The most infamous pirates. The most famous pirates


The phenomenon of piracy has given human history many names of legendary adventurers. The peak of maritime robberies came in the 17th century, when the World Ocean was the scene of a struggle between Spain, England and some other European colonial powers gaining momentum. Most often, pirates made their living by independent criminal robberies, but some of them ended up in public service and purposefully harmed foreign fleets.

Francis Drake

Born in 1540, he came from an ordinary farming family, and nothing foreshadowed that he would become a great pirate and navigator. A sharp turn in his life happened at the age of 12, when his parents moved to Kent. There, the teenager became a cabin boy on a merchant barge. The owner of the ship was his distant relative. Dying, he handed over the ship as a legacy to Drake. So, by an amazing coincidence, already at the age of 18, the young man turned out to be a captain.

Like all other contemporary sailors, Francis dreamed of distant western seas, where the Spaniards continued to rule since their discovery. The most famous pirates of that time, as one, hunted royal galleons loaded with American gold. The Spaniards really controlled the West Indies and were not going to give its resources to the British. Skirmishes constantly occurred between the ships of these two countries. In one of them, in 1567, Francis Drake almost lost his life. Of the entire English flotilla, only two ships survived. After this episode, the Spaniards became Drake's sworn enemies.

Francis received from his authorities a letter of marque and the right to free robbery of enemy bases. Using this opportunity, the pirate captured Spanish fortresses and outposts in the Caribbean. In 1572, his detachment intercepted a huge cargo of silver. The robber sailed to England with 30 tons of precious metal.

Drake became famous not only as a thunderstorm of the Spaniards, but also as a brave navigator. In 1577, Queen Elizabeth I sent him on an expedition around the world. It was this pirate who became the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. During his journey, he found out that Tierra del Fuego is an island, and not the southern mainland, as was previously believed in Europe. After his triumphant return, Francis Drake received a knighthood and became a sir. The high rank did not change the habits of the sea wolf. On the contrary, over and over again he rushed into another adventurous voyage.

In 1588, Francis Drake participated in the defeat of the Spanish Invincible Armada. The victory of the English fleet was a harbinger of British maritime dominance for several centuries. After this success, Drake went on expeditions to the West Indies several times. In it, he destroyed enemy bases of pirates that interfered with the lucrative English trade. Sir Drake died in 1596 while traveling in Panama. His lead coffin was buried in the ocean. Without a doubt, the adventurer is the most famous pirate of the 16th century.

Henry Morgan

Henry Morgan was born in 1635 in the Welsh outback to a landowner's family. The boy could become the heir of his father, but from childhood his passion was not agriculture, but the sea. As time has shown, love for distant horizons was justified. The most famous pirates envied the success of Henry Morgan, who became a living legend of his time.

As a young man, an Englishman hired himself on a ship sailing to the harbor of the island of Barbados. Once in the Caribbean, Morgan began to build an amazing career as a pirate. Joining the sea robbers, he moved to Jamaica. Junga quickly became a participant in raids, the main purpose of which was to rob ships that came to hand. In a short time, the boy learned all the laws and customs of marine life. Already in his youth, he became the owner of considerable capital, knocked together from pirate proceeds and winnings in dice. With this money, Henry bought his first ship.

Very soon, even the most famous pirates heard about the prowess and luck of Morgan. A group of like-minded people formed around the pirate. New ships began to join his ship. The growth of influence could not but lead to the growth of ambitions. In 1665, Morgan decided to give up plundering ships and began planning an operation to capture the entire city. Trujillo was his first target. Then the robber captured several Spanish bases in Cuba. Both simple privateers and the most famous pirates could not boast of such success.

Morgan's most famous military enterprise was his campaign against Panama in 1670. By this time, the robber already had a fleet of 35 ships and a team of 2 thousand people at his disposal. This gang landed in Panama and moved to the Spanish fortress of the same name. Although the garrison consisted of 2.5 thousand soldiers, he was unable to defend the city. Having taken Panama, the pirates exterminated all those who resisted and plundered everything they could reach. The city was set on fire and destroyed. After this raid, the names of the most famous pirates faded against the background of the name of Henry Morgan.

When an English subject returned to Jamaica, which belonged to the crown, the authorities unexpectedly arrested him. The fact was that on the eve of London and Madrid made peace. Pirates did not act on behalf of the state, but enjoyed its benevolent connivance. Having made peace with Spain, the British government promised to rein in their pirates. Henry Morgan was expelled to his homeland. At home, a court was waiting for him, but the process turned out to be only a sham demonstration. The authorities were not going to punish the pirate who had rendered them so many services in the fight against Spanish rule at sea.

Henry Morgan soon returned to Jamaica. He became vice-governor of the island and commander-in-chief of its fleet and army. In the future, the pirate continued to faithfully serve the crown. He died in 1688 and was buried with honors in the church of Port Royal. A few years later, Jamaica was rocked by a catastrophic earthquake, and Morgan's grave was washed into the ocean.

Ann Bonnie

Although sea robbery has traditionally been considered an exclusively male business at all times, the most famous female pirates are no less interesting. One of them was (born in 1700). The girl came from a wealthy Irish family. When she was still a child, her father purchased an estate in distant America. So Ann moved to the New World.

At the age of 18, her daughter ran away from home and embarked on a path of adventurous adventure. She met a pirate and decided to join his sea adventures. The girl had to get used to men's clothes and master the skills of combat and shooting. Rackham's crew was seized by the authorities in 1720. The captain was executed, but the punishment for Ann was constantly postponed due to her pregnancy. Her further fate remains unknown.

According to one version, Bonnie freed herself and died during another raid, according to another, her influential father rescued her, after which the former robber spent her whole life in South Carolina and died in 1782 at a ripe old age. Be that as it may, the most famous female pirates (another famous robber at the time was even more rumored than their male counterparts.


The legendary figure of Blackbeard remains one of the most recognizable in the pirate pantheon. Under this nickname was Edward Teach. Almost nothing is known about his childhood. The sailor made himself known in 1713, when at the age of 33 he joined the robbers of Benjamin Hornigold. Like all world-famous pirates, this team hunted in the Caribbean Sea, which is attractive for valuable cargo. Teach was the true ideal of a pirate. He knew nothing but regular raids and robberies. His ship, Queen Anne's Revenge, terrified both sailors and civilians on earth.

