Scenario of the dance festival in the house of culture. Scenario Dance Day in DC


Dance Through the Ages”


Good afternoon dear friends. April 29 is International Dance Day. The holiday has been celebrated since 1982 by decision of UNESCO on the birthday of the French choreographer Jean Georges Noverre, a reformer and theorist of the art of dance, who went down in history as the "father of modern ballet".
Dance is an ancient wanderer. He came to us from hoary antiquity... In my opinion, he is the same age as the “reasonable man”. Everyone knows that work has shaped a person, and I will add - also dance! It reflects, dating back to the earliest times, the need of a person to convey his joy or sorrow to other people through the movements of his body.

What kind of beauty

The whole world hides in itself.

Let the spark in our every dance

From now on it's on fire.

And friendship is strong children

Warms the whole planet

All girls and boys

They know how to make friends and dance.

Dance: "Starfall" (group "Asterisks").


What does it mean to touch beauty? Here is one person's thoughts on the matter: “I picked a flower and it withered. I caught a moth and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can only touch beauty with your heart.”

Yes, beauty should be able not only to see and feel. Beauty must be protected! This is the hardest part. Capturing beauty in the soul, remembering it, always carrying it in the heart - maybe this is the highest manifestation of human culture?

So, tonight we dedicate to the beauty, the beauty of dance - the most exciting, the most sublime and beautiful of all arts, because dance is not just a reflection of life, dance is life itself!

The country is on the globe

Childhood country.

She is full of kids.

And although we are small, we will give odds to adults,

After all, it's not easy for you to be a child.

We will help you to return youth for a moment,

And also cheer up the guests.

Dance: “Once a palm” (younger group).

Did you like us, friends?

Say without hesitation.

And this dance to all the guests

Will cheer you up.

"Devil" (group "Stars").

Happy dance day today, we congratulate everyone,After all, everyone dances more than once in their life.We wish you smiles, pleasant emotions,Let the sea of ​​energy be with you!We wish you to dance only for joy,Beautiful is the figure, beautiful is the soul.And the music will relieve any fatigue,And you will see that life is good!

Dance "Girlfriends"
Celebrate fun, freely
We dance international day.
And let the whole evening
Dance all and sundry!
Everyone knows for sure:
Don't need a language dance
Everything is clear without idle words:
And life, and tears, and love!
We want to wish today:
Let's dance together!
Dance "Rosinochka - Russia" (Younger group).


Today dancing is a sin to forget

Dance more than normal.

Today everyone should be

In excellent dance form.

Dance "Dance with us". (senior group).

Friends, look! On the map Russia!

So kind, so beautiful!

Now we will see native birches,

Great beauties will appear before us.

And what dances! We love and know them.

We glorify our native Russia here!

Dance "Ivan-Kupala" (middle group).


And now I want to introduce you to one of the most popular dances, which was born in distant America. From the very beginning, this dance was known as a ballroom dance, but now it is gaining more and more sporting character.

important in this dance is the ability to quickly and correctly work with your feet and, most importantly, in rhythm.

You probably already understood that this is rock and roll.

(Performance by the senior group "Rock and Roll").


The man was born cheerful.
Changed fashions and rhythms too,
But we cannot live without dance.

Time passes, century after century...
Man has always lived in worries.
But on every holiday and in the hour of leisure
Cheerful dance was the best friend.

Time passes, century after century.
Let the snow melt between us.
And let on our big planet
People are dancing and the sun is shining.

(younger group “Let's decorate the whole planet).

How many styles, directions,How many creative ideasIncendiary moves!With dance, we live more fun!Congratulations to all who loveCircling to the rhythm of the musicWho on holidays and on weekdaysMight appreciate it!Dance "Our rhythm" middle group ".

Questions for the quiz.

    The muse of dance in Greek mythology? (Terpsichore.)

    Name the oldest type of folk dance art. Performed today. (Round dance.)

    What was the name of the dance teacher in Y. Olesha's fairy tale "Three Fat Men"? (Split.)

    Waltz from A. Rosenbaum's hit - ... (Boston.)

