Secrets of communicating with a scorpio boss. Scorpio woman at work: positive and negative qualities of the sign


- But when you have to turn into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly, it will also seem strange to you.

- Not at all, said the caterpillar.

More than any other of your colleagues, Scorpio is the creator of his own destiny. No one believes in their own strengths and abilities as much as he does. He knows his worth and does not blame anyone for his own mistakes. He firmly believes that he will achieve anything he wants, does not suffer from an inferiority complex and is not a pawn in the wrong hands.

Each Scorpio has his own goal, and he will reach it, no matter what obstacles life or people put in front of him.

The attitude of a Scorpio subordinate towards you depends entirely on what kind of person you are. If you are one of those who will treat him rudely, insult him, break promises, or in any other way step on his tail, sooner or later he will avenge you for everything with a vengeance. If you are a strong and tough person, Scorpio will respect and appreciate you - but until he takes your place. And this will definitely happen, because any Scorpio hatches secret plans, which for the time being no one will suspect.

The only thing you can be sure of is that Scorpio does not intend to remain a subordinate for the rest of his life, he will certainly become the master, at least of his own destiny.

When achieving their goals, Scorpio will not be nervous, in a hurry and show impatience. He knows that if he aims for something, it will certainly be his. And if so, is it worth the hassle?

As long as the Scorpio is in submission, he will be wholeheartedly devoted to his patron, not trying to do anything behind his back. Scorpio is honest. Once the boss pays him money, he responds with good work and devotion. Scorpio despises stupid, short-sighted people who themselves cut the branch on which they sit. For him, his place of work is a bridge to the future. And as soon as he walks on it, he will do it carefully. True, as soon as he crosses the bridge to the opposite side, he safely forgets about him. But then another road awaits him ahead, and he will move along it just as consistently and logically.

Scorpios love research work, where they are given the opportunity to discover something every hour and comprehend all sorts of secrets. You will find other Scorpios among detectives, psychiatrists, scientists, surgeons, researchers, journalists, reporters, police officers.

Never try to find out anything about the personal life of your Scorpio subordinates. They don't tolerate it. If a Scorpio likes you personally and the work that you have given him; he will work honestly and selflessly from morning to evening. True, at the same time, he will pursue his goal, which for the time being will remain a mystery to everyone, including you. The only thing you can be sure of is that as long as he is with you, he will not let you down and will treat you the way you treat him. So in the end it's all up to you.

In the introduction of Scorpio is everything that concerns the secrets of life and death. Under his wing are secret military developments, secret police, state security agencies, and intelligence. Of the scientific fields, these are primarily psychology, sexology, military sciences, as well as astrophysics, nuclear physics, genetics, and partly biology. It is impossible not to note such an area of ​​\u200b\u200binterest of Scorpio as the occult.

Scorpio chief

The Scorpio leader will demand absolute fidelity; does everything to help the one he loves; solve even the most difficult problems; will show care and sympathy for the families of workers, considering them as part of their team. Thanks to his insight, Scorpio - the boss, like no one else, will understand the mood of the subordinate, and if necessary, then, without waiting for complaints and requests, he will definitely help him in difficult times, will not remain indifferent, because he understands that the state of a person’s soul will primarily affect his work. If your boss has rendered you some invaluable service, in no case try to shower him with ardent thanks and lavish flowery compliments on him, it is better to say a simple "thank you", but let it come from the heart. And you should not present any gifts to the Scorpio boss: he does not like this and will begin to suspect you of secret intent.

Scorpio - the boss always carefully selects his subordinates, paying great attention to personal likes and dislikes. If he liked someone, he will provide him with all-round support and assistance, the person will quickly and easily begin to receive some kind of gratitude and bonuses. And vice versa, the boss-Scorpio will not allow people who are unsympathetic to him to be promoted, he will begin to take into account all their slightest oversights and shortcomings, or simply stop paying attention to such employees, passing by as if by an empty place. If you enjoy your job, don't try to get around your boss - or hurt him in any way. This practice is vicious and can cost you not only your job, but also your health. Try to treat him kindly, and your cooperation will be fruitful. The work done under his direction is never small, on the contrary, it always turns out to be well done and durable, as if it was intended to last for centuries.

Scorpio submissive

The subordinate Scorpio has its own position; knows what he wants to achieve; reconcile with defeat under the onslaught of circumstances; persistent, purposeful, striving to make a career for himself; does not waste time and does not watch the clock. Scorpions - employees - are the creators of their own destiny. They are always confident in their abilities, they are well aware of themselves, and if they make any mistakes, they do not blame anyone for them except themselves, and in any case they do not suffer from an inferiority complex. Each Scorpio has his own goal, and he will reach it, sweeping away all obstacles on the way, sparing no one.

If Scorpio likes the work that he must "perform, then he will work honestly and selflessly from morning to evening. But if the boss is rude to him, starts insulting him, showing disrespect in every possible way, in short," stepping on his tail ", then Scorpio will sting sooner or later, yes, it hurts so much that the offender will remember it for a long time. You should never interfere in the personal life of a Scorpio subordinate, much less try to find out his secrets. Many people trust Scorpio with their secrets, knowing for sure that he will not tell anyone about them "He will not tell. He has plans that no one even knows about, and often their ultimate goal is to become the boss himself. Scorpio is very ambitious and does not intend to remain a subordinate for the rest of his life. Whoever Scorpio is - a boss or a simple employee, he always he is honest, does not try to do anything behind anyone's back, despises stupid and short-sighted people... And each of his new places, new appointments is for him a springboard for a new jump.

From Scorpio chief it is impossible to hide anything, he will find out anyway. He can penetrate any secret, reveal any secret.

His knowledge of other people's plans can discourage conspirators, competitors: it borders on the supernatural ability to extract information from the most secret safes.

Without information, this person cannot live and lead, and subordinates must constantly take care of providing it, not leave him in the dark and foggy uncertainty, since he needs clear visibility when there is something to think about, what to analyze and you can accurately calculate your future step .

Scorpio boss highly appreciates honesty and decency, wants to be given unlimited trust, and does not forgive deceit.

Scorpio himself adheres to the same principle of relationships: he is honest, direct, frank in his position, absolutely reliable, able to keep a promise.

