Sergei Belogolovtsev son Evgeny. Sergei Belogolovtsev admitted that he was shy of his son with cerebral palsy


The Russian actor of the humorous genre, showman and TV presenter Sergei Gennadievich Belogolovtsev shared the amazing news with his many fans on March 17 this year. On his own page in one of the popular social networks, Sergei Gennadievich wrote that his youngest son Zhenya still followed in his father's footsteps and became a TV presenter. Recall that Evgeny Belogolovtsev has been ill since birth. At an early age, the boy was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. However, Zhenya's parents did not despair and in every possible way helped their child become a full-fledged member of society. Comprehensive love and tender care have played their role - Zhenya, who recently turned twenty-five years old, is going to become a screen star. And no illness can prevent him from doing this.

About a week ago, on the RazTV television channel, Evgeny recorded the pilot episodes of the Raznye Novosti program as the host of one of the program's headings. According to Sergei Gennadievich, Zhenya even received his first fee. Belogolovtsev is terribly proud and insanely happy.

After filming, the journalists managed to contact Eugene and find out how he feels as a novice TV presenter. Zhenya said that a couple of weeks ago, his parents unexpectedly informed him that he could get on TV screens. Natalya and Sergei Belogolovtsev dreamed that their youngest child would work in their specialty in the same way as their two eldest sons.

Nikita, the first-born of the Belogolovtsevs, works on the Dozhd, TVC and Russia-2 TV channels, Alexander, the second child, works on the Karusel channel as the host of the NEOKitchen program. Now it's the little one's turn. Zhenya himself also always wanted to become a professional actor, he even managed to enter the theater institute. By the way, journalists noted that Yevgeny does not have any complexes about his illness. On the contrary, he even manages to joke about it. So, in an interview, he said that he would probably become the first actor in the history of mankind with such a diagnosis, thereby giving hope for a bright future to all those whom fate deprived of good health. Like, if I could, then you all can, says Belogolovtsev Jr.

Before filming in "Various News", Zhenya had already taken part in such events. He repeatedly starred in the comedy show "O.S.P. Studio", however, only as a spectator. In the first minutes of his stay on RazTV, Eugene was confused and even a little scared. However, then he spoke with the management, they explained everything to him, gave him a couple of tips, encouraged him and promised that everything would go well, the main thing was not to worry. Support from almost strangers inspired Zhenya very much and he decided to take a chance. Eugene took the text and for three whole days without stopping he crammed it, trying to remember every word. Dad, of course, helped him. In addition, Sergei Gennadievich personally traveled half of Moscow in search of a suitable costume for filming. According to the script, Zhenya was supposed to look like the famous American television figure Larry King, the permanent host of his own show for twenty-five years, a real TV journalism guru and the idol of millions of novice TV presenters. The invariable image of Larry is glasses, suspenders and a bow tie. It was in this image that it was decided to shoot Evgeny Belogolovtsev.

On the appointed day of filming, Zhenya was brought to the RazTV studio by her mother Natalya, but the future screen star politely asked her to leave. So, Zhenya admitted, it was easier for him to join the work. First, Belogolovtsev Jr. looked at how other artists were recording, and then he himself sat under the sight of video cameras. And although Zhenya memorized the entire text, just in case, he was turned on a teleprompter (a standard assistant to any TV presenter). The shooting went great, Zhenya did everything, he showed himself and his talent perfectly. As for the fee, it was a real surprise for the young man. The young man decided to spend the honestly earned money on small gatherings with friends in honor of the first entry into a real job and on a huge bouquet of flowers for his personal psychologist Natalya Alexandrovna. Without her, Yevgeny Belogolovtsev assures, he would never have dared to do this.

Presenter on Raz-TV

- You worked as a presenter on TV, do you plan to continue doing this?

Zhenya: I hope because I liked working on TV. And make money. I was already making some money, but then, unfortunately, an event occurred that interrupted my work. One cable channel, on which I worked as a presenter and editor (I myself selected materials for my program), was bought out and closed not only my program, but in general all programs. I would like to work in an office, it stimulates work. You can still relax at home. But to work on TV, in my opinion, you need perseverance or connections. My parents are very supportive of my desire to work.

Natalya Belogolovtseva (Zhenya's mother took an active part in her son's interview): Zhenya has been unemployed for six months. But he showed how talented a TV presenter he can be, how he conducts concerts and works professionally. We are worried that it is not in demand now. Although not so long ago personally K.L. Ernst, the general director of Channel One, approved a project for him on the channel, the launch of which is currently delayed. At our own expense, we filmed several pilot projects for him in order to come to the auditions not empty-handed. We show you how it works and what it looks like.

Recently, a good friend who works on a federal channel told us the following thing:

“The country does not want to see unhealthy people successful, for the majority they are funny little animals that people treat with disgust.”

So think after such words about the future ...

At some point, Zhenya, of course, can work in the library or as a taxi dispatcher on the phone, do sedentary work at the computer. But while we are trying to find him a job that he likes, which he studied. We have a couple of solo performances, we recorded an audio book with him, but we don’t know how to promote it now.

In a civilized country, Zhenya would already be independent, he could play children with cerebral palsy in films. Maybe it just hasn't worked out yet. Once we went to the audition of a feature film, for Zhenya it could be a real chance. But on the way, he suddenly developed symptoms that had not been there for a very long time. Samples failed. I don't know, maybe it's no coincidence...

I set my son the task of earning money even for a driver, since he cannot move around the city on his own, especially given the level of aggression in the country.

- Zhenya, you are a Muscovite, your parents can help you. But do you think it is realistic for people with the same diagnosis to achieve professional success without support?

Complex issue. In my opinion, such people need to apply to organizations that specialize in finding a job. I know that there is a Perspektiva Foundation: you submit an application, and they help you look for a job.

I have many friends who work and study. There is a friend in a wheelchair, he says that working from home is easy, but getting to the office by metro is problematic. Another friend of mine was filming on TV and said that in order to get to the subway car, he sometimes had to turn to people for help. He has been a wheelchair user since childhood, has not walked for 35 years, and he constantly has to ask others for help.

In the USA, for example, everything is much simpler, especially for wheelchair users. All public buildings are initially tested for comfort for people with limited mobility.

In the US, I first got up on alpine skiing. I saw how a guy without a leg was skiing on special equipment, calmly pushing off the snow with sticks, and they stopped the lift for him and helped him up.

In the USA and buses are equipped with ramps. In Moscow, in my opinion, there is only one such bus, and only one public building is equipped in this way - this is the Center for Education and Learning Technology, where I studied. The Center has its own bus with a ramp, and in the building itself, near the stairs, there is a ramp for wheelchair users. I have never seen anything like this anywhere else.

