The most beautiful Russian male actors top 100. The most beautiful actors in Russia


// Photo: Roman Galasun/ KINOSLOVO and Art Picture

1 place. Danila Kozlovsky

For the role in Duhless 2, Danila Kozlovsky mastered surfing almost to perfection. Filming took place on Uluwatu - a favorite place for experienced surfers
on Bali. Beginners do not climb there: there are reefs nearby! In the midst of shooting, rescuers reported: a swell is moving towards us - a big wave. The group was in a hurry. Only one frame was missing - how the hero stands up to his full height on the board. It was possible, of course, to do without him, but Danila always strives for the ideal. We waited for a favorable moment - a small wave. And finally Danila went to sea. Suddenly, a small wave rose and turned into a three-meter one. In this case, the surfer must dive under it on the board. But, being on the crest of a wave, Danila continued to work - and stood up! The film crew was dumbfounded with horror as they saw him blown off the board and spinning almost instantly. "Feels like I'm in
washing machine drum during spin cycle! Kozlovsky says. “And the next wave also threw a T-shirt over my face!” All new waves began to nail the actor to the reefs. He gathered his strength and rowed to the shore - and then he saw a drowning guy, almost unconscious. Risking his life, Danila swam to him and picked him up on his surfboard. So they and the tourist, who did not calculate their strength, held out until the boat arrived. “Australian rescuers, pulling us out of the water, said: “Crazy Russian!” Danila laughs. - I answered them: “I want it again!”

// Photo: Press service of Dima Bilan

2nd place. Dima Bilan

The singer says: “I try for my parents, I feel responsible.” The future Eurovision winner grew up in a poor family. But if he asked for sneakers, dad and mom bought with the last money. Now Dima helps the family, at his own expense he sent his younger sister Anya to study in America. “He remains a simple guy, no star fever,” actress Kristina Koles told StarHit. - Somehow I call him, and he is somewhere nearby, on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment. “See the chic restaurant on the water? - I see. Cross the road, I'm on the playground. Found. Sitting on a small rocker, eating a hamburger, around six huge bags of McDonald's ... "

// Photo: Yuri Samolygo / ITAR-TASS

3rd place. Maksim Galkin

Before filming the series “Kings Can Do Everything” (details on pages 40–41), where Maxim played a medieval duke, he had to learn horseback riding. “The Duke must definitely be able to stay in the saddle! – said Galkin “StarHit”. – Friends from the Novy Vek equestrian complex in Novaya Riga have been calling me to study for a long time, and I took advantage of the invitation. For several months I worked out for an hour or two a day. Getting in and out was easy.
The hardest part was getting the horses to obey. I talked to them and tried to persuade me not to drop them. And the stuntmen taught me how to fall correctly and effectively.”

// Photo: Press service of Philip Kirkorov

4th place. Philip Kirkorov

The pop king of the Russian stage is kind to his fans, always ready to help them. Once Philip was told about a 15-year-old
Daniil, who is seriously ill with viral infections and diabetes. His grandmother turned to the singer: can you visit Danya? “Doctors believe that positive emotions will help to reverse the disease, and you are his favorite singer!” Kirkorov came on tour to St. Petersburg and stayed for another day - to call on the boy in the hospital. I talked with him, presented toys, wished: “Be sure to get well soon!” Recently, the artist received a call. Delighted: Danya remembered Philip every day and rejoiced. And the doctors said that his blood sugar returned to normal. Doctors say it's a miracle!

5th place. Sergey Zhorin

Last year, the lawyer saw a Honda flying along the Garden Ring hit a girl on a pedestrian zebra and disappeared. “A 25-year-old blonde was lying unconscious. I approached, there is a pulse - alive! – says Sergey. - The ambulance was delayed. I know that it is impossible to carry a person after an accident, but there was no way out. I carefully placed the girl in the seat of my car and drove her to the nearest clinic. I found a cell phone in her bag. I called the last number she dialed - it was my mother. Reassured, gave the address of the hospital. And when he left, he paid for the services. Next day
found out that her family had taken her home. Lena escaped with a broken arm. By the way, I was late to court then. And they wrote a complaint against me to the Chamber of Lawyers.

// Photo: Press service of Sergey Lazarev

6th place. Sergey Lazarev

The singer every month deducts money from shelters for homeless animals. Daisy, a pooch living in his house, he found exactly there a year and a half ago.

“For a charity project helping homeless animals, I took a picture with a shelter pet - a funny black puppy with a white stripe on its face. And I liked him so much that I played with him for two hours. Then he gave it away: I had to go on tour, - says Sergey. - While performing, I caught myself thinking that I miss him. And when he returned, he took him home. Now this is my best alarm clock. At 8 a.m. sharp, Daisy sits up by the bed, thumps her paw on the bed, and whimpers. Of course, I immediately get up and take her for a walk.

7th place. Dmitry Nagiev

In the second season of the series "Fizruk" on TNT, the hero of Nagiyev will crush a car with an ax. During the filming, Dmitry was picked up by an understudy, who was supposed to smash the windshield of the car on a grand scale, not paying attention to the fragments. But the actor who really gets into every role chose to do the dangerous stunt himself. Nagiyev has sports skills: he is a master of sports in sambo. “Dmitry hit so hard that he broke not only the glass, but also broke the ax! – told “StarHit” on the set. - We were shocked: he played this scene without a single extra movement. The whole crew applauded!”

// Photo: Vlad Loktev for ELLE Russia

8th place. Vladimir Mashkov

The actor supported the desire of his adopted son Andrei to join the army. The guy graduated from the Moscow St. George Cadet Corps No. 6, was a squad leader and received the rank of vice-senior sergeant. “I like military affairs,” 18-year-old Andrei told StarHit. “Dad was there when I entered the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Margelov.” Now Andrei serves in the intelligence unit near Vladivostok. Vladimir flew to him more than once for a short meeting and a heart-to-heart talk between men.

// Photo: Press service of Vyacheslav Malafeev

9th place. Vyacheslav Malafeev

The goalkeeper of "Zenith" forgave the commentator Dmitry Guberniev, who in August 2011 allowed himself to make public insulting remarks about him. Malafeev won the trial, received moral compensation. But only in December 2013, Guberniev matured - and called the goalkeeper to apologize. “And Slava invited him to his country house,” says a friend of the football player Levan. - Dima talked with his family, congratulated him on the New Year. The men shook hands tightly. And Slava said: “To be vindictive is stupid, we are adults!”

// Photo: Press service of Denis Matsuev

10th place. Denis Matsuev

Long before moving to Moscow, in his native Irkutsk, the pianist played enthusiastically in the yard football team. In the capital, this unexpectedly came in handy. “I reconciled the local punks with the musicians from the Central Music School, whom they beat,” Denis said. - They waited at the exit from the school and beat. I realized that I need to create my own football team. We played against the local punks, showed them that we are not sickly players, and then became friends.

// Photo: Nikolai Baskov's press service

11th place. Nikolay Baskov

A year ago, while filming in the TV movie "Reverse Turn", Nikolai risked not getting on the "New Wave". Bad weather prevented filming of some of the episodes, and director Alena Semenova did not let the artist go. “It’s not in my rules to let people down,” Baskov says. - Persuaded the director to let me go. Igor Krutoy, who sent an SMS the day before: "Kolya, we are waiting for you!", I replied: "I'll be back soon!" Hired a private jet for the evening of the next day. After shooting, he flew to Jurmala on it, promising: “I will be in the evening!” At 17.00 the singer landed in Riga, at 19.30 he went on stage, and at 20.30 he was already flying back.

// Photo: Press service of Stas Piekha

12th place. Stas Piekha

Once, on the way to a rehearsal, the 34-year-old singer stopped at the store - he wanted to buy a bottle of water. An old grandmother, standing in front of him at the cash register,
for a long time she scooped out a trifle from the bag - she collected 24 rubles for a loaf of white bread. “I felt sorry for her, I suggested: “Let's cry!” And she refused
began to apologize that she was delaying the queue, she made excuses that she had not calculated the pension a little, - says Stas. “Then I took her by the hand and led her back to the trading floor.” After 20 minutes, they returned to the cashier with a full cart, which contained milk, cottage cheese, bread, vegetables, cheese, sugar, vegetables and fruits ... The singer paid for everything.

