The most dangerous birds in the world. List of formidable birds most dangerous to humans


Presidents Medvedev and Putin consider the most powerful and invincible bird the eagle - the Siamese twin, the lord Obama and the One who will come for Him - the bald eagle, the real Colonel Gaddafi - the hawk of the Quraysh tribe. The warlike world fights under the sign of birds of prey, they don’t fight for anything, having a bird of paradise on the coat of arms, and in malarial Sao Tome and Principe, two nightingales hold the shield of a corrupt system, one of which “mows” under a falcon, like a sparrow - under a sick eagle .

Birds, in the eyes of man, are the most noble creatures of the animal world, which is why they are minted on coins and painted on heraldic little ones. The low man is afraid of birds and does the right thing. A harmless sparrow is capable of driving a tired hard worker crazy with its chirping on the window at 5 in the morning, a garbage pigeon easily shits on the heads of patriarchs and oligarchs, and is capable of destroying someone's farming business in a couple of hours.

We bring to your attention an illustrated list-determinant of the most evil and dangerous birds on the planet. To know who to be afraid of instead of a dove and a starling.

1. Berkut

Oh, it’s not for nothing that the Ukrainian OMON is called the name of this bird. And the Ukrainian poet Ivan Franko was not in vain once angry and wrote: “I hate you, golden eagle, because your heart is evil in your chest.”

The golden eagle is the national bird of five countries of the world, while the ornithologists of other countries, if you ask them confidentially, will tell you that the golden eagle, by its nature and character, is still a bastard.

The eagle is not only a strong and proud bird, but also cruel, like a perverted SS man. If you are a turtle, and fell into his paws, the golden eagle will not eat away your turtle brain on the spot. He will lift you into the air and slam you somewhere on the rocks to make a wet place out of the victim. Which the bird will peck and lick with pleasure. It is not for nothing that in Mongolia, tamed golden eagles are used to hunt wolves and foxes. Where the hunter misses, the beaked predator will kill a dozen or two animals for pleasure. In fact, the golden eagle is a shark with wings. And it must be treated with appropriate trepidation and "reverence".

2. Pelican

A distinctive sign of a pelican is the most capacious beak in the world. The bird needs it to implement a semi-passive way of feeding. The pelican dips its beak into the muddy water and then drains everything but edible items. It's like taking a big clod of dirt to look for and find a potato in it. But not this pelican is a bastard.

The meanness of the pelican is that it does not kill the victim - it silently swallows it alive. These birds eat everything that can become a source of animal protein. Including pigeons, ducks and penguins in Africa. All living things that fall into the beak of a pelican are doomed to wallow helplessly in the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice without any hope of saving resistance.

The nature of this bird describes how the city park pelican ate a dove. The pelican was not hungry and was fed well by the park staff. He grabbed a dove just like that, for the sake of pleasure. From a human point of view, the pelican is a war criminal.

3. Shrike

A small ball of flesh, the songbird shrike is a real psychopath among feathered killers. No one mocks his victims so subtly as this touching bird.

The tiny shrike has a tenacious beak, a cruel temper and a good appetite. He can eat on the fly only a small insect, and with his beloved mice and rats he acts sharply. A normal abnormal shrike always has a few thorny trees in mind. God created these trees specifically so that shrikes could prick rodents on sharp thorns and then, slowly, eat them.

There are also romantic moments in the life of shrikes. Caring for the female, the male invites the lady to dinner. They fly to a tree, on which the cavalier has previously stabbed various edible animals with a monstrous kebab. That's from whom a person learned to make barbecue.

The main thing that a person knows about vultures is that these birds eat dead, decaying animals. Vultures, as a rule, do not kill anyone, they wait for someone to do it for them - the victim will die on his own or will be malnourished by some lion. Thus, these birds justify their existence with a huge role in the ecosystem.

Most species of vultures are calm, patient scavengers, but the black American subspecies of the brown vulture has a significant breed defect - a poor sense of smell.