- And why is it the theater institute?

Zhenya: The Center for Education and Learning Technology, where I studied for 4 years, provides home-based learning via skype. Thanks to this school, I entered and graduated from a theater university. At the Center, I studied in a theater studio, and the director advised my parents to pay attention to my acting abilities. I tried to enter various well-known theater universities, but with my diagnosis, no one wanted to take me. Fortunately, my dad had a very good friend who played in the theater with my teacher, he also helped me enter the theater institute.

For the first year, my mother went with me, but then I began to cope on my own. We bought a voice recorder, and with the personal permission of the administration, I could record lectures. Professional subjects were hard to come by (staging speech, vocals, dance movements and pantomime). But I am proud that in the history of Russia I was given an automatic test, since I studied this subject on my own.

Natalia: Yes, if it weren’t for the director’s proposal about theater education, we wouldn’t even think in this direction. At first, this idea seemed absolutely crazy to us, because a huge number of actors are not in demand today, and it’s difficult to do so. We called private universities, asked if it was worth it to come with Zhenya at all. Despite the fact that Sergey called and introduced himself, the answers were extremely negative.

But when Zhenya began to study, it was acting classes that became art therapy, a fantastic story of rehabilitation! Initially, his psychologist began to engage in productions with him, and was surprised how beneficial it affected him.

I spent six months of my life trying to find a school where they were ready to talk to us. Anatoly Bely, an artist of the Moscow Art Theater, who helped us to enter, noticed that Zhenya has abilities, and that this desire is not the nonsense of his parents. A private theater institute agreed to see Zhenya. At first we wanted to agree on an individual visiting program, but he tried to study in almost the same mode as the rest of the students and things went well.

Difficulties arose not with classmates, but with some teachers. There were teachers, let's say, disloyal. Zhenya does not walk well, but he passed all the exams in choreography, which was conducted by GITIS professor Maria Dmitrievna Korpusova. The choreographer staged whole numbers for him, taking into account his capabilities. However, one acting teacher hit him so hard that Zhenya was even afraid to go on stage.

- Zhenya, do you have depression?

There are. My dogs help lift my spirits. When you come home, they always greet me with joy. It helps a lot to communicate with friends on the phone. Most of all, it supports me when I achieve something, something new, which I did not expect from myself. For example, I consider mountain skiing to be a great achievement.

My psychologist Natalya Alexandrovna Perfilkina helps me cope with depression. It was she who advised to engage in theatrical art as a therapy. It helps not to give up, not to give up and to know that, even if the disease is invincible, there is always hope for at least some improvement. Now we continue with Natalya Alexandrovna to study once a week. She gives me different tasks and I do them. This person is very important to me.

Help and friends - we have a big campaign. But we do not often meet because of the difficulty of moving around the city. At home, I like to sit at the computer. Before, when I had a normal computer, I composed music using a special program, which, unfortunately, is now hopelessly outdated.

- Explain to me as a non-athlete - how can mountain skiing, which you talked about, help a person with cerebral palsy? Isn't this a sport with an increased risk of injury even for the average person?

Natalia: My husband and I have always been skiing ourselves, and we simply “automatically” put our son on them! We didn’t even think that this sport would become such a successful rehabilitation. Difficult children begin to ride on a slider at first, and we wanted to buy Zhenya such a device. But when he started to ride two weeks later without any equipment, we were both bewildered and delighted. Zhenya just straightened up in front of his eyes. He was then 23 years old, and before that I had not seen any visible changes in his condition, especially in such a short time.

And so the idea of ​​​​the Dream Ski program was born. And its rehabilitation results are obvious. The program is currently operating in seven regions of Russia, from Moscow to Sakhalin. The number of participants for the year increased by about 100 times. Since the program, unfortunately, still works only on donations, there are problems with the organization, collection of information, etc. We are trying to conduct medical research, but so far work in this direction has not been established.

Nevertheless, according to the feedback of instructors and parents, the results are very significant: there are children who did not walk, but after 10-15 courses of the program they got on their feet.

Zhenya: Skis help a lot. At first, getting up on skis is very difficult, you have to ski with the help of a special device (trapeze): you hold on to it, they insure with ropes from behind, and an instructor rides next to you. Then you ride on a slider, and then with a stick. Now I'm riding on my own.

Natalia: We work with the Natalia Vodianova Charitable Foundation at the Nizhny Novgorod Center, which uses American methods. The N. Vodianova Foundation is our partner who helped to purchase the equipment. Another of our tasks is to test all participants together with the foundation and find out the rehabilitation impact of the program on children with autism.

The program can work throughout the country, and there are far abroad countries ready for cooperation: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Armenia and some parent associations of Western European countries. But we have huge problems with organizational and financial resources, we don't even have an office to work with. All this year I worked, practically, alone: ​​I carried equipment, negotiated with representatives of government and other structures, doctors, etc. It is very difficult. I had a small team of volunteers who helped me, and they are just fantastic people.

Together with the Skolkovo Volunteer Club, we have developed an economic model for the program that pays off in a season. I am trying to explain to the regional and federal authorities that "Dream Skis" is 10,000-25,000 rubles. in 10 sessions, and this course gives visible results. A course of 2-week rehabilitation in honey. institution costs about 300,000 rubles. Any resort that has a playground for children is suitable for implementing the program. Minimal equipment, trainers required. Serious doctors, such as Tatyana Batysheva, chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for children's rehabilitation, president of the National Association of Experts on Infantile Cerebral Palsy, have become supporters of our program, guarantors of its promotion. And I am very grateful to them, it is very important for all of us.

We recently put the deaf-blind-mute on skis. All of them went in one day, although the participants were very different in terms of training. For example, there was a 5-year-old deaf-blind-mute girl with Down syndrome, and the oldest participant was 61 years old, and on the very first day she went to Snezhkom without any equipment. We also tried a climbing wall and roller skates with them.

Most recently, the first Dream Ski competition in the history of Russia took place, and Andrey Vorobyov, the governor of the Moscow region, personally opened the competition.

"Dream skis" are also necessary for healthy people. We noticed that wherever the program was launched, all people related to it (even workers, cloakroom attendants, parking attendants) felt involved, began to treat difficult people and the problem of people with disabilities in a different way. This is how society changes without any stupid propaganda. You can hang the whole city with shields with texts: all children are equal, but the effect will be zero. No one needs to be convinced, people change themselves.

Last year, the official opening of the Dream Ski program was held at the KANT sports complex, and one woman yelled: “Get your freaks out, my child can’t ski!”. And it seems to me that children with disabilities are bright and beautiful. It takes a tremendous effort for me to engage in this program, but when I see these children, two minutes of communication with them is enough to cheer me up.

