Scenario of the holiday “Minute of Glory. Methodical piggy bank (scenarios of events)


KGKP "School of Arts and Sports of Priozersk"

Children's Talent Contest Scenario"MINUTE OF FAME - TALENT GALLERY"

Goal: Unleash the potential of children's creative abilities

Objectives: To develop the performing abilities of the participants. To instill in children an interest in a variety of creative activities.

Good afternoon dear friends! One of the greats said: If there is nothing on the calendar, but the soul is restless, then you need to come up with a small holiday. Therefore, today you will witness an extraordinary action - "Minutes of Glory" for the most talented.

You are so beautiful, our guests

And in this historical hour

Solemnly "Minute of Glory"

Let us discover for you! (FANS)

Child: We ask you to leave things, (Bychkova Anya)

Turn off all phones.

We wish you warm congratulations,

And heal the heart with jokes!

Child: We want to surprise you terribly! (Nursultan Tlepbergen)

Not under "plywood", but alive

In our beautiful competition

We will tell and sing poems.

Child: Great opportunity (Polina Litosh)

We have friends!

Lots of talent here

You can't be silent about them!

The children leave.

Host: Dear children and adults

Congratulations on the start of the competition

We wish you all good luck,

And our creative competition begins.

It's time to introduce you to our high and respected jury, in the East they would be called wise men, in other countries they would simply be called gurus, but for us they are connoisseurs of talent. Our jury is not simple - it's all of you, all the spectators in our hall, both children and adults. And you will be judged by your applause, so clap your hands louder! Let's practice (children clap their hands).


And now the fight is

Let's just say naughty

But be aware, kids.

This is a peaceful fight!

So, we meet them with thunderous applause of the first private traders!

1. Ballet, break dance and belly dance,

Very different, but so similar

Attributes are unimportant - only talent,

And at once the rhythm beckons and disturbs.

Abdymurat Akzharkyn - dance "Akku"

what will be the opinion of the jury? (children clap their hands)

2. Song is people's best friend.

With a song, we live more cheerfully.

…………………………(detachment "Sun") -Song "Ustazym".

give the jury a verdict?

3. Volkova Valeria, …………….Galina and ………………. (Squad "Bullet")- gymnastic dance "Moms".

4. Detachments "Batyr" and "Boxers" - "Modern dance".

Host: It's time to defuse the knee-deep situation a little and play a game.

A game"Acting Competition"(5-7 children from the hall)

Imagine with facial expressions, gait, and sounds depict:

alarmed cat;

sad penguin;

Enthusiastic rabbit; with the translation

Gloomy Eagle;

An angry pig.

With such a great mood, we continue our show "Minute of Glory" and it is not at all known what will happen next!

5. Meet the next participant on the stage of the moment of glory! Orynbasar Zhamilya "Hey Astana" (fiction reading).

We ask the jury to evaluate the performance of the participants!

6. Well, we continue, the next number is the “Sunkar” detachment - "Flashmob".

And what will the jury say?


7. Tlepbergen Nursultan and Toyzhan Iztelebova - "Clown Show". Meet!

Moderator: How does the jury evaluate the performance of the participants.

8. Detachment "Sun" - dance "Oriental tales".

Moderator: so the jury's assessments ....

A game: Let's take a break. Imagine that you are animals who really want to sing, but cannot speak like a human, and now sing the song “Let them run clumsily ...” in unison:

Bark (woof-woof);

Meow (meow-meow);

Mumble (mu-mu); with the translation

Cackle (ko-ko)

Quack (quack-quack).

9. Our next participants are not aviation pilots, not astronauts, but real magicians. Squad "Boxers" demonstrate focus.

Moderator: Dear jury, your marks ...

10. Askar Nagima from the "Sunkar" detachment - the verse "Karaopek".

11. Anel Nurlankyzy and Toyzhan Iztelebova - the song "Rizamyn".

Moderator: Jury scores...

12. Squad "Boxers" - dance

Moderator: And what will the jury say?

