The most unexpected and true facts. Eskimos: the most unexpected facts


When your romance was just born, the newly-made gentleman could unexpectedly present you with a gorgeous bouquet or, in the middle of a fun party, step aside and call you to find out how you are doing. And when you have been together for so long that you have almost grown together with your shoulders, you don’t always get a box of chocolates for a birthday from a loved one. How does this happen?

During courtship, the guy wasn't just trying to win you over. He also evaluated your reaction: are you pecking at his bait? Are your feelings mutual? Now he is sure that you are his, the fish got caught, and there is no point in conducting these innocent love tests anymore.

  • Marina,* 30 years old:“When we first started dating, he picked me up after work with a luxurious bouquet of lilies and took me to a boarding house for the whole weekend. Four years have passed. I still get bouquets, but he no longer tries to surprise me. I ask myself: has he lost interest in me?

Most likely no. It’s just that a man, confident that his relationship is stable, enters his comfort zone and stops jumping above his head, because he thinks that no one needs it anymore. Unfortunately, for a woman, on the contrary, it inspires a sense of danger hanging over the strength of their connection.

You can regain confidence that he cares about you if you look at the situation from a different angle. Men show love in everyday actions, not in grand romantic gestures and words. You just need to learn to read male signals. For example, friends invite him to barbecue, and instead he goes with you to congratulate your veteran great-grandmother. Takes your shoes to the workshop to change the heel, fixes a fallen handle from the pan... It may not look as romantic as the necklace of your dreams as an anniversary gift, but in fact it is a much stronger proof of feelings and a more serious manifestation of care .

*The names of the heroes have been changed.

He may want you in the most unexpected situation ... Even in the midst of a quarrel.

  • Olga, 29 years old, seriously quarreled with the groom due to the fact that one of them forgot to order food for the wedding treat on time - and suddenly the quarrel took an unexpected turn: “He just yelled at me, and now I bend over the phone, he looks into my neckline, and - hop! - He's already on me. I did not have time to understand how it all happened! I suspect it was such a strange way to change the subject."

In fact, everything is simpler: for men, sex and peace in relationships are not the same thing. Most of them are able to separate one feeling from another.

In a woman, one emotion pulls another. Trouble at work or a misunderstanding with a girlfriend affects how we feel for the rest of the day. In a man, as you know, stress can affect libido ... Or maybe not. The guy is able to give up on everything and focus on sex.

A man is grateful for the things you do for him. He just doesn't always feel the need to emphasize it.

You like it when your boyfriend tries to do something for you. He also likes when you try for him. But he doesn't always make it clear how much he appreciates it. The point is not at all that he does not notice the sewn on button or takes for granted sandwiches carefully wrapped in foil on the road. Just a stormy expression of gratitude is not characteristic of him by nature. Just imagine that your betrothed suddenly says to his buddies: “Guys, you are so cool! Thank you for the fact that yesterday, when you went for beer, you grabbed me too! You are so caring and I am happy that I have such friends!” But you'll be the first to think about whether they drank too much beer to be so scattered in pleasantries.

  • Nicholas, fiance Julia, 33 years old in this respect is no exception. When he got a job related to constant business trips, Yulia began to put postcards with cute inscriptions in his suitcase. “He never said a word about them, as if they didn’t exist, and in the end I decided not to do that again. And so he calls me from the airport and, as if by the way, is interested in: “Listen, did you, uh ... did you forget to put me anything?” And in the end he reluctantly admits that he was looking forward to the next note. It just didn't occur to him to say how much he liked this little tradition."

Many men think: but even the hedgehog understands that I am grateful. Everyone likes to be touchingly cared for - so why talk about it in vain? So don't expect "thank you" - it's the default. Just keep doing those little things that he mentally appreciates immensely.

Interesting facts about everything in the world, with which you can entertain a group of friends, while showing off your erudition.

Penguins have an organ above their eyes that converts salt water into drinking water (the supraorbital gland).

If you click on your nipple, it will become hard in 7 seconds. Times may vary for pierced nipples.

The metabolism of hummingbirds is so fast that they need to go into hibernation (a kind of torpor, a state familiar to bats, some rats and bears) just to sleep at night. If hummingbirds slept without torpor, they would starve to death in their sleep. If the hummingbird does not start up when waking up, then it will fall asleep again and die due to the fact that the body temperature does not rise to normal.

