Scenario of the New Year's party "New Year at the Circus" (preparatory group). The script for the New Year's circus performance for older preschoolers The script for the New Year in the circus is prepared for gr


New Year in the senior group. Scenario
Goals and objectives :

To develop emotional responsiveness, musical abilities of children in the performance of song and dance repertoire.

To develop artistry, communication skills, children's susceptibility to reincarnation, to achieve expressiveness of performance.

Develop aesthetic taste.

Create a joyful mood in children, evoke a positive emotional response in them.

Children run into the hall, dance around the Christmas tree, meet children.

Snow Maiden: Hello my friends!

Happy New Year to both big and small.

Happiness to everyone, good luck and frosty clear days!

Let your cheerful, sonorous laughter sound today in the hall.

Happy New Year…

Children: With new happiness to everyone, everyone, everyone !!!

Song "New Year's round dance" Struve

1 child: Opens the New Year

fairy doors,

Here the Snow Maiden meets

Everyone who believes in fairy tales!

2 child: Let him come into this house

The one who is friends with the song.

Let's start the winter holiday

There is none more wonderful!

3 child:. A beautiful hall shines today

It sparkles with many lights.

And a bright, big tree

Calling the children kindly.

4 child: Hello dear guest!

You are smart and bright

We've been waiting for you all year

Finally, you have arrived!

5 child: Our Christmas tree

without lights it is impossible today!

Snow Maiden: Well then, what are we talking about? We need to light the tree!

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, wake up and light up with lights!

(children repeat, lights don't light up)

Snow Maiden: It can be seen, after all, quietly, our Christmas tree has not woken up!

Maybe someone was silent? Say let a friendlier hall!

All: Christmas tree, wake up, and light up with lights!

The lights are on.

Snow Maiden: It was not in vain that we tried with you, the tree burst into flames!

Let's celebrate New Year's holiday more cheerfully than anyone in the world!

In a round dance we will go, we will sing a song to the Christmas tree!

"Christmas Tree"

Snow Maiden: On a merry New Year holiday - today the circus is waiting for everyone to visit!

children walk around the hall, clapping their hands to the circus march, sit down.

Famous artists are in the arena: the clown Focus - Mokus and the monkey Bambino!

Focus - Mokus and Bambino: (the clown holds the hoop, a monkey appears somersaulting out of it)

Hey guys, girls and boys!

Focus - Mocus: I am Focus - Mokus, kids, you all know me:

I am cheerful and funny and, of course, mischievous.

In order not to be bored, we invite you to dance!

Monkey: There are so many animals in our circus, show them as soon as possible!


Focus - Mocus: What is the mood?

Children: In!

Focus - Mocus: How are you feeling?

Children: Like this!

Crying is heard. Focus - Mocus and the monkey look at each other in surprise.

Focus - Mocus: Do you hear, Bambino, someone is crying...

Monkey: I hear, but I don't see.

Focus - Mocus: Guys, who is crying at our holiday? What's happened?

Enter Funtik.

Funtik: (sobbing) It's me ... Funtik .... How can I not cry ... All the guys meet

New Year, everyone gets gifts, everyone has friends, and I only have a mistress

Belladonna, who makes me work all the time... (crying)

Focus - Mocus: Don't cry, Funtik, we won't let you get hurt, right guys?

monkey: And let's take Funtik with us to our New Year's circus


Focus - Mocus: And what? This is an idea! How are we guys, shall we?

monkey: Funtik, what can you do?

Funtik: I… I…. All I can do is: “Children, apply for houses for homeless piglets!”

Focus - Mocus: Oh no! This will not work! Now we will come up with something ... And you know how

catch the ball? - Yes

Guys, can you help us? Then get in the circle soon! (children form a circle)

So, I give you and Bombino big nets. And the guys - balls. To the music

you guys pass the balls. And as soon as I say "Hello - op!" - one who has

stop the ball in his hands, throw it into the net. Let's see who has more

balls in the net, which of you, Funtik or Bambino will win.

Game "Catch the ball"

Focus Mocus: You see, Funtik, how good you are, no worse than Bambino!

And our show continues!

(dog barks)

The thunder of the orchestra is drowned out by a mischievous, perky bark:

The dogs have a performance, it's more fun to meet them!

Dance "Trained Dogs"

Focus - Mokus, monkey and Funtik clap their hands, shout: “Bravo, well done!”

Focus Mocus: And now in the arena passing from India Famous tightrope walkers sisters Magnificent!

Rope dance.

Suddenly Belladonna bursts in

Belladonna: Aha! Where are you! It's the vagrant Mokus and his monkey who have fooled your head!

Well, nothing, I'll show you now ... Arrest, and then catch up! That is

vice versa. Now I'm chasing you... (runs after Funtik) Friends, you see

he needs! Ah, children! Ah, the clown Focus - Mokus! I'll show them what's what!

(Funtik hides behind F - M and a monkey) We urgently need to return Funtik!

He's got talent! And how does he complain (mimics)

“Children, apply for houses for homeless piglets!” Nobody could refuse him.

He brought me a lot, a lot of money, and now I'm ruined!!!

Funky, where are you? Ran away? Where? There? (runs out of the room)

Funtik: Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble! She found me again!

Focus - Mocus: Our friendship is with us, we will deal with evil ourselves!

Shall we give Funtik to Mrs. Belladonna?

Children: No!

Funtik: Uncle Focus, can I play with the guys? I am such a fun game

amusing I know!

Focus Mocus: Of course, Funtik, let's play!
Funtik: Get in the circle guys, let's start playing!

Dance-game "Christmas trees-stumps"

Bambino: Focus - Mokus, guys, it seems that we have guests!

(Belladonna enters, disguised as a Snowman)

Santa Claus blinded me and put me on the Christmas tree!

Hello Mokus, Bombino and Funtik! I was in such a hurry

to you on a holiday, I thought I would not find you! (applies to Funtik)

Oh my little one!

Focus Mocus. This Snow Woman reminds me of someone ...

Focus Mocus: Tell me, please, where is Santa Claus himself?

Belladonna: What will happen to him? The grandfather was delayed on the way, he should come soon.

Funtik: Honestly?

Belladonna: Honestly! Come to me, my baby! I'll give you a riddle...

A good doctor treats animals in Africa .... BARMALEY!

(Beladonna grabs Funtik by the hand and drags him to the exit)

Focus Mocus: Yes, this is ... this is ... Mrs. Belladonna !!!

