The most impressive natural monuments from the UNESCO list. Geographical monuments Geographical monuments symbols of the planet earth


Extracurricular activity:

"Geographical monuments of Russia".

Voronezh 2015

Goals and objectives:

    expanding horizons and increasing interest in learning;

    creation of positive motivation in mastering geographical knowledge by students;

    formation of a bright, memorable image of geographical monuments dedicated to geographical objects, travelers;

    development of communicative competences;

    fostering a sense of pride and respect for the historical and cultural heritage of their homeland.

Equipment: presentation, physical map of Russia, interactive whiteboard.

Leading task: Previously, several students chose the role of leaders and, together with the teacher, discussed what travelers, objects, geographical monuments they would talk about. The material (text and presentation) was selected and prepared by the students themselves, the teacher played the role of a consultant.


Teacher. Geography is one of the oldest sciences, its history goes back over 2000 years. During this time, hundreds of geographical monuments appeared on Earth. All of them are evidence of the discoveries and accomplishments of mankind. Carved from granite, cast iron or bronze, monuments adorn the streets and squares of cities and remote outskirts of the globe. They are dedicated to great scientists and navigators, mark important natural objects, are associated with geographical discoveries and the transformation of nature. There are one and a half thousand geographical monuments in the world, most of them in the USA (about 300), Russia and Australia. We will get acquainted with the geographical monuments of Russia. Let's start with the monuments, which are interesting in that they are installed in places remarkable for their geographical position.

Leading. 1910 Cape Dezhnev - the easternmost point on the Eurasian continent - a monument was erected in memory of the outstanding Russian explorer: a massive twelve-meter cross. Attached to the base of the cross is a heavy copper plaque with an inscription stating that it was erected by the Shilka military transport team. At the end of a short message: "Seafarers are invited to support this monument."
A lighthouse rises next to the old cross. On the side of the lighthouse facing the ocean, there is a bronze bust of Dezhnev and a metal plaque with the inscription: “S.I. Dezhnev in 1648 was the first navigator to discover the strait between Asia and America…”

Teacher. Guys, on the territory of our country there are two extreme points of the Eurasian continent, name one more and show it on the map. Who is she named after? Student response. The extreme northern point - Cape Chelyuskin is also marked with a memorial sign. Why learn "extreme points"? What is behind each territorial extreme of the country? As a rule, there are dramas and heroism. Spilled or frozen blood. In our extreme points - the quintessence of the geographical fate of Russia: between the hammer and the anvil. The hammer of the expansive civilizations of the South and the West and the anvil of the harsh nature of the North and the Far East. In 1742, Semyon Ivanovich Chelyuskin reached the extreme point of the mainland for the first time, where he installed a “golden” log in the Arctic desert as a lighthouse on the northernmost shore of the ocean. In honor of Semyon Chelyuskin, a polar explorer, the cape was named in 1842, when the centenary of his expedition was celebrated. In the summer of 1992, the northernmost monument in the country to the discoverer of this northernmost point of the mainland was opened at Cape Chelyuskin. The eight-meter monument, symbolizing the fin pole-lighthouse, which Chelyuskin erected here 250 years ago, seems to grow out of a stone houri and crowned with a model of the Yakutsk dowel-sloop made of forged copper, on which the pioneers under the Andreevsky flag made their way through the ice. Once or twice a year supply ships anchor at Cape Chelyuskin. They are guided by modern navigational signs, and the navigator Semyon Chelyuskin, noting the discovery of the northern cape of the mainland in the travel log, made an entry: “I set up a lighthouse - one log that I carried with me ...”

Leading. Fifty memorial signs have been installed along the border between Europe and Asia. As you know, the conditional border between Europe and Asia is drawn along the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains. Previously, the watershed Ural Range was considered such a boundary. In different years, peculiar "border" signs-pillars, obelisks were installed on this ridge. The oldest and most beautiful of them was built in 1868. Ural craftsmen cast an obelisk from cast iron in the form of a chapel 4 meters high. It is located 5 km from the village of Kedrovka, Sverdlovsk region. On its eastern side there is an inscription: "Asia, on the western side - Europe". The most famous monument is located on Mount Berezovaya near the city of Pervouralsk. It was installed on the Siberian Highway in 1837. Its appearance has repeatedly changed and now a huge granite column rises in place of a small pyramid. The newest obelisk on the border between Europe and Asia was erected in 1960, 35 km from Nizhny Tagil. The obelisk pillar is crowned with a globe, around which models of artificial Earth satellites and a spacecraft “rotate” in orbit.
Station Urzhumka (near Zlatoust). The railway crosses the border between two parts of the world: Europe and Asia. Passengers do not sleep, look out the window and wait for a high stone pyramid to appear, which is a boundary marker. On the one hand, it clearly and largely says "Europe", and on the other - "Asia". This is a pass. Before him, the train went uphill, and from here it will go down. In the Urals, in different years, many memorial signs were installed in different places, but they all symbolize the same thing - the border between Europe and Asia.

Teacher. There is a tradition to mark geographical centers of countries and continents with memorable signs. These points are largely conditional, since their position depends on the calculation method. This is clearly seen in the example of Europe, where there are six such points, but the geographical center of Asia is one, and it is located on the territory of our country. A unique obelisk was built in the capital of Tuva - the city of Kyzyl. The globe rests on a stone base, and on it is a high pyramidal pillar. The center of Asia is notable for the fact that here, from the confluence of two rivers, the most abundant river in Russia, the Yenisei, begins. Most recently, a whole sculptural complex was created in Krasnoyarsk - a monument-fountain "Rivers of Siberia". In the center of the composition is the Yenisei, strongly reminiscent of Poseidon, and around it are seven nymphs - symbols of the Angara, Bazaikha, Biryusa, Kacha, Mana, Lower Tunguska and Khatanga rivers.

Exercise . Show these rivers on the map, determine which of them are tributaries of the Yenisei.

Leading. The main attraction of the Evenk Lake Vivi in ​​the Krasnoyarsk Territory is the commemorative sign "Golden Flower of Russia", which is installed in the geographical center of Russia. Shortly after the collapse of the USSR, the coordinates of the Center of Russia (94 degrees 15 minutes E 66 degrees 25 minutes N) were calculated by academician Peter Bakut, for which an original formula was created. After checking by the Federal Service for Geodesy and Cartography, the status of the Center of Russia was officially approved behind Lake Vivi. The monument, about 7 meters high, was erected on August 21, 1992 by the scientific and sports expedition named after I.D. Papanin, and on August 27 the grand opening took place. An 8-meter Orthodox cross was placed nearby in memory of the 600th anniversary of the death of Sergius of Radonezh. A wooden chapel of Sergius of Radonezh was built on the shore of the lake.

Teacher. Show on the map the geographical center of Russia.
There are many memorial signs on the borders of states. It is not difficult to guess the semantic meaning of such monuments as “Prayer for the Return of the Northern Territories to Hokkaido, or “Friendship of Peoples” on the border of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Teacher. Many conditional lines on the surface of the Earth are marked with commemorative signs. Especially a lot of them are installed along the Arctic Circle. Remember what parallels, meridians, the Arctic Circle are? Students response.

Leading. Monuments "Arctic Circle" are installed in Chukotka, in the Komi Republic, in Yakutia, in Karelia, in the Murmansk region, on the Urengoy-Yamburg highway, in Salekhard. Salekhard is the only city on earth located at the latitude of the Arctic Circle. One of the main attractions of the city is a memorial sign, a symbol of the geographical uniqueness of the city, located directly on the Arctic Circle. Two pointed pyramids 20 and 22 meters high symbolize the plagues - the national dwellings of the indigenous people. The arc in the middle is the Arctic Circle. The stele is made of durable colored glass. In the evening, the installed lamps illuminate the stele from the inside, giving it the colors of the northern lights.

Teacher. There are commemorative signs on other parallels - in Krasnodar (45th parallel), in the city of Totma of the Vologda region - a memorial sign "60th parallel", Vorkuta - a sign - 67th parallel, which stands at the fork in the road, symbolizes that the territory of the city of Vorkuta extends from the north to the south between 66 and 68 degrees north latitude.

