Selfies of fat girls at home. How to take a beautiful selfie at home? Instructions and advice from photographers


Selfies, as you know, at leisure are done by everyone without exception. Even those who will never admit it 😉 Our today's review will help you figure out how to take a selfie to please yourself, and collect the maximum possible number of likes on social networks.

For reference: how is selfie translated? Literally, this is a self-made photo, that is, a photo taken by you, which depicts you yourself.

In our opinion, the photo of the stars at the Oscars 2014 can be considered a legendary selfie. The fun taking place is depicted in a short video at the top of the post. A considerable number of stars fell into one photo: here you can admire both Jennifer Lawrence and Julia Roberts, the beautiful Angelina Jolie also lit up. Well, let's not leave the male half without attention - Brad Pitt alone is worth something, handsome Jared Leto and Channing Tatum ... There is no point in listing them all. They are well known to you!

The obvious conclusion is that in order to take a cool selfie, you need to take a picture with a star.

If for some reason you are not yet planning a meeting with a celebrity, then you can simply watch popular Instagram accounts and take your selfies cool. Here are some examples:

And here is a video in which popular models show themselves how beautiful it is to take a selfie:

And a few more words about the right selfie on the example of the stars: naturalness is always relevant. Many stars show their natural beauty, according to the hashtag #nomakeup (from English - “without makeup”) on Instagram, you can see for yourself. So you follow this fashion trend, the main thing is to choose the right light and a winning angle.

If you are in the photo with a pet or a wild animal, success is guaranteed! Charming little animals are a win-win option, as evidenced by these photos:

A good selfie is a photo in extreme conditions, or just in an interesting, extraordinary environment. And it is possible both there and there. In this case, a special “selfie stick”, called a “monopod” or a tripod for the phone, will help. "Selfie stick" has a special button, photos can be taken at a distance.

Let's get back to the technical side of the issue. Here are a few points that will help both guys and girls take a cool selfie:

  • Choose the right lighting. Daylight or cold light are the best helpers in making a good avatar or other photo.
  • Find a good angle. Everything comes with experience - try to shoot yourself from different angles, change the position of your head, etc. You will definitely find the one you need!
  • Girls for a change can use different types of makeup. We advise you to resort to the help of cosmetics with shining particles - illuminating bases, illuminators, shimmers, meteorites ... Everything will come in handy in this case! Do not forget that the camera "eats" makeup, so you can apply a little more tone, for example. But do not abuse - everything is good in moderation.
  • Sunglasses are very useful in a selfie case. They will hide a tired look, and give the image of mystery.
  • Sincere laughter or a smile look a hundred times better in the photo than, for example, the well-known, boring, but exploited by many “duck face” (duck lips). Such cuteness is obtained only in babies (and even then not always).

In the end, I would like to add that selfies are just momentary fun. No need to get carried away and spend half a day searching. If it doesn't work today, it will work tomorrow! Live a rich life and don't let social media become your main source of entertainment. After all, there are still books, friends and fun communication with them, family, travel, walks in the park, wind in your hair, ringing laughter, playing snowballs, sports, dogs and cats that need attention ... well, and much more. Yes, you must know everything yourself!

The popularity of this type of entertainment does not hold. Unfortunately, the poses for a selfie-style photo shoot are quite limited. This is due to the fact that you can only take a selfie in front of a mirror surface or with the help of an outstretched hand. The same type of pictures of girls with duck lips look quite boring. If there is a goal to fill your account with high-quality and interesting photos, you should learn the best selfie poses and some shooting rules.

Attention, shooting!

When taking a selfie without mirrors at an outstretched arm, only the face and chest are usually visible in the frame. It is quite logical that the poses for it must be selected so that the eyes look expressive, and the shape of the chest is not distorted. To do this, the head should be tilted slightly to look at the camera not directly, but at an angle. At the same time, the back should be even, and the chin slightly raised (you don’t want to see wrinkles on your neck?). Photos taken from the front are very rarely successful, as the camera enlarges the nose. You can avoid this effect if you place the camera not in front of your face, but above your head. In addition, this approach allows you to create interesting poses for selfies, because in the frame you will see not only the face, but also the environment.

