Scenario of a dance marathon with competitions for graduation. Scenario of the competition for the best sports dance for students of the correctional school "Dance marathon Dance marathon competition at school


Municipal educational institution of additional education for children

Children's Youth Center "Youth"

Club at the place of residence "Severka"


IN THE CAMP - 2013



additional teacher

Migalatiy Olga Pavlovna


Target: education of a diversified personality based on the integration of various types of choreographic art; support, development and assistance in the creative and professional growth of the most gifted children.


Main goals:

learning tasks

Acquaintance with the history of the development of choreography, its main directions.

developing tasks

- development of basic performing skills

Development and activation of creative perception and thinking

Development of independence and initiative, self-control

Developing a sense of collectivism

educational tasks

- education of a harmoniously developed personality

Formation of the abilities of artistic and aesthetic perception, such socio-psychological qualities of a person that provide the opportunity to emotionally experience and evaluate aesthetically significant objects and phenomena

Education of a tolerant attitude to the variety of different trends and styles of choreographic art

Education of ethnic competence, friendly attitude towards people of other nationalities

Citizenship Education

Basic equipment and materials, which are used during the marathon are - audio equipment, microphones, audio recording with dances and dance music, attributes, task cards, "Chizhik" boat, tokens, certificates.


Hello dear friends! Today we will talk about a miracle that lives next to us. This miracle cannot be touched, but it can be seen and heard. It can make us laugh and cry. It has a soul and a heart. A miracle is born here on the stage and its name is dance. Dancing is movement, it is life. Dancing is youth. Youth of mind and body. At all times, people dance on holidays and just on free evenings, having fun at ease or participating in a solemn ceremony. To understand the spirit of the dance, it is enough to immerse yourself in the rustle of dense foliage. Without leaving the branches, the leaves dance and sing, giving birth to a symphony of green hues that enchants the eye and ear. It is enough to sit on the seashore for a minute, turning your face to it, and surrender to the will of the tireless rhythm with which the waves run ashore.

It is enough to trace the flight of a bird or a falling leaf in autumn.

Just look at how the clouds dance in the sky, taking thousands of fantastic forms in turn.

Beautiful melodies would awaken in our body the desire to move to the beat, in harmony and in proportion. After all, the soul knows how to dance .... All feelings - the joy of meeting, the bitterness of parting, smiles, laughter, tears and grief - we can express with a gesture.

And what is that buzzing there? You hear? So this is a funny boat from the cartoon. He invites us guys on a journey! Do you agree?

Then let's hit the road! Take a seat on the boat. Is there enough room for everyone?

So, let's go on a fun dance journey!!!

    Here is the first island on our way.

The island of "WINGED AND HAIRY" (Song "Girafrika")

The captain is given a postcard with the image of any animal (hare, fox, penguin, ostrich, hippopotamus, giraffe). The whole team behind the captain dances behind the captain, depicting the movements of a given animal.

For successful execution, the team receives a token - "boat".

    Island "DANCING LETTERS" (Holi dolli)

The team will collect 4 names of dances from letters (waltz, tango, polka, twist). The team that completes the task faster wins.


Dance "Let's do everything like me"

Musical accompaniment - English folk


Introduction - the children stand in their places.

Let's all clap like me, 2 clap

Come on, all together, all at once, 2 claps,

Get together with us. 2 cottons.

Let's all stomp like me, 2 stomp,

Come on, all together, all at once, 2 floods,

Get together with us. 2 floods.

Losing - spinning in place.

Let's all jump like me, 2 jumps

Come on, all together, all at once, 2 jumps,

Get together with us. 2 jumps.

Losing - spinning in place.

Let's laugh like me, "ha ha!", 2 times

Come on, all together, all at once, "ha ha!", 2 times

Get together with us! "ha ha!" 2 times

Losing - circling in place,

    Islet "MALY - SHOCK" (Dance of Maracac)

There are hoops on the floor. Choose 7 people from each team. They stand together in a hoop. The music turns on, the team dances and moves in a circle, standing in a hoop. It is important not to step on the hoop and not go beyond its borders. You have to wait until the music plays. The team that completes all the conditions without errors wins.

    PUZZLE Island. (Latin grasshopper)

Assemble a picture from puzzles and determine the name of the dance. The team that completes their task faster wins.

Dance game "Aram-zam-zam"

The players stand in a circle and, under the guidance of a teacher, learn the movements: for the phrase “aram-zam-zam, aram-zam-zam” we do 3 claps on the knees with repetition; to the phrase “ghouls-ghouls-ghouls-ghouls” we do “rolly-polly” - rotation with arms bent in front of us in a circle away from us (fingers are gathered into fists); to the phrase "ram-zam-zam" - we repeat the first movement; repeat the first and second actions again with the words; then, on the phrase “arafic-arafic”, we tilt the body forward with arms crossed on the chest

(twice); then we repeat the actions on the phrase “guli-guli-guli-guli-guli-ram-zam-zam”. Having learned the words and movements, we dance to the music: in place, moving in a circle, in pairs opposite each other.

    Island "FIGURE". (Cossack)

Teams dance while standing still. On a signal, they should quickly form geometric shapes: a circle, a triangle, a square, an asterisk. The team that does it faster and more correctly wins.

    Island "Dreamers". (Takata)

Each team is given a card with letters - an abbreviation. Task: decipher the letters. It can be a phrase or phrase that is necessarily associated with dancing.