Scorpio is a dangerous competitor and rival. If he wants to win, he will win, and no one will know about his plans until he reveals them to others himself. It is difficult to compete with Scorpio: he is an excellent thinker, analyst, strategist, constantly analyzes situations. He is a purposeful leader and knows not only what he should lead his team and his business to, but also how to achieve the goal. He tirelessly moves towards it and keeps everything under control that can interfere with this movement. He closely monitors financial transactions and operations.

This chief supports innovations and is himself the initiator of revolutionary changes. It does not tolerate slow pace of development, much less stagnation.

His employees should know that he loves thinking, active, ready to offer alternative options and projects of subordinates. However, it is impossible at the same time to "climb on the rampage", to show excessive emotions. Scorpio boss appreciates endurance and self-control.

He himself is superbly in control of his emotions, calm, balanced. If you piss him off, he will be an explosion of extreme power, so you need to learn to restrain yourself when working with Scorpio. Pressure, insisting on his own, attempts to defeat him, he can not stand. He is very proud to admit his defeat. By the way, he is rarely defeated.

He selects workers devoted to his ideas and interests. He does not keep ill-wishers or those who do not accept his goals around him. Enemies in general would be better off staying away from Scorpio and not trying to approach him with any tricks. He is tall, out of reach, and oblivious to the flickering around him and pathetic bite attempts. If the attempts of enemies to draw attention to themselves go beyond the bounds of decency, hurt his pride and pride, then this will not be safe for the offenders.

Scorpio boss attentive to his colleagues, their feelings and moods do not escape him, and you can count on his understanding and sympathy. People know about his ability to guess their thoughts and desires, about his ability to help with wise advice. In a confidential conversation with him, they completely open up, even without wanting it, because Scorpios seem to hypnotize others, forcing them to lay out everything that lies on their hearts with just a glance. So colleagues need to know about this magical ability of their boss if they want their innermost to remain with them.

Knowing when the boss celebrates his birthday is the sacred duty of every subordinate. And not only in order to prepare a bouquet and healthy speeches: under which star a person (specifically your boss) was born, his character depends.

Aries (03/21-04/20)

Aries boss and lazy subordinates are completely incompatible things. If you are looking for a warm place to hang out, or just want to earn extra money without bothering yourself too much, then Aries as a boss will not suit you. He simply can't stand people who work half-heartedly or with insufficient enthusiasm. Aries, the boss, expects from his subordinates the same return in work that he himself has, and no less interest in the future of the enterprise. Aries loves to do things quickly. He won't drag you out by hiring you, promoting you, or reprimanding you.

Noticing that you are slacking off from the case, he, in spite of everything, will make you a sharp reprimand, but if you apologize and promise to improve, he will forgive you, and more than once. If your boss is an Aries, get ready for overtime delays after work is done.

However, the typical Aries will not look meaningfully at the clock if you arrived at work half an hour late or an hour late from lunch. This is not in his rules, he himself rarely looks at his watch. Being a creative person by nature, he understands that inspiration does not come exactly at 9 am and does not end at 5 pm, and therefore will never insist on strict observance of the time schedule.

In terms of promotions, pay raises, time off, Aries is benevolent according to the horoscope, but if it is something important for the company, he will require you to forget about your personal life.

For Christmas, Aries boss usually generously presents his subordinates, and this may be a gift that you have long dreamed of, but could not afford to buy. The Aries boss cannot be reproached for stinginess (with rare exceptions when he had greedy ancestors in his family or there is a strong influence of the Moon). Aries is less prone to flattery than other signs, but it doesn’t hurt to give him a compliment from time to time. If you let him know that you respect him as a boss and appreciate his business qualities, be sure of his reciprocal attitude towards you. True, all these things should be said only if you really think so. He despises falsehood and insincerity. Aries are very sensitive to people's opinions. Despite their self-confident appearance, deep down they really want to please everyone: subordinates, domestic and even passers-by on the street. They need human approval like air, without which they cannot exist.

If your company suddenly finds itself on the verge of bankruptcy, do not rush to look for another job. If anyone can save the company from disaster, then this is its head, Aries. Thanks to his confidence, courage and enterprise, he is able to get out of the seemingly most incredible situation.

The Aries boss appreciates the initiative of his subordinates. If you are full of interesting creative ideas to reorganize and improve the work of the company, be sure that Aries will not leave you or your ideas without attention. You are destined for promotions and promotions. But do not get carried away, know the measure. Do not try to outdo your boss - you will not be forgiven for this.

Willpower according to the horoscope is one of the most attractive character traits of Aries. He does not give in to small adversities and successfully overcomes large ones. By an effort of will, Aries can stop or alleviate the course of the disease.

Aries are often lucky in gambling - be it cards, horse racing or anything else. Weekdays in the office are always eventful; Aries do not like monotony.

Being naturally mobile and fast, Aries does not like lethargic and apathetic people. The Aries boss will never ask the reason for your dismissal from your previous job. He prefers to draw conclusions based on his own observations. Your past Aries does not care, as, indeed, and his own.

Despite violent outbursts of anger that pass quickly and without a trace, Aries, according to the horoscope, more than any other boss, will repay you with kindness for kindness. If you can sincerely admire his energy and courage, if you find the strength in yourself to tactfully restrain him from reckless actions, if you can accurately enter into his plans those details that he missed in a hurry, you will be one of the most valuable and highly paid employees.

Taurus (21.04-20.05)

It seems to you quiet, calm and completely harmless, which reminds you of a funny bear-buffoon. But do not be deceived by this external resemblance to a bear. Remember the old fairy tale about the girl and the three bears? The bears got very angry when the girl encroached on their property: porridge, a chair, a bed. The fairy-tale girl, however, managed to avoid a sad ending. But you may not succeed.

In addition, we should not forget that with some similarity in habits, Taurus according to the horoscope is still not a bear, but a bull. A bear, if he is not a connecting rod, will rarely attack a person first, while a bull can attack completely unexpectedly. Bulls are unpredictable and dangerous creatures.

You may think that everything is in order, and you will continue to test the patience of your boss, not suspecting that clouds are gradually gathering over your head. And one day a thunderstorm suddenly breaks out.

