The most terrible man-made disasters. The biggest disasters of the 20th century



Natural disasters unpredictable, destructive, unstoppable. Perhaps that is why humanity fears them the most. We offer you the top rating in history, they claimed a huge number of lives.

10. The collapse of the Banqiao Dam, 1975

The dam was built to contain the effects of about 12 inches of precipitation daily. However, in August 1975 it became clear that this was not enough. As a result of the collision of cyclones, Typhoon Nina brought with it heavy rains - 7.46 inches per hour, which means 41.7 inches daily. In addition, due to clogging, the dam could no longer fulfill its role. In a few days, 15.738 billion tons of water broke through it, which swept through the surrounding area in a deadly wave. More than 231,000 people died.

9. Earthquake in Haiyan, China, 1920

As a result of the earthquake, which is on the 9th line in the top ranking deadliest natural disasters in history, affected 7 provinces of China. In the Hainan region alone, 73,000 people died, more than 200,000 people died in the country. Tremors continued for the next three years. It caused landslides and large ground cracks. The earthquake turned out to be so strong that some rivers changed course, in some natural dams appeared.

8. Tangshan Earthquake, 1976

It happened on July 28, 1976 and is called the strongest earthquake of the 20th century. The epicenter was the city of Tangshan, located in the province of Hebei, China. From a densely populated, large industrial city, almost nothing remained in 10 seconds. The number of victims is about 220,000.

7. Antakya (Antioch) earthquake, 565

Despite the small number of details that have survived to this day, earthquake was one of the most devastating and claimed more than 250,000 lives and brought enormous damage to the economy.

6. Earthquake in the Indian Ocean / tsunami, 2004

It happened on December 24, 2004, just in time for Christmas. The epicenter was off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, and Thailand were most severely affected. The second earthquake in history of magnitude 9.1 -9.3. it has been the cause of a number of other earthquakes around the globe, such as in Alaska. It also triggered a deadly tsunami. More than 225,000 people died.

5. Indian cyclone, 1839

In 1839, an extremely large cyclone came to India. On November 25, a storm nearly destroyed the city of Coringa. He destroyed literally everything he came into contact with. 2,000 ships that were parked in the port have been swept off the face of the earth. The city was not restored. The storm surges it attracted killed over 300,000 people.

4. Cyclone Bola, 1970

After Cyclone Bola swept through the lands of Pakistan, more than half of the arable land was polluted and spoiled, a small part of the rice and grains were saved, but famine was no longer avoided. In addition, about 500,000 people died from the heavy rains and floods that it caused. Wind force -115 meters per hour, hurricane - category 3.

3. Shaanxi earthquake, 1556

The most destructive earthquake in history happened on February 14, 1556 in China. Its epicenter was in the Wei River valley and about 97 provinces were affected as a result. Buildings were destroyed, half of the people living in them were killed. According to some reports, 60% of the population of Huasqian province died. A total of 830,000 people died. The tremors continued for another six months.

2. Flooding of the Yellow River, 1887

The Yellow River in China is extremely prone to flooding and overflowing. In 1887, this led to the flooding of 50,000 square miles around. According to some reports, the flood claimed the lives of 900,000 - 2,000,000 people. Farmers, knowing the characteristics of the river, built dams that saved them from the annual floods, but in that year, the water swept away the farmers and their homes.

1. Flood of central China, 1931

According to statistics, the flood that occurred in 1931 was scariest in history. After a long drought, 7 cyclones came to China at once, bringing hundreds of liters of rain with them. As a result, three rivers burst their banks. The flood killed 4 million people.

Unfortunately, these things happen. There are probably no right words to describe them, and God forbid to be in such situations.

We present to your attention the most terrible catastrophes in the world.

The worst plane crash ever

The rating "The most terrible plane crashes" is headed by Tenerife. The fatal collision of 2 Boeing-747 aircraft belonging to different companies (Boeing-747-206B - the brainchild of KLM, operated the next flight KL4805 and Boeing-747 - the property of Pan American, operated flight 1736), happened on March 27, 1977 on the island of the Canary Group , Tenerife, on the runway of Los Rodeos airport. Many people died - 583 people who were in these two planes. What exactly caused such a devastating accident? The paradox is that the imposition of unfavorable circumstances on each other played a cruel joke.