In 1717, thanks to the efforts of the governor of the Bahamas, the official authorities began an uncompromising fight against pirates. In new unusual conditions, many robbers (including the same Hornigold) decided to lay down their arms and receive a royal pardon. However, Teach refused to change his lifestyle. From that moment on, he became enemy No. 1 for the British military and naval forces.

Many famous pirates who did not want to fit into the new order joined Blackbeard. The most famous adventure of this captain was the blockade of Charleston in South Carolina. The raiders captured many high-ranking citizens and received a colossal ransom in exchange for their return.

The treachery of the owner of Queen Anne's Revenge did not go unpunished. The authorities promised 100 pounds for the head of a pirate, which was then a fortune. A real hunt began for Blackbeard. Very soon, on November 22, 1718, he died in a boarding battle against the team of Lieutenant Robert Maynard. Often the most famous pirates and their ships disturbed the seas for an extremely short, but eventful period. The same was the fate of Blackbeard.

Bartholomew Roberts

The fame enjoyed by the most famous pirates in history gave rise to many rumors and myths around them. Bartholomew Roberts was no exception to this rule. It is he who is credited with the authorship of the Code of Pirates - a set of rules according to which many generations of sea robbers lived.

Roberts was born in 1682 in the small Welsh town of Haverfordwest. His sea travels began on a slave ship, where Bartholomew was the captain's mate. He got to the pirates at the age of 37, when he was hired on the ship "Princess of London". A month and a half later, the novice robber was elected captain of his own ship.

Further independent enterprises of Roberts glorified him in many seas and countries. At that time, it was believed that he was the most famous pirate in the world. Bartholomew's team operated not only in the Caribbean, but also in the coastal waters of West Africa, Brazil and even Canada. The thugs plundered everything that could be profitably sold: ships with noble metals, galleons with northern furs, barges with rare American goods. Roberts made his flagship a stolen French brig, which he called the "Royal Pirate".

Bartholomew was killed in 1722 while on another trip to Africa, where he intended to engage in a profitable slave trade. The legendary pirate was killed by the addiction of his companions to drink. When a British ship unexpectedly attacked Roberts' ship, his entire crew was dead drunk. The most famous pirates of the Caribbean and the admirals of the Royal Navy were amazed by what happened: it seemed to everyone that Bartholomew was invincible. Roberts stood out noticeably from his comrades not only in his own successes, but also in his habit of dressing well, as well as his aversion to gambling and foul language. There is no doubt that he was one of the most extravagant pirates of his time.

Henry Avery

During his short life, he managed to acquire many nicknames. Some contemporaries called him Lanky Ben, others called him the Arch-Pirate. Avery's love of the sea was predetermined by his own roots. Henry's father was a captain in the English navy. In 1659, a son appeared in the officer's family, who was destined to become one of the brightest and most legendary pirates of his era.

At first, the future criminal sailed on merchant ships and only then changed them to robber ones. In 1694, 25-year-old Emery was employed on a privateer ship. The main difference between such a ship and a classic pirate ship was that it robbed and attacked foreign merchants with the permission of its government. Sometimes contracts were violated: when the ship stopped paying salaries, the crew rebelled. The sailors decided to become pirates and instead of the old captain they chose a new one. It turned out to be Henry Emery.

The new leader of the robbers left the Caribbean Sea and went to the Indian Ocean, where there was also something to profit from. The place of the first long stop was Madagascar. Emery's team then attacked ships belonging to the Indian Mughal Empire. The robbers managed to capture a huge amount of rare oriental goods and all kinds of jewelry. All the pirates of America dreamed of such a profitable enterprise. After that expedition, Avery disappeared from view. There were rumors that he moved to England and tried to start an honest business and ended up completely broke.

Thomas Tew

The path that Henry Emery followed during his famous expedition was called the "Pirate Circle". Thomas Tew was the first to pass this route (Atlantic - South Africa - Madagascar - India). Like Emery, he started out as a privateer and ended up as a pirate. In 1693 he robbed several ships in the Red Sea. Before his attack, European thugs had never hunted in this area. Perhaps this is the reason for Tew's success - no one expected the appearance of Caribbean gentlemen of fortune.

During his second voyage to Madagascar, Thomas met Henry Emery by chance. Because of the rumors of easy money in the eastern countries, the most famous sea robbers now sought to repeat Tew's success. In the memory of the pirates, this captain remained precisely as the discoverer of the Circle. He couldn't do more. In 1695, Thomas Tew died during an attack on a Mughal flotilla.

Thomas Cavendish

The list, which includes the most famous pirates in world history, cannot be complete without mentioning Thomas Cavendish (1560-1592). He was a contemporary of Francis Drake. The biographies of these two pirates, who acted in the interests of the English crown, have many similarities. Cavendish, following Drake, decided to travel around the world. The expedition, made in 1586-1588, was not peaceful at all. Rounding America, English pirates robbed many Spanish ships full of gold. In a sense, Thomas Cavendish's journey was audacity. The Spaniards considered the Pacific Ocean their "inland lake" and were furious when foreign robbers penetrated these still unknown waters.

The Cavendish team made the most profitable attack near the coast of Mexico. The subjects of Elizabeth I attacked the galleon, which was carrying a year's supply of Peruvian gold (120,000 pesos). Another lucrative enterprise for pirates was a stopover in Java. This island was famous for its pepper and cloves. Spices at that time were valued by the weight of precious metals. Cavendish managed to get a large cargo of this expensive commodity. The pirates returned to their native Plymouth in 1588. Having completed a round-the-world trip in 2 years and 50 days, they set a speed record that lasted for two whole centuries.

Cavendish quickly spent his fortune. A few years after his amazing success, he assembled a second expedition, intending to repeat his last triumph exactly. However, this time the pirate was pursued by failures. In 1592 he died in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Presumably Cavendish's ship sank near Ascension Island.

Francois Olone

Although the most famous pirates and their ships, as a rule, were associated with England, other countries also had their own nuggets. For example, the Frenchman Francois Olone (1630-1671) left a significant mark on history. In his youth, he became famous in the main Caribbean pirate port of Tortuga. In 1662, a young robber received a letter of marque and began to hunt Spanish ships. One day Olone's ship was wrecked. The pirate was thrown onto the Mexican coast, where he, along with his team, was attacked by the Spaniards who came to the rescue. All the French died, and only Olona, ​​who pretended to be dead, managed to survive.