For example, you bring a letter to your boss that has several typos, or you submit a half-year report that has one or two numbers mixed up. He will accept both without reprimands and without shouting. After that, you begin to think that you will continue to get away with everything. First you are late from your lunch break by five, then by fifteen minutes, and finally by an hour. Since your boss does not express any displeasure at your behavior, you continue to behave in this way. But in the case of Taurus, this is a vicious practice. Better stop before it's too late.

Why does the Taurus boss behave in this way with subordinates? Not at all because he is too lazy or uncomfortable to contact you. Just according to the horoscope, as a creature with, above all, common sense, he understands that everyone can make mistakes. And he regards your mistakes as an accident. He thinks that, having realized your mistake, you will certainly correct yourself. But here you are making another mistake. Here he begins to watch you more closely, believing that you are still able to realize your wrong behavior. In short, he gives you another chance and looks at your reaction. Of course, as a highly practical and sober-minded being, he understands that in one day you will not turn into an excellent worker. But he doesn't rush you. He just wants to see your sincere desire to work better and your attempts to correct the status quo.

But, if you do not justify his trust either the first, or the second, or the third time, he will throw you out the door without the slightest regret. And no tears, prayers and promises will help you. If the bull has decided something, its decision is irrevocable. Being an owner by nature, Taurus treats his company as if it were his own brainchild, and your cool attitude to work will not suit him in any way.
Taurus, in accordance with their horoscope, are usually rarely satisfied with a small business or firm, but seek to expand it and turn it into a real empire.

True, changes do not occur abruptly, but gradually, systematically, day after day. Having started some business, Taurus will never leave it in the middle, but will certainly bring it to the end. He demands the same attitude from his subordinates. When talking with your boss, be extremely brief and precise, do not spread your thoughts along the tree. Although he will not show you that you are too verbose, he will certainly think about it. It may seem strange to you that you, burning with a new idea, burst into his office and begin to violently express your point of view, trying to interest him, and he remains completely indifferent to all your plans. Such is his nature, because he is by nature a conservative. All innovative ideas must be thoroughly tested in practice, otherwise you can get burned out, which happened more than once with hotheads. And since Taurus is not a player at heart, he will prefer that others test their innovations. He will not take risks.

Taurus boss does not like heated arguments, preferring a reasonable, calm discussion. He likes when his subordinates are neat, elegant (but not extravagant!), prefer calm, pastel colors and use good perfumes, as well as (women) soft cosmetics. When talking with the Taurus boss, if he invites you to sit down, you should not fall apart in a chair, and also lean back in your chair, while putting your feet on the coffee table, he does not tolerate this.

The Taurus boss has one excellent quality: he never forgets those employees who do not let him down and on whom he can always rely. If you are his ally, you are not in danger of losing your place in his company. Taurus boss is fair and truthful. He says what he thinks and does what he says.

If he calls you a blockhead, be sure that this is what he thinks. In this case, you'd be better off looking for another job. If he sincerely praised you, know that everything is fine with you and a promotion or monetary reward will soon follow. You can consider yourself lucky if you managed to achieve his location. Most likely, this is for life and your professional career is in good hands.

Gemini (21.05-21.06)

One day, your Gemini boss will get into a frenzy of punctuality. He will look at his watch every now and then, fixing your every exit to the smoking room and five minutes late from lunch. But another time, he will not notice at all that you were gone for half a day. It is impossible to predict his mood in advance. You don't know which foot you'll get up in the morning, do you? So the best advice is to assume that tomorrow it will not be the same as it is today.

Gemini is a brilliant, if somewhat fussy leader. Much more than other signs, the presidential chair suits him, although he will not be able to sit in it for a long time. In such cases, it is good to offer him a swivel chair, partly contributing to the nervous relaxation.

Being in his office, the Gemini boss walks back and forth most of the time, often trampling a path in the carpet. He is simply not able to sit still from 9 am to 5 pm. That is why he would be more suited to the position of vice president, chief consultant or chief expert of a firm whose duties do not include daily presence in the office. Gemini is a generator of new ideas and projects, which he willingly shares with his subordinates.

If your boss is a Gemini according to the horoscope, a change in work will follow immediately. He will not be satisfied with the prevailing official stereotypes, he will consider them illogical and protracted.

Excuses like “This is our usual practice” or “We are used to doing this” will not at all convince him that you are right. The Gemini is in no way the guardian and admirer of traditions; everything that seems wrong to him is immediately rejected and replaced by a new one. He is an absolute innovator in everything.

The only thing you will certainly be deprived of is monotony and boredom. He will force you to rearrange the furniture in his office, point out to the secretary about the shortcomings in the work, introduce a new system of rewards and penalties, and much more. None of the most carefully disguised blunders can hide from his insight. Sometimes it will seem to you that he has not only an extra pair of eyes and ears, but also additional pairs of arms and legs, otherwise you cannot explain how he manages to be in several places at the same time.

Do not be afraid of the vindictiveness of your Gemini boss. He is interested in so many things at the same time that he is unlikely to focus on his negative emotions for more than an hour.

Being by nature a pronounced individualist and having his own opinion on everything, Gemini will not always respect your personality and reckon with you. This does not mean that he will not listen to your opinion. He listens, and even with interest, if you have something to say. According to the horoscope, a Gemini perceives people not by themselves, but as the quintessence of those ideas, thoughts and abilities that define a person. Hence his somewhat abstract relation to a particular individual.

Although Gemini is surrounded by many people, most of whom sympathize with him, he rarely comes into deep spiritual contact with them. This happens due to some coldness of his nature, inherent in him from birth.

A man of a sharp, mocking mind, Gemini appreciates a good joke. He will always appreciate a sense of humor, especially his presence in critical situations. But do not try to pity him with tears - most likely you will achieve a negative result.

Your boss is a master of discussion. In a dispute with you, he will bombard you with a bunch of facts and arguments and interpret them so brilliantly that he will soon turn you from an adversary into his ally. It is worth learning from him not only the skill of conducting discussions, but also the manner of delivering speeches and reports. And you need to learn quickly. The Gemini boss rarely stays long at any job. As soon as he, having achieved certain successes, gets recognition, he will immediately be drawn to other, unknown and untried places. And he will follow this call, being unable to resist it. Passion for travel, change of place and everything new will own Gemini all his life, right up to old age.

