Holiday scenario based on fairy tales for elementary school children. "parade of literary heroes"


Oksana Mershieva
Defile of fairy-tale characters (scenario)

Defile of fairy-tale characters


presenter: Hello my dear. You recognized me

Today I invite you to Defile of fairy-tale characters”. What's happened defile, fashion?

Children. Where dresses are shown.

presenter: This is a fashion show where you can see the graceful display fabulous costumes. And the podium will be this one fairy carpet.

But today is going to be different. defile - Defile of fairy-tale characters. So "Holiday" fairy tales” begins. And came to visit us characters from different fairy tales - Russian folk, magical, copyright, fairy tales about animals.

The defile begins with characters from fairy tales about animals.

presenter: there is such character, guess who such:

Grow on top

Long ears.

Even though he is a boy

And such a coward!

Well, guess

What's the name? (Bunny)

Meet the bunny.

Bunny comes out.

presenter: In what fairy tales meet this character?

Children. “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Zayushkina hut”, “Mitten”, etc.

presenter:And now the next one character.

Bright red beauty.

Catches fish - miracles!

Sly eyes sparkle,

Fluffy ponytail will wave

And rush off, suddenly, into the woods.

What is her name? (Fox)

Music plays, fox comes out

presenter: Who is this?

Children: Chanterelle

presenter: In what found in fairy tales, this character?

Children: “Fox with a rolling pin”, “Fox and Crane”, “Fox and Hare”, “Fox and Wolf”, “Teremok”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Mitten”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, etc.

presenter: What is it called in fairy tales?

Children. Lisa Patrikeevna, Chanterelle-sister, Red cheat, etc.

presenter: Guys, let's ask the fox from which fairy tales came to us?

Chanterelle: "Kolobok". "Fox and Hare".

presenter A: That's how interesting. Thank you fox, run back to us, we will wait.

presenter: And now the next riddle.

Somewhere in the field he stands,

Smoke is flying from the chimney.

Hare, mouse, fox, frog,

Wolf and bear

Friendly, fun live,

They sing songs in chorus.

Answer quickly, my friend

This fairy tale(Teremok)

presenter A: That's how interesting. Thank you dear animals, run to us again, we will wait.

presenter: We continue.

Brother decided to drink water

Don't recognize him now.

These horns and hooves

What did you grow for?

Brother answers me:

Children. Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.

Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka come out

presenter: What happened in this fairy tale? How did Ivanushka become a boy again?

presenter: But Russian folk fairy tales It doesn't stop there, there are a lot of them. There is one more fairy tale guess what this one is called fairy tale.

Grandfather and grandmother lived together

They blinded a daughter from a snowball,

But the campfire is hot

Turned a girl into steam.

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

What was their daughter's name?

Children. Snow Maiden.

The Snow Maiden comes out

presenter: Which fairy tales with the participation of the Snow Maiden, you know?

Children. "Snow Maiden and Fox".

presenter: Well done. There are also copyright fairy tales, which were written by various writers to Charlet. Perro, Alexei. Nikolaevich. Tolstoy, Hans. Christian. Andersen, Korney. Ivanovich. Chukovsky and many other writers - storytellers, and the heroes of these fairy tales are rushing to us now.

presenter: (riddles about characters)

Heroes come out one by one:

1) Wooden mischief

2) From fairy tales penetrated our lives.

3) Favorite of adults and children,

4) Daredevil and inventor of inventions

5) A prankster, a merry fellow and a rogue.

6) What is his name? Pinocchio

2) A good girl is walking through the forest,

But the girl does not know that danger awaits.

A pair of angry eyes glow behind the bushes

Someone terrible will meet the girl now.

Who will ask the girl about her path?

Who will deceive the grandmother to enter the house?

Who is this girl? Answer: Little Red Riding Hood

3) The girl is sleeping and does not yet know

What's her in fairy tale awaits.

The toad will steal it in the morning,

An unscrupulous mole will hide in a hole.

However, enough. Do you need clue?

4) Zhenya, pulling the petal,

spoke: "To the East,

North, west, and south

You fly, and after finishing the circle,

Make a miracle, petal!