// Photo: TNT TV channel press service

13th place. Vitaly Gogunsky

In his frantic work schedule, the artist finds time for his daughter from his first marriage, 4-year-old Milana. “In my opinion, a real man is one who loves and does not hide his feelings,” Vitaly says to StarHit. - I remember how we performed with her in the show "One to One": I portrayed Leps, and Milan - Ani Lorak. And now I see my daughter, fearlessly standing on the stage in front of a thousandth audience - and from pride I have a lump in my throat, I forgot the words, tears well up in my eyes, I can’t sing ... ”The artist’s daughter can not only sing, but even compose melodies, playing along yourself on a synthesizer.

// Photo: Gilles Bensimon for ELLE Russia

14th place. Ivan Urgant

“Ivan was lucky to be born in a family like ours, with a dad like me, and with a grandmother like Nina Nikolaevna,” Father Andrei Urgant told StarHit. “It must be won somewhere at the top!” Despite the status of the family, Ivan was not afraid of any work. “I studied at the institute and worked in a nightclub at the same time,” he says. - I shook out ashtrays, washed glasses in a bar ... "The future showman worked as a loader, and a janitor, and a leader in
strip club, played the guitar in a Spanish restaurant.

15th place. Daniel Strakhov

Daniil sought the location of his classmate Masha Leonova for all five years of study at the Shchukin School. But she was probably the only one among the students who did not go crazy "for this handsome man." Daniil got a job as a waiter, bought her expensive silver earrings.
But neither this, nor his desperate proposal - "Masha, marry me!" - did not change her attitude towards him. And she didn’t take a gift, and she didn’t marry him. After graduation, both ended up in the theater. Gogol. And only then, according to Maria, "everything somehow happened by itself." The couple have been together for 14 years.

16th place. Sergey Bezrukov

Once the actor was called by his former class teacher from school No. 402 in Veshnyaki, asked to help the 12-year-old daughter of his classmate with money. “The girl found an inoperable brain tumor, and the drug for chemotherapy was fabulously expensive. My son didn't have that much! – tells “StarHit” the father of the actor Vitaly Sergeevich. - But he organized a charity concert in a week, invited familiar businessmen. By the end of the evening, the amount was almost collected from donations.

// Photo: Press service of Vladimir Yaglych

17th place. Vladimir Yaglych

Traveling around Europe on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, Vladimir was transported by ferry from Italy to Greece. And suddenly I noticed a man who was looking around in confusion. “I asked what happened. It turned out that he left for a short time, but during this time money and credit cards were stolen from the car, – Yaglych told StarHit. - All that remained was that the gift to my son for his 5th birthday was a toy car. He did not know how he would get home: the gas in the car was at zero. I gave him money for gas and borrowed a laptop so he could Skype his wife.”

18th place. Nikita Presnyakov

At the end of June, Nikita's 17-year-old friend Alena Krasnova went to Bulgaria with her parents. “Nikita and I contacted every day, sharing literally everything,” the girl tells StarHit. - I liked Bulgaria, but this time my father and mother noticed that I was depressed. They suggested: maybe Nikita will come to us? I answer - he can’t, he has rehearsals, preparations for the New Wave ... In the evening, Nikita and I texted. I confessed that I missed him terribly. He is too. Well, then we communicate, already about something else. And a few days later he wrote: "I'm flying"
- and your flight number. We met him at the airport. How he freed those few days, I don't know. But when I saw him, I was happy!”

19th place. Alexey Makarov

In just four months, Alexey managed to lose 23 kg! When Makarov starred in the role of Porthos in The Three Musketeers in 2012, his weight was almost 100 kg. After finishing filming at home, I found the jeans I wore in my freshman year and decided to try to fit into them again. Was shocked! Two days later, a treadmill was delivered to the actor's house, he installed it himself. And 4 months every other day for an hour ran at least 10
km. He sat down on a salt-free diet, refused fried food and switched to boiled food. Today, Alexei Makarov is unrecognizable. Slim, fit. Running has become a habit now.

20th place. Maxim Averin

At the IV Trans-Baikal International Film Festival in Chita, Maxim hosted the opening ceremony, showed his play “Everything Starts with Love”, but he is most proud of the fact that there is now his personal maple on the star alley. He had long dreamed of "planting a tree", but there was no time. Even in Chita, he managed to be late, appearing on the alley later than other stars. But he immediately put on an apron, took a shovel, singing “Chita-grita-chita-margarita ...”, dug a hole and lowered a seedling into it, covered the root with earth, watered from a watering can. Straightening up, he joked: “Well, now it remains to build a house and get an ostrich!”

// Photo: Press service of Evgeny Plushenko

21st place. Evgeni Plushenko

The passion of the Olympic champion in figure skating is fast driving. “My personal speed record driving a Maserati on the St. Petersburg ring road is 270 km/h,” says Evgeny. "But I'm not putting anyone at risk." The athlete graduated from extreme driving courses, so he does not lose control of the car. Plushenko loves Mercedes jeeps, and uses a minibus for family trips. And he dreams of a car race with friends around the country.

22nd place. Konstantin Khabensky

The actor 5 years ago created a charitable foundation to help children with brain cancer. However, he does not refuse to help his friends. “A few years ago, one of our dressers was diagnosed with breast cancer,” StarHit was told at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, where the actor serves. - Not to say that Kostya was friendly with her - so, they talked at work. But, having learned that she did not have money for the operation, he paid for everything himself. The woman was operated on, she is still
since it works for us. God forbid, more people like Kostya!”

// Photo: Press service of Denis Klyaver

23rd place. Denis Klyaver

Two years ago, Denis publicly admitted that he is the father of Eva Polna's eldest daughter, Evelina. For six years they kept their secret, but the older the girl got, the more clearly they understood that questions about her father could hurt her - and Denis decided to open up. Yes, we have a daughter, she
definitely the fruit of our love. Look what a beauty is growing! – he told the editor of “StarHit” Andrey Malakhov. Denis continues to take care of his daughter, visits school, knows her teachers ... In addition to Evelina, his sons Timofey and Daniel are growing up, and he is also godfather three times.

24th place. Igor Petrenko

The actor admitted that he took on the image of Sherlock Holmes with fear. But the more he got used to the role, the less fears remained in life. He even tamed a tarantula, which, according to the plot, lived with the detective, and after filming he took the spider home and settled it in an aquarium. “The children were delighted: what a fluffy, beautiful, let's call him Snowflake! – says “StarHit” Igor. We feed him crickets and cockroaches. And watch him change his skin."

25th place. Pavel Priluchny

“After the birth of my son Timosha in January 2013, my husband and I took a three-month maternity leave,” actress Agatha Muceniece tells StarHit. - We were then short of funds, and Pasha, sending me and my son to my relatives, did the repairs with his own hands. Demolished unnecessary partitions with a crowbar. In the living room and hallway, he tore off the wallpaper, removed the plaster and left bare brick walls. From morning to evening, covered with orange dust, leveled them, and then covered them with transparent varnish. Friends did not even believe: “Pasha, are you all this yourself ?!”

The most beautiful Russian actors (top 25) (born May 14, 1970, Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Russian and Ukrainian theater and film actor. His films: "Mine", "Star of the Epoch", "Ambulance", "Your Honor", "Team", "Anna Karenina".

(born July 8, 1963, Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor, singer, People's Artist of Russia (2001). His films: "Nicknamed the Beast", "Mother", "Contract with Death", "Kinship Exchange", "Turkish Gambit", "Bachelors", "Artist", "Queen Margo", "Countess de Monsoro".

(born July 28, 1982 in Svetly, Kaliningrad region) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Thank you for the love", "Stilyagi", "New Year's tariff", "On the hook!", "Exchange wedding", "August 8th".

(born July 2, 1985, Dneprorudny, Zaporozhye region, Ukrainian SSR) - Russian theater and film actor. Currently works at the Mossovet Theatre. His films: "Talisman of Love", "Street Racers", "Plato", "Provincial", "Looking for You", "Nanolove", "Unloved", "Kiss of Fate".

(born September 2, 1981, in Solntsevo, Moscow Region, now part of Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor, younger brother of actor Andrei Chadov. His films: "War", "At the Nameless Height", "Moth Games", "Night Watch", "Love in the Big City", "Street Racers", "Irony of Love", "Was You Beloved".

(born August 13, 1970, in Leningrad) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: Ice, Named Baron, Antisniper, Montecristo, Viola Tarakanova, Favorsky, Multiplying Sorrow, Fugitive.

(born January 11, 1981, Balashikha, Moscow Region) - Russian theater and film actor. His films and series: "Doctor Zhivago", "And yet I love ...", "No one but us", "Bros 2", "Mother's Heart", "Closed School", etc.