On that ill-fated Sunday spring day, Los Rodeos airport was very congested. Both aircraft were maneuvering on a narrow runway, including complex 135-180-degree turns. Interference in radio communication with the controller and between pilots, poor weather conditions and visibility, misinterpretation of commands by the air traffic controller, the strong Spanish accent of the controller - all this inevitably led to disaster. The Boeing KLM commander did not understand the dispatcher's command to abort the takeoff, at a time when the commander of the second Boeing reported that their huge aircraft was still moving along the runway. Fourteen seconds later, the inevitable collision occurred, the fuselage of the Pan American Boeing was badly damaged, gaps formed in some places, and some passengers escaped through them. A Boeing KLM without a tail and with damaged wings fell onto the runway 150 meters from the point of impact and drove along the runway for another 300 meters. Both affected aircraft caught fire.

All 248 people from the Boeing KLM aircraft died. The second plane lost 326 passengers and nine crew members. In this most terrible plane crash, the American star of Playboy magazine, actress and model Eve Meyer, also died.

The worst man-made disaster

The worst disaster in the history of oil production is the explosion on the Piper Alpha oil platform, built in 1976. It happened on 07/06/1988. According to experts, this terrible accident cost 3.4 billion US dollars and claimed the lives of 167 people. Piper Alpha is the only burnt oil platform on Earth, owned by the American oil company Occidental Petroleum. There was a huge gas leak and, as a result, a colossal explosion. This happened as a result of the ill-considered actions of the maintenance personnel - the pipelines from the platform fed the general oil pipeline network, the supply of oil products was not stopped immediately after the disaster, waiting for the command of the higher authorities. Therefore, the fire continued due to the burning of gas and oil in the pipes, the fire even engulfed residential complexes. And those who were able to survive after the first explosion were surrounded by flames. Those who jumped into the water were saved.

The worst disaster on the water

If you remember the biggest disasters on the water, then you immediately remember the pictures from the movie "Titanic", which is based on real events in 1912. But the sinking of the Titanic is not the biggest disaster. The greatest maritime disaster was the sinking of the German ship "Wilhelm Gustlov" by a Soviet military submarine on 01/30/1945. There were almost 9,000 people on board the ship: 3,700 of them had completed elite training for military submariners, 3-4,000 representatives of the military elite who had been evacuated from Danzig. The tourist sightseeing ship was built in 1938. It was, as it seemed, an unsinkable 9-deck ocean liner, designed according to the latest technologies of that time.

Dance floors, 2 theaters, swimming pools, a church, a gym, restaurants, a cafe with a winter garden and climate control, comfortable cabins and personal apartments of Hitler himself. With a length of 208 meters, he could go half the world without refueling. He could not sink a priori. But fate decreed otherwise. Under the command of A. I. Marinesko, the crew of the Soviet submarine S-13 conducted a military operation to destroy an enemy ship. Three torpedoes fired pierced the Wilhelm Gustloff. It immediately sank in the Baltic Sea. Until now, no one in the whole world can forget the most terrible catastrophe.

The biggest environmental disaster

The most terrible catastrophe from an ecological point of view of ecology is the death of the Aral Sea, which, before the drying up, scientists called the fourth lake by world standards. Although the sea is located on the territory of the former USSR, the disaster affected the entire world. Water was taken from it in uncontrolled volumes for watering fields and gardens in order to ensure the fulfillment of political ambitions and unreasonable plans of Soviet leaders.
Over time, the coastline moved so deep into the lake that many species of fish and animals died, more than 60,000 people lost their jobs, shipping stopped, the climate changed - droughts became more frequent.

Worst nuclear disaster ever

A huge number of people are exposed to nuclear disasters. So in April 1986, one of the power units of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded. Radioactive substances released into the atmosphere settled on nearby villages and cities. This accident is one of the most devastating of its kind. Hundreds of thousands of people took part in the liquidation of the accident. Several hundred people died or were injured. A thirty-kilometer exclusion zone has been formed around the nuclear power plant. So far, the scale of the disaster has not been clarified.


It is terrible to realize how much evil man has done to himself and the planet on which he lives. Most of the damage has been done by large industrial corporations that don't think about the level of danger of their activities in order to make a profit. And it is especially scary that the catastrophes also occurred as a result of tests of various types of weapons, including nuclear ones. We offer 15 of the biggest disasters in the world caused by man.

