Scenario literary evening for the anniversary of Valentin Rasputin. Events dedicated to the memory of Valentin Rasputin


0 "Live a century - love a century" (according to the work of V. G. Rasputin)

Russia, Altai Territory, Slavgorod

MBOU "Secondary School No. 13"

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Karaseva V.I.

"Live a century - love a century"

(according to the work of V. G. Rasputin)

Goals: education of feelings of love and memory for the work of V. Rasputin, the development of motivation for knowledge and creativity as the basis for the formation of educational requests and needs of children. Through theatrical art to help the child in the process of self-knowledge and self-development to maximize creative opportunities; development of individuality, personal culture, communication skills.

Living room decor: a portrait of Rasputin, the words "Live and love forever", an exhibition of books and photographs of the writer with the words "Literature has one goal - to help a person, to breathe warmth and kindness on him when reading", candles, a coffee table.


Music sounds

1. Presenter 1:

Contemporaries often do not understand their writers or do not realize their true place in literature, leaving the future to evaluate, determine their contribution, and place emphasis. There are enough examples of this. But in today's literature there are undeniable names, without which neither we nor our descendants can imagine it. One of these names is Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin.

2. Presenter 2:

Talking about Rasputin is easy and at the same time very difficult. He absorbed and reflected in his works the very best in the style of Russian classics. The style of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Other Russian and Soviet classics. He stood up in his work for the little man. For the Russian land. His works filled with bitterness, pain, love for Russia tell us about the truth. The truth is - Whoever has no memory has no life.

3. Presenter 1. Appeal to guests:

Dear friends, today we have gathered to touch the work of this Russian prose writer and publicist, to recall his amazing works

4. The song "I dream of a village" sounds

5. Presenter 2:

Valentin Rasputin was born on March 15, 1937 In the Irkutsk region, in the village of Ust-Uda, located on the banks of the Angara, three hundred kilometers from Irkutsk. The future writer went to the first grade of the Atalanta Primary School in 1944. Here, in Atalantka, having learned to read, Rasputin fell in love with the book forever.

6. Presenter 1:

After graduating from the 4th grade in Atlanta, Rasputin. Of course, I wanted to continue my studies. But the school, where there was a fifth grade, was located only in the regional center of Ust-Uda, and this is 50 kilometers from his native village. You don’t run into each day - you have to move there to live, alone, without parents, without a family.

7. Presenter 2:

“So at the age of 11, my independent life began,” wrote Valentin Rasputin about the 48th year in the story “French Lessons”. It was difficult to study: it was necessary to overcome hunger (mother gave bread and potatoes once a week, but they were always in short supply. Rasputin studied conscientiously.

8. Presenter 1:

"What was left for me? - then I came here, I had no other business here ... I hardly dared to go to school, stay at least one lesson unlearned from me." His knowledge was assessed only as excellent, except perhaps for the French language - pronunciation was not given.

9. Presenter 2:

The writer did not leave his native places until he entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University, from which he graduated in 1959. At first, I didn’t think about a writer’s vocation - I just once found myself without money (they didn’t give out a scholarship), he was offered to work without breaking off with his studies.

10. Presenter 1:

He published a lot, wrote notes, reports, essays. Here Rasputin "filled his hand", learned to listen to people, to talk with them, to think about their aspirations. All this is so necessary for a great writer.

11. Presenter 2:

In 1967, the story "Money for Mary" was published in the anthology "Angara". By this time, Rasputin was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR and published three books of essays and stories. But it is with the story "Money for Mary" that critics connect the appearance in literature of a great original writer. The story brought Rasputin all-Union and worldwide fame.

12. Presenter 1:

Rasputin always had a special relationship with a woman, mother, old woman. All of his inconspicuous, quiet heroines have a restless and conscientious soul, they are worried that conscience is “thinning” in people. His shy, uncomplaining and pure old women, all these Annas, Darias, Nastyas, Alenas, stood in the way of Evil and Fearlessness. The patriarch once said: "... the white handkerchiefs of grandmothers saved the Orthodox Church from destruction." The old women of Valentin Rasputin, our mothers and women of Russia saved the conscience of the people, warmed his soul, breathed strength.

The story "The Deadline", which V. Rasputin himself called the main of his books, touched upon many moral problems. In the work, V. Rasputin showed the relationship within the family, raised the issue of respect for parents, which is very relevant in our time, raised the question of conscience and honor, which affected each hero of the story.

13. Dramatization of 2 scenes from Deadline.

14. Presenter 2:

In 1976, the story "Farewell to Matyora" was published, which cemented Rasputin's reputation as one of the leading Russian writers. A person can live fully only with love for the Motherland, keeping in his soul the centuries-old traditions of his people. In the story "Farewell to Matyora" Rasputin shows how the Russian people relate to the destruction of their national world "in the name of progress". A simple Russian woman, Daria, has been resisting for 5 years, protecting her old house and the entire village from the pogrom. For her, Matera and her home are the embodiment of the Motherland. Daria defends not the old hut, but the Motherland, where her grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived. Her Russian heart hurts - "as in fire it, Christ's, burns and burns, aching and aching."

15. Staged dialogue between grandson and grandmother.

16. Presenter 1:

Siberia still holds tight to Valentin Rasputin, its singer and protector. Every spring he comes here, visits his native village places and lives until late autumn not far from Irkutsk, trying to stay longer where Baikal releases his daughter Angara. Rasputin's paternal share turned out to be related to Baikal. It really fell to drink a full cup of good and dashing on these shores ...

17. Poem by heart. Slides about Baikal.

18. Presenter 2.

Dear friends! We think that you are also familiar with the work of Valentin Rasputin. What works of the author have you read? Share your impressions.

19. Controversy with the audience. (words of girls - 6 people)

19. Presenter 2:

Thanks for your feedback. Each of you talked about the heroines of Rasputin, about women, about mothers. The theme of the woman-mother runs like a refrain through his prose. With the heroes of novels and stories by Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin, we are not afraid to live in the 21st century. We have Faith, Soul, Conscience. And that means Russia is eternal. Valentin Rasputin is still in service today. We wish him good health, creative success and grateful readers.

And you, friends. Love your mothers, appreciate every minute of communication with them, take care of them.

There is a song about mom, slides.


1. I understand Rasputin's attitude towards a woman-mother, a woman-wife, a woman who maintains family ties. In the story "Vasily and Vasilisa" the author showed the heroine, persistent, strong, who raised seven children. Vasilisa was never able to forgive her husband, who is responsible for the death of an unborn child. I agree with the position of Rasputin, not everything in life can be forgiven.

2. I have respect for the work of Rasputin, in which from the very beginning attention to the woman prevails. The heroine of his first story "Money for Mary" is the saleswoman of the only store in the whole village. The auditor discovered that she had a shortage of 1000 rubles. It would seem that Rasputin should have burst into indignation at the theft of public property. But the writer did exactly the opposite, Made Mary a heroine with a capital letter. The husband of Maria Kuzma decides to collect money from the world one by one, to borrow from whomever he can. And the writer at the same time looks inside the human soul, talks about who we are, reflects on where selfishness, callousness, soullessness came from in people.

3. In my opinion, the most interesting is Rasputin's story "Live and Remember". I really sympathize with the main character - Nastya, who threw herself into the Angara River because of the desertion of her husband Andrei. The author himself wrote that Nastena “was not killed by the village”, she was killed by her husband’s desertion, that unbearable mental anguish that she accepted in the close world of her fellow villagers and in her own home. The death of Nastena, as Rasputin wrote, is "a severe test of the moral law."

4. For his passion for the village theme, Rasputin was called the "village". However, the writer raises the problems of the city on the pages of his works. The heroine of the story “To the same land”, published in 1995, Pashuta, has lived in the city for more than 40 years, but everything here was completely alien to her. The city is ecologically unfavorable, the largest aluminum plant operates here. In such an atmosphere, both people and their souls broke down. In the rural world, everything is simple and wise, kind, human.

5. In the story “Women's Conversation”, Natalya “teaches life” to her granddaughter Vika, who has already stumbled in life. And both, the grandmother and granddaughter, turn to the Lord, “Lord, have mercy!”

6. One of Rasputin's last stories, “Ivan's Daughter, Ivan's Mother,” tells how the heroine of the story has become contrary to the usual course of life, in which a rapist, having given a bribe, can go unpunished. The end of this story is optimistic. The heroine's son Ivan, having served in the army, returns to his native place to build a church in the village with a team of carpenters. This story inspires faith in the formation of a new person who has found his place in the life of Russia.