François' most ambitious undertaking was his capture of the Spanish city of Maracaibo in present-day Venezuela. The daredevils who attacked the colony fit in only five ships. On the way, the pirates plundered a Spanish ship and obtained a valuable cargo of jewelry and cocoa. Arriving on the mainland, Olone led the assault on the fort, which was garrisoned by 800 people. The pirates captured the fortress and got 80,000 silver piastres. In honor of the fall of Maracaibo, the captain was nicknamed "the scourge of the Spaniards."

The last campaign for the famous French robber was his expedition to Nicaragua. After three months of looking for profit, the pirates seized a ship loaded with cheap paper. Due to failure, part of the team returned to Tortuga. Olone continued the raid, but unfortunately for the captain near Cartagena, his ship ran aground. A French detachment of 40 people that reached the shore was attacked by a crowd of Indians. Local cannibals tore and ate Olone and his team.

Amaro Pargo

Amaro Pargo is one of the most famous Spanish pirates. He was born in 1678 in the Canary Islands and already in his youth began to trade in the transportation of slaves from Africa to America. Free laborers on the plantations were highly valued, thanks to which Pargo quickly got rich. He was a sworn enemy of Blackbeard and, in general, of all English pirates.

Before his death in 1747, Pargo made a will, in which he indicated that he buried a chest with fabulous treasures: silver, gold, pearls, jewelry, precious stones and expensive fabrics. For several decades, many adventurers have tried to find this treasure, including the most famous pirates. There are still a lot of blank spots in the story of Pargo's legacy. Despite a long search, no one found the treasure of the Spanish pirate.

Pirates, "gentlemen of fortune" at all times terrified the population of coastal cities. They were feared, raided, executed, but interest in their adventures never weakened.

Madame Jin is the wife of her son

Madame Jing, or Zheng Shi, was the most famous "sea robber" of her time. An army of pirates under her command terrified the coastal cities of East and Southeast China in the early 19th century. Under its command there were about 2,000 ships and 70,000 people, who could not even be defeated by the large fleet of the Qing emperor Jia-qing (1760-1820), sent in 1807 to defeat the masterful pirates and capture the powerful Jin.

Zheng Shi's youth was unenviable - she had to engage in prostitution: she was ready to sell her body for hard cash. At the age of fifteen, she was kidnapped by a pirate named Zheng Yi, who, like a real gentleman, took her as his wife (after marriage, she received the name Zheng Shi, which means "Zheng's wife"). After the wedding, they went to the shores of Vietnam, where the newly-made couple and their pirates, having attacked one of the coastal villages, kidnapped a boy (the same age as Zheng Shi) - Zhang Baozai, whom Zheng Yi and Zheng Shi adopted, since the latter could not have children. Zhang Baozai became Zheng Yi's lover, which, apparently, did not bother the young wife at all. When her husband died in a storm in 1807, Madame Jin inherited a fleet of 400 ships. Under her rule, there was iron discipline in the flotilla, nobility was not alien to her, if this quality can even be correlated with piracy. Madame Jin put the guilty to death for plundering fishing villages and raping captive women. For unauthorized absence from the ship, the guilty person was cut off his left ear, which was then presented to the entire team for intimidation.

Zheng Shi married her stepson, placing her in command of her fleet. But not everyone in Madame Jin's team was satisfied with the woman's power (especially after the unsuccessful attempt of two captains to woo her, one of whom Zheng Shi shot dead). The dissatisfied revolted and surrendered to the mercy of the authorities. This undermined the authority of Madame Jin, which forced her to negotiate with the representatives of the emperor. As a result, under the agreement of 1810, she went over to the side of the authorities, and her husband received a sinecure (a position that did not give any real powers) in the Chinese government. Retiring from piracy, Madame Zheng settled in Guangzhou, where she maintained a brothel and gambling den until her death at the age of 60.

Aruj Barbarossa - Sultan of Algeria

This pirate, who terrified the cities and villages of the Mediterranean, was a cunning and dodgy warrior. He was born in 1473 in the family of a Greek potter who converted to Islam, and from a young age, together with his brother Atzor, began to engage in piracy. Aruj passed through captivity and slavery on galleys belonging to the Ionite knights, from which his brother ransomed him. The time spent in slavery embittered Aruj, the ships belonging to the Christian kings, he plundered with particular cruelty. So in 1504, Aruj attacked galleys loaded with valuable cargo, which belonged to Pope Julius II. He managed to capture one of the two galleys, the second tried to flee. Arunj went to the trick: he ordered some of his sailors to put on the uniform of soldiers from the captured galley. Then the pirates went to the galley and took their own ship in tow, thus simulating the complete victory of the papal soldiers. Soon a lagging galley appeared. The sight of a pirate ship in tow caused a surge of enthusiasm among the Christians, and the ship approached the side of the "trophy" without any fear. At this moment, Aruj gave a sign, after which the pirate team began to kill the fugitives with cruelty. This event greatly increased Uruj's prestige among the Muslim Arabs of North Africa.

In 1516, in the wake of the Arab uprising against the Spanish troops settled in Algeria, Aruj proclaimed himself a sultan under the name of Barbarossa (Red-bearded), after which he began to rob the cities of southern Spain, France, Italy with even greater zeal and cruelty, accumulating enormous wealth. Against him, the Spaniards sent a large expeditionary force (about 10,000 people), led by the Marquis de Comares. He managed to defeat the army of Aruj, and the latter began to retreat, taking with him the accumulated wealth over the years. And, as the legend says, along the entire retreat, Aruj, in order to delay the pursuers, scattered silver and gold. But this did not help, and Aruj died, he was cut off his head along with the pirates loyal to him.

Forced to be a man

One of the famous pirates who lived at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries, Mary Reed, was forced to hide her gender all her life. Even in childhood, her parents prepared her fate - to "take the place" of her brother, who died shortly before Mary was born. She was an illegitimate child. To hide the shame, the mother, having given birth to a girl, gave her to her rich mother-in-law, dressing her daughter in advance in the clothes of her dead son. Mary was a "grandchild" in the eyes of her unsuspecting grandmother, and all the while the girl was growing up, her mother dressed and raised her like a boy. At the age of 15, Mary left for Flanders and entered the infantry regiment as a cadet (still disguised as a man, under the name Mark). According to the memoirs of contemporaries, she was a brave fighter, but still could not advance in the service and joined the cavalry. There, the floor took its toll - Mary met a man with whom she fell passionately in love. Only she revealed to him that she was a woman, and soon they got married. After the wedding, they rented a house near the castle in Breda (Holland) and equipped the Three Horseshoes tavern there.

