The scenario of the New Year's event for the elementary school "New Year's KVN". The scenario of the New Year's event for the elementary school "New Year's KVN" The game "Christmas tree decorations"


Extracurricular activity for grade 4
"New Year's KVN "Moroziki" against "Yolochek"

Target: creating a pre-holiday mood and a friendly atmosphere in the classroom.
- arouse cognitive interest in the history of the celebration of the New Year and the appearance of characters and attributes of this holiday;
- develop the skills of research work, work with reference literature and Internet resources;
- to promote the unity of the children's team.

Questions are posted in class in advance and the children are invited to find answers to them:
Question 1. Why did the tree become the symbol of the New Year?
Question 2.
Question 3. What were the first Christmas decorations?
Question 4. What is the name of the "New Year's anthem" of our country?
Question 5. Who is the author of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"?
Question 6. Who came up with the fairy-tale character of the Snow Maiden?
Question 7. How long has Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appeared together?
Question 8. What holiday in Rus' was celebrated on March 1 and September 1?

Melodies No. 1, 2 sound (A Christmas tree was born in the forest, A small Christmas tree)
Children were divided into 2 teams in advance (drawing lots with a New Year's counting rhyme).
Frost team
- Guess the name of our team (children ask a question to the opposing team)
-In a sheepskin coat, with a red sash
And with a wonderful bag.
It's always on New Year's Eve
Goes on a hike.
To celebrate the holiday with us,
To make the children happy.
Who is this, that's the question?
Well, of course...
(Another team guesses)
- Today we are assistants to Santa Claus, so our team is called "Frosts".

2nd team "Yolochki"
- Guess what our team is called?
- I am such a fashionista that everyone is surprised! I love beads, sequins - any jewelry.
But on my, believe me, great misfortune, I wear an outfit only once a year.
(The opposing team guesses the name "Fir-trees").

1st task: WARM-UP for attention
What we decorate the Christmas tree with, I will name the kids.
Listen carefully, and be sure to answer,
If we tell you right, say "Yes" in response.
Well, if suddenly it’s wrong, say boldly “No!”
- Multi-colored crackers?
- Blankets and pillows?
- Folding beds and cribs?
- Marmalade, chocolates?
- Glass balls?
- Wooden chairs?
- Teddy bears?
- Primers and books?
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Are the garlands bright?
- Snow from white cotton wool?
- Backpacks and briefcases?
- Shoes and boots?
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- Are the candies shiny?
Are the tigers real?
- Are the buds golden?
Are the stars radiant?

- Guys, today we will not only have fun, but also learn about the history of the New Year holiday. Together we will find answers to some questions.
More accurate answers are scored.

Question 1. Why did the Christmas tree become the symbol of the New Year?
The Christmas tree, as a symbol of the celebration of Christmas and New Year, came to us from Germany. In ancient times, when people lived in communities and tribes, the population worshiped the sacred evergreen tree. It was a symbol of prosperity, protection of the home from evil spirits.
- Guess what tree we are talking about?
At the end of the year, ancient people searched the forest for the largest Christmas tree, and then decorated it with eggs, nuts, and apples. People believed that they attracted good spirits.
"Paradise tree" - this is the name given to the Christmas tree, decorated with apples.

- Who is more accurate and faster? Children in teams create Christmas trees from palms circled and cut out in advance from green paper. Each team on their own paper. Melodies No. 4 sound - backing track "New Year's Song", if there is not enough time, then Balagan Limited "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" No. 2.

Question 2. Who brought the custom of decorating a Christmas tree to Russia?
(The custom appeared in Russia, thanks to the Germans, who moved to permanent residence in St. Petersburg. Russian people liked the custom of decorating a Christmas tree, and soon it was adopted by residents throughout the state. This also happened because in the 19th century it was fashionable to get involved in German culture Everyone read the works of the famous German writer Hoffmann, and in Russia his fairy tale about the Nutcracker was especially fond of.For the holidays, this fairy tale was even published as a separate book, which was presented to children.
In Russia, before Christmas, Christmas tree markets began to appear, where you could buy a live Christmas tree. Later, in some rich houses, artificial spruce trees were already dressed up. The popularity of this tradition grew, even not very wealthy families could afford to decorate the Christmas tree with real toys made in factories.
Another tradition was born: to invite as many kids as possible from the families of your friends to the Christmas tree. Some wealthy gentlemen arranged real festivities for the children of their servants, and the kids had fun along with the children of the owners. Such "home matinees" grew into public "Christmas trees", which were arranged within the walls of schools and higher educational institutions.

Decorating our Christmas trees with apples. Apples are pre-cut from colored paper.

Dance break: LAVATE DANCE - melody No. 4

3rd task: Windmills - Waltz of Snowflakes, melody No. 5
Two or more participants.
Children receive a piece of cotton wool and fluff them up, making “light snowflakes”.
On a signal, each "wind blower" begins to blow on its own snowflake, preventing it from falling to the floor.
Who can keep their snowflake flying the longest?

Question 3. What were the first Christmas decorations?
(Traditions of decorating a Christmas tree date back to the beginning of the 17th century. According to historians, roses made of colored paper, apples, cookies, sugar cubes and tinsel served as festive decorations for felled firs, pines and beeches.
But once there was a crop failure of apples and then glass blowers came to the rescue. The first glass Christmas ball was made in Thuringia (Saxony) in the 16th century. Industrial mass production of Christmas decorations began only in the middle of the 19th century, also in Saxony. Glassblowers blew toys out of glass, and their assistants cut out bells, hearts, figurines of birds and animals, balls, cones, nuts from cardboard, which they then painted with bright colors.)