Belladonna:(runs away screaming) Ha-ha-ha! I told you mine would take it!

Focus - Mocus: Bambino, we must save Funtik! Let's run faster! (run away)

Snow Maiden: Guys, I know what to do! Let's call grandpa for help

Children: Father Frost!

The noise of a blizzard is heard.

Father Frost(from behind the door) Hey-gay! Whoa! Can't find you...

The mischievous Metelitsa put on a cap of invisibility on me and won't let go!

Snow Maiden. Guys, let's blow hard all together, the wind will rise and drop

hat of invisibility from the head of Santa Claus. (blowing)

Father Frost. A little more, a little more, that's it, I'm coming, I'm coming!

Sings a song:

I am cheerful and ruddy, kind Santa Claus,

I, guys, brought you a Christmas tree from the forest today!

Barriers passed through everything, snow covered me,

I knew that I would be welcome here, so I hurried here!

Hello my friends! Happy New Year! Here I am!

On the road across the wide, snow-covered fields

I was in a hurry, guys, to you! Are you waiting for me?….

And the naughty boys, are you glad to see me?

And laughter girls, were you really waiting for me?

I was with you a year ago, I'm glad to see everyone again!

Dressed smartly, smiles on their faces,

so it's time to become a round dance!

Song "Santa Claus and felt boots"

(loses mitten)

Father Frost: Well done kids! So they learned to sing and dance! Oh, where's my mitten?

Snow Maiden: Yes, here she is, grandfather, and you try to catch up with her!

Mitten game.

Father Frost: Oh, I'm tired, I'll go rest!

Snow Maiden: And we won't let you out!

Father Frost: And I'll jump out here! Then I'll sneak in here!

(tries to get out) No, don't get out!

Oh, you rascals, then I'll freeze you!

I go, go, go, looking for a small nose, who did not hide this nose -

I'll turn it into an icicle! - Santa Claus runs in a circle, the children cover their nose (your hands, cheeks, ears)

How clever you are! Well, let me out!

Snow Maiden: And you, Santa Claus, play with us, then we will release!

Father Frost: Why not play, I like to play very much, I will amuse the kids!

Snow Maiden: Come on, dear Santa Claus, take a look at us!

Guess, Santa Claus, what are we doing now?

Children imitate playing the flute.

Father Frost: You are drinking milk!

Snow Maiden: Then, grandfather, the children play the pipe!

Father Frost: Eh, didn't realize!

Children imitate playing the balalaika.

Father Frost: You are scratching your stomach!

Snow Maiden: What are you, grandfather, these guys are playing the balalaika!

Father Frost: Didn't guess again!

Children imitate playing the violin.

Father Frost(offended) Are you pulling my beard?

Snow Maiden: What are you, grandfather, these are children playing the violin!

Father Frost: Oh, how slow-witted I am, well, thank you, you taught your grandfather!


Father Frost: Oh, how hot it became in the hall, I'm afraid I'll melt now.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, do not be sad, sit on a chair, rest.

I'll conjure a little, I'll blow on you now!

Father Frost: Oh, Snow Maiden, blow harder to make it colder

Snow Maiden: Guys, help, you wave at your grandfather!

The boys will be the wind and will do so - oo-oo-oo!

And the girls will be snowflakes and will do this - shhh!

Get ready! Started! Everyone is blowing.

Father Frost: Yes, it became cool in the hall, how great you waved!

Snow Maiden: And now, we will rest and read poetry to you.

Father Frost: Granddaughter, come on, give me that magic snowflake from the Christmas tree,

she will tell me who will go to the Christmas tree, and she will read poetry for us!


Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, I visited the circus today,

And I saw such artists!

Father Frost: The show must go on

It's time for trained horses to perform!

Horse Dance

Father Frost: Well, horses, well done! And here are the clowns, funny guys.

As soon as they enter the arena, everyone laughs heartily!

Laugh, kids, clown, somersault and laugh!

Clown dance.

The sad Focus enters - Mokus, Bambino.

Father Frost: What's happened? What's happened? Why are you so sad?

monkey: We are glad to see you, but we have a problem ...

Focus - Mocus: The evil lady Beladonna dressed up as a Snow Woman and took away with her

our friend, Funtik the pig. And we didn't get them...

Father Frost: My magic staff, you help us,

Bring Belladonna and Funtik here! (knocking)

Funtik runs in, Belladonna is chasing him.

Belladonna: Come to me, come to me, baby! I'm so worried about you!

Funtik: (hides behind Santa Claus) I don't want, I don't want! I'm afraid of her, save me

Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden!

Father Frost: You see, dear Belladonna, Funtik does not want to see you, and

don't pretend to be so caring and kind, we all know about you!

Belladonna: Well, give it back (stomping foot) otherwise I'll show you

what am I capable of (coming) I have power, I have friends in the police!

Father Frost: Stop it! (to children) I have a magic pipe, it will help us!

Pipe-bell, help out, make the evil Belladonna dance!

(plays the pipe, Belladonna dances reluctantly, cannot stop)

Belladonna: Everything, everything, I can’t do it anymore, so be it, I’ll leave Funtik to you!

(stops) But I won't leave it like that! (threatens) Help!

They robbed, stole my breadwinner! (leaves)

Funtik. Thank you for your help, friends, I felt so much fun that I even wanted to


Invisibility Veil game:

Father Frost: We will sit together in a circle, and close our eyes,

Let's play hide and seek with the invisibility veil!

Please don't peek!

Come on, open your eyes, quickly guess who is under the covers?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, the children sang and danced, they even showed us the circus ...

Do you think it's time to give us gifts?

Father Frost: I really love the circus, I want to perform in it,

I love miracles and tricks, and today I want to surprise you, friends!

The lights go out, the ball rotates under the ceiling.

Snow Maiden: (opens, shows to children)

Grandfather Frost, but there are no gifts here, only snowballs.

Father Frost: To begin with, we will cover the chest with a blanket ...

You must not forget the words, repeat in chorus:

Snow-snowball, spin around, and turn into gifts! (chorus repeat)

The music of magic is heard, Santa Claus removes the coverlet, rotates the chest. The light turns on. Distribution of gifts.
Father Frost: Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye, get ready for the road,

Well, next year I will come to visit you again!

Snow Maiden: We're leaving, it's time for us, goodbye, kids!

Focus Mocus: Happy New Year! Be happy always!