Girls love to take pictures of themselves in the company of friends. Shooting with an outstretched hand is not suitable for this purpose, since it is not so easy to fit two faces in the frame without cropping. The best solution would be a mirror surface. Poses for a selfie with a girlfriend or girlfriends in front of the mirror can be anything! Jump, make funny faces, smile, hug each other, enjoy sipping a cocktail through a straw! The main thing is that in the frame you look as natural as possible. Cool selfie poses always look better than staged ones with forced smiles and fake emotions. You can experiment with several mirrors. Doubled and even tripled image looks original.

Selfie lovers, who periodically delight the subscribers of their pages with beautiful pictures, use a simple trick. Having experimented at home in front of a mirror, they memorize the most advantageous position, and then slightly modify it. Not a bad option!

Little tricks

Even the most beautiful selfie poses won't be appreciated by viewers if you don't take care of the right lighting. Light can also emphasize the beauty of the skin, the shine of the hair, skillfully executed makeup, and finally spoil the impression. In a dark room, selfies are blurry, grainy, and a shadow will definitely be noticeable on the face, which will not add beauty. The best selfie poses involve good direct lighting. The best option is sunlight that falls on the model's face.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of makeup. Even if there is a desire to look as natural as possible, gloss on the lips and a thin layer of mascara on the eyelashes will not hurt. Bright red, pale pink and purple lipstick looks good on a selfie. The highlighter will save from dark circles under the eyes. It is better to collect hair in a ponytail or a bun so that it does not cover the face, unless, of course, some mystery and mystery is not part of the idea.

Fantasize with poses, change the environment, have fun, and then the selfie is guaranteed to get more than one hundred “likes”!

Prepare the site

Hide everything that does not fit into the concept - a pile of dirty laundry, a bitten cookie, an elderly pug. You can not remove a glass of wine, it will only emphasize your depravity and licentiousness. But the beer bottle is not. Amazing fact.

Highlight the main

Pin-up photographer Sophie Spinell says she always questions her models before shooting about what part of your body do you like best? Spin around in front of the mirror, find what you like, look for a pose in which this part looks awesome.

catch the light

In the dull electric light, we are all drowned pannies. It is best to take such shots in natural light. And when the light falls obliquely - in the morning or in the afternoon. If the curtains are thin and light, they can be drawn to make the light soft and diffused.

Pick up props

A little covered is always more exciting than not covered by anything. Beautiful underwear, an unbuttoned white shirt, a sweater or leather jackets obviously on a naked body - rummage, in a word, in the closet. If there is a strand of pearls or a pendant on a long chain lying around, hang it around your neck - this will emphasize your chest. Food can help too. For example, chewing on a bunch of grapes or waving a couple of cherries can make for a very seductive photo. Banana, too. Ice cream. Chupa Chupsina. But fried chicken - perhaps, still not.

Find your viewing angle

From your hand, from a tripod, from a selfie stick - you can always take a picture of yourself so that it comes out cool. A tripod is definitely the best option. There are many applications designed just for those who take selfies with a tripod. Voice Selfie for Windows, CamMe for iOS, and Snapi for Android, for example.

Emphasize the best

Choose a pose that will showcase your wealth in all its splendor. Are you lifting your chest? Let her, for example, stick out of beautiful lace underwear. You can collect it in a handful or lie on your stomach and rise on your elbows - but this is an option for those who have a size no larger than the second.

Big breasts look more perky if you lie on your back or raise your arms as if you are stretching. Your butt should stick out, so straighten your shoulders and arch your back.

If you want to show curves, but don't want to show your belly, shoot yourself from behind or make a black silhouette against a lighted window. Or take a picture from above so that the bust generally blocks everything. Or sit in front of the camera with your knees drawn up to your chest.

Be careful

Who knows how everything will turn out with the addressee. If you have known each other for a week (and you are already sending him your photos in what your mother gave birth, what a you are!), Then be careful - make sure that neither your face nor any recognizable detail like a tattoo gets into the frame. And then quarrel tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow this frame will become the property of all Facebook. There were such cases in our collective farm.