    When is International Dance Day celebrated? (April 29)

    In Argentina, everyone dances on December 11th. After all, this day was declared a national holiday by a special government decree and it is called ... (The tango holiday. “Argentine tango” is a well-known and beloved dance all over the world.)

    What country is considered the birthplace of the dance "Lady"? (Russia.)

    Dance with cries of "Assa!" - ... (Lezginka.)

    What is the name of the partner in the dance? A. Order bearer. V. Laureate.B. Cavalier.G. Cavalryman.

    The most pleasant noise for artists during a performance is ... (Applause.)

    What is the name of the time for eating sweets in the theater buffet? (Intermission.)

    The most ballet skirt is ... (Tutu.)

    What is the name of the “theatrical” variety of Russian chocolates? A. "Wig".V. "Mask".B. "Grim". G. "Role".

    What qualities should a good ballerina have?A. Eversion.B. agility. B. resourcefulness. D. Clumsiness.

    According to Ilze Liepa, dance helps to make beautiful not only the body, but also ... (Soul.)


We will playfully look at the map again:

We are waiting for the appearance of beautiful girls.

Their name is Gulnara, or maybe Zuhra.

In oriental tales, friends, it's time for us.

"Dance with veils" (senior group).


Now for the dance quiz.
1. What are specialized dance halls called in the West? (Dancing.)
2. What is the name of the dance area in a bar or club? (dance floor)
3. Whose dance is Krakowiak? (The folk dance of Russia, has Polish roots - from a folk dance that was performed only by men or a knight and his squire.)
4. Which dance is recognized as the "king" of dances? (Waltz.)
5. Whose is this old dance "Polka"? (Czech Republic.)
6. Whose dance is "Limbo"? (Dance from the island of Tobago, where Robinson Crusoe spent many years.)
7. Whose dance "Sirtaki"? (Dance of the Greek butchers.)
8. Mazurka? (Dance of Polish riders.)
9. What is this "white dance" and what is it called? (The episode at the evening, when the right to invite to the dance is granted to a woman, is also called "ladies'".)
10. What dances were danced at Larina's ball in the novel "Eugene Onegin"? (Waltz, mazurka, cotillion.)

Leading: This truth is knownDancing is very helpful.For health and figure,And for all muscles.For fun and sleepWe all need activity.Dance can tellWhich cannot be described in words.We give you faithful advice:Dancing is the secret of joy!Accept congratulationsAnd light it up to the fullest!Senior group dance "Get up"

Dancing quiz
1. Holiday in Rio de Janeiro. (Carnival)
2. The main dance of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro (Samba)
3. Caucasian dance. (Lezginka)
4. The cry of a lezginka. (Assa!)
5. Greek group dance. (Sirtaki)
6. Cowboy Mouzon. (Country).
7. The first dance of Natasha Rostova. (Waltz)
8. Dance with high tossing of legs. (Cancan)
9. Dance after gorilka. (Gopak)
10. Russian belt under the tramp (Trepak)
11. What kind of dance can polish the floor to a shine? (Twist)
12. "Fruit" dance of sailors. (Bullseye)
13. Letkin's half. (Enka)

And if someone asks: “Where have you been in the world?”

And he was in the world of dance - all the children will answer.

Let the dance walk next to us all our lives,

After all, we will never get tired of dancing!

Final dance "Russia".


Today we are finishing our program. But we are still together. We learned only a small part of the big choreography. There is also rhythmic choreography (Esperan), folk, stylish ("modern"), balance.

Congratulations on the international holiday of the World dance! See you again.

Victoria Shelupenko

Introduction Presenter:

Hello dear friends! Tell me which one of you loves dance?. And when people dance?. Of course, I especially want dance when the holiday, joy fun. And today glorious, cheerful joyful holiday- firstly, we met with you, and the second - today April 29 International (world holiday) day dance! .(slides* **)

On this day all dancing the world will celebrate its professional holiday- opera and ballet theaters, modern dance troupes, modern ballroom and folk ensembles dance and others both professional and amateur artists.

And since we all love too dance, then this is our holiday

AND WE CONGRATULATE ALL! And we start our holiday! (A curtain.)

DANCE "Minuet" After execution dances are read in turn.

