Sasha Chest left Black Star. Dzhigan left Black Star: why did this happen


Sasha Chest is a talented rapper who proved with his own biography that nothing is impossible for a purposeful person who believes in his dream. In a short time, he managed to attract the attention of the country's most famous rap projects, achieve popularity with listeners and record more than one hit. And, apparently, the artist is not going to stop there.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Morozov (this is the rapper's passport name) was born on July 19, 1987. The birthplace of the artist is the town of Kedrovy, in the Tomsk region. From childhood, Alexander became interested in music and for some time he was looking for his own style. Having got acquainted with rap culture, Morozov realized that this is exactly what is close to him. Already in high school, the young man composed his first songs and recorded recitatives.

There were also battles - traditional competitions of rap artists, where everyone tries to surpass the opponent in the art of rhythmically reading the text, which is often composed impromptu, right during the "duel". Soon Sasha became a famous rapper in his hometown. Then Roman Kozlov, who performed under the pseudonym Capella, drew attention to the young man. He had his own musical group - "For the Regiment", to which he invited the young talent to join. So for Sasha Chest the door to the world of professional music was opened.


As part of the Za Polk band, Sasha Chest took part in the recording of the album and several clips. Soon the group becomes popular in Tomsk and the region, more and more music lovers learn about the beginning rappers. However, Chest was still far from real glory - small Tomsk did not allow him to achieve more. The decision seemed obvious: the musician decided to try his luck in the metropolis and in 2010 went to conquer Moscow.

Sasha Chest liked the capital life: the rapper constantly participated in battles, recorded new compositions and won fans. A year later, the rest of the members of the Za Polk group joined the musician, but soon the team broke up: the young people radically differed in their views on creativity. So Chest began solo swimming.

Gradually, the level of the musician grew, and after a while Chest became a serious opponent for the regulars of rap battles, and in one of the music competitions he even reached the final round, having won against the eminent rapper (Oxxxymiron). True, the first place at that time went to Babangida.

Sasha Chest and Timati

In 2015, the creative path brought Sasha Chest with another popular rap artist: he noticed a talented musician and invited him to join the Black Star label. Chest agreed without hesitation and became part of this project, along with the performers and others. For the musician, the next stage in his work began: concerts, rehearsals and, of course, new tracks recorded at the label's professional studio.

In the same year, Sasha Chest released the song "Seven Words", the video for which scored a record number of views on social networks, and in 2016, listeners were pleased with the joint song of Sasha, Timati, Scrooge and, called "In Chips". During his collaboration with Black Star, Chest also managed to perform in a duet with and a rapper.

Sasha Chest's song "Seven words"

Then, in 2016, the musician left the label. The reasons for the departure of Sasha Chest remained "behind the scenes". According to one version, the basis for the conflict was the small number of tracks that Chest released. Be that as it may, the rapper met the next year again in free flight. Contrary to rumors that Sasha's career will end on this, the musician released a collection of compositions recorded with the performer, as well as several solo works.

And already in 2017, Sasha Chest announced the beginning of cooperation with the creative project of Vasily Vakulenko () and his team "GazGolder". The very first track released by the rapper in a new capacity captivated fans of the genre. We are talking about the composition "Cold", which Chest recorded together with. In the summer, the musician performed at the opening of the sensational #GazgolderLIVE festival, and a few months later he delighted music lovers with the news about the preparation of the album.

Sasha Chest's song "Until the morning"

The very first composition, which announced the disc, has already managed to fall in love with the audience. The track, according to the musician, turned out to be very personal. Sasha Chest put love for his native Siberia, the feelings that the nature of this region gives him, and nostalgia for home into the words of the song “At Home”.

The video is fully consistent with its content: the video was filmed on Sakhalin, the audience was shown a bewitching video sequence with views of wildlife. The performer also recorded several songs together with Anna Dvoretskaya, a participant in the Voice of the Streets project.

Sasha Chest and Anna Dvoretskaya perform the song "My Poison"

As is often the case with regular participants in rap battles, Sasha Chest managed to acquire not only fans of talent, but also haters - people who do not miss the opportunity to prick a musician or even insult him on the Web. However, Sasha, by his own admission, has already learned to ignore the negativity on the Internet, rightly believing that such people are not worth his emotions.