18. Maxim Radugin(born June 21, 1978, Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Adjutants of Love", "Blood Sisters", "Women's Stories", "Vorotyli", "Gift of God", "Princess of the Circus", "Wedding Ring", "Closed School".

(born November 25, 1967 Leningrad, USSR) - Russian actor. Films and series with his participation: "Young and Happy", "Gromovs", "Web", "Kings of the Game", "Rich and Beloved", "Life for Two", "Granny of Hell", etc.

(until April 18, 2011 - Vitaly Emashov; born July 18, 1976, Naberezhnye Chelny, USSR) - Russian actor. Since 2004 he has been acting in films. Popularity brought a role in the TV series "Princess of the Circus", where he played two twin brothers: Yaroslav and Svyatoslav. His other films: "Veronica won't come", "Grandfather as a gift", "Captain Gordeev", "General Therapy 2", "Game", etc.

(January 23, 1973, Leningrad, USSR) - Russian theater and film actor. The first film role is a little Mozart playing the violin in the French film "Debussy, or Mademoiselle Shu-Shu". However, having become a professional actor, he did not act in films for a very long time until he got the role of a swimmer in the film "Lady Victory". Captain Gordeev, Blood Brothers", "Hear My Heart", "Vow of Silence", etc.

(born February 7, 1985, Moscow) - Russian film actor, producer, jeweler, artist. His acting debut took place in 2005, when he appeared on the screen as Mona Lisa in the film "9th Company". Other films with his participation: "Heat", "Mothers and Daughters", "Treasure: A Scary New Year's Tale", "On the Hook!", "Medicine for Grandma", "Swallow's Nest".

(born November 27, 1977 in Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor. The first episodic role in the movie in the TV series "Maroseyka - 12". Other films and series with his participation: "Sins of the Fathers", "Kulagin and Partners", "Capercaillie", "A Man Must Pay", "Almost a Real Show", "Pseudonym Albanian 2", "Generation P", "Silent Witness" and etc.

(born January 19, 1988, Tula, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian musician and actor, representative of Russia at the competition Eurovision 2011. He began his film career in 2006 with the filming of the television series Alice's Dreams. His other films: "Suicides", "Deffchonki".

(born February 3, 1973, in Kyiv) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Free Woman", "Two Fates", "Lady with Glasses, with a Gun in a Car", "Obsession", "Gemini", "The Right to Love", "General Therapy".

(born January 14, 1983 in Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor. In 2004, he made his film debut with several significant roles at once - Lieutenant Malyutin in the military film "At an Nameless Height". In the same year, he starred in the film "My Prechistenka", where he played Sergei - the son of a prince and a maid. His other films: "I'll show you Moscow", "Love is not what it seems", "Rules of theft", "We are from the future 2", "Only you", "Five brides" and others.

(born March 2, 1976 in Moscow, USSR) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Maroseyka, 12", "The Fifth Corner", "Main Roles", "Always Say Always", "Brigade", "Women's Logic-2", "Evlampia Romanova", "Children of the Arbat", "Poor Nastya" .

(born November 8, 1979 in Sarov) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Carmelita", "Fire of Love", "A Woman Without a Past", "Carmelita. Gypsy Passion".

(born November 26, 1975, Penza, USSR) - Russian theater and film actor, singer. His films: "Drilling", "Love adventures", "Poor Nastya", "Pen and sword", "Bloody Mary", "And the snow is falling."

(born October 10, 1974 in Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Don't be born beautiful", "A man without a gun", "Conspiracy", "Razluchnitsa", "This evening the angels cried".

(born August 23, 1977, Potsdam, GDR) - Russian theater and film actor, laureate of the State Prize of Russia (2002). His films: Moscow Windows, Star, Cadets, Carmen, Driver for Vera.

(born January 14, 1986 in Moscow) - Russian actor, performer of the main role of Maxim Kammerer in the film series "Inhabited Island".

3. Danila Kozlovsky(born May 3, 1985, Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor. Films with his participation: "Simple Truths", "Garpastum", "Vampire Academy", "Dubrovsky", "Rasputin" and many others.

(born October 9, 1977, Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor with Ossetian roots (by father). His films: "Turkish Gambit", "Admiral", "White Bear", "The Man Who Knew Everything", "Chemist", "Hindu".

(born November 27, 1963, in Tula, his mother is Italian by birth) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1996), People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2010). His films: Limita, Moscow Evenings, American Daughter, The Thief, Mom, Oligarch, Kandahar, have repeatedly starred in Hollywood films.

Handsome, successful, young (and not so young), athletic and positive, always on the lips, self-confident, smiling or serious, imposing or mysterious, real men - this is how you can characterize the best actors of Russian cinema and television.

The top below with photographs, names and brief information includes only the most desirable ministers of Russian Melpomene. So who do women consider the most attractive handsome men?

Averin Maxim

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, winner of the Golden Eagle in 2010 (Best Actor on TV Glukhar). Born November 26, 1975. Height 192 centimeters. In addition to his acting career, he successfully distinguished himself in directing and on television. His best works are the roles in the film Carmen and the television series Capercaillie.

Not married.

Alexander Golovin

Born January 13, 1989. Height is 173 centimeters. After the transition from the Yeralash project to a serious movie, he appeared in the film Bastards, then got into the long television series Kadetstvo. Then there were successful roles in such projects: Bride, Theft Rules, Christmas Trees, Dove, Hero.

Alexander is not married. Have no children.

Antipenko Grigory

Born October 10, 1974, height 185 centimeters. He did not immediately choose an acting career, having first received an education as a pharmacist. Grigory was remembered by the viewer for the role of Andrei Zhdanov in the soapy and terribly long series Don’t Be Born Beautiful, but from the point of view of critics, his best works are roles in the series Retribution, Black Mark, Provincial, Operation “Color of the Nation”.

The actor has 3 children from two marriages. Now he is not married and is rumored to be free after parting with his last passion Tatyana Arntgolts.

Artem Krylov

Born on August 3, 1991 in St. Petersburg. Height 183 centimeters. He was married to actress Anastasia Nemirovskaya. Best works: Free diploma, Sea buckthorn summer.

Barabash Alexey

Born June 12, 1977. Height 180 centimeters. Best film work: Peter FM, Sisters, Russian Ark and on television: Teach me how to live, These eyes are opposite, Palm Sunday. He was married three times and divorced three times. The actor has two children.

At the moment, she is not married and carefully hides her personal life.

Barshak Pavel

The younger brother of the famous director Alexander Barshak. Born December 19, 1980. Height 187 centimeters. For the first time, the actor showed his talent in the lead roles in the films Time is Money and Walk (2003). Of the latter, roles were played in the series Share your happiness, Election Day 2, Patients, Three Musketeers. The first time the actor married at the age of 22 and he has a son Fedor from his first marriage.

The fate and name of the first wife are unknown to the press, and their son lives with his father. Pavel's current wife is Evgenia Barshak, a designer. In this marriage, another son was born - Thomas.

Baturin Yuri

Russian-Ukrainian film and theater actor. Born August 13, 1972. Height 189 centimeters. Before becoming an actor, Yuri went through a difficult survival school in Moscow, he worked at the Lenkom Theater, and part-time was a bartender. Having left the theater, he worked as a truck driver, administrator and even a publisher in thematic magazines in order to pay for an apartment in the capital.

The first pictures with Yuri: My truth, Avtonomka, Airport-2, Love as love, Women's stories. His most high-profile works are considered to be roles in the films The Witch Doctor, Palm Sunday, Another Chance, Euphrosyne, Lavrova's Method.

The actor is married to model Irina, whom he met while working as a bartender. The couple have a little son born in 2013.

Bezrukov Sergey

Actor, theater director, screenwriter, producer, singer, participant in television and radio projects. Born October 18, 1973. Height is 174 centimeters. The big roles of the actor were played in serials and films: Nocturne for a drum and a motorcycle, Russian vaudeville, Azazel, Brigade, Plot, City without a sun, Yesenin, Crazy, Butterfly Kiss, Strict Security Vacation.

Sergei was married to Irina Livanova from 2000 to 2015. Has an illegitimate son and daughter from Christina Smirnova. Since 2016, he has been married to Anna Mathison and has a daughter in common with her.

