The script of the propaganda team must be a citizen. Scenario of the performance of propaganda teams "Our home is Russia"


Exit (To the motive "We are young", "Who, if not us" ( mix ))

If you want to live life beautifully

And leave a trace in this life

Do not live lazily and drearily.

Life is one - you don't have another!

Time affects days and events
We are building projects of a great country,
We remember the history of our Motherland
And we are making this story.
Bold, confident, bold, logical,
General ideas and goals are correct,
It won't be easy for us, and that's great,
Our success is called the success of the country.Chorus:
Who, if not us, is the power of the generation.
Who, if not us, scientific thinking,
Who, if not us, is the breakthrough of the decade,
Who, if not us, for years, for centuries.
Who, if not us, is a single team,
Who, if not us, science propaganda,
Who, if not us, will make the strong fight,
Who, if not us, is a free country!


    Who if not us?

    Who if not you?

    Who if not me?

    Who then is a citizen?

    To be a citizen means not to be indifferent

Everything: to be a citizen means to be a patriot!


    Body and soul I belong to the earth where the stars
    The steppe dunes are given the eternal ultraviolet of the moon,
    I love the sun, sky, birds and warm air,
    I love dombra melody and voices of her golden dreams.

    My native Kazakhstan! You are famous for many riches,
    But the main thing that helped us cope with the enemy,
    It rallied us, allowed us to become free,
    Possession of a great and mighty sacrament-good!

    I am a citizen, which means I know the history of my country, I appreciate the feat of my people

    I am a citizen, which means I honor my ancestors, my roots and traditions.

    I am a citizen, which means I am proud of the culture and achievements of my people.

    I am a citizen, which means I respect representatives of all ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan.

    I am a citizen, which means I am responsible for the health of myself and my planet.

Everyone: I am a citizen, which means I love my big and small Motherland

(To the motive of the group "Animation" "Motherland")

    I love my Motherland for sure, and

I will dedicate songs and poems to her.

Let me not be a musician, and not a poet,

For me, there is no better homeland.

    I love my Motherland just like that.

I was born here and it's not a trifle.

We are Ukrainians or Koreans,

but one people for their country

3. I love my Motherland, believe me

This feeling of life is with me now.

And I don't need other people's edges,

Know! I am a citizen of my country.


1. I am a citizen of my country, Fatherland,

And that means no matter where I am,

no matter how far I was not called by fate

my land is always with me in my soul

    I am a citizen! I love space

forests of boundless, full-flowing rivers.

Steppe feather grass, snow-capped mountains,

everything that makes a person happy.

    I am a citizen! And so, among the thousands

Names, greetings, countries and cities

I am looking for native Kazakh faces

My friends and relatives - fellow countrymen.

4. be a citizen - be active!

5. be a citizen - be happy!

6. be a citizen - be independent!

All: Be a citizen - save your Motherland! Move ahead!

( song from rap. M. Arapbayeva"Tek alha» )

    Formation of the communicative qualities of the personality of students through collective creativity;

    Development of creative abilities of schoolchildren

    awaken a sense of pride in our Patronymic

    popularize the official symbols of the Russian Federation - the flag, coat of arms and anthem.

Scene 1. The bell rings. Teacher starts the lesson.

The bell rang, we begin our lesson. Today we will talk about who a Russian is.

Let's check your homework.

Question 1. How big is our country?

Reader 1. From the North Pole to Mount Ragdan
And from Chukotka to Kaliningrad
Lies Russia - the largest of the countries,
And we don't need another land forever!
Far East, Siberia, Urals, Caucasus,
Karelia, Kuban, Crimea, Chernozem region -
All this is in the heart of each of us,
All of these are our ancestral lands.

And how far would you not live from Moscow. You know that you are a citizen of a great country.

Because Together: YOU are a Russian.

Teacher:- You are right, our country differs from other states in its geographical location, historical past, language, traditions

Question 2: What symbols does our state have?

Reader 2: Flag

Veyya, brave
And lovely
Flag of native Russia:
Top - white
Bottom - red
In the middle, blue
Guaranteeing the people
Truth, power and freedom!

Our athletes are given strength and invincible spirit when they see fans with waving flags in the stands. I have no right to lose, I only want to win. Because Together: I'm Russian.

Question 3: What other symbol distinguishes Russia from other countries?

Reader 3:Coat of arms

Russia has a beautiful coat of arms,
Full of pride and strength
Golden eagle double-headed
Holds scepter and orb.
From West to East
He spread his wings wide.
Three crowns hover above him,
And the snake pierces with a spear
Rider on his chest:
Evil will come - we will not spare!
In this case, help us -
Truth, honor and faith in God!

I recently received a passport, it has a coat of arms on the first page. This image is always with me. Because Together: I'm Russian.

Teacher: - Not a single event of national importance can do without state symbols: a military parade, sports competitions, ceremonial meetings. Paying honors to the symbols of the state, we thereby show respect for our Motherland .

Question 4: Well, what does the Motherland mean to you?

Reader 4: What do we call motherland?
The house where we live
And birches along which
We are walking next to my mother.
What do we call motherland?
Everything that we keep in our hearts
And under blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.

Teacher: It is clear to everyone in this hall that our team are real patriots and we can safely say

TOGETHER: "Russia is our beloved country."

We are proud of Russia, we are faithful to Russia, and there is no better country in the world.

Teacher, addressing the audience and his students:

If you think that we should respect the rights of people, regardless of their nationality and social affiliation, clap your hands (one, two)

If you care about the fate of our country, stomp your feet (one, two)

If you consider yourself patriots, raise both hands up.

If you believe that the future of the country depends on you, join hands.

Together they perform the song "My Russia"

I draw clouds with white chalk
I dream there will be a day for sure
This happiness will smile at me again
And my country
My Russia, my country
You are so beautiful in all the years and times
My Russia, my friends
God give us strength
We are one family together

Scenario of the propaganda team "New Generation"

1. Hello!

All. Be healthy!

2 . Welcome to the propaganda team

-All. New Generation!

3. Hear those who can listen

Open your eyes, open your souls

Let's show with our performance

How to be healthy


4. We are the future of our great country!

5 . We are the youth of the 21st century

1. The fate of man is in our hands.

2 . We are for the health and happiness of the country

ALL: The best girls and boys.

3. We are for health, we are for happiness,

4 . We are against pain and misfortune!

5 . For a sober mind, for clarity of thought,

1 . For childhood, youth, for the joy of life!

- 2 . peer, peer

Let's say boldly

Make the world better

- ALL.Our business!

-3. We set ourselves a goal

Promote a healthy lifestyle everywhere

ALL.This is our contribution to the flourishing of our Motherland.


Our youth team.

We gathered in this village

For everyone who wants to live, to answer

In the 21st century we want to live with dignity

And to everyone who comes to us with a needle, we will answer "no"

Chorus. Make your own destiny -

Russia - to serve mother

We want to assure you - in fact

We can't live with bad habits.

We will not part with sports soon,

But time can not be appeased and not restrained,

When our children come on stage

To avoid such problems.

In the depths of the scene is a flower, a heart begins to beat in it. The flower opens and a girl emerges from it.

Music is playing (slow, beautiful). (Voice behind the scene )

Every time I was born

You step on the road

On your path of life

And you walk a little. And she won't break

You walk along it, winding,

Soaring straight up to the sun

Down the ravine, or straight, but you know it happens

Suddenly, suddenly

And on this road

There is a fork...

(Good and evil run up to the girl. Dance)

Girl. What to do? How to be?

How can I live my life?

What should I choose, prefer?

Black: Well, can we help...

/girl tries to chase them away/

White (good): Don't chase us away!

Do you want health today?

Stock up on beets, carrots.

Black (evil): What's happened? Nevermind.

We don't need a bit.

Here! I know - it is necessary. / takes out a Cigarette /

White: Breathe more air

Black: Don't listen, smoke a cigarette.

White: You eat more vegetables.

H: You better pour vodka.

White: What are you teaching your child?

Black: Why are you torturing him like that?

White: Let's ask him

Black: What is most important to him?

White: I think he will come with me.

Black: And I'm sure he'll prefer me!

Girl: Hush, hush, calm down

I'll prefer one thing, don't be afraid, /thinks/

Well, you won (to black)

And she persuaded me.

Black. Do you want to achieve happiness the easy way? You can rely on me for everything. You listen to me! Give me a hug soul! I'll save you from problems, help you and everyone! And my names are innumerable: high and dope, drugs and glitches. And for happiness and for boredom!

Take the magic potion here. It is incomparable to anything in the world! Take, well, rather, take happiness! You will see the world, which is more beautiful than the dawn! (holds out potion).

White. Stop, girl! Wait! Think! This moment may be the last breath of freedom in your life!

And then only one ruthless despots will control your thoughts, soul and body - drugs, alcohol, cigarettes!

