Sati Casanova left the group. That is, we will soon see you in a new image.

0 19 May 2010, 17:40

The Fabrika group has been considered one of the most stable bands on the stage for several years now. However, now something has changed in him - Sati Casanova left the group.

Even the production center of Igor Matvienko announced a casting, but then its representatives did not admit what changes were coming in the "Factory". At first it was assumed that Sasha Savelyeva would leave. Then there were rumors that the trio could turn into a quartet.

But it turned out that in fact it was Sati Kazanova who decided to start a solo career. Since autumn, she will already be a full-fledged solo performer.

Meanwhile, Sati has already been selected for the place. Katya Lee from Hi-Fi became her. Katya admitted that she works much more pleasantly with beautiful girls than with men.

Information about the new composition was confirmed to us by the press attache of the production center Matvienko:

Yes, Sati starts her solo career in autumn. And they took Katya Lee to the "Factory".

In this case, we are waiting for Sati's first solo song (they say it will work in a completely different genre than "Factory"). And we are waiting for the first performances of "Factory" with Katya Lee.

Sati and Katya

Interviews in the newspaper "Megapolis-Express" often become the subject of heated discussion. Our editors now give readers the opportunity to communicate with some of the star heroes of publications on-line at a chat conference. Look for messages about the time and heroes of star chats in the nearest numbers. And this week, our observer met with the charming members of the Fabrika group, who answered questions from fans in a star chat for two hours. The view of Sati Kazanova, Sasha Savelieva and Ira Toneva (the fourth participant - Masha Alalykina recently left the group) was nonetheless peppy.
What questions bothered you the most?
Ira: Yes, as usual: how to get to know us. And why did Masha Alalykina leave the group. Is it true that she is pregnant?
- What, really?
Sasha: As far as we know, no child is expected. Not even in the plans for the near future.
- How about your personal life? Probably, there is no end to the fans now?
Sati: Yes, and before everything was without problems!
Ira: Well, you're just "Miss Modesty" herself.
Sati: No, I mean that there have always been fans, only it used to be easier. Now I am constantly tormented by some kind of suspiciousness - why does this guy want to get to know me, is it because I am a good person, or because Sati Casanova is a face from the screen?
Ira: And I don't have any prejudice. On the contrary, it's cool. Here, I remember, a year ago my friends and I went to a club, and there on the stage a very cute boy danced, in such light tight jeans. I watch how cool he moves, and his heart is pounding harder and harder! Of course, I made my way to the stage, but only he did not pay any attention to me, since there were a lot of other girls around. But now, a year later...
Sasha: A! So you're talking about that guy in light jeans, with whom you recently graciously greeted at a concert in Ostankino?
- A year has passed, and he is still in the same jeans?
Ira: Enough to make fun of you, I'm answering the question! It’s just that now I’m no longer part of the crowd for him.
- Girls, you recently appeared on the pages of a men's magazine in underwear. After that, probably, a whole pilgrimage of oligarchs backstage began with offers to dine at a restaurant?
Sati: Even if some oligarch wandered in, I would refuse, you never know what this invitation is fraught with.
Sasha: Oligarchs don't go to our concerts.
- By the way, how do your relatives feel about such erotic shootings?
Ira: As for me, I always choose costumes on set that are longer and more opaque. In principle, parents understand everything. Here Sati is more difficult.
Sati: Yes, and my parents understand everything, however, the neighbors are less understanding. I’m a Kabardian, my family lives in Nalchik, and my father has to constantly shut everyone’s mouths, explaining that this is just my job, and not promiscuity. Promiscuity and nezakompleksovannost - different things. For example, I can go to a sex shop.
- For shopping or for a tour?
Sati: I went out of interest. I touched everything, looked, embarrassed the seller, but did not buy anything. But the male visitors looked at me like a piece of cake with whipped cream. Such cheeky looks!
Sasha: In general, we often have to deal with arrogance on the part of men. Just recently, some idiot called at 3 am and said: “Hi, Sashun, this is Misha, don’t you recognize me? Well, okay, okay, you don’t know me yet, but there is a chance to find out!” Of course, I tactfully explained to him what I think of him.
- The other day your new video came out. Did anything extreme happen on set?
Ira: It was scary to shoot, by golly! Riding a narrow bridge on a scooter, smiling at the camera and knowing that 20 centimeters to the right and left - and you will fly from three meters into the icy water in your awesome swimsuit!
Sati: Or fall off a motor scooter onto the road and break the heel of your three hundred dollar sandals!
Sasha: Or you burn yourself so that everyone will yell: "The leader of the redskins, the leader of the redskins!"
Sati: But for me, the most extreme case is 4 hours in the “monkey house”, where I ended up only when I arrived in Moscow. True, she herself was to blame - she was driving home from a performance from the casino, but she forgot her passport. The police took me away, so beautiful.
- Really with vagabonds in one cell have closed?
Sati: No, with prostitutes. True, I didn’t differ much from them in appearance, as I was in stage make-up, but the girls themselves realized that I was not their colleague, and for a long time yelled to the cops: “Let the child go!”