Therefore, the black vulture "falls on the tail" of other types of vultures. A dozen black vultures can join one condor and fly after him until he finds some dead cat. Then, overwhelming in numbers, they take away his trophy from an honest earner. In addition, black vultures dare to attack something that moves, but helplessly - for example, a calf or a piglet on a farm. One pecks the cub, and the whole flock feasts on it until the owner coughs.

5. Kea parrot

The New Zealand kea parrot is named after its "kea" call. This is an omnivorous, gluttonous, noisy and impudent creature. Kea are incredibly curious and explore everything unfamiliar with their beak, attacking cars, picnics and backpacks with things. Basically, of course, gutting garbage cans.

Passion for everything new, unfamiliar, pushes kea parrots to crime. A case is known when a kea stole a passport from a tourist who came to New Zealand to stare at the beauties of nature. He stole and did not return, not heeding the curses thrown after him.

But the worst thing about the behavior of these feathered clowns is that they bite the sheep, thereby eating them alive piece by piece. They behave like crests from a joke: “whatever I don’t eat, I’ll take a bite.”

As you understand, in the place of the unfortunate lamb there can be a drunk person in a hollow. For example, a tourist.

Here are the coats of arms of the states. Choose to taste, to match politics and economics!

Birds often become a symbol of nobility or peace, but some birds have much brighter and more dangerous qualities, among which is the unwillingness of a peaceful existence with a person. Quite often, large and not very large birds become the initiators of attacks on people.

List of birds most dangerous to humans

This article describes not just birds that are unfriendly to us, but species that pose a real mortal danger to humans! Among the birds, there are not so few formidable representatives of the animal world, which, along with poisonous snakes or insects, can become a source of serious threat to children and adults.

5 most dangerous birds for humans


In appearance, this bird is completely harmless, but it is original and “smart”. In fact, the cassowary is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most dangerous bird on the planet. Sensing a threat (or simply seeing a person on its territory), this flightless inhabitant of the rainforests of New Guinea and northeast Australia immediately attacks.

The legs of cassowaries are very strong, and the claws, like daggers, are capable of inflicting fatal injuries.

The character of the "bird" is rather nasty, the cassowary becomes furious for no apparent reason.

This fact was highlighted even among the American and Australian military during the Second World War, emphasizing that it is better to avoid meeting with a colorful feathered monster. By the way, cassowaries are rarely kept in menageries - because of their unpredictable disposition, zoo workers were most often injured from this creature.

South American harpy

This is the strongest eagle in the world, whose body weight reaches 9 kg. The claws of a huge bird are larger and more powerful than those of a tiger and a bear, and it will not be difficult for it to pierce a human skull.

The harpy usually does not attack a person first; content for lunch with monkeys, sloths, boas and smaller birds.

The only exception is the attack on the nest of this Mexican eagle. To protect a single chick (and these pairs of birds grow only one chick), the harpy will be selfless. At the moment, the number of South American harpies is steadily declining, the reason for this was the destruction of forests and the breeding patterns of winged predators.

Thrush flycatcher

To be deadly to humans, this bird did not have to be distinguished by its large size and physical strength. The thrush flycatcher, also known as the bicolor pitohu, is the most poisonous bird on the planet. In addition to pitohu, there are also three-poisonous birds, two of them belong to the same genus (P. kihocephalus and P. ferrugineus), which is two-colored pitohu, and the third was the blue-headed ifrit kovaldi.

All three "analogues" are significantly inferior in the degree of toxicity to the thrush flycatcher. In 1989, ornithologist Jack Dumbacher studied birds in New Guinea. Releasing cute birds from the web, the scientist scratched his finger. Ignoring the scratch, Jack instinctively put his finger in his mouth and immediately felt his tongue, mouth and lips go numb.

Subsequently, it was possible to find out that poison enters the body of a bird along with beetles of the Choresine pulchra species, and then gradually accumulates in feathers and skin.

