Suponev's family. The son of a great producer commits suicide


I can’t even believe that the most charming and cheerful host of children’s television programs of the 1990s. Sergei Suponev has been dead for 16 years! Probably, for many viewers, childhood was associated with the wonderful programs “Marathon 15”, “Star Hour”, “Call of the Jungle”, “Up to 16 and Older”, which he hosted. Sergei Suponev lived fast and loved adrenaline. Due to his penchant for extreme entertainment, he was more than once on the verge of death, and one day she nevertheless overtook him ...

Sergey Suponev in the army

Sergei Suponev came to television as a loader, and became the head of the ORT children's programs directorate. After leaving school, he entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, but after the first year he joined the army and graduated from the university after demobilization. His stepmother, a commentator for the Mayak radio station, Olga Kraeva, helped him choose a profession. At first, Suponev worked as an administrator in the music editorial office of the Central Television and in the propaganda department, and in 1987 he was officially hired to work in the editorial office of programs for children. Since then, he has been preparing programs that brought him nationwide popularity - "Under 16 and over" and "Marathon 15".

In 1992, at the invitation of Vlad Listyev, Sergei Suponev began hosting the Star Hour program, at the same time he became the TV presenter of the Call of the Jungle program. In 1997 he became a producer of ORT children's programs. Suponev was called one of the most charming and charismatic TV presenters - both children and adults loved him. He was engaged not only in children's programs, in 2001 Suponev became one of the creators of the reality show "The Last Hero". By the way, he was also the author of this name. When asked if he was tired of doing children's programs, he answered without false modesty: “ This is my profession, the only thing I can do better than others. I was invited to the program "Juicer" and asked: "How to introduce you?" I modestly said: "Just imagine: the founder of Russian children's television." There are very few children's programs on our TV that I have nothing to do with.».

Best friend of children in the 1990s, host Sergey Suponev

2001 became a landmark for him - at the beginning of the year his daughter Polina was born, after that he decided to formalize the relationship with his second wife, actress Olga Motina. In early December, he gave his last interview, where he shared his impressions of the newly filmed project "The Last Hero", which became a real sensation on television in the early 2000s. Sergei Suponev was full of new ideas and creative energy, he was at the peak of his popularity.

He was always fond of extreme sports and therefore often found himself in dangerous situations, but throughout 2001, trouble seemed to follow him around. His wife Olga said: Serezha always said that it was very boring for him to live without taking risks ... Somehow he rolled over on a yacht and almost died ... And recently Sergey fell into a sewer manhole in the country. In winter, he fell off his motorcycle, then somehow broke his eye with glass when he got into the car. And a week before his death, Serezha cut his leg and lost half a liter of blood. And all these injuries occurred with such frequency that we did not have time to rest from them.».

Best friend of children in the 1990s, host Sergey Suponev

His death was so sudden and ridiculous that no one could believe what had happened. On that ill-fated December day in 2001, Sergei Suponev was riding a snowmobile on the ice of the Volga. During the maneuver, he lost control and at full speed crashed into the wooden walkways of the river pier. The TV presenter died on the spot. At that time he was only 38 years old. An epitaph was carved on the tombstone, the author of which was his father: Your starry path in this world ran from the screen to the souls of children».

Famous TV presenter Sergei Suponev

Suponev's colleague Timur Kizyakov says: Probably, there is some sad pattern that this happened to a person with such a temperament, activity, energy. A calm, cowardly person, probably, would not have sat behind the wheel. But I would not have achieved such success in my life ...". Unfortunately, this is true. Suponev did not spare himself, did not stop in front of difficulties and, in pursuit of new sensations, constantly risked his own life. His gambling played a cruel joke with him.

Sergei Suponev with his sister, Elena Perova

TV presenter with his wife at the dacha of friends. One of the last photos of Suponev

Unfortunately, the misfortunes for the Suponev family did not end there. 12 years later, his son from his first marriage, Kirill Suponev, committed suicide. They say that the reason was creative failures and professional lack of demand. Cyril was 28 years old. In March of the same year, Sergei Suponev's sister Elena Perova almost died in a car accident. This series of misfortunes made many acquaintances say that the family seemed to be pursued by evil fate.

Famous TV presenter Sergei Suponev

As we already wrote, it was in the apartment on Autumn Boulevard on Saturday. According to the preliminary version, the son of the former host of the Starry Hour program, Sergei Suponev, committed suicide.

According to police sources, the young man was found in the noose by his own mother. The police officers who arrived at the scene did not find a suicide note in the apartment. An investigation into the suicide has begun.

