Scenario of the quiz "my Russia is my country". "Your native land - love and know" - game - quiz I love you my Russia



Raise in children an interest in the history of their small homeland and country, in folk traditions; to instill a sense of love and patriotism.


Expand children's understanding of the symbols of the state, district. To consolidate knowledge about the features of the flora and fauna of Yamal. Develop children's dialogic speech, enrich their vocabulary. To form a sense of self-confidence, to learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of other participants in the game.

Equipment: portable board, easels, tables, computer.

Material: slide presentation, photographs of sights of the district, city, scoreboard.

preliminary work: conversations, acquaintance with state symbols, looking at illustrations, reading fiction, memorizing sayings and proverbs about the Motherland.

Game progress


Hello guys. We are glad to welcome you to the intellectual game "About the Motherland - we know everything." Two teams take part in it: "Anchor" and "Flag".

Let's welcome our members.

The rules of our game.

The teams will take turns asking questions. For each correct answer, the team will receive a symbolic badge. If a team does not know the answer, the question goes to the other team.

To evaluate competitions, we need to choose a jury.

Jury presentation.



Captains, come

What do you see, tell me. (icon)

The host hides the badge behind his back. (Captains must guess which hand the badge is in. The team that guesses it goes first.)

Warm up.


How affectionately do Russian people call Russia? (Russia - Mother).

The people came up with many proverbs and sayings about Russia.

Remember and name familiar proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.

For example:

1. Beloved homeland - dear mother.

2. A man without a homeland is like a man without a song.

3. A man has one mother, he has one motherland.

4. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.

I round.

1. What are the main symbols of our country (coat of arms, flag, anthem)

2. What is the main color of the coat of arms of Russia? (red) (video response)

Video questions:

3. What bird is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia? (eagle, kite, vulture, golden eagle)

4. Who is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia? (Suvorov, Kutuzov, George the Victorious, Lenin.)

Captains competition.

1. Arrange the colors of the Russian flag in the correct order from bottom to top.

(red, blue, white) (video response)


We call our homeland mother, because she nursed us with her waters, taught us her language, as a mother protects, protects us from enemies. “Motherland and mother are very similar,” there is such a song.

Musical break "Mother and Motherland"

II round.

1. What county do we live in? (YNAO, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Komi-Permesky Okrug) (Our Okrug turns 81 this year)

2. What northern cities are in our YANA District? (Salekhard, Labytnangi, Priuralsk, Noyabrsk, Novy Urengoy, Nadym, Gubkinsky, Muravlenko, Purovsk, Krasnoselkupsk, Tazovsk).

3. Name the capital of YNAO. (Salekhard)

4. What was the name of Salekhard in the old days? (Obdorsk, Krasnogorsk, Primorsk, Pyatigorsk)

III round.

1. What indigenous northern peoples inhabit the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug? (Khanty, Mansi, Nenets, Selkups)

2. What are the main occupations of the indigenous peoples of the North (cattle, reindeer herding, fishing.)

Video questions:

3. What predatory animals adorn the coat of arms of Yamal (foxes, wolves, bears, arctic foxes)

4. What is the main wealth of our region? (gold, oil, coal, emeralds)

Mobile game "Streams and lakes"

IV round.

Video questions:

1. What is the name of the women's clothing of the indigenous peoples of Yamal? (dress, frog, kimono)

2. What is the name of the men's clothing of the indigenous peoples of Yamal? (malitsa, sheepskin coat, quilted jacket)

3. What is the name of the easily transportable dwelling of the indigenous peoples of Yamal? (house, hut, chum, yurt)

4. What is the name of the light sled of the indigenous peoples of the North for the transport of goods? (cart, wagon, sled, wagon)

Musical game "Who will build the chum sooner?"

V round.

Video questions:

1. What is the longest time of the year in the North (winter)

2. Which conifer has the most nutritious nuts? (pine, fir, cedar, spruce)

3. Name the bird that changes its plumage for winter (owl, partridge, capercaillie, hazel grouse)

4. What berry grows in a swamp? (strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, strawberry)




  1. Vasin Yu.Sh., Efremov F.V., Stepanova G.A. Games, competitions and original physical exercises of the peoples of the north. From the "Institute for advanced training and development of regions of education", 2003.
  2. Danilina G. N. Preschooler - about the history and culture of Russia. – M.: ARKTI, 2003.
  3. Kondrykinskaya L. A. Where does the Motherland begin? – M.: Sfera, 2004.
  4. Kulemizin V. M. Meet the Khanty. - Novosibirsk, 1992.

