Sati Casanova: “In our family there is one religion - this is love. Sati Kazanova: "I'm not very interested in what's fashionable in a star party"


Bright appearance, amazing charm and wisdom in the eyes - all this is about Sati Kazanova. Today, the young singer performs solo, gathers many thousands of halls and promotes ethnic style in her work. And more recently, Sati became a certified actress. And who knows what other facets of talent this oriental diva hides?!

Sati, first I would like to congratulate you on receiving a GITIS diploma! The question immediately arises: what role in the cinema do you dream of?

Thank you! As for the roles, I can not say for sure. Lots of stories, characters, characters that you want to play. And the more the better, because I think it will reveal me. It doesn't matter if they are comedic or dramatic roles.

Which Russian director would you like to work with?

With pleasure I would go to Timur Bekmambetov, and for any role. To Vladimir Nagin, Vladimir Zvyagintsev. I have requests, of course, not small! I was already lucky enough to work with Rizo Gignashvili - it was my debut. It was very easy, although the shooting day was short, as it was a pilot version. Time will tell if there will be a sequel. But my first film experience was under his guidance.

Who would you like to work with as fellow actors?

My dream is Mel Gibson! As an actor, producer, director. If he offered me at least something, I would, without hesitation, agreed. For me, he is the height of perfection and talent.

Sati, will acting interfere with your career as a solo singer?

No. One does not exclude the other. On the contrary: the singer who did not become an actress is worthless. And the actress, who is not a singer, also loses.

It's no secret that two years ago you were one of the soloists of the Fabrika group. Why did you decide to leave?

It's a long story. I will say briefly: I needed the freedom of creativity, perhaps a search for myself, albeit erroneous, albeit stupid. But these are my mistakes, it was important for me to be able to make them. Being in a team, I could not afford a lot, refuse to travel, filming. Now I can already express my opinion. Although it's expensive!

So what about the budget then?

All is well with him. But I can say that it was more profitable to work in the Factory group than solo. But the rumors about some of my sponsors are lies. I play mine - and I'm happy!

Recently, the project “Live Sound” was released on television screens, in which you took part. Before that, there were "Ice and Fire", "One to One" and many others. What gives you participation in them: is it a test of yourself or an opportunity to reveal new potential?

I'm insanely excited. I get offers, but I can't find the strength to refuse. I try to take part in everything, without even thinking about winning or losing. For example, in the One to One project, it was important for me to simply participate.

Sati, I would like to know more about your attitude to fashion. Do you have any clothing preferences? What can't you deny yourself?

For the last two years I have been calm about clothes, fashion, shopping. I am very sorry to waste time, money, effort on this. I can’t even imagine how I could pay so much attention to this all before.

Sati, you do not hide your passion for headwear, in particular for hats. How many of them do you have and why this particular accessory?

Not so much. Approximately 10-15. Caps, hats. I buy the ones I like. I don't really follow trends. This protects me from over-recognition.

Coco Chanel once said: “People are not interested in fashion, but in the few who create it.” Do you agree with this statement? Do you have any favorites among designers?

It seems to me that every designer has successful and unsuccessful collections. Now I even like mass markets sometimes more, because now I am much more attentive to my spending. Although I used to “break away”, buy everything in a row and thereby assert myself, probably because in childhood I was deprived of all this tinsel: dresses, jewelry and everything else. As Mikhail Zadornov said, "there is self-expression, but there is self-affirmation." So, now I'm not interested in asserting myself. Money can be spent much more wisely and usefully.

You mentioned mass markets. And what brands do you prefer, if not a secret?

Yes, in general, it doesn't matter. I am pleased with TOPSHOP, and Zara, and H&M, and River Island.

“Money can be spent much smarter and more usefully,” for example?

At least help someone. Or invest in your education, travel, and at least in real estate.

Travel … what is your favorite resort and where would you like to go?

I don't like resorts as such. I love interesting and beautiful nature. I prefer islands, spiritually rich, pristine places. Although I have not traveled much, I can definitely say that trips to Bali, Mauritius and India give me strength and charge me with exceptionally positive emotions. Those who have not yet visited the Andaman Islands, be sure to do it!

Sati, what can you say about your daily routine, what will you definitely find time for in it?

