The most popular English names and surnames. American surnames for men and women


The history of American names and surnames has evolved over several centuries. They can trace the traditions of many countries and peoples who moved to these places. Due to the large flow of migrants, for a long time the general culture of the country took shape and the names and surnames changed, acquiring new forms of sound.

Many common American names come from Greek, Italian, Latin, even Old Germanic origins. In the modern world, rare names are becoming very popular in America, which are obtained by reducing historical places, the names of famous people, there are even combinations of several names into one big one.

The origin of American names can be divided into the following groups:

  1. the main popularity was gained by names, the meanings of which are associated with the outlines of a person's character (cheerful, courageous, brave);
  2. names related to the name of animals, flowers, trees, natural phenomena;
  3. names meaning various professions;
  4. names of a religious nature taken from the Bible.

List of the most popular male American names

America is a colonial country, depending on the state, the general popularity of names differs significantly from each other. In the Spanish villages of Federico (Federico), in the Irish regions - Patrick (Patrick), in Italian - Paulo (Paulo).

When choosing a name for a newborn, Americans attach great importance to two main principles in their choice:

  • the name should sound beautiful with the surname, as one whole;
  • another main point is the secret meaning of the name and its origin.

Respecting their ancestors and family traditions, many families name their children after their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. If several family members have the same name, for a particular person, the prefix “senior”, “junior” is placed at the beginning of the name.

Currently, Americans are trying to give a special uniqueness (originality) to the names of their children, choosing their favorite brand of car, favorite political figure, favorite city for the name. In such a situation, the choice falls on the most unexpected objects. You can meet children named Lexus (Lexus), Madison (Madison), Infinity (Infiniti).

Americans have an old tradition associated with names - giving a child a double name. For example: Anna-Maria (Anna-Maria), John-Robert (John-Robert), Matthew - William (Matthew-William). Explaining this by the fact that growing up, the child himself will be able to choose a name for himself.

Most Popular American Names Today

  • Ethan (Ethan) - from English, "durable."
  • Kevin (Kevin) - from Irish., "beautiful", "cute."
  • Justin (Justin) - from English., "Fair".
  • Matthew (Matthew) - from English, "gift of God", "God's man."
  • William (William) - from English, "desired."
  • Christopher (Christopher) - from English, "follower of Christ."
  • Anthony (Anthony) - from English, "invaluable", "competing".
  • Ryan (Ryan) - from Arabic., "little king."
  • Nicholas (Nicholas) - from the French, "winner of the peoples."
  • David (David) - Hebrew, "beloved", "beloved".
  • Alex (Alex) - from Greek, "protector".
  • James (James) - from English, "invader".
  • Josh (Josh) - Hebrew, "god, salvation."
  • Dillon (Dillon) - Welsh origin, "big sea".
  • Brandon (Brandon) - from German, "prince".
  • Philip (Philip) - from Greek, "lover of horses."
  • Fred (Fred) - from English, "peaceful ruler."
  • Tyler (Tyler) - from English., "stylish."
  • Caleb (Caleb) - from Hebrew, "devoted, brave."
  • Thomas (Thomas) - Polish, "twin".

List of common American surnames

It took many years to acquire its modern look. Over time, they have changed significantly. American cities have always had a large influx of refugees and settlers.

In order not to differ from the locals, not to attract special attention to themselves, the settlers deliberately modified and abbreviated their surnames in the local American way. The main feature of the surnames of US residents is the regular mixing of different nations and peoples.

The list of the most famous surnames in America is opened by Smith (Smith), Williams (Williams), Jones (Jones), Wilson (Wilson). According to the statistics of the owners of such surnames, far more than a million are registered.