Neighbors say that the Suponevs rarely appeared in this apartment in the west of Moscow. Although many people remember Cyril very well - he grew up before their eyes.

A good boy with a kind heart, says neighbor Lidia Ivanovna. I can't even believe he's gone.

Cyril worked on television. He has held various positions, director, producer, and recently he has been working on his own TV projects. But almost always remained behind the scenes. At one time, Cyril even refused the role of the host of the Star Hour program. He was offered to broadcast after the death of Sergei Suponev, but the guy did not want to be compared with his star father.

Cyril had many hobbies in his personal life. Including - music. Suponev Jr. was the drummer of the band with the defiant name "Romeo Must Die". As it became known, the young man passed away just a few hours before leaving for St. Petersburg, where the group was going to give one of their farewell concerts.

The musicians of the group refuse to comment, however, one of the participants in the near-musical party says:

The guys a few months ago told the fans that at the end of this year, the group "Romeo Must Die" will cease to exist. This decision was made jointly, because there was not much progress forward. But Cyril was not pleased with this news. It seems to me that he lacked the realization of his own potential. He was a very talented man!

In the last year, according to family friends, Kirill Suponev lived in a civil marriage with a girl.

But, as far as I know, they have not yet planned children, family friends say.

Cyril was a rather secretive person. Avoided talking to reporters. At the same time, Cyril did not hide in private conversations that he would like to achieve a lot, his plans were Napoleonic. But suicide ... I can say one thing: he rarely acted on emotions.

Cyril's relatives confirm the fact of suicide, but refuse to comment.

For us, this is a great grief, I have nothing more to add, ”the half-sister of Kirill’s father, TV presenter Elena Perova, told KP.


Suponev Sergey Evgenievich was born on January 28, 1963 in the village of Khotkovo, Moscow Region. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. On television since 1980. He worked as a loader, administrator of the music editorial office of the Central Television. Since 1986, he has been preparing stories for the program "Up to 16 and older." From 1988 to 1993 - the author and host of the program "Marathon 15".

In 1993, at the invitation of Vlad Listyev, he became the host of the children's program "Star Hour". Then his project "Call of the Jungle" appears. He worked in the television company "Class!", since October 1997 - producer of ORT children's programs. TEFI winner in the nomination "Best program for children" ("Call of the Jungle").

He tragically died on December 8, 2001 in the Konakovo district of the Tver region near the village of Edimonovo, presumably around seven in the evening. The body of the famous TV presenter Sergei Suponev was found only around midnight by local residents on the deserted banks of the Volga.

Apparently it was an accident. The snowmobile, on which Sergey was riding on the ice of a frozen river, skidded, and, losing control, he crashed at full speed into a mighty three-girth tree standing on the shore (the thickening twilight also played its role). The deceased was lying a few meters from the trunk. Apparently, from the blow of a snowmobile, he was thrown out of his seat and with great force threw his head on the ground. The body of a dead young girl was found next to Sergei.

As the villagers told KP, Sergei Suponev had a country house in Edimonovo, and he often went out here to relax. And in winter he loved to drive around the villages on a snowmobile ...

Sergei Suponev left two children - a son from his first marriage, Kirill, and a daughter, Polina, who was only a year old when her father died.

Sergei Evgenievich Suponev is a Soviet and Russian television journalist, head of the editorial board of children's programs on Central Television. Host of TV programs "Under 16 and older", "Marathon 15", "Hour of Stars", "Call of the Jungle". More than one generation of Soviet schoolchildren grew up on Suponev's children's programs.

The future TV presenter was born on January 28, 1963 in the small village of Khotkovo, Moscow Region. Serezha grew up as an energetic boy - this energy was in full swing all his life. Serezha loved speed, extreme sports, quickly found a common language with his peers, and was in a hurry to live.

Already at school, Suponev knew that he would work as a journalist on television. Father, Evgeny Suponev, worked at the Satire Theater and received 96 rubles a month - this money was not enough for his son's toys. Mother Galina Vladimirovna also belonged to the world of art, Suponeva worked as a pianist and accompanist in the orchestra of the Theater of Satire.

In the 4th grade, Sergei advised his father to marry Olga Kraeva, who worked as a commentator at the Mayak radio station. Later, Sergei recalled that the woman not only became his second mother, but also finally helped him choose a profession, which predetermined Sergei's creative biography.

Sergei Suponev was in his senior year of school and somehow asked Kraeva about his earnings. Olga called the amount and heard in response: "This job suits me".

Before entering the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, Sergei Suponev worked part-time at Youth. For the first report, Suponev chose the topic of the khanygs, who stood in line for beer, which was then resold. Then there were several more publications and radio reports - baggage sufficient for admission to the university.