Beroev Egor

Actor, TV presenter. Grandson of the popular Soviet actor Vadim Beroev. Born October 9, 1977. Height 189 centimeters. For the first time, at the age of 7, he starred in the film Dedication to Love. Popularity came to Egor after filming the film Turkish Gambit. The most outstanding roles of the actor in the films: Family Secrets, Railway Romance, Kazarosa, Santa Claus involuntarily, Landing Forces, Chemist, August 8, Thin Ice.

Beroev has been married since 2001 to Ksenia Alferova. The couple have one daughter, Evdokia.

Bilanov Andrey

Russian-Ukrainian theater and film actor. Born September 5, 1968. Height 190 centimeters. He played his first role at the age of 33 in the film Adam's tear. Andrey's further big roles were in the films: Cats and Mice, Athos and the bees, Paradise apples 2, Such an ordinary life, Indian summer, Forest lake, Fury, A cat for sale.

The actor was married three times and divorced three times. Disappointed in the opposite sex, does not intend to marry soon. He has a daughter from his first marriage and a son from his third.

Bilan Dmitry

Singer, TV presenter and film actor. Real name - Victor Belan. Born October 24, 1981. Height 170 centimeters. He acted in films: Star Holidays, Hero, Golden Key, Love is not show business, Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors.

Bilan has the status of an enviable bachelor, he was not married, there are no children.

Pale Philip

Russian TV presenter, theater and film actor, dubbing actor. Born May 2, 1988. Height 180 centimeters. Philip's career as a theater actor began at the age of 4. The first film role was played in the film Obsession. Popularity came to the actor after filming a long-term television project Daddy's daughter (the role of Venik - Dasha's fiancé). And also he starred in the films: Full Moon, Somersault House, Random Traveler.

Philip was credited with a relationship with Lisa Arzamasova, and then with Nastya Sivaeva, but he himself denies these facts. Now the actor is not married, there are no children.

Bogatyrev Mark

Born December 22, 1984 in Moscow. Height 180 centimeters. The actor is not married. Best works: Kitchen, Great.

Bondarenko Stanislav

Russian-Ukrainian theater and film actor. Born July 2, 1985. Height 190 centimeters. The first big role was played by an actor in the series Talisman of Love. After this project, a flurry of proposals fell upon Stanislav: Sin, Beauty requires, Provincial, Looking for you, Nanolove, Anka from Moldavanka, Do not offer intimacy.

Stanislav was married from 2008 to 2015 to actress Yulia Chepeleva. Has a son, Mark. The reason for the divorce of the spouses remains a secret.

Vakulenko Ivan

Russian film and theater actor, singer and musician. Born January 18, 1986. Height 180 centimeters. Ivan has few film roles. The actor was remembered by the viewer after the adaptation of a touching melodrama about teenage love in 2006 - Kostya + Nika. And in 2007 he starred in the film Sea Soul. After a long lull in 2016, the actor showed off his talent in the film Sofia. Ivan's main activity is work in the musical group LosiKenguru.

The actor's personal life and data about his family are under a dark curtain.

Vasiliev Ivan

Honored Russian ballet dancer, premier of the Mikhailovsky Theatre, theater and film actor. Born January 9, 1989. He starred in two films: Flames of Paris, Don Quixote. Since 2011, Ivan had a long relationship with dancer Natalia Osipova, but the wedding never took place.

In 2015, the ballerina Maria Vinogradova won the heart of the artist and they got married almost immediately. The couple have a daughter Anna.

Vlaskin Dmitry

Born October 22, 1989. Height 189 centimeters. The actor works at the Moscow Art Theatre. The first film role was in the youth series Studio-17. He acted in films: Cheerful guys, Fizruk, Fizruk-2, In the constellation of the archer, Eternal vacation, Elastico.

The actor does not advertise his personal life. It is known that since 2014 he has been married to actress Alexandra Kuzenkina and is happily married. Have no children.

Volkov Alexander

Born September 21, 1975. Height 187 centimeters. From 2001 to 2006 he worked as an actor in the theater. N. Gogol. The first significant film role was played by the actor in 2005 in the film Rope of Sand. The most famous works of Alexander are the films: The Return of Mukhtar-3, My Prechistenka, The Wedding Ring, The Long Road, Believe Me.

Alexander has been married for many years to his first student love, the girl Taisiya. The couple have a daughter and two sons.

Vorobyov Alexey

Russian musician, director, actor, winner of the Ice and Fire project, UN Goodwill Ambassador, Russian representative at Eurovision 2011, participant in the Bachelor 2016 project. Born January 19, 1988. Height 186 centimeters. As an actor, Alexey participated in bright film projects: The Three Musketeers, Get Up and Fight, Little Girls, Suicides, Smile Russia.

Grishin Alexander

Born July 16, 1974. The debut of Alexander's acting activity in the cinema is the drama Tender Age. The films brought fame to the actor: Bastards, Farewell, Escape from Moskvabad.

The actor is married to the famous actress Nelli Uvarova and the couple have a daughter, Iya. Alexander has a son from his first marriage - Andrei.

Derevyanko Pavel

Theater and film actor, dubbing actor. Born July 2, 1976. Height 170 centimeters. He first starred in the film Drove Yes the Driver in 2001. The actor is known to the viewer after film adaptations: Tumbler, Hitler Kaput, Rzhevsky against Napoleon, Super Bobrovs.

The actor has two daughters from his ex-wife Daria Myasishcheva. Now Pavel is not married and has the status of a well-known heartthrob and an enviable bachelor.

Drozd Maxim

Born March 11, 1968. Height 187 centimeters. Even in his student years, the actor began to appear in films in episodic roles. The first outstanding role was played by Maxim in the film Afghan. The audience most remembered the actor after the release of the films: Liquidation, Damned Paradise, Cool, Lone Wolf.

The actor was married three times and divorced three times. Has four children. Single.

Dubravin Prokhor

Theater and film actor, TV presenter. Real name Vitaly Ermashov. Born July 18, 1976. Height 186 centimeters. Known for films: Circus Princess, General Therapy, The Game, The Revenge Game, Closed School.

Since 2003, he has been married to actress Evgenia Serebrennikova and is very happily married. The actor has no children.

Dunaev Danila

Film and theater actor, acting teacher. Born July 15, 1981. Height 200 centimeters. The viewer Danila is known for the films: Vivat Anna Ioannovna, The Return of the Musketeers, Rating, The Best Film-2, Dr. Anna.

The actor is married to photographer Elena, the couple have a daughter. Danila has two sons from her first marriage.

Efremenkov Timur

Born June 23, 1976. Height 180 centimeters. The finest hour of the actor came in 2005 in the film Damned Paradise. The most significant projects with Timur: Sword, Skhera-18, Eternal Tale, Champion, Yermolovs.

The actor has been dating since 2005 and has been married since 2012 to singer Yulia Kiriyenko. The couple has no children yet.

Zhandarov Kirill

Film and theater actor, talented musician. Born March 29, 1983. Height 180 centimeters. Cyril's finest hour came after filming in the first two parts of the melodrama Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka. The most high-profile projects with the participation of the actor are the films: Podsadnoy, Challenge, 1942, And yet I love.

The first wife of the actor from 2009 to 2012 was actress Nadezhda Tolubeeva. According to rumors, the marriage broke up due to Cyril's infidelity. The current wife of the actor is actress Maria Valeshnaya. The couple have a small son.

Zhidkov Ivan

Russian TV presenter, film and theater actor. Born August 28, 1983. He first appeared in cinema in the military melodrama In the constellation of the Bull. Ivan is known to the viewer from the paintings: Storm Gates, Network, Black Lightning, Prince of Siberia, Someone else's happiness.

From 2008 to 2014, the actor was married to actress Tatyana Arntgolts. The couple have a common daughter. Now the actor is in a civil relationship with Lilia Solovieva.

Zagrebnev Sergey

Singer, musician, actor. Born July 28, 1979. Height 182 centimeters. The viewer is familiar with the actor from the films: Detachment, SOBR, And the snow is spinning ..., Love for the poor.

The actor is married to Evgenia Malakhova. Have no children.

Zaitsev Kirill

A handsome blond man with a height of 194 centimeters. Born on August 16, 1987. So far, Cyril has few roles. On his account such films: To Paris, Cop, Virus, Trotsky, Movement Up.

Zaporozhye Makar

Born September 5, 1988. Height 179 centimeters. Makar played his first roles as a student in the films: Sins of the Fathers, My Fair Nanny. The popularity of the actor brought roles in film projects: The Secret of the Blue Valley, Through My Eyes, Youth, 22 minutes, Blind calculation.

The actor has been married since 2012 to actress Ekaterina Smirnova and has a common daughter, Alexandra, with her.

