Scenario of the competition “Russian braid - maiden beauty. Regulations on the competition "Russian braid - maiden beauty" Russian braid


Kozhina Elena Anatolyevna

primary school teacher

MAOU secondary school No. 16

Balakovo, Saratov region

Extracurricular activity on the topic:

Competition "Braid - maiden beauty"

I. Goals and objectives of the competition

Identification and support of owners of long hair as a standard of Russian beauty;

Raising the younger generation in the spirit of respect for national traditions;


Three girls under the window braided their hair in the evening and shared their secrets. One creative king was passing by and, having heard the girls’ conversation, immediately called them to a competition - to refute the stupid proverb that says that a woman has long hair but a short mind.


Eh, boys don't understand

What a pleasure -

Grow your braids long

Almost from birth!

To groom and protect the braids,


Large-toothed comb


Wash with baby soap

Or strawberry

That's an infusion of wild herbs,

That's egg yolk.

Oh, how sweet it is in the morning,

Sitting on the bed

Weave them tightly

Or barely

To be like a stick

Stand over your shoulders

Or a smooth stream

There was a murmur on my back...

How nice it is to choose

Silk ribbons

And from strangers' grandmothers

Listen to compliments!

No, boys don't understand

Uneasy happiness -

Wear long braids

Grade up to sixth grade,

And then go and borrow

Queue for haircut

And say decisively:

“Cut like a boy!”

Presenter 1.

The beautiful Varvarushkas have long braids.

Did you come to the school holiday? I am, of course, very happy!

We will try on our braids, have fun and dance!

If the jury recognizes you, we will give everyone prizes!

Presenter 2.

Today we glorify a girl’s richest adornment – ​​her braid. For a long time, all nations, people of all nationalities have valued the braid. Braids were braided in different ways. A Russian girl was braiding one braid. And sometimes she would quietly say: “Grow your braid to your waist, don’t lose a hair.” Every girl was famous for her braid, the bigger the braid, the more beautiful the girl...


What determines the thickness of hair?
blondes have a hair thickness of approximately 0.05mm in diameter,
for brunettes - about 0.075mm,
and in redheads up to 0.1 mm.

I've been wearing them for many years
But I don’t know their score?
It turns out that the thicker the hair, the less there is on the head. Blondes have approximately 150,000 hairs, while redheads have 50,000.

2 presenter

Beautiful girls, blonde braids, rosy cheeks, absolutely flawless! And my grandfather said: “The hair is long, but the mind is short,” “Beauty will take a closer look, but the mind will come in handy.”

Presenter 1: And why did you start using proverbs?

2 presenter: Yes, besides, I want to test the girls’ ingenuity and intelligence.

1 presenter: An attempt is not torture, but a survey is not a problem. Are the participants ready for the test? Then let's begin!

2 presenter:First test! We will start the proverbs, and you will continue!

1 presenter: - Seven nannies... (a child without an eye).

No matter how much you feed the wolf... (he keeps looking into the forest).

For someone else's loaf... (don't open your mouth).

Seven times measure cut once).

Without difficulty.. (you can’t pull a fish out of a pond).

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better)

In the still waters...(there are devils)

In crowded but not mad).

That hero... (who fights hard for his homeland)

A man without a homeland... (like a nightingale without a song)

What goes around comes around)

Live and learn)

To be afraid of wolves - ….(do not go into the forest)

2 presenter: Our beauties coped with this task. Will there be more tests?

1 presenter. There will definitely be, but first a little history... (teacher)


Do you know what: a long time ago in Rus', children under 6-7 years old had their hair cut the same way, shorter, so that it wouldn’t get in the eyes or hang down the back. And only from the age of 7 children began to be divided into girls and boys. From that moment on, girls’ hair was no longer cut. When the first braid with a ribbon was braided, this indicated that the baby had become a girl. They tried to braid the first braid in front of guests. And only from that moment on did the mother trust her daughter to babysit her younger brothers and sisters, showing her how to sew, embroider and knit. After braiding the braids, girls begin to wear scarves or a wide ribbon on their heads. For Russian culture, the braid is a symbol of young, strong and full-fledged feminine energy. Girls braided their hair into one braid and laid it over their shoulder. They tied a bow at the bottom. You could leave the ends long or curl them into ringlets. After marriage, women braided two braids with a parting in the middle of their hair. The braids were tied at the bottom with narrow ribbons. Braids were worn on the back or placed in the hair. Older women and grandmothers put the braid in a “basket.” Now this hairstyle has become fashionable again.

A girl's hair had the ability to positively influence everything around her; It was believed that rituals performed by girls with flowing hair guaranteed a good harvest, health and wealth in the house.

The attitude towards women's hair was completely different. During the wedding, the girl's braid was intertwined into two. Braids, depending on local customs, were placed either around the head, or above the forehead, or on the top of the head, which were necessarily covered with a scarf or other headdresses (kika, kichka, crown, kokoshnik, etc.