Suponev entered Moscow State University on the first attempt, but after studying for a year, he left to serve in the army. The young man managed to get a place in the military band of the army unit of the village of Mulino near Dzerzhinsk, Gorky region. In 1983, after demobilization, Suponev continued his studies and received a diploma in journalism.

A television

Sergei Suponev came to television back in 1980, before the army. In addition to the day shift and study, he worked as a loader. Three years later, the young man was appointed administrator of the music editorial office. All concerts dedicated to public holidays were produced with the participation of Sergei. In 1984-1986, Suponev served as administrator of the propaganda department, and then moved to the children's editorial office.

At first, the journalist prepared stories for the popular at that time program “Up to 16 and older”, later he became a junior editor. The program covered topical issues of the youth audience: the problem of homelessness, drug addiction, modern youth movements, the relationship of conscripts in the army, as well as the relationship between boys and girls. The project lasted until 2001.

In January 1988, the Marathon 15 program went on the air, the author and host of which was Sergey Suponev. The TV presenter came up with the concept of the project, being a graduate of Moscow State University. The plot of the program was based on 15 short topical reports from the life of the younger generation. Suponev's co-hosts were Georgy Galustyan and Lesya Basheva. The aspiring journalist and film director also appeared in the project.

In 1993, he invited a TV journalist to work in the children's program Starry Hour. The game, in which six teams participated, consisted of three rounds and a final. Each team included one high school student and an adult comrade - a parent, friend or teacher. According to the sum of points earned by each duet, the winner was chosen. Since 2001, the program has ceased to exist.

In 1994, he founded his own television company, Class!, which produced programs for children and youth audiences. Among the projects that the television company was engaged in were the programs “Good night, kids!”, “Early in the morning”, “While everyone is at home”, “Clever and smart girls”.

In parallel with his work at the VID television company, Suponev hosted the Call of the Jungle program. Yevgeny Suponev recalled that Sergei had a dream about the idea of ​​the transfer. The presenter and journalist knew how to find a common language with children, so he had no doubts about the success of the project. For the Call of the Jungle program, the author received the TEFI award. Among his projects are the programs "King of the Hill", "What and how", "Everything is possible!", "Seven troubles - one answer", "100%", "The Seventh Sense", "Disney Club".

Sergey Suponev was an interesting and comprehensively developed person, every second child of that time dreamed of participating in the projects of a TV journalist.

In addition to working on television, Sergei Suponev appeared in the cinema. The TV presenter starred in Igor Apasyan's project "Dandelion Wine", created in 1997 based on the work of the same name. The journalist was lucky to work on the same stage together with the stars of Soviet and Russian cinema - which last appeared on the screen. In the film, Sergei Suponev appeared before the audience as the father of the protagonist, the boy Douglas.

Personal life

Sergey's natural charm and sociability helped the journalist in communicating with women. The TV presenter was married twice. As Sergei said, both times he married for love.

Suponev's first wife, Valeria, worked on television. There young people met. Soon the couple had a son, Cyril. After the divorce, Sergei maintained a relationship with his son. Kirill grew up as a smart and cheerful guy, graduated from MGIMO, played percussion instruments in the Romeo Must Die musical group.

But in September 2013, the young man committed suicide in an apartment located in Moscow on Autumn Boulevard. Relatives believe that the young man did not cope with depression, although before the tragic event the young man did not show any signs of a bad mood, did not quarrel with his girlfriend. The death of a young man has become no less mysterious than the death of his father.

The second wife of Sergei Suponev, Olga Motina, first saw a TV presenter on TV when she was 13 years old. And then the future spouses met, fell in love, got married. The Suponevs had a daughter, Polina. The happy couple baptized their long-awaited daughter in an Orthodox church in Kurkino near Moscow. He became Pauline's godfather. The girl was a year old when the journalist died tragically.


Sergey loved motorcycles, snowmobiles, motor boats and crazy speed. On December 8, 2001, Suponev went to his dacha in the Tver region to ride a Yamaha snowmobile. In the evening of the same day, local residents found a TV journalist - Suponev showed no signs of life. The body of a dead young girl was found at the site of Sergei's death. The investigation had no doubt that the death of the presenter was an accident.

The TV presenter was driving a snowmobile along a frozen river at high speed and at a difficult moment lost control - a snowmobile with passengers crashed into a tree. The blow was so strong that Sergei Suponev was thrown from behind the wheel and thrown several meters away. The resulting head injuries caused the death of the TV presenter. The death of the TV presenter was a tragedy not only for the family, but also for hundreds of thousands of fans of Suponev's work.