Actors are adults:


Father Frost





tightrope walkers







Snow Maiden


Leading: Winter brought a beautiful holiday

We like both the noise and the hustle and bustle.

And everything is spinning, everyone laughs, and the song is sung loudly,

And a fabulous dream will come true!

Just sit down together - this very hour

The show will start for you.

And there will be our performance

Surprise all guests!

Round dance to the song "New Year" by A. Kozlova

Children stand in a semicircle.


1. Peace and quiet. Everything was covered in a blizzard.

Only the moon shines in the sky.
From a distant land where our dreams live

The New Year is fast approaching us.

2. This starry night can help adults

Leave for a carefree childhood.
And, probably, not in vain the lights burn for us,

Illuminating, for the fairy tales of the way.

3. The New Year is coming around the world,

Magical weather in the world.

And everyone is waiting for something wonderful

From this New Year!

4. She was going to visit us for a whole year

Green beauty of the forests
Then quietly dressed up in this hall

And now, her outfit is ready.

5. We all admire the Christmas tree today,

She gives us a delicate aroma,

And the best New Year's holiday

Comes with her to our homes.

    New Year is coming

snowflakes are falling,

A blizzard is circling outside the window

And ice floes sparkle.

2) Christmas trees, beads, confetti,

The light of fires is everywhere

The smell of pine needles, tangerine,

Expecting a miracle.

3) New Year knocks on houses

miraculous magic,

He'll be here soon

Will burst into song.

The children whisper.

Leading: What are you guys whispering?

What is your secret there?

6. We want to arrange a surprise

Nothing more amazing!

Leading: Here is a surprise - that's interesting!

What will you show us?

Children together: circus performance

We will show all the guests!

7. For the first time! First! Today now

Our circus is for you!

Special Circus! This circus on New Year's Eve

It will bring us many more miracles!

8. Come to our circus soon!

We invite good friends to the holiday!
Today you are waiting for fun and jokes,

You will not be bored here for a minute!

9. We invited Santa Claus to our circus,

But, something he does not come to us,

Probably delivering gifts to the guys

And he will bring us a surprise.

Leading: Do not be upset, guys, Grandfather Frost will definitely get to us. In the meantime, we begin our New Year's show. So, the parade - Alla!

Passage of children to the song "Circus, circus, circus" by V. Shainsky.

The children sit down.

Leading: Attention! Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen! Our New Year's circus program will be led by famous clowns Bim and Bom. We meet with thunderous applause!

Clowns run in to the music, collide with each other ..

Beam: (joyfully) Boom!

Bohm: (surprised) Beam!

Beam: How glad I am to see you!

Bohm: And I'm even happier!

Beam: Hello Bom!

Bohm: Hello Bim! (For a long time they shake each other's hands, repeating "Hello!")

Beam: Bom, you and I forgot to do something

Bohm: I didn't forget anything.

Beam: We forgot to say hello to the guys

Bohm: This is true. Oh, how bad! It's you, Bim, to blame.

Beam: Anyway, Bom, who's to blame, you have to say hello. You start.

Bohm: And I can't

Beam: You can not? Then I'll say hello first, and you study. Watch and listen. It's very simple. Hello guys! (Bows in all directions)

Bohm: Okay, now I am. (Pause) It's very simple. Hello guys, hello! (Bows in all directions)

Beam:(Approaches Bom, takes him back a little, speaks in a low voice)"Very simple" - no need to say. Just say: "Hello, guys, hello!" So go!

Bohm: It's very easy to say no. Just say: "Hello, guys, hello!"

Beam: (irritated) You, Bom, don't understand anything. No need to tell the guys: “Very simple”, just say: “Hello guys!” How can you not understand, I'm teaching you! Even little ones know how to say hello, and you, after all, are not small.

Bohm: Ah-ah-ah! (crying) You teach badly, you only scold me (leaves to the side. Bim runs up to him and pulls him back to the center)

Beam: Well, okay, don't be angry, let's say hello together. Repeat after me: "Hello guys!" - and bow

They talk together and bow, the children answer with applause

Beam: So, the first number of our program is our students!

Bohm: Meet the young clowns!

Clown dance

Beam: Something they're up to! Bom, help! (Bom brings a tunnel bag) Come on, get in the bag! (The clowns alternately climb into the tunnel, crawl out from the other side, run away to their places) Now daddy will gather you and punish you for pranks. (Bim and Bom want to make a tunnel, but they find a hole in it, blow the whistle, run backstage.)

Leading: While our teachers are looking for their students, I will announce the next issue of our program.

Ballerina on the rope

Like light snowflakes

And dance and spin

And yet they are not afraid.

We meet with thunderous applause!

Rope walker: We are graceful girls -

The artists are real.

Deftly we walk on a tightrope,

We are not afraid of heights.

No, you haven't seen guys.

You are such a beauty!

Bim and bom carry out and roll out the rope to the music.

tightrope dance,

music by A. Rybnikov from the film "The Same Munchausen"

(They sit down. Bim and Bom run out)

Beam: Just think, they are running along a tightrope ... Everyone can do it. Maestro, music! (The theme of clowns sounds. Imitates a dance on a rope, loses balance, falls, rises, rubs a bruised place)

Bohm: Oh, you boasted! See it right! (Blows the whistle, the music turns on. Imitates a rope dance, but also loses balance, falls) Oh oh oh!

Presenter: What are you doing here? Woe-rope walkers. (Bim and Bom quickly grab the rope, run backstage) Friends! The next number of our program. We meet Gypsy Aza with a trained bear Yashka!

Number Gypsy with a bear,

music for the dance "Gypsy"

Gypsy: Come on, Yasha, show us how our people go to work.

The bear walks to the slow music of the dance, waddling from side to side, bowing.

Gypsy: And from work?

The bear passes in a circle to fast music, bows.

Gypsy: Now show me how our people have fun after work?

The bear takes the guitar, depicts playing the guitar to a lyrical theme from the movie "Titanic", to any musical rock fragment shakes his head like a rock musician. They leave with a gypsy to applause.

Leading: Submission continues

We present the number again:

Strongmen visiting us -

Greet them now!

Bim and bom roll out kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells to the music

Strongman's number

They go out to the circus musical theme of strong men. The assistant takes out a container of flour, the strong men rub their hands with flour, powder their armpits. Strongmen take the weight of dumbbells, they are squeezed up several times

Strongman 1: Always wanted to be strong

To budge a closet with a shoulder.