4th task: MOBILE GAME “COLLECT SNOWBALLS” - Melody No. 6 Stagecoach - Snow and trees
One participant from the team is invited, they are blindfolded, given a bag and they collect snowballs (paper balls) to the music. Whoever collects more in 1 minute wins.

Question 4. What is the name of the “New Year's hymn” of our country?
Round dance to the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"


In 1903, Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva's poem "Yolochka" was published in the Christmas issue of the children's magazine "Malyutka", and 2 years later, amateur composer Leonid Karlovich Beckman set the text to music - this is how everyone's favorite song "A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest" was released.

5th task: “SNOW MAIDEN”
10 people from each team take part.
Each team is given the letters of the word "SNOW MAIDEN". The word is not called, the children must guess the word and line up with letters so that the word can be read.
The next task: in the story that the presenter will read, there will be several words that will need to be quickly composed from the letters of the word SNOW MAIDEN. As soon as such a word is uttered (the host highlights it with his voice), the owners of the letters that make it up must come forward and, having rebuilt, form this word. The team whose members manage to get ahead of their rivals get a point. Who will score more points?
The story of the Snow Maiden or the presenter:

There was a fast RIVER. This winter has come at its appointed time. SNOW fell on the fields. The MOUNTAIN outside the village became white, and the BARK on the birches sparkled with hoarfrost. CHU! Somewhere the sleigh runners creak. Where do they keep their course? These guys are in a hurry to go to school for a LESSON.

Question 6. Who came up with the fairy-tale character of the Snow Maiden?
The Snow Maiden celebrates her birthday on the night of April 4-5, and the village of Shchelykovo in the Kostroma Region is considered her homeland: it was there that in 1873 Alexander Ostrovsky wrote the play The Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden, as the granddaughter of Father Frost, received the greatest fame in the 50s of the twentieth century, thanks to the Kremlin Christmas trees, scripts for which were written by Lev Kassil and Sergey Mikhalkov.

Question 7. How long have Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appeared together?
(From 1918 to 1935, the Christmas tree, as a symbol of Christmas, was banned in Russia: the Soviet authorities called the Nativity of Christ and all the rituals associated with it bourgeois prejudices. Since 1935, instead of Christmas, by Stalin’s decree, Christmas turned into a New Year, and Bethlehem star - into a red five-pointed star.
At the same time, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appeared together for the first time).

WORKOUT for attention.
- Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man?
- Yes.
- Likes jokes and tricks?
- Yes.
- Do you know songs and riddles?
- Yes.
- Eat all your chocolates?
- No.
Will he light the Christmas tree for the kids?
- Yes.
- Hide threads and needles?
- No.
Doesn't he age in spirit?
- Yes.
Will it warm us up outside?
- No.
- Joulupukki - Frost's brother?
- Yes.
- A rose bloomed under the snow?
- No.
Is the new year getting closer?
- Yes.
- Does the Snow Maiden have skis?
- No.
- Santa Claus brings gifts?
- Yes.
- In the New Year, are all the masks bright?
- Yes.

Question 8. What holiday in Rus' was celebrated on March 1 and September 1?
The tradition of celebrating the New Year on January 1 appeared in Rus' by decree of Peter I in 1700. Prior to this, the church New Year was celebrated on March 1, and the secular New Year was celebrated on September 1.

6th task: GIFTS OF FATHER FROST- Melody No. 8. Russian Santa Claus
Each team is invited to 3 people. Their task is to illustrate the presenter's story.
“On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus brings gifts to the family. He gave his dad a comb. Let everyone show with their right hand how dad combs his hair. He gave his son skis. Please show me how your son skis, but don't stop combing your hair. (In the future, each new movement is added to the previous one). Santa Claus gave Mom a meat grinder - you need to depict the rotation of the meat grinder with your left hand. He gave his daughter a doll that flaps her eyelashes and says “mom”. And he gave his grandmother a Chinese bobblehead that shakes its head.”
Prizes are received by those who managed to show all the given movements without losing their way.

DANCE BREAK "HELP" Melody "Fixipelki Helper".

7th task: NEW YEAR'S STAFF Dance, active melodies
Children in a round dance pass the staff of Santa Claus from hand to hand.
The one on whom the music is interrupted goes to the center of the round dance and dances an improvisation dance.

8th task: SLED- Melody number 11 Oh, mommy!
2-3 players are selected from each team. Children receive a "sled" made of a sheet of cardboard, on which they need to roll a balloon that cannot be held with their hands. The team whose players were able to quickly roll the ball on a sled without hands wins.

9th task: New Year's telegram to Santa Claus
The facilitator asks each team to pick up and write down any 13 adjectives. When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter reads out the text of the telegram from each team, inserting adjectives in a row into it. The team whose telegram is more interesting wins.

Text for 1 command:"...Santa Claus! All... the children are looking forward to your... arrival. New Year is the most ... holiday of the year. We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances! Finally, the New Year will come! We don't want to talk about... studies, but we promise that in the new year we will receive only... grades. So open up your... bag and give us... gifts. With respect to you, ... boys and ... girls!”

Text for 2 commands:“Hello, ... Grandfather Frost! ... The guys are really looking forward to your ... appearance. New Year for them is the most ... holiday! The guys will sing ... a song and dance ... a dance. We are all looking forward to the coming ... New Year! We will also talk about our ... studies. The whole next year we will have only ... evaluations. And for this we want ... gifts from your ... bag! We look forward to… boys and… girls.”