It all depends on the schedule: whether there are shootings, meetings that day. But every morning I definitely devote time to physical exercises, spiritual practices, meditation, yoga. It happens that I am in a hurry: getting up early, leaving, but I still try to take a couple of minutes and take care of myself.

Many girls dream about your figure. Perhaps you adhere to strict diets?

I would not say that I have a perfect figure. There is always something to strive for, and I, like any girl, are always worried about 2-3 extra pounds. Even when I weighed 48-49 kg, I was still preoccupied with my weight, although I looked like a dystrophic. This, of course, is not normal. Therefore, I dream of achieving such a state of mind when I accept myself in any form. If someone thinks that I eat grass and flowers, it's not true. I am an ordinary girl, I also don’t like myself in many ways, it happens that I get upset and even roar - everything happens: I’m alive. The question is how to deal with such emotional breakdowns. I'm trying to keep up!

How do you deal with bad moods?

Yoga helps the most. I plunge into myself, and inside there is always silence and grace, bliss, beauty. I hear myself. As the saying goes in Buddhist wisdom, "You're not doing well - don't worry, you're doing well - don't worry either."

Can someone else's opinion hurt you?

It all depends on how the person expressed it. I try not to allow myself to feel such a feeling as resentment. I can respond harshly to a person, express dissatisfaction with the words spoken to me. I can put it in place - it will not rust behind me (laughs)

Sati, I would like to know a little about your personal life. Now it is impossible not to notice the stellar wedding boom, which is taking place not only in Russia, but also abroad. When will we see you appear in a white dress and is there a candidate?

You'll see for sure someday, don't worry. I will only say this when I am confident in my soul mate. Until the relationship is legitimized before society and heaven, I will not disclose this. Happiness loves silence. Everything personal and intimate must be protected. You can't make a show out of this.

What should be a person to win the love of SATI CASANOVA?

Only God knows this. Of course, he must be loving, understanding, caring and, above all, loved. If I don't love a person, I can't accept him. In addition, he should be the one with whom I will become better, wiser, more experienced in the highest sense. This is the main wish for me if I ask God for a life partner. It is important for me that we look in the same direction.

And finally, what are your plans for the near future?

Now I am engaged in the design of my musical direction - ethnostyle. It seems to me that what I have conceived is worthy of the world level. As soon as I'm lucky and I meet interesting musicians and like-minded people, support - producer and financial, then I will advance to the world stage. And it's not glory for glory's sake. In this project, indeed, there is something that will make the sphere of musical art truly beautiful. In our country there is such a strange feature - not to recognize something new. Russian artists who have earned fame abroad only after that find recognition in their native land. Therefore, I also had such a desire: to “promote” my project not only in Russia.

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Sati Casanova. Exclusive interview. God gives everyone a specific purpose

Singer Sati Casanova was awarded in the nomination "For the development of cultural relations between Russia and other countries" at the Women's Success Awards 2016. The singer admitted that this nomination is especially joyful for her: “On a spiritual level, it is important for me to develop relations between Russia and Asia, we have something in common, especially the soul!”

Maria Prokopchenko: Tell me, what event was the precursor to the decision to become who you are now?

Sati Casanova: I believe that God gives each person a specific purpose. It hatches and is seen from childhood. In fact, I felt it right away. My parents helped me in this, supported me, although a strict Caucasian upbringing could well deny all this. They could force me to enter some medical faculty, as my mother, in fact, wanted, but this did not happen, and thank God.

Maria: Tell us what you had to go through on the way to success? What intersection points did you have to pass?

Sati: There was a lot to go through. And it's still happening. This is life, this is such a “training ground”. There were both ups and downs. Mistakes, trials, everything. Starting with financial problems, ending with a spiritual crisis.

That's what life is for, so that through some kind of exacerbation, some kind of pain, bring us to a new level of state and development, it never ends.

There is such aerobatics when development already occurs without suffering. Now, to be honest, there is less and less suffering, and even if I feel some kind of pain or longing, I simultaneously feel love with it. And this love will never leave me. Because her taste is with me forever. And no matter how close to despair, it would seem that I understand that this is just a "spectacle of life", a game that is not the truth. The truth is beyond all these good-evil and good-bad.

Maria: Tell me, what did you feel when you achieved the first significant result in your profession?

