The most powerful amulets of the ancient Slavs. Old Russian jewelry - their meaning


The amulets of the ancient Slavs in the old days were considered a powerful protection against all evil that could affect a person. People made talismans and amulets to protect them from enemies, ill-wishers, to give strength in the fight against rivals, to attract good luck and luck.

You can also make and wear a charm that suits you - and we will tell you about the meaning of the most popular Slavic symbols that are used to make amulets.

To choose the right amulet, you need to consider some factors:

  1. Who will wear it? This is important - the symbol is selected depending on the gender, age of the person. It also matters if he is married, has children and grandchildren
  2. The power of protection. Different amulets have different powers. The more dangers surround the person, the more powerful companion you need to choose. You can wear several amulets at once to increase protection.
  3. Material. It is necessary that the amulet be made of natural material - wood, metal, stone or fabric. The ideal option is silver jewelry. This metal has the best, positive energy.


This is a female Slavic amulet, the action of which is aimed at:

  • Love and female happiness. Attracts worthy men, helps to fulfill women's destiny
  • Beauty preservation. Makes a woman more attractive, helps to maintain youth
  • Preservation of health, especially reproductive. Helps to endure and give birth to healthy children

How does it help:

  • Improves financial situation, helps to preserve and increase capital
  • Protects from competitors, opponents, enemies and ill-wishers
  • Beneficial for reproductive health

Suitable for both men and women. An ideal option for people aimed at career growth.

heavenly cross

This is what this ancient Slavic symbol looks like:

The heavenly cross is a symbol of unity and spirituality. He helps:

  • Successfully overcome difficulties and get out of unpleasant situations
  • To endow a person with the strength, knowledge and wisdom of ancestors
  • Protect a person and his family from evil tongues, the evil eye, keep the peace and avoid conflicts in family life

It is an ideal protector for those who in their professional activities teach people - for teachers, coaches, mentors.


A very powerful amulet that is equally suitable for both men and women. helps:

  • Protect the wearer from any trouble coming from the outside world
  • Make a person stronger physically, strengthen endurance
  • Strengthen the spirit, make it more resistant to emotional experiences
  • Find the right partner for business or starting a family
  • Overcome all obstacles and difficulties without deprivation

This amulet is suitable for people with a strong spirit who want to further temper their character. This is the amulet of fighters, people who do not like to sit still, achievers.

solar cross

A universal amulet that will suit a person of any gender. An ideal option for those who are busy with creativity, creation, mentoring. It is believed that the solar cross endows a person with the experience of previous generations, bestows good luck and luck in business, and protects against all life's adversities.

In the old days, the solar cross was worn by warriors, teachers, and young parents who would like to raise smart and successful children in their careers.

The solar cross gives a very strong connection with the ancestors, so it should be worn by people who have an idea about their family tree.

Watch a video about the amulets of the Slavs and their meaning:


Vseslavets - for people who already have a stable and stable financial position. It is believed that it protects family life from quarrels, conflicts, and the house from fires and natural disasters.

Suitable more for men than women. It is useful to wear an amulet for people who have lost their jobs and are looking for a new, worthy place for their career. An excellent amulet for newlyweds who want their love to be strong, and relationships not overshadowed by conflicts.

Fern flower

This talisman is suitable for a person who wants to reveal the boundaries of his own subconscious, to gain enlightenment. It is believed that spiritual power endows its owner with tribal power, bestows the wisdom of ancestors.

This is a powerful magical symbol that should be used with extreme caution.

The ancient world is a canopy of mysteries and secrets. Many of them are magic items. These are amulets, talismans and amulets that people made to help themselves. Each of them is a gift from the gods, secret knowledge. amulets they helped in difficult times, protected from diseases, brought joy, punished enemies. A lot of mysterious Slavic symbols have survived to this day. It is a pity that even more has been lost over the centuries. Each Slavic symbol and amulet carries a special meaning, a semantic load. It was possible to make such a thing only if you know all the subtleties. This was done by the oldest members of the family or the Magi. Human life was closely connected with mysticism, and amulets came into use even in times ancient animism. Slavic gods were fair and strong, always responded to people's requests for help. In battle, in the field or at home, with children, during childbirth - there is a place everywhere special amulet, which made life easier, the suffering of people.

Religion, beliefs, gods

Since ancient times, the sun god lives in the sky. It shines so brightly that it is able to warm the whole earth, every stone, a small animal, and, of course, a person with its own warmth. The sun god had several names. The very first - Yarilo. The bright, kind god of the ancient Slavs created his own heavenly army, which every night fought with the army of darkness for life in the world. The sun sets at sunset, the fight begins. Night is not a calm time, then ghosts, devils and demons walk around the world. They all try to take over the human soul.

Morning comes Yarilo wins, a new bright day begins. Therefore, a person spends the night in the house, next to his relatives. He is surrounded familiar gizmos and, of course, protect. If a person decorates frames and doors with amulets, then evil will not get into the house. nightgown, cutlery, children's toys - all this was decorated with intricate coastal drawings.

While the god Yarilo is fighting in the underworld, people have the opportunity to defend themselves from the forces of evil. His wife goddess Lada patronizes all women, girls, girls on earth. The goddess weeps bitterly woman suffering from fatigue, injustice or pain. She taught them how to make amazing amulets that protect beauty for many years, help in the household.

In addition, there is a very strong progenitor god - Rod. It is much older than Yarilo himself. From Rod began life on the whole Earth. He protects family ties, protects the family and children.

The wise but cunning Veles lives in the underworld. He revealed to people great knowledge about mysticism, taught them to heal, showed what herbs and roots can be collected and brewed against fever, nausea, to relieve pain or give a healthy sound sleep.

gods and heroes of the ancient Slavic world are known to many. they were brave, courageous, but kind. Often the gods descended to earth from their golden halls to help people, and to see how life on earth is going.

Mysticism and animism

The most ancient period of the life of the Slavic tribes is the era of animism. In those distant times, everything acquired a soul in the eyes of people. stones, trees, natural phenomena were endowed with mystical properties. The Slavs believed that the gods were everywhere. It made the world an amazing place where anything is possible. Back then people were very close to nature treated her with care.

Animism did not last so long, beliefs evolved. The gods received new functions, more complex. If before each deity was responsible for only one thing, then in the period of late animism, one God could represent a whole set of functions.

The gods punished and bestowed, encouraged, scolded, got angry at people, pouring rain, showering them with hail and lightning. All this is part of the great history of the people. Today, many people follow the pagan beliefs of their ancestors. Who knows, perhaps they have unraveled some special secrets? Exists many communities that reproduce ancient customs, life and life of people.

Workshops make amulets, talismans, household items according to vintage recipes. The significance of this is great, because this is how we maintain the memory of generations. If you are interested in life pagan Rus', you need to learn more about how people lived in those years. This is easy to do, because the information is in the public domain. Mysticism of the ancient Slavs one of the most interesting in world history.

Charms, talismans, amulets

There are important differences between these three concepts. What is it and how to use it?

The meaning of the word "amulet" is clear without translation. This is an object that protects from something, protects. They can be of different sizes forms, material. Charms come from:

  • stone;
  • tree;
  • clay;
  • gland;
  • precious metal.

They were worn openly or under clothing, hidden at home. Such an item has strong protection function from negative impacts of various kinds.

The amulet has different functions. It usually gives a person special character traits or properties. Amulet for strong health, good study, from the evil eye and damage ... There are a lot of different combinations that, on the one hand, protect from evil, like a talisman On the other hand, they help people.

