The most dangerous points on the human body. Magic points on the human body


There are a lot of pressure points on the human body, a blow to which can be not only painful, but also fatal. Among the most vulnerable places it should be noted: ears, temple, eyes, nose, upper lip, chin, Adam's apple, base of the pharynx, back of the head; collarbone, armpits, solar plexus, abdomen, perineum, false rib, kidneys, spinal column; fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder, knee, ankle, instep. I would like to warn you that even a not strong, but accurate blow to the places indicated above can be fatal. This should be kept in mind during training when you are sparring with comrades.

Hit to the head or neck
First you need to fold your fingers into a cup shape and hit the enemy’s ears hard. Remember that this technique can cause damage to the eardrums, internal hemorrhage or nervous shock.
Hit to the temple
If you hit the temple with the edge of your palm or the pad of your fist, death or a serious concussion is possible. In this place, the bones of the skull are extremely thin, and the nerve and artery are located close to the skin. Fighters strike this area of ​​the head and elbow joint. And when they manage to knock down an opponent, a kick with the toe is enough.
Strike in the eyes
Place your middle and index fingers in a “Y” shape and strike hard. It is important to keep your wrist and fingers straight at this moment. Note that there are several ways to strike the eyes.
Punch in the nose
You need to hit the bridge of the nose with the edge of your palm. A sharp blow allows you to crush the cartilage, fragments of which can damage the brain, which can lead to instant death.
A blow to the upper lip
The upper lip is one of the most vulnerable places on the human body. Here the nasal cartilage connects to the bones of the skull, and the nerves are located near the skin. Strike with the edge of your palm, tilting it slightly upward. A strong blow may cause a concussion, while a weak one will cause serious pain.
Punch to the chin
It is most effective to hit this area of ​​the head with the heel of your palm. If you use your fist, you can break your hand.
A blow to the Adam's apple
The edge of the palm is also used. With a strong blow, the windpipe can rupture and be fatal. A weak blow will cause suffocation. You can also squeeze the windpipe with your fingers and tear it out. You can also hit the Adam's apple with your knee joint or toe.
Strike to the base of the throat
If you hit the dimple at the base of the throat with 1 or 2 fingers, the enemy will be incapacitated very quickly. This is a very painful technique that causes coughing and choking.

A blow to the side of the neck
Use the edge of your palm and you can render your opponent unconscious. You need to hit below and slightly in front of the ear. This is not a fatal blow, but it can cause loss of consciousness.
Hit to the back of the head
If you hit with the edge of your palm, instant death may occur or the cervical vertebrae may be displaced. When the enemy is poorly familiar with the basics of hand-to-hand combat, you can hit with the outer edge of the fist.
Blow to the collarbone
If you hit the collarbone hard with the edge of your palm, it can be broken quite easily. When your opponent is below you, strike with your elbow bent.
Hit to the solar plexus
It is located under the chest bone and a blow with a “pointed fist” will be more effective compared to the edge of the palm. The opponent will feel severe pain and drop to his knees. A sharp and strong blow to this area of ​​the body can be fatal.
Punch to the armpit
Here a large nerve comes close to the skin and a good blow can neutralize the enemy for some time.
Punch to the stomach
Strike with a small fist and immobilize the enemy. If he begins to lean forward, you can hit him in the face with your knee or with the edge of your palm in the back of the head. It is most effective to strike the stomach with your foot or knuckles.
Punch to the crotch
The crotch is the most convenient place on the enemy's body to strike. You can hit with the knee or elbow joint, foot, fist. After this, he will be incapacitated for a long time.
A blow to the kidneys
Another area where the large nerve is located just near the surface of the skin. If hit hard, it can be fatal unless immediate medical attention is provided. You can strike with the edge of your fist or palm, knee joint, or toe.
Hit the false rib
If you hit this area of ​​the body, you can paralyze or even kill your opponent. Strike three or four inches above the waist. This is the most vulnerable part of the spinal column.
Finger grip
If you are grabbed from behind and your opponent's hands are located under the armpits, you need to firmly grab his fingers with one hand and grab his wrist with the other. While squeezing your wrist, sharply pull your fingers back. This will not only allow you to get rid of the grip, but also disable the enemy’s fingers.
Wrist incapacitation
Move your wrist sharply in any direction, the opponent will feel severe pain. To do this, your thumbs should be on the back of the enemy's hand. It is necessary to abduct the wrist at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the forearm.
Elbow lesion
The elbow is a very weak point that can be easily injured. Grab your opponent by the forearm or wrist and deliver a strong blow to the elbow, sharply pulling your arm back.
Shoulder dislocation
Having knocked your opponent down, rest your knee joint against his collarbone and, by twisting your arm back, you can dislocate the shoulder joint. If in such a situation a strong blow is applied to the spinal column, then death is possible.
Impact to the knee joint
Hit the kneecap or side of the knee with your toe. This way you can immobilize the enemy by crushing cartilage and damaging ligaments. If you hit the popliteal cavity from behind, the enemy will be immobilized.
Kick to the ankle
Do not use your toe to hit this part of the body. It can slide off without causing any harm to the enemy. Strike only with the edge of the foot perpendicular to the outer surface of the ankle.
Hitting the instep
Strike with the edge of the boot at the instep of the opponent’s leg of the same name. This will damage the bones and protect you from a blow to the perineum.