I am a very strong strongman - I understand kettlebells.

For me, they are like a ball - everyone knows about it!

Strongman 2: And I wanted to be strong

So that the weights were nothing!

I can lift a truck with one hand

And hold for 5 hours - I'm so strong!

They take the weight of a giant kettlebell, put one on the back of the other, take the weight of the barbell, after which Beam fans them with a towel soaked in water beforehand, wipes the sweat from his forehead and squeezes it out. Bohm also tries to take the weight of the bar, staggers, drops the bar. The strong men are laughing, calling the boy who carried the container of flour to them. He comes out and takes the weight. Bim and Bom scratch their heads. The strongmen go to their places. B and B are having difficulty lifting weights.

Leading: In the arena very soon

You will see jugglers

I announce the number

Let's clap together, friends!

Juggler 1: We throw rings up

We'll make fireworks

Five and six and seven rings

And twelve, finally!

Juggler 2: Surprised around

How do we have enough hands?

We now give the answer:

Training is the secret!

Dance of jugglers with rings to the music of "Tiko-Tiko"

Leading: And now the number is unusual

One of a kind!

And they will show it to us - this girl from the first row, this boy with glasses, etc.

(Choose 5 parents. Bim and Bom take out 5 inflated balloons)

Leading: So, let me explain the task. The juggler is known to juggle with his hands. But, the best juggler can throw objects with anything: with his feet, and with his ears, and with the back of his head, and with his elbows. And since the best artists perform in our New Year's circus, you will juggle - (pause) nose! Bim and Bom, please demonstrate the task. (Bim and Bom show.) Here is a juggling prop for you, on my command, you immediately start tossing the ball with your nose, only mind you, don’t help with your hands or ears, whoever doesn’t drop the ball for the longest time will be in for a surprise. Three two one. Go.

Game with parents "Ball on the nose"

The host who wins is enrolled in a circus troupe, gives a certificate and a chocolate medal.

Leading: And we continue. I announce the number - "Animal Trainer with Dogs"!

Bim and Bom lay out numbers on the floor

Trainer: (walks around the circle, greeting the audience, calling the dogs) Music! (one dog runs out, barks "Woof!") , Pusik (the second dog runs out, barks "Woof!") , Kusik (third dog runs out, barks "Woof!") , Chusik (fourth dog runs out, barks "Woof!") .

Trainer: How much is 1 plus 1?

Dog 1 runs up to the number "2", barks 2 times. The trainer praises the Dog.

Trainer: How much is 2 plus 2?

Dog 2 runs up to the number "4", barks 4 times. The trainer praises the Dog.

Trainer: How much is 2 plus 1? Dog 3 runs up to the number "3", barks 3 times. The trainer also praises her.

Trainer: What is 5 minus 5? Dog 4 runs up to the number "0", spreads his arms to the sides and shakes his head. The trainer praises the Dog.

Trainer: Well done they are with us!

They can go to first grade!

And now, please, dance

And entertain your guests!

Dance of trained dogs to the "Dog Waltz"

Leading: Now guys, be quiet...

I hear the ringing of bells

In a warm fur coat

Gray frost is coming to us!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appear

Father Frost: How many people are in the hall!

Nice, apparently, a holiday here.

So we were told right:

With the granddaughter, the guys are waiting for us!

Through all the obstacles passed

The snow covered us all.

I knew we'd be welcome here

That's why I was in a hurry!

Snow Maiden: This is the day we've been waiting for a long time

We haven't seen each other all year.

Sing, ring under the tree

New Year's dance!

Father Frost: Stand up guys

Everything is more like a round dance.

Song, dance and fun

Let's meet the New Year with you!

Round dance song with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Father Frost: How have you grown this year guys!

10. Santa Claus, Santa Claus

Guess our mysteries.

We will dance and sing

And we'll show you all the answers.

Father Frost: OK then. Get started.

Game "Guess"

(Children walk in a circle and sing)


(playing the flute)

Father Frost: You are drinking milk!

Leading: No, grandfather, these were the children playing the pipe.

Father Frost: Eh, didn't realize!

Children(sing): Come on, dear Santa Claus, look at us!

Guess, Santa Claus, what are we doing now! (play guitar)

Father Frost: You scratch your stomach!

Leading: No, grandfather, these were the children playing the guitar.

Father Frost: Well done, again did not guess!

Children(sing): Come on, dear Santa Claus, look at us!

Guess Santa Claus what we are doing now! (play violin)

Father Frost: You pull my beard!

Leading: What are you, grandfather, these are the children playing the violin!

Father Frost: Oh, what a slow-witted I am, well, thank you, you taught your grandfather.

The children sit down.

Leading: Santa Claus, we have one last “guessing game” for you!

Children:(sing in place) Come on, dear Santa Claus, look at us!

Guess Santa Claus where you are now!

At the last riddle, Bim and Bom come in, whistle from behind, Santa Claus gets scared

Father Frost: Oh, who else is this? Really clowns.

Beam: We are glad to introduce ourselves! Clown Beam.

Bohm: Clown Bom.

Father Frost: So I'm in the New Year's circus!

Beam: That's right, grandpa! (Blowing a tune)

Father Frost: Fu-you, prankster! So - in the circus ... Well, I also have something to show you, but a little later, but now I want to relax and listen to poetry.

Beam and Bom: Yes, yes, sit down, Santa Claus, listen to the poems. (Giving him a chair, they leave)

Children read poetry

Father Frost: Well, thanks, well done guys.

Snow Maiden: Guys, I also love the circus very much, and today, especially for you, I brought my favorite circus number.

Pigeons are spinning in a free dance

In a sunny sky without fuss.

Pigeons are peaceful children of nature!

How much their beauty is in flight!

Dance with pigeons to the song "Angel flies"

music E. Zaritskaya, sl. I. Shevchuk

Leading: Thank you, Snow Maiden!

Beam: (out on one side) Boom! Boom! (to children) Have you seen Bom?

Bohm: (coming out the other side with binoculars): I'm here!

Beam: What do you have?

Bohm: These are magical binoculars. If you look into it, you can see a lot of interesting things.

Beam: Look at me! What do you see interesting?

Bohm: (looks) Your hands are dirty, honey! (Bim hides his hands.)

Beam: What binoculars! Let me see now (looks) Bom, I see you!

Bohm: Amazing!

Beam: And I also see that you didn’t wash your ears in the morning!