(KGB, CTU, STS, OTV, KVN, Moscow State University, traffic police, traffic police)

The team that offers an interesting phrase - decoding wins.


Polechka mass

Everyone stands in a big circle. Turn clockwise.

1 phrase

We hit 1-2-3 with the left foot with the toe, the heels ran back.

2 phrase and 3 phrase

Repeat the first.

4 phrase

We circle in place to the right and to the left.

    SURPRISE Island.

The names of the dances are written on the cards, you will have a couple of minutes to prepare, and then you will have to show a bunch of several elements of that dance. The difficulty is that no one knows which one your team will drop. The whole team should dance, not just one or two representatives! The team that correctly performs the movements of a given dance wins.

    Island "GUESS - KA".


    1. Which dance is recognized as the "king" of dances? (Waltz.)

      Whose is the old dance "Polka"? (Czech Republic)

      Whose dance is Sirtaki? (Greece)

      What is a dance teacher called? (Dancemaster.)

      What is this "white dance" and what is it also called? (The episode at the evening, when the right to invite to the dance is granted to a woman, is also called "ladies'".)

      What was the name of the dance teacher in Y. Olesha's fairy tale "Three fat men"? (Split.)

      Waltz from A. Rosenbaum's hit - ... (Boston.)

      Which country is considered the birthplace of the dance "Lady"? (Russia.)

      Dance with cries of "Assa!" - ... (Lezginka.)

      What is the name of the partner in the dance?

A. Order bearer. V. Laureate. B. Cavalier. G. Cavalryman.

11. The most pleasant noise for artists during a performance is

this is… (Applause.)

12. What is the name of the time for eating sweets in the theater buffet? (Intermission.)

14. What is the name of the “theatrical” variety of Russian chocolates?

A. "Wig". B. "Mask". B. "Make-up". D. "Role".

15. The name of the Goddess of dance is ... .. (Terpsichore is the daughter of Zeus, one of nine

Muses, patroness of dance)


Everybody dance!

Rhythmic dance music is turned on, during which the host gives the teams a variety of tasks, for example:

    dance as if your stomach hurts

    like you're cold

    like you're in a big hurry

    as if you were very tired

    like you have a splinter in your foot

    portray to the music of the sea waves



    fat, fat hippos

    dance head only






Summarizing. Team awards.



round dance


gypsy girl













Moscow State University

traffic police

















for those who are fond of dancing,

dance marathon

"Dance Through the Ages"

Yekaterinburg - 2013

Scenario of dance marathon - 2013

"Dance Through the Ages"

Purpose of the event- education of a diversified personality based on the integration of various types of choreographic art; support, development and assistance in the creative and professional growth of the most gifted children.

Main goals:

learning tasks

Acquaintance with the history of the development of choreography, its main directions.

developing tasks

- development of basic performing skills

Development and activation of creative perception and thinking

Development of independence and initiative, self-control

Developing a sense of collectivism

educational tasks

- education of a harmoniously developed personality

Formation of the abilities of artistic and aesthetic perception, such socio-psychological qualities of a person that provide the opportunity to emotionally experience and evaluate aesthetically significant objects and phenomena

Education of a tolerant attitude to the variety of different trends and styles of choreographic art

Education of ethnic competence, friendly attitude towards people of other nationalities

Citizenship Education


Leading "Dance":

The man was born cheerful.

Changed fashions and rhythms too,

But we cannot live without dance.

Time passes, century after century...

Man has always lived in worries.

But on every holiday and in the hour of leisure

Cheerful dance was the best friend.

Time passes, century after century.

Let the snow melt between us.

And let on our big planet

People are dancing and the sun is shining.

Hello dear friends! You recognized me? Who am I?

April 29 was International Dance Day. I congratulate you all on the past holiday. I wish you a good mood, joy, earn as many prizes as possible and dance, as they say, until you drop. Dancing is movement, it is life. Dancing is youth. Youth of mind and body. The fate of dances is different - some are born in obscurity and die quickly, others live for centuries. Try to earn a prize. Name a dance that has been around for over a century? (Waltz.) And what do you think, when and where was the dance born? It is difficult to say about the date of birth of the dance, but it was still when humanity led a semi-wild lifestyle. Dance is an ancient wanderer. He came to us from hoary antiquity ... In my opinion, he is the same age as "reasonable man." Everyone knows that labor shaped a person, and I will add - also a dance! It reflects, dating back to the earliest times, the need of a person to convey to others to people their joy or sorrow, through the movements of their body. People imitated animals in dancing, believing that it helps to hunt and search for food. Dances accompanied certain work and had their own rhythm. Archaeologists in different parts of the world have discovered cave paintings depicting dancing men. Almost all important events in the life of a primitive man were celebrated with dances: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, the healing of the sick.Prayers for rain, sunlight, fertility, protection and forgiveness were expressed through dance. Gradually, the art of dance became more complicated. They became technically more complex , more plastic, differed in a variety of poses, gestures, movements... Appeared their own dance etiquette, their own posture and tread.

You can talk about dancing for hours, but it will be better if we invite our guests to the stage now.

Well then, let's hit the road!

    Music sounds. "Bon Voyage!"

Teams participating in our program …………!

Their support groups!

And also all the spectators and fans present in our hall!

Allow me to introduce you to the jury of our competition and honored guests: …………….

Behind the musical console is our permanent DJ! .............