Less well-known American surnames, but popular:

  • Johnson (Johnson).
  • Brown (Brown).
  • Walker (Walker).
  • Hall (Hall).
  • White (White).
  • Wilson (Wilson).
  • Thompson (Thompson).
  • Moore (Moore).
  • Taylor (Taylor).
  • Anderson (Anderson).
  • Thomas (Thomas).
  • Jackson (Jackson).
  • Harris (Harris).
  • Martin (Martin).
  • Young (Young).
  • Hernandez (Hernandez).
  • Garcia (Garcia).
  • Davis (Davis).
  • Miller (Miller).
  • Martinez (Martinez).
  • Robinson (Robinson).
  • Clark (Clark).
  • Rodrigues (Rodriguez).
  • Lewis (Lewis).
  • Lee (Lee).
  • Allen (Allen).
  • King (King).

For Russian girls, America seems like a paradise: beautiful men, a rich country and an unusual mentality.

I would like to learn a little more about the inhabitants of the other end of the planet, dream of marriage and try on a beautiful name. Read what beautiful and unusual American surnames are.

Like all the most ancient surnames, the most popular carriers can be attributed to the most ancient family.

In ancient times, personal names were given to the family for their way of life, profession, or in honor of the area in which they lived.

One of the most popular surnames in America is Smith. Translated from English - "blacksmith".

Apparently the first representative of the family was engaged in a forge and was popular in his area.

Other most popular names include:

  • Wilson (formed on behalf of his own).
  • Johnson (derived from a male personal name).
  • Taylor is a seamstress or tailor.
  • Davids (from a personal male name).
  • Brown is brown.
  • Jones (from a male name).

Many common surnames are derived from the first head of the family.

Apparently, a few centuries ago, John, William and David were in high esteem in the family. Celebrities often enjoy privileges and take on popular pseudonyms.

Important! The most famous Smith is Hollywood actor Will Smith.

List of beautiful and rare names in English and their meaning in Russian

Eloquent female names also caress the ear. And if combined with a rare American surname, then the pleasure is double.

Depending on the purpose of the selection, find a suitable name according to the instructions described in the table:

Purpose of interest Advice
Nickname for the game The popular option is not suitable, since in online games it is rarely possible to be called a popular surname without a large number of numbers after. Choose a rare name
Nickname for showbiz There are two options here: a well-known name and a rare name.

Shakira in Russia will be an unusual nickname, absorbs success, but Olivia rarely appears in everyday life and may be of interest

Login for social networks For VK or Instagram, in order not to advertise his identity, he wants to pretend to be an important American person. Choose the option you like
Real name change In this case, you should also change the surname in the passport. Choose a new name that will be in harmony with the groom's last name

Important! The meaning of the name affects the character of a person and his life.

Friends will begin to perceive you again, calling you not “Polina”, but “Pamella”. Read the value of the pseudo-drive before changing it.

The most beautiful and rare names in America include:

  • Abby. This is a cheerful girl who chooses the easy way through life. It translates as "father's joy." Will always be a real treasure among male attention.
  • Arena. A unique girl, who is distinguished by meekness of character and patience, often has amazing mental abilities. The literal translation is "high mountain".
  • bottlenose dolphin. A free person who is not accustomed to go with the flow, but creates it. The woman is self-sufficient and independent. From English to Russian it sounds like "little bird".
  • Elinor. This is the most faithful and devoted friend, she is like a hero of fairy tales - she sings with birds, draws with a rainbow, smiles at the sun. The literal translation is shepherdess.
  • Shanna. Translated from English as "aristocrat". Since ancient times, it was customary to call only noblewomen or ladies of blue blood with this name.
  • Avalon. Smart and responsible. The young lady is only a match for the goddess of wisdom, Athena. From English it is translated as "apple".
  • Olivia. Despite the softness of the sound, the owner of the name is a Strong and independent girl. She does not need protection, she herself will stand guard over her honor. The word is translated as "army of elves."
  • Holly. Kind, gentle and affectionate. Such a girl marries early and has many children, loves family quiet gatherings and listening to children's laughter. The literal translation is "sister".
  • Adamina. A nice and brave girl who has been fighting for justice all her life. A strong-willed person with a stable psyche. The beauty has a real masculine character.
  • Annabella. The appearance of a young lady may not be attractive, but as soon as she speaks, all men fall to the ground. It has an innate charm, translated as "graceful beauty."
  • Eleanor. Always kind and active. A person is rarely left alone and loves big and noisy companies. "Friendship" is the meaning of her inner state.
  • Doris. Very optimistic and witty, looks at life with a positive, often turns out to be the soul of the company and travels around the globe in search of friends. Literally, "fun".
  • Lori. Strange and mysterious, but attracts people to itself. Often has an innate gift of clairvoyance and predicts his own future. The literal translation from English is "seer".
  • Margaret. Beautiful outside and inside, attracts with its cheerfulness and activity. Always lend a helping hand in difficult situations. From English - "flower".
  • Nicole. For one simple reason, mothers choose such a name - a girl from the cradle will be clean and tidy. The name is also translated into Russian.
  • Chloe. Another representative of the strong and independent. It is impossible to stop her before the goal, and only the best of men will win the heart of a girl.