And here is what is written about vulnerable zones in the combat manual of the Green Berets.

*Vulnerable spots of the human body*. These are the parts of the body that are most sensitive to shock. The ability to hit them, the aggressiveness and confidence of your actions will ensure victory in hand-to-hand combat.

*Body parts*. The body is divided into three main parts: head and neck; torso; limbs. The most vulnerable places include: ears, temple, eyes, nose, upper lip, chin, Adam's apple, base of the pharynx, back of the head; collarbone, armpits, solar plexus, abdomen, perineum, false rib, kidneys, spinal column; fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder, knee, ankle, instep.

*Warning*. To incapacitate or kill a person, a very minor pressure or blow to a vulnerable spot is required. Remember this in training, where your comrades act as the enemy.

*Strikes the opponent's head or neck*. Cup your fingers and hit your opponent's ears with force. This is a dangerous technique - eardrums can burst, nervous shock or internal hemorrhage is possible.

*Hit to the temple*. A blow to the temple caused by the edge of the palm or the pad of a fist causes immediate death or concussion. In this part of the head, the cranial bone is very thin and, in addition, a large nerve and artery are located close to the skin. You can also hit the temple with a bent elbow. If you manage to knock your opponent down, hit him in the temple with the toe of your boot.

*Hit to the eyes*. There are several techniques for striking the eyes. Here's one: Place your middle and index fingers in a Y shape and hit your opponent's eyes with them. At the moment of impact, keep your fingers and wrist straight. A blow to the eyes can also be applied with the second knuckles of two adjacent fingers.

*Punch on the nose*. A blow to the nose is applied with the edge of the palm (on the bridge of the nose). With a sharp blow, you will shatter the cartilage of the bridge of the nose, fragments of which can penetrate the brain and cause instant death. A blow can also be delivered with the outer part of a tightly clenched fist and the heel of the palm.

*Punch on upper lip*. The upper lip is the most vulnerable part of the body. At this point, the nasal cartilage fuses with the cranial bone, and the nerves pass close to the skin. The blow is delivered with the edge of the palm at a slight upward angle. A strong blow causes a concussion, a weak blow causes severe pain.

*Hit on the chin*. The greatest effectiveness is achieved when striking with the heel of the palm. You can break your arm if you hit your chin with your fist.

*Hit Adam's apple*. The blow to the Adam's apple is applied with the edge of the palm. A strong blow ruptures the windpipe and causes death, a weaker blow leads to suffocation. You can squeeze and then pry out the windpipe with your fingers, which also results in maximum effectiveness. In addition, a blow to the Adam's apple can be delivered with a fist, the toe of a boot or a knee, depending on the position of the enemy.