Leading:Today dancing is a sin to forget,

Dance more than normal.

Today everyone should be

In excellent dance form.

1 happy day dance today we congratulate everyone

After all, everything in your life dance over and over.

2 We wish you smiles, pleasant emotions,

Let the sea of ​​energy be with you!

3 We wish you to dance only for joy,

Beautiful is the figure, beautiful is the soul.

4 And music will relieve any fatigue,

And you will see that life is good.

To the music, the children sit down.

Leading: Our holiday opened the minuet dance (slides***) The minuet is one of the most popular dancing in the old days. They called him "King dances and the dance of kings» . Favorite dance the minuet becomes the royal court under King Louis XIV. In the minuet, they tried to show the beauty of manners, refinement and grace of movements. The aristocratic society carefully studied the bows and curtsies that are often encountered along the way. dance. The magnificent clothes of the performers obliged them to slow movements. Beautiful, solemn, graceful, majestic dance. How did dance come about?

(slides***) The dance itself originated in ancient times. Our ancestors came up with simple movements that would have fun. They composed some songs and, to the sounds of tambourines, performed ordinary or ritual dancing. Believing that this helps hunting and finding food, people in dancing imitated the movements of animals Guys, do you think animals can (love) dance?.

And look how interesting dancing…. (*** slides of funny animal movements to music - "animals dance» )

From generation to generation, movements the dance got harder. prettier, more elegant. And now it's impossible to imagine holiday without dance. Let not everyone be able dance professionally but definitely a beauty dance is understandable and pleasant to everyone

So today we will admire dancing.

Our whole life is a beautiful dance.

Our whole life is a kaleidoscope.

Let's enjoy the dance

No extra phrases, no extra words.

We invite our guests from d / s"Dolphin", dance «….»

Leading: Dance festival - a bright holiday.

Movement will make you hot.

The dance has just begun

And the soul is already singing.

Dance «….» performed by children from kindergarten "Sun"

Leading: Dancing adults and children

Everyone dances in this world

And again guys from "Fairy tales" dance "Snowflake Tango"

Dancing Every nation has its charm and uniqueness. (slides « dances of the peoples of the world» ***)

And at children have their favorite dances who they love dance all together. Is it true?. So let's let's dance!

Dance for the audience "Brave Bunny"

Today they are engaged dancing a huge number of people.

In almost every city there are schools, circles and courses on various types of dance. Of course, choreography lessons are still difficult for young students. (slides***)

In this they are helped by people whose profession is a teacher. dance - choreographer.

And today we have away choreographer Nina Midyuseva with her pupils

dance group"Orpheus"

Dance ___ «…»

On this day, April 29, you can at least a few minutes dedicate dance with friends, with a brother or sister, with mom or dad, with grandparents or the whole family ... It doesn’t matter what it will be, fast hip-hop or slow waltz, funny polka or oriental dance, or maybe a comic letka-enka ....

Just dance. Move to the beat of the music, follow your desires. You are guaranteed an uplift!

Anyone who loves this kind of art,

On this day, we want to congratulate you!

Express your feelings boldly

IN dance, life, friendship and love.

At the end of the general dance, refreshments.

Hello dear friends! We are pleased to welcome everyone gathered in this hall to the event dedicated to the International Day of Dance.

International Dance Day is intended to unite all areas of dance, to become an occasion to celebrate this art form as a means of overcoming all political, cultural and ethnic boundaries.

One of the important features of any dance is its ability to unite people in the name of friendship and peace, it allows you to speak the same language - the language of choreography.

Our whole life is a beautiful dance.

Our whole life is a kaleidoscope.

Let's enjoy the dance

No extra phrases, no extra words.

Today the music is playing

Movement is smooth and easy

In our circling arise

Our laughter is far away.

Let this dance be long

Let the flowers be bright

that never fade

On a wonderful holiday of beauty!

Greeting guests:

Performance of our guys:

1. Today we will dance

Play, orchestra, till we drop

We will light up the stars

I invite everyone to the stage

Orchestra performance.

2. Or you waltz in the hall

Or in the rhythm of the tango you went

On this International Dance Day

We wish the soul to fly up.