Rare female surnames

Rare American surnames for girls include the so-called middle names, which often speak from a family affiliation to a particular nationality.

In America, such variants are rare, according to statistics - less than 300 thousand people are carriers.

These surnames include:

  • Gonzales.
  • Brian.
  • Griffin.
  • Foster.
  • Butler.
  • Diaz.
  • Washington.
  • Simmons.
  • Alexander.
  • Russell.
  • Javier.

Important! American surnames are not masculine or feminine, they are universal.

Choose the option that you like best and is suitable for conspiracy.

Useful video

Common features of American surnames.

History of American Surnames is as rich as the heterogeneous population of the US, a nation of immigrants. Essentially, an American surname can reveal its "affinity" with any nation. And yet, the core of the American nation are English speakers (Scots, Irish, English, Welsh), who mixed with other peoples, which largely determined the characteristics of American surnames. A common feature of American surnames is that they do not differ in gender and are essentially masculine. As for the spelling and pronunciation of American surnames in Russian, they obey the laws of Russian spelling. That is, declension of american surnames corresponds to the rules of declension of Russian surnames.

The dominant role of English-speaking surnames.

Interpretation of American surnames the most varied. According to the meaning, American surnames can be divided into five main groups. One includes surnames that originated from the names of the father (Peterson, Williams). Others are based on the name of the profession in which the first bearer of the surname was engaged (Smith, "blacksmith"). A large group of American surnames is associated with place names (England, Lancaster). Some surnames reflect the features of the area (Pool, "reservoir, whirlpool"). Quite a few American surnames were born from common nouns - Bush ("bush"), Fish ("fish"). Surnames of non-English-speaking Americans are forced to constantly adjust to the usual sound in the country in order to match the facilitated spelling and easy pronunciation. Some surnames are simply abbreviated (Pappadakis-Pappas, Vinareski-Vinar). Others are being translated into English (Köning-King). Still others are remade in an English way (Cartier-Carter, White-Bellowes). However, some surnames retained their national meaning and not influenced American surnames. So, for example, Spanish surnames, if they have changed, are not significant.

Surnames of Indians and Africans.

Surnames of Native American Indians have historically been formed on the basis of personal names and nicknames. But if you look dictionary of american surnames, you can see that there are very few of them. Now most Indians have common American surnames. The same goes for African American surnames. In the course of history, they gradually lost their unique names and subsequently began to take familiar American surnames. True, recently the descendants of immigrants from Africa are trying to give their surnames a national flavor.

The alphabetical list of American surnames shows that a certain part of Americans invent fictitious, sonorous surnames for themselves, which are remembered for their originality and help their carriers stand out.

List of common American surnames will help you find out which surnames are the most popular in America (USA).