Bohm: Well, I forgot! Well, it happens! ... And now let's look at the guys with their parents

Looking at children

Beam: Oh, look how the eyes of the guys are burning.

Bohm: I wonder why? .... Maybe they want magic?

Beam: Santa Claus, and Santa Claus, you promised to surprise us. You are the best wizard in the world. Show the guys the trick.

Bohm: Or some kind of magic?

Together: Please.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, have you forgotten anything? After all, the New Year is coming soon, and the children have long been waiting for the most important magic - gifts.

Father Frost: I didn't forget the presents!

Here is my bag (looks around) was somewhere!

Here under the tree, or in a snowdrift,

Or in the circus, in the wardrobe?

Well my magic lace

Easily find the bag:

Like a fishing rod, I will cast

I will say a few good things.

Fall where needed

Find everything I need!

(pulls out string)

You fly twisted lace,

My magic golden

Straighten up, lengthen

Try to find my bag!

He throws the cord into the open door, slowly pulls it back. Pulls a pan into the hall, gets angry

What are you, a lace-prankster

Decided to joke on a holiday?

You fly in search

Don't mess with grandpa anymore!

Throws, pulls boots

Are you kidding me again, you bastard?

I'm not used to this!

If you don't find gifts

Come on, granddaughter, help

We took it together, one-two-three!

They pull a bag with gifts into the hall, distribute them to children

Father Frost: It's time for my granddaughter and I to go. Farewell,

Both adults and kids!

Happy New Year's Eve,

We congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts!

NEW YEAR'S CIRCUS PERFORMANCE in the senior group of the preschool educational institution. Scenario

Averina Elena Sergeevna, music director of MKDO BGO Kindergarten No. 20 of a combined type.
Description. Scenario of the New Year's holiday in the senior group. This scenario can be useful for music directors and educators of senior preparatory groups.
Target. Create a festive mood for children. Develop children's creativity.
1. Develop creative abilities.
2. enable children to express their individuality.
3. Create a festive mood and a magical atmosphere.

The course of the holiday.

presenter- Time goes on and on
Here on the threshold is: New Year!
It's time to start the holiday, friends,
Sing, dance, you can't be bored here!
Children enter the hall and stop scattered, facing the audience.

Child- We all waited impatiently for the day when she herself would come,
With the first snow and snowstorm, our good winter!
Child- From above the snow has piled up, everything around is white-white,
In white hoarfrost at home. Hello winter winter!
Child- Any of us in the winter is waiting for the New Year to come!
There will be a holiday and fun, and Santa Claus will come.
Child- Hello, tree, how glad we are that you came to us again
And in the green needles The freshness of the forest brought!
Child- On the branches of your toys And the lanterns are burning,
Multi-colored firecrackers, Beads are different hanging!
Child– How good that in this hall we met again!
We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time, and it came in frost in winter!
Child- The New Year is knocking at the door with a song, a fairy tale, goodness.
Everyone now believes in a miracle, every house is waiting for gifts.
Child- Push the circle wider, become a round dance,
Together, joyfully we lived Together we will celebrate the New Year!
Children sit down.
presenter- In the forest clearing - centuries-old spruce White snowstorms swamped the paths.
The Snow Maiden lives in a house made of ice
The snow creaked a little audibly. Here she comes.
The Snow Maiden enters to the music, sings a song.
Snow Maiden- Hello, hello, my friends, I want to introduce myself to you:
I am silvery and gentle, important at your holiday.
Happy New Year, I wish you happiness, joy.
Santa Claus sent me, he gave you a letter!
Presenter: This is a surprise, how interesting, where is the message of Santa Claus?
The Snow Maiden gives the letter.
presenter (is reading)- My little friends, I'm waiting for you at the circus with impatience,
I will be very glad to meet you, I love your kindergarten.
signature "Santa Claus"
Guys, Santa Claus invites us to the circus.
It's time for us to leave immediately, otherwise we'll be late,
Snow Maiden- Hey, boys and girls, have fun near the Christmas tree
Santa Claus is calling you to the circus. And not jokingly, but seriously!

presenter- Snow Maiden, how do we get there?
Snow Maiden- They say, on New Year's Eve, whatever you want -
Everything will always happen, Everything will always come true!
Blizzard, blizzard, you are a blizzard, silvery snows,
Whirl, make noise, transfer us all to the circus!
Once! Two! Three! (Waving a magic wand.)
Snowflakes are flying out.
Snowflake- We are flying snowflakes, We are transparent, like ice floes,
We are beautiful, we are airy, We are only obedient to the wind!
Snowflake- We are silvery and light, fluttering like moths.
We fly around the world and know all the roads.
Snowflake- From snowflakes - silver flakes A round dance will spin
And under the sound of crystal ice floes, a miracle will suddenly happen!
Snowflake- We are circling ice-snowflakes in a dance,
We really want to take you to the circus.
The song "Circus" sounds, Everyone clap.
presenter- Well, here we are.
The circus is very good! Everywhere is festive, light!
There is laughter here!
Acrobats and jugglers, Animal trainers, dancers
Everyone is invited to visit!!!
Snow Maiden- Santa Claus entrusted everything to me,
And ordered that we wait for him,
But do not be sad here and do not get bored!
You can scream and laugh today
You can joke, squeal, somersault.
You can stomp your feet loudly,
And it's best to applaud the artists.
presenter- So, most respectable audience, Show respect,
Sit back - We're starting the show!
A ballerina is on the rope, like a light fluff.