But fate was not favorable, soon Mary's husband died, and she, again disguised as a man, went to the West Indies. The ship on which she sailed was captured by English pirates. Here a fateful meeting took place: she met the famous pirate Ann Bonnie (the same as she, a woman dressed as a man) and her lover John Rackham. Mary joined them. Moreover, she, along with Ann, began to cohabit with Rackham, forming a bizarre "love triangle". The personal courage and courage of this trio made them famous throughout Europe.

Learned Pirate

William Dampier, who was born into an ordinary peasant family and lost his parents early, had to make his own way in life. He began by becoming a cabin boy on a ship, then he took up fishing. A special place in his work was occupied by a passion for research: he studied new lands, to which fate threw him, their flora, fauna, climatic features, participated in an expedition to explore the coast of New Holland (Australia), discovered a group of islands - the Dampira archipelago. In 1703 he went to the Pacific Ocean on a pirate hunt. On the island of Juan Fernandez, Dampier (according to another version, Stradling, the captain of another ship) landed the sailing master (according to another version of the boatswain) Alexander Selkirk. The story of Selkirk's stay on a desert island formed the basis of the famous book by Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe".

Bald Greine

Grace O'Malle or, as she was also called, Bald Greine, is one of the controversial figures in English history. She was always ready to defend her rights, no matter what. She got acquainted with navigation thanks to her father, who took his little daughter on long-distance trading voyages. Her first husband was a match for Grace. About the clan O "Flagerty, to which he belonged, they said:" Cruel people who most arrogantly rob and kill their fellow citizens. slain, Grace returned to her family and took charge of her father's fleet, thus wielding a truly formidable force with which to keep the entire West Coast of Ireland in check.

Grace allowed herself to lead so freely, even in the presence of the queen. After all, she was also called the "queen", only the pirate one. When Elizabeth I handed her lace handkerchief to Grace for her to wipe her nose after sniffing tobacco, Grace, using it, said: “Do you need it? In my area they are not used more than once!” - and threw a handkerchief to the retinue. According to historical sources, two longtime opponents - and Grace managed to send a dozen English ships - were able to agree. The queen granted the pirate, who at that time was already about 60 years old, forgiveness and immunity.

black beard

Thanks to his courage and cruelty, Edward Teach became one of the most feared pirates operating in the Jamaica area. By 1718, more than 300 men were fighting under him. The enemies were horrified by Tich's face, almost completely covered with a black beard, in which the wicks woven into it smoked. In November 1718, Teach was overtaken by the English lieutenant Maynardt and, after a short trial, was hung up on a yardarm. It was he who became the prototype of the legendary Jetrow Flint, from Treasure Island.

Pirate President

Murat Reis Jr., whose real name is Jan Janson (Dutch), converted to Islam in order to avoid captivity and slavery in Algeria. After that, he began to cooperate and actively participate in the pirate raids of such pirates as Suleiman Reis and Simon the Dancer, also, like him, the Dutch who converted to Islam. Jan Janson in 1619 moved to the Moroccan city of Sale, which lived off piracy. Shortly after Janson's arrival there, he declared his independence. A pirate republic was created there, the first head of which was Janson. He married in Sale, his children followed in the footsteps of their father, becoming pirates, but then joined the Dutch colonists who founded the city of New Amsterdam (now New York).

Pirates are sea (or river) robbers. The word "pirate" (Latin pirata) comes, in turn, from the Greek. πειρατής, cognate with the word πειράω ("try, test"). Thus, the meaning of the word would be "torturing happiness." The etymology testifies to how unsteady the boundary between the professions of a navigator and a pirate was from the very beginning.

Henry Morgan (1635-1688) became the most famous pirate in the world, enjoying a kind of fame. This man became famous not so much for his corsair exploits as for his activities as a commander and politician. Morgan's main merit was the help of England in seizing control over the entire Caribbean Sea. Ever since childhood, Henry was a fidget, which affected his adult life. In a short time, he managed to be a slave, collect his own gang of thugs and get his first ship. Along the way, many people were robbed. Being in the service of the queen, Morgan directed his energy to the ruin of the Spanish colonies, he did it perfectly. As a result, everyone learned the name of the active sailor. But then the pirate suddenly decided to settle down - he got married, bought a house ... However, a violent temper took its toll, moreover, at his leisure, Henry realized that it was much more profitable to capture coastal cities than just rob ships. Once Morgan used a tricky move. On the approach to one of the cities, he took a large ship and stuffed it to the top with gunpowder, sending it to the Spanish port at dusk. A huge explosion led to such turmoil that there was simply no one to defend the city. So the city was taken, and the local fleet was destroyed, thanks to Morgan's cunning. Storming Panama, the commander decided to attack the city from land, sending the army around the city. As a result, the maneuver was a success, the fortress fell. Morgan spent the last years of his life in the status of Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica. His whole life was spent at a frantic pirate pace, with all the charms appropriate to the occupation in the form of alcohol. Only rum defeated the brave sailor - he died of cirrhosis of the liver and was buried as a nobleman. True, the sea took his ashes - the cemetery plunged into the sea after the earthquake.

Francis Drake (1540-1596) was born in England, the son of a priest. The young man began his maritime career as a cabin boy on a small merchant ship. It was there that the smart and observant Francis learned the art of navigation. Already at the age of 18, he received command of his own ship, which he inherited from the old captain. In those days, the queen blessed the pirate raids, so long as they were directed against the enemies of England. During one of these voyages, Drake fell into a trap, but, despite the death of 5 other English ships, he managed to save his ship. The pirate quickly became famous for his cruelty, and fortune fell in love with him. Trying to take revenge on the Spaniards, Drake begins to wage his own war against them - he robs their ships and cities. In 1572, he managed to capture the "Silver Caravan", carrying more than 30 tons of silver, which immediately made the pirate rich. An interesting feature of Drake was the fact that he not only sought to loot more, but also to visit previously unknown places. As a result, many sailors were filled with gratitude to Drake for his work in clarifying and correcting the map of the world. With the permission of the queen, the pirate went on a secret expedition to South America, with the official version of the exploration of Australia. The expedition was a great success. Drake maneuvered so cleverly, avoiding the traps of enemies, that he managed to make a trip around the world on his way home. Along the way, he attacked Spanish settlements in South America, circled Africa and brought home potato tubers. The total profit from the campaign was unprecedented - more than half a million pounds. Then it was twice the budget of the whole country. As a result, right on board the ship, Drake was knighted - an unprecedented case, which has no analogues in history. The apogee of the pirate's greatness came at the end of the 16th century, when he took part as an admiral in the defeat of the Invincible Armada. In the future, luck turned away from the pirate, during one of the subsequent voyages to the American shores, he fell ill with dengue fever and died.