What is the magical name of the flower?


Leading (on exit character) . What is this about fairy tale?

How does it end fairy tale?

Presenter Well, we continue to guess our favorite fairy tales.

The man is middle-aged

Here with such a beard.

Offends Pinocchio,

Artemon and Malvina,

And in general for all people

He is a notorious villain.

Does any of you know

Who is this? (Karabas Barabas)

Leading. Guys, we are not afraid of the truth

Children: Yes

presenter: Well, now the magic begins.

magical fairy tales already on the threshold Once upon a time there was a king ... and a queen

Out comes the King, the Queen

In what the king lives in fairy tales? Queen.

Leading. Well done! Let's carry out The King and Queen with thunderous applause

Presenter Listen guys to the following riddle.

1) went to bed on mattresses

The princess is young.

And in the morning I got up in bruises -

What a sissy!

2) This fairy tale hero

With a ponytail, mustachioed,

He has a feather in his hat

All striped,

He walks on two legs

In bright red boots

Children. ( "Puss in Boots")

3) The magic forest was all around.

Sweet home in the meadow.

The door is open, treats

there are singing on the table

distributed in the morning.

Who lives, tell me, there?

Blue-eyed, white-faced -

dwarf brothers, like a sister.

This the fairy tale is familiar to everyone -

Children (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)

Leading And this lady always and everywhere loves to spoil everything. Listen to the riddle.

On the edge of the forest

She sits in a hut.

Doesn't want to live in peace

Tsarevich fools.

Stupa with a whisk is dear to her,

It's malicious (Baba Yaga.)

Music, Baba Yaga runs out

Leading. Dear Baba Yaga, don’t scare me, but rather show your outfit. But even though she spoils everything, there are others - kind, who are always ready to help, fix.

Presenter 1) She knew how to work beautifully and deftly,

In any case, showing skill.

She baked bread and wove tablecloths,

I sewed a shirt, embroidered a pattern,

She swam like a white swan.

Who was this craftswoman?

2) Poor me and a mess,

I got used to the ashes and stoves.

It's very hard for me during the day

And I dream at night.

But I don't cry, I don't cry

I smile and endure.

I believe in happiness and luck

And I regret and love everyone. (Cinderella.)

3) It was so long ago.

But I found a spindle

pricked tender finger

and fell asleep peacefully

Who will wake up, cope

Children (Sleeping Beauty)

Host And now let's ask everyone characters come out to us!

Fairy tale characters pass the circle of honor

Leading. On this The fashion show of fairy-tale characters ends, But fairy tale never ends, it always stays with us. Presentation of heroes.


Presenter 1:

Hello dear friends. We are glad to see you in our literary drawing room. Today we will remember writers and poets and, of course, the heroes of their works. We will hold contests and quizzes. It will be a journey into the world of literature.

Host 2:

In general, a literary salon is a sophisticated way of communication between educated people of their time, one of the forms of intellectual life of a high circle of society.

Presenter 1:

Let's start the event with a ball. After all, this is a very special event in the life of a person of the last century. We dedicate this ball to the eternal theme - love, which accompanies humanity, starting from Adam and Eve. We will remember these amazing love stories with you.

Host 2:

(music by Chopin "Polonaise" plays)

So, today is a ball! Ah, those wonderful moments!

(heroes march decorously through the hall to the stage)

Balls, balls ... The atmosphere of celebration and love, the movement of a fan, a casual glance ...

(on the stage, the characters are talking and the “Viennese Waltz” by I. Strauss sounds)

Presenter 1:

To the sounds of this waltz, stories are recalled that have become the property of Russian literature.

(Natasha Rostova and Andrey Bolkonsky come out to the waltz)

“Natasha’s desperate, fading face caught Prince Andrei’s eyes ... Approaching Natasha with a courteous and low bow, he offered her a waltz tour and ... Natasha’s expression suddenly lit up with a childish smile ... Prince Andrei was one of the best dancers of his time. Natasha danced wonderfully! Her legs easily and independently of her details their work, and her face shone with the delight of happiness.