The funeral of the journalist took place on December 11, 2001. Before the trip to the cemetery, Sergei was buried in the Great Ritual Hall of the Pathological Anatomical Department of the Central Clinical Hospital of the UDP RF. A civil memorial service was also held there, attended by relatives and admirers of the journalist.

The grave of Sergei Suponev is located at the Troekurovsky cemetery. Later, on September 27, 2013, he was next to his father. Two portrait photos of the Suponevs are carved on a common tombstone.

Not many people know that the famous singer and actress is Sergey Suponev's mother's sister.


  • 1986 - "Up to 16 and older"
  • 1989 - "Marathon 15"
  • 1993 - Finest Hour
  • 1993 - Call of the Jungle
  • 1994-1995 - "Dandy - New Reality"
  • 1998 - "Disney Club"
  • 2001 - "The Last Hero"

At the end of September, the son of a well-known TV presenter in the past, Sergei Suponev, took his own life. It is said that the cause of the young man's suicide was depression, which he fell into due to a series of failures.

The drummer of the Romeo Must Die group hanged himself in an apartment on Osenny Boulevard, where he had rarely appeared before ...

The body of a former graduate of the MGIMO journalism department, a television employee, was found by an unfortunate mother. On this day, 28-year-old Kirill Suponev, along with other musicians, was supposed to go to St. Petersburg for one of his concerts.
Cyril survived his tragically deceased father by only 12 years. Close friends of the family recall that Cyril loved his father very much. And when the parents of a ten-year-old boy filed for divorce, he threatened to jump out of the window.

Then the boy was pulled out of depression, but when his father died, Cyril became isolated.

Recall that Sergei Suponev, the host of programs for children “Starry Hour”, “Call of the Jungle”, died on December 8, 2001, just 50 days before his 39th birthday. On that ill-fated day, a talented TV presenter and producer went on a snowmobile to Lake Seliger. At some point, the snowmobile skidded, and it crashed into the pier at full speed.

After a terrible tragedy, son Cyril lost interest in life. But youth helped him overcome psychological trauma. The young man moved to a separate apartment, began to play in a musical group, dreamed, like his father, of leading children's programs. But all his dreams and plans remained unfulfilled, they say that in recent years, the mother was even afraid to leave her son alone. And she often asked Aunt Kirill - TV presenter Lena Perova - to look after her nephew.

However, the half-sister of the deceased Sergei Suponev, Elena, was also in a bad mood. The ex-member of the popular Lyceum group, the actress and TV presenter herself was depressed. And in March of this year, she even tried to commit suicide by cutting her veins. The wound turned out to be shallow, the artist quickly helped herself, got behind the wheel and went to her psychiatrist.

It is not known how this would end, but 36-year-old Lena caused an accident in the north-east of Moscow and thus ended up in the hands of doctors. The girl was placed in a psychosomatic department, where those who are prone to suicide are usually sent.

What is this? A terrible combination of circumstances that entailed terrible consequences, or a mystical pattern? And is there danger hanging over other family members? We asked the psychic and clairvoyant Daria Mironova about this.

– By all indications, and this is a history of suicides, unnatural deaths or premature deaths, a curse hangs over this family, which is passed down through the family. This is a destructive magical action aimed at a group of people united by family ties. Such a harmful effect can extend not only to the living, but also to the unborn members of the genus for seven and even thirteen generations. In this case, a woman imposed a spell on death, and she goes through the male line. Most likely the reason was a betrayal in love. I am talking now about the father or grandfather of Sergei Suponev. Perhaps a man and a woman met, and then the man left the woman, who was actually a witch. And the family curse is her revenge, for which she used black magic. For the magical ritual of damage to death, grave land from the cemetery is used.

You can get rid of the birth curse yourself. It is necessary to order a magpie for health in three churches at the same time. In three, because three is a sacred number for magicians and for many religions. This number has a direct connection with God. You can choose churches intuitively, but you can find churches that form a kind of triangle in relation to each other. The geometric structure will make the influence of the rite more powerful. Forty days after the service, the power engineer completely gets rid of the negative received from the outside. It seems to tune in to high positive frequencies, and as a result, the energy shells are safely restored.

And let the fact of ordering a magpie for health in three churches remain a secret for others. In this case, nothing will interfere with the action of the rite.

After the service, all close relatives need to take a new mirror, women - round or oval, men - square or rectangular, and put it under the pillow at night. In the morning, you need to be careful not to be reflected in it, put it in a bag and go to the crossroads of three roads. Break it there and say: "As it came, so go." And then leave without looking back. And in order to pay off the curse, each member of the family needs to do some kind of mercy, charity on this day.

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