Dance "Waltz"

3. Your life with Break-dance is all over,

You dance in a dream and in reality.

Let everything go away during the dance

Everything bad, so as not to invite trouble.

Dance "Break"

3. You are beautiful in a wonderful Russian dance,

The movements are honed, easy!

And I just want to admire

And dedicate the best poems to you.

Dance "Sudarushka"

4. Conversation is not words

Conversation in the rhythm of the dance

Either waltz or rumba

You can't refuse.

Dancing is like living

Live - always dancing!

Congratulations to the dancers

Happy Great Dance Day.

Dance "Retro"


At the end of April, like a full-flowing river

Sparkles International Dance Day.

It is created to joyfully countries and styles

United under the flag of art.

Let us congratulate those who by their labors comprehended,

Beautiful, understandable to all, body language.

May all performances be successful

And the dance of the soul embodies aspirations.

Seven sisters are very friendly,

Each song is very necessary.

You can't compose music

If You Don't Invite Them (Notes)

They hit each other

And they sing in response

And they shine like two pennies, -

Musical.. (cymbals)

He writes music for us

Melodies plays

He will put poems on a waltz

Who composes songs? (Composer)

Balls, balls and music plays

The gentlemen invite the lady to the dance.

French dance moves the silhouette

And the dance is called ... (minuet)

Music needs not only a "writer",

We need someone who will sing. He ... (performer)

The one who does not sing songs, but listens,

It's called guys (listener)



Scenario of the event dedicated to the International Dance Day

Hello dear friends! We are pleased to welcome everyone gathered in this hall to the event dedicated to the International Day of Dance.

International Dance Day is intended to unite all areas of dance, to become an occasion to celebrate this art form as a means of overcoming all political, cultural and ethnic boundaries.

One of the important features of any dance is its ability to unite people in the name of friendship and peace, it allows you to speak the same language - the language of choreography.

Our whole life is a beautiful dance.

Our whole life is a kaleidoscope.

Let's enjoy the dance

No extra phrases, no extra words.

Today the music is playing

Movement is smooth and easy

In our circling arise

Our laughter is far away.

Let this dance be long

Let the flowers be bright

that never fade

On a wonderful holiday of beauty!

Greeting guests:

2 –

Performance of our guys:


1. Today we will dance

Play, orchestra, till we drop

We will light up the stars

I invite everyone to the stage

Orchestra performance.

2. Or you waltz in the hall

Or in the rhythm of the tango you went

On this International Dance Day

We wish the soul to fly up.

Dance "Waltz"

3. Your life with Break-dance is all over,

You dance in a dream and in reality.

Let everything go away during the dance

Everything bad, so as not to invite trouble.

Dance "Break"

3. You are beautiful in a wonderful Russian dance,

The movements are honed, easy!

And I just want to admire

And dedicate the best poems to you.

Dance "Sudarushka"

4. Conversation is not words

Conversation in the rhythm of the dance

Either waltz or rumba

You can't refuse.

Dancing is like living

Live - always dancing!

Congratulations to the dancers

Happy Great Dance Day.

Dance "Retro"


At the end of April, like a full-flowing river

Sparkles International Dance Day.

It is created to joyfully countries and styles

United under the flag of art.

Let us congratulate those who by their labors comprehended,

Beautiful, understandable to all, body language.

May all performances be successful

And the dance of the soul embodies aspirations.


Seven sisters are very friendly,

Each song is very necessary.

You can't compose music

If You Don't Invite Them (Notes)

They hit each other

And they sing in response

And they shine like two pennies, -

Musical.. (cymbals)

He writes music for us

Melodies plays

He will put poems on a waltz

Who composes songs? (Composer)

Balls, balls and music plays

The gentlemen invite the lady to the dance.

French dance moves the silhouette

And the dance is called ... (minuet)

Music needs not only a "writer",

We need someone who will sing. He ... (performer)

The one who does not sing songs, but listens,

It's called guys (listener)

MBOU DOD "Kopyevsky District House of Children's Creativity"

Scenario of educational event

for International Dance Day

Performed: Gonchar O.G.

additional teacher


p. Kopyevo.

