Scenario of the last call "real graduates". Congratulations on graduation in prose


Today, you stand on the threshold between childhood and youth! Today, the very day has come, which all schoolchildren are so looking forward to, and when it comes, for some reason, it’s sad and annoying in my soul! Graduation party ... this phrase hides a lot of emotions, both joyful and sad at the same time! After all, it is today that you realize that the carefree time for children has already ended! And those with whom you sat at the same desk will scatter like birds to different parts of the country! May this evening remain in your memory forever. And bright photos, on cold evenings where you are with those who are dear to you, warm you. Happy holiday to you graduate. ©

Elegant girls in bright dresses, boys in tuxedos, flowers in their hands, tears in their eyes ... Graduation came. And no matter how difficult it is now to believe that the doors to your childhood have already been closed. Time is like water, and now the hour that you have been waiting for has arrived! It's time to say goodbye to school, because you won't sit at your favorite desk anymore, you won't stand at the blackboard with trembling knees and you won't get a grade in your diary! You no longer have to stand at school meetings and fool around at recess. Now you are already a graduate, and the school is in the past. Happiness ahead of you and a bright future! ©

Today, you are like a princess, standing in a chic dress, lighting up everything around with a smile. Even though cats are scratching their hearts, didn’t you think that it would be joyful and fun? Saying goodbye to school, but when it's time, it's already, for some reason, not fun, not joyful. The realization came that the end of school had come. It all ended so quickly, late for the lesson, the sound of the bell, notebooks, uniforms, bows, classmates, strict and wise teachers. And even though you've been waiting for this day for so long, you're no longer having fun. You have adult life ahead of you, institute, couples, lectures, seminars. Good luck to you in the future. May this evening remain in your heart forever. ©

Graduate, sounds so proud! It’s just a pity today, you have to let go of your childhood, leave behind all school joys and troubles. I wish you to take with you all the experience that your wise teachers passed on to you. I wish you never forget your school friends! It’s sad, after all, to realize that we will have to say goodbye to school today. And now, when would you return b with joy there, but, alas, there is no way back. For others, now there are desks, a bell, notebooks and diaries. Remember school, because it gave you a ticket to life. Happy holiday to you graduate! ©

Today, not only graduates are sad, teachers are also sad. They are sorry to say goodbye to you, because you are like children to them, they will remember everyone, and will remember with a smile your childish jokes, timid answers at the blackboard, and requests to rate higher! No, everyone is sad today! And you stand with tears in your eyes, because you know for sure that after this farewell waltz, with a classmate who once pulled your pigtails, everything will end. Childhood will recede forever. There will be no more first call, now you will hear your last, farewell call, which will lead you into adulthood! May this evening remain in the memory and in the heart! May you have a bright road to the future! Happy holiday, albeit so sad! Graduation! ©

Congratulations on graduating from school and we wish that the road to adulthood would go through a flowering garden, that the carriage of life would easily and happily take you along the roads of life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that everyone you need was nearby. Good luck and prosperity! ©

So, perhaps, one of the most important days in your life has come - graduation. So many paths have been trodden around the school, and so many roads are opening up to a new life. I wish you always with warmth to remember your school years, school friends and, of course, teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary. I wish you to make the right choice and take the path that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, bypass all failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never back down.

Congratulations on graduation! The hard way has been passed, but the most interesting is ahead! I wish you success in your adult life. Let every door you want to knock on open. Make your dreams come true and feel happiness every second!

Congratulations on your graduation and from the bottom of my heart I wish you a successful start to adulthood, a successful search for your business and your interests, good friends and support from your family, brilliant ideas and promising horizons, happiness in your soul and eternal pursuit of your dreams.

Congratulations on graduation. I wish you to find your way in this world and follow the call of your heart. Let there be as few obstacles as possible on your way to your dream, and let there be as many opportunities as possible for its realization.

So the time has come to say goodbye to school, the exams are behind, the lessons at the school desks will also be left behind. And today is an exciting, at the same time joyful and sad day - a day of farewells and new expectations, good hopes and bright smiles. I congratulate you on your Graduation and I want to wish you to go your own way to your cherished dream, overcoming all obstacles. May everything turn out wonderfully in your life, may your beloved relatives, friends, and just good kind people always be nearby.

Congratulations on your graduation and I want to wish you an easy and interesting path to adulthood! Now you have the right to do what you want and strive for your goals. May luck help you realize your skills and reach unknown distances. I wish to find myself in the profession and my little warm corner in life. Greet each morning with a smile and do not lose a positive attitude. Everything will definitely turn out the way you think.

Congratulations on your graduation and I want to wish you not to be afraid of change and boldly go towards your big dreams. Let an interesting and wonderful world await you beyond the threshold of the school, in which you will certainly achieve your goal, in which you can discover many new and beautiful things. I wish you good luck, support from loved ones and only a positive mood.

Congratulations on your graduation and sincerely wish you always know what you want from this life, confidently fight for your happiness and by all means achieve your dreams. May any business bring success, may any occupation be a pleasure, may any day bring good luck and joy.

