The very first cartoon in the world. The first Soviet cartoon


It is difficult to imagine a child who would never watch cartoons. These fun and colorful films for kids will draw them to the screen. Even adults are not averse to sometimes returning to childhood and watching a cartoon. Bright, colorful, musical, kind. However, we are so accustomed to the widespread use of cartoons that few people can name the very first cartoon in the world. And when did he come out?

The first cartoon in the world

Specialists in the history of cartoons still cannot decide which animated film is awarded the title of the very first in the world. 3 paintings share the championship laurels at once: two works by James Stuart Blackton, published in 1906 and 1907 (“Humorous Phases of Funny Faces” and “Hotel with Ghosts”) and Emil Kohl’s work “Phantasmagoria”, published in 1908.

Shortly before the beginning of the 20th century, James Stuart Blackton and Thomas Edison created an animated film. They were moving pictures taken on film. Thus, it turned out that "Humorous Phases of Funny Faces" combined cinema and graphics. The picture first appeared on the court of the French audience in 1906. And a year later, Blackton showed the world the second picture - "Hotel with ghosts." However, both of these cartoons were far from the modern understanding of the cartoon and did not show all the possibilities of the cartoon technique, which at that time was called the "American Movement".

Scientists are inclined to believe that Emile Kohl's picture "Phantasmagoria", which was released in 1908, can still be considered the first full-fledged cartoon. It was a full-fledged cartoon film, drawn on white paper and filmed in negative. The picture lasted exactly one and a half minutes. Scientists also note an unusual effect, which is achieved by a combination of light lines on a dark background.

The very first cartoon in Russian animation

The right of the first Russian animator rightfully belongs to the biologist Vladislav Starevich. He was working on studying the life of insects and was going to make a film about how two male stag beetles fight for a female. However, Starewicz ran into a problem: as soon as the beetles were exposed to a light suitable for filming, they became passive. Then the biologist-animator found a solution to the problem: he attached thin wires with wax to the legs of parried beetles and filmed the entire scene frame by frame. This is how the first film based on animation appeared in Russia. By the way, until now, no one in the world has guessed to do this.

A few years later, Vladislav Starevich presented to Russia and the world a short film about beetles "The Beautiful Lukanida, or the War of the Mustachioed with the Stags". The whole world has long admired how you can train bugs and create a whole movie.

They cannot come to a consensus, which cartoon was the very first in the world? Three cartoons at once can claim the palm. These are Phantasmagoria by Emile Cohl, as well as The Humorous Phases of Funny Faces and The Haunted Hotel by James Stuart Blackton. Even before 1900, J. Stuart Blackton, together with Thomas Edison, made "moving drawings" and shot them on film, thereby combining film technique with graphics. The resulting film was called Humorous Phases of Funny Faces and was presented to the French public on April 6, 1906.

Using the same dynamic animation technique, in 1907 Blackton created another film, The Haunted Hotel. But in our understanding, these cartoons were still very imperfect, and only demonstrated some of the possibilities of the animation technique, which was then called the "American Movement".

Later, the French cartoonist Emile Cohl used these possibilities in the cartoon "Phantasmagoria", shown by the Gaumont company in August 1908. Although "Phantasmagoria" lasts only one and a half minutes, many experts consider it to be the first full-fledged cartoon in the world. It was drawn on white paper and shot in negative, with light lines on a dark background creating an unusual effect.

The first cartoons of Russia and the USSR

By the way, the very first cartoon in Russia was filmed in 1912, and the first Soviet cartoon came out in 1924. It was called "Soviet Toys" and, of course, promoted the Soviet system.

It was released in 1928 and was called Plane Crazy. Disney's very first feature-length cartoon, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (original title: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs), premiered on December 21, 1937. It was a cinematic sensation. In the same year, for his first cartoon, Walt Disney received one full and seven small (according to the number of gnomes) Oscar figurines. Since February 4, 1938, this cartoon has been widely released and to this day occupies a high place among the best animated films.

When children sit down to watch another colorful cartoon, they do not even think about what the very first cartoons in the world were like. The history of animation is very interesting and ambiguous, and it is fraught with not only color films for children, but also black and white works without sound.