As a result of their meals, the flycatcher becomes dangerous to other mammals, although the bird itself has adapted to the poison. It's funny that the local natives have long known about this quality pitohu, the "greatest discovery" of the ornithologist pretty much amused them.

Canadian goose (hussars)

Canada geese (not to be confused with Canada Goose jackets) is a very beautiful waterfowl of the Anatidae family. A huge duck has an aggressive disposition and desperately defends its territory.

When meeting with a man, Canadian hussars often inflicted lacerations, serious fractures and cranial injuries on people.

Federal wildlife scientist Neil Doe has conducted field studies and published results showing the destruction of the coastline and the destruction of many animals and birds by geese. In addition, the geese repeatedly collided with aircraft. In 1995, in the state of Elmendorf, Alaska, a US Air Force plane crashed into a flock of geese on takeoff and crashed. 24 crew members were killed. In 2009, the pilot of Flight 1549 managed to make an emergency landing after encountering Canadian hussars, and the passengers escaped with minor injuries.


Feathered city dwellers have neither poison nor extreme physical abilities, but there is a surprisingly developed intellect. An organized flock of crows is able to act like a real gang, according to a premeditated scheme.

There are frequent cases when crows together drive the victim - small animals and pigeons, under the wheels of transport, and then drag the unfortunate people to the side of the road and feast.

Crows can also attack humans. Reports of their attacks on people now and then appear in the press. Especially in the spring.

Most often, the victims of flocks are children and the elderly, and, surrounding the unfortunate from all sides, crows are able to inflict significant injuries with hard beaks, diverting attention to each other.

London runners in Elten Sound park were forced to change their running route due to an attack by crows. It is noteworthy that aggressive birds attacked mainly blond people. The reasons for hostility towards blondes have not been clarified.

The consequences of the intelligence of crows were also reflected in mass incidents - in just one month of 1978, nine trains derailed in China. The reason was the rubble that the crows put on the rails.

Light-winged, vociferous, with bright plumage and the ability to flutter, they cause only delight and are not at all associated with something dangerous and cruel. Meanwhile, some birds, like real enemies, artificially disguised as innocent creatures, can become a real threat, if not for life, then certainly for human health. So, we present 10 most dangerous birds in the world.

10 Canada Goose

The Canada goose opens our list of the most dangerous birds for humans. Going to the lake and feeding the ducks with your loved one is a romantic experience. However, such a walk can turn into a nuisance if there is a Canadian goose among the inhabitants of the reservoir. This representative of birds is distinguished by its impressive size and not at all quiet disposition. They are especially aggressive during the nesting season. One has only to accidentally be in the territory chosen by these bird robbers, as a couple immediately begins to attack: they scream, beat their wings and pinch mercilessly. In the sad list of these birds are members of the crew of the US Air Force aircraft. A flock of geese ended up in the path of the plane, which is why the crash occurred.

9. Blue-headed ifrit

The charming blue-headed ifrit bird, the size of a dove, is hardly capable of attack, but is still dangerous to humans and can cause death. It's all about the presence of a poisonous substance that accumulates in the cells of her body and even in plumage. In the laboratory, many studies of the toxin were carried out, it turned out to be as potent and lightning-fast as the one that the South American tree frog, long known in the world of killer animals, emits. Upon contact with such a bird, a large predator, for example, a lion or a tiger, dies, and this happens within some 10 minutes. What can we say about a person, on average, weighing much less than these animals.

8 Griffon Vulture

This bird, which inspires awe, both in appearance and size, was not considered dangerous until recently. Eating the remains of dead animals, the vultures never encroached on the world of the living, however, suffering a significant lack of food in recent years, they began to look at quite healthy and active animals. Scientists noticed that the birds ate fresh meat, attacking medium-sized ruminants and rodents. And then one day an attack on a person happened - the vultures attacked a climber who fell off the mountain. It was not possible to save the unfortunate.