The talisman most often directs his energy to good luck, success, luck. Such happy objects are not uncommon even now. A special coin, a lucky sweater, for example. We ourselves often create them without even knowing it. Items that bring us good luck are talismans. They can be custom made, but you can only make sure that this or that thing always brings you success.

Talismans for family and home

These symbols of the holy race were widespread. At home, they occupied a place of honor. They had to be placed where people gather most often, or else, they hid under the bed. Very often, talismans for the home were made of soft natural material - clay. It was fired, added to the composition of clay various magical herbs to give them strength.

Such an object of power was carefully stored, because even though the burnt clay becomes hard, it is still fragile. The second most popular material for home amulets is wood. warm, natural, malleable for processing. Very beautiful patterns were made on them by craftsmen. Such a charm was made for a long time, carefully. Perhaps several years. It was given a special shape, traditional patterns and runes, the names of the gods were applied. The value of such an item is very great - it could even be inherited.

family mascot needed to be honored and respected. Children were brought to him to bow, on religious holidays they decorated him, they took him out into the yard. Exists a lot of traditions associated with home amulets. This is an item that maintains a good atmosphere in the house, calmness, comfort. Many of them depicted gods. Aromatic oils were kept nearby for incense, daily women fresh flowers, water from a pure stream, bread and sweets were brought to them.

The most famous symbols of home protection:

Wedding attendant

Only one day a year it was worn and used. The rest of the time, the Svedebnik is in the house in a place of honor. This interesting geometric symbol made for a wedding. On this great day, the blessing of the gods was asked for marriage between a man and a woman. The gods agreed, but required people to conclude an oath of allegiance to each other.

This beautiful amulet was a vow of oath. Taking it in their hands before the face of the elders and all the people, they swore to love each other and honor, not betray, respect, honor the father of their husband or wife as their own. Such a vow cannot be broken, because it is given before all the supreme the gods of the Slavs.

After the wedding Wedding attendant kept at home, but no longer used for ritual purposes. Its purpose is to bind vows of husband and wife, and after - it is just a beautiful reminder of this day. Therefore, do not give Wedding attendant to your friends on a wedding anniversary or just like that - the amulet will not work, since the wedding has already been concluded.

Makosh symbol

Goddess Makosh taught women a lot. She showed me how to weave, sew, run a household, take care of livestock. She helps them during pregnancy and childbirth. When it is hard for women from household chores, they feel tired and their bones ache, you need to approach the Mokosh symbol and ask the goddess for advice. She will teach you how to get things done. This beautiful amulet was placed in the female half of the house, in the wife's room. Most often, she made it herself, or bought it in sanctuary of Mokosh.

In more early era all amulets for the home were made by an older woman or man. Later, this role was transferred to temples, sanctuaries and temples of the gods. The significance of such a change is very great for the history of the religion of the ancients. Slavs. These changes show how faith is being transformed, moving into its more complex stage, when money and the opportunity to acquire cult objects are poured into it.


The symbol is very useful for everyone without exception. Usually, Alatyr were made when the children in the family began to walk, to actively explore the world. In a simple, everyday sense, Alatyr is an addition to the mind, symbol of learning and development Thus, the kids were helped to quickly get on their feet, take up teaching. It was believed that if Alatyr stands in the house then the children will learn well. They will succeed and glorify their parents.

In a more complex aspect, Alatyr - a symbol of the development of the universe according to the ancient tribes. This symbol is very old, much older than most Slavic symbols. He demonstrates constant, continuous development, change for the better. Universe does not stand still, but is constantly in motion. So the human mind should not stop, a person needs to move on, to know the world.

Charms for women

Women in ancient times had no easier time than a husband ranks. Heavy household duties, streaking, harvesting, caring for children and the elderly, and working in the field fell on them. They worked on an equal footing with men, although in itself a woman in the theory of Slavic mysticism is a creature lofty and fragile. But, when there are “seven on the benches”, and even animals and crops, there is no need to rest. In addition, after their long working day, women found time to spin, sew, embroider, make a variety of decorative gizmos for home decoration.

The favorite Slavic symbol of the amulet for women is the symbol of Lada. The goddess loves to help girls, women of any age. When a woman suffers, cries, then the goddess Lada herself is not herself, she cannot sit still. Prayers are addressed to her, she is asked for help, support. She always responds by sending help. To maintain their female health, attractiveness, women use these charms. They are worn on the body under clothing, or kept at home where no one will see. Such items traditionally were made from the most feminine material - silver.

Star of Lada

This amulet has several functions at once.. It could be bought or made to a girl at an early age, but you can wear it all your life. It protects women's health, makes it easy to get pregnant and bear healthy children. During pregnancy

The Lada star keeps not only the woman herself, but also her child. Such protection is essential babies and newborns are not yet protected by their own energy. They are very susceptible to the influence of evil forces. If a woman wants to protect a child, she will keep the Star of Lada under his bed.

The second is a symbol of a woman's longevity. Unfortunately, in those days, the age of life was not so long. Illness, hard work winter cold and damp autumn is merciless. especially to the weak. To avoid trouble, a woman must wear this amulet on herself constantly. Then everything will be fine, diseases will not rise. A powerful source of women's health in silver. It's a symbol Goddess Lada, and also - silver has amazing properties to kill pathogenic bacteria.

Lada Mother of God

Second Lada symbol, which was also often worn or kept at home. He supports marriage and family. As now, many centuries ago, people did not always have everything in marriage smoothly. In order for the husband to love, not to go to the side, it was necessary to wear this amazing amulet. Lada Mother of God protected the family, life, helped to solve complex issues of relationships between people. Girl and boy those getting married were very young. Some were 13-14 years old, so it was not possible to expect special consciousness from the very beginning from such young people. The amulet kept them from bad deeds, quarrels, scandals..

This is how love was born in the house, and then it was passed on to the younger generation. Lada Mother of God of children also kept so the mothers would hide a small clay charm under the child's bed. They lived in reverence for adults, and from early childhood they themselves learned to manage the household.

Men's amulets

The life of a man in ancient times was hard. He is not just a protector and breadwinner, he is also the head of the family. Work at home, in the field, blacksmith, hunting and trade - all this fell on men's shoulders. Of course, the woman worked on an equal footing with him, but the most difficult duties in the field and at home were transferred to men. Moreover, from an early age. A boy at the age of 10-12 already knew how to shoe a horse, plow and sow, grind flour, went fishing and hunting with his father. In those distant times, hunting and fishing were not entertainment, but a vital necessity. Boys were taught to work from childhood.

The value of the amulet for a man is very great. Who else to rely on in a harsh winter - on the gods, but on yourself. So, amulets for men there were a lot. This symbols of courage, patience, mind. They helped make difficult choices - who are you? In battle and in the field, with children, wife, at work - always a man had to remain a brave, reasonable, strong man. Pro Russian heroes there were legends, because they were all on the shoulder. With divine help, oh they were an amazing people.


The symbol belongs to the god Veles. This is a wise god who refers to the underworld. Although Vesel is recognized as a devil, his influence on people's lives is great. Veles is not looking for a moment to deceive the human soul, he helps people instructs them. It was this god who gave people knowledge about magic, healing, mysticism.

The amulet is made of dark wood or iron. It must be worn discreetly under clothing, otherwise someone can see. Then amulet won't help. Protects from the evil eye, protects from rash acts. Symbol of wisdom, enlightenment. Not everyone dares to wear it, because Velesovik develops psychic abilities in people.