Zverev Nikita

Born July 23, 1973. Height 180 centimeters. The actor's career began with work in the theater of Oleg Tabakov from 2001 to 2005. The viewer became known after the screening of films: Russian translation, Love on a knife edge, Stronger than fire, Kiss of fate.

The actor was married to Yulia Zhigalina and has a common daughter with her. Now the actor is married to actress Yulia Mavrina.

Isaev Dmitry

Born January 23, 1973. Height 178 centimeters. The debut of the actor in the cinema took place in 2002 after the release of the film Madam Victory. Fame came to Dmitry after filming films: Poor Nastya, Sins of the Fathers, Full Breath, 6 rounds in the gun, Sect, Young Lady and Hooligan.

The actor was married three times and divorced three times. Has three children. Now Dmitry has the status of a seducer and heartthrob.

Klimovich Egor

Born September 27, 1984. The growth of the actor is gigantic - as much as 2 meters. Best films: Moving up, Summer of the wolves, Departing nature. Yegor is not married.

Kozlovsky Danila

Winner of the Golden Eagle and Nika awards. Born May 3, 1985. Height 184 centimeters. The first episodic role in the movie was in the Streets of Broken Lanterns project, and for the first time Danila played the main role in the film Garpastum. Now the actor is known for his films: AD, Target, Loner, Spy, Dubrovsky, Viking, Hardcore.

The actor had many affairs with actresses. Danila was married only once to Ursula Magdalena Malka. Have no children.

Kolesnikov Ivan

Born March 18, 1983 in Moscow. Ivan's height is 191 centimeters. Best projects: Movement up, White Guard, Sofia. Married to Lina Ramanauskaite, the couple has two children.

Komashko Alexey

Born April 29, 1981. Height 185 centimeters. He made his film debut in Diamonds for Dessert. Popularity came to Alexei thanks to his roles in films: Asian, Gypsies, Longer than a century, Sniper, cowboys, Exchange, SWAT.

The actor is married to Galina Vakhrusheva and is very happy in marriage. The couple have three children.

Korobko Ilya

Born January 14, 1992. Height 176 centimeters. The first role of an actor in a movie in the TV series My fair nanny. Now Ilya is known for the films: Youth, Where Love Goes, One, Fatal Inheritance, Save the Boss.

The actor is not married. The handsome man has the status of an enviable bachelor. Have no children.

Krasilov Petr

Born June 3, 1977. Height 180 centimeters. Glory to the actor came after the film adaptation of the series Poor Nastya and the melodrama Do not be born beautiful. The best works are roles in films: Cherry Jam, Surprise Me, When You Come Back - Let's Talk.

For the first time, the actor was married to Natalya Selivanova and has a son in common with her. Since 2005, Peter has been married to Irina Shebeko. The couple have a daughter.

Kryukov Konstantin

Actor, jeweler, artist, gemologist, lawyer, producer. Born February 7, 1985. Height 184 centimeters. The actor's career began with Konstantin from the film 9th company. The most famous films from are: Heat, Sex Coffee Cigarettes, Spiral, Champion, Eternal Vacation.

The actor was married until 2008 to Evgenia Kryukova and has a common daughter with her. Since 2012, Konstantin has been married to Alina Alekseeva, the spouses have no children.

Kurtsyn Roman

Born March 14, 1985. Height 178 centimeters. The debut of the actor took place in the film Silver in 2008. To the viewer, Roman is better known for the films: Champion, Sword, Shooting Mountains, Thirst, At gunpoint, Ship (all seasons).

The actor is married to Anna Nazarova. The couple have a son.

Luchinin Alexander

Actor, musician. Born August 10, 1983. Height 181 centimeters. The actor is known to the viewer for his roles in the films: Furious Furious Mad, Physics or Chemistry, He is a Dragon, Box, Wasp's Nest.

The press has no information about Alexander's personal life and children.

Lykov Matvey

Film and theater actor, top model. Born April 8, 1987. Height 188 centimeters. As an actor, he is known to the audience for his roles in films: He is a dragon, Petersburg. For Love Only, Thomas Beckett, Journey to Happy Arabia.

Matvey has been married to fashion designer Jessica Sterenos since 2013. The couple has no children yet.

Madi Sanjar

A sultry Russian actor of Kazakh origin. Born August 4, 1986. Height 182 centimeters. Best works: Knight's move, The Tale of the Pink Hare, Elki 2, Marco Polo, Golden Horde.

Makarsky Anton

Singer, actor. Born November 26, 1975. Height 177 centimeters. The first significant role was played in the melodrama Poor Nastya. Now the actor is better known to the viewer for his roles in film projects: And the snow is falling, Bloody Mary, Smersh, The return of the Musketeers, Thunder, Breathe with me.

The actor is monogamous, he has been married to Victoria Morozova since 2003, he is happily married. The couple have two children.

Malanin Ilya

Born April 21, 1993 goals. Height 179 centimeters. Not married. Best works: Badaber Fortress, Tabol.

Marin Sergey

Born December 9, 1987 in Dubrovka, Penza region. Height 183 centimeters. Best roles: Badaber Fortress, Ekaterina. Takeoff. The actor is not married.

Matveev Maxim

Born July 28, 1982. Height 187 centimeters. He made his film debut in the drama Vice. Further significant roles were played in the films: I won’t say, Yalta-45, August 8, Demons, Contribution.

Since 2010, he has been married to actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya and the couple have a son.

Mashkov Vladimir

Soviet-Russian film and theater actor and director, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, winner of the Golden Eagle, TEFI, Nika. Born November 27, 1963. Height 179 centimeters. The first film role was played in the film Green Fire of the Goat. Vladimir is known to the viewer for modern film projects: Piranha Hunting, Liquidation, Kandahar, Ashes, Duelist, Thief.

The actor was married three times and divorced three times. There is a daughter and a son.

Merzlikin Andrey

Film director, actor. Born March 24, 1973. Height 181 centimeters. Popular film projects are: Boomer, Station, Countdown, May, Family House, Treason, Unity.

Since 2006, the actor has been married to psychologist Anna Osokina. The couple have three children and are very happily married.

Meskhi Gela

Actor, artist. Born May 13, 1986. Height 176 centimeters. The first acting performance in a movie was in the film Hamlet of the 21st century. Gela became famous throughout the country after the adaptation of the melodrama Physics or Chemistry. Recent paintings: Wolf Sun, Shot, Bouncer, Black Cat.

The actor is married to actress Ekaterina Klimova, the couple have a daughter.

Miller Dmitry

Born April 2, 1972. Height 185 centimeters. The actor is known to the viewer for the films: Servant of the Sovereigns, The Big Game, Montecristo, Mothers and Daughters, Traffic Lights, Love for Rent.

The actor has been married to Actress Julia Dellos for more than 10 years. The happy couple have two daughters. And Dmitry himself still has an adult son.

Nagiyev Dmitry

Soviet-Russian actor, musician, showman, singer, TV and radio host, DJ. Born April 4, 1967. Height is 174 centimeters. Glory came after filming in the 1998 film Purgatory. Dmitry is known to the audience for the films: The Best Film, Scary Movie, Fizruk, Bartender, Kitchen.

Divorced actor. Nagiyev has an adult son. Dmitry carefully hides his personal life.

Nikolaev Valery

Actor, director, choreographer, screenwriter, TV presenter. Born August 23, 1965. Height 178 centimeters. He gained popularity after the film Bourgeois's Birthday. The actor is known to the modern public for the films: Photographer, Egoist, Fights, Lone Wolf, Husband on Call.

Was married four times. There is a daughter from his second marriage. Now Valery has the status of an enviable bachelor.

Noskov Ilya

Born July 21, 1977. Height 190 centimeters. Glory came after his debut in the film Azazel, where he played Erast Petrovich Fandorin. The actor is known to the viewer for his numerous roles in such films as: Female Doctor, Capital of Sin, Contribution, Rose of Farewell Winds.

Since 2004, he has been married to Polina Vasilyeva. The couple has two children.

Oganesyan Ivan

Russian film actor, musician. Born March 9, 1973. Height 190 centimeters. Ivan played his first major roles in the films: Persona non grata, Save and Survive. The viewer is better known for the latest films: Law and Order (all parts), The Trap, The Sniffer and The Sniffer-2, Citizen Nobody, I Love My Husband.

The actor was married once, now he is single. There is a daughter Olesya.