Oksana Rudneva
Game - Quiz Theme: "Russia is my Motherland".

Target: to generalize and consolidate knowledge about our country - Russia; state symbols; our capital Motherland; about the history of ancient Rus'; about the life of our ancestors. Continue to form and develop patriotic feelings. To instill in children pride, love for their Motherland.

Equipment and materials: drum with balls (lottotron); specially prepared electronic presentation on the issues quiz; music video clip "Our motherland» ; medals for awarding; three color balloons (red, blue, white). Multimedia installation or computer to show presentations and clips. Musical piece performed by an orchestra "Steppe, yes steppe all around ...".

(backing track).

Course progress.

The hall is specially prepared for the game - quiz: places for two teams, a place for the jury, a screen for multimedia, multimedia installation. Drum, with numbered balls.

Russian folk melody sounds. The host invites the children to go into the hall and take empty seats.

Guys, you probably noticed that today our lesson will be a little unusual. Firstly, you took places on the chairs, whoever likes where, and we formed two teams. Today quiz - competition. Two teams: The blue ball team and the red ball team will answer questions. Whose team answers the most correct questions is the winner in our game.

And so the rules of the game: each member of the team (in turn, goes out and spins the lottery drum and takes out the ball. There is a number on the ball. This is the question number. I, the presenter, read out the question, the team confers and gives an answer to the question asked. If the answer is correct, then the ball is counted to the team. If no, then the loto drum returns to the drum.

The correctness of the answers and the calculation of points will be carried out by a respected jury. There is a performance.

Now let's do the draw. Call one of the team members. The child who draws the ball with the largest number, that team answers the question quiz first.

Now let's find out the theme of our game. Listen to the poem and determine what our lesson will be devoted to. a game.

The host reads:

Russia- our sacred state,

Russia is our beloved country.

Mighty will, great glory -

Your property for all time.

From the southern seas to the polar region

Our fields and forests are spread out.

You are the only one in the world! One you are -

Protected by God native country! S. Mikhalkov

That's right guys, today we will talk with you and answer questions on the topic Russia, our with you Motherland about the history of our Fatherland.

Question 1. What is the name of our country in which we live?

Answer: Our country is called - Russia. And still has the official full name Russian Federation.

Question 2. What is the capital? Name the main city of our country.

Answer: The capital is the main city of any country. The capital of our Motherland - the city of Moscow.

Question 3. In front of you are the flags of various states. Define Flag Russia. What do these three colors mean.

Answer: On the flag Russia three colors: white, red, blue. It is also called the tricolor.

Question 4. There are various coats of arms in front of you. Identify among them the coat of arms of our country. Tell what kind of rider on a white horse.

Answer A: It's not just a rider. His name is George the Victorious. He has long been revered in Rus' as the patron of warriors, the defender of the Fatherland. He has a silver spear in his hand. With this spear, he strikes the black snake, and the faithful horse tramples the snake with his hooves. The snake is a symbol of evil.

Question 5. What is the name of the main, solemn song of the country? What should you do when it sounds?

Answer: the main song of the country is called the anthem. It sounds only at very solemn moments, you have to get up, and the men still have to take off their hats.

Question 6. Attention to the screen. You have a map in front of you cities: Moscow, Vladimir, Kostroma, Uglich, etc. - this is a map diagram. How else is it fashionable to say about these cities with other words and why?

Answer: These cities, if connected, form a ring (circle) and called "Gold ring Russia» . And they are called so, they are very beautiful, ancient, there are many monuments.

Question 7. Before you photos: 1. Valley of geysers in Kamchatka. 2. Lake Baikal. 3. Peterhof - the summer residence of Tsar Peter 1. 4. Natural monument "Poles of weathering in the Komi Republic". 5. St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow. 6. Mamaev Kurgan and a statue Motherland- mothers in Volgograd. 7. Mount Elbrus. What are these photos, what do they tell you about, what do you like the most.