A very valuable amulet. Valkyrie - solar symbol of the Sun, light, wisdom. He was advised to wear it to those young men and men who did not know how to control themselves, climbed into marriage. A real man must be brave, courageous, courageous. If you need to defend your innocence or protect loved ones- Can use force.

True, not all battles are won with fists, sometimes you need ingenuity, cunning. To do this, the head must be "cold". For those who could not hold back their fists, this amulet gave wisdom, helped soberly without anger to look at any situation. The most correct decision is to offer the young man to cut this amulet out of wood himself, and think about his life.

solar cross

brave warriors glorified ancient Rus'. Of course, the point here is not at all in amulets and talismans, but in the hearts of people. But, in order to make it easier for a person to endure the hardships of wartime, and to go into battle bravely, carved on swords and shields Solar Cross. This symbol called men to perseverance, helped them in the terrible moments of battles.

It was believed that to cut such shield is simply impossible, because it is distracted by the symbol of the supreme god of the Sun. Courage and steadfastness, pride in their people were inspired by the Solar Cross. All the best that is in a man, he awakened. Such the army will definitely win, if it is fair and will be pleasing to the gods. The cross on the shield was carved by the warrior himself, and the elder of his family had to bless him with his word.


Most Popular Male Sim ox of the ancient Slavic world. Its meaning is patronage, the help of the gods. This is one of the oldest solar symbols, which has become synonymous with the times of the pagan gods. It was made from a variety of materials, worn around the neck, belt, embroidered on shirts. Such an amulet was highly valued, especially if it was made by a clergyman in accordance with all the canons and rules.

He was worn openly so that evil forces could immediately see - it is better not to mess with this person. he is under the auspices of the gods, on him their mark. Kolovrat and today does not lose its strength, more and more often you can see followers of Slavic paganism who choose it as their own everyday amulet. It can be worn every day, even while sleeping.

For happiness, luck, well-being

When the gods rule the world, and people only obey their will - luck is perceived as a special arrangement of one or another god. Pray for wealth and find a gold coin on the street, ask for happiness, and the next day meet your betrothed. Everyone is happy present from a good god who follows the life of a common man. To appease the gods, and ask them for what they want, people wore things like that. They attract good luck, prosperity and happiness. What else can you dream of?

Happy amulets had to be made of bright metals, light woods. They were decorated with stones intricate ligature of symbols, people did not skimp on buying such a talisman, because with him you could expect any miracles from life.


good luck symbol, healing from illnesses and a successful completion of the case. The serpent with four heads is a mystical symbol of ancient animism. It is worn on a leather cord over a shirt. Moreover, it could be worn by both a man and woman. Almost all talismans for good luck did not require belonging to a particular gender.

The serpentine drove away everything bad from a person, and the snake heads vigilantly watched so that a person would not missed your luck. Very often he was promoted, figuring out in which direction to go in search of happiness. This amazing talisman was most often made of metal, but wooden images are also found. The main rule is that you cannot transfer or donate your Serpentine. It's like giving your luck to someone else. Who will volunteer to do this?


Very often it was worn precisely in order to bring happiness into life. Not only brave warriors wanted happy life but also to women. Rarely, but they wore such amulets. Most often - secretly, because by its nature, Kolovrat male sign. Women it was not appropriate to use it, but many secretly under their clothes always carried a small image with them.

Black Sun

Universal security symbol, which was protected not only on the battlefield, but also in everyday life. Dark forces tried to penetrate into the soul of a person, to take away from him all the brightest, purest. This symbol helped against them. He fenced a person from the harmful influence of dark magic, helped him cope with difficulties.

This sign brought good luck to those who honor their fathers and grandfather, follow the chosen path with their heads held high. It is not suitable for the weak, so, strong-willed love chose him as a happy amulet.

From evil, damage, evil eye

IN old days mysticism and magic were commonplace. Everyone knew that a person can have amazing abilities. So, white magic was practiced, but there was also black magic. Evil eye, damage, black love spells were energy hazards. Young girls could be bewitched by guys, and grown men for your pleasure. They appeared to them at night in dreams, forcing them to do various pleasant and not so pleasant things.

Also, evil spirits who wanted to take possession of his soul could get into a person’s dreams. The man thought that had a bad dream, and us in fact, his soul was captured by an evil force. Symbols that they wore on themselves, embroidered on nightgown or hidden under the bed they took care of a person in a dream and in reality.


This the symbol was worn exclusively by women. He protected them from the eye, corruption or curse. To bewitch a girl who wears around her neck silver lunnitsa was impossible. Everyone knew this. This is another symbol of the goddess Lada, who patronized young, inexperienced girls so that trouble would not happen to them.

The symbol protected their femininity, protected them from problems with conception. If someone wanted to harm, then the spoilage of infertility was imposed on the woman. Then there was no need to think about a happy family life. To prevent this from happening, it was necessary Wear a lunette around your neck, and embroider a nightgown with the symbols of the goddess Lada.

Symbol of the Family

Powerful protection against the forces of evil - Rod. All your ancestors stood up for protection, drove away evil, damage, curses and evil words from you with their own forces. He acted only when a person led a righteous life, honored the memory of his ancestors. Ultimately, everyone was in some family ties. Huge people held each other helping each other so. Remember the story about the broom? It is easy to break it along the twig, but to break the whole one? This is impossible. There is no such force that would break an entire nation.

Faith in their ancestors helped the Slavs in difficult times, protected them from misfortunes. To them asked for advice and support. The symbol of the Family is also solar. after all, this is one of the oldest symbols that scientists have managed to find.

Perunov Color

Protects from all misfortunes, and especially from diseases induced by magic . A person can

curse on sickness, so that he then does not know how to be treated, what to do. If no means help, then someone cursed or jinxed. Then put on this amulet. In general, it was advised to wear it constantly behind a belt. Then the disease will not get through. If it wasn’t worn, then it was only allowed to put it on during the illness, and then Perunov Tsvet had to be in the ground bury, because he took all the negativity.

Popular questions for the practice of Slavic magic

Not all questions are easily answered. People often ask at the council's practitioners so this is just a small list of popular questions. The answer to them is always very simple. But, every little thing matters if you decide get a real Slavic amulet.

Whether to wear every day?

Not all charms or amulets must be worn every day. If you have made or bought an item with powerful protective properties, then you do not need to wear it every day. You can wear it when life begins unplanned (unpleasant) change, or you are in danger.

His energy is very strong, you can't always stand the whole day with them or the night. In a dangerous situation, all his strength is spent on protection, you do not feel so keenly how strong the protective symbol is. The most important - you should be comfortable. If your head hurts a lot, you feel sick, your pressure drops, you constantly want to sleep - the energy of the amulet suppresses you. This symbol does not fit. Perhaps a woman wears a man's or vice versa.

Make your own talisman or better buy?

No one can give you a definite answer to this question. The point is that both ways are good. For
those who are just starting their practices are best amulet or buy a charm. Of course, ideal if you buy it from a trusted master, practice. He will do everything according to the canons, so that he will act without fail.

If you have already reached a certain level, then you can do it yourself. Be sure to study the images and tips of the masters. Otherwise, you might make a mistake the amulet will be damaged. It is better not to wear such an object of power, it is not known how it will work.

I heard that amulets need to be cleaned with salt

This is true. Once a year, or more often, amulets need to be cleaned. Salt is a universal remedy. It takes on all the energy of the subject, clearing it of negativity. It is necessary to immerse the amulet in a bowl or other container filled with coarse sea salt. Leave it like this for 1-3 days.

After that, the amulet can be used again, he gave away all the accumulated negativity. This salt should not be kept at home or eaten. So you take it all back. She needs dig into the ground or let it flow along the river.

