Entertainment scenario "Visiting Petrushka" with the use of a puppet theater for the International Theater Day. Puppet show in kindergarten


Puppet show "Katya and the Fox" for children of primary preschool age

Alexandrova Alexandra Evgenievna, music director of the Kindergarten No. 4 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg
Description of work: I bring to your attention the scenario of a puppet show for children of primary preschool age with the addition of musical, game and logorhythmic exercises. This development can be used by music directors and educators of preschool educational institutions.
Subject:"Puppet show"
Leading educational area: artistic and aesthetic development.
Target: the theater reveals the spiritual and creative potential of the child and provides a real opportunity for adaptation in the social environment.
- consolidate knowledge about the world of nature and animals
- encourage children to actively participate in the action of the performance;
- to consolidate the skills and ability to closely follow the plot, empathizing with the heroes of the performance;
- develop musical, dancing, singing abilities of children;
Activities: communicative, playful, musical.
Members: children of primary and secondary groups, music director, educators
Preliminary work:
- selection of musical repertoire;
- learning the text of the performance by roles with educators
- learning songs

Puppet show "Katya and the Fox"

Required toys: Katya, Fox, Grandmother, Bear, Wolf, Hedgehog, girlfriends (several dolls fastened together)

In the yard - Katenka sighs loudly.
KATYENKA: Hello guys! What a bright sun shines, let's sing a song to him.

Song "Sunshine"
And there goes my grandmother.
GRANDMOTHER: Katenka, granddaughter, why are you sighing? Look, summer is in the yard! Trees, flowers around are all multi-colored, but butterflies are spinning in the air - a feast for the eyes!

KATE: I'm bored, grandma. Yesterday I made wreaths of flowers, played in the sand. Now it's boring...
A friend appears.
GIRLFRIEND: Katya, let's go to the forest for mushrooms!
KATE: Grandma, can I go mushroom picking with my girlfriends?
GRANDMOTHER: Oh, I'm afraid to let you go. Get lost! Get lost!
KATE: I won't get lost! I know the magic word, which one should be shouted in order to keep up with the girlfriends
Presenter: Guys, what is this word they shout in the forest so as not to lose each other? (children answer) That's right, AU! Let's all shout in unison!

KATE: I also know how to shout “AU”, so I won’t get lost!
GRANDMOTHER: Well, then go! Just don't leave your girlfriends, otherwise you'll get lost!
Everyone disappears behind a screen
Presenter: And now we will guess what grows in the forest.
1. What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman.
She doesn't sew anything.
But in needles all year round. (Christmas tree)
2. Here is the favorite of Rus' -
Ask anyone and everyone.
White-barreled beauty
Decorate our forests. (Birch)
3. She dies before autumn
And comes alive again in the spring.
A green needle will come out to the light,
It grows and blooms all summer. Cows without it are in trouble:
She is their main food. (Grass)
4. Picking a berry is easy -
After all, it grows low.
Look under the leaves
It ripened there ... (strawberries)
5. These berries, everyone knows
We are changing the medication.
If you are sick with angina,
Drink tea with ... (raspberry) at night
6. And on the hill, and under the hill,
Under the birch, yes under the tree,
Round dances and in a row
Well done in hats. (mushrooms)
What mushrooms do you know?
KATE: Here is a fungus, a boletus ... and there is more. Volnushka, and here is the porcini mushroom - the king of mushrooms ... So the basket is full! It's time to go home, please your grandmother.
And where are my girlfriends? Ay! Ay! Oh, they don't respond... Ay! Ay! Oh no response! Know I'm lost. What to do now? Where to go? … (crying). Oh, I'm scared! Soon the night will come, the forest animals will wake up in the forest. What if they hurt me!
(Bear appears)

BEAR: Oh, the girl is sitting on a tree and crying! Why are you crying, girl, why are you crying, dear!
KATE: I grew up with my grandparents, my beloved granddaughter Katyushenka. I went with my girlfriends to the forest, but I fell behind them, and my girlfriends left me in the forest ... but I want to go home!
KATE: No, I'm afraid you'll eat me!
BEAR: Well, then I'll cheer you up, and you guys help me.
The song "Bear clubfoot"
BEAR: Guys, let's call the wolf. (leaves)
(Wolf appears)