Lion tamers use chairs because lions can only focus on one thing they want to attack. And when four legs of a chair are pointed at a lion, he gets lost and retreats.

The arteries of the blue whale are so large that a person could swim through them. The heart of a blue whale is the size of a car. Bubbles from the blue whale's intestinal gases can fit a horse inside.

The penis of a blue whale is 3 meters long and it produces 8 liters of semen.

Broccoli and cauliflower are bred by humans and do not occur in the wild. Not surprised? Then we continue.
You can't reproduce modern corn on the cob. All because of the dense shell of the grains.

If you put a piece of pineapple in your mouth, it will start eating you. Pineapple contains a protein that decomposes meat (more specifically, the enzyme bromelain destroys connective tissues). If you eat too much fresh pineapple, you will get a tingling sensation on your tongue - this is because your tongue literally dissolves. Because of this enzyme, there is no pineapple jelly. If you marinate chicken breast along with fresh pineapples, then after three hours you will have to eat one side dish. And that's probably why people working on pineapple plantations don't have fingerprints. Canned pineapples lose the magic listed above (when preserved, bromelain denatures).

In coconut, the concentration of salts and sugar is similar to the concentration in the human body. Plus, the insides of the coconut are sterile, which means you can use coconuts for intravenous injections. During World War II, American hospitals in the Pacific practiced coconut drips. Due to the lack of sodium (for a complete balance of the necessary brain functions), coconuts were not suitable for a long course.

Bananas actually contain large seeds under the skin, just like bean pods. You can grow a tree out of them. And the bananas that we eat, Cavendish banana, are just sterile mutants that do not contain seeds, but are a sweet fruit. This means that if the natural method of propagation through seeds is not possible, then new banana trees can be obtained by cloning: we split off the shoots from the old mutant, plant them in the soil, and get a new mutant. Just like with weed: you need a mother plant. If any disease affects the mother plant, then the business can be curtailed.

An interesting fact on the topic: isopentyl (isoamyl) acetate is a colorless liquid with the smell of bananas and peaches. It is a pity that when it is inhaled, sore throats, coughs, headaches, weakness and drowsiness occur.

The carrot was originally purple. The color of the Dutch monarchs was orange. So the Dutch experimented with planting carrots until the carrots mutated orange. The orange carrot has become a symbol of prestige. In the picture: the ancient Persians, the caliphs from the Arab Caliphate and the entire Mediterranean plant purple and yellow, while the Netherlands has red, white and orange.

However, purple is more commonly referred to as the royal color (Roman emperors wore purple, and Roman senators were allowed to put a purple stripe on their toga). The only way to get purple dye is from shellfish slime. Something like 10,000 clams need to be squeezed to get 1.5g of purple dye. The main flow of the dye came from the Phoenicians, who, in fact, discovered it.

Shellfish? Why not use carrots then? If you are still interested in the question of dyeing, then with the help of carrots (purple or orange) you can dye silk or wool, but it will not dye cotton or linen. But the berries of phytolacca (laconos) are often used as ink. For example, the Declaration of Independence was written by them. But the color from the berries is not enough to get such a rich color as the ancient clothes. In any case, the nobility had to wear colors that ordinary mortals could not get.

Despite the fact that you cannot drown in the Dead Sea, it is the second place in Israel where people most often die in the water. You ask what comes first. In the first place, any body of water, if you are a Palestinian, and for the rest, the Mediterranean Sea or the Red Sea. Everywhere you can easily find problems. Trite, waves and surf are the most dangerous for a bather. So, the Dead Sea. If you fall face-first into the water, the density of the water will prevent you from flipping face-up.

If you throw up chilled soda (ice cream), then it will cool your mouth again, while after passing the throat this cold is not felt. Ice cream, by the way, does not lose its taste when it comes back.

Rain smells nothing. When it rains, the humidity rises, which makes it easier to perceive odors. After rain, the cement acquires a smell.

From the moment it was discovered, until the moment its classification changed, Pluto did not have time to make even one revolution around the Sun.

Over the many centuries of existence, the Russian people have acquired a great many stereotypes that continue to be supported both abroad and in our country. However, not all characteristics of Russians are what they seem at first glance.