Host 2:

Thanks for the great moments. New dances appear and disappear, but the waltz is still young and continues to sound. Even the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko wrote:

Let the years pass

Still never

Waltz will not grow old.

What is the most famous literary message? Well, of course, Tatiana's letter. And it was written then in French.

(a letter from Tatyana Larina sounds and the Answer from Eugene Onegin)

I am writing to you - what more?

What else can I say?

Now I know in your will

Punish me with contempt

But you, to my unfortunate share

Though a drop of pity keeping,

You won't leave me...

Another!... No, no one in the world

I wouldn't give my heart!

That in the supreme council is destined ...

That is the will of heaven, I am yours;

My whole life has been a pledge

Faithful goodbye to you

I know you were sent to me by God

Until the grave you are my keeper ...

Date of Tatyana and Onegin


You wrote to me...

Don't back off. I've read

Souls of trusting confession,

Love of an innocent outpouring;

Your sincerity is dear to me;

She got excited

Long silent feelings;

But I don't want to praise you;

I will repay you for it

Recognition also without art;

Accept my confession:

I submit myself to you for judgment.

(lovers sit down or move around the stage, talk ...)

Literary quiz

Presenter 1:

Now let's do a Literature Quiz.

Who owns this declaration of love and who is the author of the work? (A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter")

(Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova come out)

“This will not happen ... You love me; I'm ready for anything, let's go, we'll throw ourselves at the feet of your parents. They are simple people, not hard-hearted, proud... They will bless us, we will get married... and there, over time. I am sure that my father will forgive me, and my mother will be for us ... "

The happy ones got married and safely left for Simbirsk.

What magical items did literary characters have?

  1. (Pinocchio (golden key)
  2. Cinderella (Crystal Shoes
  3. Ellie (Silver Slippers)
  4. Aladdin (Magic Lamp)
  5. Nils (Magic pipe)

Get to know fairy tale characters

(Fly comes out - Tsokotukha and Mosquito from A. Chukovsky's fairy tale)

(mosquito monologue sounds)

“I killed the villain and freed you,

And now, the soul is a girl,

I want to marry you"

(music plays softly)

(heroes from M. Sholokhov's novel "The Quiet Flows the Don" come out - Natalya and Grigory Melikhov)

"Grigory Panteleevich!"

Prescribe me how I should live, and is my life lost for good or not? You left home and didn't say a single word to me. I didn’t offend you in any way, and I was waiting for you to untie my hands and say that you had left for good, and you were silent, like a dead man ..

Have a pity in the end and write it down ... I will think alone, otherwise I am standing in the middle of the road. You, Grisha, do not be angry with me, for Christ's sake.


“... You asked me to prescribe whether or not I would live with Natalya, but I’ll tell you, dad, that you can’t stick a cut edge. But I can’t promise anything, and it’s dreary for me to talk about it. Nada was caught on the border of one with smuggling, he explains that soon there will be a war with the Austrians ... Maybe I won’t be alive, there’s nothing to decide ahead of time.

What story are these characters from?


Host 1-2:

  • Don't part with your loved ones!

Don't part with your loved ones!

  • And every time forever say goodbye
  • When you leave for a moment!

(music plays, and lovers move around the stage, talk ...)

Host 2:

Literary salons, friends, gathered readers, writers, critics in one circle of mutually enriching conversation. But not only conversation. Games were popular at balls in literary salons. One of them is badminton!

Host 1 (surprised):

Do you want to invite our guests to warm up and compete in beating plastic balls?

Host 2:

Exactly so, because our badminton will be literary and it will consist of 4 rounds. Questions will be asked in turn to each pair. If he does not answer, he is out of the game. And the winner is the one that successfully hit the ball in 4 rounds. So, let's begin!

Presenter 1:

I round - "What's in a name?"