Answer: Photos is "Seven Wonders" Russia» .

Question 8. Who are the Slavs? What were they then called and why?

Answer: The Slavs are our ancestors who lived a very long time in Ancient Rus'. Then the Slavs began to be called "Russians" or "dews". According to scientists, this name comes from the river Russia. From the name of this tribe came the names Russia and"Russians".


The wind blows over the fields.

And the grass sways (Children gently shake their hands above their heads).

The cloud floats above us

Like a white mountain (Sipping - arms up).

The wind carries dust over the field.

The ears are bowing -

Right - left, back - forward,

And then vice versa. (Tilts left - right, back - forward).

We are climbing the hill. (Walking in place).

We'll have some rest there. (Children sit down).

Question 9. Why earlier in Rus' residential settlements and cities were mainly built on the banks of large and small rivers?

Answer: Because there used to be dense, impenetrable forests and it was very difficult to build roads. And the river served, like the road, in summer on water on boats, and in winter on ice on horseback, also a source of food (fish).

Question 10. What is the Kremlin? Does it exist only in Moscow or is it in other cities? What?

Answer: The Kremlin is a fortress. It served to shelter the civilian population from enemies in Ancient Rus'. Kremlins - there are fortresses in almost all ancient cities Russia.

Question 11. What was the name of the residential village in Rus', consisting of wooden houses. Why?

Answer: A residential village of wooden houses was called a village. Because the houses are wooden.

Question 12. What is the name of a house built from round wooden logs?

Answer: A house built of round, wooden logs is called a hut.

Question 13. What in the hut, our ancestors considered the Slavs the main thing? Why?

Answer: The main thing in the hut was a stove, it was heated with firewood, they cooked food in it and heated the entire hut with it.

Question 14. And what dishes were prepared and in what?

Answer: Cooked various stews, fish soup. They also steamed turnips with honey, peas with onions. And they cooked in pots, then they were also called cast iron.

Question 15. Name proverbs and sayings about your native country.


There is no land more beautiful than our side.

Everyone has their own side.

Russian expanse 0 freedom for a person.

beloved homeland that mother darling.

Take care of your beloved land like a mother darling.

Live - serve the motherland.

Question 16. What proverbs do you know about our capital? Motherland Moscow?


Moscow is the heart Russia.

Moscow is the mother of Russian cities.

They speak in Moscow, but they listen all over the country.

Moscow - the capital of all the people to be proud of.

Whoever has not been to Moscow has not seen beauty.

You are all just great! Questions the quiz is over. And I invite you to admire the beauty of our Motherland, the beauty of the native land, the vast expanses Russia...(watch music video "Our Russia» , words and music by K. Derr, song « Russia» ). At the end of the screening, the presenter is reading:

I see mountains - giants,

I see rivers and seas

These are Russian paintings.

This my motherland!

And now it's time to sum up our game - quiz. Count the number of balls, how much which team earned. They invite one person from the team, they count. The winner is determined.


Congratulations guys on your wins. quiz and I wish you to continue to be interested in the history of our country, because today we have come into contact with only a small piece of knowledge of the history of our Fatherland. And as an incentive prize we give you balloons. Pay attention to what colors they are (blue, red, white) what do these colors remind you of? These are the colors of our Russian flag.

Music sounds "I see the Russian expanse"- The children sort the balls.

Note: each question and answer is accompanied by frames of the presentation.

Quiz "My Motherland - Russia"

Prepared by: Zobanova L.V., teacher of the beginning. classes of secondary school No. 16

Purpose: to form children's pride, interest, respect for the historical past of our country, respect for the traditions of their people.


Russia is the country in which we live. Russia ranks first in terms of territory among all countries of the world (17.1 million sq. km.), And in terms of the number of people living here (144 million people) - only seventh place. People of many nationalities live in Russia: Tatars, Chuvashs, Khakasses, and other peoples. The capital of our Motherland is Moscow.

Listen to a poem by Igor Severyanin.

My great Russia

my sacred country!

Her gusts of snow

Her bursts of fire

Her dreams are advanced

Her writers are alive

Comprehended to the bottom!

Her flights are blue

Her clothes are painted

And our sun and moon!