10th task: Christmas educational program
The New Year holiday has one amazing feature - it never looks like the previous one. What is even more surprising is that the New Year is a special holiday in every country. And now we will find out some features of the New Year's Eve in different countries: where did the different New Year traditions come from and what do they mean. And our players will help us in this. Two students from each team are invited to choose the correct one from three possible answers.
The facilitator reads the beginning of the sentence and gives the team three endings to choose from. Then the correct answer is read.

1) In Ireland, one very ancient custom has been preserved: here on the evening before the New Year they open wide open:
A) the doors of all houses
B) all the windows in the apartment
B) all wallets

The doors of all houses open because the owners will be glad to anyone who enters the light, they will give you a hearty drink and feed.

2) In Scotland they see off the old and celebrate the New Year:
A) in a big company, laughing loudly
B) in the family circle, singing songs
B) In complete silence, staring blankly at the fire in the fireplace
Hot Scottish guys see off the old and celebrate the New Year, silently. The whole family sits silently and looks at the burning fireplace, burning the hardships of the outgoing year there. With the first stroke of the clock, the head of the family still silently opens the door through which the old year leaves and the New year enters.

3) In ancient China, the New Year was announced:
A) a day of 50% discounts on all products
B) the feast of the poor
C) Dragon Day and Red Light Purge Festival

In ancient China, on New Year's Day, the feast of the poor was declared, which consisted in the fact that any person on this day could enter any house and take what he needs there. Those hosts who refused guests were condemned.

4. The Germans, as soon as the clock began to strike midnight:
a) Everyone went to bed
B) Everyone climbed onto available pieces of furniture: chairs, armchairs, tables, etc.
C) Everyone opened the windows and shouted: “Happy New Year!”

Everyone climbed on pieces of furniture.

11th task: GAME “ON THE ICE ICE” Melody No. 12 Aram-Zam-Zam
2 people from the team are selected. Each couple dances to cheerful music on a newspaper sheet. Instead of a newspaper sheet, we have half a disposable blue tablecloth. Then the music stops
"floe" folds in half, the music sounds again and the couples dance without going beyond the "floe". Then the music stops again, the “floe” decreases again and the couples have to continue dancing, etc. The winner is the couple that will be smart and figure out how to fit on a small piece of "floe" (take off, the boy will take the girl in his arms, dance on one leg, etc.)

New Year's KVN in 4th grade

To develop the interest, curiosity and emotional sphere of children.

To cultivate goodwill, activity, ability to work in a group

Preparatory work:

Students are divided into 3 teams, come up with a team name and choose a captain.

Teams are given tasks that require preliminary preparation (to come up with an emblem, prepare a greeting).

Equipment: costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, questions for the "Warm-up" contest, pieces of New Year's cards, New Year's "menu", whatman paper, cut parts for applications for the captains' contest, glue, bags, paper snowballs, medals, prizes.

Music: the song "White, white in December ...", the song "Russian Santa Claus", the song "Come to us Christmas tree", the song "My city has been covered by a snowstorm", the song "New Year is coming to us"

The course of the holiday


Hello dear children and adults! We are glad to welcome you to our New Year's KVN.

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all children

We congratulate dads and moms,

Dear guests!

Here are the ideas and tasks,

Games, jokes - everything for you!

We wish you good luck!

To work, have a good time!

Guys, we can't start our competition without Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Let's call them all together.

Snow Maiden.

What an elegant, wonderful hall
Where did we get to?
New Year's holiday awaits us
Did they tell me right?

A miracle happened! Finally!
There is a queen tree,
Everyone is invited to the palace!
Her needles are shining.
There will be music here
We will sing, read poetry,
play, laugh, dance
We will never be bored!

Father Frost

Guys, what kind of holiday do we have today? (New Year)

Snow Maiden.

New Year is magic and fun. So let's have fun as much as we can, together with the KVN teams, who will “shoot” with their jokes throughout the evening, causing a flurry of applause and laughter in this hall.

Father Frost

And the light of your eyes, the warmth of your hearts and your good mood, dear fans, will make this holiday surprisingly warm and bright.

Snow Maiden .

So, friends, we have today

Merry holiday - New Year's.

In our KVN class

A sea of ​​jokes and no problems.

Father Frost

Attention! Attention! It's snowing outside, frost is cracking, and we have a New Year's KVN. Three teams are participating. They have a tough fight ahead of them. The winner is the one who does the best in all tasks. Let me introduce our distinguished jury:



Snow Maiden

Starting the competition, we hope that this cold weather will not freeze the hearts of our jury towards the teams. And the colder it is outside, the hotter fans will cheer for the teams. So, it's time to get acquainted with the teams.


1st team - "Yolki 2016"

2nd team - "Santa Claus"

3rd team - "Grandchildren of Santa Claus."

The emblem (1 point), artistry (1 point), humor (1 point) are evaluated.

Musical pause. The song "White, white in December ..."

COMPETITION 2: "WARM-UP" (1 point for correct answer).