Perm Volunteering Development Center

Zhenya and his friend from the "Best Friends" fund Nastya Orekhova read a poem about friendship

Ski training in Chulkovo, instructor Artur Dergachev

Zhenya and his friend from the "Best Friends" fund Natasha Shikunova lead a concert

The whole Belogolovtsev family goes skiing

Many people consider these babies to be children from God. They are completely dependent and defenseless before this cruel world. To grow them will be a great work, which requires great spiritual strength. In our selection, we talk about families who resigned themselves to fate, stepped over the evil intentions of society, became above prejudice and are confident that their children are the same people as everyone else, only with a different set of chromosomes.

Son of Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin

On April 1, 2012, Evelina Bledans gave birth to her second son, Semyon. After giving birth, the actress admitted that she knew about the illness of her unborn baby, but despite this, she and her husband, director and producer Alexander Semin wished that the baby was born.

Doctors asked to think, hinting at an abortion, but Alexander confidently stated that he did not want to hear about it.

“We will give birth in any case. Even if you now say that the child has begun to grow wings, nails, a beak and that he is a dragon in general, it means that there will be a dragon. Get away from us. We will give birth."

The process of childbirth took place together with her husband, who tried his best to cheer up Evelina. The child was born with an extra chromosome, as well as with two fingers fused together on the left leg. However, the parents in the delivery room wept not from grief, but from happiness. And they already love him. And love, as you know, is not a test for the weak.

People today are intimidated by prejudices about down children. According to statistics, 85 percent are simply afraid of additional difficulties in raising a baby who is not like everyone else.

And only 15 percent of mothers and fathers down, endowed with the gift of love, hope and faith, take the child, and every day they perform their parental feat. Evelina and Alexander deserve great respect and admiration, because they not only accepted their son as God sent him to them, but also constantly prove to people that such children are also happiness.

Most of the mothers who were at a crossroads are grateful to Evelina and Alexander for an open conversation on an unofficially forbidden topic, which is so painful for the parents of sunny children.

Daughter of Lolita Milyavskaya

Lolita Milyavskaya did not abandon her daughter Eva when the doctors told the singer that her child was born handicapped. According to the artist, the doctors first said that the girl had Down syndrome, but later changed the diagnosis to autism - congenital psychological isolation. Lolita does not miss the opportunity to praise her daughter in every interview. But at the same time, he does not hide the fact that the child has health problems. Until the age of four, Eva could not speak, besides, she has poor eyesight.

In many interviews, Lolita said that her daughter was born at six months old, the singer was then 35 years old. The baby weighed less than one and a half kilograms, and she was nursed for a long time in a pressure chamber.

No wonder they say that motherly love works wonders. Now 16-year-old Eva goes to school and practically does not lag behind her healthy peers. And her famous mother always supports other mothers raising children with genetic characteristics.

Daughter of Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk

In 2001, the wife of Fyodor Bondarchuk gave birth to a girl. The baby was born prematurely, and the doctors fought for her life for a long time, after which the girl began to have developmental problems. Varya is a "sunny child", usually this is how children born with Down syndrome are called. They live in their own special world and smile much more often than their healthy peers. In the Bondarchuk family, the word “disease” is not pronounced - the spouses simply call Varya special.

The disease of the youngest daughter Varvara not only did not destroy, but, on the contrary, strengthened the union of Fedor and Svetlana. As a rule, in such a situation, the husband and wife stop communicating very quickly, but, fortunately, this did not happen to them.

Basically, Varya lives abroad, where she can receive the treatment she needs and a decent education. Svetlana notes that Russia, unfortunately, is not adapted for such "special" children as her daughter.

“Fantastic, funny and much loved baby! She instantly wins over everyone. It is simply impossible not to love her. She is very light. Varya, unfortunately, spends a lot of time outside of Russia; it is easier for her to study there, it is easier to undergo rehabilitation. Why, at the time of the adoption of the “Dima Yakovlev law”, did I start talking about this? Because I know about this problem firsthand. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to send her to study, to be treated, ”said Bondarchuk in an interview with the magazine.

The woman is incredibly grateful to her husband Fedor for the support he provides to her and her daughter. According to Svetlana, the birth of Barbara only rallied their couple.

There is no place for despondency or sadness in Bondarchuk’s life, a woman treats all problems philosophically: “Yes, we have a child with certain problems, but something terrible can happen to any person at any moment ... Nobody is insured. Living in misery and despondency is wrong.”

Daughter of Irina Khakamada

Irina Khakamada, a talented business coach, designer, former politician and head of the Our Choice interregional social solidarity fund, which she created in 2006 for people with disabilities of all ages, imbued with this topic after the birth of her daughter Maria in 1997, who was diagnosed with Down syndrome.

Irina is not only a strong-willed woman, whose fortitude will be envied by many male leaders, but also an amazing mother. At the age of 42, she decided to have a baby. Not only was the baby born special, but also a terrible disease overtook her.

In 2004, just when Irina was running for president of the Russian Federation, no one could have thought that she was going through a terrible family tragedy. Doctors diagnosed Mashenka with leukemia. The girl underwent a course of chemotherapy. Fortunately, she overcame this disease. A few years later, Irina decided to show her daughter to people and came with her to the premiere of the blockbuster The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. This publication was not easy even for the strong-willed Khakamada. Everyone saw that her daughter suffers from Down's syndrome - and they were imbued with deep respect for this courageous and strong woman.

In an interview, Irina says that Masha loves to dance. She has artistic thinking, but the exact sciences are difficult for a girl. And everything that concerns a figurative vision of the world, drawing, dancing, singing, she succeeds.

Son of Konstantin Meladze

Producer Konstantin Meladze divorced his wife Yana in 2013 after 19 years of marriage, the couple left three common children - Alice, Leah and Valery. Konstantin did not immediately find out that his son suffers from a rare disease - autism. It is not easy to get used to this diagnosis, because it is impossible to fight it. For a long time, this information was hidden from the press. However, the mother of the boy Valera spoke about the fact that her son suffers from autism in the first interview after her divorce from Meladze.