And it's time to announce 1 contest "Dance business card" (Music own), which will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the participating teams. To begin with, I will ask the captains to come up for the draw (the draw is being held). And I remind our jury that the competitions will be evaluated on a 5-point scale.

So, the first team to enter the dance floor is…….

(the “Dance Business Card” contest is taking place, after the performance, each team changes clothes, if necessary, goes into the hall and sits down in their seats, next to the support groups)

Leading "Dance":

Let's try to recreate perhaps one of the first dances of mankind, and see what comes of it.

Master Class: Everyone performs "Dance of Fire".

(You can use as a phonogram record African drums)

Leading "Dance":

I announce 2 competition "Synchronized dance" , in it, the teams must show how they can move smoothly and synchronously, the captain shows - the team repeats. I invite the team to the site ......!

(the competition "Synchronized dance" is taking place)

Leading "Dance":

There was other art as well. Let's remember that they danced at the royal courts of Europe in the 16th-17th centuries. Who knows?

(polonaise, morisco, rigaudon, bure, pavane, chimes, volta, galliard, minuet)

All these dances were created by the people. And in high society, the folk dance style changed in accordance with court etiquette. And in 1661, the Royal Academy of Dance appeared in France. And the King of France, Louis XIV, ordered dance teachers to meet regularly and talk about dances, think, take care of their improvement.

Master Class : Everyone dance "Minuet"

(You can use the recording of J.S. Bach as a soundtrack “ Minuet 18th century G minor")

Leading "Dance":

We rested a little, we can continue our marathon! For 3 contests I

I will ask the captains of the teams to come to me, because this Captains Competition. We, with our DJ, have specially prepared a musical fragment lasting exactly 60 seconds. The captains will alternately perform various dance elements to this music (and it is unfamiliar to them!) Trying not to repeat themselves. Our independent expert choreographer will count how many elements each of the captains managed to do in 60 seconds, and we will add the earned points to the treasury of each team. The captain of the team is the first to enter the court ……….

(Captains Contest is underway)

Leading "Dance":

Then the 20th century came, life changed - it became faster and fleeting. Dances have changed, new ones have appeared. In the 1920s, Argentine tango conquered everyone. His true homeland is Spain.

Master Class : Everyone dance « Tango Kumparsita »

Leading "Dance":

Our captains proved that they rightfully bear this title, they know how and love to dance. Dear members of the jury, I remind you that this competition is evaluated on a 5-point scale, give your marks to our captains. And now let's see what dances our teams know and can dance. Begin 4 competition "Surprise" . Here on these cards are written the names of folk dances, as well as numbers in order of performance, you will have a couple of minutes to prepare, and then you will have to show a bunch of several elements of the dance that you will have, our DJ will turn on the appropriate music. Let's start the draw!

Leading "Dance":

While our teams are preparing, we will hold a small dance quiz among the fans.

    1. Which dance is recognized as the "king" of dances? (Waltz.)

      Whose is the old dance "Polka"? (Czech Republic)

      Whose dance is Sirtaki? (Greece)

      What is a dance teacher called? (Dancemaster.)

      What is this "white dance" and what is it also called? (The episode at the evening, when the right to invite to the dance is granted to a woman, is also called "ladies'".)

      What was the name of the dance teacher in Y. Olesha's fairy tale "Three fat men"? (Split.)

      Waltz from A. Rosenbaum's hit - ... (Boston.)

      Which country is considered the birthplace of the dance "Lady"? (Russia.)

      Dance with cries of "Assa!" - ... (Lezginka.)

      What is the name of the partner in the dance?

A. Order bearer. V. Laureate. B. Cavalier. G. Cavalryman.

11. The most pleasant noise for artists during a performance is ... (Applause.)

12. What is the name of the time for eating sweets in the theater buffet? (Intermission.)

14. What is the name of the “theatrical” variety of Russian chocolates?

A. "Wig". B. "Mask". B. "Make-up". D. "Role".

Leading "Dance":

Now let's see how our teams master the art of dance. I invite the team that got the card with number 1! Dear guests and fans, we welcome the participants with applause, they need your support for a successful performance!

(the competition "Surprise" is taking place)

Leading "Dance":

In the 40s of the twentieth century, rock and roll, boogie-woogie, twist, shake appeared. Each dance quickly and aggressively entered the arena, he appeared like a "caliph for an hour" and quickly gave way to another.

Master Class: Everyone dance "Sheik".

(You can use a Soviet recording as a phonogram Shake "There is a girl" )

Leading "Dance":

Dear guests, our teams showed themselves in all their glory today.

This was the last competition. I will ask the jury to retire to sum up the results of our dance marathon, we are holding it with thunderous applause!

And we start "Auction"!!!. I ask you to take turns saying the names of any dances (excluding those that you came up with and named yourself), the team that last named the dance wins.

(passes "Auction")

Leading "Dance":

While the jury is still deciding your fate, let's play and dance.

Dance Games:

    If you like...

    The giraffe has spots...

    Boogie Woogie.

  • Golden Gate

    Get on the charger

The jury summed up the results of our competition. I ask the teams to come out with

support groups for awards!

(jury awards winners and participants)

Rewarding with Diplomas of Graduates dance circle "BALAMUTY":

    Migalatiy Ekaterina

    Baranova Julia

Leading "Dance":

Today we saw a miracle that lives next to us. This miracle cannot be touched, but it can be seen and heard. It can make us laugh and cry. It has a soul and a heart. A miracle is born here on the stage and its name is dance.