Edward Teach (1680-1718) is better known by his nickname Blackbeard. It was because of this external attribute that Tich was considered a terrible monster. The first mention of the activities of this corsair refers only to 1717, what the Englishman did before that remained unknown. By indirect evidence, one can guess that he was a soldier, but deserted and became a filibuster. Then he was already pirating, terrifying people with his beard, which covered almost the entire face. Tich was very brave and courageous, which earned him the respect of other pirates. He wove wicks into his beard, which, smoking, terrified opponents. In 1716, Edward was given command of his sloop to conduct privateer operations against the French. Teach soon captured a larger ship and made it his flagship, renaming it Queen Anne's Revenge. The pirate at this time operates in the Jamaica region, robbing everyone in a row and gaining new henchmen. By the beginning of 1718, there were already 300 people under the command of Tich. In a year, he managed to capture more than 40 ships. All the pirates knew that the bearded man was hiding a treasure on some of the uninhabited islands, but no one knew exactly where. The atrocities of the pirate against the British and the robbery of the colonies forced the authorities to declare a hunt for Blackbeard. An impressive reward was announced and Lieutenant Maynard was hired to track down Teach. In November 1718, the pirate was overtaken by the authorities and was killed during the battle. Teach's head was chopped off, and the body was hung on a yardarm.

William Kidd (1645-1701). Born in Scotland near the docks, the future pirate decided from childhood to connect his fate with the sea. In 1688, Kidd, being a simple sailor, survived a shipwreck near Haiti and was forced to become a pirate. In 1689, having betrayed his associates, William took possession of the frigate, calling it "Blessed William". With the help of a letter of marque, Kidd took part in the war against the French. In the winter of 1690, part of the team left him, and Kidd decided to settle down. He married a wealthy widow, taking possession of land and property. But the heart of a pirate demanded adventure, and now, after 5 years, he is already a captain again. The powerful frigate "Brave" was intended to rob, but only the French. After all, the expedition was sponsored by the state, which did not need unnecessary political scandals. However, the sailors, seeing the scarcity of profits, periodically revolted. The capture of a rich ship with French goods did not save the situation. Fleeing from his former subordinates, Kidd surrendered into the hands of the British authorities. The pirate was taken to London, where he quickly became a bargaining chip in the struggle of political parties. On charges of piracy and the murder of a ship's officer (who was the instigator of the mutiny), Kidd was sentenced to death. In 1701, the pirate was hanged, and his body hung in an iron cage over the Thames for 23 years, as a warning to the corsairs of imminent punishment.

Mary Read (1685-1721). Since childhood, the girl was dressed in the clothes of a boy. So the mother tried to hide the death of her son who died early. At the age of 15, Mary went to serve in the army. In the battles in Flanders, under the name Mark, she showed miracles of courage, but she did not wait for promotion. Then the woman decided to join the cavalry, where she fell in love with her colleague. After the end of hostilities, the couple got married. However, the happiness did not last long, her husband died unexpectedly, Mary, dressed in men's clothes, became a sailor. The ship fell into the hands of pirates, the woman was forced to join them, cohabiting with the captain. In battle, Mary wore a male uniform, participating in skirmishes on an equal basis with everyone else. Over time, the woman fell in love with an artisan who helped the pirates. They even got married and were going to end the past. But even here the happiness did not last long. Pregnant Reid was caught by the authorities. When she was caught along with other pirates, she said that she was committing robberies against her will. However, other pirates showed that there was no one more determined than Mary Read in the matter of robbing ships and boarding. The court did not dare to hang a pregnant woman, she patiently waited for her fate in a Jamaican prison, not being afraid of a shameful death. But a high fever killed her first.

Olivier (Francois) le Wasser became the most famous French pirate. He bore the nickname "La blues", or "buzzard". A Norman nobleman of noble origin was able to turn the island of Tortuga (now Haiti) into an impregnable fortress of filibusters. Initially, Le Wasser was sent to the island to protect the French settlers, but he quickly drove the British out of there (according to other sources - the Spaniards) and began to pursue his own policy. Being a talented engineer, the Frenchman designed a well-fortified fortress. Le Vasseur issued filibuster very dubious documents for the right to hunt the Spaniards, taking the lion's share of the booty for himself. In fact, he became the leader of the pirates, without taking a direct part in the hostilities. When in 1643 the Spaniards failed to take the island, having discovered fortifications with surprise, the authority of le Wasser grew noticeably. He finally refused to obey the French and pay deductions to the crown. However, the spoiled character, tyranny and tyranny of the Frenchman led to the fact that in 1652 he was killed by his own friends. According to legend, Le Wasser collected and hid the largest treasure of all time, worth 235 million pounds in today's money. Information about the location of the treasure was kept in the form of a cryptogram around the neck of the governor, but the gold has never been found.

William Dampier (1651-1715) is often referred to not only as a pirate, but also as a scientist. After all, he made as many as three round-the-world voyages, discovering many islands in the Pacific Ocean. Orphaned early, William chose the sea path. At first he took part in trading voyages, and then he managed to make war. In 1674, an Englishman came to Jamaica as a trading agent, but his career in this capacity did not work out, and Dampier was forced to become a sailor of a merchant ship again. After exploring the Caribbean, William settled on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, on the Yucatan coast. Here he found friends in the form of runaway slaves and filibusters. Dampier's later life took place in the idea of ​​traveling through Central America, plundering Spanish settlements on land and at sea. He sailed in the waters of Chile, Panama, New Spain. Dampier began to keep notes of his adventures almost immediately. As a result, in 1697, his book "A New Journey Around the World" was published, which made him famous. Dampier became a member of the most prestigious houses in London, entered the royal service and continued his research by writing a new book. However, in 1703, on an English ship, Dampier continued a series of robberies of Spanish ships and settlements in the Panama region. In 1708-1710, he took part as a navigator of a corsair round-the-world expedition. The works of the pirate scientist turned out to be so valuable for science that he is considered to be one of the fathers of modern oceanography.