Leading. The geographical parallel of 45 degrees north latitude is the symbol of the city of Krasnodar. The commemorative sign is quite modest and is a painted wooden arrow on an iron support. It was made in honor of the most favorable parallel for life on our planet. Krasnodar, where this monument was opened, is located exactly in the middle between the North Pole and the equator, at the 45th parallel. This parallel is also called the “golden line” or “life line”. It is believed that at this latitude the conditions for human life are the most favorable. "The golden mean of the planet Earth" is called this parallel. It is at this latitude that the climate is most favorable - a long day and a sufficient amount of solar heat.

Teacher. On the territory of our country, some meridians are marked with memorable signs. Pulkovsky. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the meridian was used as the zero meridian for counting geographic longitudes on the maps of the Russian Empire. The meridian passes through the center of the Round Hall of the main building of the Pulkovo Observatory. The 180 meridian monument is located on the northeastern coast of Chukotka, 23 km west of Cape Schmidt.

Leading. On September 22, 2004, a red pillar was erected in the valley of the Tadlean River, at the base of which is a barrel with the inscription: "The point of intersection of the Arctic Circle line and the 180th meridian." The uniqueness is that this is the only point located on land, all the rest (crossing the 180th meridian along the equator and the tropics) are located in the sea. In addition, it is here that the geographical date line passes. Since the 180 meridian is a continuation of the Greenwich meridian, the border between the eastern and western hemispheres passes here. Simply put, step aside and you are back exactly one day ago.

Teacher. Geographical monuments are installed not only on the territory of the country, but also abroad, not only on land, but also in the ocean. At the North Pole at a depth of 4261 m in August 2007, a Russian flag made of titanium was installed. A kind of monument is the Kronstadt footstock, which marks the level of the waters of the World Ocean and all absolute heights on land. Russian monuments can be seen in Antarctica. Station "Vostok" - the Pole of Cold of the Earth. There, on a pedestal of barrels, is an old all-terrain vehicle. Pole of relative inaccessibility. There is a bust of Lenin at the Pole of Inaccessibility. It was delivered by a sledge-caterpillar train by the third Soviet Antarctic expedition, which was the first in the world to reach the Pole of Inaccessibility on December 14, 1958.

Leading. The Pole of Cold of the Northern Hemisphere is located on the territory of Russia, in eastern Yakutia, in the upper reaches of the Indigirka River. In Verkhoyansk, the absolute minimum temperature was minus 680, in Oymyakon a temperature of 71.20 was recorded. The Pole of Cold is marked with a memorial sign. On the scale of the symbolic thermometer, a division of -720 is marked on the board - a portrait of S.V. Obruchev and an explanatory text about his discovery of the pole of cold.
An interesting monument "The Navel of the Earth" is installed in Kungur. It is made of granite in the form of a pulusphere resting on a sloping pedestal. Around the "Navel of the Earth", according to all the rules of geography, there is a wind rose, precisely oriented to the four parts of the world. On the axes of the hemisphere it is written how many kilometers separates Kungur from the world capitals. Scientists believe that the appearance of the "Navel" on our earth is geographically justified. Kungur is the first city in Europe if you move from Siberia. Here, four rivers, violating the laws of nature, flow from four corners of the world. The monument was erected in the historical center of the city on the embankment of the Sylva River in 2007.
Teacher. Geographical monuments are very diverse. It can be commemorative plaques and statues, slender obelisks and arches, they can be seen everywhere. They marked the sources of many rivers, they are installed on the passes and on the tops of the mountains. Most of the monuments were erected in honor of outstanding scientists and navigators, Russian explorers and explorers. In Russia, most of the geographical monuments are installed in large port cities - centers of navigation and geographical research. And first of all, this is, of course, St. Petersburg, where 14 such monuments are installed, including Nikolai Przhevalsky and Thaddeus Bellingshausen, Vasily Dokuchaev and Pyotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky. The most famous of them is the monument to Ivan Kruzenshtern, the leader of the first Russian round-the-world expedition. According to tradition, cadets of the Naval Corps annually dress his statue in a huge vest after graduation. The monument was erected in 1873. Three-meter bronze sculpture, on a granite pedestal (2.6 m), cartouche, text board, iron fence. Inscriptions: on the pedestal on the front side in a cartouche with the image of the coat of arms: "Living in hope"; below - the text of the board in cast signs: "To the first Russian (navigator around the world) Admiral I.F. Kruzenshtern."

Teacher. Guys, name who participated in the 1st Russian round-the-world expedition of I.F. Kruzenshtern and commanded the Neva sloop? Student responses. Yu.F. Lisyansky. The monument to Yu.F. Lisyansky was erected in his homeland in the city of Nizhyn.
A participant in the first Russian circumnavigation in 1803-1806. under the command of I.F. Kruzenshtern was another of the remarkable navigators, the leader of the expedition that discovered Antarctica in 1820. Guys, tell me his name. Student responses.

Leading. F.F. Bellingshausen is a brave navigator. In 1803 he was assigned to the first round-the-world expedition as a junior officer on the frigate Nadezhda. During this journey, Bellingshausen was engaged in mapping. In 1819-1821. leader of the first Antarctic expedition, which discovered Antarctica in 1820. The monument to the brave navigator was opened in September 1870 in Kronstadt. The figure of Bellingshausen is presented in full growth. He is in full admiral's uniform of the forties of the 19th century. With one hand, he rests on a globe, approved on three dolphins, which symbolizes the courage, stamina and combat skill of his fellow soldiers, without whom he could not have made his great discoveries. In the other hand of the admiral is a spyglass. It was through her eyepiece that he saw Antarctica, the country of mountains and ice, and for the first time in the history of science, he was able to tell all of humanity about this. As for the globe, then it was not without symbolism. If you climb higher and take a good look, it turns out that under the hand of the admiral is not the North Pole, the South! Inverted Globe! But this is probably correct: after all, F.F. Bellingshausen did not go to the Arctic, but to Antarctica. Moreover, scientists have recently discovered another secret of our blue planet: our Earth in some millions of years should turn over and, as a result of this, its poles will change places. Then the theme of the monument to our polar navigator will sound in full accordance with reality.

Teacher. M.P. Lazarev. In 1813-1816. being the commander of the ship "Suvorov", he circumnavigated the world, during which he discovered the atoll, which received the name "Suvorov". In 1819-1821, commanding the Mirny sloop, he participated in the expedition of F.F. Bellingshausen, who discovered Antarctica. Made three circumnavigations. The monument to M. Lazarev was erected in 1867 in Sevastopol, later in Nikolaev, at the Lazarevskoye station.

Leading. In 1892, a monument to Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky, the famous Russian traveler and explorer of Central Asia, was solemnly opened in St. Petersburg. The paths of his expeditions ran through the mountains of Altai, Tibet, Kun-Lun, crossed the waterless deserts of Tsaidam, Takla-Makan. Monuments to N.M. Przhevalsky were erected in his native Smolensk region, on the shore of Lake Issyk-Kul, where the traveler was buried.

Teacher. Guys, which of the famous travelers, scientists have monuments on our Smolensk land? (Answers from students. V.V. Dokuchaev. P.K. Kozlov.)
Leading. A few years ago, another monument appeared in the Smolensk region - the largest globe in Europe (the second in the world, after the one located in New York). The globe has a height of 12 meters, a diameter of 10.5 meters and a weight of 11.5 tons, located on six pillars a meter above the ground. The design of the globe is a metal ball (the former gas holder, which was used to accumulate nitrogen, has expired and the company's leaders decided to make a globe out of it instead of scrapping it). The ball was painted by professional Smolensk artists who had received special training to work at height, under the supervision of the project manager, designer Mikhail Shvedov, who planned to make it a geographical map of the world, as a kind of symbol of the protection of the Earth. The globe itself is located near the Dorogobuzh plant, 5 km from the urban settlement Verkhnedneprovsky. The plant is indicated on the surface of the globe by a small illuminated dot.