Do you know… (addressing the audience)

1 ... that a person's health is 50% dependent on his way of life;

2 ... that after the first time 82% of girls and 54% of boys get used to smoking;

3 ... that tobacco contains substances that lead to the development of 25 serious diseases, premature aging, disability;

4 ... that the average life expectancy of a drug addict is only 10 years;

5 ... that each cigarette shortens life by 5-6 minutes. A person who smokes nine cigarettes a day goes to another world 5 years earlier, 40 cigarettes a day - 9 years earlier;

6 ... that a burning cigarette is a chemical factory that produces 3,000 compounds, including more than 40 carcinogens that cause cancer and 12 co-carcinogens that enhance the action of carcinogens;

7 ... that at the end of the 16th century in England they were executed for smoking, and the heads of those executed with a pipe in their mouths were put on the square.

White.(To the girl): And you, do you want to die young?

(Girl shakes her head)

1.: Out of curiosity...

2 : Not out of camaraderie...

3.: Never taste or even touch cigarettes, wine or drugs.

4.: And if you are still going to try them ...


5. We will say that there is nothing more important than health in the world.

Everyone in the world knows about it

So let the undying light burn

health on our planet.

6. There are no problems in our life.

Be stronger than circumstances
After all, you are human!

7: You have nothing to do?

1: Nobody pays attention to you?

2: Go to the sports ground! Find yourself a friend!

3: Turn on the music, listen at your leisure!

4: Swim, sunbathe, play sports!

5: Read books! Get involved in dancing!

6: Go to study! Find your calling!

7: Like crazy, fly on a date!

1: After all, you are human! You are the pinnacle of evolution! You are the bearer of reason!

2. So don't act like you're the devil destroyer.

3. Inside you - good and evil,
And the word is yours. And this word is just one:

All: Yes or no!

A quiet calm melody sounds, everyone disperses to the side. Participants who depict scales come out.

4: Imagine - scales. On this side of the scale is the health of your loved ones, your future children, your health. And here?

Hamlet comes forward.


Well, there was a question. Well, what's the answer?
Let it be quiet in the hall for a minute.
Think: what do you want?
Listen to what your heart says
And what advice will your mind give you?
Are you strong or weak? Free or slave?


Solemn music is playing.)

5: Remember: man is not weak! Born free! He is not a slave!

Salvation is in you earthlings

Say no to bad habits

(removes the INDIFFERENCE sign - the scales rise slightly)

1. Let's drop this crap

And become the best of the planets.

(removes the EVIL sign - the scales are still rising)

2. We were born to live in the world for a long time

Play and sing laugh and love

And so that all dreams become possible

We must keep our health

(removes the sign of FAILURES and the scales are leveled)

Scales remove the bandage:

Take a look around - beautiful nature

invites us to live in peace with her

give me a hand friend. Let's help you

1 . Help, man, man

To be doubly human!

-2. May the stumbler be saved tomorrow.

Let hope shine on every destiny.

All. The heart of the planet is still beating.

The heart of the planet is in me and you.

3. Life goes on

And we ourselves make a choice between light and darkness!

4. We choose life!

5. We choose light!

6. We choose the path

Where there are no bad habits!

7. Let's say "NO" to bad habits

Be, man, healthy and beautiful.



3. Look, life is beautiful

With good, good day start

4. Your habits are for your own good

You use for yourself.

5. And how many good things you will meet around:

6. Sports sections will occupy your leisure

7 . Let's be friends with sports!

And drink healthy juices!

1 . Let's always be hygienic

Then any problems will bypass us!

2. Let's think together, friends.

Who chooses such a life? -

All. I!


The world is not easy
Not at all easy.
It is impossible to hide in it from storms and thunderstorms,
It is impossible to hide in it from winter blizzards,
And from separation, from bitter separation.

But apart from troubles, uninvited troubles,
There are stars and sunlight in the world,
There is a native home and the warmth of fire,
And I have a life I have.

Everything you have in life

Everything about worries and dreams
That's all, that's all - life!

Everything you have in life
All that is the joy of every day,
All your hopes and dreams
Fulfill them and keep only you!

game script

Game preparation: on the tables for 3 teams, 3 drawing paper, 3 felt-tip pens should be prepared.

Leading : Good afternoon girls and boys. We are glad to welcome you to the competition program "I am a Citizen"!
You all know that on December 2, all adult citizens of our country will come to the polls, where they will have to make their choice.
Question to the audience: “Which state authority will have elections on December 2?”.
Since October, schoolchildren of our city have been actively involved in the city action "Your choice will be successful, and it cannot be otherwise." It is within the framework of this action that the students of our school are preparing these days sketches of an invitation card for their parents to the elections.
The best sketches will participate in the city competition and the sketch that will be recognized as the best will be printed in a printing house and each voter in the city of Nizhnevartovsk will receive it as an invitation card.
Today we present you a campaign program that your parents will also see, and which will take part in the city competition of propaganda teams.

Speech by the school propaganda team "Luch"

Music sounds.

My friends, just look how many people, how many
a billion light is watching us.
- Yeah! So go blind for a while! Comrade illuminator, dim the light.
- No, on the contrary, it is necessary to cover it in such a way that all the townspeople see the reflections of the action of young citizens “Your choice will be successful - it cannot be otherwise.”

Hey people in the hall
We know you've been waiting for us.
We will show you now
Agitation brigade of the highest class.

We will tell without embellishment,
About what worries us so much.
Don't yawn, don't be bored
Meet the propaganda team "LUCH".

If I don't burn
- If you don't burn
- If we do not burn,
Chorus: Who then will dispel the darkness?

Composition with fabrics (white, blue, red). A group of speakers appears.

Who is who?
Who are you?
To be or not to be?
And what should we be, if we still be?
If you still live!
If you have a head on your shoulders -
We address you to talk about serious things.

We all live in a huge country, whose name is Russia.
- December 2, 2007 concerned citizens of Russia will come to the polls.
- We want your choice to be correct.
- What kind of Russia we all live in depends on the right choice.
- We appeal to the true citizens of Russia:
- And we say: "There is no political apathy!"
- "No! Ringing slogans and cheap promises"
- We believe that our parents are wise voters,
- We are confident that you are the backbone of a true democracy.

Conscious participation in elections is the first duty of a citizen who is concerned about the future of his children and the future of his Motherland.
- "Everyman", you can close your ears, but we ask the citizens who are not indifferent to listen.

TRACK #4 (background)

Take care of Russia - there is no other Russia.
Keep her peace and quiet
This is the sky and the sun, this bread is on the table
And a native window in a forgotten village ...
Take care of Russia, we cannot live without it.
Take care of her to be forever
With our truth and strength
All our destiny.
Take care of Russia - there is no other Russia!

We all strive for a happy and prosperous life.
- That is why it is necessary to go to the polls.
- Only your right choice will determine those people who will receive power.
(first graders)
- Childhood is a fresh breeze,
The smell of the sun and the cheerful ringing of a dream.
Childhood means children
Children means us!
- All children on the big planet
We must always be friends.
- Children should always laugh
And live in a peaceful world.
Chorus: And live in a peaceful world.
- A person must live in peace, not risking death in a war, not afraid of losing loved ones.
Choir: Power must ensure peace!
- A person should feel safe.
Chorus: The authorities must ensure security!
- A person should live in an ecologically clean environment.
Chorus: The authorities must provide an environmentally friendly environment!
- Dear voters,
Vote for those you trust.
- Vote for those candidates and the party that sets real goals, offers real means and ways to achieve them.
- And at the end of our speech,
The propaganda team "LUCH" will express one more opinion.


- Ask yourself, ask others -
What did you do to make the city richer?
And what is the scale of the application of forces,
And what is the specific payoff?
Ask yourself!

Ask now, immediately, immediately!
Don't look at others, let others look at you!
- You made a firm decision to go to the polls. So go. Be ahead.
- Do not wait when everyone, or maybe everyone is waiting for you!
Choir: Ask yourself!

TRACK #7 Music (rebuilding)

Not to waste words
Our call today is:
Chorus: "The choice must be successful
And it cannot be otherwise.

Invitation of teams to the stage.

Team 8 "A" class (7 "A" class) and team captain ____________
Team 8 "B" class (7 "B" class) and team captain ______________
Team 8 "B" class (7 "B" class) and team captain _______________
The composition of the jury is announced.

All competitions are evaluated on a 5-point system.

Competition 1. "BUSINESS CARD"
The business card includes: team name, motto, emblem protection.

Competition 2. "Intellect-BOOM".
Annex 1 (questions) Annex 2 (answers)
Each team must answer questions. In this competition, each team can earn 100 points.

Competition 3. "Anagrams" Annex 3
Teams receive sheets with anagrams (words with jumbled letters).
V .: Task for the teams: it is necessary to rearrange the letters in the shortest possible time so that a word is obtained. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task earns 10 points if they guess all 10 words, respectively, for each guessed word - 1 point.

Competition 4. "Bad advice" Appendix 4
V .: All the guys, of course, are familiar with "Bad Advice" by Grigory Oster. And today, teams have the opportunity to compose bad advice themselves. Thus, earn 5 points for each completed tip.