7. Crows

In parks and recreation areas where there are many trees, the most frequent guests are crows. These birds from time to time are imbued with a special dislike for humans, obviously seeing them as a threat to their offspring. At this point, the birds tend to attack the troublemakers en masse. They swoop down on their prey from the trees, strike with their beaks and retreat instantly, knowing that they cannot match the forces of a man. In general, crows are smart and quick-witted birds and that is why they pose some danger to people. Their strength is in the ability to act together and always plan their robbery antics.

6. Pigeons

Once upon a time, pigeons chose rocky river banks for nesting. Now they can no longer be found in their usual habitat, they have long migrated to cities. Of course, peaceful and friendly pigeons do not cause alarm in anyone, but often cause major health troubles for those who had carelessness and were in close contact with them. Any modern ornithologist can easily tell why you should not feed these birds from your hands, stroke especially tame representatives, and even stay close to their clusters. It's all about the ability of birds to endure the most severe infectious diseases. Loudly flapping their wings, a flock of birds lifts into the air thousands of microparticles of their own feces, the smallest fluffs, and secretions from their beaks. A person standing nearby sighs and becomes infected with psittacosis. The disease is similar in symptoms to many others, doctors are at a loss, prescribe various examinations, and it's all about chlamydia that migrated from birds.

5. Red-tailed hawk

In Sulfur America, in places where tourists often have picnics and like to make halts, one can often see dangerous birds - red-tailed buzzards. These winged predators, having arranged their nest among the branches of a tall tree, carefully protect it from any visitors. A tired traveler will settle down to rest in the shade of a tree and immediately become the target of a vigilant owner of the territory. The claws of buzzards are sharp and long, and the beak is able to pierce even the rough skin of animals, while a person will become an easy target for a bird. There have been several instances in Connecticut history of birds storming pedestrians and literally preventing them from passing. For a long time, people tried to bypass the territories protected by buzzards by the tenth road.

4. Crowned eagle

There are a lot of dangers in tropical forests, it is worth waiting for trouble here even from birds. A bright representative of aggressive creatures with wings is a crowned eagle. Large individuals of this species can reach 35 kilograms, and the wings of forest predators in the span are 2 meters. These parameters, multiplied by the reluctance of the bird to coexist with any living creature, make the eagle a rather dangerous inhabitant of the jungle. If the eagle chooses its prey, then, most likely, the life path of a small animal is over - a swift and fast predator captures its prey in such a way that it almost immediately breaks its cervical vertebrae. He can also grab onto a person and beat his wings, using his beak at the same time. Of course, very few collisions of this kind have been recorded, but still, those who roam the jungle should remember the winged killer and look at the sky.

3. Snowy Owl

The white owl opens the top three most dangerous birds in the world. Travelers who chose the tundra for their explorations were more than once frightened and even injured by snow-white robbers - snowy owls. Wandering through the snows of the cold region, they accidentally stumbled upon the places where birds lay and were literally taken by surprise by a sudden attack. Owls do not indicate their presence in any way until a person comes close, at which point they attack without any doubt. When attacking, the taiga aggressors do not stand on ceremony: they try to beat their wings in the face and severely tear the face apart if they do not hide in time.

2. Ostrich

We are used to the fact that ostriches are shy birds and stupid enough to be dangerous. Meanwhile, their parental duty often works perfectly and they protect their masonry or chicks with unprecedented agility. You won’t envy a person who gets in the way of a long-legged father of a family weighing at least 100 kilograms: you can’t run away from this and you won’t scare anything especially if you don’t have a weapon. When attacking, strong paws of a bird with sharp and long claws are of particular danger. Birds wield them like knives and can cut through skin and muscle in a couple of seconds.

1. Cassowary

If we think of birds, small benevolent creatures are always presented, which symbolize peace and freedom for us. But this is not always the case. Some of the birds can be very dangerous, and encountering them can even lead to death. Here is a list of the 10 most dangerous birds:

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red-tailed hawk

Hawks are on the list of the most intelligent birds. The red-tailed buzzard or red hawk very fiercely and courageously defends its nest from enemies, and sees a source of danger in people, especially if its nest is located in a place that is very close to people. During the flight, the buzzard tracks its prey and quickly and quickly catches it on the fly. Red-tailed hawks have massive claws, and such a grip can lead to fatal injuries.