Teacher. Many monuments are dedicated to Russian explorers - the brave discoverers of the Siberian lands. They went to "distant, unknown lands", into the unknown, where unknown peoples lived, not always hospitable. They walked through distances and wars, terrible dangers, under thunderstorms and blizzards, under the scorching sun, along dangerous roads and without roads at all ... The work of the explorer was so hard that travelers were allowed not to keep fasts, and prayer is performed daily in all the churches of Russia " about wanderers and travelers. Through labor and deeds, they pushed the limits of our Fatherland and the limits of our knowledge of other lands and peoples, accepted the labors and torments of wandering, sacrificing their lives for the service of Russia, their names entered the history of our Power and constitute its imperishable Glory. Monuments to them have been erected in Tobolsk and Murmansk, Totma and Noyabrsk, Nizhnevartovsk and Salekhard and other places. There are three of them in Khanty-Mansiysk at once - "To the Pioneers of the Yugra Land", "Pioneers of the Yugra Land" and "Transformers of the Yugra Land".
The erection of a monument to Ermak in Tobolsk was personally ordered by Emperor Nicholas 1. Palm branches are carved on the edges of the obelisk, and the inscriptions are placed on both sides of the pedestal: “Ermak to the Conqueror of Siberia” and “Erected in 1939”. On the other sides of the wreaths are the inscriptions: "1581" (the beginning of the campaign in Siberia) and "1584" (the year of the death of Yermak).
Leading. There are monuments to Russian geographers and navigators outside of Russia - Evfimy Putyatin and Vasily Golovnin in Japan, Nikolai Rezanov and Alexander Baranov in Alaska, Nikolai Miklukho-Maclay in New Guinea. And, on the contrary, in Russia there are monuments to foreign navigators, for example, Jean-Francois de La Perouse in the Far East, Fridtjof Nansen in Moscow, Roald Amundsen in St. Petersburg.
Teacher. Monuments to geologists have been erected in many cities: on the Kola Peninsula - to Alexander Fersman, in Magadan - to Yuri Bilibin, on Aldan - to gold miners, in Tomsk, Salekhard and Bashkiria - to oil workers. A monument to the discoverers of Bashkir oil was opened in the city of Ishimbay. The monument is a massive stone. A 12-meter granite figure of a geologist - a hero, tearing apart a rock, pulling oil out of the Ural stone with effort. The most interesting monument is located near the town of Mirny. The sculptural composition "The Pioneers of Yakut Diamonds" includes three figures - a musher riding a deer and two geologists enthusiastically examining rock samples.

Leading. Yuri Alexandrovich Bilibin is a pioneer, discoverer of the Golden Kolyma. In 1968, a monument to the outstanding geologist was opened in the city of Bilibino, two crossed geological hammers on the pedestal of the monument - an emblem dear to every geologist, in the city of Magadan, a bust of Yu.A. Bilibin was erected in 2003.

Teacher. In 2002, a monument to Fridtjof Nansen, the great polar explorer, an outstanding scientist, whose achievements and discoveries greatly changed the world, and also the man who saved millions from starvation of the inhabitants of the Volga region, was solemnly opened in Moscow. He organized charitable assistance at his own expense, thanks to the efforts of Nansen, about 7 million people were saved. The monument is a full-length sculpture of the famous Norwegian and a little girl leaning against him, who bites a loaf of bread.

Leading. Four years ago in Gelendzhik, in front of the Maritime Museum, monuments were erected to the great navigators - Fernand Magellan, Vasco da Gama and Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus is the first to meet visitors. His expedition on October 12, 1492 discovered America, marking the beginning of the exploration of the New World.

Teacher. At the end of our journey, we will have a short quiz.

1. Who was the first Russian traveler to visit India, where a monument was erected to him?
2. Name the traveler who was the first in 1648, 80 years earlier than Vitus Bering, to discover the strait separating Alaska from Chukotka. The extreme point of Eurasia bears his name, where are monuments erected to him?
3. Who was the first explorer to cross the Urals? Where is the monument to him?
4. Name the brothers, polar explorers, after whom the sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean is named. Where is a memorial to them?
5. Which of the travelers received the name "Russian Columbus"? A bay in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is named after him, he was the first to create Russian settlements in America.
6. Who is this explorer, who passed the whole Amur on ships, the city was named after him and a monument was erected there, received the name of the railway. station on the Trans-Siberian Railway?
7. Who led the first Russian round-the-world expedition?
8. Who discovered Antarctica? Which of them has a monument erected in St. Petersburg?

Teacher. We will finish our journey in Moscow at the Yaroslavsky railway station, there is a memorial sign with two numbers - 0 and 9298. The sign is an exact copy of the cast-iron milestone of the beginning of the century and marks the zero kilometer of the longest railway in the world - the Trans-Siberian Railway, and the number on it - is its length in kilometers.

Project theme:"Geographical monuments of Russia".

Project Manager: Starodubtseva E.P. . - geography teacher.

Project participants: students in grades 8-9.

Project relevance: Modern young generationknows little about unique natural objects, about their locations, about famous travelers and discoverers. On the example of natural monuments, we want to arouse interest in historical and cultural values, to form an idea of ​​the need to preserve the wealth of nature.

Project type : information-research, extracurricular.

Target: to analyze the regularities in the distribution of geographical monuments across the territory of the Russian Federation, to expand their geographical horizons, to raise their cultural level.


1 . pick up andanalyze the literature

2. study the history of the creation of geographical monuments.

3. determine the location and geographical coordinates of geographical monuments.

4. select illustrations of geographical monuments, prepare a presentation for an extracurricular event.

Hypothesis: Are monuments always a memory?

Problem questions:

1. Do people need such monuments?

2. Monuments - decoration or attraction?

3. What historical events are monuments associated with?

4. What is the significance of the monument in our life?

Object of study: geographical monuments.

Subject of study geographical distribution of Russian geographical monuments.

Research methods. In the course of the study, historical- geographical, cartographic, statistical, relatively- geographical methods.

Implementation timeline : October - December 2017.

Project product: presentation.

Project summary

The project was created to study the monuments of the city of Shchigry. During the project, students will learn what events the monuments erected in the city are dedicated to, the dates of their opening, the authors of their creation. Students will get to know the residents who have contributed to the development of the city. The project also considers an architectural monument - an Orthodox cathedral. This project is aimed at the formation of spiritual, moral, civic qualities of the individual, the development of interest in the history of the city and the formation of ideas about monuments as historical sources.

Summary of the project

The project is aimed at introducing students to the geographical monuments of the city. The project develops the intellectual and creative potential of students by setting creative tasks, the solution of which requires the search for new solutions, comprehension and generalization of information. As a result of the project, students must provide information about these objects. Such activity forms the need for students to evaluate their attitude to the results of the study.

Expected results

After completing the project, students will be able to:

    talk about the geographical monuments of the Russian Federation;

    create a presentation.

    Present the project at a schoolwide conference.

Project plan

    Formation of the project theme, goals, tasks

    Group formation

    Clear planning of the work of the whole group and each member of the group

    Search for necessary information by students, photos of monuments

    Discussion of intermediate results by each group, if necessary, consultation of the teacher

    Creation of presentations, messages

    Student performances


    Example of student project activity product

    Materials for support and support of project activities

Stages of the project

Preparatory - choosing a topic, determining the purpose and objectives of the study

At the first stage, work is underway on choosing a topic, discussing the material to be collected, and possible sources.

First, the discussion takes place with the whole class. After choosing a topic, the purpose and objectives of the study are determined. Then groups of students are created who receive assignments. The teacher directs students to determine the results of the work of each group, presents the criteria for evaluating the activities of groups. Thus, students are involved in the joint planning of the project.

Research - the choice and systematization of the material.

At the second stage, work on the topic begins. There is a search for information from various sources, the selection and systematization of the material. Students working in groups draw up a work plan, complete assignments, work with material, use encyclopedias, dictionaries, perform creative work, visit the library.

They choose the forms of presentation of the results of the work, place materials in the “Project Gallery”, compose the text.

Registration of results - preparation of reports

This stage involves conducting classes in a computer class. Students create templates for the presentation, make a presentation on the tour, use information materials, photographs. Here, students present the results of their work in various forms. Discussion and correction take place in the mode of counseling after lessons according to a certain schedule. At this stage, self-assessment and reflection are carried out, which gives students the opportunity to evaluate their own progress, their thoughts and studies, methods for improving them. As well as evaluation of group work.