Personal life

The rapper's personal life interests listeners no less than creativity, but Sasha Chest prefers not to advertise relationships with ladies of the heart. It is only known that the musician is not yet married and has no children.

Sasha Chest now

Now Sasha Chest continues to actively perform with other artists of the Gazgolder label and work on the long-awaited album, which fans expect to be released in 2018. The schedule of the musician's concerts can be seen on fan pages on social networks, as well as on the official website of the Gazgolder project: the rapper's schedule is really tight.

In an interview, the musician admits that he is going to achieve greater fame and popularity: according to Chest, now he is surrounded by talented people, communication with whom motivates and helps to cope with emerging difficulties.

Three participants in the Songs project on TNT: Nazima (27), Terry (24) and DanyMuse (18).

And we decided to remember what bright artists were in Black Star.

DJ Dlee (2006-2009)

When (34) was only 14 years old, he created the Vip77 hip-hop project - it was attended by Ratmir Shishkov, Pasha (34) (now he is the CEO of the Black Star group of companies), MC Walter and Timati's other colleagues. He collaborated with the group and Dj Dlee, and in ordinary life Alexei Tagantsev is a DJ and record producer. He played in clubs, produced the Banda group and Timati's first solo album Black Star. In 2009, Alexei died in a terrible car accident on the 37th km of the Mozhaisk Highway - a Mercedes crashed into his car at full speed, which flew into the oncoming lane. By the way, Alexei's portrait is still on Pasha's desktop in the BlackStar office.

Karina Koks (2010–2012)

Karina with her husband

Karina with children

Yes, Karina (36) was also once signed to the Black Star label, and she went there directly from the Cream group, which gave her popularity in the 2000s. Timati "bought out" the singer from producer Yevgeny Orlov for as much as $ 1.5 million! But she did not last long there - after filming two videos, Karina decided to leave Black Star - then she was already in position. Together with her, the leading DJ Eduard Magaev (Dj M.E.G) left the label. At the end of 2012, the couple got married, and a week later Karina gave birth to a daughter, Camila. In 2015, Cox gave birth to her second daughter, Alana. Now Karina does not perform and rarely writes songs - she gives all her strength to the family.

DJ M.E.G (2007–2012)

oxxxymiron and DJ M.E.G

Eduard Magaev (35) worked with the label for five years and was its official DJ. He also recorded the tracks himself. But in 2012 he decided to stop working with Black Star. “I have a new vision for my professional development, this applies to both commercial music and progressive dance. The label, as they say, did its job. We have come a long way together, but the moment came when we had disagreements in the work, in connection with which I decided to leave the label. Of course, there are many pitfalls, these are rather personal issues that I do not talk about, ”he told the Nightout portal. Timati was dissatisfied with this decision of his ward and on the day when the contract was terminated, posted the following post on Instagram: “On the way to the unconquered peaks, gusts of wind rip off the masks from the faces of those who were once warmed only by selfish motives, and they are left alone with God and conscience, in the bowels of the passes, in search of their own path. My flock continues to move forward, to the beating of the heart, determining the vector of a new route ... ”Since then, relations between Timati and his former colleague have not gone well. And in 2016, a real scandal erupted. Timati released the song "Forbidden Fruit" with the following words: "I cleared my music label of devils." Magaev, of course, took it personally and wrote to him on Instagram: “If you are talking about me, then you need to say it to my face. Without protection, one on one.

Timati's answer was not long in coming. “Addressed to you as well. Because I think you're the devil. You have to be dumb not to understand this. It's not between the lines, but specifically everything is said. And you ask again, because you want to somehow not lose face in front of your f***ing subscribers. You're kind of cheeky by nature. But I know the truth: you are an ordinary syklo and a rare envious person. He wanted to prove the opposite to everyone, but, unfortunately, he did not take place either as an artist or as a person. Rotten. I see no point in continuing these discussions. I have already said everything, for the especially gifted I will repeat: you will not pull out this conversation by any parameters. Now you can start hyping." A month and a half later, Timati and Meg met by chance at the airport, but they did not make a scandal. Dj M.E.G then told his subscribers that there was a crowd of guards around Timati, but he didn’t start a fight for this reason: “It’s just that the insult has passed.”