“Doctors diagnosed Valera with autism. Treatment of this disease in all countries of the world is very expensive, including Ukraine. No, this is not a sentence, this is a shooting, after which you were left to live. This is a serious disease that has not yet been cured. It is being corrected. I'm talking about a severe form of autism. These kids can be trained. I think that parents who are faced with a similar problem are familiar with the feeling of fear, helplessness in the face of grief, and shame. Our society does not accept, does not recognize “others”. But when a child has the first successes, hope and faith wake up - and then a new starting point of true victories and bright pride for your child begins. And parents do not need to be ashamed, to blame themselves. Do not think that you could do something wrong. When you understand what a responsible mission you are performing in your child's life, you will realize the value or even pricelessness of your role. And most importantly: autistic disorder should be diagnosed in the first year of a child's life! The fatal mistake of doctors and parents is to wait up to three years. Children with whom correct correction begins before the age of one show amazing results. And in the end, they are not much different from their peers.

Valera is a completely normal child in appearance. His parents realized that he was ill when he was three years old. He looks great, but lives in some kind of his own world. He hardly communicates with people, he has no need for this. The child is like an enchanted boy who outwardly is absolutely the same as us.

Son of Anna Netrebko

In 2008, the famous Russian opera diva Anna Netrebko gave birth to her first child, whom she named Thiago. When the boy was three years old, he was diagnosed with autism. This news was like a bolt from the blue for his famous mother.

“I used to explain his silence by the fact that in our house they speak four languages, and it is difficult for the baby to adapt to this. He only spoke when he needed something. We sounded the alarm, only noticing that the son did not react when he was addressed. Then everything became clear, ”she said.

According to the celebrity, in all other respects the child seemed absolutely normal. “Thiago is very neat and self-sufficient,” the singer believes. Despite everything, the star does not lose heart and believes that the boy will overcome the terrible disease!

“He is certainly a computer genius. I don't have a computer and I don't know how to use it. And he already knows how to count, recognize numbers up to 1000 in three years. He loves the zoo very much, watching the penguins swim underwater, ”says the star mother proudly.

Now her seven-year-old son is studying at an integration school in New York. This educational institution is visited not only by sick, but also by perfectly healthy children. Doctors encouraged the opera diva - her child has only a mild form of autism, and if the boy is treated in a special way, deviations in his development will be practically not noticeable, which means that he will be able to study normally and communicate with other children.

“I am not afraid to say that my son is autistic. Alas, many mothers face such a problem, and I want them to be convinced by the example of Thiago that this disease is not a sentence.

Son of Sergei Belogolovtsev

The children of Sergei Belogolovtsev brought not only many happy moments to the artist and his wife, but also became a real test for both of them. When their eldest son Nikita was not even a year old, Sergei Belogolovtsev's wife Natalya Barannik became pregnant again.

Sergei's wife endured the second pregnancy very hard, and she gave birth prematurely - two younger children of Sergei Belogolovtsev were born at seven months old.

But the problem was not only this, the fact is that one of the children was born very weak - the doctors diagnosed him with four heart defects at once. The boys were named Sasha and Eugene. When little Zhenya was nine months old and it became possible to operate on him, his parents hoped to the last for a good outcome of the operation, which was successful, but the difficulties began later.

The child's heart worked very weakly, and Zhenya went into a coma, lay in bed for two whole months. During this period, he experienced clinical death, due to which the baby developed cerebral palsy.

The eldest of the twins, Sasha, developed normally, and the youngest, Zhenya, lagged far behind - he learned to speak only by the age of six. The child was on the verge of death until the age of eight, and all this time the parents did not leave him around the clock, replacing each other.

After several years of terrible torment, they had hope and joy - the treatment of their sick son began to bring results. Today, the children of Sergei Belogolovtsev, and especially Evgeny, are a great pride for their parents. He successfully graduated from a school for gifted children and entered the Institute of Theater Arts, Advertising and Show Business. Nikita graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO, works as a presenter on the Russia 2 and TV Center TV channels, is a sports producer and political observer on the Dozhd TV channel. Alexander Belogolovtsev is a student at MGIMO, host of the Karusel TV channel, executive producer of the MB-Group TV company.

And last year, Zhenya became a TV presenter, despite a serious illness. On March 17, 2014, the proud father shared this news on his page on the social network: “Zhenya Belogolovtsev recorded pilot broadcasts as the host of the heading in the “Various News” program on the wonderful RazTV channel.”

“A week ago, my parents told me that I could become a TV presenter,” says 25-year-old Belogolovtsev Jr. - We dream that I work in my specialty, because after graduating from the theater institute, I am probably the first professional actor with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. I want guys like me to believe in themselves.”

Grandson of Boris Yeltsin

A child suffering from Down syndrome also grows up in the family of the first president of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin. The boy was born in 1995 in the second marriage of his daughter Tatyana Yumasheva. The family hid the illness of the boy, who was named Gleb, for a long time. Even in family photographs it was impossible to see his face.

However, the day came when Tatyana broke the silence and told the whole truth in her microblog. The woman informed the press that Gleb was studying at a specialized school. Home to him come tutors. The boy loves swimming and chess.

“He remembers hundreds of classical pieces of music – Bach, Mozart, Beethoven… The chess coach is amazed at how extraordinary he thinks. Glebushka also swims amazingly in all styles, - writes Tatyana. - It is believed that Down syndrome is a disease. But, in my opinion, children with Down syndrome are just different. They care about what we easily pass by without noticing.

Tatyana Yumasheva, CEO of the Boris Yeltsin Foundation, in 2006 funded the creation of some educational methods for children with DS. And he is proud of his son, who, as they say, looks like Harry Potter in many ways.

Son of actress Iya Savvina

The only heir of Iya Savvina, son Sergei, was once awarded a solo exhibition. And it was an incredible achievement for him. After all, the boy was born with a terrible diagnosis of Down syndrome, which sounds like a sentence in our country.

Nevertheless, his unusual, talented paintings destroyed the stereotypes of perception of people suffering from Down syndrome. Despite a serious illness, Sergei received a good education at home: he studied English, plays the piano excellently, knows poetry and painting well. And he picked up a brush and paints as an adult.

Savvina learned about the diagnosis of her long-awaited son back in the maternity hospital. She was offered to place a sick child in a special boarding school. But she categorically refused. Savvina accepted her boy, unlike other boys, the way he was given to her from above. I studied with him, developed his abilities in every possible way, hired teachers. What other children take months to master, he mastered over the years. But the results later surprised prominent physicians. And those of them who once assured her of the futility of such activities admitted their mistake.

Iya managed to look after her son, play in films and in the theater, creating unforgettable images of selfless women.

Today Sergei Shestakov is 56. Although he, in fact, remained a big child, nevertheless, he amazes everyone with his many talents. Plays the piano, recites poetry. Well, drawing, of course. But until now he still cannot realize that his beloved mother will never look at him with pride and love: actress Iya Savvina passed away on August 27, 2011 ...