Sati: Let's take the starting point - the reporting concert "Star Factory 1" in the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. It was December 2012. I was 20 years old. What did I experience? This is a huge "Olympic", about 16-17 thousand spectators, this is a fairly large spectator. Euphoria, I did not understand at all what was happening. Firstly, so quickly, so abruptly, so brightly, like an icy shower gushing - I was not ready for this, as, in fact, all my young colleagues. In general, I am surprised how my psyche survived and did not go crazy ...

Maria: Some people think that famous people found their way easy. But surely this is a big internal and external work. Tell about it.

Sati: I will say without hiding that a coin always has two sides. I believe that a person deserves this or that fate by karma, if there is such karma, then he will be born with certain abilities and capabilities. There is work, both internal and external. My work - it consists in the most important thing - the ability to love, compassion, be merciful. I am learning this. There are falls, and blunders, anything can happen.

Maria: Tell us what you are striving for and what are your plans for the near future?

Sati: Whatever the plans, I have now touched on such a state, and most importantly, the realization that "Everything is the Will of God." We cannot, when planning, be completely sure that this will be the case. This gap of humility before the Divine Will, in English this word sounds “surrender”, which means “surrender” in translation. This is the highest state that can be, but at the same time the most difficult. All scriptures say: "Do what you must, and then come what may."

Maria: Can you give some advice for those who are still looking for their own path, or maybe already on their way to success?

Sati: Speaking of success, dear women, my dear sisters, success is a very flexible and relative concept. External success is not always true success. And not always what seems to be idleness or unsuccessful is such.

I wish you only one thing - to find your own: your purpose, your path, your tools. Because each of us is created by God individually and uniquely. What suits me is not guaranteed to suit any of you, and vice versa. I want to find myself. Then I wish not to turn off, to be true to myself, to love and accept myself, on so much so that everyone around was infected with it.

Now we, women, most of all lack this very love for ourselves, acceptance, we are constantly trying to either compete with each other or please men. Both are very false. We are by definition divine. We just need to keep it and remember it. This is what I wish you.

Sati, you are known in our country as a pop singer, but not everyone is familiar with your experiments with the Indian spiritual musical direction - with mantras. It is known that mantras are music for the soul. What does your soul feel during their performance and listening? Yes, there is an alternative genre in my musical work, which may become the main one someday or will be parallel to the pop genre that most people associate with today. Mantras are prayers. Of course, when I listen to them and perform them, I am in an elevated state of mind. Someone calls mantras longing for God, for the Divine, someone calls it a song to God, dissolution in God. Whatever you want to call it, it's the same thing. Tell us, what caused your interest in India, vegetarianism, the Vedas and yoga? It's just that a person has a predisposition to something - likes and dislikes, which cannot be explained in any way. It is the same with me with India, with all its culture (vegetarianism, Vedas, yoga) - this is close to me. This is probably what I was born with, because otherwise this love could not have filled me so much and become a part of my life. Indian philosophy now defines my inner ethics when it comes to vegetarianism and the Vedas. But this does not mean that I have abandoned or moved away from my native culture. At the moment I am in the Caucasus, and now all the puzzles have begun to take shape for me: I see the intersection and similarity of the ancient cultures of all peoples. This suggests that in the old days all people followed the same immutable truths, which modern society has now lost. What is especially valuable about the Vedas is that, unlike other teachings and philosophies, they were able to convey these truths to the present time in the most complete original form. What do you draw for yourself from travel? I haven't been to a lot of places yet. Bit I'd like. Traveled in India, Bali, in some European countries. Of the things created by man, I am always fascinated by temples, architectural monuments, and parks. But still, probably, there is nothing more beautiful than the open ocean and high mountains - I am incredibly inspired by miraculous beauty.

Why does a person need to travel? By the way, in what composition do you like to do it: with a big company, with your loved ones, alone?

It is absolutely necessary for a person to travel to broaden his horizons, otherwise he will not recognize life, will not understand what people “breathe” in other countries, in other cultures, and will continue to exist in his small narrow world, not seeing beyond his own nose.

I dream of going on a trip to Asian countries for several months - India, Tibet, Bhutan ... I want to visit all the outstanding temples, architectural monuments, spa centers, restaurants, protected areas! Ideally, I want to go alone or in the company of a loved one who can share with me the love for these places, for this culture.

Music for travel
Choice of Sati Casanova:
Deva Premal.
Take one of the albums with mantras - it's great to go, listen and relax.
Awakening love. An album that I produced. It's lounge style, Buddha-bar. Background listening creates an amazing mood - cheerful and relaxed at the same time.