Cancer (22.06-22.07)

Knowing that Cancers have a sense of humor according to the horoscope, you will most likely be inclined to imagine an office headed by Cancer as a kind of booth full of jokes, laughter, banter, fun and just not confetti, coupled with sparklers.
And here you are wrong. A similar atmosphere may exist, but only if Cancer heads a film or television studio. In other cases, this is far from the case. Therefore, getting a job with Cancer, forget about jokes and fun, do a neat haircut, get a formal suit and get ready to work hard and hard. Serious, hardworking Cancer will not tolerate hacks and idlers under his command. In his opinion, 7 hours 59 minutes of an 8-hour working day should be given to work. And Cancer's inherent sense of humor will manifest itself when he laughs at a competing firm left in the cold or smiles mysteriously at a subordinate who is trying to knock out an unjustified salary increase from his boss.
I'm afraid that after such an introduction, you got sick of working under the leadership of Cancer. But do not rush to conclusions. For those subordinates who give their best at work, Cancer has completely different gifts in store.
Remember that Cancer loves his job only and solely because it gives him money, meaning power, prestige, luxury and God knows what else. The more and better you work, the more money you get. This is the life credo of Cancer, and if you want to be with him for a long time, you should adopt it.
If you look at the Who's Who section of trade and industry, the largest number of people represented there will be born in the constellation of Cancer. And this, as you understand, is not a mere coincidence.
Ask your Cancer boss sometime in a friendly conversation when he first set aside the money he earned. I bet that you will be amazed to hear that this happened at the age of 6-7 years. Cancers do not consider shameful any job where you can earn money. Even belonging to a very wealthy family, which could well provide for him, he does not hesitate to make money and pay his expenses on his own, without the help of his parents.
If you prove your loyalty to the company, he will never forget to thank you, not only with words, but also with a solid sum of money. Cancer has an excellent memory, so he does not forget either devotion, laziness or dishonesty. Once you show yourself at least once from an unseemly side, consider that your career with Cancer is over.
Possessing even a huge inheritance, which would be more than enough not only for him, but also for his descendants, Cancer will still work hard. Important and prestigious for him is, first of all, how much he himself earned.
Do not think that Cancer is very greedy according to the horoscope. He gladly shares what he has accumulated with those he loves. These are, first of all, domestic, then - firm. Well, and then all the others to whom he sympathizes.
It is curious that there are many women among the Cancer bosses. The fact is that Cancer women, despite their love for family and comfort, feel left out if there is nothing else in their life. Do not forget that along with family attachments, money for them is the main thing in life. Therefore, they strive not only for their husband to earn them, but also prefer to earn money themselves. Among working women, a huge number of those born in the constellation of Cancer. And if for some reason the Cancer woman does not work, for example, because of small children, she will certainly go to work as soon as the children grow up a little.
Thanks to a highly developed intuition, Cancer bosses are well aware of what is happening in the soul of their subordinates, and, if it is in their power, they always help them.
It is very good to work under the leadership of Cancer according to the horoscope, if only because you can learn from him in a month what you cannot learn from other bosses even in a year.
The head-Cancer is kind, honest and fair. Nobility and compassion for him are not empty words. And if you belong to those who share his views and adhere to his principles, consider yourself lucky. As for jokes, it's better to tell them at lunchtime. If they are witty, Cancer will gladly laugh with you.

Leo (23.07-23.08)

What is Leo-chief, you can understand the following classic example. Leo, according to the horoscope, calls his secretary (by the way, Virgo according to the sign of the Zodiac) to dictate an important letter to her. The secretary takes out a notebook. “So, you can write him the following ... - He thinks for a minute, then smiles a radiant smile. “However, you yourself know what you need to answer in this case.” And, having made such a "valuable" remark, he retires on important matters. Returning to the office at the end of the working day, he inquires if the letter is ready. The secretary hands him a paper. After quickly skimming through her eyes, he is very pleased and begins to call his deputy, from time to time quoting lines from the letter. “Did you like my letter? In my opinion, I have stated everything perfectly, so briefly and clearly that it cannot be better. How do you think? I have a clear aptitude for literature. No wonder my wife says that I would make a good writer. This modest phrase ends the telephone conversation. Maybe this is a rare case, but there is some truth in it.
The Leo boss, according to the horoscope, prefers to see people in his office who generate original ideas, but modest enough not to pass them off as his own. Of course, he loves, appreciates, respects and encourages such employees very much. But the ideas are still not theirs, but his. It was he who led them to the discovery, and they had no other choice but to do it. He is the true pioneer. Remember this.
Leo boss can sometimes seem ungrateful to you. In addition to your usual work, it costs nothing for him to throw a few dozen letters, he must read them himself, but he is too lazy. And if at the end of the day you do not have time (in addition to your main work) to finish reading one or two letters, he will scold you for insufficient diligence. Leo's subordinates must sometimes have Olympian calmness so as not to explode from such injustice, but to accept it as the usual Leo demeanor.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, Leo's office resembles something between a royal apartment and a high-society salon. On the walls are excellent reproductions from paintings by famous artists, photographs of the owner of the office and in the most prominent places in elegant frames all the diplomas, awards, etc. ever received by Leo.
If you work under Leo according to the horoscope, you need not only to be a creative, original, courageous and hardworking person yourself, but also to recognize that your boss is more original, smarter, bolder and more hardworking than you. The boss does not tolerate rejection. If, however, you have no other choice, you must sweeten the bitter pill with so many compliments that he hardly notices it.
According to the horoscope, Leos are born organizers and commanders who know who, when and how to entrust work. They never make a mistake in choosing a performer. When the high authorities reward Leo for his excellent work, he will not forget to thank those who were directly involved in it. On the other hand, for shortcomings in work, he can yell at a negligent worker so much that it is better not to serve under the command of Leo for a person with sick pride - this can undermine his health. According to the horoscope, Leo cannot stand gossip, intrigues and secrets that in any way bypass him. He must be aware of all the affairs of his employees and give them friendly advice in time, which they most likely do not need at all.