In the Irkutsk ODB im. Mark Sergeyev, schoolchildren were told about the life and work of the world-famous writer, classic of Russian literature, Siberian prose writer Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin.

Memory lessons "The World and the Word of Valentin Rasputin" and the literary hour "Military Childhood" were held for high school students of the 39th and 46th schools and for students of the 7th grade of secondary school No. 11 in Irkutsk in the department of local history and bibliography of the Irkutsk Regional Children's Library named after . Mark Sergeyev. All events were dedicated to the birthday and anniversary of the death of the world-famous writer, classic of Russian literature Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin.

A year passed without V. G. Rasputin, who just a few hours did not live up to his birthday. At memory lessons, librarians introduced teenagers to the biography of the famous prose writer, whose childhood was spent in a remote Siberian village, 400 kilometers from Irkutsk. The plots of the works of the representative of the village prose, the prototypes of the heroes are taken mainly from the childhood years of his life. As Valentin Grigorievich himself noted: “... The writer begins in childhood from the impressions that he absorbs just then. Then he may not know himself as a writer for a long time, and perhaps he will never know himself, however, the soul is sown, fertilized, and when directed to it, it is able to give a harvest at any moment.

The conversation with schoolchildren was held with a slide presentation. It used pictures of the famous Irkutsk photographer Boris Dmitriev, who, in particular, illustrated the collection of essays by Valentin Rasputin "Siberia, Siberia ...".

And of course, the main thing that was discussed with the readers of the younger generation was the writer's love for his native Russia, Siberia, his struggle to preserve the purity of the Siberian pearl - Lake Baikal and the Angara River, with which the life of the prose writer was closely connected.

The older students listened with interest to the story of the librarian. Coming from a peasant family, thanks to his talent and hard work, Valentin Rasputin became one of the classics of Russian literature. In general, he was a wonderful person, modest and delicate in everyday life, irreconcilable and firm in defending the main human values. All his works of art, journalism, speeches are an appeal to the human soul. No wonder Valentin Grigorievich is called the conscience of Russia.

Then the librarians invited young people to get acquainted with the book exhibition “All my life I wrote love for Russia”, which was organized in the department, where the works of V. G. Rasputin of different years are presented. Particularly attracted the attention of readers were the anniversary and gift editions of the author's books, collections of essays "Land near Baikal", as well as the story "Farewell to Matera", illustrated by Sergey Eloyan, an Irkutsk citizen, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

And during the literary hour "Military Childhood" seventh graders watched excerpts from the film based on the story of V. Rasputin "French Lessons". During the conversation, the students actively asked questions, discussed the actions of the protagonist, compared post-war life and the relationship of people of those years with our time. After the event, the guys did not disperse for a long time, looking at the books at the exhibition with interest.

The idea of ​​the importance of reading and self-discovery of the wonderful world of a prose writer ran like a red thread through all the events. The quote from Irkutsk critic V. Semenova sounded inspiring: “What does it mean to remember a writer? This means remembering the main thing for which he lived - his books. But first you need to read them!

Kashirtseva Irina Nikolaevna, chief librarian,
Zhuravleva Ekaterina Leonidovna,chief public relations specialist
Irkutsk Regional Children's Library. Mark Sergeeva
Photo by I. N. Kashirtseva

Literary evening on the work of Rasputin V.G. Designed for students in grades 7-9. Contains biographical data of the writer, dramatizations of excerpts from the works "Farewell to Matyora", "French Lessons", information about the identity of the writer's language.



Literary evening dedicated to the life and work of V.G. Rasputin

Goals : to deepen students' knowledge about the work and personality of V. G. Rasputin,

show high citizenship, originality of his work

On the example of the work of V. G. Rasputin, to instill in students the desire to take an active life position.

To develop students' oral speech, the ability to speak fluently, to feel and convey what disturbs, excites the author, as well as their own attitude to the problem raised by him, to develop the artistic, artistic abilities of the children.

Decor : exhibition of books by V.G. Rasputin, illustrations of students to his works

Tables can be made with the letter "P", in the center there are flowers on the table. We need space for dramatization.

The course of the evening.

The music of Liszt "The Noise of the Forest" sounds. Presenters come out on the screen.

1 host:

Stupid tales still go around

That Siberia is without sun, without caress,

Until now, idle fables circulate,

That Siberia is famous only for its cold.

They say blizzards start songs there,

Yes, bears roam the streets.

Until now, often at a meeting

He will ask, gasping, a resident of the capital:

From Siberia? Yes you? Far away!...

Are you familiar with the wilderness?

2 host:

Yes, Siberia is far from the capital,

Yes, here the blizzard is angry for weeks,

Yes, our region is still poor in gardens,

Yes, in the taiga there are, of course, bears,

But only the ignorant bearish

The Siberian region is considered as before!

3 leading:

And what wonderful springs!

And what sonorous pines are here!

Quietly shaggy cedars doze,

The flowers scattered over the ridges.

You look - you will not believe: on the ground

Like a rainbow fell from the sky.

1 host:

But our Siberian region is rich, first of all, in people. Many of them glorified Siberia. Among them is Valentin Rasputin.

(Leaders leave)

On the screen is a portrait of Rasputin.

Group 1 talks about the writer's childhood.

1 student: “I am sure that a person’s childhood makes him a writer, the ability at an early age to see and feel everything that then gives him the right to take up a pen. Education, books, life experience educate and strengthen this gift in the future, but it should be born in childhood,” wrote V.G. Rasputin.

2 student: Let's turn to the childhood of V.G. Rasputin, which made him a writer. “I was born three hundred kilometers from Irkutsk,” says the writer, “in Ust-Uda, on the Angara. So I am a native Siberian, or, as we say, local. My father was a peasant, worked in the timber industry, served, fought ... In a word, he was like everyone else. Mother worked, was a housewife, barely managed her affairs and family, as far as I remember, she always had enough worries.

3 student. Rasputin's childhood coincided with the war: the future writer went to the first grade of the Atalanka elementary school in 1944. And although there were no battles here, life was difficult, half-starved. Here, in Atalanka, having learned to read, Rasputin fell in love with books.

4 student. After graduating from four classes in Atalanka, Rasputin wanted to continue his studies. But the school, in which there were fifth and subsequent classes, was located only in the regional center of Ust-Uda, and this is as much as 50 kilometers from his native village. You don’t run into each other every day - you have to move there to live, alone, without parents, without a family. In addition, as Valentin Rasputin later wrote, “before that, no one from our village had studied in the region. I was first."

About how a teenager felt in an unfamiliar city, what he thought about, what he did, Valentin Rasputin tells in the story "French Lessons"

Dramatization of an episode from the story "French Lessons"

(After lessons, trembling with fear, I waited for Lidia Mikhailovna in the corridor. She came out of the teacher's room and, nodding, led me into the classroom. As always, she sat down at the table, I wanted to sit at the third desk, away from her, but Lidia Mikhailovna showed me the first one, right in front of her.

Is it true that you play for money? she started right away. She asked too loudly, it seemed to me that at school it was necessary to talk about it only in a whisper, and I was even more scared. But there was no point in locking myself up, Tishkin managed to sell me with giblets. I mumbled:

Is it true.

So how do you win or lose? I hesitated, not knowing which was better.

Let's tell it like it is. Are you losing, perhaps?

You... win.

Okay, anyway. You win, that is. And what do you do with money?

At first, at school, for a long time I could not get used to Lidia Mikhailovna's voice, it confused me. In our village they spoke, wrapping their voice deep in their guts, and therefore it sounded to their heart's content, but with Lidia Mikhailovna it was somehow small and light, so that you had to listen to it, and not from impotence at all - she sometimes could say to her heart's content , but as if from secrecy and unnecessary savings. I was ready to blame everything on French: of course, while I was studying, while I was adjusting to someone else's speech, my voice sat without freedom, weakened, like a bird in a cage, now wait for it to disperse again and get stronger. And now Lidia Mikhailovna asked as if she was at that time busy with something else, more important, but she still couldn’t get away from her questions.

Well, so what do you do with the money you win? Do you buy candy? Or books? Or are you saving up for something? After all, you probably have a lot of them now?

No, not much. I only win a ruble.

And you don't play anymore?

And the ruble? Why ruble? What are you doing with it?

I buy milk.


