer), NoPainNoGain (No Pain - No Growth), LoveFreedom (I love Freedom), Make Happy (I Make Happy)
  4. Hobbies: FashionMyProfession (My fashion is a Profession), LoveBeauty (I love the Beautiful), PartyMaker (the one who will arrange a holiday everywhere, Party-goer).

Aliases for Youtube (YouTube)

Aliases for YouTube are very important, because the first impression of the name of the channel and its owner determines whether the public will watch the content and whether they will subscribe.

An alias for YouTube can be a characteristic of the appearance, character, type of activity of the account owner or his subject

  1. In Russian: Bearded Man, Kind Viking, Better than Monica Belucci, Goddess of Shopping, Glorious Shopaholic.
  2. In English: Mr. Wolf (Mr. Wolf), Miss Сhanterelle (Miss Chanterelle), Mr./Mrs … (name), BestGamer (Best Player), TheBestBlogger (Best Blogger), TrueMan (Pravdorub), Alien (Alien), Stoneseeker (Stone Seeker), FunnyPark (Amusement Park), FilmWatcher (Movie Watcher), Flying Girl (Flying Girl), News Catcher (News Catcher).
  3. On mixed, often as the first part of a pseudonym, use the name or occupation and add the words Channel (channel), Page (page), Official (official), Exclusive (exclusive) and others.

Aliases for social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram)

When choosing a pseudonym, you need to consider:

  1. Features of the target audience - whether they will understand such a name. If it is intended for a narrow circle of users, then this issue can be ignored.
  2. The sound of the name and its uniqueness - by naming the page after a famous actress, you can become one of 1000.
  3. Correspondence of the chosen name with the image of the owner, so that he is not ridiculed.
  4. Correspondence of content and pseudonym - if there are photos of drinking alcohol or obscene texts on the Super Mom page, it will be absurd.

We come up with a pseudonym by last name for girls

A beautiful, uncommon surname is unlikely to be replaced by a pseudonym. But there are bad-sounding or reminiscent of unpleasant events surnames. Then they can be changed in the following ways:

  1. Add endings -skaya, -tskaya: Petrova - Petrovskaya, Bachko - Bachkovskaya, Kryzhan - Kryzhanovskaya.
  2. Replace with the association - Sparrow - Flying, Boyko - Fast, Crook - Predatory.
  3. Translate into a foreign language - Tkachenko - Weaver, Golubenko - Dove.
  4. Transform first name into last name and vice versa - Vitalina Nechepurenko - Nechepurina Vitalenko, Anzhelika Lebedeva - Anzhelikin's Winch.

You can experiment endlessly with the selection of a beautiful pseudonym for girls based on the material of her last name, it all depends on the flight of fancy.

Name aliases. Examples

There are several ways to transform a name into an alias:

Cool and cool, cool and interesting aliases

As a rule, the most successful pseudonyms are very appropriate, distinguished by wit and originality.. They are remembered exactly and pop up in memory once when it comes to places, profession, style of their owner. The best of them are characterized by:

  • Specifically - Honest Blogger, Millionaire's Wife.
  • Humor - Joy in Shorts, Boiled Sausage.
  • Beautiful sounding - Ice Crystal, Lyalya Solnechnaya.
  • The presence of an association with some kind of cultural phenomenon or character - Hormonic Bellucci.
  • Using literary devices - Rich Rogue, Beautiful Quasimodo.

How can a girl choose or come up with a suitable pseudonym

The following tips will help you choose a beautiful pseudonym for a girl:

  1. Think about how you can beat your own name, surname, names of relatives.
  2. Consider options for how to associate a new name with the estate or pseudonym of an idol or with a person who is most successful in a particular field of activity.
  3. Decide if it is appropriate to use the place of birth and residence for the new name.
  4. Connect to the process of inventing a pseudonym epithets with personal qualities or skills that characterize the image as accurately as possible.
  5. Analyze which aliases are currently relevant, and what fonts they are used for. Check that the selected option is unique.
  6. For most people to like him, you need to choose an accessible, not too abstruse pseudonym.
  7. Settle on an easy-to-pronounce name - it's easier to remember.
  8. If you like an exotic and unusual option, you need to remember that it should match the original thinking and appearance.

It should always be remembered that the choice of an alias depends primarily on the place where it will be used. In social networks, you can change it an unlimited number of times and come up with informal options. To develop your business, it is better to choose once, but a successful nickname is a really beautiful nickname for a girl.

Useful videos about the best aliases. How to choose

The surname is a reflection of the person himself. People are not always happy with their names. This is especially true for the female half of the population. After all, a girl should be beautiful in everything. Her name and surname should speak of positive qualities. Many dream of an unusual original surname, having the most ordinary. This can be fixed in the passport office, but there is an easier way - to take a pseudonym on a social network.

Unusual surnames

For some girls, the beauty of the sound of their name is not as important as the originality of the idea itself. For example, a surname can end in -ova or -eva, but is identical to any adjective. So, the surname Sweet is suitable for a glamorous girl who watches her image. The surname Generous will please the owner of this quality, and the surname Cold will give a touch of arrogance, like the Snow Queen. On the contrary, the name Warm will give charm and tenderness to a young lady.