Where to buy a good amulet?

Many esoteric stores offer a choice of wooden or metal amulets. There you can find the names and contacts of the masters. It matters how long he has been practicing working with wood, how well he knows the rules for creating these items. It is best to take the contact of the master from trusted people who are well versed in this tradition. Then you will get really valuable, charged with the correct energy thing.

For a long time in Rus', a huge role was assigned to objects that protect against bad influences - amulets. They were aimed at saving a person from troubles, misfortunes, the evil eye.
It was believed that wearing special items of sacred significance would certainly bring good luck or protect the wearer. As a rule, the amulet was put on from childhood and was not removed all his life.

It should be noted that the life of the Slavs is closely connected with its cult, ritual side.

For example, our ancestors would not just build a house in a new place. First, they would sow the required area with cereal plants and see if a good place was chosen for the future home. If the seedlings were sluggish and the harvest unimportant, it was believed that nothing good would come of the venture, and they set off to look for another place.

So much attention was paid to the spiritual sphere. For the people of that time, it would be more surprising if the subtle laws of the universe were not observed.

Things that contributed to the protection of the home and life of the owner were given special significance.

A horseshoe was considered a lucky charm.

Finding the horseshoe was a huge stroke of luck. Since the blacksmith forged it in fire and cooled it in water, all kinds of protective properties were attributed to it, which connected the two elements.

The man who found the horseshoe spat on it, rubbed it, made a wish, threw it over his left shoulder. In a word, he carried out a lot of manipulations that would help attract good luck.

The found horseshoe was necessarily nailed to the front doors, while each of its positions said what kind of benefit the new owner would like to receive.

If a horseshoe was nailed with horns down - this is to protect the home, with horns up - good luck in the family and the house is a full bowl, on the inside of the door - to harmonize the overall energy of the house. To attract finance to the house, a horseshoe just found was placed on the windowsill with its horns towards the window. If you bury the amulet at the northwestern corner of the dwelling, it will certainly attract good luck in business and the support of higher powers.

A wicker fence was a kind of amulet against poverty and vegetation. This magical thing was woven from willow, which served as a kind of guard that did not let bad people into the dwelling.

Slavic Krashenka (painted egg) was also listed as amulets and endowed with magical properties. She was credited with the ability to endow all living things with strength, beauty, health and well-being.

In our culture, the egg is a symbol of life and death. Now it is customary to paint it only for Easter, but earlier Easter eggs were used as a talisman for various things. The beekeepers put them in the hive for a better harvest of honey, women waiting for replenishment painted a bird on the eggs, as a symbol of the soul among the Slavs. Krashenki were placed in the cradle of a baby so that they protected him from the evil eye. These drawings were not random, sacred symbols were passed down from generation to generation. Now Easter eggs are also kept as a talisman. With their help, you can easily determine whether the energy in the house is healthy. If the Easter egg fades and exudes an unpleasant odor, this is a signal that you need to clean your home.

An ornament in clothes is also a kind of amulet. Everything that the craftswoman wanted to say, she depicted in the form of embroidered symbols. Not only the symbols, but also the colors of the threads have meaning. Here are the signs of the sun, fields, people. Ornaments merge into a bizarre pattern that the mind does not understand, but is perceived at the level of feelings, and this sets a person in a positive way.

The main female amulet was a wreath. It was considered a symbol of purity and innocence. Ribbons were woven into wreaths not for beauty, but in order to protect hair from the evil eye. In addition, each color of the ribbon symbolized something. For example, a red ribbon was woven for well-being, a yellow one symbolized the sun, a green one symbolized youth, and a white one symbolized ancestors.

For many epochs, not a single person, not a single hut, not a single courtyard in Ancient Rus' was conceived without folk amulets. The Russian population firmly believed that it was thanks to their magical abilities that they were reliably protected from all kinds of ailments, "evil eyes", natural disasters and any troubles, that wearing and using special talismans brings good luck.

Gradually, the point of view of people on the events happening around changed. The way of life, family environment, housing, as well as other main worldly landmarks changed. Only each time the eternal desire of a person to protect and save his family hearth and his relatives from troubles was preserved. Our ancestors implemented this through protective amulets. Moreover, they were put on at the birth of a child and did not part with them all their lives.

When placing buildings in the yard, traditional rites were followed, because a well-built house was actually the best protection from all sorts of sorrows and problems. Just like in the old days, so today, all people strive most of all to protect the courtyard of their house. The boundary of private space is steadily carried out along the fence around the courtyard and is protected by certain symbolic things. These include, in particular, horseshoes nailed to the gate, on doors, gates for luck, crucibles and pots, shabby bast shoes, those that are hung on the fence, or nets that are thrown over the hedge or wattle fence.

Horseshoe - a charm for good luck

In Rus', since the time of Adam, a horseshoe has been attributed to an amulet of concomitant success, prosperity, and protection. And this is confirmed by various legends and beliefs. In bygone eras, when iron had just made its first steps into Europe, it was so expensive that any iron trinket was considered precious. However, this was not the main thing for the horseshoe, the key factor was that it was forged by a blacksmith in a cleansing flame, and also that it was similar in configuration to a heavenly body and personified a young month.

Finding a horseshoe on the way was considered an exceptionally good omen. In certain areas, in addition, they observed specific actions with such a successful find: they raised a horseshoe, spit on it, made a wish, threw it over their left shoulder and went home, in no case looking back. But this custom did not take root.

Different European peoples have their own legends about the importance of a horseshoe as a sign of fortune and prosperity. The most common among all of them is the Anglo-Saxon tradition of the immaculate Dunstan and the Evil One. Before Dunstan, the future Archbishop of Canterbury, the devil himself suddenly appeared and turned to him with a proposal to shoe his hooves. Dunstan, being also a blacksmith, agreed to such a procedure. Nevertheless, he shod the devil so firmly that he, feeling unimaginable pain, asked for mercy. In exchange for freedom, the demon promised that he would never enter the entrances, over which a horseshoe would hang. In all likelihood, the described Christian version of the role of the horseshoe as protecting things was adopted by Christians from the ancient idolatrous Celts, who assumed that a horseshoe nailed over the doors would be able to repel the penetration of otherworldly visitors.

In ancient Egypt and Babylon, a horseshoe resembling a new moon was considered a cult of the fertility goddesses Isis and Astarte.

She was always credited with some kind of magical power, and most powerful personalities collected them. In the office of the Austrian emperor Ferdinand I, there was a large collection of all kinds of horseshoes. The current riders and riders want to save the horseshoe of the horse, on which they were lucky enough to win or set the highest record again.

By the way, how to hang a horseshoe?

Horns up or Horns down? And also, in which zone specifically to place it?

In modern times, such a talisman is used in every way:

  • - a nailed amulet over the entrance doors with horns to the valley protects the dwelling from dashing;
  • - horns up - attracts good luck to the family hearth;
  • nailed on the inner and invisible side of the doors smooths out the fluid of housing, provided that there are geopathic places in it that are undesirable for the state of human health. For this, souvenir amulets are placed at the head of the sleeping areas;
  • the talisman laid on the very first night of the full moon on the windowsill with the ends from the window, activates the attraction of finances into the house and by all means serves as a help for material well-being;
  • buried underground near the northwestern wall of the dwelling, it will bring luck, help and support;
  • provided that the gifts of the flora grow unsatisfactorily in the room, for reasons that are not understood, lay a horseshoe near them.