Watch your face

If you spit on the previous advice - it's up to you. Then you have one more concern - you need to make a suitable face. There is nothing funnier than a sensual selfie with such a stone sign, as if you are pressing a barbell or undergoing heart surgery, and not lying here all so languid, in lace. The arrogant detachment of fashion models is also not for everyone, that is, in the face - most often in the picture you get not royal pride, but intense bewilderment.

Camon, we're having fun here. A sly smile, a raised eyebrow is what you need. Take an example from the same pin-up girls. The playful expression does not require any acting skills at all, but looks great.

Text: Olga Lysenko

Today we'll share a few simple tricks on how to take the right selfie that emphasizes your beauty and hides flaws. Here are a few basic rules to help you get the perfect selfie:

1 Remember the angle (view)

For the perfect selfie, the right angle is extremely important. To avoid the dreaded double chin, selfies should always be taken from above. The face automatically becomes thinner and the area around the eyes optically brighter. The best way to make your face more attractive is to turn your head slightly and tilt it slightly towards the camera. In this basic pose, you will avoid focusing directly on your face. To find the most flattering pose for the perfect selfie, experiment with poses first. Also, to find your ideal angle, we recommend trying to take pictures with a selfie monopod. For example, if shooting from a high angle is required, the Cullmann SMARTselfie Zoom monopod can be mounted on any tripod. Read more about the possibilities of selfie monopods in our next tip.

2 Use a selfie stick

To make taking perfect selfies easier, use a selfie stick. You will be able to "lengthen" your arm as much as you want to achieve the correct angle of view. For example, the SMARTselfie Zoom selfie stick extends up to 84 cm and has advanced control features. The built-in Bluetooth connection mode allows you to control the shutter release of the smartphone camera on the iOS and Android platforms. With a free app, you can control the full zoom range through SMARTselfie Zoom, and the camera position can be changed from selfie mode to normal shooting mode. If you want a simpler model, try Cullmann's SMARTselfie Free. This monopod has almost the same capabilities as the SMARTselfie Zoom, in addition, you can choose one of four bright colors of the gadget to your taste. In addition, the ability to fold makes the monopod a compact travel companion. With a selfie stick, you can even take group selfies and more. Experiment!

3 The right light is the basis of a perfect selfie

You certainly won't be surprised by the fact that when taking selfies, the right light is just as important as the right angle. As with traditional portrait photography, background lighting should be as minimal as possible. You need to look directly at the light source. Natural daylight is preferable to artificial. Also avoid bright flash light. Continuous and too bright flash light can cause red-eye and an unnaturally pale complexion.

4 Don't forget the beautiful background

Before you can take the perfect selfie, you need to find the right background. Make sure there are no awkward situations behind you. The most suitable are neutral backgrounds or nature. If you want to take a selfie in nature, don't shoot directly into the light.

5 Use photo filters and apps

A shiny forehead, dark circles under the eyes or even the first wrinkles - such things can be seen in a selfie without filtering. To take the perfect selfie, you have to be picky about choosing and using a variety of photo filters. Recently, there have been many photo applications for free download from the AppStore. Processing takes little time and is not difficult at all. Just shoot, upload the photo to the filter app, edit and you're done! But be sure to look at your photo again before posting it somewhere.

6 Clothes are very important

If you want to take the perfect selfie, choosing the right outfit for the perfect look is very important. When taking a selfie, the camera will usually focus on the face, but the picture will still show all the details of your image.

6 Do not overestimate the capabilities of the front camera

As you know, the front camera of all conventional smartphones has a much lower resolution compared to the classic rear camera. At first glance, using the front camera to take selfies seems much easier, but the quality often leaves much to be desired. If you then additionally apply a filter to photos taken with the front camera, your selfie will lose all its effect. However, with practice and getting the hang of it, you can take the perfect selfie with the rear camera. The selfie monopod we talked about above will help you with this. To do this, use the extension and control function via Bluetooth. After all, the most important thing is to get the perfect selfie as a result.

7 Bring some variety

Be sure to make sure you don't take selfies in the same position, with the same smile all the time. This will bore your friends and followers very quickly. If your account alternates between one duck-lipped smile and another, it's time for a change to your profile. Experiment with selfies and show your imagination!