Music Hayk (2007–2012)

Timati called Hayk Movsisyan "the new Asher" and had high hopes for him. “I approached Timati at the club and met him, and he invited me to come to the audition, which was conducted by Pasha. I decided to try my hand, they noticed me there. After the competition, they called me and offered to join the Black Star team, ”said Music Hayk. But after five years of cooperation, Timati realized that it was time to move on and in a different direction. Black Star inc. is a kind of "musical conveyor" where music of certain genres is created and released! At that time, R&B, Soul were relevant.<…>I began to realize that what I aspire to is completely different. And that my purpose is elsewhere - it's soul and rhythm and blues music. They parted amicably: “When we meet Pasha or Tima, we communicate well, we have very clean and friendly relations.”

B.K. (2007–2012)

Boris Gabarev also stood at the origins of the Black Star label and met Timati before its creation. And then he took part in the music festival "Version 0.1", where he received the Grand Prix - a prize from the hands of Tim himself. After that, he was invited to the label. Boris was a co-author of the songs Lazer Boy (Timati feat.), “Cold Heart” ( and ) and co-producer of Timati's The Boss album tracks. But in 2012 B.K. left Black Star, but did not talk about the reasons.

Sasha Chest (2015–2016)

Sasha Chest (31) stayed in the ranks of the Black Stars for a very short time and managed to record only three tracks: a fit with Timati "Best Friend" in honor of Vladimir Putin (65), "Seven Words" and "In Chips" together with Timati, om ( 28) and Scrooge (25). Chest says that they parted ways with the label amicably. “Of course, I wanted more releases - I am an artist, and it is important for me to see the result, the emotion of the listener. I became an artist of a new level, and this summer the label and I made a mutual decision to part ways, ”he told The Flow.


During the year of the existence of his own label, Timati lit a lot of stars. Many of his wards stayed to work with the producer, because he, like no one else, knows how to make stars, but there are those who decided to go “free swimming”. The first rapper Dzhigan left Black Star. Why this happened, we will understand further.

Jigan's career in Black Star

Rapper Dzhigan began working with Timati in 2008. During the six years of being under the wing of a mentor, he released two solo albums and recorded many tracks along with representatives of the pop scene. Duets have become a kind of "trick" of the rapper. During his career, he collaborated with Anna Sedakova, Zhanna Friske and Yulia Savicheva. At first he was a "dark horse" and did not stand out among other wards, but later he began active work. After the release of his second album, Djigan left Black Star, why this happened is still not clear to fans.

The peak of fame for this artist was the end of 2009, when he released a hit with Anna Sedakova. In the summer of 2010, a joint track with Timati was released for the song “Know” and almost simultaneously with it, a joint work with Yulia Savicheva - “Let go”. Everyone noted the excellent combination of female vocals with brutal rap. Later there was a no less successful track "You are near", recorded with Zhanna Friske.

From spring 2012 to autumn 2013, he worked on the second album, which became a continuation of the first "Frozen". The second disc "Music. Life” gave fans a lot of positive emotions. It also featured several joint compositions (with Loya and Polina Sky), but the solo work "To the End of the World" was not without.

Why Dzhigan left Black Star inc

Immediately after the release of the second album, the rapper leaves his producer. In 2013, the label lost several artists, including Lucky and the trio Buhar Jerreau. Fans explained such a general exit to "free swimming" by the fact that artists become popular and want to work for themselves so as not to give part of the fees to producers.

So, Dzhigan left Black Star. Why he made this decision remains a mystery to the end. In an interview, he spoke quite correctly, dismissing assumptions about a personal conflict with Timati. He himself refrained from making statements to the press, and Dzhigan said that he wanted to be realized as a solo artist and had a different vision of music. He decided to take a different path. Journalists suggested that the guy was tired of constantly working on duets.

Was the break really amicable?