1. In what New Year's song is sung about a small Christmas tree? (“Little Christmas tree…”).

2. From what month does the new year start? (From January)

3. What is popularly called "white flies"? (Snow)

4. How many rays does a snowflake have? (Six)

5. What tree is dressed up for the New Year? (Spruce)

6. Without what can there be a blizzard? (Without snow and wind)

7. Who wears the cap: Santa or Santa Claus? (Santa Claus)

8. What is "confetti"? (Small colored paper circles)

9. What is the heart of the Snow Queen made of? (From ice)

10. What do they drive around the Christmas tree? (Round dance)

11. What are the names of New Year's colored paper chains? (Garland)

12. How many horses are in Santa Claus's team? (Three)

13. Why is Santa Claus harnessing such a number of horses? (Three winter months)

14. Which girl helps Santa Claus to congratulate everyone on the New Year? (Snow Maiden)

15. Traditional Christmas tree crown? (Star)

16. What must be worn at the New Year's carnival? (mask)

17. A round Christmas tree decoration is ...? (Ball).

18. What is the name of the silver dress on the trees? (Frost)

COMPETITION 3: "NEW YEAR'S CARD" (2 points: 1b. - for speed, 1b. - for correctness).

Teams are given pieces of New Year's cards.

Task: Assemble a postcard from pieces.

Musical pause. Song Russian Father Frost.

COMPETITION 4: "NEW YEAR'S MENU" (2 points: 1b. - for speed, 1b. - for correctness)

Main leader. We will make a "menu" and feed the guests on New Year's Eve. (You need to rearrange the letters so that you get the names of the dishes.)

Yolki-2016 team

1. VOLP (pilaf)

2. VIGRENET (vinaigrette)

3. KOSHDOLA (chocolate)

Team Santa Claus

1. LEOVI (Olivier)

2. MELPENI (dumplings)

3. FOKENTS (sweets)

Team "Grandchildren of Santa Claus"

YUREP (puree)

LETKOTY (cutlets)

JEROMENOO (ice cream)


This competition is very simple. You need to come up with the end of the line to make a poem. The main thing is that there is a beginning.

Yolki-2016 team

Team Santa Claus

Team "Grandchildren of Santa Claus"

Musical pause. The song "Come to us Christmas tree"


The fifth competition is starting

Captains are welcome.

They are responsible guys.

Ready to complete any task.

What is the year according to the Eastern calendar? (year of the monkey)

Sheets of paper are hanging in front of you, you need to assemble a symbol of the coming year from parts (assemble and glue a monkey from the cut parts).

While the captains are doing this task,

we will not be bored either, but we will hold a competition,

on winter snowy - white attention!

I will name a lot

And you will only recognize white!

I'll tell you about white and snow - clap,

And as about anything else - stomp!

Winter… Snowball… Book… Icicle…

Bunny… Chanterelle… Christmas tree… Snowdrift…

Ice cream… Sausage… Bus…

Seagull… Icicle… Car… Apple…

Candy... Father Frost's beard...


Let's continue our KVN music competition.

You all know the song "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree ...".

This is a very sad and dreary song, so we will ask our participants to sing this song with the voices of different animals:




(Children draw lots)

Musical pause. The song "The blizzard covered my city"


One participant from the team is invited, they are blindfolded, they are given a bag and they collect snowballs (paper balls) to the music. Whoever collects the most in 1 minute wins.

Father Frost. We've finished the game, but the party continues. You have done an excellent job and let me thank you all today for your speech.

Snow Maiden

You played at the Christmas tree and completed tasks.

And now it's time for us to sum up.

To reward the best teams as soon as possible.

The floor for summing up and rewarding teams is given to the jury.

Father Frost:

Who has not become a winner now -

Let not be offended!

Each gift will receive today,

The holiday continues!

(Awarding of winners and other teams)




The New Year has come to us again,
And wonderful days have come!
And the thirty-first will go:
And take away goodbye,

All our deuces and sorrows.


And wishes are clear
And every year the same:
Peace and tranquility for the whole country,
And children of different heights
Boots, hats and pants,
Change once a year - but not less often;


Eat sweets, take care of your stomach;
To play a prank, but not a bully;
Chop cutlets, eat compote;
Go to the cinema, to the theater and to the bath;
With that - to fight, but with that - to be friends,
In general, do the right thing
And go to school every day
For that without demanding a reward!


Everyone who hears us

Everyone who knows us

We congratulate you on the New Year!

We wish you happiness and good luck

Good health in addition.


Holidays joyful, cheerful,

But, mind you, don't forget about school.

Study for four and five

Help mom around the house.

We wish that every home

He was rich in peace and warmth.

Father Frost:

Happy New Year to you

And gave gifts.

Songs to sing, forced to play,

Dance with all your might!

Snow Maiden:

And now it's time to say goodbye

Through the drifts and snow.

Father Frost:

But don't forget us

Keep the holiday at home!

Snow Maiden:

And then to you in a year

Santa Claus is coming again!


Dear Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! Thank you for a wonderful holiday and gifts. Our guys at parting want to sing you a song.

Final song "New Year is coming to us"

The celebration continues with tea

Subject: New Year's KVN

Goals: generalize students' knowledge about the celebration of the New Year, about the names of Santa Claus in different countries, about the signs of winter, develop logical thinking, ingenuity, ingenuity, creative abilities of students, form students' desire for active intellectual activity;

cultivate kind and respectful feelings for each other.

Equipment: presentation, posters and crafts on the theme “Winter. New Year”, New Year's toys, cards, album sheets, paints, brushes, colored paper, scissors, glue.

I Team View

Team "Snowmen"

We, friends, "Snowmen",

Smart, athletic!

Jack of all trades,

And, of course, strong!

Serpentine Team

We are the Serpentine team,

We are in a hurry to the Christmas tree.

We think well

And we run faster!

Team "Penguins"

For each other we are a mountain

This is our maritime custom.