Competition 5. "Guess the melody"

In this contest, teams have to guess the melody, whoever does it faster earns 5 points for the melody. If the team knows the song, then it is necessary for all the players of the team to perform it loudly.
(duration of one recording - 7-15 seconds)
1. A song about the joy experienced by like-minded people who have gathered together ("It's great that we are all here today")
2. A song about representatives of evil spirits who do not want to go to the polls and who spend their lives in idleness and fun (“Chatushki Babok-Yozhek”)
3. A song about what can brighten up any of our days and election day too, even if it’s cloudy and gloomy outside (“Smile”)

Competition 6. "Useful tips"
Appendix 5
Q: Teams are encouraged to complete the sentences on the cards. It is desirable that the teams voiced a common reasoned opinion. For each correct and reasoned proposal, teams are awarded 5 points.

Competition 7. "Symbols"

Election Democracy
Ballot Candidate
State Duma Security
Draw a symbol for the word you hear. (teams are read the words from the table, they draw each word so that they remember it; then the teams are given 1 minute, you need to write the word that you drew under each picture.

Competition 8. "Crossword" Annex 6 (questions). Annex 7 (answers)
Evaluation sheet create yourself at your own discretion

All points scored by the teams are summed up, the winner is announced and certificates are awarded.

Annex 1
to the competition "Intellect-BOOM"
1. Which of the famous Russian poets owns the words: “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen”?
2. Biologist Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov was looking for a means of combating the deadly disease - cholera. And found it. But it was necessary to test the drug on a living person. What act of a scientist in this regard can be called a manifestation of high civic duty?
3. A citizen is ...
4. Who is an inhabitant?

6. What at all times was considered the sacred duty of any Citizen?
7. What is the law?
8. What quality of a person did Vladimir Dal have in mind when he described it in his famous dictionary as follows: the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience?
9. Which of the heroes of the work of A.S. Pushkin receives such parting words as parting: “Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age”?
10. Why does state power exist?
11. Why does the State Duma exist?
12. Who reviews the Laws, makes amendments after the Law is created by the State Duma?
13. Who approves the Law after consideration and approval by the Federation Council?
14. Who is the President of our country?
15. What is the fundamental law of the land?
16. Participation in what event of an ordinary citizen will contribute to the fact that exactly those people who will make life in our country better get into the State Duma?
17. From what age will you have the right to participate in the elections of the President, deputies of the State Duma, representatives of local authorities?
18. At what age can you try to become President yourself?
19. What is the ultimate goal of any government?
20. What awaits a government that has not coped with its tasks?

Annex 2
to the contest "I am a citizen"
1. Which of the famous Russian poets owns the words: “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen”? (To Nikolai Nikolaevich Nekrasov)
2. Biologist Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov was looking for a means of combating the deadly disease - cholera. And found it. But it was necessary to test the drug on a living person. What act of a scientist in this regard can be called a manifestation of high civic duty? (The scientist inoculated himself with cholera to observe the effect of the new vaccine on the human body so as not to put other people at risk)
3. A citizen is ... (a person whose thoughts and actions are aimed at the good of the Fatherland, for the good of his people)
4. Who is an inhabitant? (A person who, by law, is a citizen, but in fact only cares about himself, he is indifferent to everything that happens in the country, he will not go to the polls, because he does not care who gets power in his city or country, as long as he is not touched , for the layman, the main thing in life is his own peace and well-being, in a word, the layman is a person who lives by petty, personal interests)
5. Which of the people - a citizen or an inhabitant - could commit such acts:
- mocked the kitten; took part in the elections; did not help an elderly person to cross the street; reported on the impending crime; was fond of only entertaining TV shows; broke a tree branch; watches indifferently as his friend tries drugs; explains to friends that it is harmful to use drugs, alcohol, tries to distract them from bad company, involving them in useful activities (sports, creativity).
6. What at all times was considered the sacred duty of any Citizen? (Protection of one's fatherland)
7. What is the law? (These are binding rules for all, which are established in writing by the state and for the failure of which legal liability arises)
8. What quality of a person did Vladimir Dal have in mind when he described it in his famous dictionary as follows: the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience? (honor)
9. Which of the heroes of the work of A.S. Pushkin receives such parting words as parting: “Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age”? (Peter Grinev)
10. Why does state power exist? (To organize the life of people in the state, to protect citizens from criminals, in order to collect taxes and to pay for the work of schools, hospitals, police, the army, etc.)
11. Why does the State Duma exist? (Makes laws)
12. Who reviews the Laws, makes amendments after the Law is created by the State Duma? (Council of the Federation)
13. Who approves the Law after consideration and approval by the Federation Council? (The president)
14. Who is the President of our country? (D.A. Medvedev)
15. What is the fundamental law of the land? (Constitution)
16. Participation in what event of an ordinary citizen will contribute to the fact that exactly those people who will make life in our country better get into the State Duma? (In elections)
17. From what age will you have the right to participate in the elections of the President, deputies of the State Duma, representatives of local authorities? (from 18 years old)
18. At what age can you try to become President yourself? (At 35 years old, if you have been permanently residing in Russia for at least 10 years)
19. What is the ultimate goal of any government? (Improving the lives of citizens)
20. What awaits a government that has not coped with its tasks? (Resignation)

Annex 3
Anagram card
Rearrange the letters to make a word. For each guessed word - 1 point
1. Ranjgidan
2. Dryemoct
3. Pvdraa
4. Weight
5. Passionately
6. Genuvaie
7. Zoakn
8. Mortar
9. Mralo
10. Unique

Appendix 4
Card "Bad advice"
1. “If suddenly you were decided
To deprive some of the rights ... "
2. “If you are so good
And you don't need the law...
3. "If a friend or buddy
It turned out to be a layman ... "

Appendix 5

Card "Helpful tips"
1. “In order for our parents to go to the polls, we offer…”
2. “In order for a person to be respected, it is necessary ...”
3. "In order for people to respect and comply with the laws, we offer ..."

Appendix 6
Competition "Crossword" (draw the grid yourself)

1. Human action
2. A group of people interconnected by common living and working conditions.
3. A person whose thoughts and actions are aimed at the good of the Fatherland, the people.
4. The presence of the same rights for all people.
5. Mutual disposition, attachment to each other, based on mutual trust and devotion.
1. Civil feelings of a person.
2. A binding rule established by the highest state authority.
3. Head of city self-government.
4. The system of obligatory norms of behavior.
5. A person who lives by petty, personal interests.
6. Unwritten norms of behavior in society, approved by the majority of citizens.

Annex 7
Competition "Crossword" (answers)
1. Human action. (act)
2. A group of people interconnected by common living and working conditions. (society)
3. A person whose thoughts and actions are aimed at the good of the Fatherland, the people. (citizen)
4. The presence of the same rights for all people. (equality)
5. Mutual disposition, attachment to each other, based on mutual trust and devotion. (friendship)
1. Civil feelings of a person. (citizenship)
2. A binding rule established by the highest state authority. (law)
3. Head of city self-government. (mayor)
4. The system of obligatory norms of behavior. (right)
5. A person who lives by petty, personal interests. (common man)
6. Unwritten norms of behavior in society, approved by the majority of citizens. (morality)

Please: when copying the script " I am a citizen" from this site, make a link to our site or to the author (if any)

KEI VO "Bobrovskaya boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care, with disabilities."

Scenario of the propaganda team "We are Patriots of Russia".


Head of the "Patriot" circle

Kochegarova V. S.

Bobrov, 2016.

Purpose of the event - the formation of historical memory among the younger generation, the upbringing of a sense of patriotism, pride in their homeland, the development of students' creative abilities.

Tasks: - to help the younger generation find their place in life, give them the opportunity to express themselves, realize their potential;

To instill love for the Motherland, people, Fatherland;

Form an active life position.

Event progress:

The exit of the team to the song Lyube "Russia"

Team captain: welcomes you

All : Team "Patriots"

Team captain: What unites us?

All: Love for the Motherland, Fatherland!

Team captain: What helps us live?

All : Dream and Fantasy,

Game and song!

Team captain. Our motto

All : Serve the Motherland, Goodness and Justice!

We invite you to join us!

1 reader: Our native land, you are part of Russia.

And infinitely dear to her!

We gain strength in life

Under the flag of their homeland.

2 dude. In it is the purity of our hope

The flight of dreams and the blue of the seas,

And the blood of the fighters who once fell

In the name of their motherland.

3 dude. Fathers, generation heroes

Our region has been glorified forever.

And we? And we are their continuation

Stepping into the 21st century!

4 reader: We live in the twenty-first century!

Let's cherish

We are everything that is sacred in life!

5 reader: We are all as different as rainbow colors

We are all so different, but we have one goal.

6 reader: We welcome you, On a bright and clean day

Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun!

Presenter 1: We present the oral magazine "Live with Pleasure"

Host 2: - Life is a blessing, it is a gift that is given to a person only once.

Presenter 1: - Life is a value in itself.

Host 2: - As we think, so we live.

Presenter 1: - Take care of your valuables, because with them life becomes bright and interesting,

Host 2: - complete and necessary.

Presenter 1: - Life values ​​are what a person should value in life,

Host 2: something he should value

Presenter 1: - what he should be responsible for.