Son of Sylvester Stallone

The statistics in the West are relentless: autism affects one in 88 children, Down syndrome affects every 700th. Many celebrity families have experienced developmental disorders in their own children, but did not give up and, moreover, made a huge contribution to the study of these difficult diseases.

Sergio, the youngest son of Sylvester Stallone, was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. For the actor, this news was a real blow.

Little Sergio had difficulty adapting to the world around him: he could not even establish contact with his relatives, not to mention the rest of those around him. The bitter irony is that in childhood, Stallone himself was almost written down as autistic, but he turned out to be healthy. Sergio did not cause serious concerns - and turned out to be sick.

In the first moments, she and Sasha were depressed, devastated and confused. But then the understanding returned that action is always better than inaction, and the parents - in the best traditions of Rocky - decided to fight.

“I understood that Sly would not be able to pay enough attention to this because of his work. And then I told him: give me the funds, and I will take care of everything,” says Sasha Zak.

And so it happened: Stallone worked with such dedication as never before, and his wife devoted herself to the fight for her son. With Stallone's money, Sasha achieved the creation and opening of an autism research foundation.

However, very soon life made it clear that the seemingly ideal combination of talent, experience and desire to work does not always guarantee a successful result.

During the filming of the fourth "Rocky" the actor had a heart attack. Right from the set, he was taken to the hospital, where he spent several weeks.

The exhausting, literally “wear and tear” work of Stallone and the no less difficult struggle waged by Sasha Zak separated the spouses into different worlds. A ten-year marriage, which has already survived one break, has exhausted itself: Sylvester and Sasha talked about everything and signed divorce papers.

Now Sergio Stallone is 35 years old. He is not a public person, does not maintain contacts with journalists, does not attend social events, but lives calmly and quietly. His father helps him with medical care and visits him regularly. After the eldest son of Sylvester, Sage, died of a heart attack in 2012, the actor treats Sergio even more reverently.

“Yes, the son is always in his own world,” Stallone says, “and he never leaves. I have enough money, but for so many years I have not been able to help him with anything. Nevertheless, the thought of abandoning my son did not even occur to me - even in my youth, when I was so busy with my career.

Son of Jenny McCarthy

In September 1999, Jennie married actor and director John Asher. In May 2002, she gave birth to a son, Evan. Everything seemed to be going well in her life. And suddenly, in August 2005, McCarthy and Usher divorced. The press talked about the mutual betrayals of the spouses, that Jenny prefers to share a bed with women.

It turned out that her little son suffers from autism. John did not have the patience, the strength to raise a sick child. Doctors said there were no effective treatments for autism, but Jenny refused to believe them.

The cheerful, bright blonde has never hidden the diagnosis of her son Evan. Jenny did not fall into panic and despair, preferring to remain optimistic even in such a difficult time for her.

Having learned about the diagnosis of her son, the star, gathering all her will into a fist, began the fight against the terrible illness of her child. McCarthy gave all her strength, time to Evan. And mother's love won! The boy's condition began to improve.

“Evan couldn't talk, couldn't make eye contact, was anti-social. And now he's making friends! It was amazing to see how certain therapies worked well for some kids but didn't work at all for others."

McCarthy does a lot of work with Evan, and thanks to this, he attends a regular comprehensive school. In order to help other parents of children diagnosed with autism, she founded the charity Generation Rescue. In addition, the actress published the book Louder Than Words, in which she talked about how she managed to cure her son.

Son of Dan Marino

American football player Dan Marino and his wife opened a center for children with autism spectrum disorders at a Miami hospital.

Their son Michael was diagnosed at age two. Like other parents, Dan and his wife took the boy to the doctor after noticing abnormalities and developmental delays. Now Michael is 27 years old. Thanks to the successful implementation of intensive care at an early age, the young person now lives an almost full life.

Son of Toni Braxton

In October 2006, American singer Toni Braxton burst into tears at a concert at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, speaking from the stage that her youngest son Diesel had autism, and also stating that if the diagnosis had been made earlier, the boy could have provide much more help.

“Early diagnosis makes a difference for a lifetime… As a mother, I knew that something was wrong with my baby, even when he was about 9 months old. By the time he was one and a half years old, I said: “He is developing differently than his older brother,” Tony recalls.

Currently, the artist is actively funding research in the field of autism and is a spokesperson for Autism Speaks. And for the 12-year-old Diesel, one can only rejoice: the boy was included in the general education system, and now he goes to school with ordinary children.

There are battles that can neither be won nor finished; You have to fight constantly, day after day. They exhaust everyone equally: both the ordinary person and the Hollywood star. But even in these global battles, small but very important victories happen.

Olga Bechtolt

Many people consider these babies to be children from God. They are completely dependent and defenseless before this cruel world. Growing them is a lot of work that requires great strength. Our selection includes families that have transcended prejudices and raise their children as ordinary people, only with a slightly different set of chromosomes or just slightly different from the rest.

Semyon, son of Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin

On April 1, 2012, Evelina Bledans gave birth to her second son, Semyon. After giving birth, the actress admitted that she knew about the illness of her unborn baby, but, despite this, she and her husband, director and producer Alexander Semin, wished that the baby was born.

Doctors asked to think, hinting at an abortion, but Alexander confidently stated that he didn’t want to hear about it: “We will give birth anyway. Even if you now say that the child has begun to grow wings, nails, a beak and that he is a dragon in general, it means that there will be a dragon. Get away from us. We will give birth."

Evelina and Alexander not only accepted their son as God sent him to them, but also constantly prove to people that such children are also happiness. Evelina even started a page for Semochka on social networks.

“Our story is special, because the child is special, with Down syndrome,” Evelina Bledans. - If we had Sema like everyone else, we definitely would not waste time on this, since filling out a page on a social network takes a lot of time. First of all, the page was created for parents who have given birth to such children or who have been diagnosed with the birth of a handicapped child, as well as for those who are obviously afraid of being in such a situation. Initially, I wanted to convey to people that there is no need to be afraid of people with such a syndrome, but, on the contrary, to be loyal. Using the example of Semyon, we show how such a child develops, give different recommendations, and give a positive attitude. Many now are not afraid to raise such children themselves. Many now understand that such children are not a blow, but a gift of fate.

Family life in the end, Evelina and Alexander did not work out - the couple broke up. And in August of this year, the 49-year-old TV presenter amazed the public by doing IVF in the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live". And again, in his studio, after some time, having passed a pregnancy test, she found out that she was expecting a baby.