The most popular American surnames and their meanings

We present to your attention a list of the most popular American surnames.
Smith– Smith
Johnson— Johnson
Williams– Williams
Jones– Jones
Brown– Brown
Davis– Davis
Miller– Miller
wilson– Wilson
Moore– Moore
Taylor– Taylor
Anderson– Anderson
Thomas– Thomas
Jackson– Jackson
White– White
Harris– Harris
Martin– Martin
Thompson– Thompson
Garcia– Garcia
Martinez– Martinez
Robinson– Robinson
Rodriguez– Rodriguez
Lewis– Lewis
Lee– Lee
walker– Walker
Hall– Hall
Allen– Allen
Young– Young
Hernandez– Hernandez
King– King
wright– Wright
Lopez– Lopez
Hill– Hill
Scott– Scott
Green– Green
Adams– Adams
Baker– Baker
Gonzalez– Gonzalez
Nelson– Nelson
carter– Carter
Mitchell– Mitchell
Perez– Perez
Roberts– Roberts
Turner– Turner
Phillips– Phillips
Campbell– Campbell
Parker– Parker
Evans– Evans
Edwards– Edwards
Collins– Collins

Kirill Sobolev

If the hands are golden, then it doesn’t matter where they grow from.


The emergence of most generic names in England is associated with the events of the formation of the history of the country and dates back to the period after the 12th century. When a name could not individualize a person, a unique nickname was added to it. Almost all British surnames are derived from nicknames.

English names and surnames

For several centuries, the British managed only with names, and in the XII century the first English names and surnames began to appear. As a rule, their owners were persons of noble origin. The modern variant of the English full name includes:

  • first name (name #1);
  • middle name (name #2);
  • last name (surname).

English surnames reflect the history of the state, so they can be divided into the following groups:

  • by territorial affiliation;
  • by craft;
  • by titles;
  • by external description.

Othroponymic derivation is the use of names for each as generic names, for example: Anthony, Dennis, Thomas. The particle son meant that the person was someone's son and received the name from the father. The largest group is those formed on a territorial basis, for example: Brook, Hill, Fields. About 20% have origins from a person's profession. Descriptive beautiful surnames in English conveyed certain personality traits, for example: Small, Bigg, Little, Joyce, Younger, Wise, Gay.


As a rule, people are proud of their origin. In each state, the name of the genus always comes from the founder, his nickname, title and other characteristics. Not common are the species of plants, birds, animals, from which the English names and surnames of men are formed. Among the harmonious beautiful names of the genera, the following options can be distinguished: Bedford, Buckingham, Cornwall, Mortimer. As a rule, they belonged to rich and noble families.

It is difficult to list all the surnames in England. They are not divided into male and female. Often you can find the following options:

  • Adams;
  • Brown;
  • Ellis;
  • Hughes;
  • Ford;
  • Jackson;
  • George;
  • Smith;
  • Johnson;
  • Miller.


If you wish, today you can change the last parameter in the name to whatever you like, while it should be borne in mind that it must necessarily be combined with the patronymic and directly with the name. Beautiful names of British origin will be a great option for European women. Most words sound and are spelled the same, regardless of whether they are in a female or male name.

Famous English surnames for girls are presented below:

  • Rogers;
  • Harris;
  • Lewis;
  • Simmons;
  • Molligan;
  • Wilson;
  • Howard;
  • Scott;
  • Collins;
  • Nelson;
  • Butler;
  • Salomon;
  • Harrison;
  • Sheldon;
  • Yang and others.

Popular English surnames

The list of the most famous family names in England changes every year. Some options are disappearing, while others are becoming more common. Many take on new popular English surnames because of their euphony, without thinking about their meaning. For example, Smith - comes from the name of the profession and means blacksmith in translation. Another common name of the genus - Taylor in translation into Russian means a tailor.

The most popular options for men:

  • Brown;
  • Taylor;
  • Jones;
  • Wilson;
  • Smith;
  • Thomas;
  • Williams.

Rare English surnames

Over the past century, many ancient names of genera have disappeared completely, others are very rare. For example, Cock, Daft, Death, Gotobed ​​are rare English surnames that have a negative or strange meaning in translation, so they are practically never found in England. Another option is Bottom (the name of the genus has a territorial origin and spoke of the family living in a lowland), which is also very rare.