Host 2: Presenter 1:- It's labor.
Host 2:- family.
Presenter 1:- Love.
Host 2:- health.
Presenter 1:- creation. Host 2:- good.

Presenter 1: Page #1 WELCOME (holds up a poster that says "Welcome")

Presenter 1: The rhyme is easy to pick up
About good poetry to write.
You really try
Captivate with the kindness of the heart.

Reader 1. Hurry up to do good deeds,

Dawn flashed ... and the first ray

Look, in your palm, a ray of light,

Let's carry it warmly

Host 2: Page #2 LOVE (holds up a poster that says "Love")

Reader 2: When a person is hurt, someone should caress him,
to hug and kiss.
When a person is lost... and doesn't know what to do,
When a person is scared ... under the pillow he is with his head,
When a person is upset ... and does not know how to continue to live,
Someone just needs to be there
Someone has to LOVE it!

Presenter 1: Page #3 HEALTH (holds up a banner that says "Health")

Strengthen your health with sports

Go hiking and meet the sunrises

The secret of success in life, know for sure

Your health, you remember this.

Reader 3: We chose health and, we think, not in vain:

Not a minute we are all together

We don't sit still

Stadium, gym, nature,

Strive for the tops of unknown pages,

Open your read distances

Host 2: Page number 4 Family and love for others. (holds up a poster that says "Family") Reader 4: Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is hard!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive insults and quarrels away,
I want friends to talk about us:
What a good family!

Presenter 1: Page number 5 Creativity. (holds up a poster that says "Creativity")

Life is me, it's you and me.

To give people both happiness and joy

Reader 5 : If I don't burn,

If you don't burn

If we don't burn

Who then will dispel the darkness?

Live and give joy to people

And don't waste another minute...

Reader 6: The earth is girded with rays,

The earth is surrounded by flowers

Walk on clear paths

Fly high lanes

Orbit of love and hello

Strive to open at least once

The star of humanity in everyone.


1. Our Motherland is big

And, like good messengers,

The roads run up

From Moscow to all directions.

2. Hello my homeland

Hello dear.

There is nothing more wonderful than you

You are my own!

3. Between the trees, between the pines

A fast river runs!

Our Motherland is Russia,

And like steel it is strong.

4 .The beauty of the native land

we will protect with you.

The President will hear about us

we will wait with Volodya meetings.

Leading 1 : We often think about our future...But how can we think about the future without knowing our past? No, it should not be forgotten, it is in my genes, in my subconscious. You, my Country, were protected by my ancestors, it was they who bequeathed to me love for You.

Leading 2: This is our past. And we are his heirs! And it depends on us what the future of our Fatherland will be! Yes, the future of the country is being made today, now. me. by you. Us. We are citizens of a great state.

Leading 1 : Already now we are learning democracy so that the future of our country is beautiful. It depends on us whether it will be bright and great. It depends on us that your huge, but not immeasurable wealth, Motherland, be spent carefully.

Leading 2 : So that everyone who lives in our country be happy!To stop wars. For mothers to cry with joy and pride for their sons.

Leading 1 : So that the beautiful face of my country is not disfigured by the ulcers of terrible diseases. So that my generation does not die in terrible agony from a drug overdose.

Leading 2 : So that children do not stretch out dirty hands for alms, and old people travel the world, and notO the world...

Leading 1 : And we will strive to ensure that the future of our country is worthy.

Leading 2 : The Patriots of Russia team wishes all participants new ideas and new achievements for the benefit of our Motherland!

(Participants of the propaganda team perform the final song)

Song to the motive "Light it up"

1 couplet.
As if born again

though still young.
And the soul is not rusty

heart beats in the chest.
So do your thing

still ahead.
It's not fun

this is not a game.
Do you want to be happy

And love always


Choose, it will immediately become clear.

2 couplet. Give yourself good luck

you are a star today

and it can't be otherwise

for nothing ever.

You carry around the world

this song with you

everything that was not finished,

you drink today!

It's not fun

this is not a game,

you have the right

and it's time for you


Choose, it will immediately become clear.

You see the stars in the blue sky

Know and believe, Russia needs you!

16.05.2015 10139 0 Shayakhmetova Raykhan Satkanovna

Purpose: To form an idea of ​​the life values ​​​​of a person.
Objectives: To reveal the positive and negative factors that affect lifestyle
person; to develop the ability to speak in front of an audience and
interact with other participants in the presentation.
The song “Anthem of the Youth” sounds, under which members appear on the stage
propaganda team (first verse and chorus).
- Good afternoon! - We are glad to see you in the hall. - Hello, nice to see you!
- How many beautiful words have been said to you - How many more we want to say
- Hello!!! - Healthy - Kind - Joyful - Active
- Funny - Cute - Creative - Polite - Respectful
- Good afternoon! welcomes you
ALL: School No. 1 propaganda team "Merry Fellows"!
- We present the oral magazine "Live with pleasure"
- Life is a blessing, it is a gift that is given to a person only once.
- Life is a value in itself.
- As we think, so we live.
- Take care of your valuables, because with them life becomes bright and interesting,
complete and necessary.
- Life values ​​are what a person should value in life,
what should he cherish
- what he should be responsible for.
- Do you know what are the most important values ​​for us?
-It's labor. - family. -Love. - health. - creation. - happiness, - good.
The members of the propaganda team are rebuilding, their performance is accompanied by a presentation.
- Page No. 1 WELCOME (raises a balloon with the inscription "Welcome")
- Just pick up a rhyme,
About good poetry to write.
You really try
Captivate with the kindness of the heart.
- They do not say in vain when they meet
"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".
- And it is not in vain that we have
Wish "Have a good time".
- Kindness - it is from the century
Human decoration.
- Good people, as always, are not enough ...
Good people, as always, are in short supply.
Good people are not always understood
The heart of the good hurts more.
- Kind - generously help the sick,
Kind give warmth and comfort,
- Kind - keep pace with the weak
And no thanks are expected.
- Kindness is needed by all people,
May there be more good deeds.
(A candle appears in the hands of one of the speakers)
Reader 1. Hurry to do good deeds,
Hurry up to stretch out your hand to the fallen,
To those who are wild in the night
Now wandering losing direction
Dawn flashed ... and the first ray
He gave them hope and salvation!
Reader 2. Look, in your palm, a ray of light,
Let's carry it warmly
We are the youth of Russia, remember this,
And in her life, bring your goodness.
Page No. 2 LOVE (raises a balloon with the inscription "Love")
- When a person is hurt, someone should caress him,
- Someone should be just there to hug and kiss.
- When a person feels bad ... and the whole world is cut in half,
Someone must be other than God to give his soul.
- When a person is lost... and doesn't know what to do,
Someone should be wiser, advise, but not teach.
- When a person is scared ... under the pillow he is with his head,
Someone should say quietly: "Don't be afraid, because I'm with you."
- When a person is upset ... and does not know how to continue to live,
Someone just needs to be there
ALL: Someone has to LOVE him!
Members of the propaganda team are rebuilding.
Page No. 3 HEALTH (raises a balloon with the inscription "Health")
- We chose health and, we think, not in vain:
Any healthy beggar is happier than a sick king
- Not a minute we are all together,
We don't sit still
Stadium, gym, nature,
Everything for us, at any time of the year.
- Our health is a gift of nature
So be healthy man
In the era of technology and fashion
Devote your life to health.
- We swim in pools, run in stadiums,
A healthy lifestyle beats in the heart of millions!
- Sport is friendly with health!
Stadium, pool and court,
Hall, ice rink - everywhere we are welcome.
- For effort as a reward
Our muscles will become hard
There will be cups and records.
- Strengthen your health with sports,
Go hiking and meet the sunrises
The secret of success in life, know for sure
Your health, you remember this.
- Strive for the tops of unknown pages,
Open your read distances
Know, man, your health is life!
Life without disease, grief and sadness.
READER One, two!
Breathe Deep (Chorus)
Three four!
Get up (in chorus)
In our school, let it become
Health day every day.
ALL: Do with us! Do as we do! Do better than us!
Page number 4 Family and love for parents. (raises a balloon with the inscription "Family")
- Family, home is a place where we spend a lot of time, there are no trifles.
- The family must be preserved reverently, with love!
- Family is happiness, love and luck,
- Family is a summer trip to the country.
- Family is a holiday, family dates,
- Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
- Family is work, caring for each other,
- Family means a lot of housework.
- Family is important!
- Family is hard!
- But it is impossible to live happily alone!
- Always be together, take care of love,
- Drive insults and quarrels away,
- I want my friends to talk about us:
What a good family!
(A member of the propaganda team reads poetry to the music)
Mom looks at dad
Dad looks at mom
And the day is the most weekday,
Not Sunday
And outside the window - not the sun,
And the blizzard
It's just what they have
They just
They love each other very much.
From this love
Both easy and light.
me with dad and mom
So lucky!
Page No. 5 Creativity (raises a balloon with the inscription "Creativity")
If I don't burn
- If you don't burn
- If we do not burn,
KHOROM: Who then will dispel the darkness?
- Ask yourself, ask others
- What did you do to make the city richer?
- And what is the scale of the application of forces,
- And what is the specific return?
- Ask yourself!
- Ask now, immediately and immediately!
Choir: Ask yourself!
Do not wait for changes, but try to change everything yourself!
- Live and give joy to people
Not tomorrow, not today, but now.
And don't waste another minute...
After all, youth is given only once.
(Members of the propaganda team perform a dance)
- In life, you can live in different ways,
It is possible in sorrow and in joy.
Eat on time, drink on time
Do stupid things right away.
- And you can do this: get up at dawn
And, thinking of a miracle,
To get the sun with a burnt hand
And give it to people!
- Life is me, it's you and me.
Live and be proud of your destiny.
- People and happiness and joy to give
You have to live in such a way that it shines brightly.
(Members of the propaganda team collect a heart from balloons)
- The earth is girded with rays,
The earth is surrounded by flowers
- Walk on clear paths
Fly high lanes
- Orbit of love and greetings
Let our whole planet rush.
- Strive to open at least once
The star of humanity in everyone.
ALL: Love life! And live happily!
(Participants of the propaganda team perform the final song)
Song to the motive "Light it up"
It caught fire, sparkled, the brightest star.
As if born again
though still young.
And the soul is not rusty
heart beats in the chest.
So do your thing
still ahead.
It's not fun, it's not a game.
Do you want to be happy
And love always
Choose! Live not in vain
Choose, it will immediately become clear.
You see the stars in the blue sky
Know and believe, your Motherland needs you!