Virgo (24.08-23.09)

If your horoscope boss is Virgo, try not to be too harsh on him. Most likely, deep down he is not very calm and happy. Virgos are by no means natural born leaders. Most often, having become the boss, Virgo begins to understand that this is perhaps too tough for her. Of course, there are exceptions, but they only confirm the rule.
The typical Virgo is rather the king's chief adviser than the king himself, in other words, the one who does a lot, remaining, as it were, in the shadows. It is better for Virgo to hold the post of chairman of the board of directors, communicating with a certain number of well-known people than the president of a large company, where he will have to solve not only production, but also personal problems of a huge number of subordinates alone. For the typical Virgo, this is an extraordinarily tiring task, requiring stronger nerves and thicker skin.
In addition, according to the horoscope, Virgo sees individual details of objects so clearly and distinctly that the object itself can simply slip out of her field of vision, that is, simply put, Virgo may not see the forest behind the trees.
People with a more aggressive nature, on the contrary, may not see the details and lose sight of them. And here Virgo is simply indispensable, the finest study of the most complex projects, replete with countless pitfalls, will be completed with brilliance by her. Virgo's talent manifests itself not in public, but at the desk, in the quiet of the office. True, the methodology of their work is so incomprehensible to many that Devs are often accused of duplicity, although they are not. Rather the opposite. Even if for the good of the case the boss sometimes needs to prevaricate, Virgo does this rarely and with great reluctance.
It should be said that several years of such daily hypocrisy, fundamentally contrary to the character of the Virgins, brought some of them to severe nervous exhaustion. Another aspect that confuses Virgo bosses is the need to often deal not with business as such (which all true Virgos take seriously according to the horoscope), but with a mass of unnecessary, in their opinion, secondary responsibilities, such as: meetings, wires, lunches, dinners and other nonsense.
The situation is much better where Virgo heads a small company - no more than a dozen employees. A giant firm and a Virgo boss are practically incompatible things.
The Virgo boss will not tolerate a sloppy, sloppy, optional secretary, even if she is devilishly seductive.
If you want to get a promotion from Virgo, always be accurate, quick, accurate, quick-witted. Listen to all his remarks silently, without objections and, God forbid, comparisons. And the most important advice - learn to work without mistakes. Then there will be nothing to scold you for.
But in general, if we discard the desire of your boss for perfection, prescribed by the horoscope, he is not so bad at all: soft, kind, fair and attentive. He will listen with sympathy to you if something hurts you, and will certainly allow you to go home early. But he will never forgive you for flirting in the office, vulgar make-up, too revealing mini-skirts, disheveled hair and an untidy workplace. As for male subordinates, in addition to accuracy, quick wits and creative activity are required from them.
The Virgo boss knows perfectly well who is worth what, you can’t fool him. But he is honest and will never deceive those who are truly devoted to him and work great. The Boss Virgo should not lie, he will still see through your lie before you have time to weave it.
If you treat him with the due understanding and respect that he undoubtedly deserves, you will find in him a gentle, subtle, noble patron. Always remember that regardless of marital status, he is internally lonely and therefore will greatly appreciate your friendly support.

Libra (24.09-23.10)

The head-Libra is not often seen at the table in the office. Most often, he is as if on an edge, balancing in one direction or another, trying to catch the balance. As soon as he succeeds, he again finds himself at the table in his office, but again not for long.
According to the horoscope, Libra-chiefs have a rare quality - they are very active and at the same time surprisingly calm. It's kind of like slow motion.
Many Libra bosses love and know how to speak and have the gift of persuasion. But more than that, they love to listen. This is especially important before making a responsible decision. In these cases, Libra listens to as many opinions as possible, and not only their deputies, but also the secretary and subordinates, they will certainly ask what the wife, lawyer and even the doorkeeper think about this, and only then, having weighed all the pros and cons ' will make a decision. Libra is afraid of responsibility, and in case the decision turns out to be wrong, you can always say, if only for your own consolation: “Ultimately, it was not my idea, but my lawyer (or my wife).
The head-Libra, who managed to achieve harmony and unity of mind and emotions, can be considered a storehouse of wisdom. Working under such a person is a pleasure.
The office of Libra, in accordance with the horoscope, will be designed in pastel colors, on the walls there will be paintings and engravings, and certainly a tape recorder or receiver from which quiet music flows, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of Libra.
Among Libra bosses, women are very common. Their only difference from Libra men will be a more demanding attitude to discipline. In all other respects, they will be just as honest, fair, truthful, just as inclined to weigh their own and other people's words, thoughts, deeds.
Libra bosses pay great attention to the lunch break, treating it not as a meal, but as a pleasant pastime.
Libra is very ambivalent about money. Sometimes they are stingy to the point of pettiness, sometimes they give gifts to their subordinates like Santa Claus.
And, finally, all Libra bosses according to the horoscope like to occasionally invite subordinates to their home. Do not spoil the impression with loud laughter, vulgarity of manners, or a violent argument. Remember that his motto is harmony. And if you manage not to destroy it in his presence, you are guaranteed a long and fruitful cooperation.

Scorpio (24.10-22.11)