Project Completion

Presentation and defense of the project in the classroom, at a conference, within the school, etc. Demonstration of the work done. Presentation. Work analysis. Comparison of the initial goals and results of the study. Evaluation and debriefing. Discussion of the results of the project, what cognitive and moral findings were found. Reviews of the invited, questioning of participants, guests, teachers.

Reflection work on the project is carried out through a discussion of what has been done and failed in this project, what issues need to be discussed or disclosed in future work. Students talk about what surprised them the most, amazed them, upset them, etc. During the debriefing, the evaluation is carried out according to the performance criteria of the completed project, the formulation of a general conclusion.

Municipal state educational institution

"Znamenskaya secondary school"

Shchigrovsky district, Kursk region

Geography project

"Geographical monuments of Russia"

Completed: students in grades 8-9

Leader: geography teacher

Starodubtseva E.P.




Theoretical part.

    1. Memorial sign "Arctic Circle"



      Geographical monument "point of intersection of the SPK line and the 180th meridian"

    Geographical monuments along the Europe-Asia border

    1. The largest monument Europe - Asia

      The oldest obelisk Europe - Asia

      The northernmost obelisk Europe - Asia

      The most space monument Europe - Asia

      The most beautiful obelisk Europe - Asia

      The most geographical monument Europe - Asia

      The most religious monument Europe - Asia

      The most visited monument Europe - Asia

      The easternmost obelisk Europe Asia.

    Geographical monuments of the centers of countries and continents

3.1 Geographical monument "Center of Asia".

3.3. Monument "Navel of the Earth".

3.4. Pole of Cold - Oymyakon

Practical part.




Geography is one of the oldest sciences, its history goes back over 2000 years. During this time, hundreds of geographical monuments appeared on Earth. All of them are evidence of the discoveries and accomplishments of mankind. Carved from granite, cast iron or bronze, monuments adorn the streets and squares of cities and remote outskirts of the globe. They are dedicated to great scientists and navigators, mark important natural objects, are associated with geographical discoveries and the transformation of nature. There are one and a half thousand geographical monuments in the world, most of them in the USA (about 300), Russia and Australia.

Having studied the literature on this issue, we faced the question: do classmates, parents, residents of my village know about geographical monuments? To answer this question, we conducted a sociological survey in which people of various professions and ages participated. During the survey, it turned out that only 18% of the respondents know about the existence of such monuments. So there was a desire to tell the geographical monuments of Russia.

In the course of our research, we will get acquainted with the geographical monuments of Russia, determine their location. Let's start with the monuments, which are interesting in that they are installed in places remarkable for their geographical position.

Theoretical part.

    Geographical monuments of conditional lines on the surface of the Earth

Monumentthis is a construction of architecture or sculpture in honor and memory of an event

or persons. The concept of a monument is very broad and includes many types of structures.. Monuments are clearly located in space and tied to specific places, therefore they carry a geographical load. The monuments formed a complete picture of the "cultural geography" of the country, marking places associated with geographical features.

Geographical monuments are very diverse. It can be commemorative plaques and statues, slender obelisks and arches, they can be seen everywhere.

Many conditional lines on the surface of the Earth are marked with commemorative signs. Especially a lot of them are installed along the Arctic Circle.

1.1. Monument "Arctic Circle"

Monuments "Arctic Circle" are installed in Chukotka, in the Komi Republic, in Yakutia, in Karelia, in the Murmansk region, on the Urengoy-Yamburg highway, in Salekhard. Salekhard is the only city on earth located at the latitude of the Arctic Circle. One of the main attractions of the city is a memorial sign, a symbol of the geographical uniqueness of the city, located directly on the Arctic Circle. Two pointed pyramids 20 and 22 meters high symbolize the plagues - the national dwellings of the indigenous people. The arc in the middle is the Arctic Circle. The stele is made of durable colored glass. In the evening, the installed lamps illuminate the stele from the inside, giving it the colors of the northern lights. So far I have found 9 signs.

1.2. Parallels.

There are commemorative signs on other parallels - in Krasnodar (45th parallel), in the city of Totma of the Vologda region - a memorial sign "60th parallel", Vorkuta - a sign - 67th parallel, which stands at the fork in the road, symbolizes that the territory of the city of Vorkuta extends from the north to the south between 66 and 68 degrees north latitude.

The geographical parallel of 45 degrees north latitude is the symbol of the city of Krasnodar. The commemorative sign is quite modest and is a painted wooden arrow on an iron support. It was made in honor of the most favorable parallel for life on our planet. Krasnodar, where this monument was opened, is located exactly in the middle between the North Pole and the equator, at the 45th parallel. This parallel is also called the “golden line” or “life line”. It is believed that at this latitude the conditions for human life are the most favorable. "The golden mean of the planet Earth" is called this parallel. It is at this latitude that the climate is most favorable - a long day and a sufficient amount of solar heat.

1.3 Meridians

On the territory of our country, some meridians are marked with memorable signs, for example, Pulkovsky. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the meridian was used as the zero meridian for counting geographic longitudes on the maps of the Russian Empire. The meridian passes through the center of the Round Hall of the main building of the Pulkovo Observatory. The 180 meridian monument is located on the northeastern coast of Chukotka, 23 km west of Cape Schmidt.

1.4. Geographical monument "The point of intersection of the line of the Arctic Circle and the 180th meridian"

On September 22, 2004, a red pillar was erected in the valley of the Tadlean River, at the base of which is a barrel with the inscription: "The point of intersection of the Arctic Circle line and the 180th meridian." The uniqueness is that this is the only point located on land, all the rest (crossing the 180th meridian along the equator and the tropics) are located in the sea. In addition, it is here that the geographical date line passes. Since the 180th meridian is a continuation of the Greenwich meridian, this is where the border between the eastern and western hemispheres passes. Simply put, a step to the side and you ... returned exactly one day ago.

    Geographical monuments along the border of Europe and Asia.

In the Urals, there is a conditional border that runs between Europe and Asia. Many people want not only to see this line between parts of the world, but also to touch it with their hands. That is why it was decided to build a Europe-Asia monument in the Urals, which will symbolize this border. The problem is that specialists (historians, geographers, etc.) do not have a common opinion about where this line is located, and its length along the Ural Range is more than 5,500 km. How to determine the point on which to place the obelisk here?

So these monuments are still being installed, and in the Urals tourists can go around up to 50 monuments in Europe - Asia.

2.1. The largest monument Europe - Asia The grand opening of the largest obelisk Europe - Asia took place in 2008. It costs only two kilometers from Pervouralsk, so getting there is no problem. It should be noted that the architectural ensemble around the monument occupies a beautiful large area, which looks very ennobled: cozy gazebos, well-groomed flower beds. It is especially beautiful here, of course, in summer. The territory is protected. It is this monument that newlyweds most often choose for their honeymoon trip.

2.2. The oldest obelisk Europe - Asia

This monument is unique in its unusual history. It was first installed at the beginning of the 19th century, in 1807, and in 1837 the emperor himself decided to come here. Accordingly, by his arrival, the wooden stele was replaced with a more luxurious one - marble, decorated with the royal coat of arms. To date, the area around the obelisk is always well-groomed and ennobled. There is even a special romantic bench for lovers and a beautiful metal tree, on which newlyweds who come here hang padlocks as symbols of the indissolubility of marital ties.

2.3. The northernmost obelisk Europe - Asia

This monument, dedicated to the border of Europe and Asia, is located in a very picturesque place that every vacationer will enjoy - this is the shore of the Yugorsky Shar Strait. The places here are quite difficult to pass, so the employees of the polar station installed the obelisk. The monument is a wooden simple pillar, on which the inscription "Europe - Asia" appears. It has been standing here since 1973. A feature of this monument is an anchor with a chain, which is nailed to a post.