To understand the spirit of the dance, it is enough to immerse yourself in the rustle of dense foliage. Without leaving the branches, the leaves dance and sing, giving birth to a symphony of green hues that enchants the eye and ear.

It is enough to sit on the seashore for a minute, turning your face to it, and surrender to the will of the tireless rhythm with which the waves run ashore.

It is enough to trace the flight of a bird or a falling leaf in autumn.

Just look at how the clouds dance in the sky, taking thousands of fantastic forms in turn.

If the eyes cannot see, then the body cannot dance. If the eyes do not see, then there are no sounds to compose music from them. If beautiful melodies sounded, they would awaken in our body the desire to move in time with them, in harmony and in proportion. After all, the soul knows how to dance ...

So go ahead, if you want and diligence, everything will work out! And I want to end our dance celebration with the words:

Dance people enjoy

Smile at each other while dancing.

Create beauty in the world

Giving hope and dreams!

    Music sounds. Big round dance

Application No. 1.


Teams prepare for the competition within 2 weeks. It is necessary to prepare costumes and soundtracks, come up with mottos, "chants" for support groups. Learn and practice movements and elements for synchronized dance. Learn the elements of folk dances. Read literature, learn as much as possible about the art of dancing.

1. "Dance business card" (appearance, artistry, originality)

The competition is being prepared in advance. A small choreographic sketch with elements of theatricalization - a representation of the team, reflecting the team's credo, its spirit and style. Come up with a motto for the team and a greeting for the opposing teams and the jury. Duration no more than 5 minutes. Prepare a soundtrack. The draw can be carried out using a regular lotto or a die for games.

2. "Synchronized dance" (synchronism, rhythm, friendship)

Elements and movements for the competition are thought out, rehearsed and worked out in advance. It is mandatory to repeat after the team captain. The difficulty is that the music under which the competition will be held is unknown to the teams, the DJ will prepare musical fragments lasting 2 minutes. at a fast pace, different for each team.

3. "Competition of captains" (originality, ingenuity)

It is necessary to show as many different movements as possible in 1 minute. The difficulty is to show the elements clearly, separately, so that the expert can count them, but at the same time do not stop, because. time is short, and the opponent can use it more rationally.

4. "Surprise" (originality, rhythm, artistry)

Teams are informed in advance which dances will be included in this competition. . The difficulty is that no one knows which one your team will drop, so you need to learn a lot of elements. The whole team should dance, not just one or two representatives!

Approximate view of the cards with the task for the competition "Surprise"

round dance


gypsy girl






country music

Application number 2.

Nomination in which the team excelled:

The most original team;

Most dance team

The most artistic team;

The most unpredictable team;

The most rhythmic team;

The most cheerful team;

The most technical team;

The most synchronous team;

The most friendly team, etc.

dance dance, dance, dance, jump, jump, move, spin, twist, slide, swing, swing; dance, dance, dance music, ball, dance party, tour.

Minuet(French menuet, from menu - small (in the concept of small, insignificant)) - an old folk French graceful dance, so named because of its small steps. Derived from the slow folk round dance of the province of Poitou.

Initially, the gallant (court) minuet was performed by one couple. The movements of the minuet were built mainly on bows and curtsies, which created not so much the impression of a dance as "an invitation to dance" or a prelude.

Tango(Spanish tango) - Argentine folk dance; pair dance of free composition, characterized by an energetic and clear rhythm.

Initially developed and distributed in Argentina, then became popular throughout the world. Music and dance elements of tango are popular in activities related to dance, gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, etc.

SHAKE 1) Modern English ballroom dance, which arose as a pair household dance of an improvisational nature. 2) Music for such a dance.

Synchronicity- simultaneity, simultaneity, parallelism.

“We don’t have time to dance when the Earth is dying,” said Snork.

- Well, a little! - pleaded Miss Snork. - After all, the Earth will die only in two days!



  • tape recorder or CD player (preferably two)
  • any music (the more varied the better) for 2 hours of continuous sound
  • microphone
  • diplomas
  • prizes
  • jury (pre-instructed: their problem is only to choose from the already prepared nominations the most suitable for each team)


  • team name
  • image (distinguishing sign) - clothes, pattern on the forehead, bandana, dark glasses - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the whole team has. The simplest thing is to draw something on the cheek.
  • call (what the team will yell when the facilitator calls it)
  • movement (what the team will show when the host calls it)
  • business card - dance performance of the team (to the music brought by the team)
  • the team must have a leader

Rules of the game:

  • don't stop even if there is no music
  • do not drink any liquid
  • the whole team is on the dance floor, no one leaves
  • dance is any movement!
  • the ability to support an opponent is especially appreciated
  • attention to the leader!

The music plays continuously throughout the game! When the presenter speaks, the music becomes quieter, but not at "0", and then it is output again.

Game progress:

  • "Warm-up" While the teams are gathering, the music sounds. (Option: the host invites the teams to the dance floor). When everyone has gathered, the music continues to sound, everyone dances, and the host calls the teams in turn so that they shout the cry and show the movement. After that, everyone warms up for 2-3 minutes.
  • "We're already here!" At the sign of the leader of the team, they simultaneously shout a cry and make a gesture:
  • who is louder
  • in a whisper
  • as fast as possible
  • as slowly as possible
  • sing a cry to the music that is currently playing (any)
  • shrill voice
  • bass
  • in the voice of your class teacher
  • Dance "Behind the Leader" All teams dance, repeating the movements of their leader (5 min)
  • "Real workout" The host invites the teams to dance:
  • eyes
  • language
  • face
  • head only
  • only fingers
  • hands
  • hands to elbows
  • only with hands
  • only hands and head
  • just above the waist
  • the whole body, but the feet are "glued to the floor"
  • raising your legs as high as possible
  • bouncing as high as possible

All together lasts 7-10 minutes.