6 months ago

Singer Sati Casanova @satikazanova told BeautyHack about how yoga has influenced her life, creativity, everyday habits and attitude to beauty, and also showed what is always in her cosmetic bag.

- First of all, I would like to ask you about your love for yoga: how did it all begin and how did you come to it?

They say that it is not a person who finds yoga, but yoga finds him, calls him and embraces him for centuries. There is an opinion that if you came to yoga, it is not by chance - it was like that in a past life.

Yoga teaches us balance. Physical exercise and meditation are necessary for the body, spirit and mind to work together. If a person only trains the body in the gym or practices only meditation, there is a certain imbalance.

- Do you remember your first lesson?

Yes, it was Ashtanga yoga. I especially remember the smell of incense and mantra. I thought: "What an interesting and mysterious world." This world was close to me, it captivated me. At first, I didn’t really like it: I can’t say that from the first lesson some kind of awareness came, on the contrary, the exercises caused discomfort, caused physical pain and inconvenience. But I returned to classes again and again, because at the end there was shavasana, and we sang mantras.

I tried all kinds of yoga and six years ago I met my spiritual master, I was initiated into a very powerful yoga technique called atma kriya yoga.

But I am not against group classes, if you have a good trainer who will take into account individual physical characteristics: problems with the spine, scoliosis. But it is also important to take care of yourself - even in the best fitness club, the trainer may not take into account your individual characteristics, which will be harmful to your health.

- How does yoga help you cope with life's difficulties?

First of all, yoga teaches us acceptance. The same thing that any Holy Scripture teaches us: that everything happens according to the will of God, and we need to come to terms with this, although this is not easy.

She also teaches trust - everything that happens in your life does not happen in vain.

Practicing yoga, you understand that material wealth has nothing to do with happiness and harmony. And that your only job is to just be happy. And also love and be loved.

How has yoga influenced your work?

At the end of December, I released the album Sati Ethnica, which is inspired by practices. But yoga began to influence me and my creativity a long time ago. Leaving the Fabrika group was a turning point for me - I realized that my work does not satisfy me, does not make me truly happy.

Then there were different periods, I even wanted to sing only mantras and completely abandon the direction of pop music. But I was able to find a compromise and agree with myself, mainly thanks to my spiritual mentor, who told me: “It doesn’t matter what you sing. What matters is how you do it. People feel the message that comes from your heart.”

But yoga affects not only creativity and life, but also everyday habits: every morning I start with meditation. Even if I have a very busy day and have no time for anything, I dedicate 5 minutes to myself and meditate. And I also definitely do gymnastics - it helps to tone the muscles and wake up faster.

- What do you like to eat for breakfast?

Most often I eat cereals, which I cook in a slow cooker on a gentle mode. I cook them from green buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth.

Was it hard for you to become a vegetarian? What meaning do you put into it?

My body and psyche, most importantly, very quickly adapted to this. But for the first few years, I still had the feeling that I was infringing on myself somewhere. The only thing I missed was seafood. I went to Bali, looked at lobsters and crabs and remembered how delicate they taste. But gradually the longing for certain products went away, and now I will not eat food of animal origin for any good.

I have developed a well-balanced diet and am constantly learning how to turn food into treatment according to the ancient system of Ayurveda.

- How do you feel about those who decide to give up meat simply because it is fashionable?

I believe that it is worth giving up meat in any case, at least under the influence of fashion. This can be compared with a relationship: you are with a person either out of love or out of convenience. Vegetarianism by calculation is also good, a bonus to your health. We just don't know how harmful animal products really are. And if they knew, they would have abandoned them long ago.

- How do you feel about diets? Have you had to seriously limit yourself in nutrition?

Strict diets I now do not accept in any way. Once I dabbled in it, but now I know what it is fraught with.

But I practice fasting days, I call them "days of fasting." I fill them with spiritual meaning - then it is easier to limit oneself in food, and the mood becomes better. In a word, the body is cleansed - it periodically needs such "unloading".

- But surely there is something that you cannot deny yourself?

Of course, I'm a living person! Sometimes I give in to temptations. For example, I drink coffee almost every day, although it is not useful (only if it is to increase pressure in microscopic doses!). I make it with oatmeal or coconut milk.