Eat more vitamin

Be strong like Penguin

Team "Confetti"

We are Confetti guys

We have a great life!

And we assembled a team

So that everyone does not lose heart!

Maximum: 5 points

II Intellectual warm-up

For teams, questions are offered (2 questions per team) on cards in the form of New Year's toys

1 point for each correct answer

Name the city that is the birthplace of the Russian Santa Claus (Veliky Ustyug)

Which Russian tsar issued a decree on celebrating the New Year on January 1? (PeterI)

Who is the Snow Maiden for Santa Claus? (granddaughter)

In which fairy tale did snowdrops grow in the forest on New Year's Eve? (Twelve months)

What is the name of a Christmas tree toy in the form of a colored paper tube that pops when it is opened? (clapperboard)

What vegetable is put on the table in Germany to determine the weather in each month? (onions, after cutting off the tops pouring salt)

Why did children entangle the legs of the table in Rus' on New Year's Eve? (So ​​that the whole year the family was together)

What is the name of a narrow long ribbon of colored paper that is thrown on a Christmas tree? (serpentine)

III Homeland of Santa Claus slide 2

Each team receives a card. Words from the left column

(name) connect with arrows to the words from the right column (country).

Then the teams exchange cards for verification and check the record with the data on the board. How many correct connections, so many points.

Maximum: 7 points

Per Noel Russia

Corbobo France

Santa Claus England

Santa Claus Japan

Babbo Natale Uzbekistan

Mikulas Czech Republic

Segatsu-san Italy

Poetic pause slide 3

Students tell poems about winter, New Year's holiday, about winter holidays (from each team, 1 poem that the children found, learned on their own)

IV folk wisdom slide 4

Each team reads a proverb or saying in turn and adds a closed word according to its meaning.

Named from 1st time - 2 points, from 2nd time - 1 point

V Winter News Slide 5 - 6 - 7 - 8

On the screen, each team is offered a question. Choose the correct answer from 3 answers.

Named from 1 time - 3 points, from 2 times - 2 points, from 3 times - 1 point.

What winter month has the popular name Bogogrey? (February)

Which bird has chicks in winter in severe frosts? (crossbill)

In which month is the winter solstice observed?


Which animal does not hibernate in winter?


Musical pause Slide 9

Students perform ditties about winter, New Year's holiday, about winter holidays, which they independently learned in advance (4-5 ditties from each team)

VI Questions for the savvy

Slide 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14

There are three games for students. The hyperlinked games are selected one by one. Each team writes answers to the proposed tasks on a piece of paper, after completion it gives to the jury. How many correct answers, so many points.

Collect gifts

The teacher reads the text on the slide (the words of Santa Claus). In 3 minutes you need to write down the names of the gifts by connecting several syllables.

Bicycle, computer, roller skates, skis, car, chess, discs, doll, book, phone, watch...

Find a gift

On the screen, children see various gift boxes. With the help of hints, you need to find one hidden gift.

It's not the tallest box.

Not the smallest box.

This box has a bow.

There is a picture on this box.

This box is alone.

To the left of it is a box with a rose.

Answer: box number 14

Toy puzzles

In 3 minutes, participants must replace Christmas toys with numbers, so that the result is a mathematical expression. The same toys correspond to the same numbers.

123 + 564 + 312 = 999 657 – 421 = 236

Happy pause Slide 15 - 16

The teacher invites the children to smile after watching a funny animation.

The next 3 competitions are held simultaneously, 2 people for each competition from the team.

VII Mask, I know you!

Each team (2 people per team) receives a card with a riddle poem, colored paper, scissors, glue, and a blank mask. Having guessed which character is in question in the riddle, you need to make a mask of the hero. One team member demonstrates the mask he has made.

Creative approach to production, accuracy, artistry in presentation are evaluated.

Maximum: 5 points

Masks: clown, goblin, New Year's Eve, butterfly.



Come for a minute -
I can't stand gloomy people since childhood!
Laugh with a funny joke
I'll cheer you up with pranks!
Red nose, my red wig
And a smile from ear to ear
Everyone understands, I do not offend
Adults and kids.


I live in a dense forest
Forest friend I'm the best:
Protect and Protect...
And in the winter - falls asleep.

Only today I can not sleep,

I have come to you to have fun.

New year's night

I come very late
It's already twelve o'clock
The whole costume is in shining stars,
Clear moon in the hair
Until dawn I will fly over the earth
Envelop the sleepy planet!


One aerial outline
I'm so sweet
All my velvet with its live blinking -
Only two wings.
Don't ask: where did it come from?
Where am I in a hurry?
Here I sank lightly on a flower,
And here I am breathing.
Right now, sparkling, I will spread my wings
And I'll fly away.

VIII Festive picture

Two people from the team color the drawings that the teacher printed out, and then come up with a name for the picture. Each team has paints, brushes and non-spill jars.

Maximum: 5 points

IX Where does the New Year come from?

Two people from each team, having received cards with a couplet of a poem, must complete the proposed words in rhyme, whichcan be changed where needed
After performing, expressively read their verse.

1 team

New Year flies from the sky?
Or coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the new year coming to us?
2 team

He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or hiding behind a feather
Frost has a beard?
3 team

He went to sleep in the fridge
Or to a squirrel in the hollow ...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?
4 team

But there is always a miracle
The clock strikes twelve...
And no one knows where
The New Year is coming to us! (A.Usachev)

Maximum: 5 points

dance break Slide 17

Students dance to a cheerful New Year's song (at the choice of the teacher)

X Secret cartoon characters

Slide 18 - 19 - 20 - 21

Each team chooses a number up to 4. On the screen is a frame from a famous cartoon. You need to recognize the cartoon and name 3 characters. If the team learns from the first time - 5 points, if from the 2nd time (one curtain opens) - 4 points, from the 3rd time (the second curtain opens) - 3 points, etc.