And dances, and spins, and at the same time is not afraid!
gymnast- I'm in front of everyone, boldly, without hesitation
I'll walk along the rope As if on a path!
I'm not afraid to walk along a thin, thin wire
Forward - back I step and even circle
And so you, friends, can succeed!
You just need to learn a little like me!
presenter- In the next issue of the program, he speaks to you
The famous mage fakir! He surprised the whole world!
Meet the audience of the idol - the most famous fakir!
Our guest is a wonderful magician - Bogdan, he has a wonderful gift!
A magician comes out to mysterious music, bows. The host takes out a table with a tray. On it are three jars covered with chiffon cloth, half filled with water. The lids are smeared on the inside with a thick layer of gouache (red, blue and green) and decorated with gouache-colored tinsel.
Magician- Hello my friends!
I am very glad to meet you, I will surprise you with miracles.
Everyone sit down comfortably and marvel at the tricks.
Music sounds, the magician begins to show the trick.
You, water-water, you are my beautiful friend,
Become you not transparent, become, Voditsa, red!
To quiet mysterious music, he says the words and shakes the jar decorated with red tinsel.
You, water-water, bright as frost,
Become you not transparent, become, water, blue!
To quiet mysterious music, he says the words and shakes the jar decorated with blue tinsel.
You, water-water, you are my cold friend,
Become you not transparent, become, water, green!
To quiet mysterious music, he says the words and shakes the jar decorated with green tinsel.
At the end, the magician bows to the audience.
Snow Maiden- That's so miracle-miracles, colorful water!
A real sorcerer! Yes ... pleased the children! Ah yes, the wizard.
The host clears the table.
Magician- It doesn't always work out, I'm just learning.
presenter- Wizard, make Santa Claus come to us.
Magician- I have a question for you, what is your Santa Claus?
Child- Our Grandfather Frost with a white beard, in a red fur coat
and always gives gifts to everyone on New Year's Eve.
Child- Without Santa Claus Snowflakes do not fly,
Without Santa Claus Patterns don't shine...
Child- Frost with a white beard, With a magnificent mustache,
Like a young boy, Dancing with us.
Magic music sounds, the magician makes passes and says:
Magician- Hurry up to us for the holiday Santa Claus!
To us on the holiday of Santa Claus unusual APPEAR!!!
Klepa appears in a D/M costume
Klepa- Happy New Year to all the children! Happy New Year to all guests!
They grew up, they became big. And did you recognize me?
Snow Maiden- Yes! You are Klepa's clown, not Santa Claus.
presenter- Yes, Klepa, the children quickly exposed you. Nothing, Santa Claus is on his way. He'll be here soon, that's for sure. And we continue our presentation. Since you've come, Klepa, announce the next number.
Klepa- Attention! Attention!
Today in the arena, the best trained horses of the season!
Horses gallop like the wind, There are no faster than them in the world!
Santa Claus rides a horse
Father Frost- Hello guys! Hello dear guests!
I rode through storms and snowstorms, To achieve my goal.
And I thought of one thing: I dreamed of getting into the circus for a long time.
And the desired hour has come, I am very glad to see you!
Santa Claus addresses parents.
Mom, dad, my hello, To live without grief for all 100 years!
Dear children and guests with you,
I celebrate the New Year in the circus for the first time.
Come on, circus people, stand together in a round dance!
Father Frost- It's good for you, but only, The lights on the Christmas tree do not burn.
Snow Maiden- Grandfather, show the main focus - Light the Christmas tree with lights!
Father Frost- So that the fun does not stop, So that you do not get bored,
We will light the Christmas tree together!
Let's say together: “One, two, three - Our Christmas tree, shine!
The lights on the tree are lit.
Father Frost- We started the holiday, but forgot to say hello to each other. But this can be improved. I propose to greet ... heels.
Hello game (Children move in two circles, stop at the end of the music, turn to each other and "hello" with their foreheads, noses, arms, shoulders, etc. How does Santa Claus say hello)
Children sit down.
Father Frost- I hurried to the circus for the Christmas tree, I took my friends with me
These friends are not simple - they are very funny!
Snow Maiden, do not yawn, but introduce the guests to us!
Snow Maiden- these actresses are foreigners. naughty monkeys
Appear now before you!
Let's meet them together!
Monkeys appear to the music.
Monkeys- Hello! - Hello!
- Why are there flowers on the stage?
- We monkeys are not very strange. We are monkeys - foreign.
- We arrived, friends, from Africa country.
- We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you all:
Together- Happy new ea!

Father Frost- There is never enough music in the circus!
I want the song to sound in the circus arena!

Father Frost- And now - attention! Predators in the arena!
But we ask everyone not to worry and stay where you are!
Our wonderful trainer is easy to manage with tigers,
in her gentle hands they turn into meek kittens.
trainer- Trainer in a subtle matter
He is friends with a tiger, like with a kitten!
And now the big Fluff will make a jump on the pedestal!
presenter- And now in the circus arena - Circus warm-up.
Father Frost- The music calls us to the circle - become a round dance!


Father Frost- Snow Maiden, hurry up and announce the next artist!
Snow Maiden- And everyone knows this artist anyway
This is the famous fakir Mig-Mag.
Fakir enters under oriental music
Mig-Mag- I am a great snake charmer I conjure with my music.
Don't be afraid, dear friends. There is a trained snake here.

Father Frost- We continue the show. We do not miss you at the circus.
In the circus arena - cheerful tightrope walkers.
Moms and dads are famous artists!
Santa Claus dresses up 4 parents in clown hats and offers to spin hoops to cheerful music.
Father Frost- Come out and dance all the kindergarten people!
This dance is not easy, repeat everything after me!
presenter- Tired grandfather, tired! He danced so merrily!
Let the Christmas tree rest, Who will read poetry to him.

Father Frost- And now, my friends, I will bring gifts.
Come on, where's my gift bag?
(Takes out the bag, unties it, there is a clown)

Father Frost- Oh, and who are you?!
Clown- In the circus, everyone calls me a clown,
Viewers are never bored with me!
(Screams loudly) Hello Dedushka Moroz!!!
Father Frost- Hello! And how did you get into the bag, I don’t understand anything ?!
(at this time, the rest of the clowns run out from behind the tree)
clowns (Screaming loudly) Hello Dedushka Moroz! (hide behind the tree)
Father Frost (scared)- Oh, who is it?
Clown- I'm a clown!
Father Frost- I don't understand anything? Well now it's good
I'll take a look at you!
He looks at it, at this time the rest of the clowns run out.
clowns- Hello Dedushka Moroz!!!
Father Frost- Nu here is, from heat in eyes doubles!
(clowns run away behind the Christmas tree again, so 2 times)
Father Frost- Oh, here you are, what little rascals, played grandfather!
Clown- If the clowns came, no one will leave sad!
If the clowns have come, the Holiday will be fun.
Clown- Because it's good for us to play under the Christmas tree.
We start with friends Together to jump, dance.
Father Frost- Our holiday ends, and tricks in the circus continue
I'll knock with a staff now, and it will sprinkle snow on you!
Knocking staff, pouring snow.
presenter- Grandfather Frost, all this, of course, is good - we sang and danced, and the guests showed their skills. But still you forgot to do something else!
Father Frost- Yes Yes Yes! Oh, I completely forgot. I piled snow on you
And for beauty, I will brown your noses!
Oh, how Santa Claus loves to pinch children by the nose!
(Turning to a child) Do you want me to pinch your nose?
He will become very beautiful! Red or blue!
And now it's time to go, goodbye, kids! I feel very hot here...
Snow Maiden- Santa Claus, where are the gifts?
Mysterious music sounds.
Father Frost- I have a star in my hands. (holds out hand, shows). Did you fall from the sky?
Father Frost- You roll around the hall. And turn into gifts!
The lights go out, magic music sounds, a beam of light “runs” along the walls of the hall, along the ceiling - as if from a star (a foil star is attached to a flashlight held by Santa Claus). When the lights in the hall light up again, there are large trays with gifts in front of the Christmas tree. Santa Claus distributes gifts.
Father Frost- Did I give everyone gifts? Didn't forget anyone?
Be happy guys, dear preschoolers!
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Let the New Year meet together both adults and kids.
Snow Maiden- Be healthy, May happiness await you,
May a cheerful, joyful New Year be!
presenter- So our New Year's circus performance ended.
The old year is over. Hello New Year!
Many happy days are waiting for you guys.