I also love chocolate. There is little useful in it, but sometimes you really want it!

But I don’t abuse it: these products “acidify” the body very much, which provokes the aging process. In order not to get sick and not to feel a breakdown, you need, on the contrary, to eat “alkaline” foods - fruits and vegetables.

- Do you often cook by yourself or do you prefer to go to restaurants? What is your favorite restaurant in Moscow?

When I have time, I like to cook myself: I know what products to combine, what spices to season the dish to make it tasty and healthy.

I go to restaurants only when I don’t have time to cook something at home or I want to diversify the evening. The most favorite restaurant is Moscow-Delhi. It prepares dishes of Nepalese and North Indian cuisine, but they are adapted for Russian stomachs: the food is practically not spicy and is made from very high quality products. Their slogan - "we feed not only food, we feed love" - ​​is very felt in the dishes.

With my husband, our taste preferences almost completely coincide, with the exception of small nuances: he does not like it when cardamom seeds are put in porridge, but I just adore them!

Most often, we eat legumes, grains and vegetables. Many healthy and tasty dishes can be prepared from these products. But most of all he likes "dal" - a traditional Indian lentil thick soup.

- As a child, all girls dream of an ideal prince. Did your dreams match reality? Or do you think that it is not necessary to look for an ideal in everyone?

I am against drawing any images in my head. Frankly, I also had different dreams and ideals. But my husband and my family turned out to be very different than I imagined. I think it is important to surrender to the will of God and ask him for what he sees fit to give you, and not for what you want yourself.

- There is an opinion that marriage changes people - do you agree with him? How has your outlook changed since you got married? Do you and your husband look alike, or are you opposites that complement each other?

It is too early to talk about global changes. But my life feelings have definitely changed, I have gained confidence and an inner core. Now I constantly feel that I have protection - my shoulders are covered and there is a rear behind me. This feeling is priceless.

My husband and I are similar in the main things: the way we see our life and the whole world around us, we have the same goals. But we are completely different in details: he is more punctual and responsible, pragmatic in a European way. I, as a creative woman, am often absent-minded, sometimes careless about numbers and finances. But due to these little things, we perfectly complement each other and learn something new.

- During your marriage, did you manage to derive your personal formula for an ideal relationship and the main rules of family life?

The most important thing in a relationship is to be considerate in order to give your significant other enough attention and care without losing your personal boundaries.

- Tell us about your relationship with your mother: is she a friend, mentor or role model?

Now my mother has become my friend, but a few years ago I could not say that. Yes, she was my mother, my beloved mother, but there was no such trust and unity of souls between us as now. Perhaps this situation changed marriage.

- Do you love to travel? What is your favorite place on the planet where you want to return again and again? Do you prefer the role of a tourist or do you try to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the country, feeling like a local resident?

I love to travel very much and always want to return to India and Bali: these places beckon and attract me with irresistible force again and again.

Now I want to go to the southern part of India, which is adjacent to the border with Pakistan, there are a lot of energetically strong places of pilgrimage.

When I travel, I really like to communicate with local residents: I am interested in delving into the culture of the place where I am.

- You travel a lot - what helps you take care of your skin during long flights?

On the plane, my skin dries out very much, and there is not enough time to regularly visit a beautician. Japanese masks Quality First The Best, Moist, Queens Premium come to the rescue - they moisturize, nourish and restore the skin after flights very well. They contain up to 63 natural ingredients and extracts and no chemicals! I also use natural oils without fragrances, which I apply liberally on the skin of the face and body.

- Share the secret of hair care - how do you save them after constant styling?

The main beauty secret is proper nutrition. If you do not include enough fats in the diet, then the skin, hair and nails will look bad, and no creams and procedures will help. Dietary fat is easy. For example, I eat a lot of avocados, coconut oil and ghee.

- How often do you do makeup? What is always in your makeup bag?

I feel very comfortable without makeup, but sometimes it is just necessary, like some kind of armor or shield. Makeup is my armor in which I enter the battlefield.

And in the cosmetic bag there is always a nourishing cream for hands, nails and cuticles, lip balm, moisturizing face spray and perfume - the absolute minimum that I need in any situation.

- Has your passion for yoga helped you somehow reconsider your attitude to beauty?

Yes, and now I am more eager to see the inner beauty of a person, which is not always visible behind the outer shell. And vice versa: beautiful people are not always beautiful in thought and heart.