In this material, you will learn about the first foreign and Soviet cartoons that appeared on blue screens in the last century.

Today Youtube (YouTube) is flooded with modern cartoons with interesting characters and instructive overtones. Remember at least the tape "Shrek". The terrible green ogre has turned into a cute and childishly naive giant, thanks to the love and care of his beloved. However, for more than a hundred years, the first cartoons did not look so spectacular at all.

We offer a look into the past of animation to find out how it all began, what is the oldest cartoon in the world watched not only by children, but also by their parents, and what contribution the legendary Walt Disney made to the development of animated films for children. What is the name of the first European black and white film for children? When was the first 3D cartoon in the world and in Russia released?

When did the world's first cartoon come out

The history of world animation begins before 1900. Stuart Blackton along with Thomas Edison made "moving pictures", and after that the resulting pictures were filmed.

American works

The first animated films began to be created in America. At the dawn of the twentieth century (in 1900), the world's first silent short cartoon is released. "Enchanted Drawing" Stuart Blackton. It is he who is considered the progenitor of American animation.

Animation followed. "Funny transitions of funny faces" released in 1906. She gathered in the cinema hall not only kids, but also adults, because it contained an interesting and even philosophical overtones. The show of the cartoon was accompanied by the pianist's playing, and entire orchestras played in the large halls of America.

The very first cartoons in the world had more in common with newspaper comics than with modern animation. One of the first works with a cartoon animal character was a twelve-minute tape about a female Hertidinosaur.

The first European cartoons

In 1908, the French cartoonist Emile Cole began to actively study graphic animation. It was during this period that he creates his first work, the title of which is - "Phantasmagoria". This tape became a landmark, as Emil was the first to create a cartoon with a clear plot. Also, a distinctive feature of the black and white tape was that the main character Fantosh was endowed with certain character traits.

This is interesting: to create his first two-minute cartoon, Emil needed to make about 700 drawings.

In honor of the centenary "Phantasmagoria" Serbian director Rastko Ciric released a remake of the cartoon, which had the same name. In the new work, not only hand-drawn, but also computer animation techniques were used.

Walt Disney's first cartoons

Remembering the colorful animated films of Disney immediately comes to mind "The Lion King" and a legend that is known in every corner of the globe - Mickey Mouse.

However, few people know that one of the very first works of Disney was a black and white cartoon. "Alice's Day at Sea". This picture, based on the events of the work "Alice in Wonderland", was released in 1924. The very first cartoon in Walt Disney's career was "Laughogram"(1921). The next work, which also remained unfamiliar to modern kids, is "Lucky Bunny Oswald".

Speaking about the first works of Walt Disney, one cannot fail to mention the animated film in which the world-famous mouse appeared for the first time. Mickey Mouse. The character flashed on the screens back in 1928 in a black and white cartoon "Crazy Plane". In the same year, Mickey became the hero of the first sound film for children - "Steamboat Willie". It was at that time that love for a cute and funny little mouse began to emerge in the kids of the whole world. By the way, originally they wanted to call it Mortimer.

Disney's first feature length cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"- came out at the end of 1937. It was he who brought his creator worldwide fame and success, and in addition, 8 million dollars.

Interesting fact: for this tape, Walt Disney received one big Oscar and seven small figurines (just the number of gnomes). Despite being released 80 years ago, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is still considered one of the best animated films ever made by Disney.

Animation, which is familiar to us, came to the USSR much later. At first she was a puppet. And the first Soviet children's cartoon is the work of choreographer Alexander Shiryaev, created in 1906. The primitive cartoon shows the audience 12 dancing figures who perform all kinds of ballet steps against the backdrop of motionless scenery.

This is interesting: for three months of creating the first Soviet puppet cartoon, Alexander Shiryaev rubbed a hole in the parquet with his feet.

Who would have thought that the first animated work of the times of the USSR was not intended at all for the entertainment of children. In 1924, documentary filmmaker David Abelevich Kaufman decided to create a cartoon film about the history of the formation of the Soviet Union. For 10 minutes, peasants, workers, Red Army soldiers, an impudent bourgeois and priests flash on the screen. Against the backdrop of constantly changing music, the plot of the cartoon develops. "Soviet toys", at the end of which the Red Army soldiers hang their enemies on the Christmas tree. In this animated film, the tree has become a symbol of the birth of a bright future.