The complete line of selfie products from CULLMANN:

SMARTselfie Zoom

SMARTselfie Free

SMARTselfie Easy

It's time to talk about how to take a selfie. The trendy selfie is a great and fun way to show the world your self-confidence, personality and sense of style. Everyone is engaged in self-portraiture - from presidents to famous Oscar winners. It’s a mistake if you think that you just need to point the camera at your face and click without planning everything first, because attention-grabbing photos are real art that your friends will see with great pleasure on their social networks.

Choosing the right pose for a selfie

1) Pick a good angle

Instead of head-and-shouldering selfies, experiment with different angles to show off your best features. If you turn your head a couple of degrees to the left or right, your features will look less flat. At the same time, holding the camera above your head and pointing it at you will make your eyes look a little bigger than they really are, plus you can avoid the "potato nose". Here are a few more ideas to help you find a good angle:

  • Think about your “best side” and try to take pictures from that side of your face. It will not be difficult for you to choose it - this is the side that looks more pretty, balanced and symmetrical.
  • If you hold the camera slightly above your head and take a photo of your face and chest, it will emphasize your bust. And, despite the fact that such a pose is not entirely natural, you will definitely know what your camera is focused on in such a selfie.

2) Show off something new

If you've been wondering how to take a selfie of yourself to show off your new hairstyle or a pair of new earrings, you'll need to position your camera so that the subject you're taking the photo for is clearly visible and pronounced in the photo.

  • A selfie that highlights your new hairstyle should be taken from the best angle you can find. At the same time, if the ideal mustache served as the impetus for creating a new photo, then the camera should be directly in front of the face. Similarly, if you want to show off your new glasses.
  • You can also take a selfie while holding some stylish new accessory you've recently purchased, or even a meal you're about to eat in the not-too-distant future.

If you plan to photograph your face up close, consider emphasizing one facial feature while slightly downplaying the others. This works great if you have a trait that you are particularly happy with.

  • For example, if you love your eyes, highlight them with mascara and add some bold shadows while keeping your complexion and lips as natural as possible. In this case, the lips should be left unpainted, or a pale gloss or lipstick should be used.
  • At the same time, if you love your charming smile, then you should not brightly paint your eyes and powder your cheeks. Focus on the lips, which should show off a stunning bright lipstick.

4) Make an interesting facial expression

You can't go wrong if you smile. It is possible that smiling at the camera of a mobile, or just a camera, will make you feel a little silly, but for that matter, taking a picture of yourself with your phone is already quite stupid and uncomplicated. If you are very serious now and you don’t feel like smiling, then a calm and calm expression on your face will also look great.

  • It's no secret that you can smile in different ways, so you have the opportunity to choose which smile suits your face best. A shy smile with a closed mouth can be absolutely relevant, as well as a wide cheerful grin. No matter what, a smile will always be the most common and bewitching facial expression that you can demonstrate.
  • It is not always easy to make a facial expression seem natural and genuine. But there is at least one way to make it more real - to click yourself at the moment when any emotions overwhelmed you. Try taking a selfie while watching a movie that makes you genuinely laugh, or right after reading some unexpected and shocking news.

5) Take a full length photo

Whether you want to show off a newly acquired outfit or a stunning figure after a grueling diet, you need to stand in front of a large mirror to capture your body from head to toe. Note that in this case, the face will not be a priority and you will not focus on it.

  • Take full-length shots in a tidy room with no extras. Your figure should stand out in the photo, not the background.
  • Your body will visually look a little slimmer if you tilt your hip slightly in the direction where you are holding the camera. The shoulder farthest from the lens needs to be moved forward a little, and the free arm can simply hang down or you can find a good place for it on the waist or hips. The chest should naturally be slightly forward, and the legs should be crossed at the ankle.

6) Give it a natural look

You can take a standard selfie where you look exactly the way the outside world sees you on a daily basis, but a selfie with sleepy hair sticking out or minimal makeup can give the illusion that you are giving your social media followers a chance to catch a glimpse of the “real” you. . It can be equally intriguing and sexy.

