Secrets of luck or a step-by-step algorithm for winning the lottery. Legal information about lotteries Chances of winning at Gosloto


Registration N 28784

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 8 of the Federal Law of November 11, 2003 N 138-FZ "On Lotteries" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 46, Art. 4434, 2005, N 30, Art. 3104, 2006, N 6, Article 636, 2008, N 30, Article 3616, 2010, N 31, Article 4183, 2011, N 27, Article 3880, N 30, Article 4590) and on the basis of paragraph 2 of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 2, 2012 No. 687-r I order:

1. Approve the Terms of the first all-Russian state lottery in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee, carried out in real time, in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Order.

2. Approve the Terms of the second all-Russian state lottery in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee, carried out in real time, in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Order.

3. Approve the Terms of the third all-Russian state lottery in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee carried out in real time, in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this Order.

4. Approve the Terms of the fourth all-Russian state lottery in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee, carried out in real time, in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to this Order.

5. Approve the Terms of the fifth all-Russian state lottery in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee, carried out in real time, in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to this Order.

6. I reserve control over the implementation of this Order.

Minister V. Mutko

Appendix No. 1

Conditions of the first draw All-Russian state lottery in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee carried out in real time

I. Name of the lottery

1.1. Full name of the lottery: the first all-Russian state lottery in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee, conducted in real time (hereinafter referred to as the lottery).

1.2. Short name of the lottery: "VGL 1 Sport".

II. Type of lottery

III. Purpose of the lottery

VI. Lottery timings

7.5. When conducting a lottery, the Operator uses the drawing algorithms established by these Terms and Conditions, based on the principle of guessing 5 numbers out of 36. Simultaneous use of several drawing algorithms is not allowed.

9.3. Lottery participant rights:

9.3.1. The lottery participant has the right to receive information about the lottery placed by the Organizer or Operator in the mass media, on the Internet or in any other way.

9.3.3. A lottery participant has the right to demand payment, transfer or provision of winnings on the basis of a lottery ticket recognized as the winner in accordance with these Lottery Terms 4 .

9.3.4. The owner of the winning lottery ticket has the right to apply to the court in case of delay in payment, transfer or provision of winnings or non-payment, non-transfer or failure to provide winnings by the Lottery Organizer 5 .

9.5. The lottery organizer has the right to disclose the personal data of the lottery participant - the owner of the winning Ticket only with his permission. The lottery organizer is not entitled to provide information about the lottery participant to third parties, except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation 6 .

9.6. Suspension or early termination of the lottery does not release the Lottery Organizer from the need to pay (issue) winnings, including the examination of winning Tickets and other necessary actions 7 .

9.7. In the event of suspension or early termination of the lottery, the Lottery Organizer, within the period established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation, is obliged to stop distributing Tickets (taking bets), inform lottery participants about this through the mass media, ensure the return of funds on Tickets, distributed, but did not participate in the holding of draws due to the termination of the lottery, and at the same time pay, transfer or provide winnings to lottery participants for previously held draws 8 .

9.8. The Organizer is obliged to complete the lottery, including the payment, transfer and provision of winnings, and take other necessary actions in relation to those participants in the lottery with whom he has entered into an agreement, or return the money for the distributed Tickets if the drawing of the lottery prize fund was not carried out. In case of termination of the lottery, its prize fund must be played in full, including the super prize, in the last draw.

The operator considers the application of the lottery participant within thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the application. Based on the results of consideration of the application, the Operator, recognizing the reasons for missing the deadline specified in clause 10.9 of these Terms as valid, makes a payment, transfer or provision of winnings or refuses to pay, transfer or provide winnings if the reasons for missing the deadline are recognized as unjustified.

name of the lottery;

number of ticket;

15.5. It is prohibited to encumber the lottery prize fund with any obligations, except for the obligations to the participants of this lottery for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings, as well as to use the lottery prize fund funds other than for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings.

16.1. Running a lottery includes individual draws consisting of accepting lottery bets, drawing the prize pool of the lottery draw, and paying out, transferring or providing winnings.

16.6. Only the Tickets registered by the lottery equipment and paid by the participants of this lottery, which reflect the game combinations selected by the participants of the lottery, take part in the drawing of the prize fund of the draw.

16.8. In order to determine the winning combinations during the drawing of the prize fund in the corresponding draw, the Operator uses special lottery equipment.

16.10. The numbers of the drawn numbers are entered into the database by the Operator. After entering all the numbers that made up the winning combinations and processing the results of the drawing of the prize fund in the corresponding draw, the Operator determines:

Winning Ticket Numbers.

16.11. The game is based on the principle of guessing 5 numbers out of 36.

Appendix No. 2

Conditions of the second all-Russian state lottery in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee carried out in real time

I. Name of the lottery

1.1. Full name of the lottery: the second all-Russian state lottery in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee, conducted in real time (hereinafter referred to as the lottery).

1.2. Short name of the lottery: "VGL 2 Sport".

II. Type of lottery

2.1. The lottery is a drawing, all-Russian, state, conducted in real time.

2.2. Participation in the lottery is associated with the payment of a fee, which forms the prize fund of the lottery.

III. Purpose of the lottery

3.1. The lottery is held to support the development of physical culture and sports.

3.2. Target deductions from the lottery are five percent of the proceeds from the lottery.

IV. The name of the lottery organizer, indicating its legal and postal address, bank details, taxpayer identification number and information on opening accounts with a credit institution

4.1. The organizer of the lottery is the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer).

Postal address: 105064, Moscow, st. Kazakova, 18. Legal address: 103274, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, 2. Bank details: settlement account N 40105810700000001901 in OPERU-1 of the Bank of Russia, Moscow, personal account 03951007770 in the Interregional Operational Department of the Federal Treasury. Tax identification number 7703771271.

4.2. The Organizer entrusts the holding of the lottery to the Closed Joint Stock Company "State Sports Lotteries" (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) based on the results of the open competition. The Operator conducts the lottery in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, acting on the basis of a state contract concluded with the Organizer, on his behalf and on his behalf.

V. Indication of the territory where the lottery is held

5.1. The lottery is held throughout the Russian Federation.

VI. Lottery timings

6.1. The start date of the lottery is 05/02/2012.

6.2. The lottery deadline is December 31, 2020.

VII. Description of the lottery concept

7.1. The lottery is based on the principle of drawing the prize fund. The drawing of the lottery prize fund between all participants of the lottery is carried out at a time after the distribution of lottery tickets (hereinafter - the Ticket) 1 .

7.2. The lottery is based on the principle of random matching of the numbers of the game combinations chosen by the lottery participant with the numbers of the winning combinations formed by the lottery equipment in an unintentional way in the process of drawing the lottery prize fund (drawing draw).

7.3. The contract for participation in the lottery is formalized by issuing a ticket to the lottery participant.

7.4. The lottery is held in real time.

In order to automate the circulation and speed up the process of determining winnings, the lottery is carried out using modern devices that are connected to the lottery information processing center (hereinafter referred to as the computer center), other channels for receiving lottery bets and special software, interconnected using information and communication technologies. Lottery bets are also accepted using means of communication, including via the Internet information and telecommunication network, using short text messages sent via mobile radiotelephone communications, as well as in another way provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Methods for accepting lottery bets are determined by the Operator.

7.5. When conducting a lottery, the Operator uses the drawing algorithms established by these Terms and Conditions, based on the principle of guessing 6 numbers out of 45. Simultaneous use of several drawing algorithms is not allowed.

7.6. The lottery is based on one or both of the following principles:

7.6.1. The lottery participant chooses at his own discretion a game combination (combinations) from a number of game combinations offered to him and pays a fee in the amount of its (their) value.

7.6.2. The lottery participant independently forms a game combination (combinations) according to the formation rules brought to him and pays a fee in the amount of its (their) value.

7.7. During the drawing of the prize fund of the draw, the winning combination of the draw is randomly and unintentionally formed using lottery equipment.

7.8. The fact of winnings and their sizes are determined by the presence of coincidences of the numbers of game combinations with the numbers of the winning combination of the draw according to the rules for determining winnings, brought to all participants in the lottery.

7.9. The goal of the lottery is to guess the maximum number of matches between the numbers in the game combinations and the numbers in the winning combination.

7.10. With the help of special software, the coincidence of the numbers in the game combinations with the numbers of the winning combinations, determined randomly during the drawing, the numbers of the winning Tickets and the amount of winnings that fell on them are tracked.

7.11. A winning combination is recognized as a game combination that fully or partially, in accordance with the algorithm for determining winnings, coincided with the winning combination formed by the lottery equipment during the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw.

7.12. The amount of winnings depends on the number of matched numbers.

7.13. The time of the lotteries of the prize funds of the draws is indicated by the Operator in the Tickets.

7.14. In the event of a win on a Ticket, the lottery participant has the right to demand from the Organizer the payment, transfer or provision of winnings on the basis of the Ticket recognized as the winner in accordance with these Terms.

VIII. Organizational and technological description of the lottery

8.1. The lottery process includes the following main steps:

informing potential participants about the rules of participation and the Lottery Terms;

receiving from the participant of the lottery payment for the cost of the game combination;

collection and transmission of information on accepted lottery bets for each lottery draw through information and telecommunication networks for the purpose of registration in the main and backup computing centers;

obtaining confirmation of fixation and accounting of information on accepted rates in the database of the main and backup computing centers;

accounting by the computing center of the cost of the stakes made by the lottery participant;

formation and provision to the lottery participant of the Ticket containing the mandatory details provided for in Chapter XII of these Terms;

formation of the prize fund of the lottery draw;

carrying out the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw, determining the numbers of winning Tickets;

processing the results of the circulation, determining the size of the winnings;

informing lottery participants about the results of the draw;

carrying out identification or, if necessary, examination of the Tickets presented to receive the winnings;

payment, transfer or provision of winnings to a lottery participant recognized as a winner in accordance with these Terms;

preparation of reports in accordance with applicable law;

fulfillment of financial obligations.

8.2. Lottery equipment includes equipment of the main and backup computing centers for processing lottery information, other equipment, in particular, equipped with lottery programs.

8.3. The lottery equipment used in the lottery does not contain hidden algorithms (including the source texts of computer programs), information arrays, components or assemblies that are not available for inspection and testing by the bodies exercising control over the lottery, and also allows you to reliably establish, that any information or any document comes from the proper party, to record and transfer information about the results of the draw, to protect information from loss, theft, distortion, forgery, as well as from unauthorized actions to destroy, modify, copy, other similar actions and unauthorized access to the communication network (information and telecommunications network). Lottery equipment must ensure reliable and uninterrupted operation of the lottery, including by redundant main systems, units and components.

8.4. The lottery equipment does not use procedures and algorithms that would allow predetermining the result of the lottery prize fund draw, both before the start of such a draw and during its process.

IX. Rights and obligations of lottery participants

9.1. Participation in the lottery is regulated by Chapter 58 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1996, No. 5, Art. 410) and Federal Law No. 138-FZ of November 11, 2003 "On Lotteries" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) and is based on an agreement .

9.2. Lottery participant - a person who has the right to participate in the drawing of the lottery prize fund on the basis of an agreement concluded with the Lottery Organizer 2 . The agreement between the Organizer and the lottery participant is concluded on a voluntary basis and is formalized by the provision of the Ticket to the lottery participant 3 .

9.3. Lottery participant rights:

9.3.2. The Lottery Participant, by concluding an agreement with the Organizer, expresses his consent to the procedure for participation in the lottery in accordance with these Terms, as well as to the processing of his personal data by the Organizer, the Operator, as well as other persons authorized by them.

9.3.4. The lottery participant has the right to apply to the court for protection of his rights in case of delay in payment, transfer or provision of winnings, or non-payment, non-transfer or failure to provide winnings by the Operator 5 .

9.4. Responsibilities of the lottery participant:

9.4.1. The lottery participant is obliged to pay the full cost of the game combinations chosen by him.

9.4.2. The Lottery Participant bears the risk of losing the Ticket and the information contained therein from the moment it is received. In case of loss or damage to the Ticket (loss of the ability to be unambiguously identified as containing a winning game combination printed by the lottery equipment), the Organizer and the Operator do not accept claims for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings and do not pay out the winnings.

9.7. In case of suspension or early termination of the lottery, the Organizer, within the period established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation, is obliged to stop the distribution of Tickets (reception of bets), inform lottery participants about this through the mass media and ensure the return of funds for Tickets distributed , but did not participate in the holding of draws due to the termination of the lottery, and at the same time carry out the payment, transfer or provision of winnings to lottery participants for previously held draws 8 .

9.8. The Organizer is obliged to complete the lottery, including the payment, transfer or provision of winnings, and take other necessary actions in relation to those lottery participants with whom he has concluded an agreement, or return the money for the distributed Tickets if the lottery prize fund draw was not carried out. In case of termination of the lottery, its prize fund must be played in full, including the super prize, in the last draw.

X. The procedure and terms for receiving winnings, including after the expiration of these terms, as well as the terms for the examination of winning Tickets

10.1. The winnings are the portion of the lottery prize fund determined in accordance with these Terms, paid in cash or provided in kind to the lottery participant who is declared the winner in accordance with these Terms.

10.2. A ticket containing a lottery bet registered by the lottery equipment is a document confirming the right of the lottery participant to participate in the drawing of the lottery prize fund, and if the game combination indicated in it is recognized as a winning one in accordance with these Terms, it gives the right to receive the winnings.

10.3. The owner of the winning Ticket has the right to demand from the Organizer the payment, transfer or provision of the winnings on the basis of the Ticket recognized as the winner in accordance with these Conditions.