According to the horoscope, Scorpio was born to unravel the mystery of life, so he is interested in everything that is somehow connected with it. The secrets of his subordinates are no exception.
It is enough for Scorpio to look into your eyes intently, and he will know what happened to you yesterday, and, perhaps, not only to you, but also to your loved ones. Hence the advice: if you have something to hide, it’s better not to work under the Scorpio. He still knows everything.
But the Scorpio boss, like no one else (being able to penetrate your soul), will understand your mood and be able to help in difficult times. Scorpio, unlike other bosses, will not remain indifferent to you, because he understands that a gloomy or joyful state of mind will primarily affect your work. This is prescribed for him by the horoscope.
No one better than Scorpio, according to his horoscope, can hide his true intentions, while maintaining complete calm. This tactic is excellently justified in the fight against rivals - rarely does anyone expect a dirty trick from a person who is in a serene state. And then, when the enemy, thinking that everything is in order on this flank, turns his attention to another, Scorpio delivers a precisely calculated blow and reaches his goal.
Scorpio boss always carefully selects his team, while personal likes and dislikes are of paramount importance. If he likes you, he will follow your promotion and provide all-round support and assistance. If you are not one of those to whom he sympathizes, he simply will not hire you. And if someone else hired you before him, he will try to get rid of you, and he will do it very skillfully. He will simply stop noticing your presence, you will turn into an empty place for him. After spending some time in the form of a ghost, you yourself can not stand it and rush to look for another job. Your Scorpio boss doesn't have to be very imposing. Most likely, you will not find anything in it that resembles Dracula or any other famous monster. But do not rush to flatter yourself. Even with a completely ordinary appearance, he will be able to completely subjugate you to his will and bewitch. And you will think that there is no one in the world kinder, smarter, more talented and better than your boss.
True, having understood all this, do not try to lavish flowery compliments on him. Not only does he not like this, but, being a suspicious nature, he will begin to suspect you of secret intent. So I advise you to be restrained, especially since this is what he himself loves to preach so much.
In clashes with subordinates, Scorpio rarely shows violent emotions, except when the matter requires a huge outburst of energy from him. But it is worth the situation to normalize, and the most unflappable and calm boss in the world will again appear before you.
Don't try to outdo or get around your boss or hurt him in any way. This practice is deeply flawed and can cost you not only your job, but also your health. But a friendly and loyal attitude towards him will allow you to work fruitfully with him for many years.

Sagittarius (23.11-21.12)

Your new Sagittarius boss will constantly intrigue you from the first day of work. Who is he? A genius or an almost fool, Don Quixote or an ill-mannered brute? Either he is clumsy, like an elephant, or graceful, like a thoroughbred horse. It seems that you see not the person himself, but his reflection in crooked mirrors.
After working with him for two or three weeks, you will be as perplexed about him as on the first day, but decide to stay for a while to see what will happen after all. After a few more days, you will be imbued with a firm conviction that his parents are to blame for everything. They spoiled him as a child. (And you're wrong. They just didn't have time for it, since he was rarely at home.) Then you decide that you don't really care about him, since you will be leaving soon. Let this problem concern someone else, for example, his wife. (But his wife often sheds tears because she rarely sees him. But when she sees, she is happy to heaven.) It seems to you that he simply hates you. (Surely, to arrange such a dressing down in front of everyone, and it would be for that!) Then you will think that things, in principle, are not so bad, because he promised you an early promotion. (I'm afraid that the promotion will have to wait. He was just in a good mood and out of excess of feelings he promised this place to four employees at once.)
Since the very morning, your boss has been running around, that he is simply not able to stop, even if he wanted to. And he doesn't want to either. There are so many interesting things in the world, and the tedious enumeration of his shortcomings is not among them. In addition, he does not think to improve, he already has a lot of advantages. It is on them that one should stop - the occupation is much more noble. His mother always did that. And the wife does. And from this both only benefit. So why not learn from their wise tactics?
So, point one. According to the horoscope, he rarely grumbles and gets angry. The mood is usually great. Point two. He is generous and in case of any financial setbacks he will always allow you to take a salary a month in advance. And if for some reason this is impossible, he will borrow from his own. Point three. He is truthful and always upholds to the end what he is devoted to. Point four. He is democratic, sincere and friendly. Isn't it true - a whole host of virtues that you rarely see in other bosses.
According to the horoscope, the Sagittarius boss has a lot of friends and just acquaintances in all areas of social life: heads of firms and politicians, correspondents and ministers, radio commentators and architects, ballerinas and bartenders, professors and athletes. Sometimes such a dating vinaigrette is difficult to understand, but Sagittarius measures people by their own standards.
The Sagittarius boss according to the horoscope loves animals, bright lights, thoughtful employees, good food and drink, travel, grand plans, devotion, freedom, change.

Capricorn (22.12-20.01)

Capricorn, according to the horoscope, sits stubbornly in his chair all day. The telephones on the table ring incessantly, and he picks up the receiver after the receiver and answers any question in a smooth, calm voice. In his head, as if in a huge statistical reference book, contains complete information on any issue.
His working day begins early in the morning and ends late in the evening, when Capricorn makes the last orders for tomorrow. Sometimes he has to not only have dinner, but also shave in his office.
And at the same time, Capricorn, in accordance with his horoscope, is very worried when he has to give hours intended for his family to his work. No matter how much he loves work, the house is sacred to him.
For his subordinates, Capricorn is a father, strict, but fair. It requires from employees not just obedience, but dedication. Orders are never made in an orderly tone or, God forbid, with a cry. His voice is calm, except in those cases when negligence or monstrous inattention infuriates him. He never flatters or compliments his employees. His praise is very reserved. But he will always listen carefully to your problem, and, if it is in his power, will certainly help.
Capricorn respects those who are above him on the social ladder, or have a better origin than him. It's a pleasure to work with such a person. True, you never know what will happen tomorrow, but today will be fun. Capricorn is not very generous with incentives, but an employee who deserves a raise will always receive what is due on time. Capricorn, the head of the horoscope, is so modest that, at the slightest mention of his virtues, his ears blaze. Being extremely responsible, he sometimes forgets about the most pressing needs: food and rest.
Capricorn bosses prefer a dark suit and a white shirt with a discreet color tie.
If he wears a wrist watch, then it is usually of a classical form on a leather strap; some Capricorns love vintage pocket watches. Under the glass on his desk, you can often see photos of relatives.
Such or approximately such according to the horoscope (with small options) is Capricorn-chief.
He won't waste his time, and he won't let you. He will always find something to do with his subordinates.
If the Capricorn boss does not like something in his subordinates, he will rarely make a remark to them - he will simply note this shortcoming to himself or react to it with an eyebrow raised in bewilderment.
Capricorn does not like it when women subordinate to him use bright cosmetics and perfumes with a strong smell. In men, he disapproves of beards and long hair, and too loose or unkempt clothing.
Do not be afraid to talk in his presence about your loved ones and about your attitude towards them. He will appreciate it.
And most importantly, watch yourself and your manners, be restrained in language, quick and efficient and never, you hear, never address him by name (even with the warmest relations) in the presence of strangers. If you meet all these requirements, Capricorn will treat you like a native, and you will work with him for many years (or as long as you yourself want).