"Perhaps the best, the most perfect

and joyful that is in life -

it is free movement to the music.

And you can learn this from a child.

A.I. Burenina.

Purpose of the event:

Harmonious mental, spiritual and physical development, the formation of rhythmic movements in a child by means of music, various skills, abilities, personality traits. And also - strengthening the health of children, the disclosure of motor abilities.

Tasks of conducting:

    Increasing interest in art;

    Develop aesthetic taste, cultivate sublime feelings;

    A visual demonstration of the art of choreography, a dance show.

Conduct form: concert and congratulatory program.

Nomination: spiritual and moral.

The course of the script of the festive concert

"Soul Fulfilled Flight"

Flash mob.

Fanfares sound, the leader exits.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear friends, parents and guests of our holiday! Hello, dear fans of the most massive and popular art - dance! Todaywe will tell you about a miracle! About the miracle that lives next to us. What is it, you ask? And try to guess for yourself! You cannot touch it with your hand, but you can see and hear it. It has a soul, a heart, but it takes time to understand it. It can make us laugh and cry.A miracle is born here on the stage andit is called the Dance.

According to ancient Roman legend, Apollo is the patron of the arts. But he has nine beautiful muses. Clio is the muse of history, Thalia is the muse of comedy, Melpomene is the muse of tragedy. But our attention is attracted by another - the muse of dance - Terpsichore. And Her Majesty is visiting us today.

Exit of Terpsichore (sirtaki dance)


Music is playing today.

Today songs and fun.

Let the dance festival complete

April week.

Let's dance today

And have fun until you drop

Today dancing is a sin to forget

Dance more than normal.

Today everyone should be

In excellent dance form.

You love to dance, don't you? Or, at least, the sounds of rhythmic, incendiary music do not leave you indifferent? Whatever it was, I invite you to touch this art. Moreover, dance occupies a very prominent place in the life of every person.

Dance art -

These are beautiful moves.

This is beautiful music.

Grace, bright costumes.

Dance brings joy.

The word for congratulations is given to the Director of KRDDT Meshchaninova Elena Valentinovna (granting diplomas).

Terpsichore: And it is no coincidence that our concert is called "Souls Fulfilled Flight". After all, this is the most difficult thing. To express the beauty of dance with the soul - perhaps this is the highest achievement of a dancer!

So, the incendiary opens our festive concertrock and roll dance. The most important thing in this dance is the ability to quickly and correctly work with your feet and, most importantly, in rhythm.

The hall is brightly decorated with lights,
Today you are visiting us.
For us, relatives, a meeting with you,
Like a bright holiday, at this hour.

The floor for congratulations is given to the Head of the Department of Education of the Ordzhonikidzevsky District Kukushkina Lidia Petrovna.

And now I want to tell you an Italian legend. Once a young man was bitten by a poisonous spider. It was called a tarantula. But the young man did not die from the bite. Because he began to dance quickly. He danced and recovered. And the dance began to be called"Tarantella".

Gymnastic dance with ribbons.

I have a surprise for you. Guests from the far East have come to visit you. They offer you to watch their dance"Oriental motives" .

Terpsichore: The ancient Greeks highly valued dance. They saw in the art of dance "the unity of spiritual and bodily beauty." Dances accompanied state holidays, family celebrations, and they studied them in gymnasiums, academies and music schools.

Great development of dance art occurred in the Middle Ages.

In the Middle Ages, dances adorned folk festivals and home holidays. In the dance of ordinary people one can see the glorification of life, the joy of youth, good luck, they worship the sun, the distances of the fields. Lively rhythm, jumps, circular movements, stomps, jumps - that's the whole folk choreographyRussian folk dance "Maiden's Dance".

Soloist of the Ensemble "Inspiration" Sycheva Yulanta, dance-modern "Tosca"

Terpsichore: Each dance quickly appeared and quickly gave way to a new one. And only one remained timeless. He was born before everyone else. And sounds in the open air, and in clubs for 200 years! At the sound of this dance, you want to spin.

The first bars of amazing music are captivating. And now their sound captivated us Waltz fell in love with many. And from the first step and forever!

World of colors and melodies

Always open for us

And into this world today

Everyone, everyone is called by our waltz!