2.4. The most space monument Europe - Asia

It is not difficult to guess that the erection of the monument was timed to coincide with the first manned flight into space - in 1961. It is located on the highway Nizhny Tagil - Uralets. The monumental building is a square column that goes up 6 meters. At the tip of the obelisk, you can see the image of the globe.

2.5. The most beautiful obelisk Europe - Asia

This monument conquers all who are lucky enough to see this masterpiece. The winged lions on the pedestal and the double-headed eagle on the peak of the obelisk look solemn and truly majestic. The monument is located on the road between the cities of Kachkanar and Chusovoy. The opening took place in 2003, at the same time a line was drawn on the asphalt, which symbolized the border between Europe and Asia. The height of the monument is 16 meters!

2.6. The most geographical monument Europe - Asia

Not so long ago, a monument appeared on the Novomoskovsky tract, which is located within the boundaries of Yekaterinburg. The project was designed by Konstantin Grunberg and installed in the summer of 2004. A massive marble pedestal, a spacious observation deck and a metal stele, running up, leave an incredible feeling of solemnity. Why is this monument the most geographical? Everything is very simple: stones were laid here, brought from the most extreme points of two parts of the world - from Cape Roka and Cape Dezhnev.

2.7. The most religious monument Europe - Asia

A grandiose square column of 15 meters is crowned with a huge ball of stainless steel. The project and installation was led by the architect Naumkin in 1981. There is a monument near Orenburg. On the coat of arms of the Orenburg region there is a Greek-Russian cross and a crescent, indicating that the Orenburg region is located on the border of Europe and Asia and that Orthodox Russians and Muslim Bashkirs, Tatars, and Kazakhs live nearby.

2.8. The most visited monument Europe - Asia.

Station Urzhumka (near Zlatoust). The railway crosses the border between two parts of the world: Europe and Asia. Passengers do not sleep, look out the window and wait for a high stone pyramid to appear, which is a boundary marker. On the one hand, it clearly and largely says "Europe", and on the other - "Asia". This is a pass. Before him, the train went uphill, and from here it will go down.

2.9. The easternmost obelisk of Europe - Asia.

The obelisk near the village of Kurganovo is the easternmost obelisk of Europe Asia and the easternmost border of Europe. The obelisk is located on the Polevskoye Highway, 2 km from the village of Kurganovo. The sign was installed in June 1986 in the year of the 250th anniversary of the scientific substantiation of the border between Europe and Asia by V.N. Tatishchev. The place for the obelisk was chosen jointly with members of the Yekaterinburg branch of the Russian Geographical Society.

In the Urals, in different years, many memorial signs were installed in different places, but they all symbolize the same thing - the border between Europe and Asia.

III. Geographical monuments of the centers of countries and continents .

3.1. Geographical monument "Center of Asia".

There is a tradition to mark geographical centers of countries and continents with memorable signs. These points are largely conditional, since their position depends on the calculation method. This is clearly seen in the example of Europe, where there are six such points, but the geographical center of Asia is one, and it is located on the territory of our country. A unique obelisk was built in the capital of Tuva - the city of Kyzyl. The globe rests on a stone base, and on it is a high pyramidal pillar. The center of Asia is notable for the fact that here, from the confluence of two rivers, the most abundant river in Russia, the Yenisei, begins. Most recently, a whole sculptural complex was created in Krasnoyarsk - a monument-fountain "Rivers of Siberia". In the center of the composition is the Yenisei, strongly reminiscent of Poseidon, and around it are seven nymphs - symbols of the Angara, Bazaikha, Biryusa, Kacha, Mana, Lower Tunguska and Khatanga rivers.

3.2. Geographical monument "Center of Russia".

The main attraction of the Evenk Lake Vivi in ​​the Krasnoyarsk Territory is the commemorative sign "Golden Flower of Russia", which is installed in the geographical center of Russia. Shortly after the collapse of the USSR, the coordinates of the Center of Russia (94 degrees 15 minutes E 66 degrees 25 minutes N) were calculated by academician Peter Bakut, for which an original formula was created. After checking by the Federal Service for Geodesy and Cartography, the status of the Center of Russia was officially approved behind Lake Vivi. The monument, about 7 meters high, was erected on August 21, 1992 by the scientific and sports expedition named after I.D. Papanin, and on August 27 the grand opening took place. An 8-meter Orthodox cross was placed nearby in memory of the 600th anniversary of the death of Sergius of Radonezh. A wooden chapel of Sergius of Radonezh was built on the shore of the lake. A wooden chapel of Sergius of Radonezh was built on the shore of the lake. On September 9, 2006, it was consecrated.

3.3. Monument "Navel of the Earth".

An interesting monument "The Navel of the Earth" is installed in Kungur. It is made of granite in the form of a pulusphere resting on a sloping pedestal. Around the "Navel of the Earth", according to all the rules of geography, there is a wind rose, precisely oriented to the four parts of the world. On the axes of the hemisphere it is written how many kilometers separates Kungur from world capitals (Moscow, Paris, Tokyo, Beijing, etc.). Scientists believe that the appearance of the "Navel" on our earth is geographically justified. Kungur is the first city in Europe if you move from Siberia. Here, four rivers, violating the laws of nature, flow from four corners of the world. The monument was erected in the historical center of the city on the embankment of the Sylva River in 2007.

3.4. Pole of cold - Oymyakon.

The Pole of Cold of the Northern Hemisphere is located on the territory of Russia, in eastern Yakutia, in the upper reaches of the Indigirka River. In Verkhoyansk, the absolute minimum temperature was minus 680, in Oymyakon a temperature of 71.20 was recorded. The Pole of Cold is marked with a memorial sign. On the scale of the symbolic thermometer, a division of -720 is marked on the board - a portrait of S.V. Obruchev and an explanatory text about his discovery of the pole of cold.

Practical part Annex 1 .

    Memorial sign "Arctic Circle" near Usinsk (Komi River)

66 ̊ N; 57̊ E

    Memorial sign "Arctic Circle" on the route Urengoy - Yamburg (YaNAO)

67 ̊ N; 74 ̊ E

    Sign "Arctic Circle" in Salekhard

66 ̊ N ; 66 ̊ E

    Sign "Arctic Circle" near the village of Umba (Murmansk region)

66 ̊ N ; 34 ̊ E

    Stela "Arctic Circle" on the federal highway M - 18 (Poyakonda village)

66 ̊ N ; 34 ̊ E

    Geographical monument "Point of intersection of the SPK and the 180th meridian"

68 ̊ N; 180 ̊ E

    Pulkovo Meridian (St. Petersburg)

59 ̊ N ; 30 ̊ E

    Sign "45 meridian" Krasnodar

45 ̊ N ; 39 ̊ E

    Sign "67 parallel" Vorkuta

67 ̊ N ; 64 ̊ E

    Memorial sign "60 parallel" in the city of Totma, Vologda region

60 ̊ N ; 42 ̊ E

    Monument "Europe - Asia" 2 km. t Pervouralsk

56 ̊ N ; 60 ̊ E

    Monument "Europe - Asia" Pervouralsk - the oldest

56 ̊ N ; 60 ̊ E

    Monument "Europe - Asia" on the highway Nizhny Tagil - Uralets

57 ̊ N ; 59 ̊ E

    Monument "Europe - Asia" between the city of Kachkanar and Chusovaya

58 ̊ N ; 59 ̊ E

    Monument "Europe - Asia" Yekaterinburg

56 ̊ N ; 60 ̊ E

    Monument "Europe - Asia" Orenburg

51 ̊ N ; 55 ̊ E

    Monument "Europe - Asia" station Urzhumka

55 ̊ N ; 59 ̊ E

    Monument "Europe - Asia" village Kurganovo

56 ̊ N ; 61̊ E

    Sign "Center of Asia"

51 ̊ N ; 94 ̊ E

    Lake Vivi - the geographical center of Russia

66 ̊ 25" N 94 ̊15" E

    The most unusual monument of the Perm region - "Navel of the Earth"

57 ̊ N ; 56 ̊ in. d.

    Pole of cold - Oymyakon.

63 ̊ N; 142 ̊ E

Research results

    Do you know geographical monuments?