Sati Casanova leaves the Fabrika group and starts a solo career in the fall. Ksenia Sobchak spoke about how Matvienko reacted to this decision, about the oligarchs and women's happiness in a provocative interview.

Photo: Ilya Vartanyan

To be honest, I have not met such a cheerful person as Sati for a long time. Throughout the conversation, positive energy emanated from her, she was in a great mood and, most importantly, she sincerely believed that everything would be fine. For eight whole years, Sati, as part of the Fabrika group, toured the country, performed in front of students and oligarchs, saw a lot of things that you don’t want to see, but nevertheless remained open and naive in a good way - in my opinion, in the show business is a real miracle.

Tell us why you decided to leave the band?
Well, it wasn't a sudden decision. I have dreamed about this for a long time - from the first day of the foundation of the "Factory", probably. All these years I have been asking Igor Matvienko leading questions. And he answered: “Everything is possible ...” And about two years ago I clearly understood that I was ready for a solo voyage. She decided for herself, but after all, she must inform the producer and somehow explain herself to the girls. And then, I had no idea where I would go, what the repertoire would be like ... Realizing that there was a lot of inner work to be done, I decided to just start acting. She began to intensively engage in vocals and at the same time thought about her future project. Once I called Igor and said that I wanted to talk to him. He, apparently, immediately thought: well, everything, got married or pregnant. ( laughing.) And this time, I feel, he tensed up, and I excitedly told him: “So and so, I want a solo project and that you remain my producer.” And he: “Come on, I don’t mind.” So from autumn I will sing solo.
So you wanted a solo career from the very beginning?
Certainly. Ambition something exorbitant. ( smiling.) And if not for them, I would not have come to Moscow from a small republic. When I was assigned to a group at the Star Factory, I even cried. The producer was very surprised: they say, is anyone really unhappy? That is, I should have been glad that I went somewhere at all.
Do you think that even then you were ready to perform alone?
Of course not. I was not ready either technically or psychologically. And she hasn't grown at all. Therefore, I am very grateful to all my large creative family for giving me the opportunity to become who I am. I hope I didn't inconvenience anyone with my decision to leave the group. Although the conversation with the girls was ...
Tell. I think there's a lot of envy in the girl group already. And then there’s the solo career… You must have demoralized everyone.
I won't say anything about envy. If it was, it was only at the beginning, during the grinding period. And not even envy, but competition. The first three years it was especially acute. First of all between me and...
Differently. There was a case, Irka and I compared vocals. Competed on stage, who will take this or that note louder. They bullied the public. ( smiling.) Then it dawned on us that all this was not very good, and the competition turned into a different form. We suddenly started to open up to each other. To be interested: how did you do it, but somehow ... They began to share the secrets of mastery.
Why, then, did the conversation turn out to be difficult?
Well, I guess they weren't completely ready. And I was not ready, although I had planned this conversation for a long time. We were sitting in some cafe, and we were literally shaking with tears.
Did you cry right there?
Yes, especially Irka and I. Sasha is a very strong girl. I saw that she had tears in her eyes, her chin was trembling, but on the whole she was doing well. She said that they were rooting for me, that we would still be together. Ira and I told her: “Of course we will!” And we both roar ... It was all so hard to decide, but in the end we calmed down. Now rehearsals are actively underway with a new girl - Sasha regularly writes about this on Twitter. Sometimes I’m even jealous when I read from her: it’s cool, they say, when there is harmony, everyone listens to each other. On the other hand, why bother? I already have my own story.
What will your new style be?
Quality pop music with elements of different styles.
Which Western musicians inspire you?
Leona Lewis likes her femininity. Pink is too aggressive for me, Lady Gaga is outrageous. Maybe something close to Rihanna, Aguilera... I'll take the best from each. ( smiling.) Pop music in its purest form is a thing of the past, now dance music is relevant. People want to dance.
Are you afraid that nothing will work? Let's be honest, while in Russia there is not a single singer from the group who could build a solo career. In addition to Zhanna Friske, perhaps, she really is no longer associated with the "Brilliant". But 99 percent of singers go into oblivion.
Is it really such a big percentage? ( smiling.)
Don't you care?
Perhaps my faith in myself is so strong that I am not afraid of anything. Do you think I wasn't warned that I was taking risks? Igor said that there were 547 people like me on the waiting list. But I decided that I was ready to break through.
Agree, most girls go into show business with the sole purpose of finding an oligarch and getting married. You are perhaps one of the few people about whom such gossip is not spread.
No, I honestly try to get married. ( laughing.) Only to be sure of love.
What about the financial aspect?
Of course, this is the ultimate dream: to love and have money. But in eight years I have seen so many things ... You will not be happy with money alone.
Have you ever dated a very rich man?
No, there was no romantic relationship. Well, taken care of, of course ...
That is, you want to say that in eight years you have never - not even for mercantile reasons, but purely out of curiosity - met with an oligarch?
Out of curiosity, no. Another thing is if a person is interesting to me. But despite the lack of novels, I often talked with businessmen and managed to draw some conclusions.
That they are complex, strange... They are not free, they do not feel safe. What else... Not always noble, sometimes petty. Although we have girlfriends who are married to oligarchs - normal noble men.
Well, you and I have one acquaintance - I won’t give a last name - who looked after you very much, called you Satanya - this is your full Kabardian name, as far as I know. And he seemed to be serious. After some time, he married another girl - also a soloist. When you meet him, how do you feel?
It doesn't bother me at all, do you believe me? I understand what you're talking about. Yes, an interesting young man, but nothing more.
And what relationships in your life were the most harmonious? Or rather, how did the man with whom you were happy correspond to your ideas about the ideal companion? Roughly speaking, I wanted a mischievous brunette under two meters, but I was happy with ...
... a silent blond who spent days watching football on TV.
Yes, a loved one can be the opposite of the one we picture in our imagination.
What is important to you in a man?
Again I will say my favorite word - nobility. ( smiling.) A man should have a class. And generosity is indicative for me. If he has problems with money, but at the same time he is ready to take off his last shirt for you, this is aerobatics for me. Maybe because my dad is like that - after all, girls judge by their father.
Something tells me that your current chosen one is an oriental person.
It doesn't matter.