Here it is - both a joyful and a little sad day in your life, the day of farewell to school, the day that will open a new path for you to dreams. Congratulations on your Graduation and I wish you never give up and confidently move towards your goals, and may the road to these goals be easy and unhindered. May the last school waltz swirl you in a beautiful whirlwind of happiness, may this day leave in your memory only cheerful memories, smiles from classmates and praise from your favorite teachers. Good luck and a great bright future!

Congratulations on graduation. I sincerely wish you confident steps on the road to your cherished dream, great strength and zeal to conquer new heights, health, love and, of course, the support of your loved ones in all your endeavors. May the farewell evening remain in your memory as a beautiful and kind fairy tale, may a grandiose bright future await you ahead.

I want to sincerely congratulate you on your graduation, dear guys! I know how you waited for this day, how you hurried time so that graduation would come as soon as possible. And today you are all standing in front of us so beautiful and smart, already adults and responsible. I would like to wish each of you only all the best, pleasant and necessary. Starting tomorrow you are going to apply to various higher educational institutions, so I want to wish you good luck. Do not rush into this matter, because you are making a very important decision on which your future life depends. Guys, today is only your day, so have fun and relax, and tomorrow there will be a new life that will be full of pleasant moments. Try to spend as much time as possible together, because a new stage of life will separate you on different sides.


Well, the day that you have been waiting for, dear guys, has come. I would like to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday, on your graduation party. Graduation is that holiday that happens only once in a lifetime, so it must be held in such a way that everything is remembered, to the smallest detail. I want to wish each of you all the very best that can be. Let every day of a new adult life give you only pleasant moments, happy minutes, joyful meetings and unexpected acquaintances. I want you to continue to spend time together in the same way, so as not to lose the connection that has been established between you guys. Do not forget that you will forever remain a family, because you spent more than ten years together. May this graduation party bring you a lot of positive emotions and positive. Good luck to you!


My dears, I know how much you have been waiting for your graduation day, so I can't wait to congratulate you on the fact that this day has finally come. You have gone through many trials, problems and questions, you have become such a friendly and close-knit team, so I want you to be able to keep your connection. I would like to wish each of you exclusively everything that will help you feel happy. You will certainly find your calling, find your place in this life, so be bold and active. Today you must have fun and relax like you have never had a rest, because tomorrow your new life will begin - adult and independent. Do not be afraid of change, believe in yourself and in your strengths, then everything will be as you wish. May your every day be full of pleasant moments that will cheer you up.


The day has come that we have all been waiting for. Guys, over these long years of joint study, joint activities, if I may say so, you have become a real family. I have never met such a friendly team that helps each other in everything, supports and gives strength. I want you to remember not only pleasant and positive moments from these eleven years of study, but also from the graduation party, which will definitely be full of various moments and episodes. I want you to forget about admission for this day, because it can wait a bit, but graduation will definitely not wait. I look at you and understand that you are all really mature and accomplished guys. Student life will make you a real person, so don't miss out on anything that will be done at the universities. Happy holiday!


Guys, dear graduates, I want to congratulate you on the fact that you are entering a new stage in your life, which will be no less eventful and interesting than the past years. However, there will be many different problems in it, which in their complexity are ahead of laboratory work in physics. Believe that you will face a variety of situations, but remember that there is always a way out, in any case! I would like to wish each of you all the very best, pleasant, kind and necessary. Be always healthy and happy! Remember that your independent life begins, so show everyone that you can handle any difficulties. But today you should focus on the fact that you have a holiday, which means that all other questions and problems can wait. Have a happy holiday, dear graduates. Good luck to you!


I want to congratulate you on your graduation, my dear children. It would seem that yesterday you just went to first grade, and today you are already holding certificates in your hands. I want to wish each of you exclusively all the very best that can be. Do not be afraid of a new life, changes and problems, because questions and problems can be solved, and changes always promise something good. I want you to continue to be friends just as close, because school friendship is completely different, which means that it should not be lost. Guys, try to see each other as often as possible, talk about your achievements, but don't forget about your native school. Be happy my dear children. Find your calling in this life, because it is very important for any person. Have a great holiday! Relax and have fun!


I want to congratulate you, my dear children, on your holiday! You have a graduation party today, which happens only once in a lifetime, so I want you to remember this wonderful holiday. The most important thing I want to wish you all is good health and good luck! You are all capable and active guys who will definitely be able to achieve everything that others can only dream of. I want you to be able to maintain your friendship, which has been built over the years. School years are never forgotten, so try to capture the maximum number of episodes. Remember your Prom, because it will be full of the best and brightest moments. I congratulate you on the fact that you are entering a new life. Don't be afraid of change, my dear graduates. Happy celebrating! Have fun and relax!


I want to congratulate our current graduates who have done a great job to receive these coveted diplomas. I would like to note that I have never seen such close-knit and friendly guys who helped and supported each other until the last day. May it always be so, my dear and beloved graduates. Let adult life not scare you with its problems and questions, because everything in this life can be solved. Do not be afraid of change, because it always leads to the best. I want each of you to find your calling in this life, your place. This process can take a long time, but trust that it will fully justify itself. Be happy, my dear graduates. We believe in you, we believe that you will succeed. Do not forget about your native school, because you are always welcome here.