And her nightingales,

And the triples are madly steppe,

And these harnesses are golden,

And winged tie-downs,

Their necks are swan-like steepness!

And our songs are bursting,

Such Russians, relatives,

And rivers boundless depth.

You are all in this, my Russia,

This poem fits perfectly with the topic of our lesson "My Motherland". It is timed to coincide with the Day of Russia, which our country celebrates on June 12. This holiday is one of the youngest public holidays in the country. The beginning of the movement for Russian sovereignty falls on the 90s of the 20th century. Before this period, our country was called the USSR. In addition to the Russian Federation, it included 14 republics, which are now independent states. But in the 90s, the union broke up, and it was necessary to change the rules of governing the country.

On June 12, 1990, the 1st Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation adoptedDeclaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia. In 1994, this day was declared a public holiday. Formally, this is the most important of the modern public holidays in the country. From this date, one can count the beginning of the formation of a new Russian statehood based on the idea of ​​equality and partnership of the federal republics.

The declaration, adopted on June 12, 1990, has become a symbol of the revival of a renewed Russia. The sovereignty of the Russian Federation was proclaimed in the name of ensuring to every person the inviolable right to life, free development and use of their native language, and to every people - the right to preserve and develop national culture and independence.

State symbols - the coat of arms, the flag and the anthem, adopted in December 2000, signify the independence of Russia and its international recognition.

And today, on the eve of the main holiday of the country, we are holding a quiz "My Motherland", which will show how well you know it to be proud of it.

The quiz questions are divided into blocks. They are presented here, on the map of our Motherland.

Let's start with the "My Motherland on the map" block. For a correct answer you get 1 token. If more than one person answers, no token is given. At the end of the quiz, we will sum up the results and find out who won.

1 block of questions "My Motherland on the map"

1. What continent is Russia on? (Eurasia)

2. Waters, which oceans wash the borders of our Motherland?

3. The largest and deepest sea in the country? (Beringovo; average depth 1.5 km.)

4. The smallest and shallowest sea? (Azovskoe; average depth 8 m.)

5. The deepest lake? (Baikal)

6. The biggest island? (Sakhalin)

9. Name the states that border on Russia?

10. What are the seas washing the coast of Russia?

11. How many time zones? (eleven)

12. What mountains divide the country into two parts of the world: Europe and Asia?

2 block "Nature of Russia"

1. The plant is a symbol of our Motherland.

2.If you were offered to depict our Motherland in flowers, what flowers would you choose?

3. Wood, which is the main one in the woodworking industry.

4. The smallest tree in the country? (dwarf birch)

5. This protected plant means "man-root" in Chinese, used in medicine, because helps with many diseases. (Ginseng)

6. This taiga animal with soft, white or black sparkling fur has been the most desired prey for hunters since ancient times. His fur was called soft gold.

7. The animal is an ancient Russian endemic, i.e. lives only in Russia. Lives on the banks of rivers. The coat is velvet, the nose is elongated into a funny proboscis, the tail is large leathery, there are membranes on the paws.

8. The largest land predator? (Polar bear)

9. What is the name of the coniferous forest? (Taiga)

10. What animal lives in the waters of Lake Baikal and nowhere else? (Seal - Baikal seal)

3 block « Symbols»

1. List the symbols of the state.

2. What are the colors of the national flag? What do they mean? What other banners are approved in the Russian Federation (St. Andrew's flag, Presidential standard, Victory banner)

4. Who is depicted on the coat of arms?

5. What does the two heads of an eagle symbolize?

6. What do you know about the rider depicted on the coat of arms?

Block 4 "Moscow"

1. Who founded the city of Moscow?

2.When was Moscow mentioned for the first time? (1147)

3. What used to be located on Red Square? (Market)

4. Place of work of the Russian president? (Kremlin)

5. The main tower of the Kremlin? (Spasskaya)

6. What is the name of the clock on the Spasskaya Tower? (Clock-chimes)

7. What is another name for the Intercession Cathedral on Red Square? (St Basil's Church)

9. The main temple of the country?

5 block " Great people"