WOLF: I am Wolf-top, gray barrel! Who is crying here?
KATE: I grew up with my grandmother, beloved granddaughter Katyushenka. I went with my girlfriends to the forest, but I fell behind them, and my girlfriends left me in the forest. And I want to go home!
WOLF: So sit on my back, I'll take you home to your grandmother!
KATE: No, I'm afraid you'll eat me!
WOLF: Well, then I'll dance with you and the guys.
Dance-game "Yes-yes-yes"
(wolf leaves)
KATE: Ay-ay! Who will help me? We need to call the hedgehog.
(Hedgehog appears)

HEDGEHOG: Who is crying here, who is complaining?
KATE: I'm complaining, Katyushenka. I went with my girlfriends to the forest, but I fell behind them, and my girlfriends left me in the forest ... But I want to go home!
HEDGEHOG: So I'll take you home!
KATE: No, not a tear, you prickly, still prick me!
HEDGEHOG: Well, sorry then, I'll move on. (leaves)
Presenter: You drove everyone away, Katenka. The bear offered help - refused, the wolf - got scared, drove the hedgehog away. How are you going to get home now?
KATE: Ay-ay! Ay-ay! Who will help me?
Presenter: Who else lives in the forest?
(Lisa exits)

FOX: I am Chanterelle sister, who is crying for the whole forest here? Who's complaining here? (notices Kate) Hello girl! Why are you crying so bitterly, you almost cried a lake!
KATE: Hello, fox, now I'll tell you. I grew up with my grandmother, beloved granddaughter Katyushenka. I went with my girlfriends to the forest, but I fell behind them, and my girlfriends left me in the forest ... But I want to go home!
FOX: So give me your hand, I'll take you home to your grandmother!
KATE: Come on, fox! I'm not afraid of you, you are kind!
FOX: Here is your house! Let's knock! Knock Knock! Open, I brought your granddaughter Katenka!
Presenter: And we will help Katya to knock.
Game-exercise "Snitch"
GRANDMOTHER(leaves the house): Oh, Katya! It's good that you came, I was so worried. Your girlfriends came running and said: "We lost Katenka in the forest, we kept calling, calling, but she didn't respond."
KATYENKA: I'm lost, grandma. Various animals offered to help me. The bear offered, but I did not go with him, the bear is big and scary. The wolf offered help, I didn’t go either - the wolf was toothy. And the Hedgehog offered help, but I was also afraid to go with him, he is prickly. But I believed the Chanterelle-sister. Chanterelle showed me the way home.

GRANDMOTHER: Thank you, Chanterelle, I don’t know how to treat you, dear, how to feed you, dear!
FOX: I don't need anything! I'm not for goodies, but just to help!
GRANDMOTHER: I know! I know how to thank you! (Grandmother leaves, returns with a scarf). Here's a present for you, a handkerchief!

FOX: Thank you, I will not refuse a scarf! I'll dance and you clap me.
Goodbye, Katenka! Goodbye Grandma!
The fox leaves, Grandmother and Katya wave to her, shouting: "Goodbye, come visit!"

Svetlana Shevchenko
"Alyonushka and the Fox". Scenario of a puppet show for preschool children

Decorations and attributes: on the screen: on one side - a village hut, on the other - an image of a forest, mushrooms near the trees; baskets, jug, plate (bowl)

puppet theater puppets: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, girlfriends, hare, wolf, bear, fox

Calm music sounds.

Leading: In one village, with a forest nearby,

Once upon a time there were grandfather and grandmother

Grandfather and Grandmother come out of the house.

Leading: The granddaughter lived with them,

She was called Alyonushka.

Alenka and her friends run out.

Alyonushka: Grandpa, Baba! For mushrooms

My friends called me.

Grandfather: Well, go ahead.

Grandmother: Collect next to them!

Music sounds. Alenka runs with her girlfriends into the forest

Leading: I asked my grandfather and grandmother for leave,

And quickly hurried into the forest.