Scenario propaganda team

“When we are together, life is more interesting!”

Realization of creative abilities of schoolchildren;

Formation of a sense of patriotism, a stable life position and professional orientation in the context of a positive attitude towards life and others.

Development of leadership qualities and culture of communication in the team.

Hey girls and boys!

We are all a friendly family

In our school number 9

Good deeds are waiting for us!

We represent a children's organization - SHKID

School team

initiative children







All: Equal

Be ahead, say and do

Serve ideas, think boldly,

To be able to take full responsibility,

Help the younger kids.

For everyone to become more interesting.

Be the leader in your constellation!

Every year more and more active children full of ideas and creativity join the ranks of our children's organization.

1st: The children of our school have a wide variety of hobbies and interests.

2nd: They love mathematics and physics, history and literature.

3rd: Some go in for sports, others draw.

4th: The third is dancing, and the fourth is dreaming of a vocal career.

5th: The school lives an amazing, diverse, interesting and creative life.

6th: How many traditions have developed in the school!

7th: We prepare all school events, holidays together.

8th: There is not one who is left without work!

9th: In a kaleidoscope of bright events,

10th: Good actions, bold discoveries ...

11th: It is enough for all of us to unite,

12th: And everyone can be proud of!

(performance of school athletes: karatekas, wrestlers, gymnasts)

1st: We are together today

To burn ourselves

And set others on fire!

2nd: So that our childhood sings,

Like a song

To make youth

Like a verse!

3rd: Drawing on the experience of years

From wise books.

And in friendship we are looking for self-expression.

4th: We are a young and searching people!

Together: We are a new generation for the school

We paint this world with colors

And things will give us inspiration.

5th: Our youth strives forward

Together: We are a new generation for the school!

6th: We live according to the laws of school government:

7th: Law of Honor

Good fame gives birth to a good name.

8th: Law of the word

Don't throw words to the wind.

9th: The Law of Care

Good man and someone else's trouble to the heart.

10th: The Law of Friendship

Stand up for each other and you will win the battle.

11th: Law of Knowledge

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

12th: The new grows

All: The generation is cool.

(a dancing group "Danzfolife”)

We, young citizens of Kazakhstan, make up more than a third of the population and therefore want to be heard and understood by society.

We are not indifferent to the future of Kazakhstan and our region, where there is a children's country, where creativity knows no boundaries.

Our Kazakhstan is a rich country!

She has a great culture!

Our city is the best!

It has the most amazing people!

Petropavlovsk native - my favorite city!

Alleys are turning green, houses are growing ...

He has not yet gained worldwide fame,

But for us, this region is an expensive land.

Here we go to school and live happily.

Here youth merges with gray centuries,

Prosper Petropavlovsk, good day after day!

So live and hello, our city is beautiful,

Let the country be proud of your deeds,

May everything always be perfect in everything

And today, and tomorrow, at all times!

Song of the vocal group "New Day"

Viktor Vladimirovich Lysenko
Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team "I raise the flag of my state"

I raise the flag of my State

/Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team"Donbass"/

Calls sound. "Wide is my native land". On stage screen, on which the presentation of Lugansk is projected.

Speaker. We are the younger generation.

Hope, the future of the country.

And for fathers there is a replenishment,

Worthy sons are growing up.

We are the price of Andrienko Mark with the song “Where does the Motherland begin. Presentation of Luhansk on the screen

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your primer

With good and faithful comrades,

Living in a neighboring yard.

Or maybe it starts

From the song that our mother sang to us.

Since in any trials

No one can take away from us.

Andrienko Mark leaves scene. Participants, at the stretched white screen

Valchuk Ilya. I glorify our Donbass!

That land is wonderful and I will not hide,

That land for many has become of us

Huge house and destiny!

Shishkin Dmitry. You are famous for my mining land ...

You prosper Lugansk is my city ...

In my soul you are the island of Paradise ...

You are always beautiful and young...

A girl with a violin enters and starts playing 20 second pieces of music on a projection screen.

Shadow sketch (on screen projection)

Valchuk Ilya. Seventy four years ago

The houses were on fire and roaring.

And the fighters went through this hell,

Irresistibly - to the highest goal.

Shishkin Dmitry. And suddenly over the fury of attacks,

The last, frenzied delirium -

Not red over the Reichstag flag,

And the red sun of Victory!

Valchuk Ilya. Donbass is my Fatherland, Donbass!

You have been tested for centuries on a fortress!

You showed your power more than once

The warmth of coal, the elastic brilliance of steel!

Shishkin Dmitry. Donbass! My Fatherland is Donbass!

Mighty land of my native state!

For centuries this layer will not become scarce

Working Honor, Courage and Glory!

The screen readers leave scene

Soldier dance

1st. Time affects days and events

Presses, dictates formats and styles,

2nd. We are on the verge of a big opening

Strong, free, rich Donbass.

3rd. Time to change obstinate promises

But it's done here and now.

4th. People are free, ambitious,

Tomorrow Donbass depends on us.

5th. Who, if not us, is the power of the generation.

Who, if not us, scientific thinking,

6th. Who, if not us, is the breakthrough of the decade,

Who, if not us, for years, for centuries.

7th. Who, if not us, is a single team,

Who, if not us, science propaganda,

8th. Who, if not us, will make the strong fight,

Who, if not us, free Donbass!

9th. This is our land, we were born on it,

To increase her wealth,

10th. We are responsible for the well-being of the country,

Children of a good, peaceful kingdom!

My country, my destiny, my dream, my war,

My love, my spring, and I am a wall.

Son of the fatherland, country of soldiers, so it was a hundred centuries ago,

A friend for a friend, a brother for a brother, this world is holy.

And each one kindles the hearth,

And each one raises the flag,

And our souls and hearts are fires

Like a lighthouse in the dark.

I take a step again, I raise my flag,

Through the evil winds of anxiety and unbelief of the kingdom,

In this battle, I'm in the ranks, I believe in my truth

I I raise my flag of my state.

propaganda team"Donbass" leaves scene

Related publications:

The script for the speech of the school propaganda team on ecology 1. Good afternoon to the sun and birds! Good afternoon To all you smiling faces! 2. You are welcomed by the propaganda team of the Bashkir gymnasium No. 102. 3. This one.

Purpose: to develop the creative abilities of the child through visual activity. Tasks: - expand the horizons of children about the symbols of the city of Domodedovo;

Synopsis of the speech of the propaganda team on ecology "We meet birds" for senior preschool age Purpose: the formation of an ecological outlook and an active life position of preschool children in the protection of birds. Tasks: reveal.

Scenario of the creative performance of the environmental propaganda team "Globus" SP GBOU secondary school No. 1 "Educational center" with. Kinel-Cherkassy Kindergarten "Vasilek" Scenario of creative performance of ecological.

Scenario of an extra-curricular activity on traffic rules in the form of a propaganda team performance Performance of the "Romance" team of students of grade 2 "B" of school No. 34 in the municipal review-competition of propaganda teams on road safety.

Scenario of an educational conversation with pupils of the cadet corps "Symbols of the State" State educational institution of the Voronezh region "City Cossack Cadet Corps" Symbols of the state: Coat of arms, Flag.

The script for the performance of the traffic light propaganda team (senior group) Scenario of the performance of the “Traffic Light” propaganda team, senior group Children marching into the hall to the perky music. stand in front of the audience.

competition of school propaganda teams


Fanfare sounds
(leaders enter the stage)

Presenter1 Good afternoon, dear friends, participants of the competition of propaganda teams "For a Healthy Lifestyle"!