We got acquainted with the geographical monuments of Russia. All of them are evidence of the discoveries and accomplishments of mankind. Carved from granite, cast iron or bronze, monuments adorn the streets and squares of cities and remote outskirts of the globe. Geographical monuments are very diverse. It can be commemorative plaques and statues, slender obelisks and arches, they can be seen everywhere.

In the course of our research, we got acquainted with the geographical monuments of Russia, determine their location and geographical coordinates, and collected photographs.

But it's too early to end our journey.

In the course of our research, we learned that the sources of many rivers are also marked with geographical monuments, they are installed on the passes and on the tops of the mountains. Most of the monuments were erected in honor of outstanding scientists and navigators, Russian explorers and explorers. In Russia, most of the geographical monuments are installed in large port cities - centers of navigation and geographical research. And it seems to us that our research needs to be continued.

List of references and used site materials:

Yu. K. Efremov, O. A. Sobolev. "Geography, monuments of nature"

Pospelov E. M., "Geographical names of Russia"

Encyclopedia for children. T-12. Russia: nature, population, economy. M.: Avanta-Plus, 1998.

Ecology of life: Especially for you, we have collected the 10 most beautiful natural monuments, which are among the specially protected...

The United Nations Specialized Agency for Education, Science and the Arts oversees the preservation of cultural heritage around the world. This category includes both the most outstanding architectural structures created by man and nature reserves - in the second case, UNESCO specialists have to put a lot of effort into protecting unique natural phenomena from plunder and destruction by our freedom-loving race.

Especially for you, we have collected the 10 most beautiful natural monuments, which are among the specially protected.

St Kilda


This unique, isolated archipelago was inhabited by a small group of Gaelic people who were all evacuated during World War II. Now there is a militarized base and several teams of scientists: St. Kilda is home to the rarest species of birds and animals.

Wulingyuan Mountains


This mountain system is located in the north of Hunan province. The mountains owe their appearance to the weathering of sandstones. It was here that Cameron filmed his "Avatar" - one of the peaks was subsequently renamed by the provincial authorities to "Hurrah, Avatar!"

wadden sea

Water area of ​​the North Sea

A watt is a shallow offshore area, of which there are dozens. Natural processes function here without the slightest human intervention, almost the entire territory of this unusual sea is covered by three national parks.

Road of the Giants

Northern Ireland

The unique area is more than 40,000 basalt columns. They connected with each other as a result of a volcanic eruption, and the ancient tribes have already come up with a legend that trolls will go to Ragnarok along these pillars.

Rapanui National Park


The whole world knows this place thanks to the unique moai statues: Easter Island is considered almost the most mysterious place on our planet.

Galapagos Islands


It was here that Charles Darwin first thought about the theory of evolution: the abundance of flora and fauna still makes the Galapagos a place of pilgrimage for every self-respecting naturalist.

Socotra Archipelago


Four islands and a pair of rocks: one of the most isolated archipelagos in the world, located near pirate Somalia, boasts an abundance of endemic species of fauna and flora, which can not be found anywhere else in the world.

Yosemite National Park


Three thousand square kilometers of unique mountain landscapes, granite cliffs, waterfalls and sequoias: Yosemite is rightfully considered one of the best National Parks in the country.

There have always been many monuments in Russia. But the most famous, the most iconic works of art have become only a few. So, our 10 most famous monuments in Russia:

1. Monument to Peter I - Moscow

The official name is the Monument "In Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of the Russian Navy". The author of the monument was Zurab Tsereteli. The grandiose sculptural composition was installed on an artificial island on the arrow, at the confluence of the Moscow River and the Obvodny Canal, not far from the famous Red October confectionery factory. The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow. The total height of the monument is 98 meters, it is the highest monument in Russia, and one of the highest in the whole world.


2. Monument "Worker and Kolkhoz Woman" - Moscow

"Worker and Collective Farm Girl" is an outstanding monument of monumental art, "the ideal and symbol of the Soviet era", which is a dynamic sculptural group of two figures with a sickle and a hammer raised above their heads. Author - Vera Mukhina; concept and compositional design of the architect Boris Iofan. The monument is made of stainless chromium-nickel steel. Height is about 25 m. It is located on Prospekt Mira, near the Northern entrance of VDNKh.

Initially, the monument to the worker and collective farmer was developed for an exhibition in Paris, but the result stunned everyone. After all, not only fundamentally new materials were used for the monument (stainless steel had not been used before), but also new principles of construction. After all, before that, it was also not necessary to increase from nature 15 times, it was a grandiose experiment.

Remarkable facts of the monument to the worker and collective farm woman:

· A monument to a worker and a collective farm woman was delivered to Paris on 28 railway cars, but even such a division was not enough, because. some parts did not fit into the tunnels, and had to be cut further.

· Before the opening of the monument in Paris, a sabotage was noticed in time, someone sawed the cables of the crane that was collecting the monument at the exhibition, after which round-the-clock security was set up from volunteers and employees who came to collect the monument.

· Initially, the monument to a worker and a collective farmer was assembled within 1 month, people worked in three shifts, slept only for three hours in a barn built nearby, where a large fire was always burning in the center.

· In Paris, the monument was assembled in 11 days, although 25 days were planned.

· It is the symbol of the film studio "Mosfilm".

· Dismantling, storage and restoration of the legendary sculptural composition cost the budget 2.9 billion rubles

3. Monument Rodina Mother Calling - Volgograd

The sculpture "The Motherland Calls" in Volgograd is the compositional center of the monument-ensemble "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad", located on. This statue is one of the tallest in the world, ranked 11th in the Guinness Book of Records. At night, the monument is illuminated by spotlights. The total height of the monument is 85-87 meters.

Its military name is Hill 102. During the years of the Battle of Stalingrad, the most fierce battles unfolded here. And then the dead defenders of the city were buried here. Their feat is immortalized in a unique monument-ensemble "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad", erected in 1967 according to the project of the famous Soviet sculptor Evgeny Vuchetich.

4. Monument-obelisk "Conquerors of space" - Moscow

The Monument to the Conquerors of Space was erected in Moscow in 1964 to commemorate the achievements of the Soviet people in space exploration. This is a 107 m high obelisk lined with titanium panels, depicting a plume left behind by a rocket, located on top of the obelisk. On the facade, poetic lines by Nikolai Gribachev are laid out in metal letters:

And our efforts were rewarded,
What, overcoming lawlessness and darkness,
We forged fiery wings
To your country and your age!

Initially, the option of placing a monument on the Lenin Hills (today the Vorobyovs) between the building of Moscow State University named after M.V. M.V. Lomonosov and an observation deck overlooking the Luzhniki. It was supposed to be made of smoky translucent glass with night illumination from the inside. The height of the monument was to be 50 m. At the personal suggestion of S.P. Korolev, it was decided to veneer the monument with a coating of "space" metal - titanium. The height of the grandiose monument has doubled and amounted to 100 m, and the total weight of the entire structure is 250 tons. The final site for the construction of the monument was a wasteland near the entrance to VDNKh and the metro station of the same name.

The monument became a symbol of a qualitative technological leap of its time: on October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite of the Earth, on April 12, 1961, the cosmos spoke the language of man - and this language was Russian.

Together with the obelisk, a new type of building structure was born - an inclined tower. History keeps in its tablets only one such structure - the famous "Leaning Tower".

5. Monument "Millennium of Russia" - Veliky Novgorod

The Millennium of Russia monument is a monument erected in Veliky Novgorod in 1862 in honor of the millennium anniversary of the founding of the Russian state. The monument resembles a bell. Its upper part is a ball, symbolizing power - the emblem of royal power. The total height of the monument is 15 meters. This is one of the most iconic monuments in Russia, more details about it.

6. Monument to the Scuttled Ships - Sevastopol

The Monument to the Scuttled Ships is the most famous military monument of Sevastopol, it was depicted on the Soviet coat of arms of the city and is considered one of the main city symbols. The monument is located in the Sevastopol Bay, near the embankment of Primorsky Boulevard. The majestic and proud monument to the scuttled ships is one of the most beloved by residents and guests of the city. It is a symbol and visiting card of Sevastopol. Height - 16.7 meters.