(name the names and patronymics of writers and poets)

  1. Mayakovsky _ (Vladimir Vladimirovich)
  2. Dostoevsky (Fyodor Mikhailovich)
  3. Griboedov _ (Alexander Sergeevich)
  4. Turgenev _ (Ivan Sergeevich)
  5. Kuprin _ (Alexander Ivanovich)
  6. Bulgakov _ (Mikhail Afanasyevich)
  7. Derzhavin _ (Gavriil Romanovich)
  8. Akhmatova _ (Anna Andreevna)

(complete the titles of literary works)

War and Peace

Heroes - of our time

Notes - hunter

Quiet - Don

The tale of the priest - and his worker Balda

Poor - Lisa

Word - about Igor's regiment

Master and Margarita

III round - "Let's get familiar"

(name the names of literary heroes)

Grigory Alexandrovich _ (Pechorin)

Evgeny Vasilievich _ (Bazarov)

Pyotr Kirillovich _ (Bezukhov)

Rodion Romanovich _ (Raskolnikov)

Alexander Andreevich _ (Chatsky)

Ivan Alexandrovich _ (Khlestakov)

Pavel Petrovich _ (Kirsanov)

Petr Andreevich _ (Goryunov)

IV round - "Innuendo"

  • Nature is not a temple, but (a workshop, and a person is a worker in it)
  • Oh, my God, what will he say - (Princess Marya Alekseevna)
  • And you, friends, no matter how you sit down - (everything is not good for musicians)
  • Born to crawl - (can't fly)
  • Yes, there were people in our time - (not like the current tribe ...)
  • He forced himself to respect - (and could not invent better)
  • Coming to us - (auditor)

(Chatsky runs out of the hall, his monologue sounds,

act 4 phenomenon14 Griboyedov "Woe from Wit")

Get out of Moscow! I don't go here anymore. I’m running, I won’t look back, I’ll go to look around the world, where there is a corner for an offended feeling! Carriage to me, carriage!!!

Host 2:

Who is this hero??? (of course, Chatsky)

Let me tell you an interesting historical fact: Griboyedov's comedy was completely printed in 1831 in Reven in German. And only in 1833 in Moscow - in Russian.

(Mitrofanushka comes out and a monologue sounds)

Well, get the plank, garrison rat. Decide what to write...

Which door? This one. An adjective because it is attached to its place...

The hour of my will has come: I don’t want to study, I want to get married…

Guess who it is???

Of course, who today does not know the catchphrase that ends the work of Denis Ivanovich Fanvizin "Undergrowth": "Here are worthy fruits of malevolence."

(the hero from the story of A.P. Chekhov enters the stage

“Man in a case” and his phrase sounds after the words of the presenter)

Greek teacher. For him, only newspaper articles were clear, in which something was forbidden to go out after 9 pm, this was clear to him; forbidden and that's it. And when a drama club, or a reading room, or a tea room was allowed in the city, he shook his head and said quietly:

It is, of course, so-and-so, all this is wonderful, but no matter how something happens.

Who is this?

(Ranevskaya L.A. comes out, a monologue sounds)

I want to jump, wave my arms (covers my face with my hands)

And suddenly I'm sleeping! God knows, I love the Motherland, I love dearly ... (sits on a chair)

I can’t sit, I’m not able ... I won’t survive this joy ... (gets up from the chair)

Laugh at me, I'm stupid ... My own closet ... My table ...

What story is this character from? Who is she?

(a romance based on Bunin's poem "Calm" is performed)

Presenter 1:

Music always played in literary drawing rooms, romances, songs accompanied by romance. At the balls, they not only danced, but also played various games. And the Empress herself was not averse to playing. Empress Catherine was for the purity of the Russian language, ordered foreign words to be changed to Russian, some she herself introduced into speech: good manners, good morals, philanthropy, citizens, society, humanity.

Young poets and writers demonstrated their talents.

Perhaps there are undiscovered abilities among you. Let's try to write poetry. So, our literary heroes are participants in an intellectual game.


Burime translated from French - this is the composition of poems to given rhymes.

Your task is to write down the lines so that they turn out to be quite logical: for example


  1. Mankind is the fatherland
  2. Kindness - sent
  3. Illness - leisure
  4. Tolstoy is like
  5. Helen - captive
  6. Natasha is more beautiful

Host 2:

While the participants are preparing for their literary debut, we invite the audience to take part in an exciting poetry game.