Zheng Shi (1785-1844) is considered one of the most successful pirates. The facts that she commanded a fleet of 2000 ships, on which more than 70 thousand sailors served, will tell about the scale of her actions. The 16-year-old prostitute "Madame Jing" married the famous pirate Zheng Yi. After his death in 1807, the widow inherited a pirate fleet of 400 ships. Corsairs not only attacked merchant ships off the coast of China, but also swam deep into the mouths of the rivers, devastating coastal settlements. The emperor was so surprised by the actions of the pirates that he sent his fleet against them, but this did not have significant consequences. The key to Zheng Shi's success was the strict discipline she established on the courts. She put an end to traditional pirate freedoms - plundering allies and raping prisoners was punishable by death. However, as a result of the betrayal of one of her captains, a female pirate in 1810 was forced to conclude a truce with the authorities. Her further career was held as the owner of a brothel and a gambling den. The story of a pirate woman is reflected in literature and cinema, there are many legends about her.

Edward Lau (1690-1724) also known as Ned Lau. For most of his life, this man traded in petty theft. In 1719, his wife died in childbirth, and Edward realized that from now on nothing ties him to the house. After 2 years, he became a pirate operating around the Azores, New England and the Caribbean. This time is considered the end of the century of piracy, but Lau became famous for the fact that in a short time he managed to capture more than a hundred ships, while showing a rare bloodthirstiness.

Aruj Barbarossa(1473-1518) became a pirate at the age of 16, after the Turks captured his native island of Lesvos. Already at the age of 20, Barbarossa became a merciless and brave corsair. Having escaped from captivity, he soon seized a ship for himself, becoming the leader. Aruj entered into an agreement with the Tunisian authorities, who allowed him to organize a base on one of the islands in exchange for a share of the booty. As a result, the pirate fleet of Arouge terrorized all Mediterranean ports. Having got involved in politics, Arouj eventually became the ruler of Algeria under the name of Barbarossa. However, the fight against the Spaniards did not bring good luck to the Sultan - he was killed. His work was continued by his younger brother, known as Barbaross II.

Bartholomew Roberts(1682-1722). This pirate was one of the most successful and successful in history. It is believed that Roberts was able to capture more than four hundred ships. At the same time, the cost of the pirate's extraction amounted to more than 50 million pounds. And the pirate achieved such results in just two and a half years. Bartholomew was an unusual pirate - he was enlightened and loved to dress fashionably. Roberts was often seen in a burgundy waistcoat and breeches, he wore a hat with a red plume, and a gold chain with a diamond cross hung on his chest. The pirate did not abuse alcohol at all, as was customary in this environment. Moreover, he even punished his sailors for drunkenness. We can say that it was Bartholomew, who was nicknamed "Black Bart" and was the most successful pirate in history. In addition, unlike Henry Morgan, he never cooperated with the authorities. And the famous pirate was born in South Wales. His maritime career began as third mate on a slave ship. Roberts' duties included looking after the "cargo" and its safety. However, after being captured by pirates, the sailor himself was in the role of a slave. Nevertheless, the young European was able to please the captain Howell Davis, who captured him, and he accepted him into his crew. And in June 1719, after the death of the leader of the gang during the storming of the fort, it was Roberts who led the team. He immediately captured the ill-fated city of Principe on the coast of Guinea and razed it to the face of the earth. After going to sea, the pirate quickly captured several merchant ships. However, booty off the African coast was scarce, which is why in early 1720 Roberts headed for the Caribbean. The glory of a successful pirate overtook him, and merchant ships already shied away at the sight of Black Bart's ship. In the north, Roberts sold African goods profitably. All summer of 1720 he was lucky - the pirate captured many ships, 22 of them right in the bays. However, even while engaged in robbery, Black Bart remained a pious person. He even managed to pray a lot in between murders and robberies. But it was this pirate who came up with a cruel execution with the help of a board thrown over the side of the ship. The team loved their captain so much that they were ready to follow him to the ends of the world. And the explanation was simple - Roberts was desperately lucky. At various times, he managed from 7 to 20 pirate ships. The teams included fugitive criminals and slaves of various nationalities, calling themselves the "House of Lords". And the name of Black Bart inspired terror throughout the Atlantic.

Jack Rackham (1682-1720). And this famous pirate was nicknamed Calico Jack. The fact is that he loved to wear Calico pants, which were brought from India. And although this pirate was not the most cruel or the most successful, he managed to become famous. The fact is that Rackham's team had two women dressed in men's clothes at once - Mary Reed and Ann Boni. Both of them were mistresses of a pirate. Thanks to this fact, as well as the courage and courage of his ladies, the Rackham team also became famous. But luck changed him when in 1720 his ship met with the ship of the governor of Jamaica. At that time, the entire crew of pirates was dead drunk. To get away from persecution, Rackham ordered to cut the anchor. However, the military were able to catch up with him and take him after a short fight. The captain of the pirates, along with his entire crew, was hanged in Jamaica, in Port Royal. Just before his death, Rackham asked for a meeting with Ann Boni. But she herself refused him this, saying that if the pirate had fought like a man, he would not have died like a dog. It is said that John Rackham is the author of the famous pirate symbol - the skull and crossbones, the "Jolly Roger".

Jean Lafitte (? -1826). This famous corsair was also a smuggler. With the tacit consent of the government of the young American state, he calmly robbed the ships of England and Spain in the Gulf of Mexico. The heyday of the activity of the pirate fell on the 1810s. It is not known where and when exactly Jean Lafitte was born. It is possible that he was a native of Haiti and was a secret Spanish agent. It was said that Lafitte knew the coast of the bay better than many cartographers. It was known for sure that he sold the stolen goods through his brother, a merchant who lived in New Orleans. The Lafittes illegally supplied slaves to the southern states, but thanks to their guns and people, the Americans were able to defeat the British in 1815 in the battle for New Orleans. In 1817, under pressure from the authorities, the pirate settled on the Texas island of Galveston, where he even founded his own state of Campeche. Lafitte continued to supply slaves as well, using intermediaries for this. But in 1821, one of his captains personally attacked a plantation in Louisiana. And although Lafitte was ordered by an insolent man, the authorities ordered him to sink his ships and leave the island. The pirate has only two ships left from the once entire fleet. Then Lafitte with a group of his followers settled on the island of Isla Mujeres off the coast of Mexico. But even then, he did not attack American ships. And after 1826, there is no information about the valiant pirate. In Louisiana itself, there are still legends about Captain Lafitte. And in the city of Lake Charles, "smugglers' days" are even held in his memory. Even a nature reserve near the coast of Barataria is named after the pirate. And in 1958, Hollywood even released a film about Lafitte, played by Yul Brynner.