  • Dance "Behind the Leader" Well, everyone warmed up, now you can dance (3-5 minutes)
  • "Roll call" The host calls the teams, they yell. Thus, it is confirmed that all

ready for business card.

  • "Business card". The teams take turns showing what they have prepared. The rest are dancing at this time, if space allows. Better, of course, to show in the middle, and the rest stood in a circle. When the team showed their "business card", she leaves to the cheers of the others.
  • Dance "Behind the leader" (5 min)
  • Dance "Behind the leader" (2-3 min) - it is better to give simpler movements, you can make fun
  • Dance "Best Leader" - team leaders take turns becoming common, i.e. everyone dances behind them. Each - 2-3 minutes.
  • "Dancing like" (5 min):
  • in the far north
  • in space
  • in Africa
  • on a packed bus
  • on a tightrope
  • at the lesson
  • under the water
  • on nails
  • in the restaurant on the table
  • Dance "Behind the leader" (5 min)
  • "Dancing with…" (5 min)
  • a bouquet of roses
  • automatic in hand
  • toothbrush in mouth
  • skis on legs
  • backpack on the back
  • dog on a leash
  • two bags of eggs in hand
  • Dance "Behind the leader" (5 min)
  • "Dancing like we..." (5 min)
  • builders
  • dentists
  • divers
  • traffic cops
  • football players
  • strippers
  • spies
  • musicians
  • sick with a severe cold
  • ballerinas
  • monkey
  • Dance "Behind the leader" (5 min)
  • "Roll Call"
  • "The most ... team" We dance as if our team is the most:
  • strong
  • fast
  • slow
  • high
  • low
  • narrow
  • wide
  • long
  • Dance "Behind the leader" (5 min)
  • "Steam locomotive". All teams dance with "engines", the task of the "head" is to catch

someone else's "tail", you can not break. If the "tail" is caught, one long command is obtained. Then we build one big train, as a result we get up in a big circle, continuing to dance.

  • "Wave". The leader shows with his hand or runs in a circle, those whom he points to

jump up. We invite everyone to squat down and dance, once again we do the "wave".

  • Everyone is dancing in a circle. Those who wish to take turns run out to the middle and show a solo dance, the rest repeat.
  • "Handshake" (this is one of the final options). We shake hands with neighbors on the right and left. Then the same thing, but through one. Step forward. The same, but after two. Are we weak in three? (in principle, they did it after 4).
  • Well, everyone shook hands. The jury will now announce the results. Rewarding (it is better to prepare in advance certificates such as "the most friendly team", "the most original", "the most technical", "the most diverse", etc., as well as the Special Prize "the most friendly to rivals")
  • At the end of the game, if the situation allows, you can continue the disco for those who wish.

Scenario of the extra-curricular event "Dance Marathon"

Target: aesthetic education of children by means of choreographic art.

Tasks: Organization of meaningful leisure for children.

Expanding the horizons of students in the field of dance art.

Creation of conditions for the education of artistic taste and love for beauty.

The show program is held in a dance or assembly hall.

Required for conducting: audio equipment, phonograms, a screen with a video projector, video material.

The room is decorated with reproductions of paintings about dance art, photographs, posters with aphorisms about dance. For example:

"A king can be judged by the way they dance during his reign"

(Chinese proverb)

"Tell me what your favorite dance is and I'll tell you who you are" (Dassie)

"Dance is the only art for which we ourselves serve as the material" (Ted Schon)

"A dance cannot be told, it must be danced" (Page Arden)

Leading . Before the beginning of our evening, we conducted an express survey and asked the question: “What do you like about dance art?”. The answers were: “These are beautiful movements”, “beautiful music”, “grace, bright costumes”, “dance causes a feeling of pleasure ”, “brings joy”, etc. In each of your answers there is the word "beauty!"

What does it mean to touch beauty? Here are the thoughts of one person on this subject: “I picked a flower - and it withered. I caught a moth, and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can only touch beauty with your heart.”

Yes, beauty should be able not only to see and feel. Beauty must be protected! This is the hardest part. Capturing beauty in the soul, remembering it, always carrying it in the heart - maybe this is the highest manifestation of human culture?

So, tonight we dedicate to the beauty, the beauty of dance - the most exciting, the most sublime and beautiful of all arts, because dance is not just a reflection of life, dance is life itself!

(music plays)

presenter . Dance is an ancient wanderer. He came to us from hoary antiquity ... In my opinion, he is the same age as "reasonable man." Everyone knows that labor shaped a person, and I will add - also a dance! It reflects, dating back to the earliest times, the need of a person to convey to others to people their joy or sorrow, through the movements of their body.

Leading. Archaeologists in different parts of the world have discovered rock paintings depicting dancing men. Almost all important events in the life of a primitive man were celebrated with dances: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, the healing of a sick person. The dance expressed prayers for rain, for sunlight, for fertility, for protection and forgiveness. Many peoples of Africa still play the instruments of our distant ancestors. And their music has retained to some extent the features of primitiveness.