Eva, daughter of Lolita Milyavskaya

Lolita Milyavskaya did not abandon her daughter Eva when the doctors told the singer that her child was born handicapped. According to the artist, the doctors first said that the girl had Down syndrome, but later changed the diagnosis to autism - congenital psychological isolation. Lolita never misses a chance to praise her daughter in every interview. But at the same time, he does not hide the fact that the child has health problems. Until the age of four, Eva could not speak, besides, she has poor eyesight.

In many interviews, Lolita said that her daughter was born at six months old, the singer was then 35 years old. The baby weighed less than one and a half kilograms, and she was nursed for a long time in a pressure chamber. Eva grew up in Kyiv with her grandmother, Lolita's mother.

This year, Eva will be 20 years old, she practically does not lag behind her healthy peers. And her famous mother always supports other mothers raising children with genetic characteristics.

Daughter of Olga Ushakova Dasha

“I gave birth to Dasha at the age of 24,” said the host of the Good Morning program on Channel One in an interview with Antenna-Telesem magazine. - Just three months after her birth, Ksyusha became pregnant. Two children in a row were not planned, but this is the happiest accident that could happen to me. I am grateful to God that it happened this way, because after the eldest daughter had neurological problems, I would not have dared to give birth to a second child, probably for a long time and would never have known what happiness it is to be a mother of two little girls.” .

When Dasha was one year old, the girl stopped talking, although before that she had already said the cherished “mother”. There were also other words corresponding to age. They waited another year that speech would return and everything would be all right. But nothing has changed.

“We went through a thorough examination, and she was given a differential diagnosis, suggesting a range of diseases from not the most pleasant, but not terrible, to really serious and dangerous. The daughter underwent a re-examination abroad, the doctors reassured her, but they did not give an answer to the question “What is wrong?”. They said: "Wait, everything will be fine." Intuitively I felt that nothing would get better by itself. Unfortunately, in our country, early diagnosis of autism spectrum diseases in children is at an extremely low level,” Olga said.

Now, at nine years old, she is a completely independent girl with character, plans for life, interests and hobbies. Despite all the difficulties, Dasha dances, sings, plays the piano. Thanks to her efforts, like all children, I went to school on time!

“Problems happen, of course. Not every teacher is ready to learn how to work with special children in order to help just one child in the class. What advice would you give to other parents? Do not hide children, do not close houses, unite and defend their rights together at various levels. In all countries where comfortable conditions have been created for the life of people with autism, the parental lobby has played and continues to play a huge role. For the most part, problems in children arise not from the anger of people, but from a lack of information,” Olga Ushakova is sure.

Daughter of Svetlana Zeynalova Sasha

“Sasha was an emotional child, and at the age of one and a half a doctor came to her and asked: “Have you consulted a neurologist? The girl doesn’t look something in the eye, ”the TV presenter recalled in an interview with Antenna-Telesem magazine. - Me: "How, maybe she just didn't like you?" After that, I noticed that she can instantly withdraw into herself. From that moment on, there was no going back. They started going to the doctors, but in our country a child is not diagnosed with autism until the age of 5. They said: "Surround with love, maybe everything will improve."

Svtelana admits: at first there were denials, an attempt to get away from reality.

“I'm sorry I wasted my time. And then began active rehabilitation. Doctors analyzed behavior, identified negativity in a child, and then built a scheme to deal with it. We were visited by coaches six times a week, speech therapists, engaged in therapeutic riding on Skhodnya ... I was billed that was more than two of my salaries, so I agreed to any part-time job. There were doctors who said: "She will never speak to you, she will not read and hear you too." Every time we left the doctors, my daughter sobbed because she understood what the doctor was saying, and she was offended.”

“We stopped going to many children's parties, only those friends who accepted our situation remained. Sasha is my daughter, she is infinitely beloved. Now my daughter is studying in an inclusive school, it has special education for special children, they are developing a program. She studies with ordinary children, she just needs more lessons in some subjects, for example, to learn the multiplication table. Our teacher prepared the children and parents for Sasha's arrival, she said that a special girl would appear in the class, who must be helped. And they really treat Sasha very carefully. Classmates give her their toys, help in everything. Alexandra draws well, she has an excellent ear, she sings, she is learning to play the piano ... "

Varya, daughter of Fyodor and Svetlana Bondarchuk

Little Varya with her father Fyodor Bondarchuk, cousin Konstantin Kryukov and brother Sergei Bondarchuk

In 2001, the wife of Fyodor Bondarchuk gave birth to a girl. The baby was born prematurely, and the doctors fought for her life for a long time, after which the girl began to have developmental problems. Varya is a "sunny child", usually this is how children born with Down syndrome are called. They live in their own special world and smile much more often than their healthy peers. In the Bondarchuk family, the word “disease” was not pronounced - the spouses simply called Varya special.

Basically, Varya lives abroad, where she can receive the treatment she needs and a decent education. Svetlana notes that Russia, unfortunately, is not suitable for children like her daughter to live.

“Fantastic, funny and much loved baby! She instantly wins over everyone. It is simply impossible not to love her. She is very light. Varya, unfortunately, spends a lot of time outside of Russia; it is easier for her to study there, it is easier to undergo rehabilitation. Why, at the time of the adoption of the “Dima Yakovlev law”, did I start talking about this? Because I know about this problem firsthand. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to send her to study, to be treated, ”said Bondarchuk in an interview.

Fedor and Svetlana divorced two years ago, publishing a joint statement in Hello magazine: “With love and gratitude to each other for the years we have lived together, still remaining close people, maintaining mutual respect and love for our relatives, we, Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk , we inform: we decided to get a divorce ... We stopped being a couple, but we remain friends.

Daughter of Irina Khakamada Maria

Irina Khakamada, a talented business coach, designer, former politician and head of the Our Choice interregional social solidarity fund, which she created in 2006 for people with disabilities of all ages, imbued with this topic after the birth of her daughter Maria, who was diagnosed with Down syndrome.

Irina decided to give birth when she was already 42 years old. And Down syndrome is not the only thing she had to deal with. In 2004, doctors diagnosed Mashenka with leukemia. The girl underwent a course of chemotherapy. Fortunately, she overcame this disease. A few years later, Irina decided to show her daughter to people and came with her to the premiere of the blockbuster The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. This publication was not easy even for the strong-willed Khakamada.

In an interview, Irina says that Masha loves to dance. She has artistic thinking, but the exact sciences are difficult for a girl. And everything that concerns a figurative vision of the world, drawing, dancing, singing, she succeeds.

This spring, Khakamada's daughter became a guest of Elena Malysheva's program “Life is great!” on Channel One. For Maria, this is not the first appearance on television, she was very confident. Now she is in college, doing ceramics, learning English and thinking about a career.

“Today I got up very early to come here and perform. I want to be famous like my mom. I want to build a career and become famous in this country,” shared Maria.