1. Tsar-reformer, creator of the Russian fleet? (Peter 1)

3. The first cosmonaut. (Yu.A. Gagarin)

4. A great commander and diplomat who won the battle on Lake Peipus?

5. Compilers of the Slavic alphabet.

6. Name the outstanding Russian commanders who did not lose a single battle. (Suvorov, Ushakov)

7. Who invented the radio? (Popov)

8. Founder of the first state university. (Lomonosov M.V.)

9. A great Russian writer who never wrote for children. But children read his works. (Pushkin A.S.)

6 block "Our city"

1. Year of foundation of the city of Gus - Khrustalny? (1756)

2. Who founded the city of Gus - - Khrustalny? (A.V. Maltsov.)

3. Why is the city so named?

4. Name the main street of the city? Who is she named after? (Kalinin M.I. - participant of the revolutionary movement, chairman of the Central Executive Committee)

5. Is our lake natural or artificial?

6. List the architectural monuments of the city. (Georgievsky Cathedral, Holy Trinity Church, the chapel of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara, an Orthodox gymnasium, shopping malls.)

7. What is the name of the region between Vladimir and Ryazan? (Meshchersky)

Block 7 "Miscellaneous"

On June 1, 30, 1908, the Tunguska meteorite fell to earth. What is the place where the meteorite fell? (Siberia-60km circle diameter, Tunguska River)

2. What gem of the Ural Mountains did P. P. Bazhov write about? (Malachite)

3. What mineral reserves does Russia take first place in? (Natural gas)

4. The main river of Europe that flows in Russia? (Volga)

5. What Russian holiday involves burning a scarecrow and treating pancakes?

6. What was the name of the first Russian museum founded by Peter the Great? (Kunstkamera). Where is the Samovar Museum located? (In Tula)

Cucumber Museum? (Suzdal)

Mouse Museum? (Myshkin)

Hermitage Museum? (Saint Petersburg)

Crystal Museum? (Goose-Crystal)

7. Favorite color in Russia? (Red)

8. Where and when were the Summer Olympic Games held in Russia? (Moscow 1980)

9. Where will the 2014 Winter Olympics be held? (Sochi)

outcome behavior. Rewarding. I would like to finish our lesson with the words of K. Ushinsky: “Our fatherland, our Motherland is Mother Russia. We call it Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call it Motherland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it, and everything in it is native to us. And as a mother, because she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters, and taught us her language. We are required to know it, protect and protect it.”

Quiz for children 6-7 years old “My country. My edge. My city. My street"

Checking and activating the knowledge available to children, independent judgments about the country, native land and city.
consolidate children's knowledge about our country, native land and city;
to systematize children's knowledge about the symbols of the state: flag, coat of arms, anthem.
expand the horizons of children; learn to answer questions depending on the content, using an accurate, expressive dictionary;
to instill in children patriotic feelings, respect for all nationalities, love and respect for Russia.
Materials and equipment:
- laptop, multimedia projector, multimedia presentation;
- images of parts of the house (30 pcs), envelopes with cut parts of sayings and proverbs about the Motherland, an envelope with parts of the Russian flag, an envelope with different images of the coat of arms of Russia, sound fragments of hymns, images of cultural symbols of Russia (matryoshka, Dymkovo toy, accordion), 9 handkerchiefs, folk instruments (spoons, metallophones, whistles), 3 landscape sheets of paper, 3 packs of felt-tip pens.
Musical material used in the game "Pilots":
Idea, selection of music, mix - Kholodnaya I.V.
"Kangaroo dot, ru" Zhanna Kolmagorova
"Song about penguins" lyrics by A. Gorokhov, music by V. Kuprevich
"Turtle" Music by A. Varlamov. Words by R. Panina
"Dolphins" music. A. Varlamova
"Merry Monkeys" by Y. Seliverstov
"Good mood" Natalia Ososhnik, music Vitaly Ososhnik
Preparatory work: implementation of a children's and adult project (with the participation of parents) - the books "Streets of my city", "Professions of my parents"; exhibitions in the groups "Folk crafts of the Urals", "Treasures of the Urals" (exhibition of stones), "Sights of the city of Serov"; exhibition of books by writers and poets of the city of Serov; reading the tales of P.P. Bazhov, an exhibition of drawings and creative works "My City", acquaintance with national customs (holiday "Svyatki").