(music sounds, Dance and presenter appear)

T: Hi all. Today is the best day of the year for me. Hooray, finally, I waited for my holiday.

IN: First, you need to say hello to everyone.

T: Oh, I almost forgot. Hello, I am Dancer, and I would like to announce to everyone that today is a dance holiday.

IN: Dancer, as always, you exaggerate everything. Today the competition program "Dance Marathon" and our teams will compete for the title of the best dance team, show all their skills, desire to win, creative imagination

T: And I'm talking about this. Just imagine how many interesting and unusual things will be today - like on a real holiday.

IN: Okay, I agree - our teams will decorate any holiday, but since this is still a competition, there should also be members of the jury.

T: And let's, we will call them somehow festive, well ... let's say - choreographers.

IN : Choreographers?

T: Yes, because only true professionals can appreciate our teams.

IN: Jury presentation_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

T: Can I start our holiday dance competition?

IN: Of course, and who will you announce first?


Every day, hour by hour

They were preparing for you

And what happened

You will see now.

IN: Well, who is performing?

T: What I forgot - 6 - A.

(performance of the 6th grade) ___________________________________

IN: Thanks guys for the show. Our jury has given its marks. And we continue our dance competition. And where is our Dance.

T: Don't worry, I'm already here! I watched the last rehearsal of our next contestants. You need to see it!

IN: So what's the matter - announce.


Team of 6-B

You will dance now, friends

Dance modern

They say it's awesome.

(performance of 6-b class) ___________________________________

IN: This applause, of course, is for the team from the 6th grade. And how awesome your dance was, of course, the jury will decide.

(exit Dance with tarakhtushki)

T: Here, I'm getting ready to be a real fan.

IN: And who will you support this time?

T: Like whom, our next contestants

7-A, 7-A you are always on top

I invite you to dance

Show skill to everyone

(performance of 7th grade) ___________________________________

IN: Yes, Dancer you were just on top. Only a true professional can support speakers in this way.

T: Yes, there I am. I am sure that as soon as we announce the next contestants, they will be supported, not only with this (points to the rattle), but also with loud applause.

IN: You speak so confidently, as if you know exactly who will perform now.

T: Certainly.

Dance, beauty and sports

Everyone in this team is

7-B to the dance floor

It's a great honor to invite.

(performance of class 7b) ___________________________________

IN: I think every team has fans. What are we going to check now (check)

T: And I know that the next team has been preparing for our competition for a very long time and painstakingly.

IN: It seems to me that everyone prepared the same way, rehearsed, prepared costumes, chants, composed dances.

T: Maybe, but if you saw how they prepared. Only one, two, three, four was heard (repeats several times)

IN: It seems to me that you are now repeating the warm-up in physical education class.

T: What can I explain to you all, if it's better to see once

How to be healthy and skillful

And dance all day long

8- but will show boldly

They are not too lazy to speak here.

(performance of 8th grade) ___________________________________

IN : Unfortunately, it was the last contest number.

T: And it seems to me that even despite the results, our sports dance festival was a success.

(word for awarding the jury)

    Order for the event "Dance Marathon"

    Regulations on the event "Dance Marathon"

    Scenario for the event "Dance Marathon"

    Material request.






ORDER No. ____

from ___________

About the event

"Dance Marathon"


Conduct events "Dance Marathon" for pupils of the DUOO named after. K. Babin according to the program of the camp and the plan - a grid of all-camp events.

1. Responsibility for the organization, provision of conditions and holding the event shall be assigned to the methodologist Ganich L.N., deputy director for economic affairs Berezan A.V. and Art. teacher organizer Obukhovskaya V.A., head of the choreographic studio Zagorkov A.V.

1.1. draw up and approve (at the teachers' council) Regulations governing the holding of the "Dance Marathon" event among pupils of the DUOO named after. K. Babina.

1.2. write a script for the event and select musical accompaniment

3. Responsibility for the life, health and behavior of children during the event is assigned to educators and leaders of the detachments.

3.1. Conduct a safety briefing with students against signature.

4. Methodist Ganich L.N., Deputy Director for Economic Affairs Berezan A.V.

4.1. Draw up a schedule of duty officers for the territory during the event from among the employees of the DUOO.

5. Doctor Petrenko S.I. K. Babina to provide medical support during the event.

6. To impose control over the execution of this order on the methodologist of the DUOO named after. K. Babina Ganich L.N.

This order comes into force from the moment of its signing.

Director of the DUOO named after K. Babina Savchenko V.M.


Petrenko S. I.

Kondratiev A. Yu,

Berezan A.V.

Ganich L. N.

Belaya A.I.

Kapatsina A.Ya.

Yurchenko B.S.

Ilchenko D.V.

Shapovalova E.K.

Melnik I.A.

Zagorkova A.V.

Zhambrovsky V.R.

Khalyavinsky I.V.

Getun B.D

Zhilinskaya A.S.

Kornienko N.V.

Obukhovskaya V.A.

Iskra E.A

Chaly D.O.




about the event of the program "Dance Marathon"

    General provisions


Preservation and enhancement of the unique wealth of folk dance culture, identifying the best teams and individual performers,

To develop in pupils a craving for beauty, to cultivate the respect of a young man for a girl, the desire to look beautiful and gallant

Aesthetic education of the younger generation,

Popularization of dance creativity among the youth.

Identification and support of talented children in the health camp.