(wishing participants go on stage)

Poetic game

Exercise: try to remember the first line, and we will name the second. For each correct answer you get tokens. According to the results - a prize awaits you.

  • Everything will pass like white apple smoke - (I don’t regret it, I don’t call, I don’t cry)
  • In the blue mist of the sea (a lonely sail turns white)
  • In my soul, it has not completely died out (I loved you, love still, perhaps)
  • Alive and I, hello to you, hello (you are still alive, my old woman)
  • What else can I say? (I am writing to you, what more?)
  • Covered with snow, like silver (white birch under my window)
  • Good fellows lesson (a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it)
  • In a moment of spiritual adversity (both boring and sad, and there is no one to give a hand to)
  • Spinning late in the evening (three girls under the window)
  • You appeared before me (I remember a wonderful moment...)
  • On the chest of a cliff - a giant (a golden cloud spent the night)
  • Whirlwinds of snow twisting (a storm covers the sky with mist)
  • Birch cheerful language (dissuaded by a golden grove)

Applause to the best connoisseurs of poetry

Host 2:

I would like to share this historical background:

In the Penza region there is a place where the estate of the princes Golitsyn is located

It was once a real palace in the style of classicism, where magnificent balls were held. The interior contained objects made of porcelain, marble and bronze, a portrait gallery, and almost 150 representatives of the Golitsyn family.

This palace was visited more than once by Gavriil Derzhavin, Mikhail Lermontov, Ivan Krylov. It was Krylov who wrote a number of outstanding works: the Triumph, banned for publication, the popular fable The Pig under the Oak, the Oak is no longer there, but a young tree is growing.

And the artist Viktor Borisov-Musatov was inspired by the beauty of the palace and the nature of the estate to create picturesque paintings that glorified this estate.

Presenter 1:

In our Zadonsk region there is one beautiful place "Calm", which was inspired by Bunin's poems.

Listen to the song based on Ivan Bunin's poem "Calm", music by Dmitry Rymar.

(sounds again romance)

Final word of the teacher

Scenario of the event "In the country of literary heroes"

Purpose of the event : in a playful way, test children on knowledge of the content of the books they read, the genre is a children's fairy tale.

Members: a librarian leading the event and two teams of preschoolers.

Presenter introduction .

The game will be played by two teams. Let's name the teams. Let the first team be called "Well done", and the second "Clever". I ask each team to choose a captain.

So the teams are ready? Our competition begins!

1 round "Magic Words"

Guys, guess who says that.

1. At the behest of the pike, at my will ... (Emelya.)

2. Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand before me like a leaf before grass! (Ivan the Fool.)

3. Fly-fly, petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, return, making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground - in my opinion they led. (Zhenya from the fairy tale "Flower-seven-flower".)

4. One, two, three! Pot, cook! (The girl from the fairy tale "Pot of porridge".)

5. Crack, fex, bake! (Pinocchio.)

6. Kara-baras. (Moydodyr.)

Round 2 "Fairy tale detectives".

Now I invite each of you to play the role of a detective. You have to recognize a literary hero according to my description.

The first task is called "Photofit".

    Bear loves honey. Head full of sawdust. Has literary ability. (Winnie the Pooh)

    Boy. Parents are poor. Gives off a strong odor. On the head is a green tuft. Dangerous! Causes abundant streams of tears. (Cipollino).

    Old man. Profession - carpenter. Special features: blue nose. (Giuseppe).

    Animal. Habitat - Africa. A distinctive character trait is curiosity. Special signs: after meeting with a crocodile on the river bank, his nose became very long. (Elephant)

    Doll. Place of work - puppet theater. A distinctive feature of character is good breeding. Pronounced pedagogical abilities. A special sign is blue hair. (Malvina)

    Human. Made of iron. Profession - lumberjack. Afraid of water. The most cherished desire is to get a heart. (Tin Woodman).

    Dog. Place of residence - the village. Origin - a simple dog, not from thoroughbreds. Profession - hunter. (Ball).

Second task

Recognize the hero by an event that happened in his life.