15. Castle Bravo (March 1, 1954)

The United States conducted a nuclear test in March 1954 at Bikini Atoll, off the Marshall Islands. It was a thousand times more powerful than the explosion on Hiroshima, Japan. This was part of an experiment by the US government. The damage caused by the explosion was catastrophic for the environment over an area of ​​11265.41 km2. 655 representatives of the fauna were destroyed.

14. Disaster in Seveso (July 10, 1976)

An industrial disaster near Milan, Italy resulted from the release of toxic chemicals into the environment. During the production cycle, when receiving trichlorophenol, a dangerous cloud of harmful compounds entered the atmosphere. The release instantly had a detrimental effect on the flora and fauna of the territory adjacent to the plant. The company concealed the fact of leakage of chemicals for 10 days. Cases of cancer have increased, as was later proven by studies of dead animals. Residents of the small town of Seveso began to experience frequent cases of heart pathologies and respiratory diseases.

The meltdown of part of a nuclear reactor on Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania, USA, released an unknown amount of radioactive gases and iodine into the environment. The accident was due to a series of human errors and mechanical failures. There was much debate about the scale of pollution, but the authorities withheld specific figures so as not to raise a panic. They argued that the release was insignificant and could not harm the flora and fauna. However, in 1997, the data was re-examined, and it was concluded that those who lived near the reactor had 10 times more manifestations of cancer and leukemia than others.

12. Oil spill from the tanker Exxon Valdes (March 24, 1989)

An accident on an Exxon Valdez tanker released a huge amount of oil into the ocean off Alaska, polluting 2,092.15 km of coastline. As a result, irreparable damage to the ecosystem was caused. And to date, it has not been restored. In 2010, the US government stated that 32 species of wildlife had been harmed and that only 13 species had been restored. Could not restore the subspecies of killer whales and Pacific herring.

The explosion and flooding of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico at the Macondo field led to the fact that there was a leak of oil and gas in the amount of 4.9 million barrels. According to scientists, this accident was the largest in US history and claimed 11 lives of platform workers. The inhabitants of the ocean were also harmed. Until now, violations of the ecosystem of the bay are noted.

10 Love Canal Disaster (1978)

In Niagara Falls, New York, about a hundred houses and a local school were built on the site of an industrial and chemical waste dump. Over time, the chemicals seeped into the upper layers of the soil and water. People began to notice that some black swampy spots appeared near the houses. When they did the analysis, they found the content of eighty-two chemical compounds, eleven of which were carcinogenic substances. Among the diseases of the inhabitants of the Love Canal, such serious diseases as leukemia began to appear, and 98 families had children with serious pathologies.

9. Chemical pollution in Anniston, Alabama (1929-1971)

In Anniston, in the area where the agricultural and biotech giant Monsanto first produced cancer-causing substances, for unknown reasons, they were released into Snow Creek. The population of Anniston suffered greatly. As a result of exposure, the percentage of diabetes and other pathologies has increased. Monsanto paid $700 million in damages and rescues in 2002.

During the military conflict in the Persian Gulf in Kuwait, Saddam Hussein set fire to 600 oil wells to create a poisonous smoke screen for as much as 10 months. It is believed that between 600 and 800 tons of oil burned daily. About five percent of the territory of Kuwait was covered with soot, livestock died from lung diseases, and the number of cancer cases increased in the country.

7. Zilin chemical plant explosion (November 13, 2005)

There were several powerful explosions at the Zilin Chemical Plant. A huge amount of benzene and nitrobenzene, which has a detrimental toxic effect, was released into the environment. The disaster resulted in the death of six people and the injury of seventy.

6 Pollution Times Beach, Missouri (December 1982)

The spraying of oil containing toxic dioxin led to the complete destruction of a small town in Missouri. The method was used as an alternative to irrigation to keep dust off the roads. The situation worsened when, as a result of flooding the city with the waters of the Meremek River, toxic oil spread along the entire coast. Residents were exposed to dioxin and reported immune and muscle problems.

For five days, smoke from coal burning and factory emissions covered London in a dense layer. The fact is that cold weather has come and the residents massively began to heat the stoves with coal to warm the houses. A combination of industrial and public air emissions resulted in thick fog and poor visibility, and 12,000 people died from inhaling toxic fumes.