She sat in front of me neat, all smart and beautiful, beautiful in clothes, and in her feminine young pore, which I vaguely felt, the smell of perfume from her reached me, which I took for my very breath; besides, she was not a teacher of some kind of arithmetic, not of history, but of the mysterious French language, from which something special, fabulous, beyond the control of anyone, everyone, like me, for example, came. Not daring to raise my eyes to her, I did not dare to deceive her. And why, after all, should I lie?

She paused, examining me, and I felt with my skin how, at the glance of her squinting, attentive eyes, all my troubles and absurdities really swell and fill with their evil strength. Of course, there was something to look at: in front of her, a scrawny, wild boy with a broken face, untidy without a mother and alone, in an old, washed-out jacket on sagging shoulders, which was just right on his chest, but from which his arms protruded far, was crouching on the desk; in light green trousers made from his father's breeches and tucked into teal, with traces of yesterday's fight. Even earlier I had noticed with what curiosity Lidia Mikhailovna was looking at my shoes. Of the entire class, I was the only one wearing teals. Only the following autumn, when I flatly refused to go to school with them, did my mother sell the sewing machine, our only valuable asset, and buy me tarpaulin boots.

And yet, you don’t need to play for money, ”said Lidia Mikhailovna thoughtfully. - How would you manage without it. Can you get by?

Not daring to believe in my salvation, I easily promised:

I spoke sincerely, but what can you do if our sincerity cannot be tied with ropes.)

Music sounds. Leaders come out.

1 leader.

Native Siberian dialect,

Like a warm light park

At the lips, when the frost is under forty.

Like an omul, almost extinct,

No, no, he suddenly flashes on the way

Forgotten splash in conversations.

2 leader.

Native Siberian dialect,

You saved me boy

From all the slick words

From smooth even bricks,

Where there are no carved platbands

And mischievous pigeons,

As above you, my hut.

As above you, my destiny.

3 leading.

I've been all over the wide wide world

Ambassador not to anyone - Siberia,

Even though I'm not a diplomat at all.

And to the end - in response to slander -

Siberian I will be a poet,

And the one who does not believe me in this,

Well, they don't understand anything.

1 leader.

How did the writer Rasputin begin?

2 group. Becoming a writer.

1 student.

“I am a journalist by education, I graduated from Irkutsk University. Started with a youth newspaper. In the third year of work, they sent me to prepare an essay on lumberjacks in one of the districts of the Irkutsk region. I wrote this essay. But they told me. That the essay did not work out, the material is closer to the story. This tip of the editor served as an impetus for a serious attitude to literature. The story was called “I forgot to ask Lyoshka” and was published in our Irkutsk almanac “Angara” in 1961,” Rasputin says in an interview.

2 student.

As a journalist, Rasputin wrote two books of essays about the people of modern Siberia, its construction sites - the Bratsk, Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, the Abakan - Taishet road.

3 student.

Readers are always interested in looking into the writer's creative laboratory. Here is what Rasputin says about his work: “I start writing hard - a page and a half a day. Most of the time I don't know what's going to happen in the next chapter. Gradually, the material becomes clearer, the finale of the story dawns ahead, I already imagine how to get close to it, and then I write a lot, often there is not enough day. I write with a pencil, unfortunately, very small, then I have to retype what I wrote myself ”

4 student.

Much is now being said about the language of Rasputin's stories. Readers are pleased with its freshness, imagery, originality. Valentin Grigorievich once said: “Do not take it as immodest, but I believe that the language in which the “village” writers - Astafiev, Belov - write, cannot be learned. This language belongs to them and their heroes, with whom they lived for a long time, absorbed it. My Siberianisms are my terminology, the language spoken by Siberians”

5 student

Here are some Siberianisms of Rasputin.

scalding - speak quickly and energetically

Toss - to sip

Blather - talk, speak

bad weather - bad weather, bad weather

bale - hit hard

Hluzda - swindler, deceiver

pritaika - what is hidden

Shoe - shoes

Fight - run away

A dramatization of an episode from the story "Farewell to Matyora" (from chapter 2 "The three of the old women were sitting at the samovar ..."

On the improvised stage there is a table covered with a tablecloth. On it is a samovar, cups and saucers.

Author : The three old women sat at the samovar and then fell silent, pouring and sipping from the saucer, then again, as if reluctantly and wearily, began to drag out a weak, rare conversation. We sat with Darya, the oldest of the old women; none of them knew exactly their years, because this accuracy remained during baptism in church records, which were then taken away somewhere - no end can be found. About the age of the old woman they said this:

Daria :

I, girl, already Vaska, brother, dragged on the hump when you were born

was born. I was already in the memory, I remember.


You, however, will be three years older than me.


But three! I got married, who were you - look around! You are isho

ran without a shirt. How I went out, you must, go ahead, remember.


I remember.


Well, from. Where do you equal! You are very young opposite me.

The third old woman, Sima, could not participate in such long-standing

memories, she was a stranger, brought to Matera by a random wind less than ten years ago - to Matera from Podvolnaya, from the Angara village, and there - from somewhere near Tula, and said that twice, before the war and during the war , saw Moscow, which in the countryside, out of an age-old habit, did not really trust what could not be verified, they treated with a chuckle. How could Sima, some unlucky old woman, be able to see Moscow if none of them saw it? So what if you lived nearby? - in Moscow, go, everyone is not allowed in a row. Sima, without getting angry, without insisting, fell silent, and then again said the same thing, for which she got the nickname "Moskovishna".


I’ll get up in the morning, remember from sleep ... oh, my heart will rest, it won’t go,

Lord! .. And Yegor is crying, crying. I tell him: "Don't cry, Yegor, don't," and he: "How can I not cry, Nastasya, how can I not cry ?!" And so I go with a stone heart to walk, get out. I walk, I walk, I see, Daria walks, Vera walks, Domnida - and it seems to let go a little, I'll get used to it. I think: maybe they just want to scare us, but they won’t do anything.


Che us without a way to scare?


And so that there were no frightened people.

They had the earliest, earlier than others, farewell to Matera. When it came to distributing who should move where, out of spite or out of confusion, grandfather Yegor signed up for the city, the one where the hydroelectric power station was being built. There, for people like them, lonely and unfortunate from the flood zone, two large houses were specially set up. The conditions were exchange: they do not receive a penny for their hut, but they are given a city apartment. Later, grandfather Egor, not without pushing and whining Nastasya, thought better of it and wanted to turn the city into a state farm, where they also give an apartment and pay money, but it turned out that it was too late, it was impossible.


But no work for you, I was visiting my daughter in the city - a wonder: here you, without leaving your place, and the Angara, and the forest, and the restroom-bath, don’t show yourself outside for a year. Krantu, just like from a samovar, you turn - the water runs, in one krantu it is cold, in the other hot. And do not throw firewood into the stove, also with a crank - you press it, the heat goes on. Vari, dude. Right where you are with good! - pampering for the hostess. And don’t bake bread, no, store-bought bread. Out of habit and out of nowhere, I groaned near these krants - they laugh at me, which is wonderful to me. And it’s more wonderful that the bathhouse and the latrine, like those of non-Christians, are in the same nook, the goat of the kitchenette. This is also not the case. You sit down as soon as you feel like it, and you tremble, you suffer so that they won’t hear at the table. And a bath ... what a bath there, one laugh, rinsing the baby's chest. And one isho something gurgles, wet climbs out. From here you will, Nastasya, lie down like a lady, everything is at home, everything is there, you don’t need to raise your hands. And isho this ... get a telechon. He told you: sling-dryn, and you told him: le-le, talked, and sang on the side.


Oh, don't poison my heart! (she pressed her flabby arms to her chest, closed her eyes). I'll die of longing there in one week. In the middle of strangers! Who is replanting the old tree?


All of us, girl, are transplanted, not alone you. Everyone is on their way there now. Just have time, Lord, clean up


Don't equal me, Daria, don't equal me. You will all be in one place, and I will

separately. You, who are from Matera, will gather to each other, and more cheerfully, and

like at home. And I? Oh, what can I say?!

Without asking Nastasya, Daria took her glass, poured into it from

teapot and put it under a samovar - a large, merchant's, old work, red gleaming with pure copper, with an intricate trellis bottom, in which coals gleamed, on beautifully curved sagging legs. From the faucet a tight and even stream, without splashes, hit - boiling water, therefore, still plenty - and the disturbed samovar sniffed thinly. Then Daria poured Sima a drink and added to herself - having recovered her breath, having prepared herself, wiping the sweat that had come out, they went around a new circle, bowing, groaning, blowing into the saucers, carefully sipping with outstretched lips.