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Falcons have very sharp claws and beaks and also consider humans dangerous. Falcons are birds that divide territories among themselves, so these birds attack without hesitation. If you come close to his nest, you are in great danger. They have a hook-shaped beak, which helps them tear off pieces of meat, as well as bite through the spinal cord of the victim. Therefore, for humans, these birds can be especially dangerous.

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The polar owl is a kind of record holder, it is the northernmost of all birds of prey on Earth. These beautiful and dangerous birds live in the tundra and in the Arctic Circle. Owls have easily adapted to life at temperatures down to -50 C. The polar owl attacks its target with a certain strategy. If its target is a person, then the owl's claws are primarily aimed at the head of the victim and her face. The attacks are so violent that very often people get serious eye injuries.

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This bird has a second name - lamb. Representatives of the vulture genus tear the carcass of the victim, so that only the brains remain uneaten. The bearded man eats, basically, just brains. He carries the bones through the air, and then drops them on sharp stones so that the most delicious can be reached. It is very dangerous for a person to be very close to this bird of prey.

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The barred owl is found in the swampy forests of the southern United States, weighing only 1-1.3 kg, so it usually attacks smaller prey. Their targets may not be able to hear barred owls approaching them due to their special feathers. Birds suddenly dive down, attacking the victim's head with their sharp, as if sharpened, claws. They desperately peck their prey, tear with their claws and squeeze. Their attack can leave serious head injuries. Climbers often become victims of owls.

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mute swan

Swans seem to be very peaceful creatures, but, in reality, this is a bird that strictly guards its territory. It lives in Eurasia, but can be seen in other parts of the world, including North America. The mute swan can often be found in places that are frequented by people. For example, city lakes or park ponds. When the bird feels threatened, it may attack people. Thanks to their muscular wings, such an attack can result in eye damage or even broken bones.

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The Arctic loon is commonly found near lakes in woodlands, boreal forests, and the arctic regions of North America and northern Eurasia. Loons weigh from 3.5 to 4.5 kg. They have very sharp sharpened beaks to tear apart the caught fish. This dangerous bird killed the ornithologist, mistaking him for a predator, so it is also dangerous for humans.

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Herring gulls are dangerous birds in their own right and can pose a serious danger to humans. Very often they nest in the city. Seagulls attack people when they try to steal food. This often results in injury from their extremely sharp beaks.

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At the end of our list is the African ostrich, the largest bird on Earth and the only ostrich species to survive after the extinction of the Arabian ostrich. For us, the appearance of ostriches with their small head and long neck is quite comical, but

it's deceptive. Standing, his height exceeds 2 meters. The ostrich weighs about 108 kg. These birds can run at speeds up to 70 km/h. They may attack humans if they feel their young are in danger or humans are close to their habitat. It only takes a couple of seconds to kill a person.

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Closes the list of birds, called the most dangerous to humans of all known birds. These birds live in the rainforests of New Guinea and Northwestern Australia. Southern cassowaries have unusual blue skin and ostrich-like black feathers. The weight of cassowaries is more than 60 kg, and the height reaches 1.8 m. They fiercely and desperately protect their territories from outside intrusion. They have sharp spurs and have the strongest punching power of any bird. In 2004, in the famous Guinness Book of Records, cassowaries were declared the most dangerous bird in the world.

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It was an article TOP 10 most dangerous birds in the world. Thank you for your attention!

Birds are a symbol of peace and kindness. We can name several dangerous animals, insects, and even reptiles, but it is unlikely that we can easily recall birds that are deadly to humans. And they are...