Russian surnames in English

Modern people often travel abroad, so they must know the rules for transcription and translation of Russian names into the language of Great Britain. You may be required to write your data correctly when filling out a questionnaire for a passport or visa, to receive a bank card. The spelling should convey the pronunciation of the word in another language, but translators often make mistakes when translating surnames from Russian into English. Below is a table with letters that will help everyone figure out how to write their data in another language.


Russian variant


Hard and soft signs


Russian variant


A beautiful surname for a girl means as much as neat good clothes. Agree, there is a difference in sound between the names "Olga Lozhkomoeva" and "Olga Lebedeva". In the first case, an untidy girl from the outback appears before the mind's eye, in the second - a beautiful sophisticated lady. Fortunately, it is possible to choose a new surname and change it in official documents.

This step must be approached responsibly, so it is not necessary to immediately run to the registry office and the passport office. Social media is a great place to try on any pseudonym!

Many Slavic ones are absolutely incompatible with foreign surnames. For example, when you hear “Tamara Ivanovna Adams”, you will most likely smile. A beautiful Russian surname for a girl can be selected from the following list:

  • Astafiev;
  • Romanova;
  • Arseniev;
  • Pazhinskaya;
  • Bernatskaya;
  • Razumovskaya;
  • Berezina;
  • Bestuzhev;
  • Vishnevetskaya;
  • Voronin;
  • Vorontsov.

Any girl can feel like a countess or princess by choosing one of the options above. After all, these names belonged to the upper class in Russia!

A romantic and well-read girl can borrow a surname from a famous poet or writer. In combination with female names, the following options are well perceived by ear:

  • Bulgakov;
  • Ostrovskaya;
  • Chekhov;
  • Uspenskaya;
  • Bunin;
  • Tsvetaeva;
  • Balmont;
  • Akhmatova;
  • Kamenskaya;
  • Zhukovskaya;
  • Nabokov;
  • Novitskaya.

When choosing a new surname, be sure to consider how it will sound in combination with your full name and patronymic. Don't stop at the first option you like. Pick a few more, think carefully, consult with loved ones. And only then change the surname in official documents.

Unusual and most beautiful surnames can be found in foreign languages. Many girls change their personal details, choosing a beautiful English or German version. But there are still so many beautiful surnames - Japanese, Italian, Spanish, French.


English surnames are most often formed from proper names. For example, Jameson means "son of James" (literally "James" + "son"). You can also find the names of professions, colors, qualities. Taylor (Taylor) in translation sounds like “tailor”. Smith (Smith) means "blacksmith", Brown (Brown) - "brown", etc.

As for the original English surnames, in this country they come from their own names or professions, often - the qualities of a person or even flowers. For example, "Johnson" is "son of Jones" or John; the popular surname "Smith" translates as "merchant"; "Brown" is a color designation, "brown". Surnames with American or English etymological roots will become good companions for serious and self-confident girls who always achieve everything they want. Some interesting English-language variations:

  • Morgan;
  • Lewis;
  • Martin;
  • Carroll (dear);
  • Austin (great, majestic);
  • Utterly;
  • Brickman;
  • Derrick;
  • Whale;
  • Oliver;
  • Porter;
  • Selby;
  • Tracey;
  • White;
  • Fisher (fish);
  • Sven (swan);
  • Dalton (next door is the Dalton Highway);
  • Cowell (coal);
  • Donovan (dominant);

American surnames

American and English surnames will suit girls who are serious, self-sufficient, self-confident.


Words spoken in the "language of love" have a special charm. French surnames sound mysterious and elegant. Below are the most common ones. These options were formed from the most revered names in France.


You can also use personal data to emphasize personal qualities. For example, a kind girl can take the surname Bonnet (Bonnet - French kind, good), the owner of a proud disposition - Leroy (Leroy, from French leroy - king).


German surnames are formed from nicknames that reflect the personal qualities of a person, the area where he comes from, his profession. You can choose an option, the translation of which can somehow characterize you. For example, the surname Krause, which has an imperious, strong-willed character, Mayer, a lawyer, Richter, etc., is suitable for a curly girl.