Valery, son of Konstantin Meladze

Konstantin Meladze with his ex-wife Yana

Producer Konstantin Meladze divorced his wife Yana in 2013 after 19 years of marriage, the couple left three common children - Alice, Leah and Valery. Konstantin did not immediately find out that his son suffers from a rare disease - autism. It is not easy to get used to this diagnosis, because it is impossible to fight it. For a long time, this information was hidden from the press. However, the mother of the boy Valera spoke about her son's illness in the first interview after her divorce from Meladze.

“Doctors diagnosed Valera with autism. Treatment of this disease in all countries of the world is very expensive. No, this is not a sentence, this is a shooting, after which you were left to live. This is a serious disease that has not yet been cured. It is being corrected. I'm talking about a severe form of autism. These kids can be trained. I think that parents who are faced with a similar problem are familiar with the feeling of fear, helplessness in the face of grief, and shame. Our society does not accept, does not recognize “others”. But when a child has the first successes, hope and faith wake up - and then a new starting point of true victories and bright pride for your child begins. And parents do not need to be ashamed, to blame themselves. Do not think that you could do something wrong. When you understand what a responsible mission you are performing in your child's life, you will realize the value or even pricelessness of your role. And most importantly: autistic disorder should be diagnosed in the first year of a child's life! The fatal mistake of doctors and parents is to wait up to three years. Children with whom correct correction begins before the age of one show amazing results. And in the end, they are not much different from their peers.

Valera is a completely normal child in appearance. His parents realized that he was ill when he was three years old. He looks great, but lives in some kind of his own world. He hardly communicates with people, he has no need for this. The child is like an enchanted boy who outwardly is absolutely the same as us.

Thiago, son of Anna Netrebko

In 2008, the famous Russian opera diva Anna Netrebko gave birth to her first child, whom she named Thiago. When the boy was three years old, he was diagnosed with autism. This news was like a bolt from the blue for his famous mother.

“I used to explain his silence by the fact that in our house they speak four languages, and it is difficult for the baby to adapt to this. He only spoke when he needed something. We sounded the alarm, only noticing that the son did not react when he was addressed. Then everything became clear, ”she said.

According to the celebrity, in all other respects the child seemed absolutely normal. “Thiago is very neat and self-sufficient,” the singer believes. Despite everything, the star does not lose heart and believes that the boy will overcome the terrible disease!

“He is certainly a computer genius. I don't have a computer and I don't know how to use it. And he already knows how to count, recognize numbers up to 1000 in three years. He loves the zoo very much, watching the penguins swim underwater, ”the star mother said proudly.

Now her 10-year-old son is studying at an integration school in New York. This educational institution is visited not only by sick, but also by perfectly healthy children. Doctors encouraged the opera diva - her child has only a mild form of autism, and if the boy is treated in a special way, deviations in his development will be almost invisible, which means that he will be able to study normally and communicate with other children.

“I am not afraid to say that my son is autistic. Alas, many mothers face such a problem, and I want them to be convinced by the example of Thiago that this disease is not a sentence.

Zhenya, son of Sergei Belogolovtsev

Gleb, grandson of Boris Yeltsin

A child suffering from Down syndrome is also growing up in the family of the first president of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin. The boy was born in 1995 in the second marriage of his daughter Tatyana Yumasheva. The family hid the boy's illness for a long time. Even in family photographs it was impossible to see his face.

However, the day came when Tatyana broke the silence and told the whole truth in her microblog. The woman informed the press that Gleb was studying at a specialized school. Home to him come tutors. The boy loves swimming and chess.

“He remembers hundreds of classical pieces of music – Bach, Mozart, Beethoven… The chess coach is amazed at how extraordinary he thinks. Glebushka also swims amazingly in all styles, - writes Tatyana. - It is believed that Down syndrome is a disease. But, in my opinion, children with Down syndrome are just different. They care about what we easily pass by without noticing.

Tatyana Yumasheva, CEO of the Boris Yeltsin Foundation, in 2006 funded the creation of some educational methods for children with DS. And proud of his son, who is said to be a lot like Harry Potter.

Sergei, son of actress Iya Savvina

The only heir of Iya Savvina, son Sergei, was once awarded a solo exhibition. And it was an incredible achievement for him. After all, the boy was born with a diagnosis of Down syndrome, which sounds like a sentence in our country.

Nevertheless, his unusual, talented paintings destroyed the stereotypes of perception of people suffering from Down syndrome. Despite a serious illness, Sergei received a good education at home: he studied English, plays the piano excellently, knows poetry and painting well. And he picked up a brush and paints as an adult.

Savvina learned about the diagnosis of her long-awaited son back in the maternity hospital. She was offered to place a sick child in a special boarding school. But she categorically refused. Savvina accepted her boy, unlike other boys, the way he was given to her from above. I studied with him, developed his abilities in every possible way, hired teachers. What other children take months to master, he mastered over the years. But the results later surprised prominent physicians. And those of them who once assured her of the futility of such activities admitted their mistake.

Iya managed to take care of her son and play in films and theater, creating unforgettable images of selfless women.

Today Sergey Shestakov is 59. Although, in fact, he remained a big child, he nevertheless amazes everyone with his many talents. Plays the piano, recites poetry. Well, drawing, of course. But until now he still cannot realize that his beloved mother will never look at him with pride and love: actress Iya Savvina passed away on August 27, 2011 ...

Sergio, son of Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone and Sasha Zach with their sons: Sergio (left) and Sage (right)

Sergio, the youngest son of Sylvester Stallone, was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. For the actor, this news was a real blow.

Little Sergio had difficulty adapting to the world around him: he could not even establish contact with his relatives, not to mention the rest. The bitter irony is that in childhood, Stallone himself was almost written down as autistic, but he turned out to be healthy. Sergio did not cause serious concerns - and turned out to be sick. In the first moments, he and his wife Sasha were depressed, devastated and confused. But then the understanding returned that action is always better than inaction, and the parents - in the best traditions of Rocky - decided to fight.

“I understood that Sly would not be able to pay enough attention to this because of his work. And then I told him: give me the funds, and I will take care of everything,” says Sasha Zak.

And so it happened: Stallone worked with such dedication as never before, and his wife devoted herself to the fight for her son. With Stallone's money, Sasha achieved the creation and opening of an autism research foundation.

Now Sergio Stallone is 38 years old. He is not a public person, does not maintain contacts with journalists, does not attend social events, but lives calmly and quietly. His father helps him with medical care and visits him regularly. After the eldest son of Sylvester, Sage, died of a heart attack in 2012, the actor treats Sergio even more reverently.