Explosive power

Russians are often named among the most warlike and even aggressive nations. This reputation has been going on since the ruinous campaigns of the Russians against the Byzantines, Khazars, Pechenegs, and Bulgars. The historian Sergei Solovyov counted 200 wars and invasions in which the Russians took part in the period from 1240 to 1462 alone. And the military historian Nikolai Sukhotin calculated that Russia from the 14th to the 20th centuries fought for a total of 329 years, in other words, 2/3 of this period of history, Russia was at war. Such an abundance of wars is easily explained: our lands were a tasty morsel for neighbors who over and over again encroached on foreign territories. It is important that, with rare exceptions, Russia has never been the initiator of the outbreak of hostilities. However, our belligerence is not explained only by the invincible intention to repulse the conqueror.

Lecturer at the China University of Politics and Law, the best translator of 2016 Wang Ga gives his explanation for the aggressiveness that sometimes manifests itself in Russians. We, in his words, prefer to put up with our fate for a long time and endure. However, in a state of constant obedience, an explosive force accumulated, which often manifested itself in extreme forms - riots and revolutions.

A similar nature of Russian aggression is found by Doctor of Psychology Nadezhda Klyueva. According to the expert, we were often forced to endure humiliation and insults in the face of growing anxiety about the uncertainty of the present and future: from time to time, negative mental energy was transformed into explosive aggression. These, according to Klyueva, are regressive and infantile ways of responding, but absolutely normal in an extreme situation.

From non-drinkers to drinkers

Drunkenness is a national Russian trait, we hear from all sides. And then the explanation: Russian drunkenness has strong historical roots. With the first, albeit a stretch, one could agree. Thus, according to WHO data, about 15 liters of pure ethanol per year are consumed per capita in our country. For comparison, in the most drinking country according to WHO statistics, Belarus, this figure is 17.5 liters, in the most non-drinking country, Pakistan - 0.1 liters. But with the roots - a clear search.

Based on the surviving sources, it can be argued that drunkenness was not characteristic of the Russian people. For example, before the adoption of Christianity in Rus', our ancestors had only three reasons to raise a drunken glass: the birth of a child, victory over the enemy and funeral. But even later, the inhabitants of the Russian state did not abuse alcohol. Another misconception is to think that vodka is the national Russian drink. This product was brought to us by Genoese merchants in the 14th century, and the technology for its manufacture was known in ancient Rome. Vodka gained popularity in Russia since the time of Ivan the Terrible, when the first "kings of taverns" began to open, but its strength was incomparable with the current one - only 14 °.

The German Heinrich von Staden, who lived in Moscow in the 17th century, noted that Russians were forbidden to sell vodka, since this occupation was considered a great shame for them, but foreigners were allowed to do this, because foreign soldiers love to drink. By 1910, the Russian Empire was at the very bottom of the list in terms of per capita alcohol consumption in Europe, only Norwegians drank less than Russians. The alcoholization of Russia began to manifest itself only at the height of the First World War, and after the October Revolution, we began to steadily approach the number of the most drinking nations.

Strong middle peasants

In Soviet times, one could hear more than once that our people are the most educated and well-read. Perhaps that is how it was. And what about before, in tsarist Russia? Of course, we were inferior to the developed European countries in these indicators. So, the project of universal education in Great Britain appeared in 1870, in Russia it was developed only in 1906. Noticeably less than, say, in England, we had a literate population.

In the present, the situation does not seem to have changed much compared to pre-revolutionary times. Thus, recently the UN presented a list of 189 countries ranked by the level of human development. Russia ended up in 49th place in it, losing to virtually all major world powers. Maybe we are still not at such a high stage of development, as we think?

Today, there are many studies on the intellectual potential of nations, and in them Russia is far from being in the leading roles. For example, The Times newspaper recently published the results of research on the level of mental intelligence (IQ) among various nations by Richard Lynn, Ph.D. and psychologist from Ireland. The scientist gives unconditional leadership to the Japanese with an average IQ level of 111 points, the Germans and the Dutch, for example, scored 107 points from him, the Poles - 106.

The Russians are stuck in the middle of the list with 96 points. Maybe we really are not the most outstanding nation in terms of the level of development, education, intelligence? To be honest, throughout almost our entire history, we have been inferior to the leading Western European countries in this. So, the first university in Russia was opened only in 1724, and in Europe similar institutions functioned from the end of the 11th century. Perhaps now we are only in the role of catching up?

The Eskimos, which in translation into Russian means “those who eat raw meat,” prefer to call themselves Inuit, because this is how the phrase “real people” sounds in their dialect.