10.4. Information about the procedure, terms, place of receipt of winnings, lottery conditions can be obtained from the Operator, distributors and in the information and telecommunication network "Internet". Information about the results of the lottery prize fund draws is published by the Operator in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law.

10.5. Payment, transfer or provision of winnings to a lottery participant is made by the Organizer (Operator) of the lottery or distributors of lottery tickets upon presentation of the original of the winning Ticket.

10.6. The Operator may, at its discretion, schedule an examination of the winning Ticket if the authenticity of such Ticket is in doubt.

10.7. The examination of the winning Ticket is carried out by the Operator or a person authorized by him.

10.8. The term for the examination of the winning Ticket is up to 45 (forty-five) calendar days from the date of presentation of the Ticket.

10.9. Payment, transfer or provision of winnings begins no later than thirty days after the relevant lottery draw and lasts at least 6 (six) months from the date of publication of the results of the prize pool draw of such draw. The exact deadline for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings, as well as the terms for paying out winnings, depending on their size, are set by the Operator.

10.10. If the lottery participant presents the winning Ticket to the Organizer, Operator or distributor after the expiration of the period specified in clause 10.9 of these Terms, the decision to pay, transfer or provide the winnings is made by the Operator at its own discretion. In this case, the lottery participant applies to the Operator with an application, drawn up in any form, with a request to pay, transfer or provide the winnings after the expiration of the period allotted for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings on the Ticket, provided for by these Conditions, indicating the reasons for missing the deadline.

10.11. In the event that the Ticket presented by the lottery participant to receive the winnings is found to be fake by the results of the examination, the Organizer (Operator) refuses to pay, transfer or provide the winnings. In this case, the Organizer (Operator) has the right to apply to law enforcement agencies in the prescribed manner.

10.12. Winnings not claimed within the period established by these Conditions, or winnings, the payment, transfer or provision of which the Operator refused due to the recognition of the missed claim period as disrespectful, shall be deposited on a special account and kept for the general limitation period provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, after which are credited to the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

XI. The procedure for informing lottery participants about the rules for participating in the lottery and the results of the drawing of the lottery prize fund

11.1. Informing about the Lottery Terms is carried out by the Operator by posting the relevant information on the information and telecommunications network "Internet", in the media, as well as by distributors in the places where the Tickets are distributed.

11.2. The Operator informs the Lottery participants about the rules for drawing the prize fund according to the algorithm selected by the Operator for determining winnings no later than 30 calendar days before the start date for accepting lottery bets for the draw in which the algorithm selected by the Operator begins to be applied. Informing occurs by posting relevant information in the information and telecommunications network "Internet", in the media, as well as by distributors in the places of distribution of Tickets.

11.3. The results of the drawing of the prize fund of each lottery draw are brought to the attention of the lottery participants by posting the relevant information in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation.

XII. The procedure for the manufacture and sale of Tickets (the procedure for determining and registering lottery bets)

12.1. Tickets are produced by persons authorized by the Operator, or are formed by lottery equipment.

12.2. The ticket must contain the following mandatory details 9:

number and date of issue of permission to conduct the lottery;

the name of the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation that issued the permission to conduct the lottery, the state registration number of the All-Russian lottery;

name of the lottery;

number of ticket;

the name of the Lottery Organizer and his contact phone number;

the name of the Lottery Operator and his contact phone number;

excerpts from these Terms, sufficient for the formation of an adequate idea of ​​the lottery participant about the lottery, about the algorithm for determining the winnings, about the amount of the winnings and the procedure for receiving it;

the size of the lottery prize fund (as a percentage of the proceeds from the lottery);

fixed price of the Ticket or fixed price of a single bet (the cost of the minimum game combination);

the date and place of the drawing of the lottery prize fund, as well as the timing and sources of publication of the official results of the drawing;

information about the place and timing of receiving winnings.

12.3. The inscriptions on the Tickets must be in Russian 10 .

12.4. The price of the Ticket, the amount of winnings and the value of winnings in kind are determined in the currency of the Russian Federation.

12.5. Distribution of Tickets consists in paying by the lottery participant for the corresponding game combination, providing the participant with a Ticket registered or subject to registration by the lottery equipment and containing the lottery participant's lottery bet.

12.6. The start and end times for the distribution of Tickets for each draw are set by the Operator.

XIII. Ticket prices (lottery bet sizes)

13.1. The size of a single lottery bet (one game combination) is set by the Operator from the following values: 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 rubles.

13.2. The cost of a Ticket is determined as the product of the size of a single lottery bet, the number of selected game combinations and the number of draws in which the participant's lottery bet takes part.

XIV. Cash equivalents of winnings in kind

14.1. The lottery prize fund includes cash, other property or services intended for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings to participants. In particular: apartments; vehicles; non-food products; tourist vouchers and vouchers for sanatorium treatment. Winnings in kind have a declared value in monetary terms - a monetary equivalent, which is included in the prize fund before the start of the draw and is brought to the attention of the participants by the Operator. The participant, whose lottery bet has won in kind, has the right to receive the cash equivalent of the winnings in the amount of its declared value.

XV. The procedure for the formation of the lottery prize fund, its size and the planned distribution structure of the lottery prize fund in accordance with the amount of winnings (as a percentage of the proceeds from the lottery)

15.1. The Lottery Prize Fund includes cash and in-kind winnings to be paid out, transferred or made available in accordance with these Terms. The prize fund of a specific lottery draw is formed from the proceeds from the lottery and is formed by paying a fee by the lottery participants for the right to participate in the drawing of the prize fund of a specific draw.

15.2. The size of the lottery prize fund in relation to the proceeds from the lottery is 50% (fifty percent).

15.3. Before the start of the drawing of the prize fund of the draw, the operator announces the total amount of the prize fund of the draw.

15.4. The lottery prize fund is used exclusively for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings to lottery participants, and it cannot be levied for other obligations of the Organizer and Operator.

15.6. The distribution of the prize fund is carried out as a percentage of the revenue attributable to each category of winnings. The exact distribution of the prize fund and the categories into which it is distributed are announced by the Operator before the start of accepting lottery bets for the corresponding draw.

15.7. As part of the distribution of the prize fund by categories, in each category, the Operator has the right to: set a fixed amount of winnings for each lottery bet that wins in the category; set and distribute a fixed win among all lottery bets that win in a category; set the minimum winning amount for each lottery bet that wins in the category; distribute in equal shares the funds allocated for the category among all lottery bets that won in it.

15.8. The lottery provides for a super prize passing from draw to draw (in algorithms 2, 3, 4 - two super prizes).

15.9. The super prize is formed at the expense of the prize fund of the first category (in algorithms 2, 3, 4 - at the expense of the prize fund of the first and second category of winnings of the draw), if there were no winning participants in the first and (or) second categories of winnings. Funds of the super prize (super prizes) can be used to pay out winnings for the circulation (circulations), if the amount of payments for the circulation (circulations) exceeds the amount of the prize fund formed in it (them).

15.10. The super prize is drawn at least once during each year of the lottery 11 .

XVI. The procedure for drawing the prize fund of the lottery, the algorithm for determining winnings

16.2. The drawing of the prize fund of the draw is carried out at the same time between all lottery participants after receiving lottery bets.

16.3. Drawings of prize funds of circulations are held in accordance with the requirements stipulated by Article 18 of the Federal Law.

16.4. Upon reaching the time set by the Operator, the acceptance of lottery bets for the current draw is terminated.

16.5. Before the start of the drawing of the prize fund of the draw, the operator announces the number of bets accepted for this draw and the total amount of the prize fund of the draw.

16.7. In order to draw the prize fund of each lottery draw, the Operator creates a draw commission, which conducts the draws of the prize fund of each lottery draw and confirms the results of the draw by signing the protocol and the official table of draw results.

16.9. When using lottery equipment, the Operator guarantees that the order of the numbers drawn cannot be predetermined in advance.

Number of winning Tickets;

Winning Ticket Numbers.

16.11. The game is based on the principle of guessing 6 numbers out of 45.

16.12. The algorithm for determining the winnings is based on the number of matched numbers of the game combination of the lottery participant with the numbers of the winning combination formed as a result of the draw and the order of such a match.

16.13. When conducting a lottery, the Operator uses the following four algorithms for drawing the lottery prize fund. In this case, the simultaneous use of several algorithms is not allowed. The Operator shall notify the Organizer of the chosen algorithm for drawing the prize fund no later than seven calendar days in advance.

1 Part 2 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of November 11, 2003 N 138-FZ "On Lotteries" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 46, Art. 4434, 2005, N 30, Art. 3104, 2006, N 6, Art. 636, 2008, N 30, item 3616, 2010, N 31, item 4183, 2011, N 27, item 3880, N 30, item 4590).

2 Clause 11 of Article 2 of the Federal Law.

3 Clause 2 of Article 1063 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

4 Paragraph 2 of Part 2 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

5 Part 3 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

6 Part 4 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

7 Part 1 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

8 Part 5 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

9 Part 1 of Article 12 of the Federal Law.

10 Part 2 of Article 12 of the Federal Law.

11 Part 2 of Article 18 of the Federal Law.

Appendix No. 3

Conditions of the third drawing All-Russian State Lottery in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee carried out in real time

I. Name of the lottery

1.1. Full name of the lottery: the third drawing all-Russian state lottery in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee, conducted in real time (hereinafter referred to as the lottery).

1.2. Short name of the lottery: "VGL 3 Sport".

II. Type of lottery

2.1. The lottery is a drawing, all-Russian, state, conducted in real time.

2.2. Participation in the lottery is associated with the payment of a fee, which forms the prize fund of the lottery.

III. Purpose of the lottery

3.1. The lottery is held to support the development of physical culture and sports.

3.2. Target deductions from the lottery are five percent of the proceeds from the lottery.

IV. The name of the lottery organizer, indicating its legal and postal address, bank details, taxpayer identification number and information on opening accounts with a credit institution

4.1. The organizer of the lottery is the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer).

Postal address: 105064, Moscow, st. Kazakova, 18. Legal address: 103274, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, 2. Bank details: settlement account N 40105810700000001901 in OPERU-1 of the Bank of Russia, Moscow, personal account 03951007770 in the Interregional Operational Department of the Federal Treasury. Tax identification number 7703771271.

4.2. The Organizer entrusts the holding of the lottery to the Closed Joint Stock Company "State Sports Lotteries" (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) based on the results of the open competition. The Operator conducts the lottery in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, acting on the basis of a state contract concluded with the Organizer, on his behalf and on his behalf.

V. Indication of the territory where the lottery is held

5.1. The lottery is held throughout the Russian Federation.

VI. Lottery timings

6.1. The start date of the lottery is 05/02/2012.

6.2. The lottery deadline is December 31, 2020.

VII. Description of the lottery concept

7.1. The lottery is based on the principle of drawing the prize fund. The drawing of the lottery prize fund between all participants of the lottery is carried out at a time after the distribution of lottery tickets (hereinafter - the Ticket) 1 .

7.2. The lottery is based on the principle of random matching of the numbers of the game combinations chosen by the lottery participant with the numbers of the winning combinations formed by the lottery equipment in an unintentional way in the process of drawing the lottery prize fund (drawing draw).

7.3. The contract for participation in the lottery is formalized by issuing a ticket to its participant.

7.4. The lottery is held in real time.

In order to automate the circulation and speed up the process of determining winnings, the lottery is carried out using modern devices that are connected to the lottery information processing center (hereinafter referred to as the computer center), other channels for receiving lottery bets and special software, interconnected using information and communication technologies. Lottery bets are also accepted using means of communication, including via the Internet information and telecommunication network, using short text messages sent via mobile radiotelephone communications, as well as in another way provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Methods for accepting lottery bets are determined by the Operator.

7.5. When conducting a lottery, the Operator uses the drawing algorithms established by these Terms and Conditions, based on the principle of guessing 8 numbers out of 20. Simultaneous use of several drawing algorithms is not allowed.

7.6. The lottery is based on one or both of the following principles:

7.6.1. The lottery participant independently forms a game combination (combinations) according to the formation rules brought to him and pays a fee in the amount of its (their) value.

7.6.2. The lottery participant independently forms a game combination (combinations) according to the formation rules brought to him and pays a fee in the amount of its (their) value.

7.7. During the drawing of the prize fund of the draw, the winning combination of the draw is randomly and unintentionally formed using lottery equipment.

7.8. The fact of winnings and their sizes are determined by the presence of coincidences of the numbers of game combinations with the numbers of the winning combination of the draw according to the rules for determining winnings, brought to all participants in the lottery.

7.9. The goal of the lottery is to guess the maximum number of matches between the numbers in the game combinations and the numbers in the winning combination.

7.10. With the help of special software, the coincidence of the numbers in the game combinations with the numbers of the winning combinations, determined randomly during the draw, is monitored, the numbers of the winning Tickets and the amounts of the winnings dropped out on them are determined.

7.11. A winning combination is recognized as a game combination that fully or partially, in accordance with the algorithm for determining winnings, coincided with the winning combination formed by the lottery equipment during the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw.

7.12. The amount of winnings depends on the number of matched numbers.

7.13. The time of the lotteries of the prize funds of the draws is indicated by the Operator in the Tickets.

7.14. In the event of a win on a Ticket, the lottery participant has the right to demand from the Organizer the payment, transfer or provision of winnings on the basis of the Ticket recognized as the winner in accordance with these Terms.