Alyonka and her girlfriends gather mushrooms, then the girlfriends leave.

Alenka: I collected mushrooms. AU!

Where are the girlfriends, I don’t understand?

Where is the village? Guess!

Leading: He sees a gray bunny jumping.

A Hare appears on the screen.

Bunny: What happened? Why

Are you sitting here alone in the forest?

Alenka: I went for mushrooms,

Yes, I forgot the order:

"From friends - do not lag behind,

Gather next to them"

I got lost, that's the problem.

And now I'm here alone.

Hare: Don't worry, come with me.

I know the path home.

Alenka: I'd rather sit here,

I'll lie down on the grass.

You are afraid of everything.

Hare: Well, then I ran. (runs away)

Host: Again Alenka felt sad.

Alenka: Why did you let the bunny go,

I will not take it in any way?

Hand the wolf appears on the screen

Host: Here is a wolf running through the forest.

Wolf: What happened? Why,

Girl, are you sitting in the forest?

Alenka: I went for mushrooms,

Yes, I forgot the order:

"From friends - do not lag behind,

Gather next to them"

I got lost, that's the problem.

And now I'm sitting alone.

Wolf: Don't worry. I spend

To the village. U-u-u!

Alenka: What are you, what are you. I'm with you

I won’t go - you howl terribly,

The teeth are sharp.

Run back quickly.

Wolf: You're right. Well, bye! (runs away)

Alenka: Run away. Alone again. (crying)

A Bear appears on the screen.

Leading: The bear is walking through the forest

Alenka: Oh! Who is crying like that?

Bear: Girl? Alone in the forest?

Host: She tells him:

Alenka: I lagged behind my girlfriends,

As for the road, I don't know.

Bear: It's not a problem at all.

I will accompany you now.

Bear: Don't be afraid, I won't eat

After all, I'm not scary at all!

Alenka: How did you roar? Scared!

I'd rather stay here alone.

Bear: It will soon be evening.

Elena: Go away!

The bear leaves

Host: The bear is gone.

And Alenka is sad again.

A fox is running past.

Fox appears on the screen.

Alenka: Oh, you fox, fox!

You are the beauty of the whole forest.

Help, you give me a little:

Find your way home!

Fox: Well, I'll show you the way

I'll take you to the village.

Go to the village house

Fox: Hey, masters, let me in!

Open the door quickly!

Grandfather and Grandmother come out of the house.

Lisa: I brought my granddaughter to you.

Grandmother: How many tears I shed! (hugs granddaughter)

Grandfather: Well, thank you, fox!

Grandma: Here's a bowl of sour cream,

Yes, a jug of milk.

Grandma feeds a fox

Lisa: Thank you! I have to go!

The fox runs towards the forest. Everyone waves after her, then goes into the house.

Host: Well, fox - well done!

And our fairy tale is over.

Related publications:

Scenario of the puppet show "New Year's transformations" Presenter: Guys, today we have gathered here to remember the past New Year's holiday, to remember how we circled around the elegant Christmas tree.

Characters: grandmother, grandfather, Alyonushka, bull, bunny, fox, bear (sometimes a wolf appears in other retellings)

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28. Sly cockerel

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A puppet show is a theatrical performance in which the physical component is performed by puppets controlled and spoken by puppeteers. This art form has been around for centuries and remains a favorite of both children and adults.

The importance of puppet shows in the lives of children

It is very important to take children to the theater, because it has a great educational value. But many kids are afraid of fairy tale characters when they are played by human actors on stage. At the same time, they are not afraid of puppet actors, as they are small and look like toys that kids love to play with. Therefore, the best option would be puppets. The script must be age appropriate for the audience to be understood by them.

Performances with the participation of puppets give kids a good mood and a lot of impressions, develop their abilities, educate their emotionality. Children see relationships between characters that show them what they should and shouldn't be. The characters are examples of kindness, love for loved ones and for the Motherland, true friendship, hard work, striving to fulfill a dream ...

Puppet shows for children are of great educational value. The scenario of the performance performed by the puppets is close to the child. Children are delighted when they see puppet shows. Magic happens before their eyes - dolls come to life, move, dance, talk, cry and laugh, turn into something or someone.