Activity progress

To the music for the song "My Russia" (G. Struve), children enter the hall and sit down at the tables in subgroups.
The ball is big, there is a country on it,
The city is in it, and there are houses in it.
House on one street
Inconspicuous, small.
This house, country, land -
This is my homeland!
Today we have gathered, guys, to tell each other what we have learned about our homeland, our region, city. You have to answer 10 questions and complete 10 tasks. You are divided into groups. Each group's responses will be scored. For each correct answer and correctly completed task, the team receives a part of the house, from which we will then make up the city. The better and more correct your answers are, the higher and more beautiful your houses will be. Who wants to build the tallest and most beautiful house? (children's answers)

Of course, you all want it. Then get to work!
Attention, the first question of our quiz sounds.
1. What is the name of the country in which we live? (Russia)
Task for the teams: Make up sayings and proverbs about our Motherland from parts (adults work in teams - they read parts of sayings to children).
1 team -
Beloved motherland is like a dear mother.
Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother.
2 team -
On someone else's side, and spring is not red.
If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.
3 team -
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.
Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
Teams that correctly completed the task receive the first floor of the house.
Attention, the second question of our quiz sounds.
2. Name the state symbols of Russia (Coat of arms, flag, anthem)
Practical task:
1 team - collect the flag of Russia
2 team - determine in which fragment the Russian anthem sounds
Team 3 - The game "Find the Differences" (different images of the coat of arms of Russia).
Russia has a majestic
Double-headed eagle on the coat of arms
To the west and east
He could look right away.
He is strong, wise and proud.
He is a free spirit of Russia.
(V. Stepanov)
Teams that complete the task correctly receive the second floor of the house.
Attention, the third question of our quiz sounds. Discuss the answers in a team, one of the participants comes out and says it.
3. Who is the head of the Russian state? (The president)

One of the team members is invited. Participants voice the answers of their teams.
Demonstration of a photo of V.V. Putin on the presentation slide.
Teams that correctly completed the task receive the third floor of the house.
Attention, the fourth question of our quiz sounds.
4. Each country has a main city - the capital. What is the name of the capital of our country? (The capital of Russia is Moscow.)

Practical task: explain the meaning of expressions. The participants are meeting. One of the team members comes out and announces the team's response.
Team 1 - Why do they say "Moscow is the heart of Russia"?
Team 2 - How can you understand the words: “They speak in Moscow, but they listen throughout the country?”
Team 3 - How can you understand the words: "She is the head of all cities, the capital of the Motherland is Moscow."
Teams that correctly completed the task receive the fourth floor of the house.
Attention, the fifth question of our quiz sounds.
Rus' has long been famous for its craftsmen.
Glorified craftsmen stone cutters,
Magic fire keepers
Chasers for steel and iron -
Russia is a famous family.
5. "Who will accurately draw and name the symbol of Russia?"
Each team lines up. Teachers show each of their teams a picture for 20 seconds. and remove it. The children sit down at the tables. On a piece of paper, they take turns sketching what they managed to remember, then pass the sheet to another member of the team.
Upon completion of the work, one team member comes out and demonstrates the resulting image, names the symbol of Russia.
Teams that correctly completed the task receive the fifth floor of the house.
Attention, the sixth question of our quiz sounds.
Among the expanses of our great Motherland there is a corner where you live, where is your home, your native land. And wherever you are, wherever you go, you will always remember your native corner, your home, your parents and friends.
6. What is the name of our native land? (Ural)
Courageous and skillful people lived in the Urals. After a hard day's work, they played various musical instruments. Our ancestors knew how to work and rest with soul.
Voiced, carved, painted spoons
From dawn to dawn, spoons play for us.
And we guys are brave
Skillful in all matters.
We'll take the tools
And let's start the orchestra.