Immediately after the breakup, the rapper flew to Miami on vacation with family and friends. There, he started filming a new video, in which he collected all the stereotypical images - a beautiful life, black and busty girls. At the same time, articles began to appear that Dzhigan had left Black Star. The reasons they indicated were as follows: a personal conflict with the producers and fatigue from the pop repertoire. Photos from the set of the new video confirmed the latest version.

The scandal between rappers broke out only in 2015. Apparently, by that time a personal conflict had begun between them. Timati did not comment on his Instagram page that Dzhigan left Black Star, why this happened, the producer has not yet explained. Instead, he noted a photo of Dzhigan from the south of France, filled with all the trappings of a luxurious life, and called him "an average sucker." After that, it became clear that the break in cooperation, at least for one of the parties, was not peaceful. He later deleted his caustic comment, but both fans and members of the press had already noticed him.

How Dzhigan commented on the scandal

After the appearance of the post from Timati, speculation began to appear again that Djigan had left Black Star. Why did this happen, journalists and fans pondered. Denis (the real name of the artist) and then behaved quite diplomatically. He did not talk about grievances and conflicts, but preferred to say that he considered the publication of his picture a joke. After all, Timati later deleted the mark and his caustic post.

In addition, Dzhigan said that he did not consider this appeal a personal insult. Rather, it served as an example that photos on Instagram do not always tell about a person’s real life. Regarding his financial situation, Djigan joked that he had enough to live on. The photo was taken during a stormy celebration of the rapper's birthday at one of the most expensive resorts, so Timati's words should not be taken seriously. Now he continues to work actively and delight fans with new tracks.

Sasha Chest is a famous Russian rap artist. He was born on July 19 (according to the horoscope cancer) in 1987 in the city of Kedrovy (Tomsk region, Russia). His height is about 170 centimeters, and his weight reaches 71 kilograms. Real name - Alexander Morozov.

Sasha was born and raised in a fairly ordinary family. From a very early age, he became interested in music. Basically it was hip-hop, which the young guy listened to non-stop. Having some idols, he dreamed that someday he would be able to cooperate with them. While still at school, Sasha slowly began to write lyrics for songs. Many works in the future will become the main asset of the artist.

At school he studied very well, but still he spent all his time only on creativity, which completely captured him and did not let go. All his aspirations and thoughts were directed towards only one goal - he certainly wanted to become a star. In fact, being a star was not the most important thing for him, it is something like a nice bonus that comes with his creative growth and recognition from the audience.

He wanted to create music the way he sees it or wants to see it in modern show business. Be that as it may, but in the end he still manages to break through the thick thorns of the musical world, where every second person has good potential and talent. True, not many people can be surprised. Sasha himself was able to follow the intended path and get the long-awaited recognition and an army of fans.

Among other things, Alexander studied at Tomsk State University.

Musical career

From a young age, Sasha begins to actively participate in many urban rap battles, where the performer once again proved his talent and potential. Thus, after a while he was invited to a group called "For the Regiment", which included: Stip (Vadim Bogdanov) and Capella (Roman Kozlov). Since that time, he had many works that never saw the light of day. It was for this reason that it was decided to release most of the band's debut album called "Forever".

In 2010, he and the group moved to Moscow. After a while, he, along with Roman Kozlov, decide to move on to another project called M.Y.B. So, in 2013, their video “The Best City of the Earth” was released. This was followed by various rap battles, as well as the hit "Money Touches My Hands." In 2015, he becomes part of the Black Star label. In the same year, the clip "Best Friend" was released together with Timati.

In 2017, he transferred to the Gazgolder label. To this day, he releases the hottest hits together with other popular artists.


Sasha Chest thoroughly protects his personal life, so there is absolutely no information about whether he has a wife and children.


The biggest and brightest stars of the modern Russian hip-hop industry are the guys from the Black Star Mafia. The composition of the vocalists changed more than once, but this did not affect the quality of the songs.

Background of appearance

Today, rap and hip-hop are one of the most popular trends in music. Timati (Timur Yunusov) made a significant contribution to their development.