To write a good, interesting script for children's puppet shows, you need to know for what audience it will be shown: for ordinary children or for a specific audience, where not everything can be shown. In some cases, it may be necessary to demonstrate something specific.

When the theme of the script is determined, you need to choose the main character (he must be positive) and his antagonist, that is, a negative character who will create difficulties for him. The appearance of the dolls should correspond to their characters.

When the characters are defined, you need to think over the plot: what will happen to the characters and where. The puppet show should be instructive and at the same time, the presence of humorous details is desirable in it. It is better if the dialogues are not too long. The play should have more action than text. Long dialogues will be tiresome for small viewers. The most important thing is to write an interesting and understandable script.

Scene selection

This needs to be addressed first. It is necessary to choose the plot according to which the script of the puppet show will be written, based on the age of the children who will watch it. It will be difficult for kids, for example, 3 years old to perceive what is intended for children of 8 years old.

A puppet show for preschoolers will be interesting and understandable if its script is written based on one of such fairy tales as "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip", "Teremok", "Ryaba Hen", "Three Bears" and so on. These stories are familiar to kids from early childhood. It is more appropriate to stage puppet shows for children based on such fairy tales as "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "The Adventures of Pinocchio", "Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves", "Winnie the Pooh", "Cinderella", "Thumbelina", "Puss in Boots" , "Mowgli", "Gulliver's Travels", "The Blue Bird" and others. The scripts based on these works are ideal for viewers from 6 to 12 years old. Puppet shows for children should be bright, memorable, so that they evoke as much as possible for young viewers and leave a lot of impressions.

Script Composition

(just like any other) are built according to the scheme:

  • string;
  • action development;
  • climax;
  • denouement.

The plot is the very beginning of the whole performance. It is necessary to familiarize the viewer with the characters, with the place of action and with what events the whole story that will be told began.

The development of action is a gradual transition from the plot to the climax.

The climax is the main moment in the performance, it serves as a transition to the denouement. He is the most intense and significant in the plot, the outcome of the play largely depends on him.

Decoupling - the stage at which the action ends, the summing up takes place. This is a kind of result of the previous components of the whole plot.

"Masha and the Bear"

This article presents an exemplary scenario for a puppet show for children. The fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" is taken as the basis. A children's puppet show based on this Russian folk work will meet all the requirements for a plot. There is a positive main character (Mashenka) and a negative character - the Bear, who creates difficulties for the girl. There are funny and instructive moments in this tale.


The scenario of the puppet show based on the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" involves the use of the following characters in the performance:

  • Masha;
  • bear;
  • Masha's grandmother;
  • her grandfather;
  • Masha's girlfriend;
  • Dog.


The puppet show "Masha and the Bear" begins with the fact that a friend invites Masha to go to the forest for mushrooms.

The scenery depicts where the main character lives with her grandparents. A forest is visible in the distance. Her girlfriend comes up to Mashenka's house with a basket in her hands and knocks on the window.

Girlfriend: Mashenka, wake up soon, otherwise we will miss all the mushrooms! Stop sleeping, the roosters are already crowing.

At this time, Grandmother Car looks out of the window.

Grandmother: Don't make noise or you'll wake me up! I won’t let my granddaughter go into the forest, the bear lives there.

Mashenka leaves the house with a basket. Grandmother follows her and tries not to let her go into the forest.

Masha: Grandma, let me go to the forest for mushrooms, please!

Girlfriend: We must hurry, otherwise the sun is already high, and it is far to go to the forest. Let's pick boletus, chanterelles and strawberries.

Masha: Let me go, grandma.

Grandpa appears in the window of the house.

Grandfather: Okay, grandma, let Mashenka go into the forest! There hasn't been a bear there for a long time, Fedot shot him.

Grandmother: It is good to. Only here is your Fedot to lie much.

Masha: Grandma, let me go to the forest for mushrooms and berries!

grandma: Okay, granddaughter, go, but look, do not get lost and return before dark.

Masha and her girlfriend went to the forest, and grandfather and grandmother went to the house.