*Hit to the base of the throat*. A blow delivered by one or two outstretched fingers to the pit of the base of the pharynx can quickly incapacitate an opponent. The reception is very painful. It usually causes severe coughing and choking. The blow reaches maximum effectiveness when it breaks the skin and tissue of the body in this place.

*Blow on the neck (left, right side of it)*. A blow delivered to the neck with the edge of your palm can cause your opponent to lose consciousness. The blow is applied below and slightly in front of the ear, in two ways: from the left (palm down) or from the front of the shoulder (palm up). The blow is not life-threatening and leads to loss of consciousness only when it occurs along the jugular vein, carotid artery or vagus nerve.

*Hit to the back of the head*. A blow to the back of the head with the edge of the palm (rabbit punch) can cause instant death or lead to displacement of the cervical vertebrae. If the enemy turns out to be a weak opponent (poor in hand-to-hand combat techniques), you can strike him on the back of the head with the outer edge of your fist. If you manage to knock your opponent down, strike him on the back of the head with the toe of your boot, heel or edge of your palm.

*Hit to the collarbone*. With a strong blow to the collarbone with the edge of your palm, you can break it, and the enemy will drop to his knees. If he is shorter than you, you can strike with a bent elbow; such a strike will be more effective than with the edge of the palm.

*Strike to the solar plexus*. The solar plexus is located below the rib cage, just under the breast bone. The blow is delivered with a “pointed fist”, which is more effective than a blow with the edge of the palm. The blow causes great pain and forces the opponent to lean forward or kneel. A very sharp blow to the solar plexus can lead to death.

*Hit in the armpit*. At this point, the large nerve is located close to the skin, and a blow delivered here causes severe pain and temporarily paralyzes the enemy. If you manage to knock him down, hit him in the armpit with the toe of your boot.

*Kick in the stomach*. By punching your opponent in the stomach, you will completely weaken him. If he then leans forward, strike with your knee in the face or with the edge of your hand in the back of the head. However, a knuckle strike to the stomach is more effective than an elbow strike. A blow to the stomach with the toe of a boot is no less effective.

*Punch to the crotch*. In hand-to-hand combat, always remember that the most convenient place to strike is the enemy's crotch. You can hit with your knee, fist, edge of your palm, or toe of your boot. You can simply grab the crotch with force with your hand and pull it towards you and to the side. A blow delivered to the crotch incapacitates the opponent.

*Kick to the kidneys*. At this point, the large nerve (a branch from the spinal column) comes close to the skin. A blow to the kidneys causes nervous shock and even death if the victim does not receive immediate medical attention. The blow is delivered with the edge of the palm, the second knuckles of the fingers, the edge of the fist, the knee or the toe of the boot.

*Hit the false rib*. A blow to the false edge is applied both from the front and from behind, but it will be more effective if you strike it from the enemy’s right side. They hit with the edge of the palm, the edge of the fist, the second joints of the fingers, the heel, the toe or the knee.

*Blow to the spinal column*. A blow to this part of the body is paralyzing or fatal. With a strong blow, you can displace the vertebrae of the post. Hit 3-4 inches above the waist (this is where the spinal column is most vulnerable) with a knee, elbow or boot if you manage to knock the opponent down.

*Damage to fingers*. To free yourself from a rear hold (your opponent's hands are under your armpits), tightly squeeze the fingers of one of his hands and grab the wrist of that hand with your other hand. By vigorously pressing on the wrist while pulling his fingers back, you will free yourself from the grip and twist the opponent's fingers.

*Wrist disablement*. By sharply moving your wrist in any direction, you will cause severe pain to your opponent. To do this, place your thumbs on the back of your opponent's hand and move it at a right angle to the forearm. In this situation the enemy is helpless.