The fourth, however, is a glass.


Drink, girl, drink live tea. You can't put a samovar there. Will you be on

warm your city fukalka in a saucepan.


Why in a saucepan? Pour the kettle.


Still no tea without a samovar. Just not dry. None

bite. Waterhole, and only.


If you had come to me, you would have taken it and would not have moved anywhere. Let them drown, if

so it is necessary.


And drown


Push. One death - what is there to be afraid of?!


Oh, yes, it’s reluctant to be drowned. Sin, come on. Let's put it in the ground. They put the whole army before us, and we


The smell of carbon monoxide and sweet from the coals smoldering in the samovar, askew and lazy

sun dust hung over the table, barely moving, thick; a rooster flapped its wings and crowed in the fence, went out under the window, stepping importantly on strong, as if twisted, legs, and looked into it with impudent red eyes. Through another window, one could see the left arm of the Angara, its sparkling current, hot in the sun, and the shore on the other side, scattered along the meadow with birch and bird cherry, already blazing with color.

Leaders come out.

1 leading.

Almost everyone's dream now

Become a nobleman obuyan -

In the archival mud is buried,

And I'm proud to be a peasant!

And I'm proud that our grandfathers

They grew bread, and in the days of the war

With a sword we marched to Victory,

Do not disgrace your native country.

2 leader.

Well, who's like this even before the pain

Did you love your cornflower blue land?

They will first plow the field,

Then they will go to heaven.

I would like to catch the firebird,

To make life brighter all around,

And is anyone abroad

Of them would replace the father's house?!

3 leading.

No wonder the anxiety grows in the soul:

Filled the fields with weeds.

There are many nobles in Russia,

But go find the peasants.

3rd group. Eternal and modern problems in the writer's work.

1 student.

All of Rasputin's books originate from love for a small homeland. It is no coincidence that in the story "Farewell to Matyora" one can easily read the fate of the writer's native village - Atalanka, which fell into the flood zone during the construction of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station. Rasputin Matyora has both an island and a village of the same name. Russian peasants settled in this place for three hundred years. But they decided to build a powerful hydroelectric power station on the river. The island fell into the flood zone. The whole village had to be relocated to a new settlement on the right bank of the Angara. But this prospect did not please the old people. The soul, for example, of Daria's grandmother was covered in blood. After all, not only she grew up in Matera. This is the home of her ancestors. And Daria herself considers herself the keeper of the traditions of her people.

2 student.

A similar fate befell the village of Atalanka, with which Rasputin's childhood is connected. It was moved to another location. The writer's mother moved to the new Atalanka. But is it possible to transfer the old way of life to a new place? It turned out not. After all, it was not just a move. People had to change crafts. Man-made seas have deprived them of their usual way of life. There was nowhere to sow grain. Many of the new arable lands were no good: the area was mostly clay. Fertilizers were poured into the ground in tons, but they did little to help. That is why morals began to change.

3 student.

After the publication of the story, Rasputin told reporters: “Don’t flatter yourself - we can’t bring back many good traditions. Now we are talking about how to keep the rest, not to give them up with the same ease and recklessness, as it was until recently.” This - the salvation of the Earth, life, useful traditions - is devoted to almost all the work and all the social activities of the writer.

4 student.

For Rasputin, love for the land is not an abstract concept. It is supported by concrete deeds: the struggle for Baikal, the desire to preserve the historical appearance of Russian cities, the return of the former names to the ancient centers of the country.

Music sounds. A bright light comes on. The evening ends.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 31 named after. A.P. Zhdanova

Bratsk, Irkutsk region

Extracurricular activity in literature

"The Lessons of Rasputin"

Prepared and conducted

teachers of Russian language and literature:

Kachkova Larisa Vladimirovna,

Kostyleva Nadezhda Nikolaevna

Bratsk, 2017

"The Lessons of Rasputin"

Literary - a musical composition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin.

Goals: to acquaint with V. Rasputin's work, which raises questions of the inner and outer beauty of a person; eternal moral values ​​are revealed and a call is made to preserve the historical foundations of the Russian people and the nature of their native country.

To interest students and encourage them to read the works of a wonderful writer.

To develop the creative abilities of students, their dialogical and monologue speech.



"Live and learn".

“None of us can do without love for our neighbor.” (V.Rasputin)

    portrait of the writer;

    illustrations for the works of V.Rasputin;

    presentation, video clips from films, TV programs;

    exhibition of books by V. G. Rasputin


Like conscience - unjudicious,

Like light is necessary

Fatherland and people

Rasputin Valentin.

For many it is uncomfortable...

But he's the only one

Always is and always will be

Rasputin Valentin.

In communication, really, it is difficult

In the capital and in the countryside...

But not verbiage

He is busy on earth.

Sneaky not concealing

And in the bosom - stones,

Writer speaking

About your homeland...


March 15, 2017 would have marked the 80th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin. These days, throughout the Irkutsk region, and throughout Russia, various events are held dedicated to the memory of the writer.

Dear friends, today we have gathered here to remember the life and work of our great countryman, our Siberian writer. And also try to learn the lessons of Rasputin, which he teaches us on the pages of his works: lessons of kindness, nobility, lessons of morality, lessons of patriotism.

And 2 years ago, on March 14, 2015, the whole country was shocked by the news of the death of Valentin Rasputin.

Video fragment of the program "News" (6 minutes)

2 reader:

Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin entered our literature immediately, almost without a run-up and as a true master of the word. It is difficult to imagine Russian literature today without his novels and short stories. His works have earned well-deserved popularity in our country and abroad.
The biography of the writer is simple, but the spiritual experience is rich, unique, inexhaustible and helps to understand where such a powerful talent came from, which sparkled with the brightest facets.

1 reader:

Valentin Rasputin was born on March 15, 1937 in the Irkutsk region, in the village of Ust-Uda. Three hundred kilometers from Irkutsk. The future writer spent his childhood in the village of Atalanka on the banks of the Angara.

(The story about the biography of the writer is accompanied by a presentation)

Student as Valentin Rasputin:

I remember well when I was 4 years old, how my father went to the front, but I don’t remember such a bright event as his return 4 years later.

My childhood fell on the war and the hungry post-war years. It was not easy, but, as I now understand, it was happy. Having barely learned to walk, we hobbled to the river and threw fishing rods into it, not yet strong enough, pulled into the taiga, which began immediately behind the village, picked berries, mushrooms, from an early age got into a boat and independently took up the oars to row to the islands, where mowed hay, then again went to the forest - most of our joys and our activities were connected with the river and the taiga. It was she, the river known to the whole world, about which legends and songs were composed, about which eternal legends and songs were composed, the only daughter of Baikal, about whose amazing beauty and poetry I keep the purest and most sacred memories.

3 reader:

The place on the banks of the beautiful Angara has become the center of the universe for a talented boy. Valentin learned literacy and numeracy from an early age - he was very greedily drawn to knowledge. A smart boy read everything that came across: books, magazines, scraps of newspapers. His father, returning from the war as a hero, was in charge of the post office, and his mother worked in a savings bank. A carefree childhood was cut short at once - a bag with state money was cut off from his father on a steamer, for which he ended up in Kolyma, leaving his wife with three young children to their fate.

4 reader:

The future writer went to the first grade of the Atalan elementary school in 1944. Here, in Atalanka, Rasputin fell in love with the book forever. The elementary school library was very small - only two shelves of books. To save at least this fund, they were allowed to read only at school.

Student (Valentin Rasputin):

I started my acquaintance with books with ... theft. One summer, my friend and I often climbed into the library. They took out the glass, climbed into the room and took the books. Then they came, returned what they had read and took new ones.

3 reader:

There was only a four-year-old in Atalanka. For further study, Valentin was sent to the Ust-Uda secondary school, which was located fifty kilometers from his native village. You don’t run into each other every day, you have to move there to live, alone, without parents, without a family. The boy grew up on his own hungry and bitter experience, but an indestructible craving for knowledge and a not childishly serious responsibility helped to survive. There were only fives in Valentin's matriculation certificate. Rasputin will later write about this difficult period of life in a story."French lessons" , surprisingly quivering and truthful.

Acting out a scene from the story "French Lessons".

Kneeling against each other, we argued about the score. Before that, too, it seems, they were arguing about something.

    Understand you, garden head, - crawling on me and waving her arms, Lidia Mikhailovna argued, - why should I deceive you? I keep score, not you, I know better. I lost three times in a row, and before that I was “chika”.