Presenter2 We welcome all those thanks to whom our competition, our holiday will take place. Many thanks to the guys who took part in the competition and to the teachers who organized the guys into teams and helped them bring their ideas to life on stage.

Presenter1 Today we will see the performances of nine teams of propaganda teams.

Presenter2 "Healthy lifestyle"... Probably, it is not necessary to explain this thesis. He speaks for himself.

Presenter1 - Of course, there are many ways to express your ideas and thoughts. Mankind has come up with many forms of propaganda and agitation. One of these forms is the “propaganda team”. It is interesting that this form was invented and widely developed in our country, in the first years of Soviet power. The people called the propaganda teams “blue blouses”, since the majority of the members of the propaganda teams wore striped blue and white blouses.

Presenter2 - Agitation team - it was a kind of "live newspaper". All significant social and political events immediately found their stage embodiment in the performances of propaganda teams. All topical and topical problems of society immediately became objects for satire, which was a powerful weapon of the "blue blouses".

Presenter1 - The propaganda teams of that time did not wait for their audience, but went to it themselves. They performed at plants and factories, on collective farm fields, in clubs and parks, in military units and even on warships. In a simple, accessible and bright stage form, they carried their ideas to people, among whom there were a lot of illiterate people who did not read newspapers and did not have the opportunity to listen to the radio.

Presenter2 - That is why the speeches of propaganda teams have always been expected as a breath of fresh air, as a source of news happening in the country, as carriers and conductors of new ideas, as debunkers of everything ossified, harmful and vulgar.

Presenter1 - However, today we will not delve into the theory and history of the propaganda brigade movement, because we all have to personally make sure that this movement lives and develops, that it has not lost its relevance and its audience in the Leading2 Leading1 century.

Presenter2 - But, since today we have not just performances of propaganda teams, but a competition, the competent jury will evaluate the competitive performances. So, let me introduce the distinguished members of the jury of our competition:

    Chairman of the jury - director of the school - Zaretskaya Elena Olegovna

Jury members:

    Deputy Director for Academic Affairs - Kizyakova Svetlana Anatolyevna

    Deputy director for educational work - Tymoshchuk Natalya Sergeevna

    History teacher - Savinova Elena Nikolaevna

    OBZH teacher – Kubarev Sergey Alekseevich

Presenter1 - The floor for the opening of the competition of school propaganda teams is given to the chairman of the jury of the competition: Zaretskaya Elena Olegovna

Jury chairman's word

Presenter2 - Thank you. But before the teams start their performances, I would like to tell an old parable. Once a wise man was walking along the road. Suddenly he sees - a man is walking towards him and is carrying a heavy wheelbarrow with stones. "What are you doing?" - asked the sage. “Don’t you see, I’m carrying stones,” he answered. The sage goes on. He sees - there is another person with the same wheelbarrow full of stones. "What are you doing?" - asked the sage. “I earn money for bread,” the man replied. The sage goes on, and again a man with a heavy wheelbarrow of stones meets him. "What are you doing?" the sage asked the man. "I'm building the temple," the man replied. I didn't tell this story for nothing. If you think about it, of course, each of these three people was right in their own way in their answers. But the essence of the parable is different. It is not so important WHAT you do in life, something else is more important: FOR THE SAKE OF WHAT you do it. And it is very important for us that you know and understand “what” and “for what” you are doing in this life. We sincerely hope and believe that your deeds and thoughts are pure.

Presenter1 - And I'm sure that's exactly what it is. And the upcoming performances of the guys today will prove it.

Presenter2 So let's start our competition. And the first to be invited to this stage is the _____ class propaganda team. Get ready ____ class.

(leaders leave)
SPEECH OF AGIT Brigade No. 1
(leaders leave)

Presenter1 - Thanks to the guys from ___ class for an interesting performance. For some reason, I even remembered the words of Seneca: "To live happily and live in accordance with nature is one and the same."

Presenter2 - Yes, wise words, which are very consonant with the theme of our competition. And the great Byron writes about this in verse: “No, he cannot be lonely, whose spirit finds the same language with nature.”

Presenter1 - Great words. But the guys from _____ class are waiting for their turn to speak. Let's give them the floor.

Get ready for class ____ team.

(leaders leave)
SPEECH OF AGIT Brigade No. 2

(leaders leave)

Presenter1 - Yes, wonderful, I just have no words! It was a speech by the propaganda team of ____ class. It is simply amazing that the guys raise such global problems in their speeches, they reveal the topic in such an interesting way.

Presenter2 - Yes, I agree with you. But this can be learned. Here is how Chizhevsky said about it:

Oh watch what's going on around you

Look into yourself - and close this circle,

Know others - and you will know your spirit,

Know yourself - and suddenly you will open the world.

Presenter1 You can't say better than a poet. But let's open and get to know one more team, the team of ____________________________________ school. I think that they will also surprise us and delight us with their performance.

Presenter2 - I am for it". So, on stage, the team of ____ class. Get ready guys from ____ class.

(leaders leave)
SPEECH OF AGIT Brigade No. 3
(leaders leave)

Presenter2 - Thanks guys. Great performance. One feels like saying: “In order to breathe - and air is not enough for me, but in order to live - even the world is not enough for me!”

Presenter1 - Beautiful words. Is that what you said?

Presenter2 “Alas, Camões said so.

Presenter1 - Then I will support you, however, in the words of Feuerbach: "The world is miserable only for a miserable person, the world is empty only for an empty person."

Presenter2 - Yes, a pathetic and empty person does not have access to a healthy lifestyle, because he does not have healthy thoughts. However, I'm looking forward to seeing the performance of the next team.

Presenter1 - And me too. The propaganda team of ______ class is speaking. Get ready guys from ____ class.

(leaders leave)
SPEECH OF AGIT Brigade No. 4
(leaders leave)

Presenter2 - Many thanks to the guys of _____ class. A very talented performance.

Presenter1 - And I think so. Do you know what Goethe said? "Talent grows in the silence of solitude, character is formed in struggle."

Presenter2 - Very rightly said. And if you have not forgotten, today we have a competition, that is, the guys are fighting for prizes.

Presenter1 - And they are also fighting for the right way of life, which requires not only willpower, pure thoughts, but also talent.

Presenter2 - Talent our guys do not hold.

Presenter1 - Agree. However, let's look further. The ____ class team is invited to the stage. Get ready for ____ class.

(leaders leave)
SPEECH OF AGIT Brigade No. 5
(leaders leave)

Presenter2 - Wonderful! Thanks guys, it's just amazing.

Presenter1 - I fully support it. After such performances, I just

wings grow, I want to do something good, to do something real.

Presenter2 - By the way, I have long wanted to ask: what about your healthy lifestyle?

Presenter1 - To be honest, not everything works out yet. But I strive.

Presenter2 - Well done. Come on try.

Presenter1 - I will definitely strive for a healthy lifestyle. And now the guys from the _____ class propaganda team are striving to the stage. Get ready guys from _____ class.

(leaders leave)


(leaders leave)

Presenter1 - Thank you guys from _____ class.

Presenter2 - Thank you. And I want to return to our previous conversation. Do you want me to help you in your pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, or rather, not me, but the wonderful oriental poet Jami? Listen:

Follow five important rules in life -

on earth you will see a bright paradise:

do not disturb peace in worldly affairs,

in vain do not risk your head,

take care of health, like a rare treasure,

live in abundance, but do not be rich,

and let him come to share leisure

to you a reliable and cordial friend.

Presenter1 - Nice line.

Presenter2 - And most importantly - right. And it would be absolutely right to invite a propaganda team of ____ class to the stage. Get ready guys from _____ class.

(leaders leave)
SPEECH OF AGIT Brigade No. 7
(leaders leave)

Presenter1 -Thank you very much guys from ____ class. It is very important to know what is good and what is bad. And help friends in need. And prove with your life that health is the most important component of life.

Presenter2 -Thales of Miletus, who lived in ancient Greece in the six hundred years BC, to the question "What is the best life?" -, answered: "When we do not do what we condemn in others."

Presenter1 -Indeed, condemning drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism, we should not allow them into our lives, and if this happens, try to get rid of bad habits as soon as possible.

Presenter2 - And the guys from _____ class will surely help us with this. We welcome them. Get ready for ____ class.

(leaders leave)
SPEECH OF AGIT Brigade No. 8
(leaders leave)

Presenter1 - Applause to the guys of ____ class!

Presenter2 - Yes, I am convinced again and again that the propaganda brigade movement lives and develops, that it will never lose its relevance and novelty.

Presenter1 - And how much work the guys have done!

Presenter2 - The main thing is useful work, creative work, work for the benefit of a noble goal.

Presenter1 - The great Marcus Aurelius said this about this: “Do not get tired of receiving benefits by bringing them.”

Presenter2 - Very correct. The one who benefits people, who does good to people, he receives benefits and goodness doubly. This is also one of the facets of a correct, healthy lifestyle.

Presenter1 - Oh, what a pity that the guys from ___ class will perform now and this will be the last performance today.

Presenter2 - Yeah, I'm sorry too. So let's cheer for the guys, because they have been waiting for their turn for so long.