*Injury to the elbow joint*. The elbow joint is a weak point and if you put a strong force on it, you can dislocate it. Grab the opponent's wrist or forearm, deliver a sharp blow with the heel of your palm, the edge of your palm or your knee to the elbow joint and sharply pull your wrist (forearm) back.

*Shoulder dislocation*. Knock your opponent down, place your knee on his shoulder and twist his arms back - you will dislocate his shoulder. In this position, you can use a blow to the spine, which usually leads to death.

*Knee hit*. The blow is delivered to the knee, side of the knee, or kneecap with the edge of the boot. With this technique, you will deprive your opponent of the ability to move, damaging his knee ligaments and crushing his cartilage. When attacked from behind, the blow is struck with the toe of the boot on the bend of the knee, which also incapacitates the enemy (the nervous system is affected).

*Kick to ankle*. Strike with the outside edge of the boot perpendicular to the outside of your ankle. When striking the ankle, never use the toe of your boot, which may slip off without causing any harm to the opponent.

*Kick on the instep of the leg*. When facing an opponent face to face, use the edge of your left foot boot to hit the instep of the opponent's left leg or vice versa. This will crush the small bones of the instep and at the same time protect your perineum from impact.

*Hit vulnerable spots with the weapon you currently have*. Remember, even when you do not have a service weapon, you are able to hit the enemy with any object that is at your fingertips.

*Bayonet handle*. Place it in your hand so that the base of the handle protrudes slightly from your hand. In this case, you have a blunt weapon, which is especially convenient for striking the head.

*Homemade baton*. Fill an ordinary sock with raw sand or place a bar of soap in it, tie it along the top edge of the sand (bar of soap), and you will get a good means of combating. A blow with such a baton is usually applied to the back of the head.

*Blunt objects*. With a blow delivered to the spine (between the shoulder blades) with a blunt object, you can silently eliminate the enemy. Use an ax butt, rifle butt and other objects for this purpose.

There are many points on the human body, the impact of which can cause severe pain, partial paralysis and even severe damage, including death.

There are a lot of such zones on the human body, many of them are prudently hidden by nature from easy access. However, many remained on the surface. Of course, the complete art of hitting pain points is a whole science that can be studied for more than one year. In order to use self-defense, it is enough to know and be able to accurately hit only a few basic ones.

The most vulnerable points of the head.

A blow to the temple.

The temple is one of the weak points of the skull. Deep under the temple is the artery of the brain membrane. The average thickness of the skull is 5 millimeters, in the thickest place it is 1 centimeter thick, in the temple area the thickness of the skull is only 1-2 millimeters. A blow to this area can cause a concussion, loss of consciousness and death.

Hit to the back of the head.

This point is located in the center of the back of the skull at the junction of several bones and can be felt as a slightly elongated structure. This cavity is the weak point of the head. With a weak blow to this point, a concussion and loss of consciousness occurs. If the blow is strong, it can lead to hemorrhage and death.

A blow to the brow ridge.

These points are located above the eyebrows. Blood vessels and nerves pass through these areas. A moderate blow can damage them and cause bleeding in the eyes and loss of consciousness.

A blow to the lower jaw.

This point is located at the corner of the jaw below where it articulates with the ear. A blow to this area breaks the bone into small pieces. This area is also known as the "knockout area" because a side kick aimed at it strikes the cervical spine, causing the opponent to fall. This is one of the reasons why in real combat fighters often lower their chin to cover the point of the lower jaw.

Punch to the chin.

If you draw a straight line from the corner of your mouth, a certain perpendicular downwards. Then, intersecting with the line of the chin, an amazing point of defeat will be identified. Its property is that if even a light blow is applied to it in the direction of the cervical vertebra, it will cause a knockout effect.

A blow to the nasal bone.

This point is located on the nasal bone, between the eyebrows. The nasal bone is thick at the top and thins at the bottom; there is a small vein in the center that goes to the nasal cavity. A blow to this area can easily damage the nasal bone and lead to severe bleeding and difficulty breathing. In addition, a blow to the nose is very painful and impairs vision.