    "Chika" is not a reading word.

- Why is this not a read?

We were shouting, interrupting each other, when we heard a surprised, if not startled, but firm, ringing voice:

- Lydia Mikhailovna!

We froze. Vasily Andreevich stood at the door.

- Lidia Mikhailovna, what's the matter with you? What's going on here?

Lidia Mikhailovna slowly, very slowly got up from her knees, flushed and disheveled, and smoothing her hair, she said:

- I, Vasily Andreevich, was hoping that you would knock before entering here.

- I knocked. Nobody answered me. What's going on here? - Explain, please. I have the right to know as a director.

- We are playing in the "wall", - Lydia Mikhailovna calmly answered.

- Do you play for money with this? .. - Vasily Andreevich pointed his finger at me, and with fear I crawled behind the partition to hide in the room. - Are you playing with a student? Did I understand you correctly?

- Right.

- Well, you know... - The director was suffocating, he did not have enough air. - I'm at a loss to immediately name your act. It is a crime. Corruption. Seduction. And more, more ... I have been working at school for twenty years, I have seen everything, but this ...

Student (Valentin Rasputin):

And I never saw her again.

In the middle of winter, after the January holidays, a package arrived at school by mail. When I opened it, taking out the ax again from under the stairs, there were tubes of pasta in neat, dense rows. And below, in a thick cotton wrapper, I found three red apples.

I used to see apples only in pictures, but I guessed that they were.

1 reader:

After leaving school in the summer of 1954, having brilliantly passed the entrance exams, Valentin Rasputin became a student of the philological faculty of Irkutsk University. I did not think about writing - apparently, the time has not yet come.

Life was not easy. I thought about mother and children. Valentine felt responsible for them. Earning a living wherever possible, he began to bring his articles to the editorial offices of radio and youth newspapers, although he did not think about writing. Just one day I was left without money (they did not give out a scholarship). He works without interrupting his studies.


He published a lot, wrote about what was necessary for the editors of the newspaper "Soviet Youth". Reports, essays, notes - here Rasputin filled his hand, learned to listen to people, to talk with them, to think about their aspirations. Even before defending his thesis, he was accepted into the staff of the Irkutsk newspaper "Soviet Youth", which allowed him to gain life experience and get on his feet stronger.

1 reader:

In 1974, Valentin Rasputin wrote in the Irkutsk newspaper.

Student (Valentin Rasputin):

I am sure that what makes a person a writer is his childhood, the ability at an early age to see and feel what then gives him the right to take up a pen. Education, a book, life experience educate and strengthen this gift in the future, but it should be born in childhood.

3 reader:

In 1962, Valentin moved to Krasnoyarsk, the topics of his publications became larger - the construction of the Abakan-Taishet railway line, the Sayano-Shushenskaya and Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power stations, shock work and the heroism of youth. As a correspondent, the young journalist went around on foot and traveled the interfluve of the Yenisei, Angara and Lena. New meetings and impressions no longer fit into the framework of newspaper publications.

4 reader:

His first story"I forgot to ask Lyoshka" imperfect in form, poignant in content, sincere to the point of tears. At a logging site, a fallen pine tree touched a 17-year-old boy. The bruised place began to turn black. Friends undertook to accompany the victim to the hospital, which is 50 kilometers on foot. At first they argued about the communist future, but Leshka was getting worse. On the way, he became worse, he was delirious, and his friends saw that these were no longer jokes, they were no longer up to the abstract conversations about communism that they had before, because they realized, looking at the torment of a comrade, that “this is a game of hide-and-seek with death, when looking for death and there is no safe place to hide. Rather, there is such a place - it is a hospital, but it is far, still very far away.
Leshka died in the arms of friends. Shock. Blatant injustice. And friends never asked the boy if happy humanity would remember the names of simple hard workers, such as they and Lyosha ...

Reading an excerpt from the story "I forgot to ask Leshka"

(Reading to tragic music)

We walked and walked. Night lay on the ground like a thick dark blanket. We are entangled in it. We are tired. We were silent. But Leshka was not silent. Never before had he spoken so much. He then screamed, when the pain grabbed him by the throat, then turned into a whisper. He talked to his mother, and to Lenka, and to us. When he spoke to us, we were still silent. We wanted to answer him, but we knew that he would not hear.

Then the river appeared, and we turned onto a hard road. There were still twenty kilometers left. Lesha was silent. We didn't even notice how his whisper faded. We thought he got better. The road torn first in one direction, then in the other, but we found it. I'm tired. I'm pretty tired. "Won't you take one more step," I thought, "and one more?" And I threw forward one leg, then the other. One and the other.

Lesha was silent.

We suddenly became afraid. We stopped and put the stretcher on the ground. Andrei took Lesha by the hand. He held it and looked at me. The fox didn't move. I didn't believe. "Can't be! He's just sleeping." I slowly lowered myself in front of Lyoshka and took his other hand. She was obedient and soft, and the pulse was silent.

We got up at the same time. We didn't scream or cry. We stood guard on both sides of the stretcher and were silent. I looked in the direction where the city was sleeping, and thought that today we would have to send a telegram to Leshka's mother, which would immediately, with one blow, knock her down, and in a few days a letter would arrive from Leshka. And she will be mistaken for him many times before she reads to the end.

I remember everything, I remember painfully vividly and accurately, everything, even small details, but I don’t remember now which of us first sat down next to Leshka. We are tired. We were sitting on the ground, and Lyoshka was lying between us. The river sobbed nearby.

Then it became cold, and I pushed Andrei aside. We carefully, without saying a word, picked up the stretcher and went. Andrew in front, me behind. It was getting light. I suddenly remembered that I forgot to ask Leshka about the most important thing. I did not ask him if under communism they would know about those whose names are not written on the buildings of factories and power plants, who have remained invisible forever. And I really wanted to know if under communism they would remember Leshka, who lived in the world for a little over seventeen years and built it for only two and a half months.

(Music continues for a while)

1 reader:

Brilliantly written story"Rudolfio". This is the love story of young 16-year-old Io for 28-year-old Rudolf. He is a serious married man, shackled by the prejudices of an adult. She is a dreamer who is not afraid to call herself a child. It is she who comes up with the idea of ​​combining their names and giving her love the Italian name "Rudolfio". "Rudolfio" - a story not only about the first love, but also - about the degree of responsibility of an adult before this feeling and for him, about the readiness and unpreparedness of the soul for understanding. In "Rudolfio" we see the drama of a teenager, the girl Io, who faced adult life for the first time and received her first bruises from this collision.

Artistic reading of an excerpt from the story "Rudolfio"

The first meeting took place on the tram. She touched him on the shoulder, and when he opened his eyes she said, pointing to the window:

- You go.

The tram had already stopped, and he pushed his way through and jumped right behind her. She was just a girl, no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, he realized this immediately when he saw her round, blinking face, which she turned to him, expecting gratitude.

- Today was a crazy day, I'm tired. And at eight they should call me. So you helped me out a lot.

She seemed delighted, and together they ran across the road, looking back at the speeding car. It was snowing, and he noticed that the "wiper" was working on the windshield of the car. When it snows - so soft, fluffy, as if somewhere up there, outlandish snow birds are teasing, - you don’t really want to go home. "I'll wait for the call and go out again," he decided, turning to her and thinking about what to say to her, because it was already uncomfortable to keep silent. But he had no idea what he could and could not talk about with her, and he was still thinking when she herself said:

- I know you.

- That's how! - he was surprised. - How is it?

- And you live in one hundred and twelfth, and I live in one hundred and fourteenth. On average, we ride the tram together twice a week. Only you, of course, do not notice me.

- This is interesting.

- What's interesting here? There is nothing interesting. You adults pay attention only to adults, you are all terrible egoists. Say no?

She turned her head to the right and looked at him from the left, from bottom to top. He only chuckled and did not answer her, because he still did not know how to behave with her, what he could and could not say to her.

For some time they walked in silence, and she looked straight ahead of her, and, just as looking straight ahead, as if nothing had happened, she declared:

“But you haven’t said your name yet.”

- Do you need to know?

- Yes. What's special? For some reason, some believe that if I want to know the name of a person, then I will definitely show an unhealthy interest in him.

“All right,” he said, “I understand everything. If you need it, my name is Rudolf.

- How?

- Rudolf.

- Rudolf. - She laughed.

- What's happened?

She laughed even louder, and he paused to look at her.