ShRR "Harmony" dance composition "Waltz"

Terpsichore: The green carpets of the valleys call the beauties for a walk.

Laughing, young, mischievous, carelessly dancing in a circle!

They are a match for their horsemen - reckless, lively and bold.

Their dances, pranks are sweet, and the expectation of love is filled with

girls' hearts.

Ah, do not deceive youth, no one's hopes, grant happiness to everyone!

Azerbaijani folk dance "Gulgyaz"

Dance composition "Mom"

In Rus', not a single holiday, not a single celebration passes without a provocative dance.

I'm going to dance, the whole floor is cracking!

My business is young, God will forgive me!

Dance "Russian dance"

The sea is churning and churning

The stones of the sea sharpen everything,

Breadth spread out on the beach,

It will lie in a foamy strip,

Algae will throw an armful,

Splashes with a lamb's hat.

It wants to show off

Before the power subsides

Eager to indulge,

Rage, fury, pain.

Power will spill, scatter ...

Quietly melts in the abyss ...

Modern dance "Storm".

Gymnastic dance with balls.

Variety dance "Carnival".

Block dedicated to the 7th anniversary of the ensemble "Inspiration".

Solemn music


Ah, inspiration, inspiration!

Here is a riot of colors, tender feelings of the moment,
Flickering of hands, movement of hips, legs...

Oh dance! You are a great creation
Exciting, divine delight!

Dear friends, you may have noticed that today the choreographic ensemble "Inspiration" shines on this stage in all its glory, and this is no coincidence, because. This is a significant date for the Inspiration team. This year the ensemble turns 7 years old.

You've been together for seven years
This, in general, is not a deadline!
This life is interesting
educational lesson,
You have learned a lot
How do you keep your posture
How many fractions did you beat
They started dancing great.
Dancing around the world
Much more fun
And for mothers there is no more wonderful,
Than to look at you now!

Let your dance be winged
Light movements and a slender camp,
A smile on the lips, and a kind look,
Applause is your reward!

The time has come to get to know those who for 7 years have illuminated the firmament of our House of Creativity with the bright light of their achievements.
The Inspiration team was founded in 2005. At first it was a small circle of children's choreography, but a year later it grew into a team consisting of three age groups.Head of the Ensemble "Inspiration" O. G. Goncharbased her work on classical, folk repertoire and contemporary choreography. R The ensemble's repertoire can be envied, these are folk, classical, stylized, story, pop, modern and children's dances.

Ensemble "Inspiration" takes an active part in the life of DDT, district

and beyond. Behind victories and achievements is everyday work and

incredible patience. To this day, their dances remain as bright, unique and continue to delight the audience. For such a considerable time, the ensemble has accumulated a large number of awards.

In 2006, for the first time, the team took part in the regional competition of young talents "Spring drops - 2006" and became the winner of the competition in several categories.

Since then, the Inspiration team has successfully participated in regional, interregional and republican competitions and festivals: "Rainbow of Talents", "Dancing Province", "Young Talents", "Rainbow of Faces", "Creative Show" and many others. And basically on their account 1 and 2 places. And this year, the team pleased us with their victories, taking 4 first places in different nominations in the regional competition of young talents.

The track record is solid and deserves your applause!

Children's words:

Since the name of the team is "Inspiration",
Every moment is wonderful.
After all, every hour, every day,

We are moving towards our Big Dream.

Our team is 7 years old!
We have matured, we have only become more beautiful.
They grew up, got stronger, rose to their feet,
And today we met again.

The dance opened its arms to us
Discovered the secret and plasticity of movements
And we don't waste time
Dancing, we get pleasure.

At rehearsals, it comes to tears,
But we know that we should smile
And in the dance inspiration comes.
The world without dance is not at all interesting.

And the exercises are hard
And the dance hall is cramped
But we need harmony of movement,
And the world without dance is not interesting to us.

And in the dance our thoughts will take wings,
And they will fly like a free bird.
And in dancing we can't pretend.
From the bottom of our hearts, we give inspiration!

Come, spectators to our concerts,
Only for you, for the audience, we dance on the stage,
Only together with you we will celebrate twenty!
Come, spectators, to admire the dance ...