VIII. Organizational and technological description of the lottery

8.1. The lottery process includes the following main steps:

informing potential participants about the rules of participation and the Lottery Terms;

receiving from the participant of the lottery payment for the cost of the game combination;

collection and transmission of information on accepted lottery bets for each lottery draw through information and telecommunication networks for the purpose of registration in the main and backup computing centers;

obtaining confirmation of fixation and accounting of information on accepted rates in the database of the main and backup computing centers;

accounting by the computing center of the cost of the stakes made by the lottery participant;

formation and provision to the lottery participant of the Ticket containing the mandatory details provided for in Chapter XII of these Terms;

formation of the prize fund of the lottery draw;

carrying out the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw, determining the numbers of winning Tickets;

processing the results of the circulation, determining the size of the winnings;

informing lottery participants about the results of the draw;

carrying out identification or, if necessary, examination of the Tickets presented to receive the winnings;

payment, transfer or provision of winnings to a lottery participant recognized as a winner in accordance with these Terms;

preparation of reports in accordance with applicable law;

fulfillment of financial obligations.

8.2. Lottery equipment includes equipment of the main and backup computing centers for processing lottery information, other equipment, in particular, equipped with lottery programs.

8.3. The lottery equipment used in the lottery does not contain hidden algorithms (including the source texts of computer programs), information arrays, components or assemblies that are not available for inspection and testing by the bodies exercising control over the lottery, and also allows you to reliably establish, that any information or any document comes from the proper party, to record and transfer information about the results of the draw, to protect information from loss, theft, distortion, forgery, as well as from unauthorized actions to destroy, modify, copy, other similar actions and unauthorized access to the communication network (information and telecommunications network). Lottery equipment must ensure reliable and uninterrupted operation of the lottery, including by redundant main systems, units and components.

8.4. The lottery equipment does not use procedures and algorithms that would allow predetermining the result of the lottery prize fund draw, both before the start of such a draw and during its process.

IX. Rights and obligations of lottery participants

9.1. Participation in the lottery is regulated by Chapter 58 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1996, No. 5, Art. 410) and Federal Law No. 138-FZ of November 11, 2003 "On Lotteries" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) and is based on an agreement .

9.2. Lottery participant - a person who has the right to participate in the drawing of the lottery prize fund on the basis of an agreement concluded with the Organizer 2 . The agreement between the Organizer and the lottery participant is concluded on a voluntary basis and is formalized by the provision of the Ticket to the lottery participant 3 .

9.3. Lottery participant rights:

9.3.1. The lottery participant has the right to receive information about the lottery placed by the Organizer or the Operator in the mass media, on the information and telecommunication network "Internet" or in any other way.

9.3.2. The Lottery Participant, by concluding an agreement with the Organizer, expresses his consent to the procedure for participation in the lottery in accordance with these Terms, as well as to the processing of his personal data by the Organizer, the Operator, as well as other persons authorized by them.

9.3.3. The Lottery Participant has the right to demand payment, transfer or provision of winnings on the basis of the Ticket recognized as the winner in accordance with these Lottery Terms 4 .

9.4. Responsibilities of the lottery participant:

9.4.1. The lottery participant is obliged to pay the full cost of the game combinations chosen by him.

9.4.2. The Lottery Participant bears the risk of losing the Ticket and the information contained therein from the moment it is received. In case of loss or damage to the Ticket (loss of the ability to be unambiguously identified as containing a winning game combination printed by the lottery equipment), the Organizer and the Operator do not accept claims for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings and do not pay out the winnings.

9.5. The lottery organizer has the right to disclose the personal data of the lottery participant - the owner of the winning Ticket only with his permission. The lottery organizer is not entitled to provide information about the lottery participant to third parties, except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation 6 .

9.6. Suspension or early termination of the lottery does not release the Lottery Organizer from the need to pay, transfer or provide winnings, including the examination of winning Tickets and other necessary actions 7 .

X. The procedure and terms for receiving winnings, including after the expiration of these terms, as well as the terms for the examination of winning Tickets

10.1. The winnings are the portion of the lottery prize fund determined in accordance with these Terms, paid in cash or provided in kind to the lottery participant who is declared the winner in accordance with these Terms.

10.2. A ticket containing a lottery bet registered by the lottery equipment is a document confirming the right of the lottery participant to participate in the drawing of the lottery prize fund, and if the game combination indicated in it is recognized as a winning one in accordance with these Terms, it gives the right to receive the winnings.

10.3. The owner of the winning Ticket has the right to demand from the Organizer the payment, transfer or provision of the winnings on the basis of the Ticket recognized as the winner in accordance with these Conditions.

10.4. Information about the procedure, terms, place of receipt of winnings, lottery conditions can be obtained from the Operator, distributors and in the information and telecommunication network "Internet". Information about the results of the lottery prize fund draws is published by the Operator in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law.

10.5. Payment, transfer or provision of winnings to a lottery participant is made by the Organizer (Operator) of the lottery or distributors of lottery tickets upon presentation of the original of the winning Ticket.

10.6. The Operator may, at its discretion, schedule an examination of the winning Ticket if the authenticity of such Ticket is in doubt.

10.7. The examination of the winning Ticket is carried out by the Operator or a person authorized by him.

10.8. The term for the examination of the winning Ticket is up to 45 (forty-five) calendar days from the date of presentation of the Ticket.

10.9. Payment, transfer or provision of winnings begins no later than thirty days after the relevant lottery draw and lasts at least 6 (six) months from the date of publication of the results of the prize pool draw of such draw. The exact deadline for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings, as well as the terms for payment, transfer or provision of winnings, depending on their size, are set by the Operator.

10.10. If the lottery participant presents the winning Ticket to the Organizer, Operator or distributor after the expiration of the period specified in clause 10.9 of these Terms, the decision to pay, transfer or provide the winnings is made by the Operator at its own discretion. In this case, the lottery participant applies to the Operator with an application, drawn up in any form, with a request to pay, transfer or provide the winnings after the expiration of the period allotted for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings on the Ticket, provided for by these Conditions, indicating the reasons for missing the deadline.

The operator considers the application of the lottery participant within thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the application. Based on the results of consideration of the application, the Operator, recognizing the reasons for missing the deadline specified in clause 10.9. of these Conditions, valid, makes the payment, transfer or provision of winnings or refuses to pay, transfer or provide winnings if the reasons for missing the deadline are recognized as unjustified.

10.11. In the event that the Ticket presented by the lottery participant to receive the winnings is found to be fake by the results of the examination, the Organizer (Operator) refuses to pay, transfer or provide the winnings. In this case, the Organizer (Operator) has the right to apply to law enforcement agencies in the prescribed manner.

10.12. Winnings not claimed within the period established by these Conditions, or winnings, the payment, transfer or provision of which the Operator refused due to the recognition of the missed claim period as disrespectful, shall be deposited on a special account and kept for the general limitation period provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, after which are credited to the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

XI. The procedure for informing lottery participants about the rules for participating in the lottery and the results of the drawing of the lottery prize fund

11.1. Informing about the Lottery Terms is carried out by the Operator by posting the relevant information on the information and telecommunications network "Internet", in the media, as well as by distributors in the places where the Tickets are distributed.

11.2. The Operator informs the Lottery participants about the rules for drawing the prize fund according to the algorithm selected by the Operator for determining winnings no later than 30 calendar days before the start date for accepting lottery bets for the draw in which the algorithm selected by the Operator begins to be applied. Informing occurs by posting relevant information in the information and telecommunications network "Internet", in the media, as well as by distributors in the places of distribution of Tickets.

11.3. The results of the drawing of the prize fund of each lottery draw are brought to the attention of the lottery participants by posting the relevant information in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation.

XII. The procedure for the manufacture and sale of Tickets (the procedure for determining and registering lottery bets)

12.1. Tickets are produced by persons authorized by the Operator, or are formed by lottery equipment.

12.2. The ticket must contain the following mandatory details 9 ;

number and date of issue of permission to conduct the lottery;

the name of the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation that issued the permission to conduct the lottery, the state registration number of the All-Russian lottery;

name of the lottery;

number of ticket;

the name of the Lottery Organizer and his contact phone number;

the name of the Lottery Operator and his contact phone number;

excerpts from these Terms, sufficient for the formation of an adequate idea of ​​the lottery participant about the lottery, about the algorithm for determining the winnings,

about the amount of winnings and the procedure for receiving it;

the size of the lottery prize fund (as a percentage of the proceeds from the lottery);

fixed price of the Ticket or fixed price of a single bet (the cost of the minimum game combination);

the date and place of the drawing of the lottery prize fund, as well as the timing and sources of publication of the official results of the drawing;

information about the place and timing of receiving winnings.

12.3. The inscriptions on the Tickets must be in Russian 10 .

12.4. The price of the Ticket, the amount of winnings and the value of winnings in kind are determined in the currency of the Russian Federation.

12.5. Distribution of Tickets consists in paying by the lottery participant for the corresponding game combination, providing the participant with a Ticket registered or subject to registration by the lottery equipment and containing the lottery participant's lottery bet.

12.6. The start and end times for the distribution of Tickets for each draw are set by the Operator.

XIII. Ticket prices (lottery bet sizes)

13.1. The size of a single lottery bet (one game combination) is set by the Operator from the following values: 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 rubles.

13.2. The cost of a Ticket is determined as the product of the size of a single lottery bet, the number of selected game combinations and the number of draws in which the participant's lottery bet takes part.

XIV. Cash equivalents of winnings in kind

14.1. The lottery prize fund includes cash, other property or services intended for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings to participants. In particular: apartments; vehicles; non-food products; tourist vouchers and vouchers for sanatorium treatment. Winnings in kind have a declared value in monetary terms - a monetary equivalent, which is included in the prize fund before the start of the draw and is brought to the attention of the participants by the Operator. The participant, whose lottery bet has won in kind, has the right to receive the cash equivalent of the winnings in the amount of its declared value.

XV. The procedure for the formation of the lottery prize fund, its size and the planned distribution structure of the lottery prize fund in accordance with the amount of winnings (as a percentage of the proceeds from the lottery)

15.1. The Lottery Prize Fund includes cash and in-kind winnings to be paid out, transferred or made available in accordance with these Terms. The prize fund of a specific lottery draw is formed from the proceeds from the lottery and is formed by paying a fee by the lottery participants for the right to participate in the drawing of the prize fund of a specific draw.

15.2. The size of the lottery prize fund in relation to the proceeds from the lottery is 67% (sixty-seven percent).

15.3. Before the start of the drawing of the prize fund of the draw, the operator announces the total amount of the prize fund of the draw.

15.4. The lottery prize fund is used exclusively for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings to lottery participants, and it cannot be levied for other obligations of the Organizer and Operator.

15.5. It is prohibited to encumber the lottery prize fund with any obligations, except for the obligations to the lottery participants for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings, as well as to use the lottery prize fund funds other than for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings.

15.6. The distribution of the prize fund is carried out as a percentage of the revenue attributable to each category of winnings. The exact distribution of the prize fund and the categories into which it is distributed are announced by the Operator before the start of accepting lottery bets for the corresponding draw.

15.7. As part of the distribution of the prize fund by categories, in each category, the Operator has the right to: set a fixed amount of winnings for each lottery bet that wins in the category; set and distribute a fixed win among all lottery bets that win in a category; set the minimum winning amount for each lottery bet that wins in the category; distribute in equal shares the funds allocated for the category among all lottery bets that won in it.

15.8. The lottery provides for a super prize that can be transferred from circulation to circulation.

XVI. The procedure for drawing the prize fund of the lottery, the algorithm for determining winnings

16.1. Conducting a lottery includes separate draws, consisting of accepting lottery bets, drawing the prize fund of the lottery draw and paying out winnings.

16.2. The drawing of the prize fund of the draw is carried out at the same time between all lottery participants after receiving lottery bets.

16.3. Drawings of prize funds of circulations are held in accordance with the requirements stipulated by Article 18 of the Federal Law.

16.4. Upon reaching the time set by the Operator, the acceptance of lottery bets for the current draw is terminated.

16.5. Before the start of the drawing of the prize fund of the draw, the operator announces the number of bets accepted for this draw and the total amount of the prize fund of the draw.

16.6. Only the Tickets registered by the lottery equipment and paid by the participants of the lottery, which reflect the game combinations selected by the participants of the lottery, take part in the drawing of the prize fund of the draw.

16.7. In order to draw the prize fund of each lottery draw, the Operator creates a draw commission, which conducts the draws of the prize fund of each lottery draw and confirms the results of the draw by signing the protocol and the official table of draw results.

16.8. In order to determine the winning combination (winning combinations) during the drawing of the prize fund in the relevant draw, the Operator uses special lottery equipment.

16.9. When using lottery equipment, the Operator guarantees that the order of the numbers drawn cannot be predetermined in advance.

16.10. The numbers of the drawn numbers are entered into the database by the Operator. After entering all the numbers that made up the winning combination (winning combinations) and processing the results of the drawing of the prize fund in the corresponding draw, the Operator determines:

Number of winning Tickets;

Winning Ticket Numbers.

16.11. The game is based on the principle of guessing 8 numbers out of 20.

16.12. The algorithm for determining the winnings is based on the number of matched numbers of the game combination of the lottery participant with the numbers of the winning combination formed as a result of the draw and the order of such a match.

16.13. When conducting a lottery, the Operator uses the following four algorithms for drawing the lottery prize fund. In this case, the simultaneous use of several algorithms is not allowed. The Operator shall notify the Organizer of the chosen algorithm for drawing the prize fund no later than seven calendar days in advance.

1 Part 2 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of November 11, 2003 N 138-FZ "On Lotteries" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 46, Art. 4434, 2005, N 30, Art. 3104, 2006, N 6, Art. 636, 2008, N 30, item 3616, 2010, N 31, item 4183, 2011, N 27, item 3880, N 30, item 4590).