Thomas Cavendish (1560-1592). Pirates not only robbed ships, but were also brave travelers, discovering new lands. In particular, Cavendish was the third sailor who decided to travel around the world. His youth was spent in the English fleet. Thomas led such a turbulent life that he quickly lost all his inheritance. And in 1585, he left the service and went for his share of the booty to rich America. He returned home rich. Easy money and the help of fortune forced Cavendish to choose the path of a pirate to gain fame and fortune. On July 22, 1586, Thomas sailed from Plymouth to Sierra Leone at the head of his own flotilla. The expedition aimed to find new islands, to study winds and currents. However, this did not prevent them from engaging in parallel and outright robbery. At the very first stop in Sierra Leone, Cavendish, along with his 70 sailors, robbed the local settlements. A good start allowed the captain to dream of future exploits. January 7, 1587 Cavendish passed through the Strait of Magellan, and then went north along the coast of Chile. Before him, only one European traveled this way - Francis Drake. The Spaniards controlled this part of the Pacific Ocean, generally calling it the Spanish Lake. The rumor of English pirates forced the garrisons to gather. But the Englishman's flotilla was worn out - Thomas found a quiet bay for repairs. The Spaniards, however, did not wait, finding the pirates during the raid. However, the British not only repelled the attack of superior forces, but also put them to flight and immediately robbed several neighboring settlements. Two ships have gone on. On June 12, they reached the equator and until November the pirates waited for the "treasury" ship with all the proceeds of the Mexican colonies. Persistence was rewarded, and the British captured a lot of gold and jewelry. However, when dividing the booty, the pirates quarreled, and Cavendish was left with one ship. With him he went to the west, where he obtained a load of spices by robbery. On September 9, 1588, Cavendish's ship returned to Plymouth. The pirate not only became one of the first to circumnavigate the world, but also did it very quickly - in 2 years and 50 days. In addition, 50 people of his team returned with the captain. This record was so significant that it lasted more than two centuries.

These ships have long been burning in the furnaces of the underworld. All because the most evil pirates carried out their most terrible plans on them.

"Adventure" (Adventure Galley)

Favorite ship of William Kidd. This is a Scottish sailor and an English privateer, who became famous thanks to a high-profile trial - he was accused of crimes and pirate attacks. The results are disputed to this day.

“Adventure” is an unusual frigate galley equipped with straight sails and oars. Due to the latter, it was very maneuverable - both against the wind and in calm weather. Weight - 287 tons, armament - 34 guns. 160 crew members could easily fit on board. The main goal of the "Adventure" is the destruction of the ships of other pirates.


"Revenge of Queen Anne" (Queen Anne's Revenge)

The flagship of the legendary Captain Edward Teach. Teach, also known as Blackbeard, was an English pirate who operated in the Caribbean in 1703-1718.

Tich loved "Revenge" for armament - 40 guns. The frigate, by the way, was originally called "Concord" and belonged to Spain. Then he moved to France, and then he was captured by the Blackbeard. So the “Concorde” became the “Revenge of Queen Anne”, which sank dozens of merchant and military ships that got in the way of the famous pirate.


"Ouida" (Whydah)

The “master” is the pirate Black Sam Bellamy, one of the most famous pirates of the Golden Age of sea robbery. The Ouida was a fast and manoeuvrable vessel, capable of carrying many treasures. But a year after the start of the pirate robbery, the ship fell into a terrible storm and was thrown ashore. Bottom line: the entire team (except for two people) died.


"Royal Fortune" (Royal Fortune)

It was listed in the possessions of Bartholomew Roberts - the famous Welsh pirate (real name - John Roberts), who hunted in the Atlantic and the Caribbean. Captured, by the way, more than 400 ships. Distinguished by extravagant behavior.

So, Roberts was crazy about the 42-gun 3-masted "King's Fortune". On board, he met his death - in battle with the British warship "Swallow" in 1722.


"Fantasy" (Fancy)

The owner is Henry Avery, aka the Arch-Pirate and Lanky Ben, a pirate nicknamed “one of the most successful buccaneers and gentlemen of fortune.” Fantasia was originally the Spanish 30-gun frigate Charles II. Her crew successfully robbed French ships. But then a riot broke out on it, and power passed to Avery, who served as the first assistant to the captain. The pirate renamed the ship and continued to rage on it (and with it) until death separated them.


“Happy Delivery“ (Happy Delivery)

A small, but no less beloved ship of George Lowther, an English pirate of the 18th century, who “worked” in the Caribbean and the Atlantic. Lowther's chip is a ramming of an enemy ship with a simultaneous lightning-fast boarding. Often a pirate did this on the “Delivery“.

"Rising Sun" (Rising Sun)

The ship was part of the estate of Christopher Moody, one of the most ruthless thugs - in principle, he did not take anyone prisoner, he quickly and efficiently released everyone to the next world. So, the “Rising Sun” is a 35-gun frigate that terrified everyone, especially Moody's enemies. True, this continued until the thug was hanged. The bright and then painfully recognizable flag of Moody deserves special attention.

For a long time, the Caribbean islands served as a bone of contention for the great maritime powers, since untold riches lurked here. And where there is wealth, there are robbers. Piracy in the Caribbean has blossomed into full bloom and turned into a serious problem. In fact, the sea robbers were much more cruel than we imagine.

In 1494, the Pope divided the New World between Spain and Portugal. All the gold of the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans of South America went to the ungrateful Spaniards. Other European maritime powers naturally did not like this, and conflict was inevitable. And their struggle for Spanish possessions in the New World (this mainly concerned England and France) led to the emergence of piracy.

famous corsairs

At the very beginning, piracy was even approved by the authorities and was called privateering. A privateer or corsair is a pirate ship, but with a state flag, designed to capture enemy ships.

Francis Drake

As a corsair, Drake possessed not only their usual greed and cruelty, but was also extremely inquisitive, and, eager to visit new places, he eagerly took on the fulfillment of orders from Queen Elizabeth, mainly concerning the Spanish colonies. In 1572, he was especially lucky - on the Isthmus of Panama, Drake intercepted the Silver Caravan, en route to Spain, which carried 30 tons of silver.