In antiquity, one of the most significant amulets, indeed, was a fence. Due to the fact that the traditional Slavic economy seemed to be a real model of the world, and the first obstacle on the road of malevolent forces was precisely the wattle fence. She served as a kind of guard, not allowing enemies and evil spirits to enter the court, various talismans, crucibles of skulls and dilapidated chuni were hung on her to scare away evil forces.

In modern life, a luxurious amulet - wattle, fastened to the wall in the room, protects the bosom of the family from poverty, cold and disease. In addition, the interlacing of twigs represents strong domestic relationships, glorious more and more new ties, as well as deep friendly ties.

The type of material from which the wattle is made is also interesting. Few people know that it was from the willow that the “magic hedge” was woven.

This is probably due to the amazing property of rakita to restore. A trimmed willow twig, planted in damp ground, sprouts steadily.

In Russia, fluffy soft willow balls blooming in early spring have become the main symbolism of Palm Sunday, one of the most central Christian celebrations preceding Easter.

Pysanka was kept in huts as a talisman.

It was revered that it not only gives power to everything that awakens to the new: the earth, and man, and animals, and plants, but also brings beauty, health, and well-being.

Slavic pysanka is a tradition of painting bird eggs with paints and beeswax that has reached modern times. Previously, they accompanied any person in the process of his entire life, from birth to death, protecting from hardship.

For most peoples, an egg is a sign of birth and life. The ornaments that were applied to the pysanka are by no means random. Absolutely any contains its own purpose. Drawings of Easter eggs, color combinations passed from pedigree to pedigree.

Easter eggs will not be allowed to be faked - they are all fragile and susceptible to the mood of the craftswoman, if you suddenly sit down to draw in confusion or discontent, they are able to fly out of the pens and shatter.

Now eggs are mostly painted only for Easter. Previously, they were written throughout the year: for bees, so that there was an abundance of honey in the hives, for fields, so that there was an excellent harvest. Women expecting babies decorated eggs with flowers or birds. It was a strong amulet for a child. She, painted with suns and beautiful butterflies, was placed in cradles for babies, given to children for a bright, easy and carefree life - with "bloodworms". Jewelry painted with wishes for the young, it was considered the most expensive gift at the wedding.

Protective amulets - an ornament on clothes


Clothing separates each person from the external environment. And whatever the method of protection, in accordance with the faith of our distant ancestors, it was necessary to strengthen it through the miraculous influence, repeatedly encrypted in the drawings of patterns, in the manifestations of the creations of art. Patterns of embroidery or weaving passed from pedigree to pedigree, brightening up ethnic garments. All of them were absolutely not disorderly.

Diversity in ornamentation arose only at the end of the 19th at the beginning of the 20th century in areas in which there was a fairly large influence of the metropolis. In the old days, in eras that even today are far from fully and completely explored by us, the peasants depicted an obvious beautiful world, personal views about it, their own interdependence with it, their judgments about it in a conventional pictorial language. These were the original functions of the code, invented by the peoples and possessing magical properties.

It is possible that conditional images protected from hardship. Smoothly, this system turns into an artistic ornament, which, in addition to its magical essence, has received an aesthetic essence, which is preserved even now, and makes one involuntarily admire this indescribable mysterious beauty. Thus, since ancient times, our adored ancestors have been sending us signals-symbols about their lives, about their worldview, about their relationship with the forces of flora and fauna. The decoding of these signals began to be investigated almost recently, and there are still quite a lot of fascinating and unusual things to be learned by people of future generations.

Patterns, complex in image, rich in bright colors, decorated ethnic clothes. At first it is difficult to understand their ancient secret meaning. The pacified beauty of geometric figures does not reflect the system of the universe imagined by our forefathers, however, it is here that we see the signs of the sun with curved fanciful ends, and the signs of a field like a rhombus with a dot in the center, and the signs of little men.

There were also all kinds of ornaments with simpler images of people, representatives of the plant and animal world, but their origins are in the most ancient Slavic traditions.

Charms for women

Charm wreath

Girls from time immemorial have embellished their person with crowns of flowers. The gifts of the flora - fragile and short-lived personified the girlish color and sinlessness.

A wreath for girls was a symbol of girlish innocence, chastity, he protected her from the "evil look", from the "impure magical power".

In summer, only fresh flowers were woven into wreaths: cornflowers, poppies, chamomile, marigolds. In the spring, sunny wreaths of dandelions looked dazzling.

Bright ribbons were attached to the wreaths, the colors of which indicated certain symbols:

  • The light brown ribbon personified the Earth-nurse.
  • The yellow symbolizes the sun.
  • Green - beauty and youth.
  • Blue and blue - water and sky.
  • Orange ribbon - bread.
  • Purple ribbon - human wisdom.
  • A pink ribbon was woven for well-being.
  • Ancestors were honored with a white ribbon.

There is a point of view that the Little Russian crown with ribbons, which since the time of Adam has been considered a mixed component of the national dress, is nothing more than a bow to the “bright peace-loving sky” above the heads of those who walk in it. This is an unusual amulet against everything nasty and fierce.

Wreaths were thrown on trees and attics, fearing God's wrath - lightning, placed directly under the initial sheaf in order to increase the subsequent harvest of crops, laid in nests for hens, in cradles of newborns, buried under clothes from witches, lowered into fields and gardens. The girls tried to wash themselves with water from a wet wreath in order to always be beautiful and healthy.

Our ancestors were clearly aware that it was their “head” that helped them understand the world around them. In this regard, hats were widely used to protect them from the evil eye and various intrigues of malicious people. There was a legend that the wreaths nailed on the doors guarantee the whole family health and well-being for the whole year.

Small wreaths, like a talisman, were given even to men who went to war.

With the idea of ​​​​preparing amulets of love, for childbirth, for wealth and happiness, onion-garlic, ribbons, spikelets, delicacies, curls, special miraculous herbs were tied into wreaths.





project participants: students of group TSh-71

supervisor: Kupriyanova Inna Vladimirovna, teacher of the discipline "Florist and paper-plastic" (optional)

Objective of the project:

· to acquaint students with one of the phenomena of Russian folk art - a talisman.

Project objectives:

consolidate knowledge about symbols and ancient images;

to develop the creative potential of students;

· cultivate love for folk art, respect for one's work, perseverance.


Project execution plan

1. The study of Russian amulets, their significance in the life of Russian peasants

2. Making amulets

3. Presentation of the project

The theme of "Amulets" has been of interest to me for a very long time. Once upon a time, my mother and I were at an exhibition of paintings at the All-Russian Exhibition Center and there I saw these funny and funny brownies. We stood next to the shop window for a long time and looked at the crafts. These were various brooms, wickerwork, spoons, pigtails, paws, domovyata. Each amulet was different from each other, but at the same time, each work had its own character, its own soul, there was so much warmth and kindness in these works. I was especially struck by what they were made of. These were various cereals, grains, cones, herbs, dried flowers, berries, mushrooms (from salt dough), seeds, bark and twigs of trees, various braids, shreds of fabric, etc. It seemed nothing special, but at the same time I wanted to take them in my hands and look at them and look.

Therefore, I would like to introduce others to amulets - housewives, because people believed that a brownie lives in everyone, who must be appeased, otherwise he gets angry and harms the inhabitants of the house.

Goals and objectives of the project


The centuries-old history of culture is inextricably linked with folk beliefs. They came to us from the depths of time as a memory of our ancestors, the first attempts to understand the world around us, to protect ourselves from adverse events. Folk customs and beliefs have changed over time along with changes in the culture of the people.