Ekaterina Zolotukhina
Scenario of the New Year's party "New Year at the Circus" for children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten

New Year at the circus

Target: creating a favorable atmosphere for expanding ideas about the traditions and customs of the celebration New Year.

Tasks: - expand ideas about the customs of the celebration new Year;

Learn to regulate your actions and expression of emotions;

Build positive relationships with children.

Heroes new year holiday:

- adults: clowns (Bubble, Ribbon, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Baba Yaga.

- children: strongmen, clowns, acrobats-gymnasts, snowflakes, magicians, circus artists(singers and musicians, snowman.

Description of the event

The hall is in twilight, the tree is not lit, the howl of a blizzard sounds. Two snowflakes fly into the hall, scatter in different angles.

1 snowflake: Aw!

2 snowflakes: Aw!

1 snowflake: Snowflake, are you there?

2 snowflakes: I'm here!

They fly towards each other. Looking around.

1 snowflake: Oh, where are we?

2 snowflakes: We are in a large spacious hall.

1 snowflake: Look, not in the hall, but in the arena.

1 snowflake: Hooray, so we are right, we arrived. We got into circus! Only no one is here.

2 snowflakes: If the guys invited us, then they will definitely come. It's you and me, apparently we arrived early.

2 snowflakes:

Everything is ready, what are we waiting for?

We'll call them here

Let's say that Santa Claus

Christmas tree in kindergarten brought.

Both snowflakes:

Play music louder

Christmas tree, meet the guys!

Exit children

1 child:

On a good day New Year

Let the cheerful laughter ring.

WITH New Year! WITH New Year!

We hasten to congratulate everyone!

2 child:

Gather people!

In our circus new year!

Song "In our circus new year» .

The children take their seats.

The snowflakes remain.

1 snowflake: Everything is unusual today -

We are having great fun.

2 snowflakes: Snowflake, we were going to the holiday together with the Snow Maiden. Where is she?

1 snowflake: Don't worry, the Snow Maiden will come right away when her guys call!

2 snowflakes: So what are we waiting for! All together ... snow maiden!

The Snow Maiden comes out

Song of the Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden:

Hello my friends!

I came to you for the holiday!

Call me Snow Maiden

All snowflakes are my family.

In his white house

We live together with grandfather

And we are not afraid of the cold,

We are glad to frosty days.

1 snowflake: Dear Snow Maiden, when will Santa Claus arrive?

Snow Maiden: He's on his way! And soon we will meet him!

Santa Claus is a big joker

Inventor and mischievous!

IN circus New Year - wonderful!

It will be very interesting!

Music out children.

Song "Funny circus» .

Music sounds, the clown Bubbles runs into the hall.

bubble: Let me introduce myself, my name is Bubble! I am the funniest clown in the world and today I will make you all laugh, amuse and even tickle.

She runs up to the children, tickles ... The clown Ribbon runs into the hall.

bubble: ABOUT! Yes, this is my girlfriend, Ribbon! (suitable for Ribbon)

Look Ribbon, how many boys and girls, aunts and uncles and even grandparents are here!

Ribbon: Wow! How many of you are here! What do you all need here?

bubble: Ribbon, why didn't you get enough sleep? Today we have New year and we are waiting for Santa Claus! Really guys?

Children: Yes!

Ribbon: And I also want to wait with you!

bubble: Of course, we will be glad to see you on our Circus New Year's performance!

Ribbon: On New Year's performance! Ah, how great! I love so much circus!

bubble: Then, please - to the arena!

Callsigns sound circus.

Clowns go around the circle, stand in the center of the hall.

bubble: So, dear audience,

Show some respect

Sit back -

We're starting the show!

Ribbon: Now you will be shown an interesting performance

Everyone knows clowns.

They traveled all over the world, they have no equal in skill!

3 clowns run out (children). Poems are told.

Clown dance.

bubble: Well circus we continue the program

Performance of strongmen we offer you!

The strong men come out to the music.

The dance of the strong. Poems are told.

Snow Maiden: IN the circus is empty. Just give me answer:

Should someone come with a big, long white beard?

Children: Father Frost!

Snow Maiden: And now, guys, be quiet. I hear the ringing of bells.

In a warm fur coat, gray-haired Frost is coming to you.

Bells are ringing.

together (clowns): Guys, I have an idea! Let's all call Santa Claus together.

Children (in chorus): Santa Claus, come quickly and circus light the fires in this hall!

Santa Claus enters to the music.

Father Frost: Hello guys! Hello dear guests!

He went through storms and snowstorms in order to achieve his goal.

And I thought of one: V circus dreamed of getting there for a long time.

And the desired hour has come, I am very glad to see you!

WITH happy new year I wish you happiness, joy!

Tree, I hope you liked it?

I myself followed her through the woods.

I chose the best one, and the hares on a sled rolled up to you early in the morning.

Father Frost: Ah yes, the tree, just a miracle, so elegant, so beautiful, I am in all gardens, but I didn’t see a better Christmas tree!

Santa Claus, will you also say, what a beauty I am if I don’t have an elegant dress? I still need to decorate!

Father Frost: And we can handle it! Guys, let's decorate the Christmas tree?

song game "We'll Hang Balloons" (with acceleration).

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus! Today circus on the Christmas tree here - it's time to light the Christmas tree! Show your main focus - light up the Christmas tree with lights!