4 The Poisoning Of Minamata Bay, Japan (1950s)

In 37 years of plastics production, the petrochemical company Chisso Corporation has dumped 27 tons of the metal mercury into the waters of Minamata Bay. Since the inhabitants used it to fish, unaware of the release of chemicals, the mercury-poisoned fish caused serious health damage to babies born to mothers who ate Minamata fish and killed more than 900 people in the region.

3. Bhopal Disaster (December 2, 1984)

The whole world knows about radiation contamination as a result of a nuclear reactor accident and a fire at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine. It has been called the worst nuclear power plant disaster in history. About a million people died due to the effects of the nuclear holocaust, mainly from cancer and exposure to high levels of radiation.

After the 9-magnitude earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant was left without power and lost the ability to cool nuclear reactors. This led to radioactive contamination of a large territory and water area. About two hundred thousand residents were evacuated due to fear of serious illnesses as a result of exposure. The disaster once again made scientists think about the dangers of atomic energy and the need to develop

Most explanatory dictionaries interpret the basic meaning of the word "catastrophe" as an event with tragic consequences. It is precisely such events that still terrify our contemporaries with their scale and the number of dead people and animals, the history of our planet has not so few. The most terrible catastrophes sometimes influenced the further development of the affected countries or even the entire civilization.

With the development of technology, people began to develop such ocean spaces that were unsuitable for their existence, and then turned their dreams and aspirations to the sky. With the advent of huge ocean cruisers, multi-seat passenger airliners, the number of those killed and injured in disasters has significantly increased. In the last century, man-made disasters have been added, which can also be called one of the largest.

The largest air crash in civil aviation

Tenerife is one of the worst air crashes, which resulted in the death of 583 people. It all happened on March 27, 1977, directly on the runway of Los Rodeos Airport, located near the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands). All passengers of the Boeing KLM were killed, including 14 crew members, with the exception of one passenger, Robina Van Lanscot, who decided to interrupt the flight to meet a friend and got off in Tenerife. But on board the Boeing Pan American after the crash were survivors. 61 people managed to escape - 54 passengers and 7 crew members.

Due to the terrorist attack that occurred the day before at the largest airport in the Canary Islands, Las Palmas, it was closed, and Los Rodeos Airport was heavily overloaded due to these events. It was a day off, a lot of planes, rejected by Las Palmas, filled all the stops. Some of them were on taxiways. The reasons that led to the terrible disaster are known:

  • fog, visibility was initially limited to 300 meters, and a little later became even less;
  • lack of lights on the borders of the runway and taxiway;
  • the strong Spanish accent of the dispatcher, which the pilots did not understand well, asked again and clarified his orders;
  • the lack of coordinated actions on the part of the pilots when negotiating with the controller, they entered into a conversation and interrupted each other.

KLM subsequently claimed responsibility for the tragedy and paid substantial compensation to the families of the victims and those affected.

On May 5, 1937, a German cruise ship was launched, named after Wilhelm Gustloff, one of the leaders of the Swiss National Socialists, who had died the year before.

The passenger liner had ten decks, was designed for 1.5 thousand people, it was served by 417 crew members. The ship was built using the most advanced technologies, and it was very comfortable. The liner was intended, first of all, for long and leisurely cruises. In 1939, the Wilhelm Gustloff was handed over to the German Navy. Soon he became a floating hospital, and then after 1940 he was assigned to the school of submariners in Gotenhafen. His color again became camouflage, and he lost the protection of the Hague Convention.

After the torpedo attack, which was carried out by the Soviet submarine under the command of A.I. Marinescu, "Wilhelm Gustloff" sank off the coast of Poland on January 30, 1945. According to official figures, 5,348 people died, however, the exact number of passengers remained unknown.

On November 7, 1941, near the coast of Crimea, the Nazi aircraft sank the Soviet ship "Armenia", on board of which, presumably, there were more than 3,000 people.

From the point of view of ecology, one of the largest catastrophes is currently taking place on the planet - the decrease in the level of the Aral Sea and its drying up. The so-called Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake on the planet after the Caspian Sea (which due to its isolation can be qualified as a lake), Lake Superior in North America and Lake Victoria in Africa.

But after the flow of the Syrdarya and Amudarya rivers, which fed the Aral, began to climb through the irrigation systems built, the lake became shallow. In the summer of 2014, its eastern part almost dried up, the volume of water decreased to 10%.