There is another significant monument for Sevastopol - the brig "Mercury" and Captain Kazarsky. It was the first monument in the then young city. About it .

7. Monument to George the Victorious - Moscow

The statue of George the Victorious is located on the territory of the Moscow Victory Park and is part of the memorial complex on Poklonnaya Hill. It is located at the foot of the obelisk dedicated to 1418 days and nights of the Great Patriotic War. St. George the Victorious strikes a snake with a spear, which is a symbol of evil. The statue of George the Victorious is one of the central compositions of the memorial complex.

8. Monument "The Bronze Horseman" - St. Petersburg

The Bronze Horseman - a monument to Peter I on the Senate Square in St. Petersburg. The opening of the monument took place in August 1782. It is the very first monument in St. Petersburg. Later it got its name thanks to the famous poem of the same name by A.S. Pushkin, although it was actually made of bronze.

9. Monument to mammoths in Khanty-Mansiysk

The sculptural composition "Mammoths" appeared in Khanty-Mansiysk in 2007. The creation of this monument was timed to coincide with the 425th anniversary of the capital of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The sculpture is located on the territory of the famous Archeopark. The sculptural composition consists of 11 bronze monuments. The total weight of these monuments exceeds 70 tons. All monuments are installed in full size. The height of the tallest mammoth exceeds 8 meters, while the smallest mammoth is only 3 meters high.

10. Monument "Alyosha"

Memorial "To the Defenders of the Soviet Arctic during the Great Patriotic War" ("Alyosha") - a memorial complex in the Leninsky district of the city of Murmansk. The main figure in the memorial is the figure of a soldier in a raincoat, with a machine gun over his shoulder. The height of the pedestal of the monument is 7 meters. The height of the monument itself is 35.5 meters, the weight of the hollow sculpture inside is more than 5 thousand tons. "In its growth" "Alyosha" is second only to the Volgograd statue "Motherland". Nevertheless, it is among the highest monuments in Russia.

o In which city in 1862, according to the project of Mikeshin, a monument to the millennium of Russia was erected in the form of a pedestal, on which a large ball was placed - orb - with a cross erected on it, a kneeling woman in a Russian national costume, personifying Russia, stands near the cross, and around Powers located figures depicting different periods of the history of Russia? ( In Novgorod)

o In Ulyanovsk, in the homeland of N.M. Karamzin, a monument was erected to the letter, which Karamzin first introduced into print in 1797. What letter is the monument dedicated to? ( Letter "Yo")

o In Rybinsk, on the Volga, a monument was opened to the main engine of the Volga river transport before the introduction of steam engines in the 19th century. To what or to whom is the monument erected? ( Burlaku)

o In what country are 440 monuments to Russian soldiers erected, the most famous of which are the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in the center of the capital and a 40-meter stone tower on a mountain pass? ( In Bulgaria, a country liberated from five centuries of Turkish dependence by the Russian army in 1877-1878.)

o On the territory of which country is the obelisk denoting a conditional point equidistant from all the outskirts of Europe? ( In Ukraine, near the Transcarpathian city of Rakhiv)

o Who is dedicated to a simple three-meter cross made of Australian mahogany on the coast of Antarctica with the words “Fight and seek, find and not give up!”? ( Robert Scott and his 4 companions who died on the way back after conquering the South Pole)

7. The Statue of Liberty - one of the most famous in the world and the United States, over 80 m high, was opened in New York in 1886 on the 100th anniversary of the end of the war for independence. Which country gave it to the American people, since it itself actively participated in hostilities? ( This is a gift from France, it was designed by the sculptor Bartholdi and brought disassembled to the USA)

8. The most famous monument in the United States is the Statue of Liberty. What does Russia have to do with the creation of the monument? ( The statue used copper produced in Nizhny Tagil, in the Urals)

9. In which city in South America is the largest statue of the continent up to 40 m high, made of white marble and weighing 1200 tons, depicting Jesus Christ? ( In Rio de Janeiro)

10. Where is the highest statue in the world installed and in honor of what? ( The statue "Motherland - Mother" 82 m high in Volgograd, created in 1967 by Vuchetich in memory of the Battle of Stalingrad, the bloodiest in the world, where at least 2.1 million people died in six months, from August 1942 to February 1943. people Each day of the battle claimed an average of up to 10 thousand lives, and the average life expectancy of a Soviet soldier who fell on the right bank of the Volga was about 1 day)

11. In honor of whom has the largest number of statues in the world been erected, which cannot be counted? ( In honor of the Buddha; tens of thousands of monuments were erected to communist leaders: Lenin, Stalin, Marx, Engels, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Kim Il Sung, and others.)

12. What animal has a monument erected in the village of Koltushi near St. Petersburg, where the institute is located, in which the scientist - physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov worked? ( dog)

13. In the American city of Salt Lake City, there is a monument to the birds that once saved the city from an invasion of locusts. What is this bird? ( Gull)

14. Which plant has a solid gold monument erected in the US state of Idaho, although Iowa is the leader in growing this crop? ( Corn. Iowa gathers more than 55 million tons of corn annually)

15. In Spain, in one of the small towns, through the efforts of the mayor of the city and the head physician, a monument was erected to this long-suffering worker, who suffers so much from fatty foods and alcohol. What organ is the monument dedicated to? ( Liver)

16. In which country is a monument to whalers erected? ( In Norway)

17. In which country is a monument to the cotton weevil erected, and the words are carved on the pedestal: “With deep gratitude to the cotton weevil for being the cause of prosperity ...”? ( It was erected in the city of Enterprise, Alabama, USA, because, having arrived in the USA in 1915, the weevil destroyed cotton, reorienting agriculture to the cultivation of fodder crops, corn, peanuts, etc., which turned out to be more profitable over time, than cotton growing)

18. In which country is a monument to the cactus caterpillar butterfly erected? ( In Australia, a cactus was planted from prickly pear species from South America, after a while it multiplied and began to occupy sheep pastures with an area of ​​​​260 thousand km² in 1925. A cactus pest was brought from America, which cleared pastures of weeds in 10 years)

19. What animal is the only monument in the world in Sukhumi on the territory of the Institute of Experimental Pathology and Therapy of the Academy of Medical Sciences? ( Monkey, on the territory of the monkey nursery)

20. Which extinct animal has two monuments, the only ones in the world, one - in Ukraine, in Kuleshovka, Sumy district, and the other - in Yakutsk, since the remains of these animals were found there? ( Mammoth)

21. To what or to whom is the world's only monument erected in Siberia, in the area of ​​the Sesim and Ubey rivers? ( Meteorite, in 1749 an iron block of 687 kg was found here, which turned out to be a meteorite)

22.Where is one of the most expressive geopolitical and economic-geographical monuments of the Great Patriotic War - the monument "Rear and Front"? The worker - metallurgist passes the symbol of the weapon - the sword to the soldier. ( In the Urals, near Magnitogorsk, the height of the monument is more than 30 m)

23.Where is the sculptural composition "Enabling Energy" in the form of a sphere, from the center of which rays of energy are directed? ( In Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk Region, near the building of the Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors)

24. What river is a 24-meter monument in the form of a woman in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region? ( Volga on the banks of the Rybinsk hydroelectric complex)

25. Where is the greatest product made of monolithic stone? ( In St. Petersburg, the Alexander Column, 25.6 m high and 3.6 m in diameter, originally this monolith had a mass of 3700 tons and a length of 30 m)

26. In the Portuguese town of Sambrosa there is a monument depicting a boy launching boats. In honor of which navigator, who was born there, was it erected? ( F. Magellan)

27. Name the only artificial structure visible from space with the naked eye. ( The Great Wall of China is over 9,000 km long)

28. From what material was the monument made in Beijing in 1421, glorifying the power of the emperor? ( From the soil brought from various parts of the empire (black soil from the north, red soil from the south, desert soil from the west, blue soil from the swampy rice fields of the east, in the center of the composition - yellow soil from the loess plateau))

29. What building, before the appearance of the Eiffel Tower in 1889, for about 4 thousand years was the tallest building on Earth, 146 m high? ( The pyramid of Cheops, consisting of 2.5 million blocks weighing from 2 to 200 tons, the construction of which lasted about 30 years by 30 thousand people. in Egypt)