Tatar girls wove two braids that flowed along their flexible waist. Kazakh women wore 4 braids: 2 in front, 2 in back. Turkmen, Uzbek women - 16. Everyone agreed on one thing: they tried to show their beauty, the richness of their hair. After marriage, women of all nationalities hid their braids in a bun, a scarf, or a skullcap.

The history of women's hairstyles worn by different nations is very complex and amazing; they number in the hundreds. For example, the hairstyles of a West African tribe are real works of sculpture that take months to create and are held together with clay, animal fat, and other substances. The frame of the hairstyle is constructed from moss growths, leaf veins, palm hearts and is decorated with beads, cowrie shells, copper jewelry, buttons, and feathers. The hairstyle takes many months to complete and can be likened to a hard hat or helmet.

1 presenter: And our competition continues.

Grow, braid, to the waist,

Don't lose a hair.

Grow, braid, to your toes,

All the hairs are in a row.

Grow up, braid, don't get confused.

Mom, daughter, listen.

The next competition is “And I’ll braid my hair”

Each pair receives three ribbons, which are tied with a knot. The girl participant holds the knot, and the boy takes the ends of the ribbons. The boy must quickly and correctly weave the braid without letting go of the ribbon from his hands.

Music is playing. The task is running.

Fun game “My light, mirror...”

Today we will remember the most ancient women's headdress - a scarf.

In Rus', attention and a manifestation of love were expressed by the gift of a headscarf. There were scarves for home, work, and holidays - these were always especially decorated with a corner falling down the back, because... it was clearly visible when the women stood in the church. The most famous Pavlovsk scarves, which are made in the town of Pavlovsky Posad near Moscow. Such scarves were painted with large flowers.

Scarves were always worn, but they were tied in different ways. Participants must demonstrate different ways of tying a scarf, and at the same time tell why this method is interesting. While the girls are preparing for the competition, a fun game for the audience is being played, “My Light, Mirror.” Standing in front of the mirror, you need to say 3 times without smiling: “Oh, how beautiful I am and who will get me?”

1st participant - The scarf is folded in half diagonally and tied under the chin, the most common way to wear a scarf,

2nd participant – “Horned Kitty”. Fold the scarf in half diagonally and place it on your head with the tail facing forward. Tie the ends of the scarf and make the “tail” into a large weak knot. Pull out the ends.

3rd participant - In the old days, a scarf was tied on top of the kokoshnik with two adjacent ends (and the other two fell freely onto the back). It was believed that in this way girls were saved from the human evil eye.

4th participant - The scarf lies on the shoulders, and a ribbon is tied around the head. This is how girls wore headscarves at gatherings and festivities.

5th participant - Fold the scarf diagonally and place it on the head. Wrap the ends of the scarf around your neck and tie it in a knot at the back.

Creative competition “Marya the Mistress”

Divide the children into 4 teams. Each team has the same set of fruits: bananas, pears, apples, grapes, oranges, kiwis and yogurt.

Task: beautifully cut fruit salad and decorate.

The result of the competition.

The boys bring out gifts to the music and give the girls gifts.

From September 1 to December 12, 2016, Russian women (and their braids) can compete for the main prize - an apartment in Moscow

Residents of any part of the world who have Russian citizenship or were born on the territory of Russia or the RSFSR, regardless of their age or nationality, can take part in the competition, which consists of two stages.

In the first stage, participants need to upload their photo to the website, demonstrating that the image meets the criteria of true Russian beauty (a mandatory element of the image is hair braided in a traditional Russian braid). In the second stage, you need to record a video with a declaration of love for Russia: the video may contain a dance, a song, poems of your own composition, or another form of declaration of love for the Motherland - the organizer welcomes a creative approach to completing tasks.

The works of the contestants will be evaluated by both ordinary users and a star jury, which includes famous public figures and representatives of show business: Tatyana Mikhalkova (President of the Russian Silhouette Charitable Foundation), Oksana Fedorova (TV presenter, Miss Universe 2002), Pelageya (singer), Arina Sharapova (TV presenter) and Mitya Fomin (musician).

The face of the “Russian Braid” competition by Natura Siberica was a resident of Siberia, Daria Gubanova - Russian Rapunzel, as the international media dubbed her (from the Daily Mail to the Huffington Post), which published more than one story about the Russian beauty. The owner of a natural braid more than 160 cm long has been growing her hair for 13 years and, like no one else, is the true embodiment of true Russian beauty that unites continents.

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about holding a school competition

“A girl’s braid – Russian beauty”

within the framework of the subject week of the aesthetic-labor cycle

I. Founders of the competition

Administration of MBOUCE No. 25, Tula

Teenage and youth club of the Proletarsky district of Tula

II. Goals and objectives of the competition

Identification and support of owners of long hair as a standard of Russian beauty;

Raising the younger generation in the spirit of respect for national culture and introducing young people to Russian folk traditions;

- promoting personal improvement and unlocking the creative potential of schoolchildren;

- education of aesthetic taste;

- promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Organization of leisure time for school students.