Aquarius (21.01-20.02)

If your boss turned out to be Aquarius according to the horoscope, consider that you are faced with a phenomenon, a kind of white crow. An ordinary Aquarius would rather die of hunger than sit at his desk from nine in the morning to five in the evening. According to the horoscope, Aquarians hate to make decisions (for everyone), they feel uncomfortable when giving orders and, in general, disposing of others. To crown it all, they hate the stuffiness of many hours and crowded meetings. And yet, if Aquarius manages to cope with all this mass of negative points (not without the help of tricks, of course), he turns out to be an extremely competent leader. Just imagine: a sharp mind, multiplied by amazing intuition, plus an amazing ability to analyze facts and actions, plus an extraordinary benevolence and ability to win over anyone - from a barmaid delivering tea to an important client - and to top it off, liberalism, breadth of views and ability predict the future. In my opinion, all these advantages are more than enough for not even one, but several bosses.
Working under the leadership of Aquarius, try to observe the following rules. Don't borrow money from him - he likes people who live within their means. Give all your best at work, he cannot stand people who do half the work for full pay. In his opinion, this is dishonest, and he does not forgive dishonesty. Do not try to interfere in his personal life and give him advice, he never interferes in yours, leaving you to do whatever you see fit.
Do not condemn him for unexpected actions and decisions, he believes that the right of everyone to act as he thinks is indisputable. Do not gossip behind his back, do not try to deceive him, break or break the promise made to him.
When working with Aquarius, be prepared for all sorts of surprises. For example, when you come to the office one morning, you may find that he has moved to another floor or even to another area of ​​the city, and they simply forgot to tell you about it. But don't worry, nothing bad happened. It didn’t occur to Aquarius to tell you about this because, as he believes, you could perfectly guess about it yourself, as he himself guesses about everything that will be ahead.
Most often, your Aquarius boss is in a great mood according to his horoscope. But then, when he retires in his office, it is better not to disturb him. Such periods of short-term rest are necessary for his soul.
All employees, regardless of their official position, have the opportunity to go into his office and talk heart to heart with him. Aquarius has enough sympathy, participation and love for everyone.
Working for a long time with an Aquarius boss, you can get so used to him that you stop noticing some of his oddities. But one fine day, when the mayor of the city himself will reward him at a crowded banquet, your gaze will suddenly drop to the floor, and you will see that your boss is impatiently tapping on the carpet with his foot, shod in a strict black shoe, and at the same time he has socks will be of different colors - one blue and the other yellow. I bet you still find it strange, but he doesn't.

Pisces (21.02-20.03)

A typical Pisces boss, according to the horoscope, will not last long at work. Pisces love to swim alone. They are more suited to the profession of writers, actors, artists. For the management of the firm and the enterprise, his character is completely unsuitable.
But there are a number of areas where Pisces, according to the horoscope, manifest themselves very successfully. For example, the management of a radio station or television studio, advertising bureaus are well combined with the creative nature of Pisces, who have the richest imagination. Pisces can become a famous film director or an outstanding theater director (provided that a very competent producer works with him). Pisces will have to be in charge of a ballet studio to their liking. Pisces will be happy to head a travel agency or private detectives office, where they can show their outstanding telepathic abilities. And a charitable organization is the blue dream of any Pisces. And, finally, the conductor of a choir, ensemble or orchestra, the head of progressive newspapers, a magazine or a publishing house, and the manager of a country hotel or club (certainly small, cozy, elite).
All these positions, as you have noticed, although they are bossy, they carry a charge of creativity, emancipation and optionality. Ordinary leadership positions, with their harsh discipline, strict regulations and a lot of any officialdom, are contraindicated for subtle, sensitive Pisces. The very nature of Pisces predisposes to serving humanity, and not to the concentration of power and the creation of empires. Pisces are afraid to take responsibility for the fate of others.
In a conversation, the Pisces boss will certainly express conflicting ideas in order to enliven the conversation and extract his secret thoughts and plans from the employees. Moreover, if the conversation turns out to be uninteresting, Pisces' thoughts will be carried away far, far away, although he will continue to pretend that he is listening to you with pleasure. The Pisces boss will rarely allow himself to interrupt a subordinate, fearing to offend him.
Pisces bosses (like Gemini and Sagittarius) will gladly go on a business trip. Such travels allow the melancholic mood, in which it is better to be alone, to dissipate more quickly.

Creative natures should be especially careful with the Pisces boss. Although in difficult times it is these people who help the company out of trouble, they are Pisces, most likely, they will be fired in the first place (if it is necessary to reduce the number of jobs). This is explained by the fact that according to the horoscope of creativity in the Pisces themselves, there is more than enough, but they lack the perseverance, stability and discipline that they are trying to find in their employees. That is why the ax falls on the heads of enthusiasts and spares those who are more suitable for Pisces, supplementing them with those qualities that they themselves lack.

Knowing his weakness - the inability to refuse people's requests - Pisces-chief, in the interests of business, often erects a fence between himself and his subordinates in the form of those people who are able to say "no" where necessary (for example, Taurus or Capricorn). Possessing a mystical vision, the Pisces boss feels both the state of affairs of the company and the mood of individual employees much thinner than others, but he cannot always formulate what is happening on a subconscious level. You should listen to his hints - they carry something that will be revealed to other people only some time later.

It will be easier to move up the career ladder if you find out who your boss is according to the horoscope!

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Aries are always bright personalities. They are distinguished primarily by tireless activity, activity: life without movement is impossible for them. Outstanding mental abilities, as well as the ability to grasp everything new on the fly, allow Aries to take matters into their own hands.