This was followed by another series of animated films telling about the most important historical events in the life of the Soviet Union. However, Ivan Petrovich, who is considered the progenitor of domestic animation, departed from the topic of propaganda. He created a simple short film for children called "Ice rink". Its plot is very ordinary and, nevertheless, instructive. A young skater, escaping from a chase, accidentally becomes a champion.

Interesting fact: many people who have seen foreign films for children as adults underestimate Soviet cartoons, preferring the colorful and magical works of Disney. However, the patriarch of Soyuzmultfilm, Leonid Shvartsmaan, is offended by this attitude. In one of his interviews, he says that Disney was his teacher. It was he who introduced the conveyor method of production, which was adopted by Soviet animators.

The first full-length cartoon of the USSR "New Gulliver" came out in 1935. This satirical animated picture by Alexander Ptushko was created based on the work of J. Swift "The Adventures of Gulliver". The film shows a classic picture of life in the times of the USSR: the working class of midgets is fighting against rotten capitalism in the face of the secret police and the puppet king.

The very first color works

And once again, everyone's favorite creator of the fairy-tale world, Disney, enters the arena. It was Walt Disney Studios that produced the world's first cartoon in color in 1932. It is noteworthy that initially the short film "Flowers and Trees" Shot in classic black and white.

However, Walt Disney decided to take a chance and remade the children's film using a three-color process - "Tricolor". This is a simple and at the same time touching story about a revived forest and its inhabitants. And the main character of the tape - young Maple - even modern children have a lot to learn.

The very first color cartoon in the world won the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film. After that, several more color cartoons were released in the Silly Symphonies series.

The first Russian color work "Fox and Wolf" saw the light in 1936. Few people know that the director was the artist of Jewish origin Sarra Mokil. Already from the name itself it becomes clear that the woman took the Russian folk tale of the same name as the basis for the plot.

The very first 3D cartoon in the world

The end of the era of 2D animation came in 2004, after the legendary Disney released his latest work in the usual format - "Don't hit with a hoof".

Now both adults and children are divided into two categories. Some recall their favorite cartoons with hand-drawn graphics with nostalgia, while others consider it a relic of the past and praise children's 3D films in every possible way. Well, the choice is made by each person independently. We want to tell you about the first 3D cartoon. Many naively believe that he appeared some 5-10 years ago.

Let's mentally fast-forward to 1984. It was at this time that a short cartoon from Pixar came out on the screens - "The Adventure of Andre and Wally the Bee"(but then the company was called Lucasfilm).

The first full-length animated 3D film was released in 1995. Probably, many people remember the cartoon, which has already become a classic - "Toy Story". With the support of Steve Jobs, Pixar set about creating a cult story. I must say that the workflow was very long and tedious. And the point is not only in technical difficulties, but also in the scrupulousness of the Pixar curator to the details. The expert did not hesitate to change the characters' characters and the line of relationships between them.

The use of computer animation allowed the creators of the legendary "Toy Stories" create shots that are difficult to shoot with traditional animation. For example, the imposition of complex shadows.

Did you know: after the release "Toy Stories" over 250 3D cartoons have been released.

In Russia, the first 3D cartoon was released in 2010. The Center for National Film Studio has created a fascinating story called "Belka and Strelka. Star Dogs». The animated film is dedicated to the "veterans" of outer space, who were accepted into the cosmonaut corps.

World animation has come a thorny path from primitive drawings to full-fledged animated 3D films. We are sure that in the near future there will be even more innovative technologies for creating cartoons that will allow young viewers to watch what is happening on the screen or monitor without taking their eyes off and holding their breath.

Information for writing material and photos were taken from free sources (including Wikipedia).

Examples of the first cartoons

Phantasmagoria (1908)

"Crazy Plane" - Mickey Mouse (1928)

There are few adults or children who do not like to watch cartoons. Now there are countless of them: from cute and very funny to sad and philosophical, from hand-drawn and "plasticine" to those made with the help of computer or sand animation. But what was the very first cartoon in the world? And who created it?