Presenter1 - Come on, especially since it's hard to be the last, just like the first.

So, the performance of the ____ class propaganda team completes the competitive program. Meet!

(leaders leave)

SPEECH OF AGIT Brigade No. 9

(leaders leave)

Presenter2 - Thanks to the ___ class team! I have no words.

Presenter1 - And I have words, many good words! All teams are to be commended. But let the jury members tell them for me.

Presenter2 - Members of the jury, of course, will have their say, but I can imagine how difficult it will be for them now.

Presenter1 - Yes, if it were my will, I would divide my heart into 9 equal parts and give it to all teams equally.

Presenter2 - Alas, it is impossible. Competition is competition. But I know one thing for sure: there will be no losers today. After all, if after today's performances of the guys at least one person thought about himself, his life, his health, became a little cleaner, kinder, turned to face his friend, smiled, extended his open palm to him - this is already a victory.

Presenter1 - Yes I agree. This is already a victory. But the most important victory is the victory won over oneself. And all the guys, all the participants of today's competition have already won: today from this stage they loudly and honestly said “No” to drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism, foul language, laziness, lies. They all took the side of a healthy lifestyle, and now there are more of us.

Presenter2 - Thank you guys for your choice, for your life position, for your work and your creativity! In the meantime, our esteemed jury will deliberate, solve the difficult task of determining the winners of today's competition, we invite you and all viewers to watch the videos that were created by high school students

(leaders leave)

Fanfare sounds.

(leaders leave)

Presenter1 “Now is the moment we have all been waiting for.”

Presenter2 - And the participants of our competition did not just wait and wait, they still hope and believe. So let us wish them that their hopes come true. And may the best man win!

Presenter1 To announce the results and award the winners of the district competition of school propaganda teams, we invite the chairman of the jury of the competition to the stage: ________________________________________________________

(Against the background of solemn music, a

jury chairman)



(ink for awards)

Presenter 1- This completes our competition! See you next year!

Host 2- And remember: thousands of paths lead away from the goal, and only one leads to it! Happy journey!

Presenter 1 - Goodbye!

(background music)


Use Vasilyeva L.V.,

teacher-organizer MOU secondary school No. 5 Keys-1

Viktor Vladimirovich Lysenko
Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team "I raise the flag of my state"

I raise the flag of my State

/Scenario of the speech of the propaganda team"Donbass"/

Calls sound. "Wide is my native land". On stage screen, on which the presentation of Lugansk is projected.

Speaker. We are the younger generation.

Hope, the future of the country.

And for fathers there is a replenishment,

Worthy sons are growing up.

We are the price of Andrienko Mark with the song “Where does the Motherland begin. Presentation of Luhansk on the screen

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your primer

With good and faithful comrades,

Living in a neighboring yard.

Or maybe it starts

From the song that our mother sang to us.

Since in any trials

No one can take away from us.

Andrienko Mark leaves scene. Participants, at the stretched white screen

Valchuk Ilya. I glorify our Donbass!

That land is wonderful and I will not hide,

That land for many has become of us

Huge house and destiny!

Shishkin Dmitry. You are famous for my mining land ...

You prosper Lugansk is my city ...

In my soul you are the island of Paradise ...

You are always beautiful and young...

A girl with a violin enters and starts playing 20 second pieces of music on a projection screen.

Shadow sketch (on screen projection)

Valchuk Ilya. Seventy four years ago

The houses were on fire and roaring.

And the fighters went through this hell,

Irresistibly - to the highest goal.

Shishkin Dmitry. And suddenly over the fury of attacks,

The last, frenzied delirium -

Not red over the Reichstag flag,

And the red sun of Victory!

Valchuk Ilya. Donbass is my Fatherland, Donbass!

You have been tested for centuries on a fortress!

You showed your power more than once

The warmth of coal, the elastic brilliance of steel!

Shishkin Dmitry. Donbass! My Fatherland is Donbass!

Mighty land of my native state!

For centuries this layer will not become scarce

Working Honor, Courage and Glory!

The screen readers leave scene

Soldier dance

1st. Time affects days and events

Presses, dictates formats and styles,

2nd. We are on the verge of a big opening

Strong, free, rich Donbass.

3rd. Time to change obstinate promises

But it's done here and now.

4th. People are free, ambitious,

Tomorrow Donbass depends on us.

5th. Who, if not us, is the power of the generation.

Who, if not us, scientific thinking,

6th. Who, if not us, is the breakthrough of the decade,

Who, if not us, for years, for centuries.

7th. Who, if not us, is a single team,

Who, if not us, science propaganda,

8th. Who, if not us, will make the strong fight,

Who, if not us, free Donbass!

9th. This is our land, we were born on it,

To increase her wealth,

10th. We are responsible for the well-being of the country,

Children of a good, peaceful kingdom!

My country, my destiny, my dream, my war,

My love, my spring, and I am a wall.

Son of the fatherland, country of soldiers, so it was a hundred centuries ago,

A friend for a friend, a brother for a brother, this world is holy.

And each one kindles the hearth,

And each one raises the flag,

And our souls and hearts are fires

Like a lighthouse in the dark.

I take a step again, I raise my flag,

Through the evil winds of anxiety and unbelief of the kingdom,

In this battle, I'm in the ranks, I believe in my truth

I I raise my flag of my state.

propaganda team"Donbass" leaves scene

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Scenario of an educational conversation with pupils of the cadet corps "Symbols of the state" State educational institution of the Voronezh region "City Cossack cadet corps" Symbols of the state: Coat of arms, Flag.

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"Rights, Duties, Responsibilities"

A student of a hooligan appearance appears, looks around, takes a can of paint out of his pocket and is just about to write, the soundtrack of the song “Ai-yay-yay, you can’t go there!” and guys from different sides of the stage appear to him (slightly showing themselves) and threaten with a finger

the student tries to draw in different parts of the stage, then, out of grief, he stuffs the spray can into his pocket and sits on the edge of the stage.

They won't let me take a step

They'll look after everything, they'll look after everything

Do you think I would paint the wall

Liked... by everyone... maybe... by all means

Gets up and takes out a spray can and writes


Sounds very proud!

And it looks cool!

2-3 guys come out with a bucket and a rag

Now someone has to clean everything!

And that's not true, but wait

You better bend your fingers

Every time he speaks, the guys take a step towards him.

1. I have the right to a personal name

I brought out the letters and very large ones!

2. I have the right to self-expression

And here in front of you is talent (points to himself) and creation (to the picture)

3. I have the right to freedom of movement

I want and I walk, we will continue communication

4. Wait, wait, get more -

People, relatives (to the audience) protect me

I have the right to defend myself from you

Who thinks like me - let's unite!

The students take turns approaching the bully and taking the spray can and handing him a bucket and a rag.

In the name, of course, you have the right

But just let's talk very sensibly

Painted the front wall of the school

(bends first finger) Disturbed public order by all means

Look at the clock, it's already night in the yard

You were supposed to be at home by ten o'clock already.

(extends second finger)

You must obey your father and mother

They will turn gray with you very early

(bends third finger)

You took the spray can from the artist Nastya

And what will Nastya paint her yard with now?

And most importantly, Vasya - you studied poorly

You were too lazy to go to school

But you had to go to school

Then you wouldn't make mistakes right away

(points to a mistake in the word champion)

For all your wrongdoings

We are waiting for your correction.

The bully sighs, takes a bucket and goes into the background, under the passage “I want, I want”, a girl appears in a short skirt, in heels, she shows that she wants to do ballet, draw, jump, read (choose which is easier to show)

Only the song ends immediately from different sides, guys dressed as mom, dad, grandfather and grandmother appear and the soundtrack “Ai-yay-yay, you can’t go there!” Turns on. They put on her a hat, mittens, felt boots, sit her on her knees and do not let go anywhere, but stroke her head.

Well it's not fair, I want to learn

Fly up to the clouds, fly there like a bird

Learn languages, visit different countries

I want to be a singer, but I...


Well, what are you! It's still early for you!

I have the right to education

For self-development and world knowledge

Participate in the youth movement

I make my own decisions

But don't worry, I'm ready with you (for parents)

Meet, chat again and again.

Moms, dads all over the country

Should already understand

All children have rights

For example, reading books.

The bully comes up and says:

Also for care, affection

And for life, as if in a fairy tale (they also hug him, stroke his head, he steps aside)

Your right to be happy

We have such a right.

Ill when it happens -

Everyone has the right to heal.

If suddenly someone wants

Forbid you to go to school

Know right away - he's wrong -

You are not given such rights.

I have no right to spin you

Hurt, offend.

You will remember one thing -

Hitting people is prohibited.

Grandfather approaches a bully who wanted to smoke in a corner, brings him to the center

But no one canceled the laws of the state here

To show respect for the traditions of the people

To appreciate our culture, respect someone else's work

You must learn, develop for sure - do not forget!

The soundtrack of the song “What is taught at school” is turned on and the guys sing:

Us laws to study
And the right to remember
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
We need to know them for sure.
With life firmly apply
studying, relaxing, studying at school

There are rights to study

And there are rights to rest

The right to love and care is also right

Love your homeland

And cherish the culture

Knowing the responsibilities is no fun!