13. And the final number of our talent competition the song "Mom is crying" performed by Savchuk Olesya and Litvinova Elena Anatolyevna.

Moderator: Jury, please, your marks.

Host: Our competition, friends, is over,

But the holiday continues.

Guys, do you like to dance?

What about traveling?

And who loves to dance and travel? (raise your hands) - weyy

Now we will do this with you and play the game "Electric Steam Engine". (Children get up) All participants go on stage and also play.

The train goes fast - chug, chug, chug. (make hand movements like a train)

The train goes fast - chug, chug, chug.

The train goes fast - one, two, three,

Look behind your back (turn back).

Host: So our holiday is over

And let me say.

You performed great

All of you score only "5".

Room name



Dance "Akku"

Abdymurat Akzharkyn


The song "Ustazym".

Squad "Sunshine"

Seitenova A.B.

Gymnastic dance "Moms".

Volkova Valeria, …………….Galina and ……………….

(Squad "Bullet")


"Modern dance".

Squads "Batyr" and "Boxers"

Seitenova A.B.,


A game"acting competition"

"Hey Astana" (fiction reading).

Orynbasar Jamilya


Dance "Flashmob".

Squad "Sunkar"


"Clown Show"

Tlepbergen Nursultan and Toyzhan Iztelebova


Dance "Oriental tales".

Squad "Sunshine"

Seitenova A.B.

The game "Let them run clumsily ..."


Squad "Boxers"


verse "Karaopek"

Askar Nagima (Sunkar detachment)


Song "Rizamyn"

Anel Nurlankyzy and Toyzhan Iztelebova



Squad "Boxers"


Song "Mom Cries"

Savchuk Olesya and Litvinova Elena Anatolyevna


The game "Electric locomotive"

Lyrics of Song "A cloud hides the sun"

A cloud hides the sun
Rain on my window
It's crying with mom
Heaven about me

chorus 2 times
How many tears - who knows
You will shed love!
Mom forgives daughter
And he blames himself!

The wind is jumping
And dew in the grass
It's crying with mom
Morning about me

Chorus 2 times + half tone

Mom, don't hurt
Pain in your eyes
Let it be a diamond
Every tear

Chorus 2 times


Y verse and chorus

Music sounds. Leaders come out.

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends!
Leading. Hello!

Leading. Today I am with you - Yulia Kovalchuk!

Leading. And I am Alexander Oleshko ( surprised )? Listen, do you think it's okay? Which one of me is Oleshko?

Leading. Well, good, good. Persuaded. Let's introduce our names. I - …..

Leading. And I am Christina

Leading. Aguilera

Leading. (indignantly): Kireeva.
Leading. One of the greats said: If there is nothing on the calendar, but the soul is restless, then you need to come up with a small holiday, celebrate it, otherwise it will be completely sad.
Leading. Therefore, today you will witness an extraordinary event - "Minutes of Glory" for the most talented freshmen.

Leading . Our land is famous for talents and they are also available in our technical school.

Leading. Everyone wants to show themselves, their abilities, but someone is shy, someone is afraid of condemnation. But today is your day!

Leading. Everything is allowed today! Sing, dance, read poetry,

Leading. That is, to create beautiful, good, eternal.

Leading. We start our competition"Moment of glory"!

SONG "Minute of Glory".

Leading : A minute of fame gives you the opportunity to show your talent.

What is talent really?

And who can be called a truly talented person?

Leading. Our competent jury knows this.

Leading. And now, in the presence of our viewers, I would like to ask a simple rhetorical question: “Who are the judges?”

Lead 1. Well, this is a clear symptom that the time has come to introduce real experts to the jury of our competition.

Jury presentation.

Leading : I would also like to introduce the contestants. And here they are sitting in the hall waiting for their moment of glory.

Leading : During the whole month they stubbornly, not sparing their free time, were preparing for this competition. This …….

Leading : Dear jury and participants…….. are you ready? Meet………


Lead 1.

Become a star, they told me

There is no hope here.