- Ru-dolph, - she rounded her lips and rolled up again. - Ru-dolph. I thought that only an elephant in a menagerie could be called that.

- What?!

“Don't be angry,” she touched her sleeve. “But it's funny, honestly, it's funny. Well, what can I do?

"You're a girl," he snapped.

- Of course, girl. And you are an adult.

- How old are you?

- Sixteen.

- I'm twenty-eight.

- I'm telling you: you're an adult, and your name is Rudolf. She laughed again, looking merrily up at him from the left.

- And what is your name? - he asked.

- Me? You can't guess anything.

- I won't guess.

- And if I had, I wouldn't have guessed. My name is Io.

- How?

- And about.

- I do not get it.

- And about. Well, acting. And about.

Revenge came instantly. Unable to stop, he laughed, rocking back and forth like a bell. It was enough for him to look at the nose, and laughter began to disassemble him more and more.

- Eee, - gurgled in his throat. - Ee. She waited, looking around, then, when he calmed down a little, she said offendedly:

- Funny, right? Nothing funny - Io is the same ordinary name as all the others.

- Excuse me, - smiling, he leaned towards her. - But I really was funny. Now we're even, aren't we?

She nodded.

The first was her house, and then his. Stopping at the entrance, she asked:

- What phone do you have?

“You don't need it,” he said.

- Are you afraid?

- That's not the point.

- Adults are afraid of everything.

"That's right," he agreed.

She took her hand out of her mitten and gave it to him. The hand was cold and silent. He shook it.

- Well, run home, Io.

He laughed again.

She stopped at the door.

- And now you recognize me on the tram?

- Of course, I would know.

- Before the tram ... - She raised her hand above her head.

- ... in which we will go together, - he added.

3 reader:

- « Live and remember" - an innovative, bold story - not only about fate
hero and heroine, but also about their correlation with the fate of the people at one of the dramatic moments in history. This story touches upon both moral problems and the problems of the relationship between man and society, which often arise during the war years.

The words - "Live and remember" - tell us that everything that is written on the pages of the book should become an unshakable eternal lesson in the life of every person. "Live and remember" - this is treason, baseness, a human fall, a test of love with this blow.

4 reader:

It was hard and hard for everyone - both at the front and in the rear. Simply and casually, the writer tells about the price of betrayal. Betrayal, which grew out of small concessions to conscience, duty, honor. Having ruined himself, Andrei Guskov ruins the dearest and most beloved people.

1 reader:

But there was Andrey Guskov, "an efficient and brave guy who married Nastya early and lived with her not well, not badly for four years before the war." But the Great Patriotic War unceremoniously invades the peaceful life of the Russian people. Together with the entire male part of the population, Andrei also went to war. Nothing foreshadowed such a strange and incomprehensible alignment, and now, like an unexpected blow for Nastya, the news that her husband Andrey Guskov -

traitor. Not every person is given to experience such grief and shame. This incident

abruptly turns and changes the life of Nastya Guskova.

2 reader:

And what was reprehensible in the fact that Guskov, after being seriously injured, desperately wanted to return to his homeland at least for a short while, just to look at his Atamanovka, to press Nastena to his chest, to have a chat with the old people?

But after all there was a war, and it established the rigid laws. The writer does not at all betray the fugitive to the court-martial, on the contrary, external circumstances even favor the hero of the story. He did not meet any patrols, no checks, there were no picky questions.

3 reader:

But having avoided the tribunal, Guskov still did not leave the court. This judgment may be more severe. Court of conscience. He himself turned himself into an outcast, not appearing either alive or dead, Andrey Guskov wanders around his native district, gradually losing his human appearance.

4 reader:

Having betrayed his soldier's duty, Guskov betrayed not only himself, but also his wife, whom he excommunicated from the village and from the people.

Having betrayed the Motherland, Guskov betrays the person closest to him.

Nastya loves and pities Andrey, but when shame for the human judgment of herself and her unborn child overcomes the power of love for her husband and life, desperate to find a way out of a stupid impasse, she stepped overboard into the icy waters of the Angara, dying between two banks - the shore of her husband and the shore of all Russian people.

1 reader:

For Valentin Rasputin, the philosophy of forgiveness is unacceptable.

This is a tragic and lofty moral lesson for present and future generations.

Video clip from the film "Live and Remember"

1 reader:

TaleIvan's daughter, Ivan's mother published in. This is a deeply tragic and at the same time bright work. The plot is based on a misfortune that happened to a simple Russian family living in a large Siberian city. The minor daughter of Tamara and Anatoly Vorotnikov Svetlana was subjected to violence. Demin detained the criminal in the market. But dishonest prosecutors are preparing his release on bail. Of course, after that, the rapist will immediately disappear from the city or even from Russia. The mother of the scolded girl cannot come to terms with this. She makes a sawn-off shotgun out of her husband's gun, hides it in a bag, comes to the prosecutor's office, and when the criminal is brought there for sanction, she kills him.

2 reader:

Tamara Ivanovna Vorotnikova - Ivan's daughter and Ivan's mother - is a kind, pure, fair Russian woman and does not want to evade responsibility at all, she, an Orthodox person, is a murderer involuntarily. The heroine does not look for an excuse for her act, at the trial she unconditionally pleads guilty and goes to prison in order to atone for the sin of murder by punishment.

1 reader:

- "Zone" could not break this strong - both physically and morally - woman. After serving two-thirds of her term, she returns to the people as a living symbol of hope for justice, for the triumph of good, for a better future. Svetlana, whose honor Tamara Ivanovna defended at the cost of her suffering, got married, she has a little daughter. She tells her about her grandmother, as if she were some kind of epic character. “She is the sun with a piercing breeze,” Svetlana says about Tamara Ivanovna to her daughter. On this light note, the story ends.

2 reader:

- Valentin Rasputin is one of a galaxy of writers who can disturb the souls of readers, convey to them their human, civil pain for the earth, for the person on it, for what is happening. He said that the Motherland, like parents, is not chosen, it is given to us at birth and absorbed from childhood.

Apprentice (Valentin Rasputin)

When I remember my childhood, I see myself on the shore of the old Angara, which is no longer near my native Atalanka, the island opposite and the sun setting on the other side. I have seen a lot of beauties, man-made and not made by hands, but I will die with this picture, which is dearer to me than anything. I believe that she played an important role in the writing business.

3 reader:

For Rasputin, love for the land is not an abstract concept, it is supported by concrete deeds. As a true Russian writer, he well understood his duty to his homeland and accomplished his moral feat - he began to write articles in defense of Lake Baikal, to fight for its salvation.

Apprentice (Valentin Rasputin)

Baikal was created as the crown of nature not for production needs, but so that we could drink plenty of water from it, its main and priceless wealth, admire its sovereign beauty and breathe its reserved air. And this, above all, is what we need.

1 reader:

Wooded mountains semi-dumps,

The touch of blue patterns,

And the rocks cut by the shaft,

And the sky that fell into Baikal.

And he himself is majestic and eternal

Carved in a granite frame.

And all - to the bottom - translucent,

And all to a drop of native.

And Angara flight obstinate,

And the cry of the wind and the rumble of the turbines,

And birds-pines under the cliff,

and the wild wind-Barguzin-

All this, without which you can not

To be far, far and wide expanse,

and you are unthinkable, Russia.

And you are unthinkable, Siberia.

4 reader:

Living in unity with nature, the writer deeply and sincerely loved Russia and believed that her strength would be enough for the spiritual rebirth of the nation.

Nature, which became close in childhood, comes to life and speaks in his books in some unusual, wonderful language, understandable only to those who know how to listen to it, observe and admire its unique charm.

1 reader:

The majestic Siberian expanses, the extraordinary world of Baikal nature, taiga forests forever bind a person to themselves. And the soul of the writer cannot help but get sick, seeing how nature is being destroyed, how powerfully and thoughtlessly a person disposes of it, without thinking about the future of his children. Such an invasion of nature is destructive, and first of all - for the person himself. Entire villages are dying out. And this is a tragedy for those who are connected by blood ties with their native land.

2 reader:

Grandmother Daria Pinigina from the story"Farewell to Matera" selflessly protects the village, which is subject to flooding. Her ancestors lived here, she was born here and lived a difficult life. And now her native land is subject to flooding. A new village has been built with new houses and a new life. But it will never be the same, native, bloodland. This land has been given life. For Daria and other old people, this is a tragedy. Like a tree without soil, so the soul of a person without a native land dries up. Barbarously destroying nature, we destroy our soul. A person who destroys his roots commits a crime not only against nature, he is responsible to people, to his future.