First puppet film

The oldest cartoon featuring puppets was made in 1898 by James Stuart Blackton and Albert Smith. It's called "Lilliputian Circus". The toys in it were wooden.

Father of European animation

The first European cartoon called "Phantasmagoria" was created in France in 1908 by cartoonist Emile Cole. In 1908 he joined the Gaumont film company as a photographer and screenwriter, but then moved on to making animated films. Kohl made many films (over 250) using drawings, clippings and puppets.

The very first cartoon in the history of Europe is also the first fully animated film in the history of animation. "Phantasmagoria" is a French word that means "a constantly changing complex sequence of what is seen or depicted." Kohl worked on this cartoon for about 5 months. He drew each frame on paper, which he then transferred to negative film. For this cartoon, which takes about a minute and 20 seconds, the artist had to make about 700 sketches, which he then photographed.

A characteristic feature of Phantasmagoria is that its characters are drawn with white lines and move against a black background.

Each drawing is only slightly different from the previous one. In the process of creating the cartoon, the author allowed himself some spontaneity with images - that is why Phantasmagoria has a style a la "stream of consciousness".

The plot of "Phantasmagoria"

The film has no real story or structure. In the first scene, the hand draws a small clown Fantosh hanging from a horizontal bar.

- He falls and instead of him there is a fat Fantosh in a hat, who takes off his hat, loses his wig and sits down in his seat in the cinema.

- A woman in a big hat sits in front of him, because of which Fantosh does not see what is happening on the screen.

He removes the feathers from his hat, and is frightened by a suddenly appearing spider.

“Now the screen can be seen better, but under the hat the lady has a huge hairdo, and Fantosh has to burn it.

- The lady's head explodes, and Fantosh emerges from it.

– Then he falls into a box, on which weights are thrown from above, but Fantosh easily opens it, dropping the weights to the ground.

- With the help of a fishing rod, he catches a passerby, who turns into some kind of liquid.

- Then a huge musketeer appears, and Fantosh burns his candles.

- Walking around the city, the clown loses his head, she jumps like a ball and a passer-by catches her.

- He turns into a bottle, and Fantosh is inside this bottle.

- After that, the bottle turns into a flower, then into an elephant's trunk.

- Noticing the policeman, the elephant becomes a house, into which Fantosh runs, and the policeman locks the door from the outside.

- Fantosh decides to jump out of the window and "breaks". Then the hands of the animator appear, “repair” the clown, he puffs up and, sitting on a horse, disappears.

First cartoon in the USA

In 1906, James Stuart Blackton, one of the founders of the Vitagraph Company of America, presented the cartoon "Funny Faces" to the public. It was a series of unpretentious drawings, which depicted funny faces.

The first American cartoon character to appear in an animated short was Colonel Hayes Liar. He made his debut in 1913 in a JR Bray cartoon titled "Colonel Hayes Liar in Africa" .

First volume cartoon

The first animated film in the world, in which the audience could see the volume, was created by the Russian director and cameraman Vladislav Starevich in 1912. It was called "The Beautiful Lucanida, or the War of the Mustaches with the Horned Ones."

The cartoon was filmed using the frame-by-frame method, and its main characters were real live insects from Starevich's entomological collection.

The plot of the cartoon told about the love of Lucanida, the mistress of stag beetles, and Count Geros, a representative of the tribe of longhorn beetles.

The tape was a wild success with the audience. Knowing well the habits of insects and using the method of frame-by-frame shooting, Starevich achieved natural plasticity of the "actors" in his picture.


Here is my village, here is my home.

Here I am running home at a high speed.

Toys are waiting for me, things are waiting for me.

Cartoons are waiting for me, because without them it is impossible!

Cartoons are a wonderful and wonderful fantasy world that comes to life on the screen. Drawn and puppet characters behave as if they were alive: they are happy, sad, act. Incredible miracles happen to them.

It is unlikely that there will be at least one child who does not like to watch cartoons. I think that cartoons for children are an exciting immersion in the magical world, vivid impressions.