Popularization of children's choreographic creativity;

Improving the artistic level and performance skills of children's choreographic groups;

Strengthening creative ties between teachers and children, the exchange of pedagogical and performing experience;

Improving the professional skills of teaching staff;

Attracting children to the choreographic studio;

Organization of meaningful and interesting leisure activities for children in the camp;

Development and promotion of choreographic art among the youth;

Identification of the most capable and gifted performers.


The event is held in the club DZOV them. K. Babina

3. Form of holding:

Competitive - theatrical - dance performance

4. Requirements for participants and competition number

Collectives and single performers are allowed to participate in the competition. The quantitative composition of the team is at least 6 people.

The choice of genre is free.

Participants of the competition - groups, duets, individual performers of all directions and styles of choreography:

* Folk stage dance;

* Classical dance;

* Ballroom dance;

* Sports dance;

* Variety dance;

* Modern dance;

* Children's dance.

Participants represent no more than two dances in one nomination, the duration of one composition is up to 5 minutes (should not contain profanity).

5. The competition is judged by the jury

Performances are judged according to the following criteria:

* Artistic level of performance;

* Compliance with dance vocabulary;

* Stage performance culture, general artistic impression;

* Originality and creativity of the performance;

* Mass character;
* Originality of the idea;
* Correspondence of the musical composition to the content of the flash mob;
* Synchronicity.

6. Specifications.

* Phonograms must be of high quality, recorded on MD, CD, USB device.

* Each composition must be recorded on a separate medium with the name of the band

or the name of the participant, nomination, name and duration of the performance.

The phonogram must be set to the beginning of the recording. You need to have a copy.

World effects will be the same for all contestants.

Props should not interfere with the performances of other participants.

    Summing up the results of the competition.

The results are summed up immediately after the competition.

8. Awards.

    Participants are awarded with diplomas of participants and memorable souvenirs.

    Diploma winners are awarded with diplomas and memorable souvenirs.

    Laureates of I, II, III degrees are awarded with diplomas and gifts.

    The Grand Prix winner is awarded with a diploma and a valuable gift.

    The Jury reserves the right not to award a Grand Prix if the level

    performance skills of the best creative team, or performers of small

    forms do not meet his requirements.

    The organizers determine the special prizes of the competition, which will be awarded

    partners and sponsors of the competition.

    Counselors and educators of the DUOO named after M. K. Babina, acting as guests. In this case, the team does not take part in the competitive program.



I approve:


DUOO them. K. Babina

V.M. Savchenko


Event progress

Event plan

    Team presentation.

    Warm up.


  1. Captains competition.

    Dance with the leader (teacher).

Lead 1.

The man was born cheerful.
Changed fashions and rhythms too,
But we can't live without dancing

Lead 2.

If you can't sleep in the morning
The dream ran away
So it pulls you to start dancing -
So it's dance day!
We will definitely dance
Waltz, latin and foxtrot,
Tango, break and macarena
This day will not be in vain!

Lead 1. Hello guests and participants of our Dance Marathon program! We are pleased to welcome you to this hall.

Lead 2.

Hello girls and boys.

Before starting our marathon of dancing, fun and good mood, I want to know the names of your teams. They should be in the theme of our marathon ("Hip-hop", "Discomafia", "Dancemaster", etc.)

Contest. Team presentation

(in any form - preferably dance)

Lead 1.

The competition has already begun, and who evaluated it - of course, this is our competent jury and we are glad to welcome them today. At our judging table _____________

Jury presentation

Lead 2.

Long live different dances -
ballet and pop,
Folk and classical
Sporty and majestic!
Fast and slow
time tested,
Ancient, modern -
The art of dance is magical!

Lead 1.

The next competition is a “warm-up” and we invite teams of 1 and 2 squads (3-4, 5-6 squads) to the stage

Competition "Warm-up". The host proposes

teams to dance to the cutting:

Lead 2. Well done our teams .

Dance is live music
And no wonder people say:
The dancer is the embodiment of paradise
Peace and harmony reign in the dance.

The next task is "Engine", the jury will monitor the synchronism, artistry and activity of our participants. And also for the accuracy of the fulfilled conditions of this competition.

Competition "Steam locomotive"

commands are called in turn.

Lead 1.

Time passes, century after century...
Man has always lived in worries.
But on every holiday and in the hour of leisure
Cheerful dance was the best friend.

Lead 2. While the jury is summing up the preliminary results of three competitions, a surprise from the 1st squad for all participants

Lead 1. Meet on our stage the wonderful voice of our camp __________

Number from 1 squad. Song

Lead 2. Dance is the secret language of the soul.

Lead 1. Dance is a poem, in it every movement is a word.

Lead 2. Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath, it's the rhythm of your life.

Lead 1. It is an expression in time and in movement, in happiness and in envy, in sadness and in joy.

Lead 2. Dance is the only art for which we ourselves are the material.

Lead 1.

Dance is incomparable
If you often whirl in rhythm,
The dance may gradually
Turn into the meaning of life!

Lead 2. We are all here to dance and see how others dance, and our jury evaluates our participants, but also looks after everyone who is on our dance floor today. After all, today we will choose the most dancing spectator and he will receive his diploma for active dancing. In the meantime, our children and adults are dancing to the music with our participants, it's time for us to announce the next competition and this is Flashmob.

Lead 1. And now we will see the most massive dance. The jury evaluates mass character, artistry, storyline change and synchronicity.

Contest. Flash mob. Commands are called in turn

Lead 2. Applause to our teams. Madness. There is a bit of madness in the dance that is of great benefit to everyone.