Video clip from the film "Farewell to Matera"

3 reader:

Of course, Rasputin is a people's writer. He writes about the people and for the people. It is no coincidence that the writer's works have been filmed, performances have been created, and Rasputin's work occupies a place of honor in the repertoires of Russian theaters. He raises problems of national and state importance from the pages of his works, reminds us of the past, returns us to our roots, warns of future catastrophes that are not only on earth, but also in the human soul.


The heart of Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin belongs to Siberia. Living in Moscow, he often came to his small homeland: to Irkutsk, to Baikal, to his native Atalanka. Rasputin also visited Bratsk.

(Teacher's story about Rasputin's creative evening in Bratsk in 2007)

- On March 15, 2017, the museum of V.G. Rasputin.

Video fragment from the program "Culture News"


- I would like to end our evening with the words of Valentin Rasputin: “I believe in recovery; such spiritual resources, such cultural richness, such national power as we have, cannot be buried...”

If we collect the will of everyone into one will, we will stand!
If we gather the conscience of everyone into one conscience, we will stand!
If we collect everyone's love for Russia into one love, we will stand!”

The song of Nadezhda Budneva "My Russia" sounds

Page 1

An extra-curricular event for senior classes dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin was prepared by the head of the library of the MKOU “Secondary School with. Safarovka "Sunchalyaeva Asiya Abdullovna.

A stand dedicated to the writer's jubilee has been designed, containing colored sheet illustrations.

Good afternoon guys!

Today we will talk about the work of the Russian writer Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin, then we will hold a literary court on his work “Live and Remember”.

Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin was born into a peasant family on March 15, 1937, in the village of Ust-uda, Irkutsk Region, located on the banks of the Angara, three hundred kilometers from Irkutsk. He grew up in the same places, in a sheltered nearby (by Siberian standards), just fifty kilometers from Ust-Uda, a village with a beautiful melodious name Atalanka.

Mother - Rasputina Nina Ivanovna, father - Rasputin Grigory Nikitich.

The life and work of Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin is inconceivable without the influence of Siberia itself - the taiga, the Angara, without a native village, a pure, uncomplicated folk language. No wonder he still lives in Irkutsk, often coming to Moscow.

In a large autobiographical sketch of one trip "Downstream and Upstream", published in 1972, Rasputin describes his childhood: his native nature, his fellow villagers - everything that forms the soul of a child and his character.

In 1974, in the Irkutsk newspaper Soviet Youth, Rasputin wrote: “I am sure that a person’s childhood makes him a writer, the ability at an early age to see and feel everything that then gives him the right to take up a pen. Education, books, life experience nurture and strengthen this gift in the future, but it should be born in childhood.

The future writer came to the first grade of the Atalan elementary school in 1944. And although there were no battles in Atalanka, life, as elsewhere in those years, was difficult, half-starved. “For our generation, the bread of childhood was very difficult,”- decades later, the writer will note. But about those same years, he will say: "It was a time of extreme manifestation of human community, when people against big and small troubles held together."

After graduating from the local elementary school, he was forced to move fifty kilometers from the house where the high school was located (the famous story “French Lessons” would later be written about this period and a film was made).

Rasputin wanted to become a teacher. In those years, he read a lot, his favorite writers were L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, I. A. Bunin, N. S. Leskov, F. I. Tyutchev, A. A. Fet. While studying at the university, he began to contribute to newspapers. In 1957, Rasputin's first article appeared on the pages of the Soviet Youth newspaper. One of his essays caught the attention of the editor. Later, this essay, under the title "I forgot to ask Leshka," was published in the anthology "Angara" (1961).

After graduating from university in 1959, Rasputin worked for several years in the newspapers of Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk, often visited the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station and the Abakan-Taishet highway and wrote about it. In 1966, the East Siberian Book Publishing House published his book "The Land Near the Sky". Then the Krasnoyarsk publishing house published a book of essays "Campfires of New Cities". The stories “A Man from the Other World”, “Masha Has Gone Somewhere”, “Rudolfio” appear.

In 1967, the story "Vasily and Vasilisa" was published in Literaturnaya Rossiya. From this story, it was as if a new period began in the work of Rasputin - he became a professional writer. In the same 1967, his story "Money for Mary" appeared, which attracted the attention of critics to the author and brought him well-deserved all-Union fame.

In 1969, a new story by Rasputin, The Deadline, appeared in the magazine Our Contemporary. The writer called this story the main among his books. The theme of the story is the poignant theme of life and death. What does a person leave when they die? Old woman Anna - and her children: Varvara, Lucy, Ilya, Mikhail, Tanchora. In 1974, his story “Live and Remember” was also published in “Our Contemporary”, for which the writer was awarded the State Prize in 1977.

In 1976, the story "Farewell to Matyora" appeared ("Our Contemporary" No. 9-10, for 1976). The village must be flooded, and its inhabitants are transported to a new place of residence, to a new village. Not everyone is happy with it. In 1983, the film "Farewell" was released, based on this story by directors Larisa Shepitko and Elem Klimov.

In the July 1985 issue, the editors of the magazine Our Contemporary published Rasputin's story The Fire. This story seems to continue the previously written story “Farewell to Matyora”.

All Rasputin's works: stories and essays, articles and publications are filled with pain about Russia, about her fate, about her people.

In the article “My Manifesto”, he wrote: “We found ourselves pushed into the cruel world of laws that our country did not know before ... For centuries, literature has taught conscience, disinterestedness, a good heart - without this, Russia is not Russia and literature is not literature ... Our books will again be turned to immediately, as soon as a strong-willed personality appears in them - not a superman flexing his muscles and having neither soul nor heart: not a meat steak cooked in haste for lovers of spicy cuisine, but a man who knows how to show how to stand for Russia, and able to assemble a militia in her defense.

Since 1967, Rasputin has been a professional writer and a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.


  1. Hero of Socialist Labor (1987)

  2. Two orders of Lenin (1984, 1987)

  3. Labor Red Banner (1981)

  4. Badge of Honor (1971)

  5. Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2007)

  6. Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2002)

  7. Order of Alexander Nevsky (2011).

  1. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1977, 1987)

  2. Laureate of the Irkutsk Komsomol Prize. Joseph Utkin (1968)

  3. Laureate of the Prize. L. N. Tolstoy (1992)

  4. Laureate of the Prize of the Foundation for the Development of Culture and Art under the Committee of Culture of the Irkutsk Region (1994)

  5. Laureate of the Prize. Saint Innocent of Irkutsk (1995)

  6. Laureate of the award of the journal "Siberia" named after. A. V. Zvereva

  7. Winner of the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize (2000)

  8. Winner of the Literary Prize. F. M. Dostoevsky (2001)

  9. Laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art (2003)

  10. Laureate of the Prize. Alexander Nevsky "Russia's Faithful Sons" (2004)

  11. Winner of the "Best Foreign Novel of the Year" award. XXI century” (China, 2005)

  12. Laureate of the All-Russian Literary Prize named after Sergei Aksakov (2005)

  13. Laureate of the Prize of the Government of Russia for outstanding achievements in the field of culture (2010)

  14. Laureate of the International Foundation for the Unity of Orthodox Peoples (2011).
Valentin Grigoryevich - Honorary citizen of Irkutsk (1986), Honorary citizen of the Irkutsk region (1998).

On March 15, 2012, Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin turned 75 years old. The writer lives and works in Irkutsk and Moscow.

Rasputin's essays, short stories, stories contain a lot of autobiographical things that he himself experienced, saw and later managed to translate into a literary word. Nature, which became close in childhood, came to life and spoke in its unique language in books. Specific people have become literary heroes.

Pencil… Paper…

Like nonsense:

Black on white letters, buzzwords.

And you read, it happens, a line sometimes -

And it will suddenly become warm, like in winter by the stove.

Flor Vasiliev, translation from Udmurt.




Event scenario for high school

  1. Location: computer class.

  2. slide 1:
Subject: The moral law that holds life.

Target: Show what happens to a person who violates the moral law;

to cultivate patriotism, a sense of responsibility for what they have done, a thoughtful reader.


In our untold wealth

There are precious words:




And there is more:



And if everyone understood

That these are not just words

What trouble would we avoid...

A. Yashin

3. Slides (frames) from the film "Live and Remember"

(After the slide show, the literary court begins.) The trial takes place against the backdrop of one of the slides.