A blow or slap to the ears.

There are many blood vessels and nerves running near the ears. A blow to the ears damages the outer ear and the eardrum can stun the opponent.

A blow to the eye.

The eye is one of the most vulnerable places on the human body. Even a slight poke in the eye with a finger can temporarily blind a person and cause him severe pain. The elasticity of the eye allows it not to be damaged even by deep pressure, so a dosed, but strong enough force can deprive the enemy of resistance, but will not deprive him of life or vision. Of course, there is a risk, the effort in this case cannot be accurately calculated, but nevertheless, when saving your life, you should not worry about the health of the aggressor.

The most vulnerable points of the neck.

A slash to the back of the neck.

This point is located near the third vertebra of the neck. A slight blow to it causes displacement of the vertebrae, which as a result puts pressure on the spinal cord. A medium-strength blow will knock out the opponent and can lead to serious complications. A strong blow that interrupts the nerves of the spine leads to immediate death.

Slash to the throat (thyroid cartilage)

The thyroid cartilage (in common parlance, the Adam's apple) is surrounded by numerous blood vessels and nerves, and behind it is the thyroid gland. A blow to the throat causes severe pain and loss of the ability to breathe. If the opponent's head is tilted back when striking, the result of the impact will be much greater.

The most vulnerable points of the torso.

Impact to the sternum (solar plexus)

The sternum is located in the center of the body. In this area is the heart, below the liver and stomach. There is no protection in the form of ribs. Therefore, a blow to this area directly affects the heart, diaphragm and nerves between the ribs. A blow to the solar ventricle causes severe pain in the walls of the stomach and difficulty breathing. The enemy loses the ability to defend himself. A severe blow can lead to stomach bleeding, heart failure, liver rupture, internal bleeding, loss of consciousness and, in some cases, even death.

A blow between two ribs.

Usually the blows are directed to the 7th, 8th and 9th ribs and their connecting cartilages. On the left is the heart area, on the right is the liver. Ribs 5 through 8 are the most curved and the easiest to break, especially where the bones meet the cartilage. A strong blow to this area can cause a heart attack, liver damage, internal bleeding and possibly death.

A blow to the moving ribs.

Movable ribs are located at the bottom of the chest. These are the 11th and 12th ribs. They are not attached to the sternum. Since the ribs are not secured in front, the impact will cause them to break inward. This, in turn, can lead to their penetration into the liver or spleen, which is deadly.

A blow or pressure on the armpit.

Many blood vessels and nerves pass through this area. In addition, this cavity has no muscle or bone protection. Attacking this area with the fingers can cause an electric shock-type sensation and temporary loss of motor ability in the hand. Strong pressure can cause damage to nerves and blood vessels, making it difficult to move the arm.

A kick or hand to the pubic bone.

This area is very sensitive. A blow to it is quite painful and leads to the inability of the enemy to continue resistance.

Kick or hand to the crotch

Many nerves pass through this point, and above are the genitals and bladder. A slight blow to this area will cause very severe pain. A strong blow can rupture the bladder and cause shock.

The most vulnerable points of the legs.

A blow to the kneecap.

A blow to this area causes severe pain. The greatest effectiveness occurs when the supporting limb on which the body weight is concentrated is attacked. The result of this impact will be damage to the tissue under the fibula and tibia.

A blow to the outside of the knee.

This impact will cause the joint to move in an unnatural direction, bending inward, and cause ligament damage as well as a tear between the bones of the joint. Additionally, a strong blow can damage the main peroneal nerve, causing severe pain.

A blow to the inside of the knee.

This impact will cause the leg to bend outward and damage the ligaments and tendons around the kneecap. The best angle to strike is a sharp downward angle towards the back.

Pain points are areas on the human body that are most sensitive to damage. Painful - because hitting them causes pain (and various dangerous injuries). Dots - because the plots have a small area.
Why are pain points needed? For victory.