2 Clause 11 of Article 2 of the Federal Law.

3 Clause 2 of Article 1063 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

4 Paragraph 2 of Part 2 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

5 Part 3 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

6 Part 4 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

7 Part 1 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

8 Part 5 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

9 Part 1 of Article 12 of the Federal Law.

10 Part 2 of Article 12 of the Federal Law.

11 Clause 2 of Article 18 of the Federal Law.

Appendix No. 4

Conditions of the fourth All-Russian state lottery in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee carried out in real time

I. Name of the lottery

1.1. Full name of the lottery: the fourth all-Russian state lottery in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee, conducted in real time (hereinafter referred to as the lottery).

1.2. Short name of the lottery: "VGL 4 Sport".

II. Type of lottery

2.1. The lottery is a drawing, all-Russian, state, conducted in real time.

2.2. Participation in the lottery is associated with the payment of a fee, which forms the prize fund of the lottery.

III. Purpose of the lottery

3.1. The lottery is held to support the development of physical culture and sports.

3.2. Target deductions from the lottery are five percent of the proceeds from the lottery.

IV. The name of the lottery organizer, indicating its legal and postal address, bank details, taxpayer identification number and information on opening accounts with a credit institution

4.1. The organizer of the lottery is the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer).

Postal address: 105064, Moscow, st. Kazakova, 18. Legal address: 103274, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, 2. Bank details: settlement account N 40105810700000001901 in OPERU-1 of the Bank of Russia, Moscow, personal account 03951007770 in the Interregional Operational Department of the Federal Treasury. Tax identification number 7703771271.

4.2. The Organizer entrusts the holding of the lottery to the Closed Joint Stock Company "State Sports Lotteries" (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) based on the results of the open competition. The Operator conducts the lottery in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, acting on the basis of a state contract concluded with the Organizer, on his behalf and on his behalf.

V. Indication of the territory where the lottery is held

5.1. The lottery is held throughout the Russian Federation.

VI. Lottery timings

6.1. The start date of the lottery is 05/02/2012.

6.2. The lottery deadline is December 31, 2020.

VII. Description of the lottery concept

7.1. The lottery is based on the principle of drawing the prize fund. The drawing of the lottery prize fund between all participants of the lottery is carried out at a time after the distribution of lottery tickets (hereinafter - the Ticket) 1 .

7.2. The lottery is based on the principle of random matching of the numbers of the game combinations chosen by the lottery participant with the numbers of the winning combinations formed by the lottery equipment in an unintentional way in the process of drawing the lottery prize fund (drawing draw).

7.3. The contract for participation in the lottery is formalized by issuing a ticket to the lottery participant.

7.4. The lottery is held in real time.

In order to automate the circulation and speed up the process of determining winnings, the lottery is carried out using modern devices that are connected to the lottery information processing center (hereinafter referred to as the computer center), other channels for receiving lottery bets and special software, interconnected using information and communication technologies. Lottery bets are also accepted using means of communication, including via the Internet information and telecommunication network, using short text messages sent via mobile radiotelephone communications, as well as in another way provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Methods for accepting lottery bets are determined by the Operator.

7.5. When conducting a lottery, the Operator uses the drawing algorithms established by these Terms and Conditions, based on the "lotto" principle. At the same time, the simultaneous use of several drawing algorithms is not allowed.

7.6. The lottery is based on one or both of the following principles:

7.6.2. The lottery participant independently forms a game combination (combinations) according to the formation rules brought to him and pays a fee in the amount of its (their) value.

7.7. During the drawing of the prize fund of the draw, the winning combination of the draw is randomly and unintentionally formed using lottery equipment.

7.8. The fact of winnings and their sizes are determined by the presence of coincidences of the numbers of game combinations with the numbers of the winning combination of the draw according to the rules for determining winnings, brought to all participants in the lottery.

7.9. The goal of the lottery is to guess the maximum number of matches between the numbers in the game combinations and the numbers in the winning combination.

7.10. With the help of special software, the coincidence of the numbers in the game combinations with the numbers of the winning combinations, determined randomly during the draw, is monitored, the numbers of the winning Tickets and the amounts of the winnings dropped out on them are determined.

7.11. A winning combination is recognized as a game combination that fully or partially, in accordance with the algorithm for determining winnings, coincided with the winning combination formed by the lottery equipment during the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw.

7.12. The amount of winnings depends on the number of matched numbers.

7.13. The time of the lotteries of the prize funds of the draws is indicated by the Operator in the Tickets.

7.14. In the event of a win on a Ticket, the lottery participant has the right to demand from the Organizer the payment or provision of winnings on the basis of the Ticket recognized as the winner in accordance with these Terms.

VIII. Organizational and technological description of the lottery

8.1. The lottery process includes the following main steps:

informing potential participants about the rules of participation and the Lottery Terms;

receiving from the participant of the lottery payment for the cost of the game combination;

collection and transmission of information on accepted lottery bets for each lottery draw through information and telecommunication networks for the purpose of registration in the main and backup computing centers;

obtaining confirmation of fixation and accounting of information on accepted rates in the database of the main and backup computing centers;

accounting by the computing center of the cost of the stakes made by the lottery participant;

formation and provision to the lottery participant of the Ticket containing the mandatory details provided for in Chapter XII of these Terms;

formation of the prize fund of the lottery draw;

carrying out the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw, determining the numbers of winning Tickets;

processing the results of the circulation, determining the size of the winnings;

informing lottery participants about the results of the draw;

carrying out identification or, if necessary, examination of the Tickets presented to receive the winnings;

payment, transfer or provision of winnings to a lottery participant recognized as a winner in accordance with these Terms;

preparation of reports in accordance with applicable law;

fulfillment of financial obligations.

8.2. Lottery equipment includes equipment of the main and backup computing centers for processing lottery information, other equipment, in particular, equipped with lottery programs.

8.3. The lottery equipment used in the lottery does not contain hidden algorithms (including the source texts of computer programs), information arrays, components or assemblies that are not available for inspection and testing by the bodies exercising control over the lottery, and also allows you to reliably establish, that any information or any document comes from the proper party, to record and transfer information about the results of the draw, to protect information from loss, theft, distortion, forgery, as well as from unauthorized actions to destroy, modify, copy, other similar actions and unauthorized access to the communication network (information and telecommunications network). Lottery equipment must ensure reliable and uninterrupted operation of the lottery, including by redundant main systems, units and components.

8.4. The lottery equipment does not use procedures and algorithms that would allow predetermining the result of the lottery prize fund draw, both before the start of such a draw and during its process.

IX. Rights and obligations of lottery participants

9.1. Participation in the lottery is regulated by Chapter 58 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1996, No. 5, Art. 410) and Federal Law No. 138-FZ of November 11, 2003 "On Lotteries" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) and is based on an agreement .

9.2. Lottery participant - a person who has the right to participate in the drawing of the lottery prize fund on the basis of an agreement concluded with the Lottery Organizer 2 . The agreement between the Organizer and the lottery participant is concluded on a voluntary basis and is formalized by the provision of the Ticket to the lottery participant 3 .

9.3. Lottery participant rights:

9.3.1. The lottery participant has the right to receive information about the lottery placed by the Organizer or the Operator in the mass media, on the information and telecommunication network "Internet" or in any other way.

9.3.2. The Lottery Participant, by concluding an agreement with the Organizer, expresses his consent to the procedure for participation in the lottery in accordance with these Terms, as well as to the processing of his personal data by the Organizer, the Operator, as well as other persons authorized by them.

9.3.3. The Lottery Participant has the right to demand payment, transfer or provision of winnings on the basis of the Ticket recognized as the winner in accordance with these Lottery Terms 4 .

9.3.4. The lottery participant has the right to apply to the court for the protection of his rights in case of delay in payment, transfer or provision of winnings, or non-payment, non-transfer or failure to provide winnings by the Lottery Organizer 5 .

9.4. Responsibilities of the lottery participant:

9.4.1. The lottery participant is obliged to pay the full cost of the game combinations chosen by him.

9.4.2. The Lottery Participant bears the risk of losing the Ticket and the information contained therein from the moment it is received. In case of loss or damage to the Ticket (loss of the ability to be unambiguously identified as containing a winning game combination printed by the lottery equipment), the Organizer and the Operator do not accept claims for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings and do not pay out the winnings.

9.5. The lottery organizer has the right to disclose the personal data of the lottery participant - the owner of the winning Ticket only with his permission. The lottery organizer is not entitled to provide information about the lottery participant to third parties, except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation 6 .

9.6. Suspension or early termination of the lottery does not release the Lottery Organizer from the need to pay, transfer or provide winnings, including the examination of winning Tickets and other necessary actions 7 .

9.7. In case of suspension or early termination of the lottery, the Lottery Organizer, within the period established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation, is obliged to stop distributing Tickets (taking bets), inform lottery participants about this through the mass media and ensure the return of funds on Tickets, distributed, but did not participate in the holding of draws due to the termination of the lottery, and at the same time pay, transfer or provide winnings to lottery participants for previously held draws 8 .

9.8. The lottery organizer is obliged to complete the lottery, including the payment, transfer or provision of winnings, and take other necessary actions in relation to those lottery participants with whom he has concluded an agreement, or return the money for the distributed Tickets if the drawing of the lottery prize fund is not was held. In case of termination of the lottery, its prize fund must be played in full, including the super prize, in the last draw.

X. The procedure and terms for receiving winnings, including after the expiration of these terms, as well as the terms for the examination of winning Tickets

10.1. The winnings are the portion of the lottery prize fund determined in accordance with these Terms, paid in cash or provided in kind to the lottery participant who is declared the winner in accordance with these Terms.

10.2. A ticket containing a lottery bet registered by the lottery equipment is a document confirming the right of the lottery participant to participate in the drawing of the lottery prize fund, and if the game combination indicated in it is recognized as a winning one in accordance with these Terms, it gives the right to receive the winnings.

10.3. The owner of the winning Ticket has the right to demand from the Organizer the payment or provision of the winnings on the basis of the Ticket recognized as the winner in accordance with these Conditions.

10.4. Information about the procedure, terms, place of receipt of winnings, lottery conditions can be obtained from the Operator, distributors and in the information and telecommunication network "Internet". Information about the results of the lottery prize fund draws is published by the Operator in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law.

10.5. Payment, transfer or provision of winnings to a lottery participant is made by the Organizer (Operator) of the lottery or distributors of lottery tickets upon presentation of the original of the winning Ticket.

10.6. The Operator may, at its discretion, schedule an examination of the winning Ticket if the authenticity of such Ticket is in doubt.

10.7. The examination of the winning Ticket is carried out by the Operator or a person authorized by him.

10.8. The term for the examination of the winning Ticket is up to 45 (forty-five) calendar days from the date of presentation of the Ticket.

10.10. If the lottery participant presents the winning Ticket to the Organizer, Operator or distributor after the expiration of the period specified in clause 10.9 of these Terms, the decision to pay, transfer or provide the winnings is made by the Operator at its own discretion. In this case, the lottery participant applies to the Operator with an application, drawn up in any form, with a request to pay, transfer or provide the winnings after the expiration of the period allotted for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings on the Ticket, provided for by these Conditions, indicating the reasons for missing the deadline.

The operator considers the application of the lottery participant within thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the application. Based on the results of consideration of the application, the Operator, recognizing the reasons for missing the deadline specified in clause 10.9. of these Conditions, valid, makes the payment, transfer or provision of winnings or refuses to pay, transfer or provide winnings if the reasons for missing the deadline are recognized as unjustified.

10.11. In the event that the Ticket presented by the lottery participant to receive the winnings is found to be fake by the results of the examination, the Organizer (Operator) refuses to pay, transfer or provide the winnings. In this case, the Organizer (Operator) has the right to apply to law enforcement agencies in the prescribed manner.

10.12. Winnings not claimed within the period established by these Conditions, or winnings, the payment, transfer or provision of which the Operator refused due to the recognition of the missed claim period as disrespectful, shall be deposited on a special account and kept for the general limitation period provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, after which are credited to the federal budget of the Russian Federation.

XI. The procedure for informing lottery participants about the rules for participating in the lottery and the results of the drawing of the lottery prize fund

11.1. Informing about the Lottery Terms is carried out by the Operator by posting the relevant information on the information and telecommunications network "Internet", in the media, as well as by distributors in the places where the Tickets are distributed.

11.2. The Operator informs the Lottery participants about the rules for drawing the prize fund according to the algorithm selected by the Operator for determining winnings no later than 30 calendar days before the start date for accepting lottery bets for the draw in which the algorithm selected by the Operator begins to be applied. Informing occurs by posting relevant information in the information and telecommunications network "Internet", in the media, as well as by distributors in the places of distribution of Tickets.

11.3. The results of the drawing of the prize fund of each lottery draw are brought to the attention of the lottery participants by posting the relevant information in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation.

XII. The procedure for the manufacture and sale of Tickets (the procedure for determining and registering lottery bets)

12.1. Tickets are produced by persons authorized by the Operator, or are formed by lottery equipment.

12.2. The ticket must contain the following mandatory details 9:

number and date of issue of permission to conduct the lottery;

the name of the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation that issued the permission to conduct the lottery, the state registration number of the All-Russian lottery;

name of the lottery;

number of ticket;

the name of the Lottery Organizer and his contact phone number;

the name of the Lottery Operator and his contact phone number;

excerpts from these Terms, sufficient for the formation of an adequate idea of ​​the lottery participant about the lottery, about the algorithm for determining the winnings, about the amount of the winnings and the procedure for receiving it;

the size of the lottery prize fund (as a percentage of the proceeds from the lottery);

fixed price of the Ticket or fixed price of a single bet (the cost of the minimum game combination);

the date and place of the drawing of the lottery prize fund, as well as the timing and sources of publication of the official results of the drawing;

information about the place and timing of receiving winnings.

12.3. The inscriptions on the Tickets must be in Russian 10 .

12.4. The price of the Ticket, the amount of winnings and the value of winnings in kind are determined in the currency of the Russian Federation.