There are many stars in our country -

Extras are not taken.

Lead 2.

Give me right

Two minutes of glory!

I show off my talent

Like a diamond

And I will be known throughout the country.

Lead 1. This is what the participants of the Minute of Glory say and think.Welcome to the stage...


Leading : I'm watching something: not all seats are occupied in the auditorium. Previously, this was evidence that the public did not like this program.

Leading : You don't have to worry too much. After the number that you will now announce, the hall will be completely filled. Announce!

Leading : Dear friends, in front of you is ...


Leading. ( ved. goes under rap)

I'm from these songs, well, just bastard,

I also dance to them as best I can.

Leading . Yes, you turn on the audience cool,

And you try not in vain!

Can you perform right now?

Leading. No, some other time! A little later, you need to think, or maybe not, but how do you think I can do it, yes of course it will work out, you just have to try, but I'm hardworking, but everything will work out, but if you sing, or tell a fairy tale ....

Leading. And for a long time you will argue like this,

It's time for us to continue the concert

And the next number of our program.


Leading. Slava, do you like dancing?

Leading. I love! And especially those that are danced by foreigners.

Leading. Look, Adidas sneakers!

Leading. Here to dance in them now!

Leading. Yes, wait, Slava, calm down,

Get ready to announce the artists.

Leading. Fine. Before you appears ....


Leading : So, what do we have next?

Host: Petrosyan?

Leading : What are you, Petrosyan himself?

Leading : Since it is not there, what's next!

Leading : Alla Pugacheva sent a telegram - she cannot come, as she is busy with her twins. Galkin also sends his greetings and apologies.

Leading : Well, friends! Since the stars are not in a hurry to visit us, we continue the competition program with local talents!

Leading : For you performs ....


Leading. We have recently crossed the equator of the program. There are a few more speeches ahead, and I ask you to prepare for the speech of the next participant in our “Minute of Glory”.

Lead 1.

It became crowded for me, friends,

Live in your circle

I'm talented anyway

And I can't!


Lead 1. Every person is talented. But not everyone finds the courage to show their talent to their classmates, friends, teachers and, of course, to a strict, and I hope, to a fair jury.

Lead 2. We salute the brave. On the stage


Leading : The competition continues. Faces change, more and more new stars flash, familiar songs sound. And now performers who already have a lot of fans and fans will take the stage.

Host: Meet...


Leading. Slava, it seems to me that we are conducting our concert incorrectly.

Leading. Why so?

Leading. Because. For example, when they sing on stage, how do you announce?

Leading. Very simply, I say: sings for you ...

Leading. That's right, I say. If they sing, then it is necessary to announce by singing: ( sings ) now-as, for you-as sing-et ...

Leading. Ha! And if acrobats were performing, how would you imagine them - somersault over your head?

Leading. No, I can't do somersaults over my head.

Leading. Well, how then, to be?

Leading. Come on, let's leave everything as it is, especially since the time for our performance is already running out. Announce.

Leading. On the stage ….


Leading. This is the end of our concert program. You have not forgotten that it was not just a concert, but a competition. While the jury is summing up the final results, we will listen to several musical compositions.


Leading: To award the winners in the nominations, the chairman of the jury is invited to the stage ......

Leading: I think there are no losers today. Everyone here got their moment of glory.


Scenario of the holiday "Minute of Glory" joint with parents.

Uzunova Oksana Vladimirovna
This material can be used both in kindergarten: in the middle, senior and preparatory groups. And for extra-curricular activities with the participation of parents in elementary school. The script can be timed to coincide with any calendar holiday.