In the process of forming the intention to win, a person necessarily faces the question “Where should I hit to win?” Since the intention is formed to win, and not to fight or get hit in the head, the most effective pressure points are needed.
Typically, vital points are used to force the enemy to stop any action.
Those who decide to study and (most importantly!) use pain points do not necessarily need to study meridians and acupuncture; most points are at least 10 mm in diameter; With a certain skill (achieved as a result of appropriate exercises), you can learn to hit the right points automatically, without looking or thinking about each movement.

1.The crown is the most unprotected area at the top of the head. A strong and sharp blow can cause death.

2. Optic nerve - located at the top of the nose between the eyes. A hit with a finger or a pinch of fingers on this point can be fatal.

3. Eyes - with a sharp blow to the eyes, the enemy loses his vision forever or for some time. Severe pain. The thumb is pressed in completely and can reach the brain.

4. Point behind the ear at the bottom - death can occur with sudden pressure or impact.

5. Cerebellum - a blow to this point threatens death or loss of consciousness.

6. 7. Points above the upper and below the lower lip - blows here cause a state of shock. A blow from the tips of the fingers or the second knuckle of the middle finger to the soft part of the chin from bottom to top is also very sensitive.

8. Adam's apple (windpipe) - even a slight blow causes suffering, interrupts breathing (choking), and causes vomiting. Strong blows can cause you to lose consciousness or die.

9. Neck - a blow to the muscles on both sides of the cervical spine is painful and dangerous. A heavy blow to the seventh (protruding) vertebra compresses it and causes damage to the windpipe. The area of ​​the neck above the collarbone is where nerves and blood vessels pass. Strikes here take you out of combat readiness for a short time, but do not inflict defeat.

10. Collarbones - a blow delivered to the narrow hollow approach to the throat above the collarbones with the tips of the fingers is dangerous and even fatal.

11. The point between the shoulder blades - a blow from the bottom up causes a state of shock, a blow from the top down - a rapid heartbeat, damage to internal organs and death. An upward blow under the shoulder blades causes severe pain.

12. Armpits - a kick causes severe pain, a finger strike paralyzes the arm.

13. The middle of the biceps is the nerve center of the shoulder. A blow to this point causes paralysis of the arm. The point above the biceps is fatal.

14. Solar plexus - the blow is very painful, especially when directed upward. In this case, the blow is transmitted to the internal organs - heart, liver, lungs. May have serious consequences.

15. Elbow joints - a slight blow leads to loss of sensitivity, severe dislocation. Even a light blow to the nerve center of the forearm (5 cm below the elbow) causes severe pain, and a strong blow leads to numbness of the arm. A blow to the elbow is very painful. It's better to counter strike here.

16. Heart area - a strong blow is life-threatening, as it is transmitted to the heart. An effective kick is the second joint of the middle finger. Poking fingers between the ribs is very painful.

17. Kidneys - a directed blow is very dangerous.

18. Upper abdomen - deep penetrating blow “nik-te” is dangerous. The blow to the lower abdomen is staggering and the forceful blow causes serious damage.

19. Lower back - injuries to the spine cause loss of motor functions.

20. Wrist - this is where the articular tendons pass, a very sensitive place. A light blow to the upper side is painful, a strong blow is an injury. The point over the inner side of the wrist between the flexor carpi radialis and abductor pollicis longus tendons is fatal.

21. Coccyx - impaired motor function of the legs.

22. Groin - a strong blow is fatal.

23. The inner thighs are a very sensitive area of ​​the leg. A light blow is painful, a strong blow paralyzes the leg for some time.

24. Knee - a kick at an angle of 45° is effective. The blow causes pain, impaired mobility of the knee joint, and if the leg is motionless, it is easy to dislocate.

25. Popliteal flexion - a kick forces the opponent to sit down, causing pain and cramps. A blow to the base of the tibia also causes severe pain and cramps.