A word to the guests: ____________________________________________________

Parents' words:

Most recently, our children
A shy flock entered the classroom.
They heard about ballet
About ballerinas, about diet.
And all these words mixed up
In their heads. But the days went by
And, as happens in the world.
A little later, they were able
Starting with the simplest steps,
Perform on this stage.

Dreaming about his own
We are building a common home together.
And in the house the main one, without a doubt, -
Inspiration School Teacher.

Thank you for keeping the thread
Were able to explain to children
What is the core of a Russian ballerina -
Labor at the machine and discipline.

Years fly by and our children
Already circling in a pirouette.
And we are for all these successes
Thanks teacher,
From the heart, without fuss:
“On behalf of the parents.
Thanks for the kids."

Contemporary dance "Black Pearl"


In the rhythms of the crazy waltz

Flashing, spinning like a moment;

My passion in return

Sounds fly castanets.

My braids are flying

My dresses rustle;

In the eyes of a crazy light;

Your glances in return.

This devilish dance

This bright blush

This passion impulse

Conquered the heavens.

Spanish folk dance "Fiery Passion"

Russian folk dance (Ah, Samara town).

Stylized Russian folk dance "Ivan Kupala"

Gypsy folk dance "Danu, Danai"

The final: song "Hello world!"

Happy dance day today, we congratulate everyone,

After all, everyone dances more than once in their life.

We wish you smiles, pleasant emotions,

Let the sea of ​​energy be with you!

We wish you to dance only for joy,

Beautiful is the figure, beautiful is the soul.

And the music will relieve any fatigue,

And you will see that life is good!

Goodbye, See you soon!!!

(music “Dance” sounds Horonko orchestra)
The presenters come out, pass through the hall and stop
1 led.
The holiday came to us and beautifully called:
“I am a holiday of fun, melody, dance.
I am a holiday of golden love and good luck.
I make everyone happier and richer!”
2 led.
We believed in such a wonderful miracle,
And people became joyful in joy.
And the sun's gentle gaze was wonderful.
And everyone became happy, loved and rich.
1 led. We welcome you to the International Dance Day celebration
2 led. We are pleased to present to your attention a concert program prepared by pupils of groups 9 and 10 of the Yolochka kindergarten
1 led. Meet the participants of the Dance Mosaic program!
(music "Abba" sounds)
From two exits, couples take turns going to the center, then they are rebuilt into a large semicircle. The boys sit forward on one knee, the girls line up behind them. The rest are greeted with applause.
1 child Movement, rhythm, melody, steps,
Forward, backward and turn
Deflection, jerk and swing of the leg,
Who danced - he will understand everything!
2 children
Dance is incomparable
If you often whirl in rhythm,
The dance may gradually
Turn into the meaning of life!
3 children
There's always time for yourself
The melody will call everywhere
Releasing from a busy day
Drop everything and dance...
Feel like flying
Spinning smoothly, wave-second!
To be a bird in the sky soaring
Be real, be yourself!
5 children
How to dance - tell the body
When you sit down, wave your hand.
You don't dare to start moving
Then you will notice
6 children
Ease, pleasure,
The desire to move, whirl,
Emotions rise and mood -
You can't help but fall in love with it!
7 children
Dancing is not for a day
Not for a year or two!
Dance is not familiar with laziness -
Dance is forever!
(music “Dance” sounds in a short orchestra)
Children sit down
Children remain for CHARGING (Ulyana Leonidovna)
8 children
Teach me how to dance
Flow in the rhythm of smooth movements.
Splash yourself in a whirlwind of sounds,
Dissolve and merge with the music.
Let me be swallowed by the depth
Will overwhelm with a hidden dream.
I was born to live free
Under your lucky star.
2 led. Today you will plunge into the magical world of dance!
1 led. You will be transported for a moment to the Far North, visit sunny Greece and sultry Argentina
2 led. You will see oriental beauties and get acquainted with Russian heroes.
9 children
Sharp sword and fast horse
Bow and arrows.
On the road he jumps -
Warrior is brave.