"Minute of glory" in the senior group of the preschool educational institution

Target: The use of new forms of educational work as the most important condition for the formation in children of such qualities as self-confidence, determination, endurance, patience and perseverance, as well as the formation in children of responsibility, initiative, independence. New forms of educational work arouse children's interest in the event and increase their activity. As a result, the motivation of behavior increases, and activity skills are formed in preschoolers.
Equipment: Magnetic board, hoops, flowers, candle-house, diplomas, multimedia equipment, audio recordings.
Presenter 1- Open the door wider!
- Run quickly!
Lead 2- The holiday of childhood is waiting for you here!
- All friends and all girlfriends!
The song “In every little child” sounds, the children run into the group, dance, sit on the chairs at the end of the song.
Presenter 1- Good afternoon, dear guests!
Lead 2- Good afternoon, big friendly family of the Constellation group.
Presenter 1. Today we have gathered with you to get a charge of vivacity, to show off your talents at the Minute of Glory.
Lead 2."Minute of Glory" is a territory where ordinary children of our group demonstrate their unusual abilities together with their mothers, fathers, grandparents.
Presenter 1. The main condition for participation is talent. Musicians, dancers, jugglers, collectors, singers, poets, readers. Everyone can go on stage and in a fair fight prove that it is his number that deserves to receive the main prize - nationwide recognition.
Lead 2. According to the good old tradition of our group, let's light a candle - a symbol of our large family hearth. Today, as the keeper of the hearth and at the same time the jury of the show program, we invite the head of the kindergarten.
Lead 1. Attention, the first nomination is announced "Musical"
Lead 2. Meet the Minutes of Glory on stage! - the Tarasevich family
Performance - children's ditties are performed.
Presenter 1. Next nomination "Dream Factory"
Lead 2. We invite the Darkhanov family to the stage of the Minute of Glory
Performance - artistic performance of a portrait in a balloon.
Lead 1. On the stage of the Minute of Glory Group "Constellation" with a musical gift
Children sing a song.
Lead 2. We bring to your attention the following nomination "Lyrical".
Lead 1. Meet on the stage moments of glory Gunko Olesya Vasilievna,
will read poems of his own composition. (Speech ...)
1. Nomination announced "Poetry"
2. Meet the Minutes of Glory on stage! The Burnashov family
Speech - read a poem about mom.
Lead 1. We invite the Bovtunov family, Nastya with her grandmother Galina Vasilievna to the stage of the Minute of Glory
Speech - read a poem by Y. Akim "Who to whom, who?"
- Grandmother, grandmother, me, whose daughter?
- You are Fedin's daughter, my son.
- My dad is big,
but not a son!
- Son. Brother of my four daughters.

Do you remember we were with the eldest, Avdotya?
- Did we have a daughter? My aunt has!
- I rocked your aunt in the cradle ...
- Grandma, wait, explain first:
Who is Natasha and her two brothers to me?
- Okay, let's try to figure it out.
Their mother, husband's niece sister,
Oh, and she was a little nimble!
And you bring them up... Tricky business...
- Grandma, something is burnt!
- Ugh, while I was thinking,
All the milk has run out of the pot!

Lead 2. The next participant of the Minute of Glory in the nomination "Poetry", invited to the stage - meet - the Dubinin family, Pasha with his sister Anna.
Speech - read the poem "Tell me, where did I come from?"

Tell me where did I come from?
I asked everyone a question.
And my grandfather answered me:
- The stork brought you to us.

And my grandmother told me:
- They found you in the cabbage.
And uncle joked: - From the station
They brought you in a basket.

I know it's not true
Mom gave birth to me
I just don't know the answer
Where did my mother take me?

My sister grumbled at me:
- You turned everyone's head.
And I started from the beginning:
- Where did I live before my mother?

Nobody is a secret from adults
I couldn't explain it to me.
Only my mother answered simply:
- You lived in my heart, son!!

