Sergei Amoralov: biography, photos and interesting facts. The soloist of "Inveterate scammers", who survived after a coma, said that he was treacherously not accepted back into the group

Sergei Amoralov (Surovenko) is a Russian artist, known to the public as one of the members of the Inveterate Scammers group. Speaking as part of this team, this extraordinary guy managed to prove himself as a talented artist, a good composer and author of words. That is why it is almost impossible to imagine the group "Inveterate Scammers" without him. But what else do we know about the life of our today's hero? This biography will answer this question.

Early years, childhood and the family of Sergei Amoralov

Sergei Amoralov (then still Sergei Surovenko) was born on January 11, 1979 in the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg). All his childhood passed in the northern capital of Russia. There, the future artist first began to dream of a big stage.

However, it was, after all, not immediately. At first, Sergei dreamed of becoming a military pilot, and later ... a mechanic, like his father. However, our today's hero soon abandoned these thoughts. A more serious hobby in the life of a young guy was sports. Even in elementary school, our today's hero began to engage in the gymnastics section and even managed to get the first adult category. Perhaps one day Sergey Surovenko would have managed to grow up to a professional athlete, but this, after all, was not destined to happen. As a teenager, he received a serious back injury, and therefore was forced to say goodbye to the sport. At first, the guy was very worried about this. However, at some point he still managed to find another hobby for himself.

Such (as it is not surprising) was painting. It was this direction in art that Sergei Surovenko discovered for himself before anyone else. The process of creating paintings and sketches greatly fascinated the young guy. But teachers (and he himself) never noted his special talent. Despite the fact that at some point Sergei still managed to achieve some success in art, his paintings could hardly be called real masterpieces.

The first songs of Sergei Amoralov

As for the love of music, it has always existed in the soul of the artist in parallel with other hobbies. Sergey liked the work of the groups "Prodigy", "Nirvana", "Cure" and some others. Approximately the same views on music were also held by his friend and neighbor Garik Bogomazov. Together they often gave impromptu concerts near their entrance, but they yelled mostly obscene songs.

Sergei Amoralov - Inveterate scammers - Anything and everything

Only much later, after Sergei Amoralov became a student at the Leningrad University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, did his love for music become more conscious. Leaving the university after the first year, our today's hero began to prepare for admission to the Academy of Culture, but he still did not enter there. Everything changed by a chance meeting with a young musician Vyacheslav Zinurov, who very soon became the "creative" basis of the entire team. It was he who managed at first to direct the energy of the guys in a more or less decent direction. So, in fact, the group "Inveterate scammers" was formed. Sergey and Garik wrote simple texts, and Slava composed no less simple melodies.

Paradoxically, it was this approach to creativity that eventually provided the guys with the first real contracts. A fairly well-known producer Evgeny Orlov undertook the production of the group. From that moment on, a completely new stage began in the life of Sergei Amoralov and other members of the musical group.

Sergey Amoralov and "Inveterate scammers"

The official date of formation of the team is December 8, 1996. On this day, the group "Otpetye swindlers" first appeared before the public as part of the "Dancing City" festival in the city of Cherepovets. Soon, their first hit, “Quit Smoking,” sounded on all radio stations in Russia. This composition made the group a name, and also became the main hit on the band's first album - "From Colored Plasticine". However, the real success was still ahead.

The really famous and popular group "Swindlers" became after the recording of the radio hit "Everything is different." Perhaps it was the deliberate unpretentiousness and simplicity of this song that predetermined its success among radio listeners. After that, the group began to tour frequently, appear on various television projects, and also give interviews to various publications. During this period, Sergei Amoralov moved to a leading position in the team and, in fact, became its face. In most of the clips, he played a central role. As a lead soloist, he also performed during the recording of songs.

Amoralov got married!!!

Perhaps it was his charisma and charm that brought "Inveterate scammers" a huge success. Their songs “Love me, love”, “Girls are different”, “Pay attention”, “And by the river” were once sung by fans throughout the post-Soviet space. That is why the concert performances of the group have always been sold out. For several years, the group recorded six successful albums, and also shot countless clips. Over the years, "Inveterate scammers" became the winners of the Golden Gramophone, Song of the Year, One Stop Hit and some others awards. The period from the late nineties to the mid-2000s was a golden time in the history of the group. However, things subsequently went downhill.