III. Competitors

Students in grades 5-6 of MBOU Central Educational Institution No. 25 are invited to participate in the competition. Participants’ hair must be natural. Participants mustknow Russian traditions, songs, sayings, etc.

IV. Place and time of the competition

The competition is held within the framework of the subject week of the aesthetic-labor cycle 2016.

Venue: assembly hall of MBOU Central Educational Institution No. 25, Tula, st. Kalinina, 7.

V. Procedure for organization and conduct

To participate in the competition, you must submit an application form to the school administration before April 20, 2016 (The application form is offered in Appendix No. 1).

The competition consists of 6 stages:

1. “And the braid grew to the waist...” - the competition participants present themselves on stage in folk style, in any genre (song, poem, fairy tale, epic, dance); with elements of a traditional Russian costume, with a braided hair (2-3 min). Support group participation is allowed.

2. Defile “You, my braid, the braid is a beauty for the whole city” - demonstrate an original hairstyle, the basis of which is braiding (preparation time 10 minutes, presentation 1-2 minutes). The hairstyle must have a name. Support group participation is allowed.

3. Exhibition “It’s not the needle that sews, but the hands” of hair jewelry made by the contestant.

4. “To the origins of folk wisdom” - a quiz on knowledge of Russian folk traditions. Support group participation is allowed.

5. Demonstration of loose hair (participants give tips on hair care).

6. Rewarding. Participants come to the awards ceremony in their Russian folk (or stylized) outfits

VI. Jury of the qualifying round of the competition

The jury is formed by the founders of the competition.

Based on the results of the competition program, the jury selects 3 finalists.

Each jury member evaluates the performance of the competition participant in the range from 1 to 5 points for each stage. The final score for the performance of the competition participants is determined as the sum of the scores of all jury members.

Criteria for evaluation:

Hair length;

Grooming and neatness;

Disclosure of the national Russian flavor and national characteristics.

Knowledge of Russian folk traditions;

Originality, accuracy and independence in the execution of decorative products - hair jewelry, knowledge of the features and techniques of making jewelry;

Grace, charm, emotionality, artistry, Creative skills.

VII. Winner's reward ceremony

The awarding of the competition winners will take place on March 10, 2016 immediately after the end of the competition.

The finalists are awarded diplomas andaward ribbon, winner of the main prize “Russian beauty - long braid” - a diploma, crown and gift.

The jury reserves the right to establish special diplomas.

Over one year old

September 1 on the Internet on the websitewww. konkurs. naturasiberica. ru A global competition is starting, which is designed to unite Russian women around the world using the concept of “true Russian beauty.”

The Russian brand of natural cosmetics based on medicinal herbs and plants of Siberia, Natura Siberica, has taken on the important mission of uniting Russians around the world with a sense of pride in their country. Today, Natura Siberica products are widely represented not only throughout Russia, but also in more than 40 world markets, including branded boutiques in Japan, Hong Kong, Serbia, Denmark and Spain. Producing the highest quality skincare and decorative cosmetics, marked with the most prestigious European eco-certificates, the Russian brand Natura Siberica helps women all over the world preserve their natural beauty and attractiveness with the help of the healing powers of Russian nature.

From September 1, 2016, residents of any part of the world who have Russian citizenship or were born on the territory of Russia or the RSFSR, regardless of their age or nationality, will be able to take part in two stages of the global competition “Russian Braid” and compete for the main prize - an apartment in Moscow!

In the first stage, participants will have to upload a photo to the competition website and demonstrate that their image meets the criteria of true Russian beauty. An obligatory element of the image is hair braided in a traditional Russian braid. In the second stage, girls will need to record a video declaring their love for Russia. This could be a dance, a song, poems of one’s own composition, or another form of declaration of love for the Motherland - the organizer welcomes a creative approach to completing tasks.

The face of the “Russian Braid” competition by Natura Siberica was a resident of Siberia, Daria Gubanova - Russian Rapunzel, as the international media dubbed her (from the Daily Mail to the Huffington Post), which published more than one story about the Russian beauty. The owner of a natural braid more than 160 cm long has been growing her hair for 13 years and, like no one else, is the true embodiment of true Russian beauty that unites continents.

Here's what Daria herself says about Russian beauty: « True Russian beauty is, first of all, internal fulfillment. This is sincerity and sincerity, simplicity, good nature and strong character. And naturalness in everything. I’m sure that appearance and soul are always inseparable.”

Daria will also be part of the honorary star jury, which will award the main prize to one of the ten finalists who received the maximum number of user votes on the website Any Internet user with an account on social networks will be able to vote for their favorite work. The second winner of the “Russian Braid” competition by Natura Siberica will receive a certificate for a free flight to Moscow from anywhere in the world, accommodation in a five-star hotel and a visit to the Fresh Spa by Natura Siberica for two. In addition, Natura Siberica has prepared many intermediate and incentive prizes for the winners in other categories of the competition.

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