I really love cartoons! I have a lot of CDs, sometimes I go online or just watch TV. And then one day I thought, how is this miracle born on the screen? Who invented them and when?

Target my job is to find an answer to the question "When did the first cartoon appear and was it similar to modern cartoons?"

To do this, you need to solve the following tasks:

    Learn the history of the appearance of the first cartoon in our country.

    Find out how cartoons were created before and how they are created now.

    What cartoons did my parents, aunts, older brother and cousins ​​watch.

    What cartoons do my peers watch?

Subject of study: cartoon.

The relevance of research: Everyone loves to watch cartoons: both adults and children. They have become an integral part of our lives. Children are learning

cartoon characters are good, they analyze their actions. Cartoons develop figurative and abstract thinking.

Job hypothesis: majority cartoons that demonstrate kindness, friendship, help contribute to the harmonious development of the child, help in communication, positively influence the child's behavior among peers, which means that watching cartoons is useful for children and knowing the history of cartoons is also useful.

1. When was the first cartoon

The first cartoon in Russia appeared in 1910. It was created by director Vladislav Starevich. This cartoon was about beetles and was not at all like what we are used to seeing. It was filmed for educational purposes: the first Russian animator was not going to entertain young viewers at all, he wanted to create a documentary about beetles. However, during the filming, he ran into a problem - when he set the right light, the bugs refused to move. Then Vladislav Starevich made stuffed beetles, attached strings to them, and filmed the film frame by frame. This picture was called the first puppet cartoon. Starewicz made several more similar insect-themed cartoons, but now he used real scripts. These cartoons were very popular with the audience - many did not understand how the pictures were made and were surprised at how the author managed to train the beetles in such a way.

Real cartoons appeared a few years later in the Soviet years. The first cartoon with sound - "Mail" - based on the work of Samuil Marshak in 1930. Marshak himself became the author of the script.

Soviet animators began working with color in the late 1930s. Already the first experiments ended successfully - such colored tapes as "Sweet Pie" (1936), "Little Red Riding Hood" (1937) and "Little Muk" (1939) appeared on the screens of the country.

In the post-war period, Soviet animation not only quickly recovered, but also continued to develop rapidly. At this time, domestic cartoons began to slowly but surely enter the global animation arena. The most notable tapes of that period are "Sinbad the Sailor", "The Lost Letter", "Spring Melodies" and "The Little Humpbacked Horse".


How cartoons are born

Creating a cartoon is a long and painstaking work of many people. In the mid-50s, cartoons were made in large groups: about 20-30 people worked on just one 8-minute cartoon. The group was divided into the following categories:

    Director (directs the entire project)

    Producer (pays expenses)

    Screenwriters (think through each frame of the cartoon)

    Artists (make the cartoon beautiful)

    Composers (select music)

One cartoon was created from 3 months to 1 year. Every cartoon starts with a script. It is written for a long time and difficultly, the dialogues change several times, some scenes are thrown out completely. And only when the whole film has developed on paper, it can be drawn. How the cartoon characters will look in profile and in front, front and back, what they are like in motion - decides production designer movie. He has to draw so much that he grinds an unmeasured number of pencils in a day. Then the game is included animators, under whose hands, cartoon characters come to life. For example, in order for the hero to raise his hand, animators need to draw a considerable number of frames. There are 25 of them in one second. And if the cartoon lasts an hour and a half, you will need to create 135,000 frames. The result of the work of animators is picked up painters - painters. As a result, we have a color film. But there are not only heroes on the screen, they are surrounded by trees, cities. All these backgrounds are created by many other artists. And the most interesting thing is how the characters talk. The entire dialogue is recorded on a voice recorder. Then they count the time (up to milliseconds) for one word in the dialogue. And under each letter you need to draw a mouth. So the characters move their mouths for each word. The voices of the actors are recorded before the animators start working, that is

first, the characters have voices, and only then, according to the remarks, they begin to revive them. And what is a cartoon without music and songs.

