Savel wild. Comparative characteristics of Wild and Boar (based on the play by Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm")


At the time the play was written, society was ruled by heroes like Wild. His portrait is similar to hundreds of other wealthy merchants, immersed in a luxurious lifestyle, absolute ignorance. Such people pulled Russia to the bottom. In the dark realm of stupidity, stupidity, medieval customs. The image and characterization of the Wild in the play "Thunderstorm" is negative. He is the true embodiment of the concept of tyranny. He is a prominent representative of wild customs and a harsh attitude towards people and life.

Savel Prokofievich Wild- a wealthy merchant in the city of Kalinov. negative character.

Image and characteristics

Wild man, to put it mildly, unpleasant. This impression is due to the terrible character. Wife of Diky, knowing that it is better not to anger her husband, begins every morning to tearfully address others:

“Fathers, don’t be angry! Doves, don't get angry!

And so every day. It is easy to guess how she gets from him if she disobeys or deigns to be angry. There is no talk of a happy, family life.

Wild typical portrait of a petty tyrant. Used to feel like a full-fledged ruler of the city. I am absolutely sure that he has the right to influence the fate of the inhabitants, impudently interfering in their lives.

"If I want - I'll have mercy, if I want - I'll crush."

Feeling power over people, he uses it to the fullest, creating whatever comes into his head. Wild knows for sure that his antics will go unpunished.

Rude and boor. Speaking is a complete nightmare. Solid swearing. Maybe he is used to expressing himself this way, believing that the interlocutor will understand faster. You won't get a good word from him. Wild knows exactly who to yell at and where to remain silent.

Man of moods. You never know what mood he will be in today. However, he was not seen smiling. Always gloomy and angry.

Not educated. I haven't read a single book in my entire life. The names of famous writers cause bewilderment in Savel. Doesn't know history. Not friendly with modernity. Thinks science is a waste of time. Stupidity, a ridiculous occupation unworthy of respect. In a word, wild man.

Recognizes actions. He is well aware that he is doing bad things, but changing the situation or changing himself is not for him.

“I know what I’m doing is bad, but I can’t help myself.”

Greedy for money. Money is the main thing in the life of Savel Prokofievich. Meaning and essence. Get money into the pocket of the Wild, he will never be able to part with them. Employees have forgotten what a salary is. As soon as someone asks to lend some money, Diky begins to internally rumble.

“Therefore, just give me a hint about money, it will start to inflame my whole inner one.”

When they try to reproach him with greed, Dikoy justifies himself:

"Who does not feel sorry for his own good."

It's rare that you can beg. But he hears enough of this, it will not seem enough.

attitude towards women. That's who gets it from Savel Prokofievich so it's poor women. All aggression is directed at the female gender. The only woman that the tyrant and despot is afraid of is Kabanikh. She respects. Opinion counts. The woman feels stronger and more cunning. The very character is akin to his.

Selfish. According to the will, Dikoy owes his nephew the inheritance that Boris inherited from his grandmother. One of the conditions for obtaining is a respectful attitude towards the uncle. Such conditions are favorable to the Wild. He takes advantage of this, forcing his nephew to plow on him from morning to night. It's like a free labor force. Why not exploit a relative. At the same time, Wild constantly humiliates and insults his nephew. Constantly reminds him, as if justified:

“I have my own children, why would I give money to strangers? Through this, I must offend my own!

Cowardly. Despite the fighting nature of the Wild, he is cowardly, like a hare. An ordinary thunderstorm can make him tremble. He associates it with the Lord's punishment, supernatural power. He tries to hide from her, fearing that the thunder of heaven will break him.

Self-assured. Goes through life. Like a tank, it does not stop in front of obstacles on the way. He knows exactly what he is doing and is absolutely sure that he is doing the right thing. The opinion of others is irrelevant.

Savel Prokofievich Wild is a representative of wild morals, a mercilessly harsh attitude towards life and people, a petty tyrant in the fullest sense of the word. Whatever gets into his limited head, he does, and no one, in his opinion, dares and should interfere with his temper.
“I told you once, I told you twice: don’t you dare to meet me!” He shouts at Boris’ nephew, “everything is itching for you! Is there enough space for you? Wherever you go; here you are! Fuck you, you damned one!"