12.5. Distribution of Tickets consists in paying by the lottery participant for the corresponding game combination, providing the participant with a Ticket registered or subject to registration by the lottery equipment and containing the lottery participant's lottery bet.

12.6. The start and end times for the distribution of Tickets for each draw are set by the Operator.

XIII. Ticket prices (lottery bet sizes)

13.1. The size of a single lottery bet (one game combination) is set by the Operator from the following values: 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 rubles.

13.2. The cost of a Ticket is determined as the product of the size of a single lottery bet, the number of selected game combinations and the number of draws in which the participant's lottery bet takes part.

XIV. Cash equivalents of winnings in kind

14.1. The lottery prize fund includes cash, other property or services intended for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings to participants. In particular: apartments; vehicles; non-food products; tourist and vouchers for sanatorium treatment. Winnings in kind have a declared value in monetary terms - a monetary equivalent, which is included in the prize fund before the start of the draw and is brought to the attention of the participants by the Operator. The participant, whose lottery bet has won in kind, has the right to receive the cash equivalent of the winnings in the amount of its declared value.

XV. The procedure for the formation of the lottery prize fund, its size and the planned distribution structure of the lottery prize fund in accordance with the amount of winnings (as a percentage of the proceeds from the lottery)

15.1. The Lottery Prize Fund includes cash and in-kind winnings to be paid out, transferred or made available in accordance with these Terms. The prize fund of a specific lottery draw is formed from the proceeds from the lottery and is formed by paying a fee by the lottery participants for the right to participate in the drawing of the prize fund of a specific draw.

15.2. The size of the lottery prize fund in relation to the proceeds from the lottery is 50% (fifty percent).

15.3. Before the start of the drawing of the prize fund of the draw, the operator announces the total amount of the prize fund of the draw.

15.4. The lottery prize fund is used exclusively for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings to lottery participants, and it cannot be levied for other obligations of the Organizer and Operator.

15.5. It is prohibited to encumber the lottery prize fund with any obligations, except for the obligations to the lottery participants for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings, as well as to use the lottery prize fund funds other than for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings.

15.6. The distribution of the prize fund is carried out as a percentage of the revenue attributable to each category of winnings. The exact distribution of the prize fund and the categories into which it is distributed are announced by the Operator before the start of accepting lottery bets for the corresponding draw.

15.7. As part of the distribution of the prize fund by categories, in each category, the Operator has the right to: set a fixed amount of winnings for each lottery bet that wins in the category; set and distribute a fixed win among all lottery bets that win in a category; set the minimum winning amount for each lottery bet that wins in the category; distribute in equal shares the funds allocated for the category among all lottery bets that won in it.

15.8. The lottery provides for a super prize that can be transferred from circulation to circulation.

15.9. The super prize is formed at the expense of the prize fund of the first category of winnings of the draw, if there were no winning participants in the first category of winnings. Super prize funds can be used to pay out, transfer or provide winnings by circulation (circulations) if the amount of payments for the circulation (circulations) exceeds the amount of the prize fund formed in it (them).

15.10. The super prize must be drawn at least once during each year of the lottery 11 .

XVI. The procedure for drawing the prize fund of the lottery, the algorithm for determining winnings

16.1. Conducting a lottery includes separate draws, consisting of accepting lottery bets, drawing the prize fund of the lottery draw and paying out winnings.

16.2. The drawing of the prize fund of the draw is carried out at the same time between all lottery participants after receiving lottery bets.

16.3. Drawings of prize funds of circulations are held in accordance with the requirements stipulated by Article 18 of the Federal Law.

16.4. Upon reaching the time set by the Operator, the acceptance of lottery bets for the current draw is terminated.

16.5. Before the start of the drawing of the prize fund of the draw, the operator announces the number of bets accepted for this draw and the total amount of the prize fund of the draw.

16.6. Only the Tickets registered by the lottery equipment and paid by the participants of the lottery, which reflect the game combinations selected by the participants of the lottery, take part in the drawing of the prize fund of the draw.

16.7. In order to draw the prize fund of each lottery draw, the Operator creates a draw commission, which conducts the draws of the prize fund of each lottery draw and confirms the results of the draw by signing the protocol and the official table of draw results.

16.8. In order to determine the winning combination (winning combinations) in the process of drawing the prize fund in the corresponding draw, the Operator uses special lottery equipment that participates in the generation of the winning combination (combinations) using numbers from 1 to 60, 75, 90 (inclusive) respectively. It is also possible to use in the generation of a winning game combination of numbers from 0 to 9 inclusive. The number of numbers involved in the formation of a winning combination (combinations) is determined by the Operator and brought to the attention of the lottery participants.

16.9. When using lottery equipment, the Operator guarantees that the order of the numbers drawn cannot be predetermined in advance.

16.10. The numbers of the drawn numbers are entered into the database by the Operator. After entering all the numbers that made up the winning combination (winning combinations) and processing the results of the drawing of the prize fund in the corresponding draw, the Operator determines:

Number of winning Tickets;

Winning Ticket Numbers.

16.11. The game is based on the principle known as "lotto".

16.12. The algorithm for determining the winnings is based on the number of matched numbers of the game combination of the lottery participant with the numbers of the winning combination formed as a result of the draw and the order of such a match.

16.13. When conducting a lottery, the Operator uses the following four algorithms for drawing the lottery prize fund. In this case, the simultaneous use of several algorithms is not allowed. The Operator shall notify the Organizer of the chosen algorithm for drawing the prize fund no later than seven calendar days in advance.

1 Part 2 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of November 11, 2003 N 138-FZ "On Lotteries" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 46, Art. 4434, 2005, N 30, Art. 3104, 2006, N 6, Art. 636, 2008, N 30, item 3616, 2010, N 31, item 4183, 2011, N 27, item 3880, N 30, item 4590).

2 Clause 11 of Article 2 of the Federal Law.

3 Clause 2 of Article 1063 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

4 Paragraph 2 of Part 2 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

5 Part 3 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

6 Part 1 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

7 Part 5 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

8 Part 1 of Article 12 of the Federal Law.

9 Part 2 of Article 12 of the Federal Law.

10 Part 2 of Article 12 of the Federal Law.

11 Part 2 of Article 18 of the Federal Law.

Appendix No. 5

Conditions of the fifth All-Russian state lottery in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee carried out in real time

I. Name of the lottery

1.1. Full name of the lottery: the fifth drawing all-Russian state lottery in support of the development of physical culture and sports, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee, conducted in real time (hereinafter referred to as the lottery).

1.2. Short name of the lottery: "VGL 5 Sport".

II. Type of lottery

2.1. The lottery is a drawing, all-Russian, state, conducted in real time.

2.2. Participation in the lottery is associated with the payment of a fee, which forms the prize fund of the lottery.

II. Purpose of the lottery

3.1. The lottery is held to support the development of physical culture and sports.

3.2. Target deductions from the lottery are five percent of the proceeds from the lottery.

IV. The name of the lottery organizer, indicating their legal and postal addresses, bank details, taxpayer identification number and information about opening accounts with a credit institution

4.1. The organizer of the lottery is the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer).

Postal address: 105064, Moscow, st. Kazakova, 18. Legal address: 103274, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, 2. Bank details: settlement account N 40105810700000001901 in OPERU-1 of the Bank of Russia, Moscow, personal account 03951007770 in the Interregional Operational Department of the Federal Treasury. Tax identification number 7703771271.

4.2. The Organizer entrusts the holding of the lottery to the Closed Joint Stock Company "State Sports Lotteries" (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) based on the results of the open competition. The Operator conducts the lottery in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, acting on the basis of a state contract concluded with the Organizer, on his behalf and on his behalf.

V. Indication of the territory where the lottery is held

5.1. The lottery is held throughout the Russian Federation.

VI. Lottery timings

6.1. The start date of the lottery is 05/02/2012.

6.2. The lottery deadline is December 31, 2020.

VII. Description of the lottery concept

7.1. The lottery is based on the principle of drawing the prize fund. The drawing of the lottery prize fund between all participants of the lottery is carried out at a time after the distribution of lottery tickets (hereinafter - the Ticket) 1 .

7.2. The lottery is based on the principle of random matching of the numbers of the game combinations chosen by the lottery participant with the numbers of the winning combinations formed by the lottery equipment in an unintentional way in the process of drawing the lottery prize fund (drawing draw).

7.3. The contract for participation in the lottery is formalized by issuing a ticket to the lottery participant.

7.4. The lottery is held in real time.

In order to automate the circulation and speed up the process of determining winnings, the lottery is carried out using modern devices that are connected to the lottery information processing center (hereinafter referred to as the computer center), other channels for receiving lottery bets and special software, interconnected using information and communication technologies. Lottery bets are also accepted using means of communication, including via the Internet information and telecommunication network, using short text messages sent via mobile radiotelephone communications, as well as in another way provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Methods for accepting lottery bets are determined by the Operator.

7.5. When conducting a lottery, the Operator uses the drawing algorithms established by these Terms and Conditions, based on the principle of guessing the numbers in the number (game combination) of the Ticket. At the same time, the simultaneous use of several drawing algorithms is not allowed.

7.6. The lottery is based on one or both of the following principles:

7.6.1. The lottery participant chooses at his own discretion a game combination (combinations) from a number of game combinations offered to him and pays a fee in the amount of its (their) value;

7.6.2. The lottery participant independently forms a game combination (combinations) according to the formation rules brought to him and pays a fee in the amount of its (their) value.

7.7. During the drawing of the prize fund of the draw, the winning combination of the draw is randomly and unintentionally formed using lottery equipment.

7.8. The fact of winnings and their sizes are determined by the presence of coincidences of the numbers of game combinations with the numbers of the winning combination of the draw according to the rules for determining winnings, brought to all participants in the lottery.

7.9. The goal of the lottery is to guess the maximum number of matches between the numbers in the game combinations and the numbers in the winning combination.

7.10. With the help of special software, the coincidence of the numbers in the game combinations with the numbers of the winning combinations, determined randomly during the draw, is monitored, the numbers of the winning Tickets and the amounts of the winnings dropped out on them are determined.

7.11. A winning combination is recognized as a game combination that fully or partially, in accordance with the algorithm for determining winnings, coincided with the winning combination formed by the lottery equipment during the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw.

7.12. The amount of winnings depends on the number of matched numbers.

7.13. The time of the lotteries of the prize funds of the draws is indicated by the Operator in the Tickets.

7.14. In the event of a win on a Ticket, the lottery participant has the right to demand from the Organizer the payment, transfer or provision of winnings on the basis of the Ticket recognized as the winner in accordance with these Terms.

VIII. Organizational and technological description of the lottery

8.1. The lottery process includes the following main steps:

informing potential participants about the rules of participation and the Lottery Terms;

receiving from the participant of the lottery payment for the cost of the game combination;

collection and transmission of information on accepted lottery bets for each lottery draw through information and telecommunication networks for the purpose of registration in the main and backup computing centers;

obtaining confirmation of fixation and accounting of information on accepted rates in the database of the main and backup computing centers;

accounting by the computing center of the cost of the stakes made by the lottery participant;

formation and provision to the lottery participant of the Ticket containing the mandatory details provided for in Chapter XII of these Terms;

formation of the prize fund of the lottery draw;

carrying out the drawing of the prize fund of the lottery draw, determining the numbers of winning Tickets;

processing the results of the circulation, determining the size of the winnings;

informing lottery participants about the results of the draw;

carrying out identification or, if necessary, examination of the Tickets presented to receive the winnings;

payment, transfer or provision of winnings to a lottery participant recognized as a winner in accordance with these Terms;

preparation of reports in accordance with applicable law;

fulfillment of financial obligations.

8.2. Lottery equipment includes equipment of the main and backup computing centers for processing lottery information, other equipment, in particular, equipped with lottery programs.

8.3. The lottery equipment used in the lottery does not contain hidden algorithms (including the source texts of computer programs), information arrays, components or assemblies that are not available for inspection and testing by the bodies exercising control over the lottery, and also allows you to reliably establish, that any information or any document comes from the proper party, to record and transfer information about the results of the draw, to protect information from loss, theft, distortion, forgery, as well as from unauthorized actions to destroy, modify, copy, other similar actions and unauthorized access to the communication network (information and telecommunications network). Lottery equipment must ensure reliable and uninterrupted operation of the lottery, including by redundant main systems, units and components.

8.4. The lottery equipment does not use procedures and algorithms that would allow predetermining the result of the lottery prize fund draw, both before the start of such a draw and during its process.

IX. Rights and obligations of lottery participants

9.1. Participation in the lottery is regulated by Chapter 58 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1996, No. 5, Art. 410) and Federal Law No. 138-FZ of November 11, 2003 "On Lotteries" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) and is based on an agreement .

9.2. Lottery participant - a person who has the right to participate in the drawing of the lottery prize fund on the basis of an agreement concluded with the Lottery Organizer 2 . The agreement between the Organizer and the lottery participant is concluded on a voluntary basis and is formalized by the provision of the Ticket to the lottery participant 3 .

9.3. Lottery participant rights:

9.3.1. The lottery participant has the right to receive information about the lottery placed by the Organizer or the Operator in the mass media, on the information and telecommunication network "Internet" or in any other way.

9.3.2. The Lottery Participant, by concluding an agreement with the Organizer, expresses his consent to the procedure for participation in the lottery in accordance with these Terms, as well as to the processing of his personal data by the Organizer, the Operator, as well as other persons authorized by them.

9.3.3. The lottery participant has the right to demand payment, transfer or provision of winnings on the basis of a lottery ticket recognized as the winner in accordance with the Lottery Terms 4 .