German popular surnames Hartmann (Hartman) and Werner (Werner) are derived from male names. If the value doesn't matter, you might like an option from the following list. The most harmonious German surnames:

  • Bauer;
  • Wagner;
  • Weber;
  • Grossman;
  • Callenberg;
  • Kaufman;
  • Koehler;
  • Laufer;
  • Mertz;
  • Merkel;
  • Osterman;
  • Etinger;
  • Erdman.

These surnames sound beautiful in combination with the names Anna, Maria, Sofia, Angelina, Erika, Aurika. For example, Anna Bauer, Angelina Erdman.


Japanese surnames are beautiful, sound original and have a certain meaning. You can choose an option that characterizes your inner world or evokes pleasant associations.

Girls who love anime and manga can also choose a Japanese name as a nickname for social networks. For example, Aiko Shimizu - "child of love" + "clean water", Akemi Sakurai - "bright beauty" + "sakura at the well."

Korean surnames

Asian peoples attach great importance to the name of the child - both names and surnames are not given by chance. When reading, it is worth remembering that the surname is written under the name, so the first syllable is given to it. The next two are the name. An interesting fact: only 12 variations of surnames consist of 2 syllables, and all the rest are monosyllabic. Less popular surnames are used by very few native speakers, this is a special category of people.

  • Jin - Ho (translated as "precious lake");
  • Monkut ("crown");
  • Jung ("love");
  • Hong ("rose");
  • Trey ("oyster");
  • Haneul ("sky");
  • Dung ("brave");
  • Tea ("pearl");
  • Isyl ("purity");
  • An (internal);
  • Choi (high born);
  • Tu (starry);
  • Kim (gold)
  • Kwon (fist);
  • Khan (ruler);
  • Dream (star).

Chinese surnames

In China, surnames began to be used a very long time ago - even before our era. At that time it was considered a luxury, and was used exclusively for members of the imperial families and aristocrats. In the modern life of the Chinese, there are few surnames - a little more than a hundred names. Most often, these are single-syllable and look like one hieroglyph. Their origin, as well as about the whole world, depends on many factors: the profession or the name of the state that formed the basis of China, such as it is now. All strangers from foreign countries were called Hu. Women very rarely take their husband's surname - the most common option is double or their own, maiden.

  • Gia (beautiful);
  • Ai (love);
  • Huijong (loyal, wise);
  • Ningong (calm);
  • Venkian (purified);
  • Ji (pure);
  • Meihui (beautiful wisdom);
  • Zhilan (rainbow orchid);
  • Jiao (beautiful, graceful);
  • I (grace);
  • Yui (moon);
  • Yuming (jade brightness);
  • Yun (cloud);
  • Ruolan (as an orchid);
  • Ting (grace);
  • Fenfang (fragrant);
  • Kiaohui (wise, experienced).


Italian surnames are for girls with character. Everyone knows what Italians are temperamental. If impulsiveness, emotionality and energy are the main features of your character, feel free to choose a surname from the following list!

The red-haired beauty will suit the surname Rossi, who lives by the sea - Marino, who has the external data of a sophisticated aristocrat - Conte, cheerful and energetic - Allegro.

In medieval Italy, the name Esposito was entered into the documents of orphans by default. The meaning of this word is nobody's, free. A self-sufficient and independent young girl can use such a pseudonym, he will emphasize her personal qualities and add originality.


Spanish female surnames also have a beautiful sound. Most of them are derived from personal names:

  • Garcia - Garcia;
  • Fernandez - Fernandez;
  • Martinez - Martinez;
  • Diaz - Diaz;
  • Flores - Flores;
  • Santana - Santana;
  • Vincente - Vincente.

This option is best for a dark-skinned girl. The Spanish surname will be a hint of southern roots, a cheerful light disposition and a passionate nature!

What surname to choose a girl for VK?