“Yes, the son is always in his own world,” Stallone says, “and he never leaves. I have enough money, but for so many years I have not been able to help him with anything. Nevertheless, the thought of abandoning my son did not even occur to me - even in my youth, when I was so busy with my career.

Evan, son of Jenny McCarthy

In September 1999, Jennie married actor and director John Asher. In May 2002, she gave birth to a son, Evan. Everything seemed to be going well in her life. And suddenly, in August 2005, McCarthy and Usher divorced. It turned out that their child suffers from autism. John did not have the patience and strength to raise a sick baby. Doctors said there were no effective treatments for autism, but Jenny refused to believe them.

The cheerful, bright blonde has never hidden the diagnosis of her son Evan. Jenny didn't panic or give in to despair. Having learned about the diagnosis of her son, the star, having gathered all her will into a fist, began the fight against the illness of her child. McCarthy gave all her strength, time to Evan. And mother's love won! The boy's condition began to improve.

“Evan couldn't talk, couldn't make eye contact, was anti-social. And now he's making friends! It was amazing to see how certain therapies worked well for some kids but didn't work at all for others,” Jenny says.

McCarthy does a lot of work with Evan, and thanks to this, he attends a regular comprehensive school. In order to help other parents of children diagnosed with autism, she founded the charity Generation Rescue. In addition, the actress published the book Louder Than Words, in which she talked about how she managed to cure her son.

Sergei Belogolovtsev is an artist who is simply amazingly versatile. He played on the KVN stage, acted in films, hosted television programs and even created his own works as a director. Such a range of his life images inspires respect, because sometimes it seems that this person has hundreds of faces. But which ones are genuine? We will try to figure this out today.

Childhood and family of Sergei Belogolovtsev

Sergei Belogolovtsev was born on April 2, 1964 in the city of Vladivostok, but he practically did not live here and already in early childhood he moved with his family to the city of Obninsk, where, in fact, he spent his childhood. However, the family of the future showman did not end there either. His family often changed service apartments, and therefore Sergei constantly had to move from one school to another.

While studying at school, our today's hero was fond of football and basketball. His favorite football team was Spartak Moscow, and he himself played for the basketball team of the Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry. It was here, by the way, that Sergei Belogolovtsev was going to enter after school. However, such an undertaking was not appreciated by his father, who worked here as a teacher of physics. As a result, Sergey had to choose another university for himself. So the future showman ended up at the Moscow Mining Institute.

While studying at this university, Sergei first began to get involved in theatrical art. He took an active part in the activities of the local amateur circle, played in performances, wrote lyrics, and at one fine moment even managed to become the head of the local Fluger ensemble.

Sergey Belogolovtsev's career in KVN

After graduating from the institute, Belogolovtsev was assigned to the distant and inhospitable Khabarovsk Territory. However, Sergei was not even going to lose heart in the local wilderness. Literally a few months after his appearance in these parts, Belogolovtsev assembled his own propaganda team and even made several attempts to organize his own rock band. But the last of these ideas remained unrealized. The reason for this was his untimely departure to Moscow, which was caused by family circumstances.

In the capital of Russia, Sergei Belogolovtsev again took up the implementation of a variety of creative plans. This time, the main dream of the actor was his own KVN team. At first, this project "slid" due to lack of funding. However, very soon Sergei's ideas began to take on real shape. So, the KVN team "Magma" was formed.

Belogolovtsev blows up the framework of the program "Let them talk"

From the first days of its existence, the newly formed team has become the main discovery of the Major League season. The team performed brightly, and therefore Sergey Belogolovtsev very soon became a real star. The audience loved him, his jokes were always perceived with a bang. However, in the KVN-ovsky fate of our today's hero, there was still one disappointment - Sergey did not become the champion of the Major League.

Sergey Belogolovtsev - TV presenter

Despite this circumstance, subsequently his creative destiny was very, very successful. In 1993, our today's hero received an offer to work on the creation of the program "The Magnificent Seven". At first, Sergei Belogolovtsev worked on the creation of new releases as a screenwriter, but very soon he began to personally appear in the frame. He was the real soul of the team, combining the qualities of a presenter, screenwriter, actor and director at the same time.

As a result, thanks to the efforts of the actor, the transfer was a great success. The audience really liked the charismatic presenter, and therefore very soon Sergey was invited to other projects. So, in the late nineties, such projects as OSB-Studio, Country Stories, as well as the comedy series 33 Square Meters appeared on Russian television. The last of these projects has become especially popular.

Sergei Belogolovtsev: “It will be harder to joke today”

Sergei Belogolovtsev became a real celebrity, and therefore subsequently he often participated in various television programs as a host or guest star. Over the years, he had a hand in creating such programs as “Save, Repair!” (STS), "Scheme of Laughter" (REN-TV), "Mysteries of Show Business" (TNT), "Circus with Stars" (Channel One Russia), "Soldiers. And officers” (Ren TV), as well as some others. Most of his broadcasts were entertaining in nature, but exceptions to the general rule also occasionally occurred. A vivid example of this is the Headbutt (Russia-2) program, which is entirely dedicated to football.

Sergei Belogolovtsev in the cinema

In addition, in parallel with the career of a TV presenter, Sergei Belogolovtsev successfully built a career as an actor. He often played on the stage of the theater, and also acted in films a lot. Over the years, twelve different films with his participation were released. Among them, the comedies “The Color of the Sky”, “All So Sudden” (with Anna Semenovich in the title role), as well as the new film “Duhless”, which also starred Danila Kozlovsky, Maria Andreeva, Artur Smolyaninov, Mikhail Efremov and others, stand out. In addition, Sergei Belogolovtsev also often played small episodic roles in various Russian sitcoms. As a guest star, he appeared in the series "My Fair Nanny", "Afromoskvich", "Two Antons", "Daddy's Daughters", as well as in some other television projects. These roles, coupled with work as a TV presenter, brought great success to our today's hero.

Sergei Belogolovtsev today

Currently, Sergei Belogolovtsev manages to organically combine cinema, television and theater. At the moment he is hard at work on his new projects. One of these is the surreal comedy film "Ja's Territory", which is due out at the end of 2013.

Personal life Sergei Belogolovtsev

Even in his student years, our today's hero was married to a native Muscovite Natalya Barannik, who worked as a commissar of the Military Patriotic Club.

The couple currently have three sons. The two oldest of them - Nikita and Alexander - work on television. TV presenter Nikita Belogolovtsev even has a TEFI award to his credit. In addition to three sons, our today's hero also has a granddaughter, Eva Nikitichna. Thus, Sergey has been a grandfather for several years.

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