30. In which country is the tallest monument in the world built? ( In St. Louis, USA, in 1965, an arched stainless steel gate 192 m high and wide was built, the monument symbolizes the conquest of the Wild West by the first American colonists)

31. In honor of which battle and in which country is the world's tallest commemorative column erected? ( In the USA, in Texas, a column was installed with a height of 173 m and a weight of 31,888 tons, which is more than twice the height of the Motherland statue in Volgograd (82.3 m) and three times heavier than the Eiffel Tower (9,000 tons). It was erected in honor of the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836 between a detachment of Texans in 800 people. led by Sam Houston and twice the size of the army of Mexican President Santa Anna, as a result of which the Mexicans were captured in 18 minutes, while the Texans lost 6 people. After this battle, Texas became independent from Mexico and in 1846 became part of the United States)

32.Where is the tallest building in the world? ( In Poland, the Warsaw steel radio mast has a height of 646 m. ​​In Canada, in Toronto, a tower with a height of 553 m was built, the Ostankino tower in Moscow has a height of 540 m)

33. In which US city is a monument to the Phoenix bird erected and in honor of what? ( In Atlanta, in the southeastern United States; during the years of the civil war, Atlanta was badly destroyed and then rebuilt, the Phoenix is ​​a symbol of rebirth from the ashes)

34. Which plant, the main source of currency for Brazil, has a monument erected in Sao Paulo? ( "Green gold" - coffee)

35. In the capital of which country is a statue of Buddha weighing 5.5 tons, consisting of 40% gold (2.2 tons of gold), in total there are more than 300 Buddhist temples up to 60 m high in the city? ( In Bangkok the capital of Thailand)

fun geography

1. There is a sea - you can’t swim, there are roads - you can’t go, there is land - you can’t plow. What is being said? ( About the geographical map)

2. Which city is the most angry? ( Grozny)

3. Which city is soft to sleep? ( Paris on the Seine)

4. What is the most smoky country in the world? ( Chad)

5. What land will never grow old? ( New Earth)

6. Which island confirms that it is a garment? ( Jamaica)

7. What tributary of a large river is in the mouth? ( Gum)

8. What is the most predatory river in the world? ( Tiger)

9. What country is worn on the head? ( Panama)

10. What Ukrainian city consists of one male and one hundred female names? ( Seva-hundred-pol)

11. What city of European Russia "flies"? ( Eagle)

12. Which peninsula "speaks of its size"? ( Yamal)

13. What river in Russia has a female name? ( Lena)

14. What city in Central Russia "bears" a male name? ( Vladimir)

15. In which river of the Amur region does the fox "live"? ( Nora)

16. Which city of the Murmansk region is "difficult to melt"? ( Nickel)

17. What river of the Amur, Orenburg and Samara regions "runs along the wires", and when reading from right to left is this a pet? ( Current - cat)

18. How to combine the name of a planet and a tree to get the name of a city, a major French seaport? ( Mars - spruce)

20. What kind of belt can you not gird yourself with? ( Geographical, climatic, tropical, etc.)

21. When is a person a coniferous tree? ( Pine)

22. The name of which port on the northern coast of Africa consists of three female names. ( Tri-poly)

23. It is unlikely that anyone will tame the largest animal in the world: half a tail - in Turkey, half a tail - in Syria, and the nose sticks out of Iraq! ( Tigris River)

24. A river flows in the open, waters the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, along its banks Tula, Voronezh, Rostov. ( Don)

25. This capital is on the Tiber - a river, not far from the Tyrrhenian Sea. ( Rome)

26. The first one can be molded from snow, a piece of dirt can also be one. Well, the second is the transfer of the ball, this is an important task in football. The whole - people take it on campaigns, because without it they will not find the way. ( Compass)

27. Three words are in order: the first is a garden bed in a hundred. The second - in the natural there is a cell, it stores the signs of ancestors. The third - in the pond and in the swamp, bogged down to the ears, you will find. Together, these concepts are the name of the country in the New World. ( Argentina)

28. First - flying water, you will always meet in the Russian bath. And the second - there are brand cars from the Russian fleet. Together, this is the capital, this city is a dream for fashionistas. ( Paris)

29. First - there is children's food, it is always prepared from cereals. And the second one is thrown into the ocean, the depth is precisely measured by it. In general, there will be a large whale, it is toothy, which is why it is famous. ( Sperm whale)

30. Subtract the letter “C” from the elephant and attribute the name of the Russian river. The capital should turn out, which is visible on the map of Europe. ( London)

31. My first syllable is a big wagon, moral strength is my second syllable, in general, playing the most important role, although invisible, I am always with you. ( Air)

32. With the letter "Z" it shines, lies in bank safes. With the letter "B" - a rotten place, there the earth is like dough. ( Gold swamp)

33. With "K" - if you turn to the map - this is the capital of Turkey. With "G" - the Siberian river, full-flowing, deep. ( Ankara – Angara)

34. I am a big Dutch city. Three "A's" inside of me. Throw one away as soon as possible - I am a bird of the northern seas. ( The Hague-Gaga)

35. At the bottom of the river in the cool darkness I hide for centuries. But now you added “N” to me, I am a river in Africa. ( Il-Nile)

36. There are those mountains at the bottom of the oceans, they break a lot of ships there. But if at the beginning they attribute “G” to them, then birds will fly across the sky . (Reefs-Vultures)

37. I belong to carbohydrates, sweets always need me. But I will turn into a desert, as soon as you add "A" to me. ( sugar-sugar)

38. The Italian city, no doubt, is known to everyone who loves opera singing. And if you read it the other way around, it will swim like a river fish. ( Milan-burbot)

39. According to the first blood runs, flows, the second is the capital of Austria. ( Vein)

40. What river flows in words - okapi, vocal, magpie, locator, channel, sedge, glass. ( Oka)

41. States and seas - everything is on my wall. What is being said? ( About the map)

42. The cards in it are sewn one to one in the printing house. He is now always with you - a guide to geography. ( Atlas)

43. Stands on one leg, twists, turns his head. It shows us countries, rivers, mountains, oceans. ( globe)

44. He is both in summer and in winter - between heaven and earth. Even if you go to him all your life, he will always be ahead of you. ( Horizon)

45. Everyone knows: old or young, that there is a point on the map - (City)

46. ​​I sit under glass, I look to the north and south. If you go with me, you will easily find your way back. ( Compass)

47. In the hot summer I stand, I take out the winter with a hat. ( Mountain)

48. The mountain fiery fountain is called ... ( Volcano)

49. From rains, flowing waters, it grows from year to year. He is the enemy of the flat fields. What is his name?.. Ravine)

50. Everyone bypasses this place: here is the earth, as if dough, here is sedge, hummocks, mosses .... No leg support. ( Swamp)

51. Like waves that raise the oceans, in the deserts rise from the sand (dunes)

52. She came from the mountain, went to the sea. ( River)

53. Nearby, next to the island, not one, and not two, but tens, hundreds of hundreds, they are more willing to live in the neighborhood. All relatives, after all, it means that they are here (Archipelago)

54. It lives in the seas and rivers and often flies across the sky. And when she gets bored with flying, she falls to the ground again. (Water)

55. I am a cloud, and a fog, and a stream, and an ocean, and I fly, and I run, and I can be glass. ( Water)

56. Around the water. And drinking is a problem. Who knows where it happens? ( On the sea)

57. To know the depths of the waters, what is applicable ...? ( echo sounder)

58. That water, which is at the piers, and which is far away, and into which ships first enter from the sea, - this territory is called ...? ( water area)

60. High pressure, dry air, weak wind, peace and quiet. In winter, with the sun, a strong frost, in the summer, a “clear” forecast is issued. Such orders are brought only by him, the one who is called ...? ( Anticyclone)

61. Plants grew in the swamp. Now it is fuel and fertilizer. ( Peat)

62. Rock of the mountain kingdom from spar, mica and quartz. ( Granite)

63. In Egypt, in Palestine, in Algeria, he lives - the most ancient Muslim hardy people. ( Arabs)

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