Once he, carried away, even made a round-the-world trip. And he completed one of his campaigns with unprecedented profit, replenishing the royal treasury by 500 thousand pounds sterling, which was more than one and a half times her annual income. The queen personally arrived on the ship to give Jack a knighthood. In addition to treasures, Jack also brought potato tubers to Europe, for which in Germany in the city of Offenburg they even erected a monument to him, on the pedestal of which is written: “To Sir Francis Drake, who spread potatoes in Europe.”

Henry Morgan

Morgan was a world-famous successor to the Drake cause. The Spaniards considered him their most terrible enemy, for them he was even more terrible than Francis Drake. Having brought a whole army of pirates to the walls of the Spanish city of Panama at that time, he ruthlessly plundered it, taking out huge treasures, after which he turned the city into ashes. Largely thanks to Morgan, Britain was able to seize control of the Caribbean from Spain for a while. King Charles II of England personally knighted Morgan and appointed him governor of Jamaica, where he spent his last years.

The golden age of piracy

Beginning in 1690, an active trade was established between Europe, Africa and the Caribbean, which led to an extraordinary flowering of piracy. Numerous ships of the leading European powers, carrying valuable goods, on the high seas became tasty prey for sea robbers, who bred in abundance. Real sea robbers, standing outside the law, who were engaged in outright robbery of all passing ships indiscriminately, at the end of the 17th century they replaced the corsairs. Let's remember some of these legendary pirates.

Steed Bonnet was a very prosperous person - a prosperous planter, worked in the municipal police, was married and suddenly decided to become a robber of the seas. And Steed was just very tired of the gray everyday life with his always grumpy wife and routine work. Having independently studied the maritime business and having become adept at it, he bought himself a ten-gun ship called "Revenge", recruited a crew of 70 people and set off against the wind of change. And soon his raids became quite successful.

Steed Bonnet also became famous for not being afraid to argue with the most formidable pirate at that time - Edward Teach, Blackbeard. Teach on his ship with 40 guns, attacking Steed's ship, easily captured it. But Steed could not come to terms with this and constantly bothered Teach, insisting that real pirates do not do this. And Teach let him go free, but with only a few pirates and completely disarming his ship.

Then Bonnet went to North Carolina, where he had recently been pirating, repented before the governor and offered to become their corsair. And, having received consent from the governor, a license and a fully equipped ship, he immediately set off in pursuit of Blackbeard, but to no avail. Steed, of course, did not return to Carolina, but continued to engage in robberies. At the end of 1718 he was caught and executed.

Edward Teach

An indomitable lover of rum and women, this famous pirate in the invariable wide-brimmed hat was nicknamed "Blackbeard". He did wear a long black beard, braided into pigtails, into which wicks were woven. During the battle, he set fire to them, and from the very sight of him, many sailors surrendered without a fight. But, it is quite possible that the wicks are just fiction. Blackbeard, although he had an intimidating appearance, was not particularly cruel, but took the enemy only by intimidation.

So, he captured his flagship "Queen Anne's Revenge" without firing a single shot - the enemy team surrendered only when they saw Tich. Tich landed all the prisoners on the island and left them a boat. Although, according to other sources, Teach was really very cruel and never left his prisoners alive. At the beginning of 1718, he had 40 captured ships, and under his command were about three hundred pirates.

The British were seriously concerned about his capture, a hunt was announced for him, which ended in success at the end of the year. In a fierce duel with Lieutenant Robert Maynard, Teach, being wounded by more than 20 shots, resisted to the last, killing many Englishmen in the process. And he died from a blow with a saber - when his head was cut off.

Briton, one of the most cruel and heartless pirates. Not feeling the slightest compassion for his victims, he also completely disregarded the members of his team, constantly deceiving them, trying to appropriate as much profit as possible. Therefore, everyone dreamed of his death - both the authorities and the pirates themselves. During another riot, the pirates removed him from the captain's position and landed him on a boat, which the waves carried to a desert island during a storm. After some time, a passing ship picked him up, but there was a person who identified him. Wayne's fate was sealed, he was hanged at the entrance to the port.

He was nicknamed "Calico Jack" because he liked to wear wide pants made of bright chintz (calico). Not being the most successful pirate, he glorified his name by being the first to allow women to be on the ship, contrary to all maritime customs.

In 1720, when Rackham's ship met at sea with the ship of the governor of Jamaica, to the surprise of the sailors, only two pirates offered fierce resistance to them, as it turned out later, these were women - the legendary Anne Bonny and Mary Reed. And all the rest, including the captain, were drunk as a fool.

In addition, it was Rackham who invented the very flag (a skull and crossbones), the so-called "Jolly Roger", which we all now associate with pirates, although many sea robbers went under other flags.

A tall handsome dandy, he was a rather educated person, knew a lot about fashion, observed etiquette. And what is absolutely not typical for pirates - he could not stand alcohol and punished others for drunkenness. Being a believer, he wore a cross on his chest, read the Bible and held services on the ship. The elusive Roberts was distinguished by extraordinary courage and, at the same time, was very successful in his campaigns. Therefore, the pirates loved their captain and were ready to follow him anywhere - after all, they will definitely be lucky!

In a short period, Roberts seized over two hundred ships and about £50 million. But one day, lady luck nevertheless betrayed him. The crew of his ship, busy dividing up the booty, were taken by surprise by an English ship under the command of Captain Ogle. At the first shot, Roberts was killed, buckshot hit his neck. The pirates, lowering his body overboard, resisted for a long time, but were still forced to surrender.

From an early age, spending his time among street criminals, he absorbed all the worst. And being a pirate, he turned into one of the most bloodthirsty sadistic fanatics. And although his time was already at the end of the Golden Age, Low in a short time, showing extraordinary cruelty, captured more than 100 ships.

Sunset of the "Golden Age"

By the end of 1730, the pirates were finished, they were all caught and executed. Over time, they began to be remembered with nostalgia and a certain touch of romanticism. Although in fact, for their contemporaries, pirates were a real disaster.

As for the well-known Captain Jack Sparrow, such a pirate did not exist at all, there is no specific prototype of him, the image is entirely fictional, a Hollywood parody of pirates, and many of the charismatic features of this colorful and charming character were invented by Johnny Depp on the go.

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