- What advice can you give to girls who have not found inner harmony, are dissatisfied with their appearance or are not confident in themselves?

Do your best to love and accept yourself. Then those same, important and beloved people will come to you, and life will become very happy. It's simple, and each of us deserves it.

Interview: Anastasia Speranskaya Text: Daria Sizova Photo: Evgeny Sorbo Hairstyle and makeup by Sati Casanova: Wax Detox Bar Outfit Sati Casanova: Galina Podzolko Thank you restaurant Laduree for help in organizing and conducting filming

0 August 28, 2015, 10:00 am

Sati Casanova has never been a "typical Russian singer", even on the pop project "Star Factory" she was fascinated by polyphonic acapella singing and healthy eating. In 2010, Sati left the Fabrika group to start her own path. Today, the successful singer, actress and TV presenter inspires thousands of girls to do yoga, find time for meditation and believe in themselves.

About yoga and meditation

For me, yoga is a way of life, the most important ritual that maintains balance and gives strength. If you imagined that I was working out in a bright, trendy gym or a yoga class with a panoramic view of Moscow - this is not so, I do it at home. I wake up at 7-8 in the morning, warm up, do Atma Kriya yoga. I chose this technique consciously, I received initiation for it. It includes a series of asanas, breathing exercises, visualizations, mantras and meditations. The whole process takes me from half an hour to an hour and a half, depending on how much time I have.

Of course, you can do yoga just to stretch and stretch your body, or you can, like me, add a spiritual component to your classes. In this case, I want to advise you books that helped me understand the philosophy of Yama and Niyama - this is the "Heart of Yoga" by T. K. V. Desikachar and "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Yogananda Paramahansa, which tells a lot about the spiritual aspect as you know, deeper and wider than the physical.

Such a trendy sport

I don’t know what is fashionable in a star party - I am not very interested in this. But I see that many girls are fanatical about gyms - they pump priests every day, they want abs with cubes ... It looks beautiful, but I'm not sure that these girls haven't "picked up" these obsessions on the Internet. First of all, there must be harmony inside: softness, flexibility, fluidity - this is the natural state of a woman. My main advice is to think about what you are doing, how certain activities affect your body. And since we decided to make the body of a dream with energy and ambition - do not consider the neighbors, who has it and how it turns out - who puffs and stretches. Go inside yourself with attention (by the way, this is the meaning of yoga) in order to become conscious, to leave the outside world for your inner world.

Cosmetics and habits

Of all the cosmetic procedures for the face, I recognize only massage, after which the skin is in good shape and there is no need to be afraid of redness and swelling, as after injections. I tried both Botox and mesotherapy, but all this does not suit me at all.

As for my favorite cosmetics, I'm not attached to anything in particular. Although I confess that in the last two years I have "addicted" to Japanese cosmetics. I am also a big fan of oils. Now facial oils are becoming very popular and suitable even for oily skin. My favorite body products are Doctor Hauschka brand oils - rose oil or oil with lemongrass. In autumn and winter, when I freeze, I use black sesame oil - I warm it up, apply it liberally on the body, let it soak in and go to bed like that.

As you probably already know, I am a vegetarian. I love to cook and do it with great pleasure. But I rarely manage to eat quietly at home. I often drag out meditation and start to be late (laughs). Therefore, I try to prepare everything in advance and take food with me so that I don’t rush to have breakfast at home. I travel by minibus, which has a table and is generally very comfortable. I usually have breakfast with pleasant music, looking at the landscapes outside the window, people ...

Like many nutritionists, I recommend eating porridge in the morning. And it doesn’t have to be traditional oatmeal at all (by the way, it has quite a lot of gluten). You can fantasize with quinoa, black rice, bulgur, green buckwheat, add vegetables, herbs, spices, healthy oils, soaked nuts, dried fruits ... In general, porridge is our everything!


Time for yourself

After several years of endless performances, filming and "changes of scenery" you begin to understand that in any schedule you need to be able to find time for yourself. Moreover, the work schedule can and should be adjusted to suit you: you cannot become a slave to your work (no matter how tautological it may sound). Do only what you can accomplish. You need to prioritize, and then everything will definitely fall into place. And I highly recommend yoga - pranayama (breathing exercises) - and I certainly recommend meditation. At least 5-15 minutes a day.

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