In appearance, this bird is completely harmless, but it is original and “smart”. In fact, the cassowary is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most dangerous bird on the planet. Sensing a threat (or simply seeing a person on its territory), this flightless inhabitant of the rainforests of New Guinea and northeast Australia immediately attacks.

The legs of the cassowaries are very strong, and the claws, like daggers, can cause fatal injuries. The character of the "bird" is rather bad, the cassowary becomes furious for no apparent reason.

This fact was highlighted even among the American and Australian military during the Second World War, emphasizing that it is better to avoid meeting with a colorful feathered monster. By the way, cassowaries are rarely kept in menageries - because of their unpredictable disposition, zoo workers were most often injured from this creature.

South American harpy

This is the strongest eagle in the world, whose body weight reaches 9 kg. The claws of a huge bird are larger and more powerful than those of a tiger and a bear, and it will not be difficult for it to pierce a human skull.

The harpy usually does not attack a person first; content for lunch with monkeys, sloths, boas and smaller birds.

The only exception is the attack on the nest of this Mexican eagle. To protect a single chick (and these pairs of birds grow only one chick), the harpy will be selfless.

At the moment, the number of South American harpies is steadily declining, the reason for this was the destruction of forests and the breeding patterns of winged predators.

Thrush flycatcher

To be deadly to humans, this bird did not have to be distinguished by its large size and physical strength. The thrush flycatcher, also known as the bicolor pitohu, is the most poisonous bird on the planet. In addition to pitohu, there are also three-poisonous birds, two of them belong to the same genus (P. kihocephalus and P. ferrugineus), which is two-colored pitohu, and the third was the blue-headed ifrit kovaldi.

All three "analogues" are significantly inferior in the degree of toxicity to the thrush flycatcher. In 1989, ornithologist Jack Dumbacher studied birds in New Guinea. Releasing cute birds from the web, the scientist scratched his finger. Ignoring the scratch, Jack instinctively put his finger in his mouth and immediately felt his tongue, mouth and lips go numb.

Subsequently, it was possible to find out that poison enters the body of a bird along with beetles of the Choresine pulchra species, and then gradually accumulates in feathers and skin.

As a result of their meals, the flycatcher becomes dangerous to other mammals, although the bird itself has adapted to the poison. It's funny that the local natives have long known about this quality pitohu, the "greatest discovery" of the ornithologist pretty much amused them.

Canadian goose

Canada geese (not to be confused with Canada Goose jackets) is a very beautiful waterfowl of the Anatidae family. A huge duck has an aggressive disposition and desperately defends its territory.

When meeting with a man, Canadian hussars often inflicted lacerations, serious fractures and cranial injuries on people.

Federal wildlife scientist Neil Doe has conducted field studies and published results showing the destruction of the coastline and the destruction of many animals and birds by geese. In addition, the geese repeatedly collided with aircraft.

In 1995, in the state of Elmendorf, Alaska, a US Air Force plane crashed into a flock of geese on takeoff and crashed. 24 crew members were killed. In 2009, the pilot of Flight 1549 managed to make an emergency landing after encountering Canadian hussars, and the passengers escaped with minor injuries.


Feathered city dwellers have neither poison nor extreme physical abilities, but there is a surprisingly developed intellect. An organized flock of crows is able to act like a real gang, according to a premeditated scheme.

There are frequent cases when crows together drive the victim - small animals and pigeons, under the wheels of transport, and then drag the unfortunate people to the side of the road and feast.

Crows can also attack humans. Reports of their attacks on people now and then appear in the press. Especially in the spring.

Most often, the victims of flocks are children and the elderly, and, surrounding the unfortunate from all sides, crows are able to inflict significant injuries with hard beaks, diverting attention to each other.

London runners in Elten Sound park were forced to change their running route due to an attack by crows. It is noteworthy that aggressive birds attacked mainly blond people. The reasons for hostility towards blondes have not been clarified.

The consequences of the crows' intelligence were also reflected in mass incidents - in just one month of 1978, nine trains derailed in China. The reason was the rubble that the crows put on the rails.

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