Eccentric Surnames

The surname Luxurious will demonstrate to envious people the greatness of their rival. By the way, such a choice can significantly increase the self-esteem of young women with complexes. Constantly hearing such epithets, she will feel better from a psychological point of view. Superstitious girls can easily become Happy or Bright. The surname Great will make the girl a queen in the eyes of her friends. It's so nice to realize that your last name in absentia makes you successful and makes your interlocutors smile after the first minutes of meeting you. You can come up with the most beautiful surnames for girls yourself.

Indeclinable surnames for girls

Many people like it when their last name is not inclined. That is, the surnames Grass or Us, common in some CIS countries, will appeal to young fashionistas. Such surnames can become a continuation of the girl's nickname. For example, there are cases when a girl took the surname Beauty, Excellent student or Cat, based on her past in her university and school years. Beautiful surnames for girls are easy to find on the Internet. On a number of forums, people discuss the names of acquaintances and friends known to them. From this list, girls can choose the perfect pseudonym for themselves. The indestructible surname Krysh or Zvon will add spice and a foreign touch to any owner.

Craving for everything foreign has long become common. It seems to Russian girls that everything that is produced abroad is better than in their homeland. That is why they like to take VKontakte for girls, they often come with a foreign tinge. For example, Adamson or Archers, Laird or Mackenzie can often be found on this social network. Many Paige, Palmer and Addams swept VKontakte. In addition, the use of the names of famous literary authors is becoming popular. For example, Austen is suitable for a lover of novels. There is also a place for refined admirers of Bradbury's talent. For real connoisseurs of detectives, the surname Fleming is suitable. A lot of Hardy or Flaubert are found on the Internet. It is good to combine such surnames with bright ones and, for example, Aurora or Giselle.

Surnames from the world of cinema

Another one for girls is the world of cinema. Famous actresses and directors provide food for thought. Fans of Audrey Hepburn are happy to take the name of the famous Holly from Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Those who watched "Gone with the Wind" will certainly opt for O'Hara. Thornbirds fans will prefer the Irish Cleary to any other. And connoisseurs of alternative Spanish cinema will not disdain Almodovar. The same applies to the names Starling and Marple for fans of the detective genre and thriller. The suspense classic will open up in a new way if you take the surname Hitchcock. The same can be said about the common but significant surname King. Sexy and successful actresses also influence the list of beautiful surnames for girls. Many have already reached the passport office with a request to become Jolie or Johansson. Luxurious Cruz and Diaz are already walking the streets of Russian cities.

In addition, such heroines of films and books as Panther Bagheera from "Mowgli" can also become an outstanding source for choosing a surname, which is proved by numerous girls from social networks.

Beautiful for girls

Many models and actresses change their last name when they start their careers. So, the most popular, from the point of view of statistics, are surnames of German origin. From the classics in this vein, the names Müller and Wagner can be distinguished. The surname Richter, meaning "judge", is suitable for fair and self-confident girls. The surname Kruger is usually chosen by fans of the famous Diana. Her work inspires them. Oddly enough, short girls most often choose the surname Klein. It translates as "small". It looks very nice. The surname Koenig elevates the girls to royal blood. This variation is usually preferred by those with good self-esteem. The most common surnames are Koch and Fischer. In translation, they do not mean anything pleasant, but for the harmonious sound they remain the most profitable.

Beautiful Russian surnames

It is not necessary to take a surname of foreign origin, because among the Russians there are very beautiful options. For example, the list of beautiful surnames for girls can easily be replenished with the names of Russian writers and poets. Nekrasov, Lermontov, Pushkin, Tolstaya - all this sounds noble and historical. Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva - it's so romantic and creative. Almost any female name will be combined with the surname Dostoevskaya. In addition, you can take a surname in honor of any time of the year. So, Spring or Summer sound very bright and encouraging. And the surname May will become more of a permanent nickname. In fact, if you have such a beautiful surname, they may forget about your name, constantly using the surname and its derivatives (Mai-Maika, Nut - Nut). In addition, do not forget about the Russian surnames Bereza or Woody, which is very impressive.

How to choose a surname

The list of beautiful surnames for girls is constantly expanding. By typing a similar query into an Internet search engine, you can find many options for how to change your life. In addition, various forums constantly create such topics. Therefore, you can ask the opinion of many advanced people from different cities or even countries of the world. Users of social networks are also at your service, who constantly change their names and surnames to something unusual and sonorous.

For example, you can "become" a human-city or other object of cultural significance, an animal, a tree, and their derivatives. These are not jokes at all, since according to statistics, nouns are still the most popular. In honor of Asia, Africa, America, Italy and many other places, children are not only named. Now surnames are like that. Among singers and singers, drinks or English words are also used. The main thing is that you must understand exactly what you want from the surname: so that it makes you more confident or luxurious, cute or unforgettable, funny or strict.

A list of beautiful surnames for girls is a way to become better and brighter. In life, you can change everything, including the name.

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