Father Frost: Come on, circus people Let's stand together in a round dance!

Children stand around the Christmas tree

Let's say in chorus to the Christmas tree: "Christmas tree, beauty, smile,

I won't! Tortured! Every year is the same! I want it differently!

Father Frost: Yes, these are miracles! The forest beauty asks us to light the lights in a different way! Well, guys, let's fulfill the request of the Christmas tree-beauty?

Dance "Comic Christmas Tree".

Oh, have fun! Thank you! (laughs)

Father Frost: Oh, I'm tired, now I'll sit and rest. (sits on a chair). Something felt hot to me - I wouldn’t melt ... I wish there were ice-snowflakes here!

Snow Maiden: Now, grandfather, I'll show you a trick!

I will throw snow on the arena.

Hey you cute Snowflakes, my fluff stars.

Spin around like a blizzard, a snow-white carousel!

Dance "Snowflakes"

Snow Maiden: Well, rested, grandfather? Cooled down a bit?

Father Frost: And rested, and cooled down. We can continue our New Year's circus evening.

bubble: Is our circus the show continues.

Acrobats-gymnasts on the tightrope. They dance and spin, and they are not afraid!

Music for acrobats.

At this time, acrobats come out and Baba Yaga is the last with them, pretending to be performing in the arena.

Father Frost: Something I don’t understand what kind of acrobat she is. She doesn't look like a gymnast at all. Dear artist, who invited you to circus? You don't know how to act at all, do you?

Baba Yaga: Look what's being done! I, the most famous Baba Yaga in the world, will no longer be recognized. And no one invited me. Waiting for you. She came herself. I'm sitting in the wilderness, melancholy! Koschei won't let me go anywhere, even to the movies. And about circus I don't even speak. As long as I live, I dream so much to look at acrobats, at clowns, and then a magpie on the tail brought news - Santa Claus goes to the circus, here I am after him. I will be performing here at your show.

Ribbon: Baba Yaga! If you want to learn how to perform well, watch now how real artists will do it.

Dance of acrobats-gymnasts.

bubble: Continue the show

Surprise for all guests.

We meet circus artists - singers and musicians.

Music for ditties.

1. Near the Christmas tree with us

Games, dances, songs.

Dear, kind New Year,

There is no you more wonderful!

2. Dad put on a suit for me


Couldn't look back

I'm hanging from the ceiling.

3. Everyone sculpts a snowman,

Mom is looking for Igor.

Where is my son? Where is he?

Rolled into a snowball.

4. Irishka rode down the hill

Was the fastest;

Ira even their skis

Overtaken along the way!

5. We sang ditties to you

Is it good or bad

And now we would like

For you to clap.

B. Ya. And tell me, Santa Claus, what do you love most in the world?

Father Frost: I love. Delicious, sweet, cold, you can lick it, bite it off, sniff it. it's ice cream!

B. Ya. And what do you like, Bubble?

Klepa: And I love magicians more than anything in the world.

B. Ya. (bounces): What magicians? Can they be licked, bitten and smelled? And what can they do, these magicians of yours?

bubble: And you yourself look.

Ribbon: The next number is very unusual,

You can call it fantastic!

Magicians known to you

Art will be presented now!

Music sounds, magicians come out.

Show tricks. Poems are told.

1 magician

He takes out a rose from the screen. A wave of the hand - the light turns off and the rose begins to glow.

2 magician

He takes a girl from the hall, puts her in front of a screen. He throws hoops with black cloth on her. A couple of minutes the hoop falls to the floor, and the girls are no longer there.

3 magician

More fun trick. He sticks his hand into the screen and the clown by the hair. The clown is not happy shaking his finger. Then he picks up the hoop that was left from the second magician, a couple of seconds - the hoop is shaking. Then the hoop falls, and there is the same clown - he threatens the magician and runs away to his place.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus! Could you show the guys your favorite trick?

baba yaga: Do you also know how to show tricks? Ish you!

Father Frost: Yes! I can work miracles, it's hard for me to refuse you! And now a fantastic attraction!

He takes out a serpentine and releases it at the audience.

Attraction "Colored Rumble"- Sounds like thunder.

B. I: Oh, you surprised me! What a blunder it was!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, our circus the show ends. The time has come give gifts to children.

Father Frost: Oh oh oh! Certainly! And for the gifts Snegovichok, my assistant, helped to carry!

Father Frost: Snowman! Hurry! Bring gifts for the kids!

Snowman: Yes, Santa Claus is coming!

Music - the snowman appears

Snowman: I am a cheerful snowman,

I've gotten used to the cold.

Brought gifts to you today

At this holiday New Year.

Father Frost: Well, let's not waste time in vain,

After all, waiting for gifts for children!

Takes out of the bag children's boots(voice BAMS).

Father Frost: Granddaughter, what is this?

Snow Maiden: boots grandfather.

Father Frost: This is probably for you, hold it.

Snow Maiden: No, not my size, grandfather.

Father Frost: And not mine.

The Snow Maiden was upset.

Baba Yaga: Hee hee hee.

Father Frost: Don't be upset! Look what's hidden inside!

The Snow Maiden takes beautiful mittens out of her felt boots.

Snow Maiden: Oh, thank you, grandfather!

Father Frost: Do you want a present from Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga: Of course I want!

He takes out a bump from the bag and gives it to Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Well, thank you! (with irony) But why do I need a bump, in my forest near the hut they are apparently invisible! I want another gift! (indignantly)

He takes out a fly agaric from the bag and gives it to Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: No, look at him! He gave me the most delicious gift! You couldn't think of anything else?

Father Frost: Well Yaga will not please you! Maybe you have a present!

Baba Yaga: Thank you, Grandpa! Give your kids these gifts!

Father Frost: Okay, Yaga, don't be angry, I was just joking! Here's a real present for you! Admire!

He takes out a mirror from the bag and gives it to Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Here, thank you, I understand this gift, please!

Father Frost: Now it's your turn guys!

To the music of Baba Yaga, the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus and the clowns Klepa and Fenechka distribute gifts!

Father Frost: Thank you for the fun

Goodbye I say

I promise that I will come to you

Only next year!

I send greetings to circus performers,

I wish you all long years.

bubble: come in circus more often,

Never forget

Ribbon: And the fairy tale will be with you,

In a dream and in reality, always!

All heroes in chorus: Show ends,

Circus our wonderful is closed!

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