Dikoy is greedy for money - and there is nothing worse for him than to give money away; he does not assign salaries to any of his employees. “Is there something you can know about my soul?” he says. “Or maybe I will come to such an arrangement that you will have five thousand ladies.” It goes without saying that he "in all his life never came to such and such an arrangement," as Kudryash says. When it is necessary to pay, he deliberately tries to annoy himself in order to yell at the person asking for money.
“You are a friend to me,” he himself explains his disposition, “and I have to give it to you, but if you come and ask me, I will scold you. I will give - I will give, but I will scold. Therefore, just give me a hint about money, it will start to inflame my whole internal.

He is a "warrior", according to Kabanikhi's definition, and, in his own words, there is constantly "a war going on" in his house. Dikoy's selfishness is completely shameless and completely naive, and therefore speaks out quite frankly. According to the absurd will of Boris's grandmother, he must give to his nephew and niece the inheritance he has kept only under the condition that they will be respectful to him. He takes advantage of this circumstance, forces Boris to serve himself for nothing, breaks down over him and begins to say ingenuously: “I have my own children, why would I give money to someone else? Through this, I must offend my own!

Kuligin tells how one day the peasants went to complain to the mayor that they would not count a single one of them by way.
The mayor began to say to him: “Listen,” he says, “Savel Prokofievich, you count the peasants well! Every day they come to me with a complaint.
And he patted the mayor on the shoulder and said: “Is it worth it, your honor, to talk about such trifles with you! A lot of people stay with me every year; you understand: I won’t pay them a penny per person, but I make thousands of this, so it’s good for me!

He will scold anyone Wild, he will stop at no one. In front of one person, only he gives in - this is the Boar; she alone can "talk" him, as he puts it. He sometimes tries to shout at her: “Well, then, what am I a warrior! Well, what of this? But she knows how to put him down. When he scolded the wanderer Feklusha, Kabanikha calmly and sternly told him: “Well, don’t open your throat very much! Find me cheaper! And I love you!” Wild restrains himself: “Wait, godfather, wait! Don't be angry!" he asks. Kabanikha, a representative of life principles, is firmly supported by the law, therefore Savel Prokofievich humbles himself before her; unrestrained tyrant, he, however, is generally afraid of the moral law. In this sense, his story of Kabanikhe is very interesting, as a govea about Great Lent, he scolded the peasant who came for money, “he scolded him so much that it was impossible to demand better,” and how he later asked this peasant for forgiveness:
“Truly I tell you,” Savel Prokofievich narrates, “I bowed at the peasant’s feet. That's what my heart drives me to; here in the yard in the mud he bowed to him, bowed to him in front of everyone.

It goes without saying that Dikiy's respect for the law is purely external: he worships the peasant before confession, and then the peasant will feel bad.

Savel Prokofievich Wild is one of the main characters of the work, presented by the writer in the form of an enterprising and powerful merchant, one of the wealthy residents of a county town.

The character of the Wild is distinguished by excessive shameless egoism and a desperate thirst for monetary wealth, bordering on insanity. Moral and moral principles in the nature of Wild are completely absent, and the observance of Orthodox church rites is more related to an imaginary deal with the Almighty for the remission of sins. The concept of conscience and compassion is unfamiliar for Wild, having caused suffering to people who are weak and below him in position, he does not experience any moral remorse and emotional distress.

The writer describes the merchant as uncontrollable, sometimes inadequate person, prone to bouts of rage and rage, manipulating people through the use of fear and pressure. Under Dikoy, he receives not only moral satisfaction, but also material benefits, since by underpaying the downtrodden peasants money for work, he guarantees himself a constant additional income.

Wild is extremely ignorant and uneducated, he completely lacks the desire to be enlightened and get rid of his dense darkness, he is not interested in either the current social situation or the historical past. Savel Prokofievich's speech consists of continuous curses, bile and rudeness, and the inner world of the character is completely empty. At the same time, he loves to drink a glass, another vodka.