1. This hero worked as a doctor on the ship. One day his ship was wrecked and he was captured by little people. (Gulliver).

2. As this hero himself said, he managed to pull himself out of the swamp by a pigtail from a wig, flew on a cannonball, turned an evil wolf inside out and shot a mad fur coat. (Baron Munghausen).

3. This boy, as a punishment for impoliteness, was turned by a dwarf into a little man and traveled with a flock of geese. (Niels)

4. This heroine ran after a white rabbit, but then fell into a deep well and ended up in an unusual country. (Alice)

5 . The only boy in the world who never grew up. (Peter Pan)

Round 3 "Fabulous Journeys".

You will need to imagine yourself as the heroes of famous fairy tales. Well, how did you imagine, captains, that you were in a fairyland? Then you, assignments.

What words do you need to say to:

1.Summon Sivka Burka? Answer (Sivka - Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass!)

2. Together with Ali Baba, open the door to the treasure cave?Answer (Sim - sim, open the door!)

3. Cook porridge in a magic pot?Answer (One, two, three, pot, boil!)

4. Make a wish come true with a magic pike?Answer (At the pike's command, at my will!)

And now, together with the boy Mowgli, we will be transported to the jungle and remember the names of those who lived next to him. I will name the beast, and your task is to say its name. We started.

Bear (Baloo )

Panther (Bagheera)

Jackal (tobacco)



Round 4 "Magic Tool"

Guys, what would you ask...

1. Ole Lukoye? (Umbrella.)

2. A soldier, the hero of Andersen's fairy tale? (Flint.)

3. Pinocchio? (Golden Key.)

4. Know-nothings? (Magic wand.)

5. Little Muck? (Shoes and cane.)

6. Ellie? (Silver shoes, gold hat, silver whistle.)

7. Aladdin? (Magic lamp.)

8. Girls from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm? (Pot.)


And now it's time to name the winning team in today's Literary ring.

The event ends with the awarding ceremony for the winning team.

Parachuk Andrey Valentinovich, methodologist
New Year's program "Musical parade of fairy-tale heroes"
Host 1: Hurry up
Do not crowd at the door!
Hurry adults and kids!
Songs are waiting for you, dances are waiting for you,
New Year's game!
Presenter 2: You are on holiday with us
It will be fun now.
There will be music and singing
There will be games and entertainment
Very interesting,
Simply wonderful.
Presenter 3: Congratulations to everyone on the holiday!
Happy New Year tree holiday,
Which you came to today!
We invite everyone to the general circle,
The Christmas tree festival is starting.
The song sounds
Winter enters the hall to the music, accompanied by a retinue - snowflakes, heroes
fairy tales.
Presenter 1: Hello, Russian pullet,
soul coloring book,
white winch,
Hello, winter - winter!

Winter: Hello my friends!
I'm glad to see everyone here!
I brought for children
Lots of fun stuff:
ice slides,
painted sleigh,
Sticks, skis and skates,
Yes, cold days
Yes, shiny smooth ice,
Yes, snowflakes round dance,
Threes with bells,
With dashing fellows,
Many folk holidays
Many round dance songs
Christmas tree holiday
Brought everyone today.
And I didn’t come alone, I brought fairy-tale heroes with me.
Baba Yaga: Bonjour! Tujour! Alam! Salam!
The place suits us.
Here we will arrange our presentation.
And who will be against - instantly calm down.
Our holiday is just beginning.
Everyone is invited to the Dating Dance!
A dance is being performed
Leading: And they also came to us on our holiday:


_______________________________________________ (transfer in progress).
Each fairy tale character introduces himself.
After the introduction of fairy tale characters.
Presenter 2: A holiday is not a holiday
Without the main guest
And who is this guest - guess now.
“What master put this on the glass
And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses?
Guys: Frost!
Presenter 3: Well - ka, everything is together,
Well, all together
Frost and granddaughter will call here!
The children call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appear
Santa Claus: Hello, dear viewers:
Children, teachers and parents!
We haven't seen you for a long time
Thank you for inviting us to the party.
Presenter 2: New Year's garlands
Today they are shining everywhere
And round dances, wherever you look.
On the square, on the street
You can meet the tree.
Flying, sparkling, spinning.
Lights, lights, lights.
An invitation to dance.
Baba Yaga: After the dance, as always,