  • However, if your appearance when you first got out of bed is more like a nightmare than a beautiful dream, you can fix yourself up. In fact, even a little make-up will give the confident impression that you are showing off your “real face,” especially if your environment is accustomed to watching you wear a lot more makeup.

If you decide to take a selfie of your legs after the next purchase of a fashionable pair of shoes, you should choose an angle in which your legs will seem slender and from which new stylish shoes will be perfectly visible.

  • Point the camera straight down. The edge of the future photo should be somewhere around the hips. This angle will make your legs as long as possible.

There are certain selfie poses that were once wildly popular, but now it's safe to say that their best time is long gone. You can add such photos to the album with the rest of the images for variety, but do it with caution, letting your acquaintances know that you are joking. After all, such selfies are treated as negatively as the famous “duck face” (duck face), muscle tension, pretending to be asleep, or photographs in which the girls pretended to be taken by surprise by someone.

  • "Duck Face" is an awkward combination of elongated lips and huge eyes, made famous by the American actress Snooki and her friends. If you are brave enough, do this at your own peril and risk!
  • Taking pictures of yourself and pretending someone is taking the camera away at the same time. From your posture and posture, it will not be difficult to guess what kind of selfie it is, and then mountains of criticism from your friends are provided to you. But, if you create such a photo with a slight smile on your face or a slight wink, your friends will immediately understand that this is a sarcastic intentional production.

How to take a selfie? Setting up the background

1) Pay attention to good lighting

Having a powerful light source is the key to successful photography in general, and self-portrait photography is no exception. If you try to take a selfie in a dim room, or in a room lit by fluorescent lights, you will definitely not achieve the desired result. Natural sunlight will be the best for your photos, so try to shoot near a window or outdoors.

When taking selfies, keep these tips in mind:

  • For the best shot, stand in front of the sun or other light source. The light will make your facial features brighter and softer without leaving harsh shadows on your face. If the light source is behind you, the photo will show ugly shadows, and your features may be distorted.
  • Consider using a thin curtain to diffuse artificial light or sunlight. It will soften the light and enhance the photo, giving the impression of a smooth, unobtrusive background against which your face will look more attractive.
  • Natural light renders colors much better than artificial light, but you can use artificial light to fill in the shadows. If you don't have the ability to organize proper lighting, most modern digital cameras have built-in auto-correction to help improve selfies.
  • Don't use your flash if you can do without it. It will create highlights on your forehead, distort your features, and possibly give you a red-eye effect.

2) Use your phone's rear camera

Many smartphones are equipped with two cameras: one of them is located on the back panel (main), the other is in the front of the device. Instead of using the front camera, take pictures of the main one. It takes pictures of much higher resolution than the front, which is likely to give you only blurry selfies. You will have to rotate your phone in such a way that you will not see the future picture. But this inconvenience is worth using the rear camera.

3) Use a mirror only if it's the only way to get the photo you want.

The image will be reflected, the phone will be visible in the photo, and you will most likely photograph yourself with a strange look. In addition, your picture may be distorted, since the mirror does not always reflect an absolutely accurate image. It's much better to just reach out your hand, and, grabbing the phone with your wrist, take a picture. It may take you a little practice to get the hang of capturing your entire face, but after a while you will definitely not cut off the top of your head.

  • The exception would be when you want to take a full-length selfie. It is very difficult to make such a photograph, capturing an area larger than from head to chest, without the use of a mirror.
  • Practice using both your hands to take a selfie and see which angle gives you the best shot.

The best photos are those that capture not only the face, but also something interesting in the background. Wherever you decide to take pictures, indoors or outdoors, the first step is to look around and study the surrounding area. Choose a position where future viewers can see what you want to show them.

  • Nature will always play the role of an excellent backdrop. In spring or summer, you can pose next to a small tree plantation, or near blooming bushes and flowers, which do a great job as a quick background. In autumn you can capture the falling leaves and in winter the majesty of snow and ice.
  • If nature is not to your liking, you can stay at home and take pictures right in your room. Remember pure things. You can display something interesting in your home as long as it doesn't detract from your face. For example, if you love to read, bookshelves make a great backdrop. But a huge poster on the wall with the image of many faces will not be a very good background.