Cartoon technology

To facilitate the work of artists on the creation of a cartoon in the 20s, a method was created, which was called "landscape". Everything that moved in the picture was divided into groups of repetitive movements. It could be the gait of a person, the flight of a bird, and so on. The cycle of motion was called the "album", it could be used repeatedly in the cartoon.

The most common technology for creating cartoons is animation. Animation is a magical technology that makes inanimate objects move. For animation, the main thing is to create actions and effects that are impossible in reality. Only in this fairy-tale world can you fly, change your appearance, recreate yourself anew. The item animation looks amazing. It is amazing how small grains of sand can form a sand castle by themselves, or a pencil suddenly, without anyone's influence, begins to draw bizarre images on paper.

One of the oldest animation techniques is plasticine cartoon. Such animators as Alexander Tatarsky ("Plasticine Crow", "Last Year's Snow Was Falling") worked in this genre. One of the most tempting sides in its creation is the magnificent unique properties and possibilities of plasticine. Creating such a cartoon is an exciting, interesting, but requiring diligence and will work.

But this is not the only animation technique, there is also - puppet. A doll is photographed in front of the camera in the right position. Moreover, to create the effect of movement, its position is slightly changed each time. Soviet puppet animation has achieved great creative success. The talented director and artist A.L. Ptushko releases two full-length puppet films "New Gulliver" and "Golden Key" on the screen, which were a great success not only in our country, but also abroad. Now puppet animation is very popular.

In the 70s, a new species appeared - computer animation. It is now superseding with brilliance all previously known types of animation, this is primarily due to its great popularity among viewers. The process of creating a computer cartoon is very laborious. It looks like this: the main poses are carefully drawn and intermediate ones are automatically selected. The first such cartoon "Toy Story" was created four and a half years.

More modern animation technique - oil painting on glass. The artist draws on glass and not only with a brush, but also with his fingers. The most famous cartoon made in this technique is The Old Man and the Sea (1999) directed by Alexander Petrov. In 2000, the cartoon was awarded the Academy Award "Oscar".


How modern cartoons are created

There are three types of animation:hand-drawn, puppet and computer. Almost allmodern cartoonshave long been made on a computer, and not drawn on films or molded from plasticine. Even the simplest 2D cartoons are made on a computer. Today, Russian animation is on the rise, and new high-quality cartoons are increasingly appearing on the screens of our cinemas. How cartoons appear, who draws them - we will find out now.

The process of creating a good cartoon with modern graphics is very time-consuming. Let's consider step by step the creation of one short cartoon, for example, lasting no more than 10 minutes.

Stage 1. It all starts with an idea and a fictional situation for a future story: a sketch of the story is outlined, and its heroes, usually 1-3 pages of text. If the sketch of the plot is successful, the script is written, the scene of action is described, the characters of the characters and their dialogues are worked out. The script is usually 70 to 85 pages long.

Stage 2. For each character, an appearance, costume, objects of use are invented - everything that allows you to express the individuality of the character. Finished drawings are double checked by the director and the animator who drew the rough versions of these


Stage 3. The director draws the characters

"cucumbers" - drawings in the style of "stick, stick,

cucumber", then the artists create storyboard

future movie - sequence

drawings, serving as a visual illustration of the future cartoon. She helps the director plan the scenes of the future film in advance to the smallest detail.

At this stage, it is important to see the integrity of the entire picture, to check whether everything is logical, whether the dynamics are lost, whether the


Stage 4. Artists plan future scenes in detail.

The scenery and the place of the characters in the background are being developed.

for each specific plan. Animators create

key poses for each movement of the characters in each scene.

Stage 5. After the cartoon characters

approved on paper or molded models from plasticine,

you can start modeling in 3D. Before the beginning

modeling is necessary to prepare a clear image of the character,sketch, in which the hero is depicted in a neutral pose from the front and side. When modeling, not a whole character is created, but only its half, which is subsequently duplicated, mirrored, and the resulting 2 halves form a whole model. Finished drawings are scanned into computer memory to plan actual camera movements and editing. A very important stage in the production of a 3D model istexturing : It gives the artist the ability to add fine details such as cracks, wrinkles, roughness and unevenness, giving it a realistic look.

stage 6. Music staging -

review of the film together with the composer and

discussion of how the music will

match and combine with the action as the mood of the film will change from scene to scene. Usually there is already a cut of temporary music that will show the composer what the directors think is most appropriate for each particular episode of the film. The role of a guide here is the script and the recording of the voices of the actors., invited to voice the heroes of the picture.