Pashinin Anatoly

Russian-Ukrainian actor. Born September 15, 1978. Height 182 centimeters. The popularity of the actor brought roles in the films: Firefighters, Storm Gates, Law of the Mousetrap, Love for a Million, Admiral.

Was not married. Have no children.

Peregudov Sergey

Born October 6, 1981. Height 184 centimeters. The viewer remembered the actor for his film projects: Adjutants of Love, Purpose, Special Purpose Agent (all parts), You can’t hate to love, Phantom of the county theater.

Unmarried and never married. Have no children.

Petrenko Igor

Born August 23, 1977. Height 183 centimeters. Fame and popularity came after the film adaptation of the film Driver for Vera. Famous film projects with Igor: Beloved, Taras Bulba, The Last Janissaries, Forbidden Reality, Dreams from plasticine.

Igor is married for the third time, the current wife of the actor is Christina Brodskaya, they have a common daughter. The actor himself has three more children from previous marriages.

Petrov Alexander

The popular Russian actor was born on January 25, 1989. Height is 174 centimeters. Best works: Ice, Attraction, Method, Policeman from Rublyovka in Beskudnikovo, Policeman from Rublyovka, Embracing the sky, While the fern is in bloom.

The actor is not married.

Pletnev Kirill

Actor, director. Born December 30, 1979. Height 176 centimeters. The actor made his debut in the film project Destructive Force - Summer Season. The modern viewer is known for the films: Saboteur, Saboteur. End of the war, Madhouse, Under a shower of bullets, Landing, Mom-detective.

The actor was married and has two sons from his first marriage. Now Cyril lives in a civil marriage with a Georgian Ia Ninidze-Nino. The couple has a son.

Pokrovsky Boris

Born November 27, 1977. Height 182 centimeters. The fame of the actor brought the role in the series Capercaillie, where he played the investigator Cherenkov. Now the viewer remembers more from new films: In the style of the show, The New Life of Detective Gurov (all parts), Department, Amulet, Love without further ado.

Boris is single. The actor has no children.

Priluchny Pavel

Born November 5, 1987. Height 180 centimeters. The first large-scale roles of Pavel were roles in the films: On the game, On the game A new level, Children under 16 ..., Closed school. To the modern viewer, Priluchny was remembered for his roles in the films: Major and Major-2, Bad Blood, Quest, Run.

The actor is married to the Latvian actress Agata Muceniece. The happy couple have a son and a daughter.

Pronin Evgeny

Born November 8, 1980. Height 187 centimeters. The film debut took place in the film Garpastum. Recent paintings with him: Sky on Fire, Big Oil, Pure Sample, Caviar Baron, Three Roads.

The actor is single, no children.

Wheat Michael

Born on August 5, 1989 in Kyiv. Height 190 centimeters. Married to Ukrainian actress Lyubava Greshnova, they have one child. Best roles: Curved mirror of the soul, Female doctor.

Radugin Maxim

Born June 21, 1971 in Moscow. Height 189 centimeters. Married to Nelly Radugina, the couple has three children. Best roles: Moms, Sofia.

Ratnikov Alexander

Born August 18, 1979. Height 184 centimeters. Significant for Alexander was the role in the film Okolofutbola. And also to the viewer, the actor was remembered for his roles in film projects: Fathers and Sons, The Last Cordon, Sect, Moms, Mother-in-law pancakes.

Married to Anna Taratorkina. The happy couple have a son.

Romanovich Sergey

Born on July 16, 1992 in Tomsk. Height 165 centimeters. He was married to Alexandra Golovkova. Best works: Crew, Kitchen, Debtor's Shack, Olga.

Rudenko Anatoly

Born October 7, 1982. Height 185 centimeters. The first big roles of Anatoly were played in all parts of the film Two Fates. Recent pictures with the actor: To live again, The war ended yesterday, Two Ivans, Scouts, The last cop.

Married to actress Elena Dudina. The couple have a daughter.

Rykov Petr

Born December 30, 1981. The best films with the participation of Peter: Quest, Moms, Jackal, Bloody lady. Peter plays the guitar very well. So far unmarried.

Safonov Kiril

Actor, musician, singer. Born June 21, 1971. Height 191 centimeters. Cyril was remembered by the viewer for his role as the main seducer in the soap series Tatyana's Day. The actor played the best roles in the films: Bear Corner, Chasing the Shadow, Contract Terms and Contract Terms-2, Good Hands, New Wife.

Married to singer Alexandra Savelyeva. Cyril has a daughter from his first marriage.

Sokolovsky Vlad

A young Russian actor with a romantic smile. Born September 24, 1991. Height 181 centimeters. Best work: Bloody mistress, Univer. New hostel, Scams, music, love.

Vlad is married to actress Margarita Gerasimovich. The couple has one child.

Solovyov Konstantin

Born January 28, 1974. Height 188 centimeters. The acting debut took place in the melodrama Summer Rain. Now the actor is known for the films: Web and Putin-2, Quarter, Sibiryak, Foundry (all parts), Bones, Barsy.

The actor is married for the third time. His wife is dancer Anastasia Larina. The couple have a common daughter.

Stebunov Ivan

Born November 9, 1981. Height is 174 centimeters. Film project Cadets brought the actor fame and confidence in his vocation. Modern paintings with Ivan: Zastava Zhilina, Kotovsky, Sky on fire, MUR, Minus one, Second life.

Ivan's star wife was actress Marina Aleksandrova. Now the actor is divorced, he has no children.

Stepanov Vasily

Russian film actor, presenter. Born January 14, 1986. Height 192 centimeters. The star of the film-dilogy Inhabited Island. He played in the films: Insurance accident, Sword-2, Kiss of Socrates, My boyfriend is an angel. Hosted by: TV Center, Long time no see.

The actor is in a civil marriage with actress Daria Egorova. Have no children.

Strakhov Daniel

Winner of the RF Government Prize. Born March 2, 1976. Height 184 centimeters. Daniel's first big role was played in the film Always Say Always. Popular films with the actor: Storm Gate, Judicial Column, Trap, Collectors, Caesar.

Since 2000, the actor has been married to Maria Leonova. The spouses have no children.

Saprykin Kuzma

The height of this guy is already 191 centimeters. Kuzma was born on December 26, 1995. Known for such films: Goalkeeper of the Galaxy, Golden Horde, Filfak, Moving Up. Not married.

Tratas James

Russian actor of Lithuanian origin. Born December 10, 1988. Height 195 centimeters. At the moment, James does not have many worthy roles, the work in the films Anna Karenina and Moving Up is considered the best.

Not married.

Trubiner Pavel

Born November 20, 1976. Height 180 centimeters. Fame came after the film adaptation of the films: Private order and Holiday romance. Popular films with Pavel: Hot Ice, Military Intelligence, Sky on Fire, Rook, Kill Stalin.

The actor is married to athlete Olga Mukhortova and the couple have two sons.

Urgant Ivan

World-famous Russian showman and producer. Born April 16, 1978 in Leningrad. Height 192 centimeters. Married to Natalya Kiknadze, the couple has two children. Best works: Elki 2 and Vysotsky. Four hours of real life.

Ustyugov Alexander

Actor and director, TV presenter, musician. Born October 17, 1976. Height 184 centimeters. The actor became famous after filming in all seasons of the series Cop Wars. More modern films with the participation of Alexander: My last name is Shilov, Flowers of Evil, Plague, Viking.

The actor was married to actress Yanina Sokolovskaya and they have a daughter. Now the actor is divorced and has the status of a heartthrob.

Feklenko Vladimir

Born December 2, 1985 in Moscow. Height 187 centimeters. Best works: Game, Capercaillie, Department. Married to Kamilla Goltseva.

Finyagin Andrey

Born December 25, 1977. Success came to the actor after filming in the films Abnormal and Mistress. After these pictures, offers of roles rained down on Andrei. Recent films with him: Leave to stay, On the run, Man without a past, Marines.

Married to lawyer Yulia Finyagina. The couple has no children.

Khabarov Anton

Born January 11, 1981. Height 187 centimeters. He played his first serious role in the TV series Doctor Zhivago. The best works of Anton are films: And yet I love, Bros (all parts), Closed school, Chronicle of vile times.

The actor is monogamous, he is married to Elena Stepucheva. They have two children.

Khabensky Konstantin

Public figure, Honored People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Born January 11, 1972. Height 172 centimeters. The best role at the beginning of the acting career was played by Konstantin in the film House for the Rich. Today, the actor is familiar to the viewer from film projects: Lethal Force (all parts), Night Watch, Day Watch, Heavenly Court, White Guard, Method, Collector, State Councilor.