Lead 1. A moment of patience! Another performance! Your pleasure is offered a musical gift from the Bogdanovich family.
Lead 2. Alexander Pakhomenko performs with a song based on A. Akhmatova's verses. (accompanied by guitar - live sound)
Lead 1. Next nomination announced "From the world by souvenir"
Lead 2. Meet the Minutes of Glory on stage! Kuzmin family
Performance - presentation of a collection of magnets from around the world.
Lead 1. Next Nomination "Theatrics"
Lead 2. The Vaitsekhovsky family is in the nomination: Fedya, father Sergey Vladimirovich and sister Lizonka.
The performance is a song about friendship.
Presenter 1 The competition "Merry Explanatory Dictionary" for adults present is announced. Words need to be unraveled.
* 1) Auditorium - 2) Audi car park.
* 1) Archimedes - 2) chief physician.
* 1) ATM - 2) a bank employee who uses obscene language.
* 1) Bagel - 2) sheep.
* 1) Sparrow - 2) watchman.
* 1) Fever - 2) a resident of the mountains.
* 1) Caterpillar -2) wife of a goose.
* 1) Bookmark - 2) sneak.
* 1) Knob - 2) headdress.
* 1) Nightmare -2) March cat.
* 1) Refuge - 2) finish.
Lead 1. GAME "ISLANDS OF FRIENDSHIP". Everyone plays.(children and parents)
Imagine that you are little people and you live on small islands. Every morning with the sun, you leave your islands and swim in the open sea. And in the evening, with the sunset, you rush to your island. But the sea will cover the island with water every time, and you will have to take your neighbors to you. It's clear? So, when I say "DAY", then you go out for a swim, and when I say "NIGHT", hurry to your home.
Lead 2. Dear viewers, guests and participants, on this show

"Moment of glory"

ends. The floor is given to the distinguished jury. Rewarding. Presentation of gifts and diplomas.
Lead 1.: Friends, today a significant event took place before our eyes, because within our walls, on this wonderful stage, the stars of our hope, peace, kindness and love lit up.
Dear children and our wonderful parents! Create, dare, sparkle with new ideas, bring them boldly to life, and give each other joy! After all, the holiday would not have happened without your work, talent, desire. All this will leave a mark in every heart.

Lead 2: Let's give each other this thunderous applause ...
We don't say goodbye to you.
We say: "See you again!"

Talent competition "Minute of Glory-2012"

Leading : Hello dear participants!

Leading : Good afternoon guests and teachers! We are pleased to welcome you to the gala concert following the results of the school-wide talent competition "Minute of Glory"

Leading : Today's gala concert is timed to coincide with two significant events, this is Mother's Day, which was celebrated on the last Sunday of November

Leading : and the Foundation Day of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, which is celebrated on December 10.

Leading : we wholeheartedly congratulate all the mothers present here on the past Mother's Day!

Leading : A low bow to you for your tenderness, kindness, for the fact that you gave birth to us, raised and raised us!

Leading : Thank you for being with us!

Leading . Our land is famous for talents, and our school also has them.

Leading : Everyone wants to show themselves, their abilities, but someone is shy, someone is afraid of condemnation. But today is your day!

Leading : Everything is allowed today! Sing, dance, twist hoops, sit on a twine, read poetry,

Leading : that is, to create beautiful, good, eternal.

Leading : We are starting our Minute of Glory contest!


We are on the verge of a big opening

Strong, free, rich Russia.

Time to change obstinate promises

But it's done here and now.

People are free, ambitious,

Russia's tomorrow depends on us.

Who, if not us, scientific thinking,

Who, if not us, science propaganda,

Who, if not us, free Russia!

Leading : A minute of fame gives you the opportunity to show your talent.

What is talent really?

And who can be called a truly talented person?

Leading : This is known to our competent jury.

I represent those who will judge our finalists today... (PAUSE)

Leading : representatives from high school students and an independent, highly respected jury of teachers


Leading : I would also like to introduce the contestants. And here they are sitting in the hall waiting for their moment of glory. Wave to us.

Leading : During the whole month they stubbornly, sweating and crying, not sparing their free time, were preparing for this competition.

Leading : At the qualifying round, the young participants presented all kinds of numbers to the attention of the jury, they impressed us with their originality, vocal abilities, plasticity, artistry, striving for the best result. According to the results of the jury's work, not all applicants reached the final of the competition, but in total __33__ performances were viewed, which is 10 more than last year. Many thanks to our jury for their patience. The applause of the hall sound now for them.