Sergey Amoralov today

In 2008, the group recorded their seventh studio album, In spite of the records, but it never became truly successful. The group began to appear less frequently on television. The last single of the group at the moment is the song "Russo Turisto". The composition was recorded in 2012, but did not become a definite breakthrough.

Personal life of Sergei Amoralov

In the early 2000s, Sergei Amoralov met for a long time with the soloist of the Cream group Daria Ermolaeva. Their romance lasted about three years, but subsequently broke up.

In mid-2008, our today's hero married his new girlfriend, ex-model Maria Edelweiss.

The group "Dirty Scammers" enjoyed incredible popularity 20 years ago. Then many girls tried to attract the attention of the star guys: Sergei Amoralov, Vyacheslav Zinurov, Igor Bogomazov. Fans were on duty under their houses around the clock and were ready for literally anything.

Now the soloists have not caused such a stir for a long time and they look at it quite normally. But sometimes the echoes of past glory still make themselves felt and remind the stars of the negative side of popularity. For example, one of his fans began to threaten the wife of Sergei Amoralov.

“There was a case: a girl on Instagram started writing “I love” and all that, I deleted her. So she began to write nasty things to my wife, like "I'll meet you at the entrance." My wife has always been calm on this subject, but here she was really scared. I say: “Man, what kind of nonsense is this? Well, I'm not 17 anymore. We drove it a long time ago ... ", - the musician said.

Sergey Amoralov // Photo: Instagram

Now the group continues to release new songs, but with a new soloist. Igor Bogomazov left the team back in 2011, and Andrey Repnikov came to replace him. Musicians believe that the lack of such close attention to their personal lives on the part of fans has a positive effect on their work.

A scandal erupted in the once popular group "Dirty Scammers". One of the team members, Andrei Repnikov, got into an accident in 2016 and then became seriously ill. The artist recovered and is ready to return to the team, but they don’t take him back to the group, so he is forced to work as a loader. Andrei believes that his colleagues shamelessly exploit his musical heritage. Once the group "Otpetye swindlers" was extremely popular: the top lines of the Russian charts, successful concerts. The team has released 7 albums and almost 30 video clips, has a number of music awards and dozens of hits.

The team of the group has changed over time, and now the trio "Swindlers" have turned into a duet. However, this decrease in numbers was accompanied by a scandal. According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, Andrei Repnikov was expelled from the group. In 2016, he had a serious accident, fell into a coma, and underwent rehabilitation for about a year. But now, when the musician has long been ready to start working again, he is not taken back.

The leader of the "Dirty Scammers" Sergey Amoralov commented on this whole situation as follows:

- No, we're fine! I don't know what it is, I have no idea. I do not know. First time I hear. Andrey is not in the group, he is being treated, - Sergey said.

Repnikov, having learned about the reaction of his former comrade, told the correspondent of Komsomolskaya Pravda that after the incident he was forced to do hard work.

- Doctors gave the go-ahead for work a year ago. Now I work as a loader in a warehouse. I carry dead weights of 800-900 kilograms. The working day lasts 12 hours. I feel great,” Andrew said.

Repnikov believes that the group never expected his return.

Repnikov also noted that he is the author of most of the songs that the group performs.

- In general, I wrote four albums "Otpetyy". The vast majority of songs from their program are my stuff! There is nothing else for them to do. I watched one program about “Inveterate scammers”, where Amoralov calls himself the author of “Love me, love!”, The artist said.

Repnikov wants to continue his career as a performer, but not as part of the "Otpety" anymore.

I will continue to compose and perform. And untalented artists like "Otpety" also need to eat. Let them ride, open their mouths to the soundtrack and ... live. Honestly? I don't want to talk about them at all. After that, I want to go to the shower to wash. I don’t want to talk nasty things, ”the artist concluded.

The sex symbol of the 2000s, the performer of the famous hit “Love me, love”, the 37-year-old disappeared abruptly from the TV screens, there are no more posters with his name on the streets of Moscow, and crowds of female fans are no longer standing at his entrance.

In a conversation with SUPER "white" from "Dirty scammers" admitted that nothing has changed in his life for 20 years: he still tours, writes songs and dreams of a big family. A few years ago, the group decided to abandon the producer, with whom parties, filming and large concert venues disappeared into oblivion. Now you can hear the hits of the boy band, which once drove millions of girls all over Russia crazy, only in clubs designed for several hundred people.

Sergey, tell us about your life in recent years.