Team task:
Listen to the sound fragment and play it on folk instruments. It is determined whose team will perform the melody more accurately and more amicably.
Teams that correctly completed the task receive the sixth floor of the house.
Attention, the seventh question of our quiz sounds.
7. What were the names of the first inhabitants of the Urals? (Khanty and Mansi)

Khanty and Mansi lived in tents.
The game "Who will quickly build a chum" (children build a chum from large scarves, which team is faster)

Teams that correctly completed the task receive the seventh floor of the house.
Attention, the eighth question of our quiz sounds.
8. Now we live in beautiful cities, in cozy houses. Whose name is our city? (pilot Anatoly Konstantinovich Serov)

He's a metal bird
Raises into the clouds.
Our air border
Reliable and strong.
What do you think pilots should be like?
Children speak out (strong, hardy, dexterous)
Let's see if you can show courage, dexterity.
Airplane game. Game rules.
Children are divided into groups of 3 people. Each group is a detachment of pilots.
Every child is an airplane. Planes are in hangars. Hangars are located in any way: in a circle, in a line, in a column, etc. Each pilot must remember the place of his hangar in order to return exactly to it. On a signal, the pilots fly: arms to the sides, movement in any direction. Condition: do not bend your arms (it is considered a broken wing). If you met with another plane, then you can “plan”: lean to the right, left, forward, but do not bend your arms. At the signal, the pilots return to the hangars.

The game is played with soundtrack. Children listen to the speaker and perform the proposed actions:
1. "Pilots, to the airfield!" Children sit down
2. “Start the engines!” Children sitting (a prerequisite for an alternation of physical activity and rest) make a “winder” with bent arms.
3. "In flight!" Children depict the flight of an airplane (fly)
4. "Attention, landing!" Children squat down.
5. Next, imitative movements of animals of those countries and continents where planes arrive are performed.
We return to our city. Attention landing!
Children take their places at the tables.
Teams that successfully complete the task receive the eighth floor of the house.
Attention, the ninth question of our quiz sounds.
9. The game "Guess what I guessed"
Images of various sights of the city of Serov are shown to the children. The host thinks of one of them. Children have to guess which landmark he thought of by asking any questions other than a direct question about the name.
Image set for 1 team:
- city administration building
- commemorative stone for the centenary of the city
Image set for 2 teams:
- the building of the Palace of Culture of Metallurgists
- "Stone of desires" at the library. D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak
Image set for 3 teams:
- Temple in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord
- Memorial "Eternal Flame"
Teams that successfully complete the task receive the ninth floor of the house.
Attention, the tenth, final question of our quiz sounds.
10. There are many streets and squares in our city. On which street is our kindergarten located? Why is this street called Green? (children's answers)

Teams that successfully complete the task receive the tenth floor of the house.
Our children, together with their parents, prepared the book "Streets of our city". Demonstration of the book and the story of children about the streets.
- You guys, well done, know a lot about your Motherland, love it and its nature, respect your family and friends, know your land.
I suggest that each team make their own house from the received floors. Approach with fiction, fantasy. Create your own unique home.
What wonderful houses you have. Let's see each other's houses.
Children walk in a circle, looking at the houses of other teams.

Intellectual - cognitive quiz

by geography

"My Russia is my country"

Round 1



About Russia"

Question 1

Russia is the biggest country in the world. It is 1.8 times larger than the USA. The area of ​​Russia is approximately equal to the surface area of ​​the planet Pluto. Question: What is the area of ​​Russia.

Answer: 17,075,400 square kilometers.

Question 2

Russia has the highest active volcano in the world. Its height is 4850 meters.

The volcano has been erupting for the past 7,000 years. Question: What is the name of this volcano.

Answer: Klyuchevskaya Sopka.

Question 3

This railroad is the longest railroad

in the world. The Great Siberian Way connecting Moscow with Vladivostok is 9298 kilometers long. Question: What is the name of this railroad?

Answer: Transsiberian

Question 4

These are the oldest mountains in the world. The historical names of these mountains are Big Stone, Siberian Stone, Earth Belt, Belt Stone. These mountains are a natural border between two parts of the world. Question: What are the names of these mountains of Russia.

Answer: Ural mountains

Question 5

This Russian city recorded the lowest air temperature. The cold record was set in 1924 and amounted to -71.2 °C. Question: What is the name of this city in Russia.

Answer: Oymyakon

Question 6

This most famous computer game was created by Russian programmer Alexey Pajitnov in 1985. This game became popular in the USSR, and then, in 1986, in the West. Question: What is the name of this game.

Answer: Tetris (Tetris)

Question 7

The largest bell ever cast is a Russian bell made by artisans Ivan Motorin and his son Mikhail.