Maximum: 5 points

Cartoons: "Well, you wait!", "Masha and the Bear", "Winter in Prostokvashino", "Smeshariki"

game pause slide 22

Students participate in the outdoor game "Cool biathlon"

For the game, you need to prepare "skis" from cardboard (4 pairs), a "target" - a circle on the board and snowballs from cotton wool or paper. All team members participate in the relay race.

Game conditions: get on the “skis”, get to the board, make three throws, return to the next participant and pass the “skis” to him

For one hit - 1 point, the team that arrived first - 5 points, the second - 4 points, etc.

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony

New Year's KVN Grade 3

Goals: Creating a festive atmosphere on New Year's Eve.

Tasks :1. The ability to unite the team through joint activities.

2 To develop creativity in children.

3. Improve the culture of communication.

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends!

We are glad to welcome you to the New Year's game of the cheerful and resourceful club.

On New Year's Eve, I would like to wish you something unusual: the light of the moon, the dance of snowflakes, the pearls of stars, the scent of flowers. Believe in your star, and under no circumstances lose hope.


1st student.
Not far off the New Year -
Everyone's favorite holiday.
Waiting for his arrival
Quiet and a prankster.

2nd student.
Both old and young
Happy to meet him.
In the winter he will come to us with you,
Having passed blizzards, barriers.

3rd student.
He will light the fires on the tree,
Give us gifts.
His deeds are like a round dance,
Both cheerful and hot.

4th student.
And immediately it will become warmer for us,
Though the world freezes a blizzard.
And we will be even stronger
Love, take care of each other.

2nd leader: New Year is magic and fun. So let's have fun as much as we can, together with the teams.

And the light of your eyes, the warmth of your hearts and your good mood will make this holiday surprisingly warm and bright. So, friends, we have today

Merry Christmas holiday.

In our KVN class

A sea of ​​jokes and no problems.

Guys, why do you love Winter? (beautiful nature, winter games and fun, New Year holidays, big New Year holidays).

Leading: Attention! Attention! It's snowing outside, frost is cracking, and we have a New Year's KVN. 4 teams are participating. They have a tough fight ahead of them. Whoever does the best in all the tasks wins.

Starting the competition, we hope that this cold weather will not freeze our hearts towards the teams. And the colder it is outside, the "hotter" we will be rooting for them. And so, it's time to get acquainted with the teams.


Team "Snowmen"
We, friends, "Snowmen",
Smart, athletic!
Jack of all trades,
And, of course, strong!

Team "Penguins"
We are a mountain for each other
This is our maritime custom.
Eat more vitamin
You will be strong as a Penguin.

Team "Confetti"
We are Confetti guys
We have a great life!
And we assembled a team
So that you do not lose heart!

Team "Aliens"

From distant stars, from other planets

Sending a galactic hello!

We don't even know you

But we feel at home.

Frosts, blizzards do not frighten,

The warmth of our hearts warms us!

Leading: And without which guest can not do the New Year's holiday?

Well, the dress! All the needles!

They wear it forever ... (Christmas trees)

And why is the New Year associated with this tree?

Why decorate a spruce?

In 1700, Peter 1 introduced a new calendar, according to which the New Year began to be celebrated on January 1. And it was necessary to decorate a spruce (a symbol of eternal life). In ancient times, people believed that spirits lived in trees, on which the harvest of fruits depended. At the end of December, when the day began to arrive, people went to the forest and hung gifts for the spirits on the branches of the largest spruce, so that they would be kinder and give a good harvest. Over time, people stopped believing in spirits, but the custom of decorating a spruce survived.

What do you expect from the New Year holiday? (gifts, recreation, toys, fun, ..) Make sentences with your words.

The game "Believe it or not" New Year is celebrated everywhere in different ways. Let's try to remember the New Year traditions of some peoples of the world.

Is it true that:

    Do people in Spain eat 12 grapes on New Year's Eve for good luck? (Yes)

    In Italy, throw away old furniture for good luck? (Yes)

    Do they throw water out the window in Cuba? (Yes)

    In Japan, at the time of the New Year, does everyone start crying? (no, everyone starts laughing as laughter brings happiness)

    Do people in China throw stones on the roof on New Year's Eve? (no, throw beans and peas)

    Do they go to the bathhouse in Russia? (Yes)

    Santa Claus in Spain is called Papa Noel? (Yes)

    Do they put nails in pies in Romania? (no, they put different surprises)


The next contest is a crossword contest.

Captains come and get crossword puzzles.

(Captains receive sheets with a crossword puzzle and a task)

You guys need to quickly, time, not wasting in vain,

Solve all the riddles!

Ten correct answers in the cells you need to enter.

And then run quickly and bring the leaf to me!

Crossword "Snow Maiden"

Crossword questions:

1. First you fly to them from the mountain, and then you drag them up the mountain.

2. It flies off in a white flock and sparkles on the fly.
It melts like a cool star in the palm of your hand and in your mouth.