Ancient Slavic customs and rituals were not forgotten even after the arrival of Christianity in Rus'. The Orthodox Church has shown wisdom and tolerance. Therefore, Christianity only pushed back, but did not destroy the traditional worldview.

For thousands of years, not one house in Rus' could do without amulets. Miniature images of an ax, a bell, spoons, as well as ordinary household items: sourdough, broom, poker, bast shoes, etc. were widely used in rituals. People believed that amulets protect them from diseases, the "evil eye", predatory animals, natural disasters and various misfortunes. Going on a long journey, a person took a talisman with him so that the goodness, faith and love invested in him warmed the soul, reminded him of his father's house and land.

Gradually, a person's view of the events taking place around him changed. Life, utensils, housing and other aspects of life changed. But the desire inherent in people to protect their home and members of their family from adversity remained unchanged. Our ancestors protected it with the help of proper location on the site, observed special rituals in choosing a place and construction, and after construction - with the help of a wide variety of symbolic images. A properly built house in itself was the best protection against possible troubles and troubles.

Our ancestors knew very well that the whole future life in a new place depends on how correctly the site for building a house is chosen. For this reason, they attached so much importance to the choice of site and the observance of the building ritual. These beliefs originate in ancient times, and today many of them may seem to us unusual superstitions, while others, on the contrary, are full of deep hidden meaning.

So, in ancient times it was impossible to build a house on a place where lightning hit, abandoned by people due to natural disasters or diseases. They did not build a house, and together, where human remains were found, serious crimes were committed, someone was seriously injured, where the shafts broke or the cart overturned. Traditionally, there was respect for cemeteries.

Therefore, the traditional Slavic house was usually built as a model of the universe. The stove was a symbol of the Earth, and the opposite red corner with icons - the Sun and God in the sky ... The cult of the house is one of the oldest, therefore, ideas about the need to protect the house from real and invisible enemies have such a solid age.

The main natural boundary of the house is the walls, openings and roof, which were protected in wooden houses with the help of symbolic carvings. The door also served as a natural amulet. In houses, specially woven curtains were hung at the doors, the opening was circled along the contour with red clay.

At the birth of a child, a notch was made on the door frame with an ax as a message about the addition to the family. There was also a custom in the villages not to lock the door, to keep them open for everyone who came with good intentions.

The threshold was endowed with the greatest protective power. Signs are well known that it is impossible to pass anything through the threshold, to talk and greet through the threshold, to stand on the threshold. When crossing this line, there are numerous, both pagan in origin and Christian, prayer-amulets.

Our ancestors also tried to protect the yard. The boundary of personal space runs along the fence around the courtyard and is protected by a number of symbolic objects. These can be, for example, pots and lids, horseshoes, old bast shoes, etc., which are hung on gates and fences, a net that is thrown over a fence or wattle fence. It was believed that in this way it is possible to scare away birds of prey and save domestic animals. Also, pebbles with holes, the so-called "chicken gods", also having amulets value, were hung on fence stakes or wattle fences. In our time, attention to the outer border of the yard - the fence has almost disappeared, however, the tradition is still alive - to nail a horseshoe on the gate for good luck.

Statuettes - amulets are weather vanes that were placed on the roofs of houses. In Rus', most often it was a horse or a rooster. This amulet protected the house from all kinds of misfortunes.

Amulets accompanied the life of a peasant from birth to death. The main everyday amulets of Russians in the 19th - early 20th centuries were the pectoral cross and belt. The cross was often put on the baby even during childbirth, so that the child would not die unbaptized. For the unbaptized, according to popular beliefs, his guardian angel could not intercede.

According to popular belief, the child was given his next amulet by nature itself, as soon as his first milk tooth grew. Prior to that, he was considered especially accessible to the machinations of evil spirits, because of which it was not customary to leave him alone even for a minute.

A protective function was also carried by a cape on a shawl, which was customarily sewn from a mother's skirt. It was customary to keep two crossed knives, scissors opened with a cross, a handwritten prayer “Saints of help” (90th psalm) or “Prayer to the Holy Cross” for a talisman under the pillow in a shaky way.

From the spirits that, according to legend, penetrated the house from the outside, the child was protected with a broom for the floor, placed on the threshold at night. Instead of a broom, an ax was often placed on the threshold with the blade up. Soot smears behind the ear or on those parts of the body where its bones formed a “cross” served as a talisman against the evil eye.

For the first time, the belt was put on the baby at the stove post when he reached the age of one, but if he died before this time, then they put him in the coffin girded.

From the age of seven, a pin was worn to protect against the evil eye. For a talisman, men carried a nail or other sharp object in their pocket.

At the wedding, the bride and groom took the “Vacation” prayer for a talisman against witchcraft, which they bought from a relative or friend of a sorcerer. Needles with a broken eye were stuck into the hem of the bride, such needles were stuck into the waist part of the trousers for the groom. The bride and groom could carry onion and garlic for a talisman, mercury in a goose feather, the groom put a silver ruble or a flat stone under the heel in his right boot. An additional amulet on his wedding day was a belt that was never worn by a person. Wedding amulets were worn by newlyweds for 40 days after the wedding.

The whole life of the Russian people was permeated with a grateful and respectful attitude towards nature, in which there are mythical creatures that live in water, earth, air, fire, forest, field (goblin, water, field, brownies, kikimors, beregini, etc.). For different aspects of life and life, one or another host or assistant was responsible. Amulets have been prepared for a long time to protect the house and its inhabitants from bad spirits, diseases, to attract the brownie and appease him.

In Rus', they believed that no house stands without a brownie. Brownie is the soul of the house, the patron of the dwelling and the people living in it. He lives in the house, preferring a place where it is warm and satisfying - a stove, a kitchen. The well-being of the house depended on a respectful attitude towards the brownie. The “neighbor” arranges minor troubles for negligent owners: knocks at night, hides things, drops clothes, etc. If the brownie is on friendly terms with the owner, the house is under his protection. Brownie loves to transform into different animals, especially a cat. When moving to a new place, “Neighbour” was always called with them. He was transported in a bast shoes, on a bread shovel, on a broom: “here are those sleighs, go with us.”

Continuing these traditions, our contemporary artists make the image of a brownie and a “domovushka”. This is a broom, braid, shoulder blade, wreath, painting, etc. they depict household items made specifically for the brownie. They are made up of folklore Slavic symbols.

"Domovushki" are most often hung on the wall in the kitchen. They are made from natural materials: leather, bast, cereals, salt dough, dried berries and flowers. The basis of the "house" can be a broom, a bag, a wooden spoon, a horseshoe, a wreath.

All "houses" contain a similar set of symbolic figures and objects: miniature brooms, bast shoes and wreaths, wicker tablecloths, pots of porridge, pastries, bouquets of dried flowers. According to tradition, it should contain 12 items-symbols, no more and no less.

Each item has its own meaning:

v a broom symbolizes cleanliness in the house;

v garlic and pepper expel evil spirits;

v dough products, cereals - hospitality and prosperity;

v a bouquet of dried flowers - comfort and beauty;

v sunflower seeds - children in the house;

v bag - wealth, abundance;

v peas and beans - peace and friendship;

v braid - longevity;

v figurines of a man and a woman - love and inseparability of bonds;

v coins, bump - success in business, business;

v croup - peace and harmony in the family;

v house - family, home, comfort;

v corn - health in children, mutual understanding in the family;

v symbol of a jug - water, health;

v bay leaf - glory and success;

v immortelle - longevity;

v poppy - fulfillment of desires


Amulets have been prepared for a long time to protect the house and its inhabitants from bad spirits, diseases, to attract the brownie and appease him. There is a huge variety of amulets and areas of their application.