Having chosen the extreme point of the Chukotka Peninsula, the island of Greenland and the coldest regions of the USA and Canada as their habitat, this small indigenous people of the north has a number of original traditions that surprise and sometimes shock the representatives of the civilized world.

Greeting - slap

Before starting to communicate with a stranger, the Eskimos, according to local etiquette, greet the newcomer. To do this, all the men of the community line up and, in turn, approaching the guest, give him a cuff, expecting the same answer from him.

The spanking of each other continues until one of the "delegation" falls to the ground. Considered to be a very peaceful and friendly people, the Eskimos do not want to offend the guest at all with this sacred ritual, but on the contrary, they try to expel evil spirits from his soul that can harm both the person himself and the home, where a warm northern welcome awaits him.

Kiss with noses

Much more gently, the Inuit greet familiar people, for which, according to tradition, they rub with the tips of their noses, while inhaling the familiar smell of the interlocutor. The world-famous "Eskimo kiss", in the local language is called "kunik" and is carried out between loved ones, regardless of gender.

Trying to find an explanation for this strange custom, the townsfolk from the mainland assumed that smacking the lips in the bitter cold was fraught with their freezing. However, the answer turned out to be simpler, but also related to extreme weather conditions: due to constant gusts of wind and low temperatures, the outerwear of the Eskimos is cut in such a way that it covers all parts of the body, except for a small area of ​​​​the face, limited by the nose and eyes.

Ear competition

Another important sensory organ of the “Children of Frost” is the ears, which participate in the tug-of-war competition held as part of the annual World Eskimo-Indian Olympic Games.

The essence of this bloody competition is as follows: a loop of a special waxed thread is put on the ears of two participants sitting opposite each other, and at the signal of the referee, the athletes begin to forcefully tilt their heads and torsos back.

Since such a load delivers hellish torment to the ear, the struggle, in which both men and women participate, usually lasts only a few seconds. The loser in the fight is the athlete whose ear the loop fell off, or the one who surrendered, unable to bear the pain. But there were cases when the surrender was not due to torment, but simply because of a detached ear.

Several times the organizers of the games tried to ban this shocking competition, but the Eskimos were adamant, because they consider it a test of pain tolerance in the harsh polar conditions of life.

For the same reason, such an Eskimo sport as lifting weights with the ears is popular. According to the rules, the winner of this competition is the one who quickly overcomes the 600-meter distance with a 5-kilogram weight-earring attached to each ear.

home clothes

The extreme climate forces the Eskimos to spend the whole day in warm, but very heavy clothes, which they take off only in the evening, going to sleep in a snowy dwelling - an igloo. Moreover, both men and women take off almost all things from themselves, remaining in tiny leather-fur panties “naatsit”, which are the prototype of modern thongs.

When it comes time to sleep, members of the Eskimo family cover themselves with animal skins and even get rid of this simple linen, because by pressing against each other with naked bodies, they improve the circulation of heat.

Wives for hire

In Eskimo society, a woman is the keeper of the hearth, without the help of which it is very difficult for men to cope with household chores and travel hardships. But sometimes it happens that the “legitimate” spouse, due to illness or caring for a baby, cannot move with her husband across the vast expanses, and then his named brother or best friend comes to the rescue of the man, who simply lends him his healthy wife.

The wife for rent stays next to the new husband until he returns to the parking lot, while on the way she not only looks after him, but also shares the marital bed with him.

The Eskimos treat adultery easily, in their society there are no concepts of jealousy and an illegitimate child, since it does not matter who is the father of the child, the main thing is that the offspring is reproduced.

eskimo cuisine

The basis of the Eskimo diet is meat obtained during sea crafts and hunting, as well as bird eggs. The carcasses of whales and walruses, seals and deer, musk oxen and polar bears are used both fresh and after processing, such as drying, drying, freezing, pickling and boiling.

An obligatory component of Eskimo cuisine is seal blood, which, according to local beliefs, nourishes human blood, making it stronger and healthier. In their opinion, rotten seal fat, consumed with cloudberries, as well as raw whale fat, has a similar effect on the body.

A special delicacy is the dish "kiviak" - a seal carcass stuffed with seagulls. Usually, about 400 birds are required to prepare this delicacy, which are placed in the belly of a mammal without cleaning, that is, along with feathers and beaks. At the next stage, all the air is squeezed out of the seal, covered with a thick layer of fat, and the resulting semi-finished product is placed under stones for a period of 3 to 18 months.