  1. Scene: three tables: one - in the center, two - at the edges. There are signs on the tables with inscriptions: judge, prosecutor, lawyer, Andrey Guskov, Nastena.
Witnesses sit in the front rows.

  1. On the judge's table is V. Rasputin's book "Live and Remember".

  2. Theatrical props: a tunic with orders, a cap, a suit for a judge, a prosecutor, multi-colored scarves, a hat, a cap.

  3. Composition of the court:
Judge, Secretary, Prosecutor, Lawyer, Defendant

Witnesses: Nastena, Mikheich, Semyonovna, Innokenty Ivanovich

  1. Author - Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin

  2. Photographer
Event progress:

Foreword by the librarian:

Today, the participants of the trial will have to condemn or justify the main characters: Andrey Guskov, Nastena. They, finding themselves face to face with their conscience, did this and not otherwise.

SECRETARY:- I ask everyone to stand up. Judgment is coming!

JUDGE: The case is being heard on the charges of Andrei Guskov on the fact of treason to the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, the loss of moral and civic qualities.

SECRETARY: The composition of the court is announced:

- judge

- prosecutor

- advocate

- defendant: Andrey Guskov





JUDGE: Please sit down! The word for the accusation is given to the prosecutor. Defendant, stand up!

PROSECUTOR: Andrei Guskov is accused of desertion, treason, betrayal of his comrades-in-arms, theft, the death of his wife, as well as the loss of moral and civic qualities.

JUDGE: Defendant, you have the right to be represented by a lawyer. Do you plead guilty?


JUDGE: Tell us in more detail the main facts of your biography that led you to the crime.

DEFENDANT: I, Andrey Guskov, am a native of the village of Atamanovka, Irkutsk Region. I am married to Guskova Nastya, I have an advanced age. In 1941 he was called to the front, honestly fought for four years, twice wounded, shell-shocked, served in intelligence, in the winter of 1945 he was treated in a hospital in Novosibirsk. The doctors said that I fought back, but for some reason, after the cure, I received an order to return to the front. Here everything was indignant in me: the house was not far away, most of all I thought about Nasten, my parents. After all, from the first days I have been in this bloody inferno. I thought I would visit my family only for one day. Instead of taking the westbound train, I took the train that took me to Irkutsk. For a month he lived with a deaf-mute woman Tatyana, then at night he got to Atamanovka. At night he approached the house and took an axe. Soon met with Nastena.

PROSECUTOR: Do you deny the fact of desertion, at a time when your comrades and with them the whole country fought the enemy?

DEFENDANT: I do not deny, but I believe that I fulfilled my duty to the Motherland, having honestly won four years. I'm not some young kid who just took up arms.

PROSECUTOR: You have been charged with driving his wife Nastena to suicide. It was because of you that she was forced to lie to Mikheich, Semyonovna, fellow villagers, she, who could never tell a lie. You used it to your advantage.

DEFENDANT: I disagree. Nastya herself came to me, of her own free will: she brought food, a gun, and that we were supposed to have a child was a great happiness for her, and for me too.

ADVOCATE: I protest against the accusation of the prosecutor. For all the years of the war, Andrei enjoyed authority among his comrades, and his wife died herself, as a result of the pursuit of her. The meetings took place by mutual agreement. After all, she is Andrei's wife, so she could not do otherwise.

PROSECUTOR: Good agreement! After all, it was you, Andrey, who threatened Nastya: “If you tell someone, I’ll kill you, I have nothing to lose!”

DEFENDANT: I found myself in a hopeless situation. In any case, if I had surrendered myself, I would have received a firing squad. If they caught it, they would also be shot, I understood this very well. I admit my guilt in this.

PROSECUTOR: You are also accused of sadism: you killed a calf in front of a mother cow and watched his death convulsions, imagining your end.

ADVOCATE: I protest. The need for food is a necessity, except for hunting and fishing in the taiga there is nothing to eat.

PROSECUTOR: That is why you removed the fish from your fellow villagers from the kukan, thereby confirming the fact of theft.

DEFENDANT: I needed something to live with.

ADVOCATE: I protest! My client was in exceptional circumstances.

JUDGE: Please sit down. Witness Guskova Nastena is invited. Please tell only the truth. Giving false evidence is a criminal offence.

When did you first meet your husband? Why weren't the authorities notified? Why was the watch sold?

WALL: In early February, we lost an ax. Only the family knew where it was kept. I immediately thought of Andrey, took a loaf of bread, heated the bath, and began to wait. Andrey showed up soon after. With Andrei, I was ready to share the whole cup of shame. That is why I had to lie to Mikheich, to sell watches in order to buy food for Andrey. On Victory Day, I rejoiced along with everyone, but I also understood that I had no right to this joy. There was, of course, resentment: “But what about me? Did he think of me?

Maybe it’s good that such an end awaited me and my child, all his life the stain of his father’s betrayal would have been on him, and on me too. Once I was carrying a pot with potatoes, and two potatoes fell out of it, I thought that Andrey and I had stayed away from people.

JUDGE: Please sit down! Witness Mikheich is invited. Did you guess about the presence of your son near Antonovka?

MIKHEICH: I guessed. First the ax disappeared, then the gun, there was no news from Andrey. They came from the city, they were interested in whether Andrei appeared. But Nastena's pregnancy confirmed all my suspicions. I asked her: “I pray to Christ God, let me see you for the last time. Why is he dishonoring my gray hair? And she: “What are you talking about, tya?”

JUDGE: Please sit down! A witness is called, Andrei Guskov's mother, Semyonovna. Did you suspect the presence of your son?

SEMENOVNA: No, I didn't. Until the last, I thought that he was missing, even if a dead light shines on me!

PROSECUTOR: How did you feel about your daughter-in-law's pregnancy?

SEMENOVNA: I told her: “You are a girl, aren’t you a belly? Oh-yoyo! What a shame, Lord! Andryushka will come, and she is ready! Get out of the house, you whore!" And she didn’t even allow the thought that Andrei was not at the front.

JUDGE: Please sit down! Witness Innokenty Ivanovich is called.

PROSECUTOR: Why were you and policeman Burdak chasing Nastena in a boat?

Innokenty Ivanovich: I suspected her for a long time, even when she offered me a watch, and when I asked who awarded her such a medal, there was no doubt left.

JUDGE: Please sit down. Witness Nadya is invited. Why did you think that Nastena had a child from Andrey?

NADKA: At first I did not think, I was surprised. What is this really going on? Here is a whistle-pikulka! Andrew will kill you! And then I hear from the women, as if the belly was built up from her man. Andrei, how could you expose your wife and your child to such a blow? Two lives had to pay for your shame. The village would not reject the wall at all, but the stain on them would lie all their lives.

PROSECUTOR: Based on the testimony, I ask you to transfer Nastya from witness to accused.

ADVOCATE: I protest! She suffered the most!

JUDGE: The protest is upheld. Let's move on to the debate. The word for the accusation is given to the prosecutor.

PROSECUTOR: Dear Court! The fact of desertion is proven. I propose that Andrei Guskov be found guilty of treason, the death of his wife and unborn child, and theft.

Part 1: Assign him the death penalty: execution.

Part 2: Recognize the complete loss of moral and civic qualities.

ADVOCATE: In connection with the recognition of my guilt before the Motherland, I ask you to commute the sentence: to exclude the paragraph on the murder of his wife and child, on theft.

JUDGE: Defendant, do you plead guilty?

DEFENDANT: Yes, completely.

JUDGE: The court retires to the deliberation room for sentencing.

SECRETARY: I ask everyone to stand up, the court is coming!

JUDGE: The last word is given to the defendant.

DEFENDANT: I agree with the verdict.

AUTHOR V. RASPUTIN: The loss of moral foundations entails the loss of the moral human character in general. One crime of Andrey drew others. But Andrei is doomed by me to life in order to bear the moral punishment for their crime. That is why the story is called "Live and remember." This is a command for all of us.


Judge: Amirova Lilia 11th grade

Secretary: Bakhtieva Regina Grade 8

Prosecutor:Sunchalyaev Ruslan 11th grade

Advocate:Amirov Elbrus 9th grade

Defendant:Abdrakhmanov Artur Grade 9

Nastena:Timerbulatova Lydia Grade 9

Mikheich:Yanbulatov Nail 11 cl.

Semyonovna:Kabulova Ruzil, 8th grade

Innokenty Ivanovich:Bakhtiev Ramadan Grade 8

Photographer:Jalilov Wil 9 cells.

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