Venue: RDK


2. Phonogram

3. Calculator

4. Cigarettes



The unfading star of the Motherland ...

And we do not choose it with you:

She burns over her father's land,

She is one of us

And forever!

(To the soundtrack, the guys say the following text and pass the flower)

1-Oh, guys, look! Flower!

2-What a small!

3-What a handsome!

4-Why is he so sad. Maybe he misses his mom.

5-Look, he grows among the stones, it is difficult for him to break through to the light.

6- They say that flowers and herbs are born only in good land.

7- Let's help the flower. Let's plant it in fertile soil.

8- May this flower, whose name we do not yet know, rest and gain strength.

9- And from his seeds, let new flowers grow and his beautiful children not perish.

10- The best, shining with light flowers, which are not found anywhere else.

1- For me Russia-

This is a blue river

And over the blue river

Darkened bridge.

If they ask me:

What's so beautiful about that?

I will answer simply:

Here I grew up.

2-No sense of Motherland

No sense of humanity.

From heartlessness

Nothing was born.

3-In our innumerable wealth

There are precious words:




6- And there is more:

7- Honor…

8-Ah, if everyone understood

That these are not just words

What kind of trouble would we avoid?

And it is not just words!

9- We are well aware in what a tense and difficult period in the history of Russia we become its citizens.

10-We are well aware that the revival of Russia and its future depend on our generation.

1-We, the Pestravian youth, choose a healthy lifestyle.

1: Life is something that no one and nothing has the right to destroy!
2: Life is a chance and very great opportunities that a person needs to use wisely!
Z: Life is necessarily something beautiful: the sky, the sun, people, finally! And all this is to be admired!
4: Life is a great love to be accepted as a gift.
5: And this is a dream to which you need to go all your life!
b: Yes, but our life largely depends on our health and lifestyle.
7: Each of us is the blacksmith of our own health, and hence happiness.
1: At all times, the first thing people wished each other when they met was health.
"Hello!" we say at meetings and thereby wish a person happiness.
Especially now, when the problem of health is so urgent.

7. Why do many constantly undermine their health by smoking, alcohol, drugs. Today we must think together about the bad habits that lie in wait for any person on the Path of life, sometimes cross out their whole life. How to save yourself? How to say firmly “no” if you were offered to try a drug, smoke a cigarette for the first time? Let's try to figure it out.

Phonogram: marching participants

8. All: Together we walk together,
And we promise the country:
No smoking cigarettes
And don't ruin your health!
One, two!
breathe deeper!
Three four!
Stand straight.
In our school, let it become
health day every day!
Commander: You are welcomed by the propaganda team:
All: “Anticourt!”
Commander: Our motto:
All: We don't smoke or drink
We protect health.
Commander: Have you grown up yet?
All: Yep!
Commander: If you don't smoke...
All: Don't start!
Commander: If started.
All: Drop it!
Quit smoking, quit!
Healthy lifestyle start!

(Members of the propaganda team act out a scene.)
girl 1: I have cigarettes, let's smoke.
girl 2: Oh, what are you! I can't!
Girl 1: Why?
girl 2: I will smell of tobacco.
Girl 1: So what?
girl 2: Parents will find out.
Girl 1: Don't go near them.
girl 2: My dog ​​learns. She can't stand the smell of tobacco. I will come home, she
will sniff me and run away, and my parents will ask: “Why did the dog run away from you? What, were you smoking?”
girl 1: And you perfume.
girl 2: why are you pestering me, don't you know how tobacco affects the body?

Boy: Oh, its smoking. The boys from our yard pestered - try - you will be like us - in our company. Well I tried
- so-so ... and there’s nothing to talk about with these guys, one topic is who smoked how much in a day, and who can drink more.
They are limited...
D .: I don’t want to constantly hear about smoking, why waste time on cigarettes - I don’t have it anyway: lessons, electives, a patriotic club, a school theater. And we will have a better rest, listening to our favorite music.

D: I liked him so much - so courageous, with a cigarette in his hand. But when we started dating, everything changed. Imagine, he couldn’t even sit in the cinema until the end of the session - he ran to smoke. No wonder they say - a slave of habit ...
M .: But I would probably still smoke, and no persuasion helped me. It was only after the medical examination that the coach said if you continue to smoke - leave the team immediately, you won’t be an athlete. Well, I do not! I'd rather be a tough footballer than a tough smoker!
- Are you studying?
- Are you exercising?
- Are you smiling?
- Do you dance?
- Are you on fire?
- Don't smoke?
- You are better!

Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking. Why does cigarette production continue?
- Yes, they just make money on us!
- Let's count. If we assume that a pack of cigarettes costs 20 rubles, and a person smokes a pack a day, then how much
spent in 1 year?
- 7.5 thousand rubles

That's how cleverly you were cheated!
- A beautiful world without cigarettes,
No matches, lighters.
- To spend money on it? No!
It's a waste of money for this!

Some believe that smoking does not cause much harm until the human body has reached the stage of adulthood. Is a small dose can affect health?! How else can!

Student 4: Scientists have found that one cigarette shortens life by 12 minutes.
Student 1: A smoker lives an average of 8 years less than a non-smoker.
Student 2: Smoking reduces the ability to perceive odors.
Student 3: Smoking reduces the ability to taste food.
Student 4: 20% of all cancer deaths are due to tobacco smoking.
Commander: Smoking contributes to diseases such as:
cough, shortness of breath;
heart disease, gastritis;
lungs' cancer;
skin aging. -

After all, many people know that smoking is harmful, well, at least by hearsay, but they still start smoking. Why?
Student 1: For the company.
Student 2: To seem like adults,

Student: Girls think it's fashionable.
Student 3: Someone because of stress or depression.
Student 4: In order not to stand out from the company.
Commander: What do we want to tell them?
All (in unison): No tobacco smoke! -

Members (in chorus):
Open your eyes! Watch and repeat.
Down with drugs! Down with smoking!
Don't start drinking! Save your life!

10. Phonogram: the song "There is only a moment" is performed.

    Formation of the communicative qualities of the personality of students through collective creativity;

    Development of creative abilities of schoolchildren

    awaken a sense of pride in our Patronymic

    popularize the official symbols of the Russian Federation - the flag, coat of arms and anthem.

Scene 1. The bell rings. Teacher starts the lesson.

The bell rang, we begin our lesson. Today we will talk about who a Russian is.

Let's check your homework.

Question 1. How big is our country?

Reader 1. From the North Pole to Mount Ragdan
And from Chukotka to Kaliningrad
Lies Russia - the largest of the countries,
And we don't need another land forever!
Far East, Siberia, Urals, Caucasus,
Karelia, Kuban, Crimea, Chernozem region -
All this is in the heart of each of us,
All of these are our ancestral lands.

And how far would you not live from Moscow. You know that you are a citizen of a great country.

Because Together: YOU are a Russian.

Teacher:- You are right, our country differs from other states in its geographical location, historical past, language, traditions

Question 2: What symbols does our state have?

Reader 2: Flag

Veyya, brave
And lovely
Flag of native Russia:
Top - white
Bottom - red
In the middle, blue
Guaranteeing the people
Truth, power and freedom!

Our athletes are given strength and invincible spirit when they see fans with waving flags in the stands. I have no right to lose, I only want to win. Because Together: I'm Russian.

Question 3: What other symbol distinguishes Russia from other countries?

Reader 3:Coat of arms

Russia has a beautiful coat of arms,
Full of pride and strength
Golden eagle double-headed
Holds scepter and orb.
From West to East
He spread his wings wide.
Three crowns hover above him,
And the snake pierces with a spear
Rider on his chest:
Evil will come - we will not spare!
In this case, help us -
Truth, honor and faith in God!

I recently received a passport, it has a coat of arms on the first page. This image is always with me. Because Together: I'm Russian.

Teacher: - Not a single event of national importance can do without state symbols: a military parade, sports competitions, ceremonial meetings. Paying honors to the symbols of the state, we thereby show respect for our Motherland .

Question 4: Well, what does the Motherland mean to you?

Reader 4: What do we call motherland?
The house where we live
And birches along which
We are walking next to my mother.
What do we call motherland?
Everything that we keep in our hearts
And under blue sky
Russian flag over the Kremlin.

Teacher: It is clear to everyone in this hall that our team are real patriots and we can safely say

TOGETHER: "Russia is our beloved country."

We are proud of Russia, we are faithful to Russia, and there is no better country in the world.

Teacher, addressing the audience and his students:

If you think that we should respect the rights of people, regardless of their nationality and social affiliation, clap your hands (one, two)

If you care about the fate of our country, stomp your feet (one, two)

If you consider yourself patriots, raise both hands up.

If you believe that the future of the country depends on you, join hands.

Together they perform the song "My Russia"

I draw clouds with white chalk
I dream there will be a day for sure
This happiness will smile at me again
And my country
My Russia, my country
You are so beautiful in all the years and times
My Russia, my friends
God give us strength
We are one family together

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