During this time, a fermentation process will take place inside the carcass, during which the birds will acquire a unique taste.

Having adapted to poor plant conditions, the Eskimos replenish their reserves of vitamins A and D from fish and animal liver, and vitamin C is obtained from algae, seal brain, and whale skin.

addiction to tobacco

In Eskimo society, tobacco is considered an essential attribute of existence, necessary not only for imaginary enjoyment, but also for treatment.

Men, as usual, get poisoned by nicotine through smoking, and women and even children - by chewing shag. Moreover, Eskimos use tobacco gum to soothe a crying baby.

stone graves

Since the Eskimos live in the permafrost zone, their cemeteries are stone mounds, under which lie the bodies of the dead wrapped in skins. Next to each such mound are things that belonged to the deceased, which he may need in the afterlife.

We offer a little distraction from business and get acquainted with interesting facts, most of which may come as a surprise to you.

Georgy Zhukov was the initiator of the creation in 1940 of colorless Coca-Cola. It was embarrassing for him to drink a foreign drink in public, and the marshal liked Coca-Cola very much. Therefore, a colorless Coca-Cola appeared, which could easily be passed off as vodka.

In Japan, there are more pets than children under the age of 15.

Once, a laptop was stolen from the photographer Melanie Wilhide, in which all the works prepared for the exhibition were stored. To her great surprise, the police quickly found the computer, but by that time the thief had already managed to "work" on the hard drive. The photos were ruined, but Melanie liked them even better this way. She made an exhibition and dedicated it to the thief.

The wings of some insects have a structure that naturally "cuts" bacteria into pieces.

One guy was arrested in California for driving with an expired license. And at the police station, law enforcement officers drew attention to the tattoos on the chest of the detainee - it turned out that they contained information about the "exploits" committed by his gang. Thanks to these tattoos, a robbery of a liquor store and a murder that the police no longer expected to solve were solved.

Fish swimming in sea water can also feel thirsty.

In men, a pregnancy test also sometimes gives a positive result. This may be a symptom of testicular cancer.

An Englishwoman named Wendy Richmond falls into a coma every time she says "I love you" to her children. She suffers from a rare combination of cataplexy and narcolepsy.

In Louisiana, if one person bites another with their teeth, it is considered a simple attack. And if with dentures, this is an aggravated assault.

According to scientific studies, parents who lick a dropped nipple before returning it to their baby are doing the right thing: such children in the next 18 months have almost 60% less eczema and 90% less asthma, compared with those children who get back the nipples washed under the tap or scalded with boiling water.

The largest insect lived on Earth about 400 million years ago. It was a sea scorpion, reaching 2.5 meters in length.

There are only two speakers of the ancient Ayapaneko language left in the world. But they don't talk to each other.

Strategic incompetence is the "art" of doing an unpleasant task so badly that the next time it is entrusted to someone else.

Since 1978, the so-called "Basaglia Law" has been in force in Italy, which has forced the closure of all psychiatric hospitals. These establishments have been replaced by a range of public services.

A duel with three participants is called a "truel".

In 2009, the Government of the Maldives held an underwater meeting to draw attention to climate change issues.

In 2011, a great white shark jumped out of the ocean about three meters above the surface and plopped right into a boat on which a group of scientists was conducting marine research.

There is a version according to which the name of the narrator Homer is actually not a name, but the name of the process, since in ancient Greek “homer” means “to connect pieces” and describes the process of processing materials.

One of the singers of the legendary ABBA married the prince, and is now officially called Her Serene Highness Princess Annie-Fried Reuss von Plauen.

The Martha Mitchell effect is a psychological phenomenon in which it is easier for a psychiatrist to believe that a person is insane than the story he is telling. The effect bears the name of the wife of the attorney general in the Nixon administration, whose desperate attempts to open the eyes of others were mistaken for the delirium of a madwoman. Only when the well-known Watergate scandal broke out did those around her realize that she had been telling the honest truth all the time.

Nearly half of Ethiopia's population is under the age of 15.

In April 2010, astronomers at the Jodrell Bank observatory recorded radio signals unlike anything previously observed from the Cigara galaxy (M26). The unknown object emitting these signals was moving at 4 times the speed of light.

In France, by law, only those establishments have the right to bear the title of "bakery" where the bakers themselves make the dough at night, bake early in the morning and then sell their fresh bread.

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