Collected and dried magical plants are suitable for the amulet-broom.

When creating amulets, you must follow some rules:

1. Charms cannot be crafted for yourself.

2. No one can force anyone to make an amulet for himself or ask him to do it. Amulets are made only of good will and from a pure soul.

3.. The most powerful amulets are those that are made, made for you by your blood relatives: father, mother, brother, children. Marital ties are traditionally not considered consanguinity, but if the marriage is harmonious and happy, mutually created amulets also have great power.

4. You need to be very careful about the choice of materials for amulets, because often the material (stone, wood) that is good for you is completely unsuitable for the person you are creating this amulet for.

5. In the process of creating an amulet, you must constantly think about the person for whom you are making it, keep his image in front of your mind, feel his energy, mood, character, needs.

If you strictly follow all five rules, it is likely that the amulet you made will really be able to protect its owner from many troubles and misfortunes.

Charm broom

that beautiful little thing (broom) is both an ornament, a talisman and a whole fairy tale. The broom is known among many peoples as a symbol that protects from evil entering the house. In Rus', it was customary to change the ritual broom annually, throwing it at the crossroads. It was believed that with a broom the troubles accumulated during the year go away. The more beautiful and neat your broom, the greater its strength.

A broom is easy to make from plants of the bluegrass family. To do this, you need to tie the plants into small bundles (thick as an index finger). Make a bandage in the middle of each bundle. Put several bundles side by side, conditionally divide the lower parts (panicle inflorescences) in half and make one more dressing below the existing one, but already capturing two halves of adjacent bundles in one dressing. The upper part is the panicle itself, and the lower part is the butt. The butt should be tied tightly with linen or paper twine, creating a neat and comfortable handle. The top of the panicle and the bottom of the butt should be carefully trimmed with scissors and a knife. The basis for the "house" is ready.

Now you need to attach decoration elements and symbols to the panicle. For each, this decoration can be individual, depending on the meaning invested in its creation.

If you place the amulet-wreath with a whisk down, then it helps to sweep quarrels out of the hut, drives out evil spirits.

A broom, located with a panicle up - attracts money to the house.

Charm panel

The role of the amulet panel is the same as that of the broom, it also contains various objects that protect the house from evil, bring goodness and understanding.


The bag has always been associated in Rus' with wealth, it can be decorated with various symbols, or it can simply stand in the corner, protecting the house and bringing wealth to it. The bags are stored as long as the herbal smell is felt.

painted eggs

In Rus', it was also believed that painted eggs protect from troubles and diseases.

Harvest amulet

Prosperity next year can be attracted already this year, if you decorate the house with a fruitful amulet to the Veils. This symbol is created on the basis of the generous gifts of nature and serves not only as a talisman for the well-being of your family, but also as a wonderful element of decor. After all, today the style of "country" - rural is very popular in decorating the interior, so such a talisman will be fashionable and appropriate in almost any apartment. Dried flowers, nuts, wild rose, garlic, wheat spikelets are perfect.

Light parts (dried flowers, spikelets, twigs, dry dill, physalis) are simply pushed under the ribbons. Heavier ones (cloves of garlic, halves of a nut: broken in half, it looks more spectacular - onions, beans) are glued to the ribbons. We attach the heaviest elements (a whole head of garlic, a decorative pumpkin) to the foam rubber with long sewing pins in several places, and rowan branches with a stapler.


Horseshoes of happiness have a decorative function, as well as the function of a talisman and amulet. For centuries, the horseshoe has been considered an amulet that brings happiness and protection in all countries where horses are shod. This is partly because it is made of iron and forged by a blacksmith in a cleansing fire, and partly because its shape resembles, and therefore symbolizes, a young month.

In Rus', since ancient times, finding a horseshoe on the road was considered a very good omen. In some regions, the correct sequence of actions was even deduced with such a happy find: pick up a horseshoe, spit on it, make a wish, throw it over your left shoulder and go your own way without looking back. But another practice has taken root: take a horseshoe with you and nail it over the front door or on the threshold.

Legends and all kinds of beliefs about a horseshoe that brings happiness have deep historical and psychological roots. In the early centuries, when iron was just beginning to penetrate Europe, it was so expensive that any item made of iron was considered valuable. And in the peasant economy, iron was even more rare, and therefore it was really happiness to find a horseshoe from which you could make something for the house: a knife, a scraper or just a nail.

Different European peoples have their own legends about the meaning of a horseshoe as a symbol of good luck, grace and happiness. The most famous of these is the Anglo-Saxon legend of St. Dunstan and the Devil. The devil himself appeared to the future Archbishop of Canterbury Dunstan (909-988) and asked to shoe his hoof. Dunstan, who was also a blacksmith, agreed to such a deal. However, he shod the devil so tightly that he, experiencing incredible pain, asked for mercy. In exchange for freedom, the devil swore that he would never enter the door, over which a horseshoe hangs. Probably, this Christian version of the meaning of the horseshoe as a protective object was adopted by Christians from the ancient pagan Celts, who believed that a horseshoe nailed over the doors was able to repel the intrusion of otherworldly guests.

In ancient Babylon and Egypt, the horseshoe, whose shape resembles the shape of the waxing moon, was associated with the cult of the fertility goddesses Astarte and Isis.

Horseshoes have always had some kind of magical power, and many powerful people have collected them. The office of the Austrian Emperor Ferdinand I had a large collection of all kinds of horseshoes. Modern riders and jockeys strive to keep the horseshoe on which they managed to win a prize or set a record.

But how to hang a horseshoe? Horns up or horns down? And where exactly to hang it?

In the East, in Europe and Latin America, horseshoes are hung on the wall with the horns down - so that happiness pours on you. But the British and Irish are convinced that it is necessary to hang it upside down so that happiness does not flow out. The Mexican horseshoe - decorated with ribbons and coins, the faces of saints, hangs high - no one can touch it. And the Italians, on the contrary, hang a horseshoe so that everyone who enters touches it.

In Russia they hang with the horns down. But not the adherents of the teachings of Feng Shui. Here the opinion is different - a horseshoe with horns up, so that the house is - a full bowl.

Today, the horseshoe as a talisman is used in different ways:

Nailed over the doors with horns down protects the house from evil;

Horns up - attracts well-being to the house;

Placed on the inside of the door, it evens out the energy of the room if it has geopathogenic zones that are harmful to health. For the same purpose, you can keep souvenir horseshoes at the head of the beds;

In a car, it will protect the owner from accidents and bring him good luck in business;

Laid on the first night of the full moon on the windowsill with the ends inward, it will begin to attract money into the house and in every possible way contribute to material well-being;

Buried in the ground near the northwestern wall of the house, will bring good luck in the field of help and support;

If flowers do not grow well in the house for unknown reasons, place a horseshoe near them.


Not a single Slavic house could do without amulets in antiquity, and one of the most important, no doubt, was the wattle fence. After all, the traditional Slavic courtyard was a real model of the world, and the first barrier in the way of hostile forces was precisely the fence, the wattle fence. He performed protective functions, not letting strangers and enemies into the yard, horseshoes, clay pots and old bast shoes were hung on him to scare away evil forces.

Today, an elegant wattle fence hung on the wall will protect the family from hunger, cold and disease. In addition, the interlacing of rods symbolizes close family ties, pleasant new acquaintances and strong friendships.