3. And not snow, and not ice, but silver will remove the trees.

4. I lived in the middle of the yard where the kids play.
But from the sun's rays I turned into a stream.

5. What grows upside down?

6. It flies without wings and sings, bullies passers-by.
He does not give one pass, he drives others.

7. They brought a box to the kitchen - white-white and shiny.
Admire, look - the north pole is inside!

8. As soon as they go for a walk in winter,
Tenants settle in them, and in each - exactly five!

9. An asterisk circled in the air a little,
Sat and melted on my palm.

10. Rides through the forest back and forth.
Howls, hums and shakes trees.

Crossword Answers:

      With Anki

      With n eg

      in e th

      dream G ovik

      SOS at lka

      vete R

      hall O dilnik

      lane h atki

      snowflakes To A

      blizzard A

Host:A What is the name of the symbol of the coming year? (Goat)

Dances and round dances

We celebrate New Year's bright holiday every year!

Who wants to have fun, become a round dance!

Where the bright lights near the Christmas tree glow

It's good to meet my friends near the Christmas tree!


This competition is very simple. You need to come up with the end of the line to make a poem. The main thing is that there is a beginning.

(The task is given to children on leaflets)

Leading Children(sample answers)

Snow... fluffy

Christmas tree ... fragrant

Songs, dances ... jokes

Games ... jokes

With the Snow Maiden ... Santa Claus

And gifts ... a whole cart

Leading: Guys, a lot of fir trees are cut down on New Year's holidays. And what needs to be done so that you don’t stay without a holiday and don’t offend the Christmas tree?


The fifth competition is starting

Captains are welcome.

They are responsible guys.

Ready to complete any task.

Name as many attributes of Santa Claus as possible.

While the captains are doing this task,

we will not be bored either, but we will hold a competition,

for winter snowy and white attention!

I will name a lot

And you will only recognize white!

I'll tell you about white and snow - clap,

And as about anything else - stomp!

Winter… Snowball… Book… Icicle…

Bunny… Chanterelle… Christmas tree… Snowdrift…

Ice cream… Sausage… Bus…

Seagull… Icicle… Car… Apple…

Candy... Father Frost's beard...

CONTEST: "Christmas tree with a surprise"

You are good at guessing riddles, and now it's time to see how you know proverbs. We have prepared a proverb for you, but it crumbled on the branches of the New Year tree. You need to find the beginning and by connecting the letters, read the proverb.


Leading: Bright New Year's holiday

We meet every year!

Who wants to have fun?

We also have singers

Our young artists

Let's listen without any hassle.


All of you made gifts for the New Year at labor lessons. But we had one Christmas tree left, and she didn’t have enough toys. I suggest you open a Santa Claus workshop and decorate this Christmas tree with toys.

(Children make voluminous paper toys)

Competition "Wish in the New Year" Candle in a circle.

The holiday is coming to an end

But sadness does not suit us,

Let's stand together quietly

Invite all guests to come along.

We quickly build a beautiful circle,

To get into it courteously!

(The guys pass the candle and say their wishes)




We played at the Christmas tree, sang songs and danced.

And now it's time for us to sum up.

To reward the best teams as soon as possible.

A word for summing up and rewarding teams.


Who has not become a winner now -

Let not be offended!

Each gift will receive today,

The holiday continues!

(Awarding of winners and other teams)


The New Year has come to us again,
And wonderful days have come!
And the thirty-first will go:
And take away goodbye,

All our deuces and sorrows.


And wishes are clear
And every year the same:
Peace and tranquility for the whole country,
And children of different heights
Boots, hats and pants,
Change once a year - but not less often;


Eat sweets, take care of your stomach;
To play a prank, but not a bully;
Chop cutlets, eat compote;
Go to the cinema, to the theater and to the bath;
With that - do not fight, but with that - be friends,
And in general - to do what is right,
And go to school every day
For that without demanding a reward!


Everyone who hears us

Everyone who knows us

We congratulate you on the New Year!

We wish you happiness and good luck

Good health in addition.


Holidays joyful, cheerful,

But, mind you, don't forget about school.

Study for four and five

Help mom around the house.

We wish that every home

He was rich in peace and warmth.

Final song.

Scenario New Year's holiday for younger students.

New Year's script with contests and quizzes from Dunno and Pinocchio.

Scenario New Year's KVN for elementary school students.

A New Year's party with elements of KVN in grades 1-4 does not require much preparation.

The roles of all actors can be assigned to high school students. The role of the old woman Shapoklyak is best entrusted to the boy. The roles of Dunno and Pinocchio are performed by elementary school students.

There is no need to specially prepare children for the morning. The only requirement for fans is to come in carnival costumes. You can warn the girls who come in costumes of snowflakes that they will have to dance on stage to the music so that they think over simple movements. In general, children should be as free and relaxed as possible. Sincerity, spontaneity - that's what is required of children at this matinee.

Teams - 7-10 students each.

Command appearance: bell caps and bell emblems for one team, and striped caps and key emblems for the other team.

Props: a large sheet of paper with the inscription "Santa Claus" (as a telegram), a geographical map, an arch with the inscription "LENIVIA", a flag or a sultan (a stick at the end of which a bunch of Christmas tinsel (rain) is attached), a ball and knitting needles, a large cardboard a piece of candy, a small board with chalk to record the results, a small soft toy with a string, 10 snowballs made of cotton or other material, a tray, a net or a basket for catching snowballs.

Musical arrangement:

- “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” (words by R. Kudasheva, music by L. Beckman);

- “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter” (words by 3. Alexandrova, music by M. Krasev);

2. Phonogram "Songs of the old woman Shapoklyak" from the film "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena".