It usually takes 4-5 days of recording to create a movie soundtrack. The writing of music itself requires 10 - 12 weeks of work from the composer.

And all this is only a small part of what is done when drawing and "revitalizing" each of the characters. One animator, on average, manages to draw only a second (!!!) of a cartoon in a quality manner per working day. Some feature-length cartoons can take up to 2 years to complete.

Practical part.

Study 1. Conversation - interview. I visited a kindergarten and talked with preschool children in order to find out what cartoons they watch, what characters the children like and why. The results of the interview made me happy:

Boys and girls aged 5-6 watch cartoons of different types: drawn, puppet, computer. All kinds of cartoons appeal to children equally;

- preschoolers note that in cartoons there is a lot of kindness, fun, “good” characters always win;

Boys are more fascinated by films such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Smurfs, Tom and Jerry, girls paid attention to Masha and the Bear and Luntik. They note that they watch these cartoons several times, with constant interest and attention.

Research 2. I conducted a survey of students in different grades of our school. A survey among primary school students showed that all students watch animated films. Among the favorites, the children named such cartoons as: "Fixies", "Barboskins", "Luntik", "Masha and the Bear", "Tom and Jerry", "Well, you wait!"

Research 3. It was with great pleasure that I talked with my parents, aunts, older brother and cousins. All of them also like to watch cartoons since childhood. Only they did not have such an opportunity, as now, to watch whatever you want. But they were happy to answer my questions. Childhood cartoons of parents and aunts are: “Well, wait a minute!”, “Puss in Boots”, “Moidodyr”,« Cinderella", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Three Bears", "Vacation in Prostokvashino", "Straw Hat", "Bag of Apples". Big brother and cousins ​​too

listed above named cartoons and added: "Winnie the Pooh", "Duck Tales", "Maya the Bee". The most popular was the cartoon "Well, you wait!" With my questioning, I unwittingly forced all of them to plunge into childhood.


Having learned all about cartoons, I was convinced of my assumptions that cartoons began to be created a very long time ago and people of all generations love to watch them.

    The first cartoon appeared in 1910. It was about bugs and didn't look at all like what we are used to seeing. It was filmed for educational purposes - to tell children about the life of beetles.

    The first cartoon with sound - "Mail" - based on the work of Samuil Marshak in 1930. Soviet animators began to work with color in the late 30s;

    In the early days of animation, teams of animators drew each illustration by hand. Now most of the work they do on the computer.

    In the 70s, it was in our country that a new type of animation appeared - computer. She was undeservedly forgotten. And only now it is superseding with brilliance all previously known types of animation.

    Modern children prefer 3D cartoons. They are bright, spectacular, imaginative, extremely realistic, they amaze the imagination and arouse interest.

Thus, the goal set by me at the beginning of the research work has been achieved. Animation is not even cinema, but more broadly - culture. For us, children, masterpieces are made in this art that set us up for a holistic attitude towards the world. The role of animation in the process of human formation is colossal.

And the most important thing, - WithYou need to watch cartoons that teach something good!

So, we need to continue research on the impact of cartoons on children, which ones are useful and which are not?

Ministry of Education of the Perm Territory

Department of Education of the Administration of the Yurlinsky Municipal District Municipal budgetary educational institution "Dubrovskaya basic comprehensive school"

The history of our country's cartoons

Leader: Moiseeva

Alexandra Grigorievna

primary school teacher

year 2013


Introduction. 1-2

Chapter 1. When did the first cartoon come out

Chapter 1.1 How cartoons are born 4

Chapter 1.2 Cartoon Technology 5-6

Chapter 2 How modern cartoons are made 7-8

Chapter 2.1 Practical part 10-11

Conclusion 12

References 13


    Babichenko D.N., "The Art of Animation", Moscow: "Art", 1964

    "Profession - animator. Volume 2" Fedor Khitruk

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