Boredom disappeared without a trace.
Loud laughter is heard everywhere.
Who is the funniest here?
Snow Maiden: Well, of course, boys
And the girls are good.
Everyone laughs heartily!
Santa Claus: Let it be our holiday
Lighter and more wonderful.
Let's sing about the Christmas tree
Favorite song!
Become, guys, in a round dance!
Let's glorify the holiday with a ringing song
New Year!
Everyone dances around the Christmas tree to the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"
Santa Claus: Together with a song about the Christmas tree
We'll put on a show here
In a round dance near the Christmas tree,
Let's dance, let's play.
Snow Maiden: Who is attentive, cheerful,
Now, let's see
And of course, those guys we
We will reward you very generously.
Performed musical number 5 class
Santa Claus: Well done guys!
Well, you are the master of singing!
Here's a game for you to relax.
Who is ready to fight with me -

To play pranks and frolic?
I'll play Freeze
Ears, I'll pinch your nose.
You pass my staff in a circle.
Yes wish to make a wish
Don't forget yours.
Game "Pass the Staff"
Snow Maiden: Well, let's play, and now let's continue our
fabulous parade.
Student number 5
Presenter 1: Parade
heroes continues
For fun under the Christmas tree
6th grade students are invited!
Student number 6

Baba Yaga: There are so many games in this world,
We can't count everything!
Wide circle, wide circle
We will play again.
The game "Miracles in the sieve" is being held
Two teams play - "Girly - merry" and "Well done - daring".
Each team has two saucers, 20 peas, one spoon. To the music
peas need to be transferred from one saucer to another.
Presenter 2: Very fun today,
Ring friendly song!

Our fairy tale, you are dear,
Light up your fires.
The number of students in grade 6 is being performed
Santa Claus: The tree glows, sparkles,
Let the kids have fun.
And now I invite students of the 7th grade to join us
Student number 7
class _____________________________________________________________
Winter: The tree has jokes and laughter
We share equally among all,
Got a smile myself, pass it on to your friends
Because this smile
Relay race at our holiday.
Student number 8
class _____________________________________________________________
Presenter 1: Fun ideas
Brought to us by Santa Claus.
fun ringing song
let's continue the round dance
Student number 8
class _____________________________________________________________

"Visiting a fairy tale"

The Storyteller comes out.

Storyteller: My path is not far, not close,

I walked, walked, bow low to you.

The stories come here.

Invite them kids?

Storyteller: The fairy tale has a pure soul,

Like a forest stream.

She comes slowly

In the cool hour of the night.

The native people are its creator,

The cunning people, the wise people,

I put my dream into it

Like gold in a chest.

The melody "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds.

Parade of fairy-tale heroes:

Storyteller: The parade is about to begin!

Today they will come to us in a whole formation

Those with whom you are always glad to meet.

Your favorite characters.

Now the pages are already rustling

And someone is quietly knocking on our door...

Little Red Riding Hood

Grandma loved me very much

She gave me a hat.

I visit my grandmother

I take the pies in the basket to her

Baba Yaga flies on a broomstick and screams loudly.

Baba Yaga: Watch out! Disperse!

ATV, stop!

What kind of congregation do you have

In the unseasonable summer hour?

I will stop the fun

I will disperse all guests.

Storyteller: Baba Yaga, why do you want to stop the holiday? Our kids want to have fun!

Baba Yaga: What about me? They didn’t invite me to the holiday, I was offended!

Storyteller: Baba Yaga, well, what is a fairy tale without you? Only in fairy tales you are not kind.

Baba Yaga: And I, when I flew to you. I found a chest under a bush. I wanted to take it myself, but apparently you have to give it back. And the chest is open. Let's see what I have here. I will show you objects, and you will name who is the owner of this thing.

fabulous things

Golden key - Pinocchio.