Our dear graduates, I cannot believe that this long-awaited holiday has come. Most of all, of course, you were waiting, because adult life is so attractive. However, get ready for the fact that many different problems and questions await you, but you can cope with all this if you make an effort. I want to wish each of you only good health and good luck in life. Each of you is capable of reaching unprecedented heights. You all have incredible potential, so don't doubt yourself. And you should spend this wonderful holiday in such a way that later there is something to remember. This day belongs only to you, so enjoy every second. Graduation only happens once in a lifetime. Good luck and happy celebration to you. Remember every moment!


My dear graduates, I sincerely want to congratulate you on the fact that one of the most important days in your life has come. Prom is one of those holidays that you never forget, so just enjoy the day. Enjoy every second, because then it will be the memories from the prom that will warm you up. My dear ones, I hope that today you can just relax and unwind, because from tomorrow you will face serious tests, in the form of university admission, entrance exams and so on. Believe in yourself, because you are, in fact, very capable and smart guys who have achieved significant results in eleven years of study. I believe in you, my dear graduates. May your every day be full of pleasant moments and positive emotions.


My dear graduates, I look at you and cannot understand how you all have matured so quickly. It seemed to me that only recently we met, and today I am already seeing you off on a new path. I would like to wish you that your whole life goes exactly as you yourself want it. Don't be afraid of change, don't be afraid to take risks, because it's all good for you. Learn lessons for yourself from every day, from every situation, to become even stronger and more developed personalities. I have no doubt that you will all succeed, because you can, my dear guys. You have no idea how much potential is hidden in you. I congratulate you on the fact that you have become quite adults, real personalities. A lot of interesting, productive and useful things are waiting for you ahead, so don't miss out. Happy holiday!

The last call, and the school lesson, are already behind, the last call and a new lesson, life is preparing for us, ahead ...

When we leave the school yard, to the sounds of an ageless waltz, the teacher takes us to the corner ...

Graduation... the last day of school life... And yet, school, I will love you!! I had the best class!!! Guys, I love you all!!

The headmistress at the last call makes a speech: - People are made in our school.

Tomorrow is the last First call ... and already somehow sadly realizing that he will no longer be in your life ..

Pupils wear uniforms 2 times: on September 1 and at the last bell ... the truth of life is the status of graduation and last bell.

Everyone has the last call, and I'm a non-drinker!

A full city of hefty chicks drunk in white see-through blouses and black minis? No, this is not the beginning of a German f*cking movie. This is the last call.

The last bell sounds, we are leaving, forgive Forgive the teacher and keep in your heart Believe us it hurts, It hurts to tears ... But we are leaving ... We are leaving in earnest ...

Tomorrow is the last call ... what a pity when the best years end ... (((

I like it - the last call went through, everyone took a walk in the center - and half of the contact changed Ava.

To become a first-grader, To return yesterday's day, To take it - and start everything from the beginning. Warm summer evening And the last call We will remember with love.

For the first time in all the years of schooling, I don’t want the last call… After all, very close and dear people will leave this year… I love them =***

Love sometimes comes at school, Jealousy, betrayal, showdown At recess. What just did not happen within the school walls. I remember my class, My first lesson, Graduation came, the last bell rang...

Congratulations on graduating from school and we wish that the road to adulthood would go through a flowering garden, that the carriage of life would easily and happily take you along the roads of life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that everyone you need was nearby.


It wasn’t until I reached the eleventh grade at school that I began to understand why the essays “What I did this summer” are written only in the lower grades.

I put it in the status: "How I want to accidentally oversleep the school tomorrow, accidentally forget to turn on the alarm today ... *(". The historian writes in PM: "How I want to give an unforeseen control tomorrow and give 2 to all those who did not appear ...".

PRAYER BEFORE GRADUATION: Lord, help me not to get drunk! Wake up in the morning in MY bed! Help me not to lose my image! and not on 4-ex! And if I do anything ...., then erase my memory forever and ever! AMEN!)))

- I remember how my mother brought me to school in the first grade, and how my father took me away from graduation. They love me very much, very much! Like no one! Love parents!

Schoolchildren after graduation, going to meet the dawn, take a Trudovik with them. To see how this ghoul writhes from the sunlight.

- And I didn't go to my prom because I... - .. blue. - No, my girlfriend and I had a fight the other day because... - were gay. - No, I wasn't gay until... - ..was born.

Favorite phrases of teachers: "Don't argue with the teacher! Tell everyone, we'll laugh too. Leave the classroom and come in normally! I repeat for the especially gifted - the call is not for you, but for the teacher. Forest of hands, well then, according to the magazine ... I'll tell you am I disturbing?"

Do not be sad that you will not return to school, Youth is a wonderful time, It only remains for us to wish you Happiness, peace and kindness.

The longest graduation ceremony was recorded in Norilsk - the guys waited half a year for the dawn.

I saw absolutely charming primitive dolls in a school uniform a la the Soviet years: brown dress, white apron, collars, cuffs. This is suitable for those teachers who really found this form.

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