In the group "Factory", which for two painful months was looking for a new soloist, there was a change in composition. The temperamental Sati Kazanova was replaced by the still shy star of the Hi-Fi project Ekaterina Lee, writes LifeShowbiz.Ru.

A couple of months ago, the metropolitan party was shocked by the news that the Fabrika group, one of the most close-knit groups on the pop scene, was changing its lineup. Castings were held in Moscow and Kyiv, which brought together hundreds of girls of completely different ages, appearances and talents, but none of them pleased the demanding producer Igor Matvienko. It was decided to look for a new soloist among the already experienced artists, who secretly whispered to the eminent producer about their desire to work with him and the girls.

Perhaps there will simply be four of us, - Ira, Sati and Sasha were secret then (probably "by order" of a strict boss). - The new soloist should not be like any of us.

But the words of the girls, sounded at the end of March, turned out to be cunning: the beautiful Katya Li, chosen from many applicants in the image and likeness of the former member of the group, came to the place of Sati Kazanova, who left the group. The fragile brunette, who, like Sati, comes from Kabardino-Balkaria, joined the team without any problems and feels absolutely relaxed in the company of Ira and Sasha.

We were a family, and so we remain, - shared Irina Toneva. - Satishka remains our sister, we all just have to move on. Sasha and I help Katya as best we can, and we hope that we can easily work together.

Sati Casanova is now full of plans for the future and inspired by the prospects that have opened up.

I dreamed of a solo career and that Igor Matvienko became my producer. In the fall, I hope to release a solo video and prepare an interesting program, Casanova told Life Showbiz. - Therefore, we will still be with the girls nearby and we will not have to part.

Sati's project will be very different from what she did in the "Factory", - said the group's producer Igor Matvienko. - "Factory" is a kind of female version of the "Lyube" group, stylized as retro, but Sati will move in a different direction.

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