Leading : But, despite this, all the participants are great, and those who passed and did not pass to the final deserve your applause. Let's applaud them!

Leading : Dear jury and participants…….. are you ready?

Meet the first finalist………

3b grade student Bublik Seryozha


Fanfares sound, screen.

Leading : You can't trample the stage with your heels:

On the stage, small or large

You only need to walk with bare feet

And with a completely open mind.

Leading : And two wonderful participants enter our stage. NamelyDrozdova Xenia and Mirgaziyanova Alina …..


Leading : I'm watching something: not all seats are occupied in the auditorium. Previously, this was evidence that the public did not like this program.

Leading : And now this indicates that the public is late in the classroom, in the library, or simply has not yet fallen asleep. So don't worry too much. After the number that you will now announce, the hall will be completely filled. Announce!

Leading : Dear friends, a newly-minted talented young man from 8g class. Meet Daniel Konev


Host :( ved. Goes out in headphones under rap)

Well, I'm just bastard from these songs,

I also dance to them as best I can.

2. Yes, you turn on the audience cool,

And you try not in vain!

Can you perform right now?

Leading : No, some other time! A little later, maybe you need to think, or maybe not, but how do you think I can do it, yes of course it will work out, you just have to try, but I'm hardworking, but everything will work out, but what I will perform, maybe a dance, but if I sing or tell a story...

2. And for a long time you will reason like this,

It's time for us to continue the concert

And the next number of our program will perform8th grade student Georgy Avazov


Leading : Daniel, do you like dancing?

Leading : I love! And especially those that are danced by foreigners.

Leading : Look, Adidas sneakers!

Leading : Here to dance in them now!

Leading : Yes, wait, Daniel, calm down,

Get ready to announce the artists.

Leading : In front of you9th grade student Valeria Serikova


Leading : Meet another finalist of the competition. Ivleva Victoria. You have the floor


Leading : We are being carried away by a swift century,

In the hustle and bustle, we sometimes forget that

That mom is not a foundation, she is a person,

The person who holds the house.

Leading . You women whose profession is housewives.

Leading . You, who linked their fate with caring for loved ones.

Leading . The next issue is dedicated to you, whose name proudly sounds - mother and wife.

Leading. On the stage 7th grade student Anastasia Popova


Leading : So, what do we have next?

Leading : Petrosyan, a monologue in the image?

Leading : What are you, Petrosyan himself?

Leading : Since it is not there, what's next!

Leading : Alla Pugacheva sent a telegram - she cannot come, as she is still celebrating her birthday. Galkin also sends his greetings and apologies

Leading : Insolent! Give them millions! And where to get them - millions?!

Leading : By the way, Buynov called and said that his finances sing romances.

Leading : Well, friends! Since the stars are not in a hurry to visit us, we continue the competition program with local talents!

Presenter: A 3rd grade student sings for you Martyanova Nadezhda


Leading : Also, his talent for expressive and emotional reading of a poem will reveal to you7b grade student Daria Isakova.


Leading : Many participants of the festival today for the first time will reveal to you their talent, which they themselves may not have suspected. They just sing theirFavorite songs. Sings for you8th grade student Anastasia Kuznetsova

Leading : And now .. you announce the next number

Leading : With pleasure. Dance duet "Madagascar" on the stage. MeetShigapova Julia and Vivotovskaya Veronica

Leading : Today the contest gathered a lot of friends. our circle has become wider and kinder. Long live the song, long live the holiday. On stage, the finalist of the talent contest, our favorite songwriterFedorova Alexandra


Leading : The competition continues. Faces change, more and more new stars flash, familiar songs sound. And now performers who have a lot of fans and admirers will take the stage.

Host: Meet Kaidan Alexander and Shurshikov Nikita.


Leading : Every second, three people are born in the world, and they too will soon be able to pronounce the word “mother”. From the first day of a child's life, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. Mother's love is as natural as lilac blossoms, as the first spring rain. The sun warms the earth and all living things, and her love warms the life of the baby.