Nothing has changed for me since 1998, when it all started. Concerts, trips, recording songs, filming clips. I’m not a fan of going to parties, it’s extremely difficult to get me there, and thank God that now is such a time and you don’t need to do it on purpose. And before, you had to be sure, if someone had a presentation, you had to go, “smile” at the camera, they say, how great it is, what I’m like in a star party. And it always jarred me so, so broke off. To be honest, we are such workers of the invisible shop. We arrived, performed, the people lit up, left. It’s much easier for me, and I very rarely agree to any kind of interview, because this is not really my topic.

Your group will be 20 years old this year - is it an anniversary, will you be celebrating?

This is a piper. I remember when it all began, I heard that the "Time Machine" turns 20 years old. I then thought: “Yes, this is unrealistic, some kind of nonsense, they don’t live that long!” And as soon as we appeared, at an interview in every city they asked: “What will you do when the “Inveterate Scammers” are over, it’s just another year or two and that’s it, no one will need your music.” But it turned out that we are already 20 years old and we are still in demand, we ride. Celebrate - again, you need to do something. And we feel so comfortable in where we are, and we feel so good. You can, of course, a concert or some kind of party, or somehow cover the songs. To be honest, we didn’t think about it, because we don’t have a producer.

What more songs are played at your concerts now - old or new?

Of course, the old ones. We quietly insert some songs, but 90 - 95%, of course, are hits. People come to relax, you don't order a new song in karaoke that you don't know. We want to sing something familiar, with good memories, with good emotions: “Girls are different”, “And by the river”. Our entire program is nothing but hits. WITHwhat is the reason that before every song was a hit for you, and after the song “This is mine” there were no hits?

Probably time has changed, and each time has its own heroes. This is the case with all zero teams. This is a normal trend, it is unlikely that now 15-year-old girls will listen to a 35-year-old dude. We are now making music for ourselves, and not for the audience and listeners, we do not adapt to what they want to hear. Only we will launch a new slow-motion now, at the request of the listeners, so to speak.

Do you want to return to its former glory?

No, in general, I always broke off when I was guarded by 30-40 girls at the entrance all the time, I had to run through the roof. My friend and I had two identical cars, he drove up and distracted them so that I could pass. This is not my story, I strive when they recognize me. For this, glasses, caps, hats are super. Everything that happened to us was just a pleasant coincidence. But to be bored and depend on it - I don’t have that. All star-dependent people - you see them on TV, these are people who cannot live without seeing their physiognomy on TV. I’ll say to myself: if they show me somewhere on TV, I switch, because it breaks me off. We are self-sufficient, I feel very comfortable, and people also come to our performances.

What age are your fans now?

Oddly enough, young people also come, but mostly girls in their 30s. I started early, I was 16 years old, and they were 12 - 13. It's very nice that we have very loyal fans, they come to us all the time, show old pictures. If you started listening to us once - that's it, you're hooked.

What is the reason that you were at the top, and now even if you sing somewhere, no one knows about it.

You just need to deal with social networks, and I’m not represented anywhere at all. I only support my Instagram, because it is purely necessary. This is not even laziness, this is such an attitude to the situation. Why jump, run, if everything is fine and everything suits you.

What changes has your band undergone in 20 years?

Only one thing - in 2011 Garik left and Turnip appeared. Turnip was like a reserve player, but he wrote a lot of songs for us.

Why did Garik leave?

It happened. Dispersed, like ships in the sea. We do not communicate. I keep track of where he is, what, how. It would be necessary, of course, to communicate, but somehow it does not work out yet.

Tell about your family.

I am married, and confused: I like all sorts of beautiful stories, and we got married on August 8, 2008, like infinity. In general, I have known my wife since 2004. It turns out that we have been together for about 12 years. We are working on adding to the family. Everyone has different situations. Here the thing is, God will give - God will take, as it turns out.

Who, in your opinion, is in the top in Russian show business, who do you listen to?

Nobody, that's the point. I don't listen to Russian music at all and I don't watch Russian films.

You have not changed your image for 20 years, still like a boy. Is this a personal desire or for the sake of creativity?

More for creativity. I went to business meetings, and I had to change my color to normal. Then the guys and I went to the club, sat there with the girls, and for a long time they could not understand who I was. They never found out who I was, and I just had a different hair color. So it's more of an image. I would generally shave my head or let go of long ones. And so, unfortunately, a hostage of the image.

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