Pea - the princess on the pea

Thermometer - Aibolit

Little Red Riding Hood - Little Red Riding Hood

Golden Egg - Chicken Ryaba

Nutshell - Thumbelina

Flower-seven-flower - Zhenya

Needle - Koschei the Immortal

Spindle - Sleeping Beauty

Newspaper Ship - The Steadfast Tin Soldier

Slipper - Cinderella

Apple - Snow White

Coin (penny) - Fly - sokotuhe

Lamp - Aladin

Well done boys!

Little Red Riding Hood

We ask the fairy-tale hero of the "Rainbow" detachment to rise to the stage

Thanks guys.

Baba Yaga

We ask the fairy-tale hero of the "Super Gnomes" squad to rise on the stage


We ask the fairy-tale hero of the Barbariki detachment to rise to the stage

Storyteller: Do you remember fairy tales? We ask one representative from each group to come up to the stage.

Quiz "Remember the fairy tale"

Who goes to visit in the morning with his piggy friend? (Winnie the Pooh Bear)

Vehicles of Baba Yaga? (Stupa and pomelo)

How many dwarves were in the fairy tale about Snow White? (7)

What medicine did Carlson prefer? (Jam)

What was the name of the piglets from the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"? (Nif-nif, nuf-nuf, naf-naf)

What breed was the dog Artemon in the fairy tale "The Golden Key"? (Poodle)

What is the name of the city where Dunno lived? (Floral)

What was the name of the Wizard of the Emerald City? (Goodwin)

In which fairy tale did the king want to marry his son to a real princess? ("Princess on the Pea")

Baba Yaga: We ask the fairy-tale hero of the Tusovka squad to come up on stage

Storyteller: We ask the fairy-tale hero of the Smurfs squad to come up on stage

Little Red Riding Hood: Let's have a better competition. Let's check if there are real princesses among the beauties present.

Competition "The Princess and the Pea"

The competition involves 1 girl from the detachment. There are three chairs on the stage. All chairs have small cushions. And only under one pillow is a pea. The girls take turns sitting on chairs. And they stop near those chairs on which, in their opinion, lies a pea. The real princesses are those who correctly identified the location of the pea.

Baba Yaga: We ask the fairy-tale hero of the "Fixies" detachment to rise to the stage

Storyteller: We ask the fairy-tale hero of the "Naughty" detachment to rise to the stage

Little Red Riding Hood: We ask the fairy-tale hero of the "Smilies" squad to rise to the stage

Storyteller: There are a lot of beauties in Fairy Tales, let's remember them:

Quiz "Fabulous beauties"

The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead a star burns.

And she is majestic

Acts like a pava;

And as the speech says,

Like a river murmurs. (Swan Princess)

She washed on her stepmother,

Peas and buckwheat sorted out

And at night, with a thin candle.

I slept by the warm, dirty stove. (Cinderella)

He knows how to work beautifully and deftly,

In any case, he shows skill.

Knows how to bake bread and weave,

Sew shirts, embroider carpets

Swim like a white swan on the lake.

Who is she? (Vasilisa the Wise)

She was a toad in a swamp

I caught the arrow and that hour

Ivan the Fool saved her there. (Princess Frog)

She was a stage performer

Although she lived in a box

But from the evil Karabas

Run away forever (Malvina)

The red girl is sad

She doesn't like spring

She's hard on the sun

Tears are shed by the poor thing (Snow Maiden)

A beautiful girl walks through the forest

But the girl doesn't know

What danger awaits

A pair of angry eyes glow behind the bushes

Someone terrible will meet

Girl now (Little Red Riding Hood)

Storyteller: And our journey into a fairy tale ends.

There are many fairy tales in the world, sad and funny.

But live in the world

We can't live without them…….

Take my friend on the road

Your favorite fairy tale friends.

They will help you in difficult times.

Find a dream and make life brighter.

Baba Yaga: Let the heroes of fairy tales give you warmth

Let goodness in the world

Evil wins

Little Red Riding Hood: Now is the moment to say goodbye

Our speech will be short;

We tell you:


"Goodbye! Until happy new meetings!”

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