Common culprits like younger siblings, crying babies, and dogs taking a bath behind you can seriously mess up your photo. Before you take a picture, take a good look around to see if anyone is hiding in the shadows, waiting for the moment to ruin your selfie.

  • In case your photo fails due to one of the above reasons, you can always take another shot after waiting until the "destroyer" of photos is removed.
  • Sometimes unexpected guests fit into the photo quite well. Don't delete a photo just because it shows your sister's face. A joyful goofy baby face, combined with your serious facial expression, can add originality to a photo.

6) Call a couple of people for a joint selfie

The main requirement of a selfie is your presence in the frame, however, no one claims that you should be alone in the photo! Call your friends, the same sister with the dog, to take a picture together. The photo will not be predictable, but visually funny and interesting for other people who will view and like it.

  • This is a great way to take a photo of yourself in public if you're too shy to snap just yourself.
  • The more people in the photo, the more pages will publish it. If you have many friends, imagine how many times they will share the photo and how many people will see and like it.

Upload your image and play around with it a bit

1) Experiment with filters

Most people who take selfies are lucky enough to have apps that can spice up an image with color and filters. Not every filter works well for every selfie, so it's best to try a few options and then settle on one of them.

  • The simplest filters, such as " black and white" (black and white) and " sepia"(sepia) are available in any phone and do not require the installation of a special application.
  • Other popular filters allow you to make your selfie vintage, romantic, darker or lighter. Don't be afraid to try each option and see which one works best for your particular shot.

2) Edit the photo

If you have the right software, for example, you can correct facial imperfections such as pimples and blemishes before posting on social media. You can crop the unwanted part of the background and resize the shot to make the face look different, change the light and shadow in the frame, and much more. Many of these features can be right there on your phone without installing any apps, but there are dozens of apps you can look out for that can do the job.

  • However, the changes should be made small so that the photo looks natural. If you can't make the changes look natural and almost imperceptible, remove any filters you've applied before posting an obvious fake.

3) Upload a photo to all your accounts

Share your selfie on Facebook, Twitter, Vkontakte and Instagram and all your friends will see it. In most cases, you can add a caption to describe what's happening in the frame, but you can also let the image tell you where you've been and what you've been doing.

  • When you upload an image, acknowledge that it is your selfie. Pretending that you wanted to take a picture of something else, but your face suddenly fell into the frame, you will not fool anyone, so you need to proudly show off your pretty face.
  • Get ready for some people to find selfies annoying and may write some far from flattering comments on your photo. But if all your albums are full of such selfies, you should think about diversifying them.
  • Leave other users comments under their images only those that you yourself would like to see in your album. The more likes you give, the more you get!

4) Be on trend

Selfies have gained a lot of popularity over the past few years, and it's pretty fun to be part of the selfie trend. Photos turn into a kind of food that we need. Feel free to upload your own photos. Here are some selfie workouts:

Some places are absolutely not suitable as a place to take a selfie, such as a funeral or the scene of an accident. And, although most of these situations are quite common, ask yourself if your photo session will not upset or offend anyone. If the answer is yes, reschedule the selfie for another time.

  • Weddings, funerals and other special occasions are out of the question. If you are at an event dedicated to other people, put your smartphone away and do not block the young photographer.
  • Similarly, if you are at a memorial to the dead, keep your phone in your pocket. Do not take selfies near monuments or memorials, especially if tragic events took place nearby.
  • Look as natural as possible so that it doesn't seem like you're trying your best to look good. On the other hand, this is all selfies!
  • The body will look slimmer if photographed from above or below. But, being proud of your appearance, you should not forget that it does not yet determine your positive human qualities.
  • Men may be advised to leave their shirt slightly open rather than fully buttoned. This will give the appearance of slight negligence.
  • The hollow between the breasts will look more spectacular if you lie down on the sofa or the floor and support yourself with your elbows.
  • The impressive size of the muscles will appear in all its glory, if you slightly raise your hand.

Now, show your selfie in the comments! ;)

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