It is worth noting that the performer himself began his career with participation in the Star Factory-4, after which the famous Banda group was created. Her vocalists were wildly popular with teenagers and young people, but the fame was short-lived. The group broke up after the death of one of the vocalists, who died in an accident. It was this experience of working in a team that helped Timati create the well-known Black Star Mafia project, the composition of which is completely assembled from Timur's close people.

History of creation

Back in 2006, Timati created a music label to promote talented youth. Black Star Inc and the vocalists of Black Star Mafia are not the same thing, which is why they should not be confused with each other. Hip-hop artists are just one of the many projects of the brand, which, in turn, covers not only production. Black Star Mafia became the second family for Timur Yunusov, which from year to year he promoted to the first places in music tops. Today, hip-hop and rap music is more popular than ever, and all this is directly due to Timati, Black Star Mafia and others. Let's take a closer look at the participants.

Black Star Mafia: line-up of vocalists

Black Star Mafia positions itself as an association focused on vocals, dance and entertainment, the main concept of which is to show without hiding its aggression that music is not a job, but a way of life.

List of hip-hop artists of this label:

  1. Timati is the founder of the association, he personally selected all the other participants.
  2. Egor Creed in 2012 became another Black Star Mafia performer. He was noticed after the release of a cover for the song "Don't Go Crazy".
  3. Mot (real name Matvey Melnikov) became a member back in 2013. During the time spent in Black Star Mafia, he has achieved good heights and continues to hold the bar.
  4. Scrooge. The real name of the talented performer is Eduard Vygranovsky. He is not only a good vocalist, but also an outstanding lyricist.
  5. L'one is a rap artist. His full name is Levan Gorozia. He is the musical artist of the Black Star Mafia.
  6. Natan is an accomplished vocalist, performer of many hits. He got into the label after the casting of "Young Blood".
  7. Klava Koka is a young performer who has conquered the hearts of young people, and has recently been participating in the Black Star Mafia.
  8. Doni (full name - Doni Islamov) is a popular hip-hop artist. Since 2014, she has been a member of the Timati label. He is a permanent resident of the Garage club.
  9. Dana Sokolova, like Phil, became the winner of the casting in mid-2015 and got a place in the company.
  10. Vander Feel became the winner of the "Young Blood" competition, thereby securing his membership in the label.
  11. Misha Marvin - pop singer and talented songwriter, is a full member of the Black Star Mafia.
  12. Kristina Si is a hip-hop singer. In 2013, she signed an agreement with the label.
  13. Kan (full name Patvokan Arakelyan) is a DJ and music artist who became a member of the company in 2014.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the vocalist, whose popularity can only be compared with the creator of Black Star Mafia. Mot (stage name of the performer) has sung in a duet with the stars more than once.

This list includes:

  • Jah Khalib;
  • Music Hayk;
  • Bianca;
  • Artem Pivovarov.

Many media wrote that Matvey Melnikov showed great promise as one of the most famous members of the Black Star Mafia.

This list of performers is not yet final. Timati holds vocal auditions every year in order to find talented youth. It can be assumed that in the near future we will hear many new voices in Black Star Mafia.

Departed Members

Recently, a large number of good vocalists have left the label, explaining that they are tired of being in the shadows and want to be popular. Black Star Mafia, whose composition was replenished with new names, assures that this did not affect the decrease in the high level taken.

Here is a list of the members who left the line-up:

  • DJ Dlee;
  • Karina Cox;
  • Music Hayk Lucky;
  • Pavel Galanin;
  • DJ Meg;
  • B.K.;
  • Dzhigan;
  • DJ Miss Dippy;
  • Fidel;
  • group "Panama";
  • Sasha Chest.

sensational care

One of the most high-profile departures from the Black Star Mafia, according to the media, was the loss of Dzhigan in 2013, when he decided to headlong into his solo career. Despite this, Timati, Djigan, Black Star Mafia and all its members claim that they still maintain friendly relations, even though the departure was one of the biggest losses for the label.


Timati united people with common interests and outlooks on life into his "musical family", working as one mechanism. Ten years later, the label ceased to be purely musical, and it was because of this that an aggressive rebranding was carried out in 2016, which can also be considered a good PR move. He helped listeners to take a fresh look at the performers they already knew.

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