9.3.4. The lottery participant has the right to apply to the court for the protection of his rights in case of delay in payment, transfer or provision of winnings, or non-payment, non-transfer or failure to provide winnings by the Lottery Organizer 5 .

9.4. Responsibilities of the lottery participant:

9.4.1. The lottery participant is obliged to pay the full cost of the game combinations chosen by him.

9.4.2. The Lottery Participant bears the risk of losing the Ticket and the information contained therein from the moment it is received. In case of loss or damage to the Ticket (loss of the ability to be unambiguously identified as containing a winning game combination printed by the lottery equipment), the Organizer and the Operator do not accept claims for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings and do not pay out the winnings.

9.5. The lottery organizer has the right to disclose the personal data of the lottery participant - the owner of the winning Ticket only with his permission. The lottery organizer is not entitled to provide information about the lottery participant to third parties, except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation 6 .

9.6. Suspension or early termination of the lottery does not release the Lottery Organizer from the need to pay, transfer or provide winnings, including the examination of winning Tickets and other necessary actions 7 .

9.7. In case of suspension or early termination of the lottery, the Lottery Organizer, within the period established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation, is obliged to stop distributing Tickets (taking bets), inform lottery participants about this through the mass media and ensure the return of funds on Tickets, distributed, but did not participate in the holding of draws due to the termination of the lottery, and at the same time pay, transfer or provide winnings to lottery participants for previously held draws 8 .

9.8. The lottery organizer is obliged to complete the lottery, including the payment, transfer or provision of winnings, and take other necessary actions in relation to those lottery participants with whom he has concluded an agreement, or return the money for the distributed Tickets if the drawing of the lottery prize fund is not was held. In case of termination of the lottery, its prize fund must be played in full, including the super prize, in the last draw.

X. The procedure and terms for receiving winnings, including after the expiration of these terms, as well as the terms for the examination of winning Tickets

10.1. The winnings are the portion of the lottery prize fund determined in accordance with these Terms, paid in cash or provided in kind to the lottery participant who is declared the winner in accordance with these Terms.

10.2. A ticket containing a lottery bet registered by the lottery equipment is a document confirming the right of the lottery participant to participate in the drawing of the lottery prize fund, and if the game combination indicated in it is recognized as a winning one in accordance with these Terms, it gives the right to receive the winnings.

10.3. The owner of the winning Ticket has the right to demand from the Organizer the payment, transfer or provision of the winnings on the basis of the Ticket recognized as the winner in accordance with these Conditions.

10.4. Information about the procedure, terms, place of receipt of winnings, lottery conditions can be obtained from the Operator, distributors and in the information and telecommunication network "Internet". Information about the results of the lottery prize fund draws is published by the Operator in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation.

10.5. Payment, transfer or provision of winnings to a lottery participant is made by the Organizer (Operator) of the lottery or distributors of lottery tickets upon presentation of the original of the winning Ticket.

10.6. The Operator may, at its discretion, schedule an examination of the winning Ticket if the authenticity of such Ticket is in doubt.

10.7. The examination of the winning Ticket is carried out by the Operator or a person authorized by him.

10.8. The term for the examination of the winning Ticket is up to 45 (forty-five) calendar days from the date of presentation of the Ticket.

10.9. Payment, transfer or provision of winnings begins no later than thirty days after the relevant lottery draw and lasts at least 6 (six) months from the date of publication of the results of the prize pool draw of such draw. The exact deadline for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings, as well as the terms for payment, transfer or provision of winnings, depending on their size, are set by the Operator.

10.10. In the event that the lottery participant presents the winning Ticket to the Organizer, Operator or distributor after the expiration of the period specified in clause 10.9 of these Terms, the decision to pay, transfer or provide the winnings is made by the Operator at its own discretion. In this case, the lottery participant applies to the Operator with an application drawn up in any form with a request to pay, transfer or provide the winnings after the expiration of the period allotted for the payment, transfer or provision of the winnings for the Ticket provided for by these Conditions, indicating the reasons for missing the deadline.

The operator considers the application of the lottery participant within thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the application. Based on the results of consideration of the application, the Operator, recognizing the reasons for missing the deadline specified in clause 10.9. of these Conditions, valid, makes the payment, transfer or provision of winnings or refuses to pay, transfer or provide winnings if the reasons for missing the deadline are recognized as unjustified.

10.11. In the event that the Ticket presented by the lottery participant to receive the winnings is found to be fake by the results of the examination, the Organizer (Operator) refuses to pay, transfer or provide the winnings. In this case, the Organizer (Operator) has the right to apply to law enforcement agencies in the prescribed manner.

10.12. Winnings that are not claimed within the period specified in these Terms, or winnings that the Operator refused to pay due to the recognition of the missed claim period as disrespectful, are deposited on a special account and kept for the general limitation period provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, after which they are credited to the federal budget Russian Federation.

XI. The procedure for informing lottery participants about the rules for participating in the lottery and the results of the drawing of the lottery prize fund

11.1. Informing about the Lottery Terms is carried out by the Operator by posting the relevant information on the information and telecommunications network "Internet", in the media, as well as by distributors in the places where the Tickets are distributed.

11.2. The Operator informs the Lottery participants about the rules for drawing the prize fund according to the algorithm selected by the Operator for determining winnings no later than 30 calendar days before the start date for accepting lottery bets for the draw in which the algorithm selected by the Operator begins to be applied. Informing occurs by posting relevant information in the information and telecommunications network "Internet", in the media, as well as by distributors in the places of distribution of Tickets.

11.3. The results of the drawing of the prize fund of each lottery draw are brought to the attention of the lottery participants by posting the relevant information in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law.

XII. The procedure for the manufacture and sale of Tickets (the procedure for determining and registering lottery bets)

12.1. Tickets are produced by persons authorized by the Operator, or are formed by lottery equipment.

12.2. The ticket must contain the following mandatory details 9:

number and date of issue of permission to conduct the lottery;

the name of the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation that issued the permission to conduct the lottery, the state registration number of the All-Russian lottery;

name of the lottery;

number of ticket;

the name of the Lottery Organizer and his contact phone number;

the name of the Lottery Operator and his contact phone number;

excerpts from these Terms, sufficient for the formation of an adequate idea of ​​the lottery participant about the lottery, about the algorithm for determining the winnings, about the amount of the winnings and the procedure for receiving it;

the size of the lottery prize fund (as a percentage of the proceeds from the lottery);

fixed price of the Ticket or fixed price of a single bet (the cost of the minimum game combination);

the date and place of the drawing of the lottery prize fund, as well as the timing and sources of publication of the official results of the drawing;

information about the place and timing of receiving winnings.

12.3. The inscriptions on the Tickets must be in Russian 10 .

12.4. The price of the Ticket, the amount of winnings and the value of winnings in kind are determined in the currency of the Russian Federation.

12.5. Distribution of Tickets consists in paying by the lottery participant for the corresponding game combination, providing the participant with a Ticket registered or subject to registration by the lottery equipment and containing the lottery participant's lottery bet.

12.6. The start and end times for the distribution of Tickets for each draw are set by the Operator.

XIII. Ticket prices (lottery bet sizes)

13.1. The size of a single lottery bet (one game combination) is set by the Operator from the following values: 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 rubles.

13.2. The cost of a Ticket is determined as the product of the size of a single lottery bet, the number of selected game combinations and the number of draws in which the Participant's lottery bet takes part.

XIV. Cash equivalents of winnings in kind

14.1. The lottery prize fund includes cash, other property or services intended for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings to participants. In particular: apartments; vehicles; non-food products; tourist vouchers and vouchers for sanatorium treatment. Winnings in kind have a declared value in monetary terms - a monetary equivalent, which is included in the prize fund before the start of the draw and is brought to the attention of the participants by the Operator. The participant, whose lottery bet has won in kind, has the right to receive the cash equivalent of the winnings in the amount of its declared value.

XV. The procedure for the formation of the lottery prize fund, its size and the planned distribution structure of the lottery prize fund in accordance with the amount of winnings (as a percentage of the proceeds from the lottery).

15.1. The Lottery Prize Fund includes cash and in-kind winnings to be paid out, transferred or made available in accordance with these Terms. The prize fund of a specific lottery draw is formed from the proceeds from the lottery and is formed by paying a fee by the lottery participants for the right to participate in the drawing of the prize fund of a specific draw.

15.2. The size of the lottery prize fund in relation to the proceeds from the lottery is 50% (fifty percent).

15.3. Before the start of the drawing of the prize fund of the draw, the operator announces the total amount of the prize fund of the draw.

15.4. The lottery prize fund is used exclusively for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings to lottery participants, and it cannot be levied for other obligations of the Organizer and Operator.

15.5. It is prohibited to encumber the lottery prize fund with any obligations, except for the obligations to the lottery participants for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings, as well as to use the lottery prize fund funds other than for the payment, transfer or provision of winnings.

15.6. The distribution of the prize fund is carried out as a percentage of the revenue attributable to each category of winnings. The exact distribution of the prize fund and the categories into which it is distributed are announced by the Operator before the start of accepting lottery bets for the corresponding draw.

15.7. As part of the distribution of the prize fund by categories, in each category, the Operator has the right to: set a fixed amount of winnings for each lottery bet that wins in the category; set and distribute a fixed win among all lottery bets that win in a category; set the minimum winning amount for each lottery bet that wins in the category; distribute in equal shares the funds allocated for the category among all lottery bets that won in it.

15.8. The lottery provides for a super prize that can be transferred from circulation to circulation.

15.9. The super prize is formed at the expense of the prize fund of the first category of winnings of the draw, if there were no winners in the first category of winnings. Super prize funds can be used to pay out winnings by circulation (circulations) if the amount of payments for the circulation (circulations) exceeds the amount of the prize fund formed in it (them).

15.10. The super prize must be drawn at least once during each year of the lottery 11 .

XVI. The procedure for drawing the prize fund of the lottery, the algorithm for determining winnings

16.1. Conducting a lottery includes separate draws, consisting of accepting lottery bets, drawing the prize fund of the lottery draw and paying out winnings.

16.2. The drawing of the prize fund of the draw is carried out at the same time between all lottery participants after receiving lottery bets.

16.3. Drawings of prize funds of circulations are held in accordance with the requirements stipulated by Article 18 of the Federal Law.

16.4. Upon reaching the time set by the Operator, the acceptance of lottery bets for the current draw is terminated.

16.5. Before the start of the drawing of the prize fund of the draw, the operator announces the number of bets accepted for this draw and the total amount of the prize fund of the draw.

16.6. Only the Tickets registered by the lottery equipment and paid by the participants of the lottery, which reflect the game combinations selected by the participants of the lottery, take part in the drawing of the prize fund of the draw.

16.7. In order to draw the prize fund of each lottery draw, the Operator creates a draw commission, which conducts the draws of the prize fund of each lottery draw and confirms the results of the draw by signing the protocol and the official table of draw results.

16.8. In order to determine the winning combination (winning combinations) during the drawing of the prize fund in the relevant draw, the Operator uses special lottery equipment.

16.9. When using lottery equipment, the Operator guarantees that the order of the numbers drawn cannot be predetermined in advance.

16.10. The numbers of the drawn numbers are entered into the database by the Operator. After entering all the numbers that made up the winning combination (winning combinations) and processing the results of the drawing of the prize fund in the corresponding draw, the Operator determines:

Number of winning Tickets;

Winning Ticket Numbers.

16.11. The game is based on the principle of guessing the numbers in the number (game combination) of the Ticket.

16.12. The algorithm for determining the winnings is based on the number of matched numbers of the game combination of the lottery participant with the numbers of the winning combination formed as a result of the draw and the order of such a match.

16.13. When conducting a lottery, the Operator uses the following four algorithms for drawing the lottery prize fund. In this case, the simultaneous use of several algorithms is not allowed. The Operator shall notify the Organizer of the chosen algorithm for drawing the prize fund no later than seven calendar days in advance.

1 Part 2 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of November 11, 2003 N 138-FZ "On Lotteries" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 46, Art. 4434, 2005, N 30, Art. 3104, 2006, N 6, Art. 636, 2008, N 30, item 3616, 2010, N 31, item 4183, 2011, N 27, item 3880, N 30, item 4590).

2 Clause 11 of Article 2 of the Federal Law.

3 Clause 2 of Article 1063 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

4 Paragraph 2 of Part 2 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

5 Part 3 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

6 Part 4 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

7 Part 1 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

8 Part 5 of Article 20 of the Federal Law.

9 Part 1 of Article 12 of the Federal Law.

10 Part 2 of Article 12 of the Federal Law.

11 Part 2 of Article 18 of the Federal Law.

We have already mentioned that Gosloto positions itself as state lottery. Is it really? Upon closer examination, it turned out to be not so state-owned. From the legal side, the organizer of the project is the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. However, the direct organizer of the draws is Orglot LLC. Gosloto Trading House LLC is also directly related to the holding of lotteries. The names of the leaders of these two commercial companies remain unknown to the general public, and the firms are registered offshore. Initially, Gosloto was located on the Internet at Relatively recently (since 2012), the lottery "moved" to

From 04.01.2013 it became known that the right to conduct lotteries "Gosloto" passed to CJSC State Sports Lotteries. The organization of draws is carried out in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2012 No. 687 in order to attract funds to domestic sports. The previous name of the above-mentioned company was CJSC "Nero". The story with the owners of the organization repeats itself: "Nero" belongs to another legal entity and it is not possible to obtain information about the true leaders.

What is the result? The owners, it would seem, have changed, and the lottery was supposed to become "more transparent". But this did not happen. The algorithms for conducting the draws remained the same (including possible frauds). There is information that in fact both the management and the staff remained at their former jobs. The Internet is full of articles and videos about cases of cheating players who decide to take part in Gosloto lotteries.