All this led to climate change, which became continental. On the protruding bottom of the former sea, the sandy-salt desert Aralkum appeared. Dust storms carry the smallest particles of salt interspersed with pesticides and agricultural fertilizers, which at one time got into the Aral Sea from fields through rivers and can adversely affect the health of people and animals. Because of the salinity, most species of marine life have disappeared, ports have closed, people have lost their jobs.

Among such catastrophes, affecting the population of the entire planet with their disastrous consequences, first of all, the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant should be attributed. During the explosion of the fourth nuclear reactor, it was completely destroyed. Work on the elimination of the consequences has not yet been completed. After April 26, 1986, all people were evacuated from the crash site within a radius of 30 km - 135,000 people and 35,000 livestock. A protected exclusion zone was created. Ukraine, Belarus, and western Russia suffered the most from radioactive substances that got into the air. In other countries, an increase in the radioactive background was also noted. More than 600,000 people participated in the aftermath of this disaster.

The largest earthquake in Japan, which occurred on March 11, 2011, and then the tsunami, caused the radiation accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, which has the highest, seventh level. External power supply facilities and backup diesel generators were disabled, which led to a failure in the cooling system, and then the meltdown of the reactor core at Units 1, 2, and 3. The entire financial damage, which includes decontamination work, compensation to victims and internally displaced persons, is approximately $189 billion.

Another catastrophe that affected the state of the entire biosphere of the Earth is the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform, which occurred on April 20, 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil spill caused by the accident was the largest ever. At the time of the explosion itself and in the ensuing fire at the semi-submersible unit, 11 people died and 17 out of 126 were injured, who were on the platform at that moment. Two more died later. Oil flowed into the bay for 152 days, in total more than 5 million barrels fell into the bay. This man-made disaster had a detrimental effect on the ecology of the entire region. Various species of marine animals, fish and birds have been affected. And in the north of the Gulf of Mexico in the same year, an increased mortality of cetaceans was recorded. In addition to oil, on the surface of the water (spot size reached 75,000 km²), a large number of underwater oil plumes formed, the length of which reached 16 km, and the width and height - respectively, 5 km and 90 m.

These are just a few terrible accidents that can be classified as the worst disasters in the history of mankind. But there were still others, sometimes less known, that brought people a lot of destruction and misfortune. Often these catastrophes were caused by war or a whole series of accidents, and in some cases the destructive force of nature brought grief.

Every year, many disasters of a different nature occur in the world due to natural phenomena, technical failures, errors of specialists and many other unfavorable factors. All of them often lead to tragic consequences.
They will forever remain in the memory of those people who lost their loved ones. In memory of those who provided any assistance in the center of events, and all those who could not help, but were worried about the fate of people in trouble. This article lists the worst disasters that have ever happened in history: on water, in the air, and on land.

In 1931, China experienced the worst flood in history. The Yangtze River ranks third among major rivers, with about 700 different rivers flowing into it. Every year, during the rains, it overflowed and caused damage.

In August 1931, the Yangtze River and the neighboring Yellow River burst their banks, merging into one powerful stream, destroyed the dams. This led to a global flood. They, destroying everything in their path, flooded 16 Chinese provinces, which is about 300,000 hectares of land.

More than 40 million people were affected, left without shelter, clothing and food. The water did not come down for about 4 months. As a result of prolonged famine and disease, the death toll exceeded 3.5 million people. To prevent such a tragedy, two protective dams were later built and two reservoirs created.

fertilizer plant

In 1984, the largest environmental disaster in history occurred in the Indian city of Bhopal. On the night of December 3, one of the tanks with the poisonous gas methyl isocyanate exploded at a chemical plant producing fertilizers. The tank volume was 40 tons.

Presumably, the cause of this accident was a safety violation. In the tank with methyl isocyanate, heating has occurred, which has reached a critical temperature. As a result, the emergency valve burst in it, and the gas escaped from the tank.

Due to the strong wind, the gas cloud quickly spread over 40 square kilometers. Unsuspecting, sleeping people were eating away at their eyes and lungs. Over the first week, more than 3000 thousand people. In subsequent years, 15,000 people died from diseases. And about 100,000 people needed treatment.
The uncleaned area of ​​the chemical plant is still infecting people. Thousands of people suffer from toxic contamination, many children are born with abnormalities.