For social networks, you can choose a nickname option based on your real first and last name. For example, Svetlana Semenova - Lana Sam (LanaSam), Anna Petrova - Ann Pietro (AnnPietro) with an emphasis on the last syllable. In a contact, you can choose a surname that will evoke certain associations in others. For example:

  • Angelova;
  • Snegov;
  • cold;
  • Lebedev;
  • Net;
  • free;
  • Winter (Summer, Spring, Autumn);
  • daring;
  • Secular.

The coolest surnames for VK are foreign. You can simply translate any word you like into English, German, French and get the original pseudonym. A brunette can choose Noir or Black, a blonde can choose Snow or White. There are no limits to your imagination. The main thing is that the pseudonym is combined with your real name. The most popular options are:

  • Noir (Fr.) - black;
  • Black (Black, English) - black;
  • Snow (Snow, English) - snow;
  • Light (Light, English) - light, light;
  • Strong (Strong, English) - strong;
  • Young (Young, English) - young;
  • Kitten (Kitten, English) - a kitten;
  • Fox (Fox, English) - fox, fox;
  • Horse (Horse, English) - horse, horse;
  • Sweet (English) - sweet;
  • Sugar (Sugary English) - sugar.

Combinations of two words sound interesting:

  • Sweet Caramel - sweet caramel;
  • Sugary Candy - sugar candy;
  • Dark Horse - dark horse;
  • Broken Angel - fallen angel;
  • Red Fox - red fox.

It is better to shorten your name so that it is combined with a foreign surname (Alexandra - Alex, Margarita - Rita, etc.).


The most popular names of girls for VK are borrowed from famous actresses, singers, models and other famous personalities. You can use the pseudonym of your idol or choose a fashionable option from those offered below.

The names of characters in books, TV shows and movies are popular:

  • Stark, Lannister, Targaryen (TV series "Game of Thrones");
  • Everdeen (Katniss Everdeen, the main character of the Hunger Games trilogy);
  • Swan (Bella Swan, "Twilight");
  • Granger (Hermione Granger, "Harry Potter");
  • Martin (Lydia Martin, a girl with unique abilities, the series "Teen Wolf").
  • Hermes - Ermes;
  • Lanvin - Lanvin;
  • Moschino - Moskino;
  • Herrera - Herrera;
  • Balenciaga - Balenciaga.

This option is suitable for the owner of model external data, refined taste, slender figure.


Many use Vkontakte and Instagram to sell clothes, other goods, and promote their services. It is advisable to choose a pseudonym that will reflect the essence of your activity. For example, if you have a page for an online clothing store, you can choose this option:

  • Krasotkin;
  • Dresseva;
  • Shmotkin.
  • Konfetkin;
  • Karamelkin;
  • Chocolate.

For any page of the online store, the following options are suitable:

  • Saleswoman;
  • Prodavashkin;
  • Pokupashka (Pokupashkina).

The options sound interesting: Masha Saleswoman, Dasha Buyer, etc. A well-chosen name will attract new subscribers to your page, and these are potential customers. Turn on creativity, fantasy, add a little sense of humor - and you will succeed!

An unusual cool surname for a girl can be obtained by choosing a rhyme for your name. This option is suitable for a cheerful and creative girl. The following combinations are found on the network:

  • Dasha Kasha;
  • Masha Chamomile;
  • Olka Dolka;
  • Irina Ballerina;
  • Arinka Mandarinka.

You can pick up a consonant word for any name using the rhyme generator on the Internet. As a result, you get cool and for the social network.


If you are not attracted to the original options, and you want a simple surname, then you can convert any male name and - you're done! Well perceived by ear:

  • Vladimirov;
  • Alexandrova;
  • Semenov;
  • Antonov;
  • Alekseev;
  • Andreeva;
  • Fedorov.

It is believed that a change of name entails a change in fate. What about last name? It is possible that this rule also applies to her. A dissonant surname can cause jokes, ridicule and complexes at any age. If you have a desire to change it, then follow it. Just approach the choice consciously so that the new surname will please your ears all your life.

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