In addition to the cruel character traits of Diky, he is also characterized by cowardice in relation to those who are able to show the merchant his true place. Passing in front of Kabanikha, another representative of the dark kingdom, Dikoy realizes that the merchant's wife is a smarter and more cunning woman compared to him. Therefore, he takes out all his hatred and anger over innocent households. Thunderstorm Wild is also afraid, but due to his ignorance, he considers it a supernatural phenomenon and tries to hide from it.

Aggressively expanding his life potential, moving towards a meeting of greed, cruelty, selfishness, only power and strength stop the Wild.

An essay about the Wild

Wild is one of the heroes of the play "Thunderstorm" by Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky and bears a speaking surname. In the work, the hero appears as the richest merchant, who enjoys extraordinary respect among all those around him. Using his example, the author shows the problem that existed in Russia not only at that time, but also now.

The action of the work takes place in a fictional city called Kalinov. This city is distinguished by its wildness, insignificance and residents with limited needs and outlook on life. The problems that the author reveals with the help of the city and its inhabitants are relevant for the whole of Russia even at the present time.

One of the social problems is also revealed with the help of a character named Wild. He was one of the most influential and wealthy people in the city, a merchant. The author never mentions his appearance, but a lot is known about his character. He was a man extremely cruel, rude, cavalier, aggressive and always embittered, and his mood was unstable. Neither his wife nor even he himself knew what mood he would be in the next minute. He headed himself the master of the city and life in general, allowed himself to humiliate, insult and scold with obscene language even strangers whom he did not know personally. For him, it has become the norm and commonplace, to some extent entertainment. It is worth noting that such behavior of the Wild allows herself only in relation to people who are below him in status and are not able to fight back. This shows his true face, insignificance and a rotten soul that has been corrupted by money and power.

Wild is absolutely definitely a negative character in the work of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. Throughout the development of the plot, the hero has never shown at least some positive trait of his character. From him comes exclusively anger, anger and cruelty, showing his rotten inner world. Perhaps, giving to the outside world continuous and unreasonable anger, he hides his weakness, insecurity and unhappy life. People like Dikoy still exist in the modern world. Their once-existing kindness and openness spoil money, turning a person into a soulless creature, in whose priorities there are no truly worthwhile things.

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The characterization of Wild from the play "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky is important for revealing the ideological meaning of the work. The image of this character must be analyzed to understand what the author wanted to show. Was this person invented or had a prototype? Why did Ostrovsky call him that? What traits endowed the hero? All this will be discussed in the essay.

Brief description of Wild from the play "Thunderstorm"

Savel Prokofich Dikoy is a resident of the town of Kalinov, where the action of Thunderstorm takes place. A merchant with a very large income. Money loves him, and he parted with them extremely hard. In his city, Wild is a respected person. He is considered an authority and feared. The main reason for this is wealth. In Kalinovo Wild - the wealthiest resident.

Ostrovsky gives a rather meager description of Wild. Virtually no description of the appearance of this character. The reader can get an idea about the hero only by “observing” his behavior in the course of the plot.

Features of the image of the Wild

The image of the Wild can be called integral. He is not characterized by any hesitation, doubt, throwing. He is not busy searching for the meaning of life, does not aspire to some heights, does not suffer from remorse. It's a bulldog man. He is confident in himself and in everything he does. He goes through life like a tank, not caring that he might crush someone along the way.

At the same time, Wild is completely uneducated and ignorant. Art, science, political and social processes are very far from it and are not interesting. Moreover, Dikoy considers all this empty, ridiculous, unworthy of respect, and even harmful. The rich man lives, guided by prejudices or superstitions.
This is clearly shown when Kuligin turns to the merchant for help in arranging a lightning rod. The inhabitants of Kalinovo are very afraid of thunderstorms, which is why such an idea arises. However, Diko ridicules Kuligin's idea and himself. He claims that a thunderstorm with thunder and lightning is a sign of God to people. A reminder to live right. And it is foolish to try to fight with a higher power with the help of some kind of "poles and gongs." The rich man does not recognize another opinion.