The weight of the bell is 201 tons 924 kilograms. Its height is 6 meters 14 centimeters. Question: What is the name of this bell.

Answer: The Tsar Bell

Question 8

Half of this city is located in the Urals, half - in Siberia. At the same time, a camel is depicted on the coat of arms of the city. Question: What is the name of this Russian city.

Answer: Chelyabinsk

Question 9

In Moscow you can see

tallest building in Europe. The height of this building is 540 meters.

Question: What is the name of this building.

Answer: Ostankino Tower

Question 10

This Japanese dish is more popular in Russia than in Japan, and the Russians love it even more than the Japanese. Question: What is the name of this dish.

Answer: Sushi

Round 2

"Seven Wonders of Russia"

Miracle 1

Lake Baikal

Miracle 2


Miracle 3

Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka

Miracle 4

St. Basil's Cathedral

Miracle 5

Mountain Elbrus

Miracle 6



weathering pillars

Miracle 7


Mamaev kurgan

Round 3

"Banknotes of Russia"

Question 1

Question: What city of Russia is depicted on a banknote of 10 rubles.


Question 2

Question: What city of Russia is depicted on a banknote of 50 rubles.

Saint Petersburg

Question 3

Question: What city of Russia is depicted on a bill of 100 rubles.


Question 4

Question: What city of Russia is depicted on a banknote of 500 rubles.


Question 5

Question: What city of Russia is depicted on a banknote of 1000 rubles.


Question 6

Question: What city of Russia is depicted on a banknote of 5000 rubles.


Captains competition

"Geographic puzzles"

Rebus 1


Rebus 2


Rebus 3


Rebus 4


Round 4

"National Symbols of Russia"

Symbol 1

Question: Symbol of the unity of Russia, the heroism of the Russian people.

Red Square

Symbol 2

Question: The symbol of the top leadership of Russia.


Symbol 3

Question: A symbol of accuracy, reliability and inviolability of Russia.



Symbol 4

Question: Symbol of spirituality, prosperity and longevity of Russia.


Symbol 5

Question: A symbol of the mystery of the soul of the Russian people.


Symbol 6

Question: A symbol of strength, power and sharpness of the Russian people.


Symbol 7

Question: A symbol that personifies the Russian daring and mysterious soul.


Symbol 8

Question: Symbol of Russian hospitality.


Symbol 9

Question: Musical symbol of the Russian people.


Symbol 10

Question: One of the most important symbols of the traditional national life of the Russian


Russian sandals

Round 5

"Folk crafts of Russia in riddles"

Riddle 1

Merry white clay,

Circles, stripes on it.

Goats and lambs are funny

A herd of colorful horses.

Nurses and water carriers,

Both riders and children

Rather, friends, guess

What am I talking about now?

Dymkovo toys

Riddle 2

Snow white dishes

Tell me, where are you from?

Looks like it came from the north

And blossomed with flowers -

Blue, blue.

Delicate, beautiful.

Gzhel painting

Riddle 3

We were blinded by masters

It's time to color us.

Horses, young ladies, lambs -

All are tall and slim.

Blue-red stripes

On the sides we can see.

Filimonov toys

Riddle 4

The boards are made of linden,

And spinning wheels, and horses.

painted with flowers,

It's like they're half-assed.

Riders gallop there,

Firebirds are flying high

And black and white dots

Glitter in the sun.

Gorodets painting

Riddle 5

Carved spoons and ladles

Take a look, don't rush.

There the grass curls, and the flowers

Grow unearthly beauty.

They shine like gold

Or maybe sun-drenched.


Riddle 6

Bobbins are knocking:


The handkerchief suddenly appeared

And a collar of white thread

Well done, take a look!

What do you think it could be?

Vologda lace

Riddle 7

round, iron,

Useful in the household.

Black, yellow, red,

Amazingly beautiful!

Zhostovo trays

Riddle 8

Knock-knock, click-click,

Bear, man, goat and wolf.

Wooden Toys:

Both bears and old women -

They are sitting, and then they are in a hurry,

The kids will make everyone laugh.

Bogorodsk carving

Intellectual and educational game

by geography

"My Russia is my country"

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