How to get promoted with an Aries? Aries bosses often cross all the boundaries of reason in their diligence, therefore, under the command of Aries, in no case should one be lazy and hack - they will not tolerate idleness on the part of their subordinates. Aries leaders especially appreciate the devotion of their employees, so you need to carefully approach how to build the right relationship with such a boss. If, under the supervision of such an employer, you fully devote yourself to your official duties, without being distracted by extraneous matters, then the promotion will not keep you waiting.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

The main qualities of Taurus are iron calmness and a keen awareness of responsibility for the entrusted. However, it cannot be argued that Taurus is completely subordinate to the mind, they are more guided by feeling.
How to get a raise with a Taurus? Firstly, you should not use the seemingly unlimited patience of Taurus - sooner or later, inaccuracies in the performance of work can turn into a scandal. What can a Taurus boss like? They do not like to take risks, so any offer must be thought out to the smallest detail and undoubtedly beneficial. If the Taurus boss likes such an idea, then this will definitely affect the employee's career positively.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

Gemini is the sign that is least subject to any kind of logic. The reason for this is an ambiguous, dual nature, which can manifest itself in almost everything - in deeds, deeds, words. But thanks to this feature, the Gemini are not afraid of change and are always ready to accept something new into their lives.
How to get promoted with Gemini? The nature of the Gemini boss is such that it is impossible to find an approach to him in advance in order to get his location - this character is so changeable. To get a promotion, you can take advantage of Gemini's love for all innovations - it is enough to offer a fresh idea that can also generate income. In addition, Gemini leaders value independent workers.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Sincerity, kindness - these qualities are inherent in Cancers. Along with these traits, their character contains openness, sociability - it is not difficult for them to find a common language with people. At the same time, Cancers are very susceptible to the opinions of others, sometimes even overly dependent on it.
How to get a raise with Cancer? Cancer bosses like to see among their subordinates as sociable and sincere people as they are. However, this quality of employees should not interfere with the conscientious fulfillment of duties and assignments. If his employee manages to combine both, then the sympathy of the boss, and at the same time getting a promotion, will not be difficult.

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Leos are born leaders who feel their authority and have a pronounced sense of self-worth. Hence the perseverance, purposefulness of the representatives of this sign. Self-confidence is given to them not only by success, but also by the good attitude of others - Lions are very fond of self-respect.
How to get promoted with Leo? By performing high-quality assigned work, you can show the Leo boss that he properly manages the activities of his subordinates. But if you clearly recognize Leo as a leader in the work team, show your admiration, the relationship between the employee and the boss will only improve. In addition, the Lions are very greedy for flattery - sometimes you can use this for the benefit of your career.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

Never rest on your laurels - this can be considered a motto for Virgos. Continuous improvement often becomes their obsession. Virgos are often considered too down to earth, but only because they are people of action, not words. Abstract ideas do not appeal to them. According to Dev, everything needs to be tested in practice.
How to get a promotion from Virgo? To bring any idea to life, you need accuracy and accuracy - this is what Virgo bosses value in employees. In addition, creative activity, creative proposals can lead a subordinate to a promotion and conquer the Virgo boss. Which, of course, it is possible to implement - for Virgo it is important what happens in practice.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra is another sign that is distinguished by its communicative nature. Therefore, they are well versed in people and often even see through them with all the shortcomings and virtues. The kindness and gentleness of Libra helps them to establish relationships with people. Life in society, existence in a team - in such conditions, Libra is most comfortable.
How to get a raise with Libra? Libra bosses want to see among their subordinates charming workers who are not inferior to them in terms of the gift of persuasion. If you keep yourself confident, be able to adequately present yourself and maintain your reputation, Libra will notice and appreciate this. However, Libra can be expected not only to increase, but also to help - they will always help their employees cope with the problems that have arisen.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Strong-willed, decisive individuals are Scorpios. They are very independent, do not need the assessment and opinion of others, always make decisions on their own, choose their own path. Therefore, it is not difficult for them to defend their position - Scorpions are always ready to fight for their rightness.
How to get promoted with Scorpio? Scorpios are strong leaders, so it is worth working under their command only if the employee shares the opinion and position of the boss. Otherwise, contradictions may arise between them, after which you can forget about the increase. For Scorpions, it is important to have a cohesive team that will go towards the same goal - therefore, you need to act solely in the interests of the company in order to move up the career ladder.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Optimistic by nature, Sagittarians are used to taking life lightly, with humor. Their independent, wayward nature allows them to turn a blind eye to failure. On the one hand, they are strong personalities - they always express their opinion very straightforwardly. On the other hand, they themselves are very vulnerable and sensitive.
How to get promoted with Sagittarius? In order not to receive harsh statements addressed to them and create a favorable impression, subordinates need to work quickly, quickly and efficiently. A good review from the Sagittarius boss can also be obtained thanks to the honesty of the employee, any hypocrisy should be avoided. Thus, slowly but surely they gain confidence in Sagittarius, which may be followed by a promotion.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Capricorns combine in their character a lot of valuable qualities - disinterestedness, seriousness, reliability, honesty. You can always rely on them, because Capricorns can consider it their duty to help or fulfill someone's request, they are always ready to do good deeds. At their core, Capricorns are conservatives.
How to get a raise with Capricorn? Capricorn will not appreciate risky steps, all proposals must be made with caution - the boss does not accept unnecessary innovations. A responsible attitude to work can please the Capricorn boss. If a subordinate is distinguished by patience, perseverance, and with all care performs the assigned task, the boss will definitely notice this.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

In the team, Aquarians are most often respected and have a certain influence on others. The goals they strive for are most often achieved - Aquarians are so stubborn. At the same time, they rarely listen to other people's opinions, do not see the need for other people's advice. Therefore, Aquarius is also distinguished by independence, the desire to fulfill his plans on his own.
How to get a promotion from Aquarius? Aquarians are very selective in promotion - bonuses and promotions can only be received from them deservedly. Outstanding ideas, worthwhile proposals, diligent, hard work - only such efficiency can bribe the Aquarius boss. He believes that the work must either be done well, or not taken on at all, so all forces must be concentrated on their duties.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

Usually Pisces are well versed in people, treat them with understanding, and can be reliable friends. However, Pisces are often closed, it is not easy for them to believe in themselves and become self-confident. Another difference between Pisces is their susceptibility to mood, which changes unpredictably often.
How to get a promotion from Pisces? A subordinate in the team of the head-Pisces should not disturb the harmonious, calm, conflict-free environment. It is better for Pisces colleagues to offer the boss to solve emerging problems - they will respond with gratitude to this. In addition, workers can take advantage of Pisces' gentle nature: they do not like to refuse if they are asked for something. But one of the requests may be just a raise.

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