The actor was married from 2000 to 2008 to Anastasia Khabenskaya, they have a common son. Anastasia died of brain cancer in 2008. In 2013, the actor married Olga Litvinova and they have a common daughter. The son lives with his father.

Khorinyak Victor

Successful young actor. Graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School. Born March 22, 1990. Victor's height, like a real hero, is 184 centimeters. At the moment the best works are: Kitchen, Young Guard, Hotel Eleon, Kuprin. Pit, Thaw, The Last Bogatyr.

So far, Victor is not married.

Tsyganov Evgeny

Winner of the RF Government Prize. Born March 15, 1979. Height 170 cm. The first big role was in the film Children of the Arbat. Also known for projects: Peter FM, Mermaid, Hot News, Forgotten, Thaw, Sofia, Crisis of tender age.

Until 2015, he was married to Irina Leonova. The couple has seven children together. Now the actor is married to Yulia Snigir and they have a common son.

Chadov Alexey

Born September 2, 1981. Height 176 centimeters. The first success was the role in the military drama War. Recent films with Alexei: Heat, Alive, Mirage, Matter of Honor, Champions, Hammer.

The actor is married to Agnia Ditkovskite. The couple have a son.

Chernyshov Andrey

Born February 3, 1973 in Kyiv. Height 189 centimeters. Married to actress Maria Dobrzhinskaya. Best roles: Man in my head, Man without a past, Girls don't give up.

Yaglych Vladimir

Born January 14, 1983. Height 185 centimeters. The best role at the beginning of the acting career was played by Vladimir in the film At an unnamed height. The actor is known to the public for his film projects: Soldiers, Family Business, Warrior.

The actor is not married. Have no children.

Yankovsky Ivan

Born October 30, 1990. Height 178 centimeters. Ivan is the grandson of the Soviet actor Oleg Yankovsky and the son of director Philip Yankovsky. It was the famous relatives who instilled in Ivan love and acting. Young Yankovsky is known for his film projects: Indigo, Queen of Spades, Source, Night Watchmen.

Not married, no children.

If our editors missed or forgot someone, indicate this in the comments and we will definitely make corrections the next time the rating is updated!

Now the information is for those women who love to see handsome men on the body of the screens.

There is always a lot of talk about beautiful women. We decided to tell, or rather show you, our dear readers, beautiful men.

We are talking about the male elite, about the category of men who are considered the most seductive and attractive handsome men of the film industry.

To do this, we decided to compile a small photo rating "The Most Beautiful Actors of Russia", which will feature the most beautiful Russian male actors, whose names and faces excite the imagination of millions of fans.

The photo of the TOP "The Most Beautiful Actors of Russia" also includes very charismatic persons who have been playing in films and on stage for more than one year.

Kirill Safonov - heartthrob from Tatyana's day

They have an amazing sense of humor, among them there are intellectuals. Well, of course, many movie stars have become the heroes of more than one love story in real life.

Our most objective rating photo review “The Most Handsome Russian Male Actors” includes infinitely talented handsome men, whose game you want to watch endlessly, and watching films with their participation is a great pleasure for both women and men.

Of course, not all the most beautiful Russian actors are men here. Write in the comments who else should be in the TOP handsome movie.

Before you are the most beautiful actors in Russia - men of approximately the middle age category, whose faces have not left the screens for more than one season.

These handsome men cannot but excite the hearts of women. Let's see who's on the list The most beautiful movie celebrities among men.

The most beautiful actors in Russia who play reliable men in movies: Nikita Zverev

The most beautiful actors in Russia who easily start new novels: Danila Kozlovsky.

Russian young actor with a kind face always plays good guys: Alexander Pashkov

Sex symbol of modern cinema: Dmitry Pchela

The most beautiful young actors: Kirill Dytsevich

The most beautiful actors in Russia: Anton Makarsky. He has a very pleasant voice.

The most charming handsome men of Russian cinema: Grigory Antipenko

Every year more beautiful and more courageous: Igor Petrenko

The most beautiful actors in Russia, whose smile disarms:.

Broke the heart of more than one fan: Andrey Chernyshov

The most beautiful Russian actors who are very good in positive roles: Dmitry Miller

The most beautiful movie stars of TV series: Mark Bogatyrev

Handsome actor who stole his wife from under the crown: Anton Khabarov

The most beautiful actors in Russia with a good athletic figure: Ilya Alekseev

A handsome man with a confident face attracts with strong charisma: Vladimir Yaglych

The most beautiful Russian male actors who often act in melodramas: Yaroslav Boyko

Dmitry Pevtsov tried himself not only as an actor, but also as a singer

Maxim Matveev, who left Lisa Boyarskaya, is also on the list of handsome men

And this star guy suits both the role of seducers and good sensual guys: Stanisla Bondarenko

The most beautiful actors in Russia who are no strangers to weapons: Prokhor Dubravin

The most beautiful actors in Russia with blue eyes and a pleasant voice: Dmitry Isaev

Star of the "Inhabited Island" Vasily Stepanov

The most charismatic men - actors: Vladimir Mashkov

The most beautiful actors in Russia with gorgeous hair: Konstantin Kryukov

The most beautiful Russian actors who married for the second time: Sergey Bezrukov

The most charismatic and charming actors of Russia: Konstantin Khabensky

The most beautiful actors with a disarming smile: Boris Pokrovsky

Already over forty, and also that handsome man: Daniil Strakhov

The most beautiful Russian actors with expressive appearance: Alexander Suvorov

Ex-husband of Agnia Ditkovskite Alexey Chadov

The most beautiful actors in Russia who are always in shape: Ilya Shakunov

The most beautiful actors in Russia who play scoundrels well: Maxim Radugin

The most beautiful movie stars with a piercing look: Pavel Priluchny

Beautiful smile of a handsome actor: Egor Beroev

Handsome Alexander Ustyugov is also on the list of the most beautiful Russian actors

The most beautiful actors in Russia could not do without "Interns": Ilya Glinnikov

The most beautiful Russian movie stars with gray hair: Oleg Kharitonov

The most beautiful movie stars in Russia who aroused interest in the domestic film: Pavel Barshak

Russian cinema is an integral part and a source of pride for Russian culture. The profession of an actor in Russia is prestigious and highly paid. But only the best of the best become masters of their craft, actors who are loved and respected in our country and abroad. Today we have prepared a list of the most beautiful and talented Russian male actors who managed to win more than one heart of TV viewers.

Dmitry Miller

43-year-old actor Dmitry Miller, who became well-known for the TV series Sklifosovsky and Traffic Light, comes from the city of Mytishi, Moscow Region. As a child, Dmitry did not even suspect that he would become an actor. He accidentally became a student of the acting studio. Today, Miller is a popular actor who has already starred in more than 30 films.

Vladimir Vdovichenkov

Vladimir Vdovichenkov, who has been awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia since 2007, is from the town of Gusev, Kaliningrad Region. Before Vladimir realized that his profession was to be an actor, he changed a lot of jobs: he was a waiter, fireman, head waiter, tinsmith. To date, Vdovichenkov has starred in 49 films, the best of which are Leviathan, Brigade, Man at the Window.

Evgeny Dyatlov

Honored Artist of Russia Yevgeny Dyatlov is from the city of Khabarovsk, but spent all his childhood in the city of Nikopol in Ukraine. After school, he went to serve in the army, then, on the advice of his comrades, he entered LGITMiK on the course of A.N. Kunitsyn, choosing the faculty of "actor of theater and cinema." During his acting career, Yevgeny Dyatlov has already starred in 101 films, the last of which is the Battalion, which is popular today.

Stanislav Bondarenko

30-year-old Russian actor Stanislav Bondarenko comes from the town of Dneprorudne, Zaporozhye region. At the age of 11, he moved with his family to live in Moscow, where he later went to study at GITIS. Stanislav's debut in the cinema was the series "Talisman of Love", popular in Russia in 2005. For his so far small acting career, Stanislav Bondarenko managed to play in 38 films.

Vitaly Emashov

Vitaly Emashov grew up in Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia. As a child, Vitaly did not even think about the career of an actor, only after serving in the army did he decide to enter the Yaroslavl State Theater Institute. During his studies, he performed on the stage of the Academic Theater. Volkov, in the Moscow theater "Kinospektakl". To date, the creative heritage of Vitaly Emashov is 31 films.