The only thing that matters to Wild is money. If they fell into his pocket, then Savel Prokofich would never part with them. Even the salaries of the employees of Dikoye have to beg. However, this does not always work out, and if it does, you will have to listen to a lot of abuse from the rich man.
The main feature of the Wild is rudeness. It can be traced throughout the work. From the lips of Savel Prokofich swear words are constantly pouring out. He is absolutely not shy in expressions, does not restrain himself, without any twinge of conscience humiliates, insults the interlocutor. He calls everyone around "parasites", "asps".

The merchant manifests himself everywhere as a rude and petty tyrant. However, more than others goes to his family. Nephew Boris Dikoy just hounded. And all because he depends on him financially. The wife of the moneybag, driven to despair, ashamed of her husband's behavior, trembling before him, with tears in her eyes, asks all her friends and relatives not to anger Savel Prokofich. However, it is difficult to fulfill her request even if desired. The aggressiveness of the Wild is often not justified. He may not like the appearance of a person, some of his word, look - and scolding begins.

The meaning of the image of the merchant in the work

Why did the author introduce this character into his work? To understand the meaning of the image of the Wild in "Thunderstorm", you need to remember one more feature of this person. Kalinov's richest and most respected man is, in fact, an ordinary coward. Wild behaves boorishly only with those who cannot "give back", who are weaker morally.

If on the way there is a person who is ready to fight back, a brawler and a petty tyrant "tucks his tail". For example, Diky's relationship with his clerk Curly. He is not at all afraid of the boss and can answer him with rudeness. For this reason, the merchant prefers not to contact the worker. With respect, the moneybags also treat the imperious and cruel Kabanikhe. Next to such people, the aggressiveness of the merchant disappears.

In the play "Thunderstorm" Dikoy is a representative of the "dark kingdom". Moreover, his zealous guardian. Wild - the opposite of the "kingdom of light." It wins if a person does not bow his head, he can fight back.
Such thoughts are prompted by the image of Wild, to whom the author even gave an eloquent surname. Perhaps the character's shortcomings are somewhat exaggerated - there is hyperbole here.

In the play by A.N. Ostrovsky shows the image of S. Wild as a representative of a wild temper. He can be called a tyrant, merciless not only to strangers, but also to his family and friends. Wild believes that no one should contradict him in anything, he considers all his words and deeds to be correct.

This power gives him wealth. This person is very greedy for money, therefore he does not assign a salary to any of his employees. When it comes time to pay, he pretends to be angry and yells at the person who asks him for the money he has earned. His workers even tried to complain about him to the official, but it was useless.

He calls Wild "warrior", since in his house, in his own words, "there is a war going on." Dikoy can speak very frankly. According to the grandmother's will, Dikoy must give Boris and his sister part of the inheritance he keeps. But there was a condition in the will that the inheritance could be given if the nephews would respect their uncle. And now Dikoy takes advantage of this condition, pretends that he is not satisfied with Boris's behavior, makes him serve himself for free.

A wild one can scold anyone, except for Kabanikh, since he believes that she alone understands him, and can besiege him. Kabanikha was a representative of life principles, she knew the laws, and for this reason, Savel Prokofievich behaved calmly in front of her. This woman believed that Wild was a weak man, since he himself sometimes suffers from his temper. Although he was a tyrant, he was afraid of moral laws. As an example of this, his story to Kabanikhe about how he scolded a peasant who came for money, and then asked for forgiveness from him, bowing to him in public. And he respects Marfa Ignatievna, because she understands him. But sometimes Dikoy himself is not happy with his temper, but can do nothing with himself. Therefore, Kabanikha considers him a weak person. What they have in common is that they both belong to the patriarchal system, which they do not want to change.

The author gave his character the surname Wild, as it most clearly expresses the rude and ignorant character of the hero of the play. In this way, Ostrovsky clearly shows such a phenomenon as tyranny. Showing permissiveness, Wild considers himself the master of life. Even with his family, he behaves rudely, which is why his family rejoices when he goes somewhere. They do not know how to please the head of the family, they try not to anger him.

Merchant Dikoy and Kabanikha are to blame for most of the problems of the small town of Kalinov. If not for their character and their customs, then in the life of the city there would be more justice and less cruelty. The city is dominated by old customs and traditions, as their adherents are Wild and with him Kabaniha, who do not strive for changes in society, they do not need it. If change comes, they will miss the opportunity to influence the life of the city.

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