It is worth paying attention to one important fact: the draws of this lottery are not held live. Several years have already passed, and the organizers still cannot deal with the "problems" that prevent online broadcasting directly during (and not later or earlier) the prize draw. It can hardly be attributed to the category of accidents. In addition, the presence of signs of video editing cannot be denied.

Progress does not stand still, so even an "honest" live broadcast of the lottery draw cannot completely protect against fraud. The technical possibilities are so wide that it doesn't cost anything for the organizers to acquire a lottery machine that dispenses balls not in random order, but exactly what the lottery operators need. Neither the draw commission nor the audience sitting directly in the studio can find fault.

Why the organizers lottery "Gosloto" have not yet taken advantage of this "loophole"? Most likely they don't need it. The popularity of the lottery is so high, and the distribution system is so developed that the organizers do not have to change anything, at least for the next couple of years. The Gosloto lottery has terminals, ticket sales points, a system of agreements with Euroset and even a network of Nestlé kiosks. The lottery site is promoted and supported by several resources, including: It should be noted that the media also played a role in increasing the public's confidence in the Gosloto lottery. For example, in Moskovsky Komsomolets you can sometimes find articles on Gosloto (positive, of course).

There is information that the state made a number of claims against the organizers of the draws. However, the remarks touched not on the dubious conditions of the circulation, but on the financial part. The Gosloto lottery did not fulfill the terms of the agreement concluded with the Ministry of Sports. It was about paying 15% of the income received through the sale of tickets. The funds were planned to be sent to the implementation of the sports development program. According to the plans, the Gosloto project was supposed to bring at least 15 billion rubles to the state treasury. But the amount turned out to be much more modest: up to 2 billion were transferred over a four-year period.

On this fact, an audit of the activities of Orglot LLC was carried out by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. It turned out that this Gosloto operator offered the most unfavorable terms of cooperation in comparison with other lottery organizing companies. Probably, the competition was won by bribing some of the persons responsible for its conduct.

In 2009, Orglot LLC officially showed itself as an organization with unprofitable activities. The financial loss "on paper" amounted to 4.5 billion rubles. But, most likely, the real profit was withdrawn to offshore zones.

If you still have not changed your mind about playing Gosloto, then further in the article you will find a description of the types of games:

  • "5 out of 36";
  • "6 out of 45";
  • "7 out of 49";
  • "Rapido".

Gosloto also owns the Thimbles project. This is an instant lottery.

The official name of the first lottery on the list is VGL 1 Sport. The draw takes place daily. Draw broadcast time: 22:00. "6 out of 45"- "VGL 2 Sport". It is also a daily lottery. You can watch the broadcast of the draw at 23:59. "7 out of 49" held somewhat less frequently - once a week at 22:00. The Rapido draw is a lottery in which you can participate 3 times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 20:00.

The listed games have a betting system. The minimum bet on "VGL 1 Sport" and "Rapido" is 20 rubles. The rate on "6 out of 45" is slightly higher - 30 rubles. Most of the money for the minimum bet will have to be spent when participating in "7 out of 49" - 100 rubles.

To attract more players to lottery "Gosloto", the organizers go for tricks: from time to time they change the cost of tickets, dates of draws. Unfortunately, there is no talk of increasing the "transparency" of lotteries. Changes made to the legislation in 2014 led to the fact that in the Russian Federation there are 2 main operators of all-Russian lotteries. But these measures did not stop the Gosloto lottery. Does something prevent you from changing the legal entity again and finding the "necessary" official interested in material "remuneration"?

It is worth talking separately about "Rapido". The lottery has some differences from the standard ones. The project started in 2013. The scheme of the game is reminiscent of Keno. Game algorithm: 8 out of 20 + bonus ball 1 out of 4. The jackpot size is relatively small, but the chance of winning is much higher than other lotteries.

Chances to win at Gosloto

Matches Gosloto
"Gosloto 5/36" "Gosloto 6/45" "Gosloto 7/49"
1 - - -
2 1: 8 1: 7 -
3 1: 81 1: 45 1: 22
4 1: 2.432 1: 733 1: 214
5 1: 376.992 1: 34.808 1: 4.751
6 - 1: 8.145.060 1: 292.179
7 - - 1: 85.900.584

The maximum amount of winnings in Gosloto, which has ever been registered in the Russian Federation, amounted to 100 million rubles. The winner of this prize took part in the "6 out of 45" draw. There is a lot of information on the Internet about receiving fabulous sums thanks to the "cherished ticket". But where is the guarantee that these articles and reviews were not written to order?

The above can be summarized as follows. Lottery "Gosloto" is undoubtedly the largest Russian lottery. But does she deserve complete trust? Of course, you can try to catch luck by the tail, but it's better to do it with your head. Remember that you can be deceived. It is worth thinking about or European lotteries, which have more "transparency".

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On June 7, in St. Petersburg, on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, an Agreement on Cooperation and Cooperation was signed between the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and State Sports Lotteries Joint Stock Company* (GSL JSC), the operator of state lotteries distributed under the Stoloto brand ". The document was signed by the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Pavel Kolobkov and General Director of GSL JSC Valentin Kondrashov. Within the framework of the Agreement, it is planned to hold a number of joint events for the implementation of the federal project “Sport is the norm of life”. “Our task is to ensure 55% involvement of citizens in sports by 2024, including strengthening the training of the country's sports reserve,” said Pavel Kolobkov. - State lotteries...

The Sport-pari company is looking for the owner of an unprecedented win in the history of our country. In draw No. 703, which took place on Thursday, June 6, a jackpot of 3 million 973 thousand 635 rubles was drawn, which is a record in the history of lotteries and electronic interactive games in the Republic of Belarus. It is known that the bet was made in Mogilev. The numbers 16, 27, 11, 32, 9, 41 turned out to be lucky. The player needs to contact the Sports Betting company and present a lucky check-forecast. The record winnings will be promptly paid to the winner in full. In accordance with the law, winnings in electronic interactive games are not taxed. “We were looking forward to this victory. The big jackpot draw is the main event and the logical result...

In March 1996, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Decree No. 268 - “On events held in connection with the celebration in 1996 of the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet.” There are 171 items in the plan, starting from a festive concert at the State Kremlin Palace and ending with a traveling exhibition dedicated to the main event of the year. The total budget of the celebrations is estimated at 199.4 billion rubles (amount before denomination) + 5.5 million dollars. Funding from the federal budget, as well as from the Fund for the 50th Anniversary of the Victory, the Fund for the Promotion of Culture and Art, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets and other sources fleet. Unusual...

JSC "State Sports Lotteries", the operator of most Russian lotteries, was finally banned from using the word "state" in its name. The story began last year. On December 12, 2018, the Moscow Arbitration Court ruled in case No. А40-213716/2018. The plaintiff was the Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46 for Moscow, the defendant was State Sports Lotteries JSC. Complaint - the need to change the company name. Required clarification: The company name is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 1473, which states that a company cannot take and call itself federal, state, and so on. As a result of consideration of the case, the Court decided: To oblige the Joint-Stock Company "Gosudar ...

May 11 this year was a significant day for the administration of Loterías Cervantes - a jackpot fell on a ticket bought in this Spanish tent - 24,313,069 euros. The event is doubly noteworthy for Cervantes: firstly, it is the largest prize that has ever been sold here. And secondly (and this moment will be extremely interesting for Russian players who have not unreasonably fallen in love with this lottery seller) - the ticket was sold via the Internet, and it was bought by a regular player who has been participating in this lottery for many years. The combination that brought the (still unknown) winner in Lotería Primitiva: - 07, 15, 17, 28, 45, 47. Additional number - 11. Reintegro: 7 As additional details become available, we will supplement this article. P. s In the illustrative photo (...

The jackpot of the Russian Lotto lottery is breaking records: more than 850 million rubles are already at stake, and soon there will be a billion. True, it has one small but important property: according to the current rules of the drawing, the jackpot cannot be hit. This is not a reservation or assumption, but a simple mathematical fact: with a probability of winning of 1 in 45 quadrillion, the main prize is forcibly excluded from the drawings. But people win! How is it, you ask? After all, sometimes people win, and it’s the jackpot! In 2017, we all witnessed such a rare success when the organizers presented the country with Natalia Vlasova, who received 506 million rubles. And in the last New Year's draw, two winners shared a billion, they were also shown to us ... It turns out a contradiction: to win the jackpot ...

What do a maternity hospital, a lottery, and a daring prison break have in common? Answer: Bartholomew Moss, Irish surgeon and obstetrician who was behind the founding of Europe's first maternity hospital. The hospital, overlooking the wonderful Rotunda (it gave the name to the complex) at the intersection of Parnell and O'Connell streets, was built in 1757. The design of the building belongs to the architect of German origin Richard Castle, who created many outstanding buildings in Ireland. Philanthropy and frivolity Creating a clean and functional maternity hospital for the poor was a costly monumental task, and Bartholomew Moss, who dreamed of building one, knew he could only do so with the help of the wealthy elite of Britain and Ireland. For that time, his strategy became unique: by raising funds for the construction ...

The State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes recommended that the lower house of parliament adopt in the first reading a bill giving the right to the Federal Tax Service (FTS) to identify the organizers of illegal lotteries and gambling. The document was initiated by the government of the Russian Federation. It is planned that the State Duma will consider the bill at a meeting on May 15. The bill gives the Federal Tax Service the authority to make transactions in order to identify a Russian legal entity, an individual entrepreneur, as well as a foreign person who organizes lotteries and gambling with violations. We are talking about the organization and conduct of lotteries without a decision of the government of the Russian Federation, without concluding a contract with the organizer of the lottery for its conduct, or after the expiration of the established period for holding the lottery. It will also affect the distribution of lo...

TV lottery with a long history and permanent host Mikhail Borisov.
The first draw took place on October 16, 1994.
Since then, millions of people across Russia have become lottery winners.
Country houses, cars, apartments and cash prizes are drawn in the lottery.

"Russian Lotto" is a tradition to win!"

a popular TV lottery created especially for those who dream of owning their own apartment.
Apartments, houses and cash prizes are raffled off in weekly draws.
Since December 2012, more than 1,000 properties have been raffled off.
Be the next newcomer!
The ticket price is 100 rubles.
Watch broadcasts of draws on Sundays at 08:20 on the NTV channel.
Your apartment - your life!

lucky lottery!
This is the only lottery where 3 balls remain in each draw, which increases the number of winnings.
The weekly draws mostly give away cash prizes, but there are draws that also give away country houses and cars.
Also, in each draw you can win a super prize of 3,000,000 million rubles.
The ticket price is 100 rubles.
Broadcast of draws takes place on Sundays at 08:20 on the NTV channel

TV lottery with simple rules and a successful game formula!
In each draw, you can win a super prize from 3,000,000 million rubles, as well as numerous cash prizes.
According to statistics, every 4th ticket wins.*
The ticket price is 100 rubles.
Watch broadcasts of draws on Sundays at 08:20 on the NTV channel.
* The phrase "wins every 4th ticket" indicates the probability of winning, calculated mathematically.

lottery with a multi-million dollar super prize and a huge number of winners in each draw.

The cost of one ticket is from 200 rubles.

Lottery draws are held three times a week: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Live broadcasts of the draws are held daily on the website at 10:00 and 22:00 (Moscow time)

lottery with record winnings!

More than 364,000,000 rubles - the largest super prize raffled off on May 21, 2017.
This colossal prize went to the winner from Sochi.

Ticket price - from 100 rubles.

Drawings are held 2 times a day, daily: at 11:00 and 23:00 (Moscow time) on the website

a new version of the familiar lottery.
Five guessed numbers will bring you a super prize.
Which of the two determines the field.
According to statistics, a new millionaire appears in the lottery every week.
Ticket price - from 40 rubles! Participate in draws 5 times a day and become the next millionaire! Two super prizes in one lottery!
* The phrase “a new millionaire appears every week” is based on the following data: in the period from September 25 to October 29, 2017, every week there was at least one participant who won more than one million rubles in the VGL 1 Sport lottery (winning determination algorithm No. 2).

lottery where 7 guessed numbers will bring you millions of rubles.

Big wins are waiting for you already for 6 and 5 guessed numbers.

Lottery draws are held 6 times a day, daily: at 09:30, 12:30, 15:30, 17:30, 19:30 and 21:30 (Moscow time)

new lottery from "Sportloto"

To win, it is enough to guess the number of the bonus ball! Big wins and a multi-million dollar super prize are waiting for you!

Ticket price - from 50 rubles.

Participate in draws every day and try your luck in the new "Sportloto Matchball" lottery!

lottery with a high probability of winning Jackpot from 10,000,000 rubles and other cash prizes.
There are 75 balls in the draw, only 3 remain, which means there are many winners each draw. To win, you need to get the given figures in the playing field of the ticket or cross out all the numbers.

The ticket price is 100 rubles.

Watch broadcasts of draws on Sundays at 08:20 on NTV channel Each ticket - three chances to win!

— a new numerical lottery with an interesting visualization: to take part, you must select a date (day, month, year) and a zodiac sign.

The lottery has an accumulative super prize, and the probability of winning it is quite high.

Ticket price - 25 rubles.

Draws are held in the lottery center once a day at 23:30 (Moscow time)

Hundreds of winners every 15 minutes! *
"Rapido" means fast, but this lottery is also generous: its prize pool is 67% of sales.
An expanded bet multiplies the chances of winning and the amount of the winnings.