Maxim Matveev

33-year-old theater and film actor Maxim Matveev is from the city of Svetly, Kaliningrad Region. The young man was brought to the theater by a happy accident - the graduation ceremony at his school was led by actor Vladimir Smirnov, who spotted an active and charismatic graduate. On his advice, Matveev was able to enter the Saratov State Sobinov Conservatory, immediately to the 2nd year of the theater department. Today, the 32-year-old actor has 37 successful roles in films.

Anatoly Rudenko

Native Muscovite Anatoly Rudenko grew up in an acting family. In his youth, he dreamed of working in the tourism industry and wanted to enter the Institute of Tourism, but Anatoly's mother convinced her son to continue the dynasty of actors. So, Rudenko became a student at the Shchukin school. Before he could finish the course, he had already starred in such famous films as "Two Fates", "Poor Nastya" and "Simple Truths". During his short acting career, Rudenko managed to appear in 50 films.

Anton Makarsky

40-year-old Anton Makarsky is from Penza. In 1993, having chosen the profession of an actor, a talented young man entered the Shchukin school. In 2002, Makarsky played in the musical Notre Dame de Paris. All-Russian fame was brought to Anton by the hit “Bell”, which he performed in the musical. Today, the actor has 46 film roles and their number is growing rapidly.

Grigory Antipenko

Grigory Antipenko was born in 1974 in Moscow, his parents worked at Mosfilm, so he spent all his childhood there. Before the profession of an actor, Gregory tried himself in various industries - in advertising, law, accounting. The celebrity came to him after the release of the TV series about the ugly Katya Pushkareva, where he played the director of the Zimaletto corporation. Today, Antipenko has 36 roles in Russian films.

Vladimir Mashkov

People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Mashkov was born in Tula in a family of art workers. He graduated from the Moscow Art Theater, where he was first a student of Tarkhanov, and then switched to the course of Oleg Tabakov. After graduation, he worked at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov and as part of the troupe of the theater-studio O. Tabakov. Mashkov's first film debut took place in 1989 - he played in the film "The Green Fire of the Goat". During his acting career, Vladimir starred in 49 films.

Egor Beroev

Egor Beroev, a native Muscovite, grew up in a family of theater and film actors. Egor first appeared on stage at the age of 7 years. After graduating from school, he entered the Shchepkinskoye school for the course of Nikolai Vereshchenko. After completing the course, he was immediately accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov. Today, his acting legacy on the big screen is 49 roles in Russian films.

Igor Petrenko

The young Russian actor Igor Petrenko was born in Potsdam, Germany. In 1980, Igor's family moved to live in Moscow. In his youth, the future actor entered the Shchepkinsky School, immediately began working in the troupe of the Maly Theater and acting in films. In 2004, the television series Driver for Vera was released, in which he played Vadim. After that, fame fell on Igor Petrenko and he became a sought-after theater and film actor. Today he has 42 films to his credit.

A native Muscovite, Daniil Strakhov was born in March 1976. After leaving school, he went to study at the Moscow Art Theater on the course of Vanguard Leontiev. In the 2nd year, Strakhov transferred to the Shchukin school to Yevgeny Simonov. In 2003, Daniil played roles in two popular historical television series - "Poor Nastya" and "Children of the Arbat", after which he became famous. To date, Daniil Strakhov has starred in 56 films.

Andrey Chernyshov

42-year-old theater and film actor Andrei Chernyshov hails from Kyiv, Ukraine. At a young age, he went to conquer Moscow and entered the Shchepkin VTU, after graduation he went to work at the Moscow Lenkom Theater. In 2000, he made his film debut in the film 24 Hours. Then Chernyshov played a role in the serial film "March of the Turkish" and since then fame has come to him. Behind him, shooting is already in more than 70 films and TV shows.

Alexey Vorobyov

Russian actor, musician, showman Alexei Vorobyov is 26 years old today, he comes from Tula. In his youth, he was fond of football, was the best striker in the region. Surprising everyone with the choice of his profession, Vorobyov entered the Musical College of Arts. Dargomyzhsky on the specialty "Head of the folk choir". Alexei's cinematic career began with the release in 2006 of the youth series Alice's Dreams. The actor today acts in films (he has 39 films to his credit), records songs, participates in reality and TV shows, collaborates with the UNICEF Foundation, the Dance for Life program and is a Goodwill Ambassador.

Boris Pokrovsky

The protagonist of the famous television series "Capercaillie" Boris Pokrovsky was born in November 1977 in Moscow. At the age of 24 he graduated from GITIS (studied on the course of S. Golomazov and M. Skandarov). Today he is an actor of the Satyricon Theatre. He has 25 films to his credit, including such well-known films as "Kulagin and Partners", "The Fog Disperses", "Pyatnitsky. Chapter Two" and others.

Yaroslav Boyko

Known to the Russian audience for such films as “Always say“ Always ”and“ Anna Karenina ”, the future actor got into the cinema almost by accident: with a friend, he submitted documents to the Kiev Theater Institute for company and entered. After studying there for several years, Yaroslav took the documents and went to study at the Moscow Art Theater. Yaroslav Boyko has more than 90 popular films and television series on his account.

Dmitry Pevtsov

A talented actor, singer, racer, stuntman Dmitry Pevtsov was born in Moscow in July 1963. In his youth, he independently chose the profession of an actor and entered the acting department at GITIS. The first theater in Dmitry's career was the Taganka Theater, in parallel with theatrical activities in 1989 he began acting in films. After the television series "Gangster Petersburg", where Pevtsov played the main role, real fame came to him. To date, Dmitry has played in more than fifty films, playing different roles.

Oleg Kharitonov

48-year-old Oleg Kharitonov dreamed of becoming an actor since childhood. After school, Oleg did not hesitate to enter LGITMiK at the faculty of drama and musical theater. Later he works in the St. Petersburg theater "Communion". Kharitonov's film debut was the film "Looking Down", and he gained his popularity thanks to the role of Fyodor Tumanov in the TV series "Web". Today, he has roles in 38 films.

Vasily Stepanov

29-year-old actor Vasily Stepanov is a native Muscovite. After school I went to a sports college. After shooting in a campaign advertisement about serving in the army, he entered the VGIK, then there was the Shchukin School. He played Maxim Kammerer in the fantasy action movie "Inhabited Island". So far, he has only 8 films on his account, but the charismatic Stepanov still has everything ahead.

Konstantin Khabensky

The popular 43-year-old actor Konstantin Khabensky was born in St. Petersburg. In his youth, he worked as a janitor, cleaner, musician, until he accidentally went to work as an installer at the theater-studio "Saturday". In 1990 he went to study at LGITMiK for the course of V.M. Filshtinsky. Filming in the popular TV series "Deadly Force" in the 2000s brought Khabensky well-deserved fame. Today, the actor has 77 films on his creative account.

Alexander Domogarov

Russian theater and television actor, performer of Russian chanson Alexander Domogarov was born in Moscow on July 12, 1963. He began acting in films in 1984, after he graduated from the Shchukin School. The first major success for Domogarov was the role in the film "Midshipmen 3", where he played Pavel Gorin. Today, he has over 90 films to his creative credit.

Alexey Chadov

Alexey Chadov, 34, was born in Moscow. As a child, he was involved in a theater group. As a student at the Shchepkinsky School, Chadov made his debut in Alexei Balabanov's film War. Then the picture was recognized in Russia and abroad. Alexei has many well-known films on his account, such as Night Watch, Day Watch, Street Racers, HEAT and the comedy Love in the City, beloved by millions. In total, he has 38 films to his credit.

Ilya Shakunov

Theater and film actor Ilya Shakunov is 45 years old today, he comes from St. Petersburg. While still at school, he began studying in the studio of actor Igor Gorbachev. Then he entered LGITMiK, after which he was accepted into the troupe of the Youth Theater. In the cinema, Shakunov began acting in the 90s, for his role in the film "Ice" he was awarded the VI International Film Festival of independent cinema "Pure Dreams". In total, he has 63 films to his credit.

Anton Khabarov

In January 1981, Anton Khabarov was born in Balashikha. In his youth, Anton became the champion of Russia in ballroom dancing and dreamed of linking his profession only with dancing. But having failed in the exam at the Institute of Physical Education, he entered the Shchepkinsky School. After graduation, Khabarov was accepted into the main troupe of the Sovremennik Theater. Having played in 2008 the role of Vadim in the melodrama "And yet I love ..." Anton Khabarov gained fame. Today he has 29 films to his credit.

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