Chernobyl tragedy

One of the worst nuclear accidents occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. The accident had a hazard level of 7 on the scale of nuclear events.

The nuclear power plant was located near the city of Pripyat, which was built specifically for the workers of the station. At that time, more than 47,000 people lived in it. In the early morning of April 26, there was a powerful explosion of a nuclear reactor in the building of the fourth power unit.

The ill-conceived and erroneous actions of the station engineers during the tests of the turbogenerator led to this. As a result of the accident, the nuclear reactor was completely destroyed, and a fire started in the building of the power unit, which was extinguished for more than a week. 600 firefighters died while extinguishing it, having received the largest dose of radiation.

The consequences of the accident were frightening, thousands of people lived their calm, measured lives just a few kilometers from the accident and did not know what had happened. Information about the accident was not disseminated for the first day, but when the release of radioactive substances reached a critical level, they began to evacuate Pripyat and nearby settlements.

About 800,000 people participated in the liquidation of the accident. According to unofficial data, half of the liquidators received a lethal dose of radiation.

Boat trip

In 1987 there was the largest disaster on the water. On December 20, the Philippine ferry Dona Paz, carrying passengers, collided with the tanker Vector, which was carrying more than 8,000 thousand barrels of oil.

As a result of the impact, the steam broke in half, and oil poured from the holes in the tanker. A fire started almost instantly, both ships and the surface of the water burned. Fleeing, people jumped into the water, where fire and sharks were waiting for them.

Rescuers arrived only after 8 hours, only 26 people survived. The death toll has exceeded 4200 people. The exact cause of the accident has not been established.

deadly tsunami

On December 26, 2004, the most powerful tsunami in history occurred in the Indian Ocean. Due to a strong underwater earthquake with a magnitude of 9 points, at a depth of 30 kilometers, a rock shift occurred, which gave rise to this devastating tsunami. At that time, there was no system in the Indian Ocean that would detect tsunamis, so this tragedy could not be prevented.

In a few hours, waves up to 20 meters high reached the coast, crushing everything in their path. Within hours, the waves brought incredible destruction to Thailand, India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.

In total, the tsunami reached the coasts of 18 countries. It took more life 300,000 thousand people, 15,000 people went missing and about 1.5 million people were left homeless. Restoration work lasted about five years, houses, schools and resort areas were rebuilt. After the tragedy, an evacuation system was organized and a tsunami warning system was created.

Cyclone named after a flower

The devastating cyclone Nargis passed through Myanmar on May 3, 2008. The wind speed reached 240 km/h. The tropical cyclone destroyed many small towns. And almost completely destroyed the large city of Yangon. The population was left without shelter and electricity.

As a result of the terrible natural disaster, the death toll amounted to 90,000 thousand people. More than 55,000 people were never found. In total, more than 1.5 million people were affected. Many countries came to the rescue of Myanmar by providing material and humanitarian assistance.

Cruelty of nature

A powerful earthquake destroyed part of the island of Haiti in 2010, the magnitude of which was 7 points. The first shocks were registered on January 12, 20 kilometers from the capital of Haiti. A number of strong shocks continued shocks with a magnitude of 5.9 points.
After a terrible shaking, more than 3 million people were left without a home. 60% of residential premises and many public buildings such as schools, hospitals, cathedrals were destroyed.

The death toll during the natural disaster and under the rubble was 222,570 thousand people, wounded 311,000 thousand people, and about 1,000 people who were never found.

Not a cheap flight

The crash of a Japanese Boeing 747 in 1985 is recognized as the worst air crash in the air. And it ranks second in the number of deaths. On August 12, in connection with the Japanese holiday, there were 524 people on board along with the crew.

The cause of the disaster was poor-quality repair of the aircraft. At the 12th minute of the flight, the keel of the aircraft comes off, the control system fails, and at an altitude of 1500 meters the aircraft crashes into a mountain.

Due to a strong fire at the crash site, the rescue operation did not begin until 14 hours later. Many of the wounded never received help. Rescuers found notes from passengers with appeals to their families. dead 520 people only 4 survivors.

This article describes only a small part of the disasters that are recorded in world history. Here are collected the most massive and tragic of them. All of them claimed the lives of millions of children, adults, old people of different nationalities and religions. After all, trouble is indifferent to gender, age and race.

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