Development of action

The puppet show (its action) is transferred to the forest. Mashenka and her friend are gathering mushrooms and berries. As they walk through the forest, they sing a song.

Masha(seeing a mushroom, runs forward): Oh, I found a mushroom.

Girlfriend: Do not run away from me and do not lag behind, otherwise you will get lost!

Masha: And here is another mushroom.

She runs behind the trees and she is no longer visible behind them, only her voice is heard.

Masha: How many mushrooms, chanterelles. Oh, and here are the berries. Strawberries, blueberries, cranberries.

A friend finds a mushroom, picks it up and puts it in her basket. After that, he looks around.

Girlfriend: Masha, where are you? Ay! Respond! Come back! Probably lost Mashenka. It's getting dark, it's time for me to go home.

Girlfriend picks a few more mushrooms, then returns to the village.


Mashenka is walking through the forest with a full basket of mushrooms. She goes to the edge, where there is a bear's hut.

Masha: My friend, ay! Respond! I'm here! Where are you? And here is someone's hut, we will ask the one who lives in it to take us home.

She knocks on the door and the bear opens it. He grabs her and drags her into his house.

Bear: Come in, since you came. Stay with me to live! You will heat the oven for me, put things in order, bake raspberry pies, cook jelly and semolina porridge, otherwise I will eat you.

Masha(crying) I can't stay here! My grandparents are waiting for me, crying. Who will cook dinner for them without me?

Bear: I need you more on the farm! You will live with me, and you can cook dinners for them here, and I will take them.

The next picture shows a village house, from which grandparents and Cars come out, they go into the forest in search of their granddaughter.

Grandmother: I told her not to go into the forest, and you: "Go, go." And my heart felt trouble. And where should we look for our granddaughter now?

Grandfather: What about me? You yourself let her go into the forest! Who knew that she would go on a walk before dark ...

Grandmother: Granddaughter, where are you? Ay! What if the bear ate it? Where are you, Masha?

A bear appears from behind a tree. He goes out to meet his grandparents.

Bear: What are you shouting about? You disturb my sleep!

Grandma and Grandpa get scared of him and run away.

Bear: Well, fine! There is nothing to walk in my forest!

The bear goes to his hut.


Morning has come. The bear comes out of the hut. Mashenka follows him and carries a large box.

Bear: Where are you going? What's in your box?

Masha: I baked pies with raspberries and blueberries for my grandparents! They will be glad.

Bear: Do you want to run away from me? Don't fool me! I'm the smartest in the forest! I'll take your pies to them myself.

Masha: Okay, take it. Only now I'm afraid that you will eat all the pies on the way. Then I will climb a pine tree and from there I will follow you so that you do not open the box and eat nothing.

Bear: I won't deceive you.

Masha: Bring me firewood so that I can cook porridge for you while you go to my grandparents.

The bear goes for firewood. The girl hides in a box at this time. Soon the Bear returns, brings firewood, puts a box on his back and goes to the village, singing a song.

Bear: Oh, I'm tired. I'll sit on a stump and eat a pie!

Masha: (leaning out of the box): I sit high, I look far away! Don't sit on a stump and don't eat my pies! Take them to grandma and grandpa.

Bear: What a big-eyed one.

The forest ends, the bear is already in the village. He goes to Masha's house and knocks. A dog runs up to him and pounces. The bear throws the box and runs to his forest. Grandma and grandpa open the box, and Mashenka jumps out. They rejoice that the granddaughter has returned, hug her and lead her into the house.

The scenario of the puppet show "Masha and the Bear" is designed for children from 2 to 6 years old.

Theater available both in kindergarten and at home! This informative section contains many scripts for children's performances and theatrical productions - from Russian folk tales that have become eternal classics, to "old stories in a new way" and completely original performances. Working on any of the performances presented here will be a real holiday for your wards, and the process of participating in the "revival" of your favorite characters and plots will be a real magic.

A real encyclopedia for teachers-"screenwriters".

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Showing publications 1-10 of 5142 .
All sections | Scenarios of performances. Theatrical performances, dramatizations

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