One ticket can participate in 100 draws at once.
* The phrase "Hundreds of winners every 15 minutes!" is based on the following data: in the period from 01/09/2017 to 01/15/2017, the average number of winners in each draw of the VGL 3 Sport lottery (winning determination algorithm No. 2), calculated mathematically, is 216 people. Draws of the VGL 3 Sport lottery, algorithm for determining winnings No. 2, are held every 15 minutes, with the exception of technical breaks. See the time of technical breaks on the website

take of the original for fans of "Rapido"
Rapido is the most popular fast lottery. Prize fund "Rapido 2.0" - 50% of sales.
Familiar rules: you need to choose 8 + 1 number
Ticket price - from 150 rubles.
Will allow fans of "Rapido" to participate constantly: now you can win twice as often!*

* The phrase "Win twice as often!" indicates the possible frequency of winnings with simultaneous participation in the VGL 3 Sport draws (winning algorithm No. 2) and VGL 5 Sport (winning determining algorithm No. 6) in comparison with participation only in VGL 3 Sport (winning determining algorithm No. 2).

"Win without even guessing a single number!"
A similar lottery was known in ancient China.
Today "KENO-Sportloto" is 37 winning categories and prizes up to 10,000,000 rubles.
And you can win without even guessing a single number.

Ticket price - from 50 rubles.

Draws take place every 15 minutes.

Choose, play, win!
Top 3 is one of the easiest and most popular lotteries in the world.
What is the secret of her success?
To win, you need to guess only one, two or three numbers.
At the same time, you choose how to play and how much to win.

Draws take place every 15 minutes.

Win by guessing 12 numbers! Win without guessing a single number!
"12/24" is the only lottery where you can win a super prize without guessing a single number.
Also, those who guess 12 numbers out of 24 get a super prize.
In addition to the super prize, there are 8 more ways to win in the lottery.
Ticket price - from 60 rubles.

Draws take place every 15 minutes.

Easier than two and two!

"Duel" is a battle on two fields, in which there is a high probability of winning and the biggest chances for a super prize among draw lotteries.
The minimum lottery combination consists of two numbers in the first field and two numbers in the second.
It's easier than two and two!

Ticket price - from 30 rubles.

Draws take place every 15 minutes.

When luck is the best trump card!
The Joker is a special card in the game deck.
Just a few lucky cards can bring victory!
"Joker" is a special lottery in which the combination consists of 9 cards.
Choose your winning combo!
Ticket price - from 30 rubles.
Draws take place every 15 minutes.
* The phrase “every 15 minutes” indicates the possibility of participating in the VGL 5 Sport lottery (winning algorithm No. 5) every 15 minutes, except for technical breaks. See the time of technical breaks on the website

South Pole


South Pole


Ticket price: 50 rubles.
"South Pole" is an instant lottery of the Forward to Victory series.
The maximum win is 1,000,000 rubles. Prize fund 50%. In this instant lottery you can win: 50, 100, 200, 300, 500,
5,000, 10,000, 20,000, 1,000,000 rubles.
How to play:
A lottery ticket consists of four game fields: "Your result", "Opponent's result", "Prize" and "Game2", which form two games.
Remove the protective layer from the "Your result" and "Opponent's result" playing fields. If the number in the "Your result" field is greater than the number contained in the "Opponent's result" field, then the winnings are equal to the amount of money indicated in the "Prize" field.
Remove the protective layer from the field "Game 2", which contains one of the letters of the word "SOCHI". Present four tickets, from the letters of which you can make the word "SOCHI" and get a prize - 20,000 rubles.

How to play

10 - Goal3.jpg


Ticket price: 50 rubles.
"Goal" is an instant lottery of the Forward to Victory series.
The maximum win is 3,000,000 rubles. Prize fund 50%. In this instant lottery you can win: 50, 200, 400, 1,000, 10,000, 20,000, 100,000, 3,000,000 rubles.
How to play:
Remove the protective layer from the game board "Game 1". You won if you found at least one "Ball" prize symbol under the protective layer. The amount of winnings depends on the number of prize symbols found in the field and is determined in accordance with the information placed on the front side of the ticket.
Remove the protective layer from the "Game 2" field, which contains one of the letters of the word "FOOTBALL". Present six tickets, from the letters of which the word "FOOTBALL" can be formed, and receive a prize - 100,000 rubles.

How to play

Naval skirmish

Naval Battle 01 (30.03.2018)1.jpg

Naval skirmish


How to play

10_5 by 10 new1.jpg


Ticket price: 100 rubles
"5 on 10" is an instant lottery series "Faster, Higher, Stronger!". The maximum win is 1,000,000 rubles. Prize fund 50%. In this instant lottery you can win: 100, 500, 1,000, 100,000 and 1,000,000 rubles.
How to play:
Remove the protective layer from the playing fields "Your Numbers" and "Game". You win if the two-digit number in the "Game" field matches the number in the "Your numbers" field. The amount of winnings is determined by the amount indicated directly below the matched number in the "Game" field. In case of multiple matches, the winnings are summed up.

How to play

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!


Ticket price: 50 rubles
"Happy New Year!" is an instant lottery of the "Patterns on Ice" series. The maximum win is 1,000,000 rubles. Prize fund 60%. In this instant lottery you can win: 50, 100, 400, 1,000, 10,000, 50,000 and 1,000,000 rubles.
How to play:
Remove the protective layer from the playing field "Short Program", "Free Program", "Record" and "Prize". If the sum of the numbers in the "Short program" and "Free program" fields is greater than the number in the "Record" field, then your winnings are equal to the amount of money indicated in the "Prize" field.

How to play

Cats and mice

Cats and mice 1 (02.04.2018)1.jpg

Cats and mice


Ticket price: 50 rubles.
"Cat and Mouse" is an instant drawless lottery of the "Forward to Victory" series.
The maximum win is 100,000 rubles. Prize fund 50%. In this instant lottery you can win: 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 3000, 5,000, 10,000, 25,000, 100,000 rubles.
How to play:
Remove the protective layer from all four playing fields. If there are three identical symbols on one of the vertical, horizontal or diagonal lines of any of the four playing fields, the ticket is considered to be winning, and the winnings are equal to the amount indicated by the arrow as an extension of this line.

How to play

Bagel and Sema

Bagel and Sema


Ticket price: 20 rubles.
“The “Bublik and Sema” series is an instant lottery “Funny Starts”. The game is also presented in the following designs: Fencing, Basketball, Bobsleigh The maximum win is 200,000 rubles. Prize fund 50%. In this instant lottery you can win: 20, 50, 100, 500, 1,000, 50,000 and 200,000 rubles.
How to play:

How to play


Ticket price: 20 rubles.
"Football" is an instant lottery "Merry Starts". The maximum win is 1,000,000 rubles. Prize fund 50%. In this instant lottery you can win: 20, 100, 300, 1,000, 50,000 and 1,000,000 rubles.
How to play:
Remove the protective layer from the playing field. If there is a number under the protective layer, it will be considered winning, and the winnings correspond to this number in rubles.

How to play





Ticket price: 20 rubles.
"Fencing" is an instant lottery "Fun Starts". The game is also presented in the design: Basketball, Bobsleigh, Bagel and Sema series. The maximum win is 200,000 rubles. Prize fund 50%. In this instant lottery you can win: 20, 50, 100, 500, 1,000, 50,000 and 200,000 rubles.
How to play:
Remove the protective layer from the playing field. If there is a number under the protective layer, it will be considered winning, and the winnings correspond to this number in rubles.

How to play


Ticket price: 20 rubles.
"Bobsleigh" is an instant lottery "Funny Starts". The game is also presented in the design: Basketball, Bobsleigh, Bagel and Sema series. The maximum win is 200,000 rubles. Prize fund 50%. In this instant lottery you can win: 20, 50, 100, 500, 1,000, 50,000 and 200,000 rubles.
How to play:
Remove the protective layer from the playing field. If there is a number under the protective layer, it will be considered winning, and the winnings correspond to this number in rubles.

How to play

winter fun

Zimnyaa zabava1.jpg

winter fun


Ticket price: 30 rubles.
"Winter Fun" is an instant lottery "Russian Games". The game is also presented in the following designs: Horoscope, Gorodki, Men's Sports Series, Figure Skating, Rhythmic Gymnastics. The maximum win is 300,000 rubles. Prize fund 50%. In this instant lottery you can win: 30, 60, 150, 300, 1500, 15,000, 300,000
How to play:

Remove the protective layer from the "Game 1" game board. Under the protective layer there are three symbols, each of which corresponds to one of the winnings. If all three symbols are the same, then the ticket is a winning one. The win is equal to the repeated symbol.
Under the protective layer is one of the following letters: "C", "T", "A", "P". Having collected a combination of five tickets, under the protective layer of which there are letters that can form the word "START", the participant will receive a guaranteed prize of 1,500 rubles. Attention! Getting a guaranteed win on a combination of tickets is possible only if none of the five tickets containing the letters that form the word "START" received a win in the first playing field ("Game 1"). Simultaneously with the receipt of a guaranteed win on a combination of tickets, winnings will be received in the first playing field (“Game 1”) in all five tickets.

How to play

Prazdnik sports1.jpg


Ticket price: 25 rubles.
“Tennis, Ping-Pong, Beach Volleyball, Swimming Series” is an instant lottery “Sports Festival”. The game is also presented in the following designs: Snowboard/Biathlon Series, Women's Sports Series. The maximum win is 500,000 rubles. Prize fund 50%. In this instant lottery you can win: 25, 100, 200, 1,500, 3,000, 50,000, 500,000 rubles.
How to play:
The lottery ticket consists of two playing fields: "Game 1" and "Game 2".
Remove the protective layer from the game board "Game 1". If there is a number below it, then the ticket is considered winning, and the winnings correspond to this number in rubles.
Remove the protective layer from the game board "Game 2". If "x1" is written under it, then the winnings in Game 1 will not change. If "x2" is written under the protective layer, then the winnings in Game 1 are doubled.

How to play

auto racing


auto racing


Ticket price: 25 rubles.
“The series “Auto Racing, Motorcycle Racing, Karting” is an instant lottery “Sports Season”. The game is also presented in the following design: "Fitness" series, 777 The maximum win is 250,000 rubles. Prize fund 50%. In this instant lottery you can win: 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 250,000 rubles.
How to play:
The lottery ticket consists of two playing fields: "Game 1" and "Game 2".


How to play


Ticket price: 25 rubles.
“Series “Fitness” is an instant lottery “Sports season”. The game is also presented in the following design: Car Racing, Moto Racing, Karting Series, 777 The maximum win is 250,000 rubles. Prize fund 50%. In this instant lottery you can win: 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 250,000 rubles.
How to play:
The lottery ticket consists of two playing fields: "Game 1" and "Game 2".
Remove the protective layer from the game board "Game1". If the same number is repeated three times under the protective layer, then you have won, and your winnings in this game correspond to this number in rubles.
Remove the protective layer from the game field "Game 2", which contains one of the letters of the word "START". Present five tickets, from the letters of which you can make the word "START" and get a prize - 1500 rubles.

How to play


How to play

Sprint AUTO


Sprint AUTO


Ticket price: 30 rubles
"Sprint AUTO" is an instant lottery of the "Sport without borders" series. The maximum win is 500,000 rubles. Prize fund 60%. In this instant lottery you can win: 30, 50, 100, 300, 500, 3,000, 30,000 and 500,000 rubles.
How to play:

How to play

Bowling face (30.05.2018).jpg


Ticket price: 20 rubles
"Bowling" is an instant lottery of the "Funny Starts" series. The maximum win is 400,000 rubles. Prize fund 50%. In this instant lottery you can win: 20, 40, 80, 200, 400, 2,000, 20,000 and 400,000 rubles.
How to play:
Remove the protective layer from the playing field. If there is a number under the protective layer, then the ticket is considered winning.

How to play

Golf new 01.jpg


Ticket price: 20 rubles
"Golf" is an instant lottery of the "Funny Starts" series. The maximum win is 100,000 rubles. Prize fund 50%. In this instant lottery you can win: 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 400, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000 rubles.
How to play:
Remove the protective layer from the playing field. If there are three identical symbols under the protective layer, you won the prize indicated in the table (see on the back of the lottery)

How to play

Racing new.jpg


How to play

Star magic


Star magic


Ticket price: 30 rubles
"Magic of the Stars" is a no-draw instant lottery from the "Sports Without Borders" series. The maximum win is 200,000 rubles. Prize fund 60%. In this instant lottery you can win: 30, 50, 80, 100, 1,000, 3,000, 6,000 and 200,000 rubles.
How to play:
Remove the protective layer from the playing field. If there is a number under the protective layer, then you have won the corresponding amount of money in rubles. If there is a zodiac sign under the protective layer, collect three tickets with different signs related to the same season and get the corresponding prize displayed on the back of the ticket.

How to play



Ticket price: 25 rubles.
"Capital" is an instant lottery of the "Celebration of Sports" series. The maximum win is 100,000 rubles. Prize fund 50%. In this instant lottery you can win: 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 1,000, 2,000, 20,000, 100,000 rubles.
How to play:
The lottery ticket consists of two playing fields: "Game 1" and "Game 2".
Remove the protective layer from the game board "Game 1". If the same number is repeated three times under the protective layer, then the ticket is considered winning, and the winnings correspond to this number in rubles.
Remove the protective layer from the game board "Game 2". If the symbol "x1" is under the protective layer, the winnings in the first game will not change. If the symbol "x4" is under the protective layer, the winnings in the first game are quadrupled.

How to play

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Ticket price: 30 rubles
"Lemon" is an instant lottery of the "Sports Without Borders" series. The maximum win is 400,000 rubles. Prize fund 60%. In this instant lottery you can win: 30, 100, 150, 300, 600, 1,000, 3,000, 10,000 and 1,000,000 rubles.
How to play:
Remove the protective layer from the playing field. If there is a number under the protective layer, then the ticket is considered winning.

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