Lead 1. And what benefit can madness bring?

Lead 2. Madness is feeling, feeling is movement, movement is life.

Lead 1. I understand that, but...

Lead 2. Don't worry, everything will be fine now!

Lead 1. Yes, I agree, the movement never lies.

Lead 2. Movement is the most sincere manifestation of feelings, but we must not forget that dancing with your feet is one thing, and with your heart is another.

Lead 1. How to dance - tell the body
When you sit down, wave your hand.
You don't dare to start moving
Then you will notice

Lead 2. Ease, pleasure,
The desire to move, whirl,
Emotions rise and mood -
You can't help but fall in love with it!

Dancing, dancing, dancing and the music drives you crazy...

Lead 1. This is the very madness that makes us dance and drives us crazy.

Lead 2. And our next competition is no less insane. We invite captains to our stage.

Lead 1. Then we greet them with thunderous applause.

Lead 2. Jury, evaluates the solo of each captain

Contest. Captains - solo .

Lead 1.

In dance you don't have
In dance
You have harmony
You are dancers
Just class!

Lead 2. Of course, I understand that there is a limit to any madness, but then the music began to play, and the legs began to dance on their own

Lead 1. You know, when dancing, a person allows himself the luxury of being himself. And by the way, the guys who are now worried before going on stage. After all, the next dance competition with counselors.

Lead 2. Just as words and phrases are made up of letters, and phrases are made up of words, so words and phrases of dance are made up of individual movements that make up the poetry of a choreographic narrative.

Lead 1. In dance, as in life, there is a run in a circle:
Both strength and weakness run one after the other.
In dance: plie, jump and spin.
And in life you need a fall to take off.

Lead 2. There is a solo dance, it is difficult at times.
Loneliness in life is to blame.
And there is a perky group dance -
With friends, any dream will come true!

Lead 1. Dance - there is a palette of feelings and emotions -
You can show everything that is hidden in the heart!
Dance - there is a special language of the body -
Let's talk about what everyone is used to!

Lead 2. You can talk about dance endlessly,
But dance is life, and it will be forever!

We meet counselors and educators on our stage together with their pupils.

Contest. "Dancing with the Leaders"

Lead 1. you dancers are good

And always pleasant
You have charm
Simply unbelievable!
We wish you friends
To appreciate you
So that the audience is always
You were very loved!
To body and soul
rejoiced together,
To grief and trouble
Never knew!

Oh! are good. Just a sight. What couples. What pa. What precise movements. So I would look at our couples tirelessly.

Lead 2. How strange, sometimes it happens like this:
As if the same hall, and the same faces,
All the same music pulsating beat,
And so the light flickers and flows -

Lead 1. An inviting gesture in a barely noticeable look,
Embraces that have already become familiar -
And suddenly, as if out of nowhere
The heart beats in anticipation of happiness.

Lead 2. And there are no more prohibitions and barriers,
And the fear of misunderstanding recedes,
Breath and heart beat in time
And the secrets of the universe are available to us ...

Lead 1. How strange, sometimes it happens all of a sudden,
A short moment ago it could have happened -
But the couples froze, the last sound subsided.
All the same hall around, all the same faces...

Lead 2. Yes! And now on our stage all the same faces and our next competition - a battle between the squads.

Lead 1.

Let me ask you
And invite me to dance.
The dance will spin slowly
And, of course, we will make friends.
Dance is a miracle of miracles
It's like the world has disappeared.
And we dance with you
In a clearing under the moon.
Dance to the people of the whole Earth
Can bring joy.

We invite 1-2 (3-4, 5-6) teams

Competition "Battle"

Lead 2.

And you know, the great philosopher Nietzsche said: "The day was wasted if you didn't dance!"

Lead 1.

Does that mean our day was not in vain? And it remains for us to sum up the results and while our jury sums up the results of all the competitions on our stage, the number from our counselors.

Lead 2.

Meet the most talented and dear counselors K. Babin on our stage.

The performance of the counselors

Lead 1. The jury has summed up the results and we are ready to proceed with the awards.

Lead 2. Allow me to invite our competent jury to our stage and announce the verdict

Squad awards

Lead 1. It seems that we have awarded everyone, but it seems that we forgot something?

Lead 2. Of course they forgot. After all, there is still one diploma.

Lead 1. Certainly. Of course, this is the "People's Choice Award" for the one who danced best on our dance floor.

Rewarding the dancer from the squads

Lead 2. Dance, like a moment, will sweep now!
It looks like it will last an hour!
You can dance for a second
You can never get tired of dancing!
It's more fun to walk through life with a dance,
Dance brings friends together again!
Well, let's dance together again
Give smiles and do not lose heart!

Lead 1.

Thanks to all the participants of our today's holiday.

The earth is spinning in dance.
Dance is your happiness.
May your life be in the dance
It will be a full bowl!
To joy day and night
Shine brightly for you
So that hot love
Not cold in my heart!
So that skill, talent
Only increased;
Joy, happiness and love
They didn't leave you!

Lead 2.

Our competition is over, we are waiting for you all at our disco.

Application for participation in the competition

Squad ________________________________________________________

Name ____________________

Name of participants

doctor's permission

I have read and agree with the Regulations on the Competition (a).










(signature, transcript of signature)


August 2017

I ask you to issue the following materials for registration of the event ____________:

Released L.N. Ganich Methodist

Accepted by the educator (counselor)



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