The whole world lies before him.
The path is one.
The real hero
Like from a picture.
1 led. Soloists of the Ilya Muromets State Song and Dance Ensemble perform
(dance "Bogatyrs", boys)
POEMS about the polka (look in the previous scenarios)
2 led. Fascinating is the dance "POLKA". This dance is easy to perform and has a cheerful character. He was born in the Czech Republic and to this day is a folk dance. And now the elements of this incendiary dance will be performed by our dance couples.
We'll dance for an hour!
We don't get tired at all.
Now we will perform for you
Favorite dance "Polka"
(dance "Polka", 10 gr.)
In the edge of our mysteries of nature:
White nights in the valley of streams
The mysteries of the forest, the whims of nature,
Ob and Irtysh at the foot of the hills.
(Dance "Northern Picture", 9 gr.)
10 children
Pearls of the snows Surrounding mountains
Threads of silks, disagreements and quarrels are melting.
The dance will reconcile everyone, Who is ready to enjoy,
The way time flies, Under the wing of a dancer!
11 children
A merry dance rushes beauties swarm,
Draining grace with living harmony;
The heat of tender hands and young hearts
In happy bonds merged at last.
2 led. Mysterious guests from distant Turkey perform
(dance "Oriental Beauties", 10gr.)
12 children
Behind the birch window
In festive attire
The breeze is swaying
Solar strands.
Leaves will fall
Will lay down with a veil
And cover the earth
Light blanket.
And spring will come
Earrings hang again
The branches decorate
Like the dress brooches.
1 led. On stage State Academic Ensemble "Berezka"
(dance "Birch", 9 gr.)
13 children
I have not been to Greece, but still in me
This ancient, non-extinguishing torch burns,
And the heart rejoices, thawing in the fire,
Only sounds I will hear to the dance of Sirtaki
2 led. Artists from sunny Greece perform in front of us
(dance "Sirtaki", 10 gr.)
14 children
This night is like a dream
Stars in the sky - happiness lines ...
We dance in unison
Tango of happiness on toes...

Admiration sweet moment ...
A whisper-cry flying to the stars...
This is a tango for two...
Barefoot... on white roses...
1 led. We meet guests from Argentina and 15 groups with the dance "Tango"
(dance "Tango", 15 gr.)
1 led. Like a living rainbow
Bloomed in bright colors
fire, vortex
The Russian dance has gone.
2 led.
Not hands - wings spread out!
And from under the feet - fire, fire!
Can you imagine Russians
Without Russian dance to the accordion?!
1 led. Pupils of the studio of modern choreography under the direction of Kalenskaya Galina Andreevna will delight us with the Russian folk dance "Varenka"
(dance "Varenka", Olympia)
1 led. Oh dance! You are my dream aspiration!
There is nothing more beautiful in the world
Than the triumph of love and inspiration,
Ovation delightful bouquet!
2 led.
Foxtrot and tango, jive and tarantella,
The king of all dances is the good old waltz.
And music is an enchanting power
Carries and circles you in a stellar whirlwind!
1 led.
Here is a riot of colors, tender feelings of the moment,
Flickering of hands, movement of hips, legs ...
Oh dance! You are a great creation
Exciting, divine delight!
(dance "Penguins")
15 children
Forgive me madam
This dance is for me.
I invite you to the circle
I will lead you to the dawn.
Let him give us
sky blue,
Let the unmowed meadow
It will cover us like a blanket.
(dance "Waltz", everyone)
16 children
Why do people dance? —
Hoping and waiting
What will suddenly be slimmer
And gain flexibility?
17 children
What is their bold dance
Will anyone love?
That the world will become kinder
And even a little prettier?
18 children
Flickering legs, arms,
Knees, bellies!
Don't be bored,
Dance quickly and you!
1 led. Well, our holiday concert has come to an end.
2 led. We thank all those who helped and supported us.
1 led. We welcome our choreographer
2 led. Kalenskaya Galina Andreevna
(choreographer exits)
Folk dance is the soul of the people, and nature itself creates it.
There are many dances in the world:
Greeks, Russians and Spaniards.
But you are a unique ensemble!
Any dance national dance!
1 led. Thanks to the audience.

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