The material from which our wattle is made is also interesting. Few people know that in the fairy tales of different peoples, “magic wands” were made from willow, and in ancient Greece, willow was dedicated to the goddess of witchcraft, Hekate. Many great healers of the past wrote about the healing properties of willow. Avicenna, Paracelsus and other scientists recommended willow bark and juice for various diseases.

In Rus', fluffy balls of goat willow blooming in early spring have become the main symbol of Palm Sunday, one of the most important Orthodox holidays preceding Easter. Perhaps this is due to the amazing ability of the willow to regenerate - folk wisdom says about this: "The willow grows from a poke," or "The willow was mowed, but it grew again." Indeed, a cut willow twig stuck in moist soil will almost certainly sprout, and it happened that willow wattles began to grow too!


Brownies are mischievous and mischievous spirits of your home. They can steal some sweets or a little thing, confuse a horse's mane, make noise and rattle at night - scare the owners. But if you respect the brownie, you put out a treat for him - you won’t find a better assistant. He manages the household, and looks after domestic animals, and saves from fire, and helps in illness!

According to the belief of many peoples, brownies lived near the fire - both warm and goodies from the oven are within easy reach. You will not envy the owner who did not let the brownie near the stove to warm up! Brownies, of course, are kind creatures, but they will not tolerate disrespectful attitude - they will begin to take revenge and play pranks!

Brownie is changeable and unpredictable, like life, like the fate of the house or the fate of the family. He can be kind, cunning, mischievous, indifferent and even harmful. The happiness and well-being of the house depended on a respectful attitude towards the brownie. Brownie is the invisible soul of the house, the patron of housing and the people living in it. He is an ideal host, an eternal troublemaker, sometimes grouchy, sometimes mischievous, but always caring and kind. The “neighbor” arranges minor troubles for negligent owners - knocks at night, hides things, drops clothes, etc. If the brownie is on friendly terms with the owner, the house is under his protection. It was believed that in the absence of people, the brownie at night takes on the appearance of the owners, walking around the house and around the yard, scares thieves. People tried to maintain good relations with the brownies, did not forget to address him with an affectionate word, leave some tasty food and small gifts. Then the brownie will repay good for good: he will keep peace and tranquility in the family, he will warn and save the house from troubles and ruin, he will take care of the cattle, help with the housework


An elegant house braid can serve not only to decorate the interior. She has another wonderful feature - to appease the invisible patron of your house - the brownie. You can give a luxurious braid to your brownie, or you can give it to the house of your relatives, neighbors or friends. It is a pleasure for anyone to receive such a gift. Such a braid symbolizes the growth of well-being, and its weaving means the consent and unity of all family members. The scythe is also a symbol of the infinity of your kind.

Bast shoes

Shoes could also be a talisman.

Gifts were hidden in shoes, and the shoes themselves could be a valuable gift - they were given by young people. Wanting to tell a girl about their feelings.

It was believed that red shoes protect a person from negative energy.

There are many fortune-telling and beliefs associated with shoes - during fortune-telling, the girls stood with their backs to the gate and threw the felt boots onto the street. In which direction the sock will show, wait for the matchmakers from there.

Bast shoes have long been in Rus' a talisman of family happiness and home comfort, gifts for brownies were placed in it.


1. Labor protection requirements before starting work

1.1. Put on overalls, put your hair under a scarf.

1.2. Check for rusty needles and pins.

1.3. Prepare the workplace for work, remove all unnecessary.

1.4. Make sure that the protective grounding (zeroing) of the body of the electric sewing machine is available and in good condition, that there is a dielectric mat on the floor near the machine.

2. Labor protection requirements during work

2.1. Store needles and pins in a specific place (pads, special boxes, etc.), do not leave them at the workplace.

2.2. Do not use when working with rusty needles and pins, in no case take needles and pins in your mouth.

2.3. Sew with needles only with a thimble.

2.4. Attach patterns and fabrics with the sharp ends of the pins away from you.

2.5. Store scissors in a certain place, put them with closed sharp ends away from you, pass them to each other with handles forward.

2.6. Do not lean close to the moving parts of the sewing machine.

2.7. Keep your fingers away from the sewing machine foot to avoid being pierced by the needle.

2.8. Before sewing the product on the sewing machine, make sure that there are no pins or needles on the seam line.

2.9. Do not bite off the threads with your teeth, but cut them off with scissors.

3. The requirement of labor protection in emergency situations

3.1. If a malfunction occurs in the operation of the sewing machine, stop working, release the start pedal of the electric sewing machine and inform the teacher (teacher, master) about this. Continue work only after the fault has been eliminated.

3.2. In the event of a sewing needle or pin breaking, do not throw them on the floor, but put them in the trash.

3.3. In case of injury, provide first aid to the victim, if necessary, send him to the nearest medical institution and inform the administration of the institution.

3.4. In case of electric shock, provide first aid to the victim, if the victim has no breathing and pulse, give him artificial respiration or indirect heart massage until breathing and pulse are restored and send the victim to the nearest medical facility.

4. The requirement of labor protection at the end of work

4.1. Disconnect the electric machine from the mains.

4.2. Check the availability of working tools and tidy up the workplace.

4.3. Carry out wet cleaning of the room and its ventilation.

4.4. Wash hands thoroughly with soap.


The exposition of amulets participated in the exhibition of student creativity of the State Educational Institution SPO KPTK, the regional student exhibition of students' creative works, at the exhibition of the Days of German Culture.


The cost of raw materials, materials, accessories

Name of materials


Unit cost

Consumption rate

price, rub.

Amount, rub.

Cotton fabric

Adhesive fabric

floss threads



Calculation of cost items

Name of cost items

Unit costs, rub.

Raw materials, materials and accessories

Realized waste

Transport and procurement costs

PPP salary

Additional salary

Deductions for social needs

General shop expenses, 1.5%

General business expenses, 1.5%

Other operating expenses, 10%

Total cost of products


The implementation of projects in student groups TSHP-41, TSHP-31, PZ-31 aroused interest among students. This work brought moral, emotional and creative satisfaction. Through the costume, students learned the history, culture, life, traditions of the Russian people, learned to see beauty, understood how important it is to preserve the national culture and how elements of the Russian folk costume can be used in modeling a modern costume.

The main result of the work was not only the costume itself, but those educational, developmental and training goals that are set by the teacher in each lesson: independent activity of students, realization of their personal creative potential, increasing independence, responsibility, developing the ability to work in a team, plan and make decisions , evaluate the results. Students gain invaluable experience in solving real problems in their future independent life.

Of course, working on the project method requires a lot of effort, preparation and patience from the teacher. It is the teacher who is the initiator of interesting undertakings. In a certain sense, the teacher ceases to be a "subject teacher", but becomes a generalist teacher. To do this, he, as a project manager, must have a high level of culture and creative abilities. The teacher, by his personal example, should show students how it is possible and necessary to properly coordinate work, how to overcome the difficulties that arise. Love for the cause you serve is the key to success.


1. Artemyeva, E. Aleshinsky outfit [Text] / E. Artemyeva // Wonderful moments. Series: Traditional costume.- 2005.- №5.- P.5-34

2. Ivanovskaya, V.I. Russian ornaments [Text] / V.I. Ivanovskaya - M .: Publishing house "V. Shevchuk" .- 2006.- 224 p.

3. Karshinova, L. Russian folk costume. Universal approach [Text] / L. Karshinova - M .: White Alvy. - 2005. - 64 p.

5. Russian traditional costume [Text]: illustrated encyclopedia / A. Sosnina, I. Shangina. - St. Petersburg: Art-SPB. - 2006. - 400 p., ill ..


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