Leading: But most importantly, the mother introduces the child to her homeland. In his mouth, she puts her native language, which has absorbed the wealth of reason, thoughts and feelings of generations. She fills his life with spiritual power, helping to comprehend eternal values. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the kindest and most affectionate hands in the world.

Leading: Dear mothers, accept a musical gift performed by the finalist of the talent contestDrozdova Xenia


Leading : Danil, it seems to me that we are conducting our concert incorrectly.

Host: Why is that?

Leading : Because. For example, when they sing on stage, how do you announce?

Leading : Very simply, I say: sings for you ...

Leading A: Exactly, I say. If they sing, then it is necessary to announce by singing: ( sings ) now-as, for you-as sing-et ...

Leading : Ha! And if acrobats performed, how would you imagine them - somersault over your head?

Leading : No, I can’t do somersaults over my head ..

Leading : Well, how then, to be?

Leading : Come on, let's leave everything as it is, especially since the time of our performance is already running out. Announce.

Leading : a talented girl on stage with an amazingly beautiful voice,9b grade student Liza Babkina.


Leading: And now, to the thunderous applause of the audience, we invite all the finalists of the Minute of Glory talent contest to the stage


Who won, who will receive thunderous applause and warm smiles of the audience today, envious glances of rivals, diplomas and gifts ?!

Leading: To award the winners in the nominations, the chairman of the jury is invited to the stage________________________________


Host: So Nomination Winner"Gymnastic number" became __________________

Nomination Winner"Expressive reading of a poem" became a student of the 2nd grade Ivleva Victoria

Nomination Winner"Discovery of the Year" was a student class Kuznetsova Anastasia


Nomination Winner"People's Choice Award" was the number "Beatbox" performed by Kaidan Alexander and Shurshikov Nikita

Nomination Winner"Fine Arts" became a student of grade 3b Kotova _______________________

Leading: The most exciting moment has arrived!

Leading: To announce the winners, the Deputy Director for Educational Work is invited to the stageNasirova Svetlana Germanovna


Leading: Your applause to the winners

Leading: I think there are no losers today.

Everyone here got their moment of glory.

Leading: Dear mothers, once again we congratulate you on the holiday and wish you all the brightest and kindest! May the smiles of your children always warm you!


/ "Moment of glory" /


"Moment of glory"

They told me to become a star

There is no hope here

There are many stars in our country,

Do not take extra!

It became close to me friends

live in your circle

No matter how talented I am

and I can't.

Let the enemies repeat again

What will I heal

But I must be a star

I know what I want...


"Moment of glory"

They told me to become a star

There is no hope here

There are many stars in our country,

Do not take extra!

Give me a road, or better yet, give me two.

Give me rightfully two minutes of fame

Give me two minutes of fame....

I will shine with talent like a diamond,

and I will be known throughout the country.

It became close to me friends

live in your circle

No matter how talented I am

and I can't.

Give me a way, or better yet, give me two!

Give me rightfully two minutes of fame!

give me a minute (give me two)

I will shine with talent like a diamond,

and I will be known throughout the country!

Let the enemies repeat again

What will I heal

But I must be a star

I know what I want...

and well, make way, well, let me!


Time affects days and events

Presses, dictates formats and styles,

Who, if not us, is the power of the generation.

Who, if not us, is the breakthrough of the decade,

Who, if not us, for years, for centuries.

Who, if not us, is a single team,

Who, if not us, will make the strong fight,


Time affects days and events

Presses, dictates formats and styles,

We are on the threshold of creativity development

Today we present our talents.

/ Time to discover new possibilities in yourself, /

Let's show ourselves and let them envy us

We will do it here and now.

Talented, ambitious people

The creative potential of our country.

Who, if not us, is the power of the generation.

Who, if not us, creative thinking,

Who, if not us, is the breakthrough of the decade,

Who, if not us, for years, for centuries.

Who, if not us, is a single team,

Who, if not us, beauty propaganda,

Who, if not us, will make the strong fight,

Who, if not us, talented Russia!

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