26. Calf muscles - the consequences of a strong blow are the same. Even a light blow to the front, unprotected part
shin is very painful, strong - paralyzes the leg

27. Achilles tendon - kicking causes pain and
paralyzes the leg.

28. Lifting the leg - the push causes acute pain, this is a very weak spot. A strong blow disables the leg.

Many films and books have been published about the art of “death touch” and “delayed death”. Unknown “masters” are racing to sell their teachings to the average person under the guise of a terrible secret.

about the invincible art of influencing pressure points, thanks to which you, having calculated the time when a certain point has the least or most qi energy, can deliver a fatal blow and your opponent will immediately or after a few hours, days, years go to their forefathers.

If this is really possible, which I seriously doubt, then imagine how much time it takes to study all the points on the human body, the time for optimal influence on them, and then you also need to get into them in a short period of this time...

It will take half your life to study all this crap, and this is also provided that someone will earn money for you, raise children, live a full life, and you will only improve your knowledge and skills. A miracle, in the form in which all sorts of sifus, masters and other brethren present it, does not exist, but there is simple physiology.

However, not everything is a fairy tale, remade for gullible Europeans. From eastern treatises you can really glean a lot of useful information about points, by acting on which you can stop and seriously injure your opponent. And the atlas of the so-called energy channels coincides one to one with the atlas of the human nervous system, known in modern medicine.

Hitting various pressure points

Impact on pain points is used by the military and security forces; having studied the main affected areas, after a few lessons you will be able to acquire knowledge about them at the subconscious level and spontaneously work on them.

Groin, solar plexus, throat

The groin is a “zone of persuasion” for most, especially in the dark outside. As you know, you can’t pump up your groin. You need to hit from the bottom up, inward, just above the groin.

The solar plexus, that point, hitting which will bring unforgettable sensations. But you need to be careful with him - a strong blow under the right vector can kill.

The throat is a very vulnerable place. In the instructions for army special forces, they recommend hitting exactly there, for example, with the barrel of a machine gun. In everyday life, a light tap on the Adam's apple is enough to have a stopping effect. Here, too, you should be careful - deaths are possible.

Points of temporary paralysis

The points located on the lateral lines of the face, skull, torso and throat are subject to a shocking, paralyzing effect. Several repeated blows to these points will cause pain and temporary paralysis of these parts of the body.


As a result, punching a point under the left nipple with a knuckle can disrupt the heart rate and add stress to the heart. If there is a strong impact, the valve may close with a fatal outcome.


Impacts from the side can break the bones of the skull, but they are still partially absorbed. Impacts from the bottom up towards the top of the head are not absorbed.

A blow to the chin turns off consciousness. Precision is required here. A blow from the side with a large area of ​​damage to the jaw can often “turn off” consciousness.

A reverse blow to the back of the head is very dangerous - it knocks you out and makes you unconscious.
Any blow to the right or left side of the back of the head, regardless of the accuracy of its hit, leads to “knocking out” the enemy.


A very vulnerable point. A blow to the nose causes profuse bleeding, and a hit under the nose causes a painful shock. A blow to the nose from the side causes the same painful effect.


A very delicate place, the impact of which causes pain and shock.


A very vulnerable joint in our body. Strikes from any direction with the same effect. A blow from the side can break a joint and tear ligaments; a blow from behind can knock the leg forward and tear ligaments. A blow from the front to the knee joint, unless it was at an angle of 90 degrees, also breaks it. In a fight, blows to the shins and knees are excellent at keeping the enemy at a distance or knocking him to the ground, cooling the ardor of battle.

Knowledge of these points and affected areas, reinforced in training, will greatly help you in extreme situations, and even save your life. It would be better not to use this knowledge, but if you have to, you can defend yourself. There is no need to think and be tormented by doubts - to hit or not to hit, throw them away, because, I believe, your life is more valuable to you.

You must act decisively and effectively, only then the knowledge gained will make sense and bring results. Train and your training may one day be useful to you.

author: Igor Kruglov, for the website

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