3. Instrumental music for interruptions.


Father Frost.

Snow Maiden.




Old Shapoklyak.

Holding a holiday

Teacher. Hello guys. So, are we all ready for the New Year holiday? The tree is in place, the toys are in place. The kids are there. And where are Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden? (Looks at the clock.) Somehow they are late. Oh yes, it looks like they are!

Music sounds. The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden. Hello guys.

Teacher. Hello, Snow Maiden. And where is Santa Claus?

Snow Maiden.

To you for a matinee today

We have come from afar.

To your Christmas tree

The path is not easy.

Ice, snowdrifts and blizzards

Blocked the way.

Blizzards sang songs loudly,

To turn us back.

We skied for a long time,

And our grandfather is tired.

Near the school he quietly

Dozed off on the porch.

Teacher. Why didn't you wake him up, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden. Yes, I woke him up, woke him up, woke him up, woke him up, nothing helps!

Teacher. Then you'll have to call the guys for help. And I'll run and slow him down too. (Runs away.)

Snow Maiden. Guys, let's call Grandfather Frost loudly. (Scanning.) Santa Claus - Red nose, Santa Claus!

The children are called Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden. Oh, Santa Claus is not waking up. He probably doesn't hear what we call him. Let's call again, louder.

The children are called Santa Claus. A sleepy Santa Claus appears on the stage.

Father Frost. Hear, hear you guys! Something you made a lot of noise!

Snow Maiden(addressing the audience.) Guys, if Santa Claus tells the truth, clap your hands, and if he tells a lie, stomp louder.

Father Frost. You seem to be making such a noise in class, aren't you?

Children stomp.

Father Frost. Ah, everything is clear, are you decent in class, because your grades are excellent?

Children stomp.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, look how many guys are in the hall. How can there be so many excellent students?

Father Frost. Oops, misunderstood again. This means that everyone here is up to study, celebrating the New Year without “twos”.

Children clap.

Father Frost. And here are those who love to laugh, have fun, smile, compete!

Children clap.

Music sounds. A snowman runs onto the stage with a large sheet of paper on which is written "Santa Claus".

Snowman. Santa Claus! Snow Maiden! An urgent telegram for you!


Snow Maiden. What are we to do?

Father Frost. We need to get the kids out!

Snow Maiden. But we don't know where this country is. What is it called there? (Looks at the telegram.) Lenivia.

Snowman. Hey, I have a map. (Gives the card to Santa Claus.)

Father Frost. Well, let's see, where is this Lenivia?

Snow Maiden. Yes, here she is! (Shows on the map.) At this school!

Snowman. Right around the corner! (looks around)

While Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are talking, an arch with the inscription "LENIVIA" is installed on the left side of the stage. One student holds a curtain covering the entrance to the arch. Music sounds.

Father Frost.

Well, let's go, friends,

We can't slow down!

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden pass through the archway and stand on the other side of the stage. Dunno and Pinocchio come out to the middle of the stage, lay a rug on the floor and lie down with their cheeks propped up, heads to each other. The old woman Shapoklyak runs out of the arch, stands behind Dunno and Pinocchio. Sings a song to the tune of "Songs of the Old Woman Shapoklyak".

Who teaches children

He's wasting his time

something good

They cannot be taught!

Therefore, I advise everyone and everyone

Do everything exactly the same

How does the old woman named Shapoklyak!

I save kids

From hard work.

I don't force you to grind

I never have kids!

I never have kids!

Nowhere and never!

Shapoklyak (seeing Father Frost and the Snow Maiden). Ah, dear guests, welcome to our country Lenivia! (Pointing to Dunno and Pinocchio.) Here, meet our best students! Round honors! Ask them about anything - they don't know anything. In the head - emptiness! (Knocks on the forehead of Pinocchio - behind the scenes they knock on the drum.)

Father Frost. Guys, who are you?

Snow Maiden. What is your name?

Pinocchio(lazy). I knew but forgot!

Shapoklyak. See, I told you! Well done, Five!

Father Frost(Turning to Dunno.) And you, my dear, do you know your name?

Dunno(lazy). I don't even know if I know or don't know.

Shapoklyak. Good girl! Real lazy! "Five plus"!

Snow Maiden. Oh, I think I know these guys. (To Shapoklyak.) Can I tell them?

Shapoklyak. Well, of course you can. We have cheat sheets and tips are very welcome! Only our excellent students and with a hint will not answer you!

Snow Maiden. What if they answer?

Shapoklyak. Then take them to your school! I do not need such smart people here!

Snow Maiden. Fine. Let's start with this! (Takes Pinocchio by the hand and leads him to the edge of the stage.)

Very long pointed nose.

But not Santa Claus.


His friends are Piero and Malvina.

Who is this?

Pinocchio. Ballerina!

Father Frost.

Come on, kids, tell me. Who is this?

All. Pinocchio!!!

Pinocchio(reviving). Oh, I remembered! Pinocchio - that's me! I really wanted to go to school. Papa Carlo bought me pants and a jacket and gave me money for a primer. (Dejectedly.) And what happened afterwards, I don't remember.

Snowman. Nothing, Pinocchio, soon you will remember everything and go back to school!

Snow Maiden. Now let's help this child. (Takes Dunno by the hand and leads him to the edge of the stage.)

Snow Maiden.

In the City of Flowers, all the kids

They laughed heartily at him.


His friends are Vintik, Shpuntik, Toropyzhka

And other shorties.

Father Frost.

You try, guess

Who is this?

Dunno. Balalaika!

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