Sergei Bezrukov and “The Godfather. Crazy birthday


On October 18, the artist Sergei Bezrukov, chief director of the Moscow Provincial Theater, turned 45 years old. On this day, he will give a concert at the Crocus City Hall - Bezrukov will sing rock. As a rock singer, he tried himself recently and succeeded. In June of this year, his song "Break Through" was in 73rd place in the air rating "TopHit", and the single "Not about us" in the Russian TOP-5 in the iTunes music chart.

How did you come to rock, how did the Godfather band come about?

Sergey Bezrukov: I dreamed about it since childhood. The acting profession gave me the opportunity to sing from the stage, there were off-screen romances in the cinema ... But I hit rock as a state of mind thanks to the film "Reserve" based on the story of Dovlatov, because of him I took it up professionally. I was the producer of the film and played the main role in it, and my hero became not a writer, like Dovlatov’s, but a rock musician. In this incarnation, I felt very organic - we recorded songs, it was such a drive! Then the group "Godfather" appeared. On this birthday, I decided to test my strength, gather the audience at the Crocus and pull off a real rock concert.

You sing songs based on Yesenin's poems, rehash Vysotsky - this is a very popular repertoire, unlike classic rock. The popularity of "The Godfather" is reminiscent of the success of the popular series "Brigade": the whole country watched it excitedly, it was probably also popular among the criminal world. Did you feel any response from that side?

Sergey Bezrukov: Honestly, no. Sometimes some serious people nodded in restaurants from afar ... But I did not intersect with such an audience, and the story was fictitious. But she was truthful - so they believed in her. The characters did not copy anyone at all, but became self-sufficient.

There is a time for everything: I would like people to pay attention to the series, which will be released in November on the Rossiya channel, so that people would notice the eight-episode historical saga Godunov. I play the main role there. By the way we show the 16th century, by the elaboration of the frame, by the atmosphere of that time, this is an outstanding film. I think it captures no less than the "Brigade".

Looking at how much and varied you work, you involuntarily remember your teacher Tabakov. He also had a passion for both acting and theater building...

Sergey Bezrukov: When we opened the season, one of the journalists said that the atmosphere of our theater reminded him of "Snuffbox". In the fact that the gathering of the troupe became a holiday, in the warmth of communication, from his point of view there was something Tabakovsky. I took this studio spirit from my native Snuffbox, and I try to cherish it in the Moscow Provincial Theatre.

You were successful very early, and it was absolutely deafening. Honored Artist at 28, People's Artist at 35... Is it easy to endure?

Sergey Bezrukov: For me, the main thing has always been work to wear out. The series "Brigada" overnight became so popular that we were recognized on the streets, crowds of fans followed us, they played us. And many colleagues recognized us with difficulty: they did not like our fame.

But she gave me the opportunity to implement my projects, something that I had long dreamed of playing - there were a lot of proposals. The main thing was to learn to refuse: I did not want to replicate myself in the role of the "Brigade".

I refused offers of this kind and looked for paradoxical, unexpected roles. I wanted to be different - my teachers taught me this. Before this series, I mostly had theatrical successes. Staged in 1995, the play "My life, or did you dream about me?" became a serious event in my life - for the first time I experienced what it is like when the applause does not stop. And I was only 23 years old ... When at the age of 23 you receive the State Prize for the role of Yesenin, this is a serious test of fame. Here you just need to keep working - and I continued. And the crazy television popularity that came after the "Brigade" did not mean that you need to stop and relax. I became more circumspect, and the projects that followed did not bring fame to the "Brigade" - but I did what I wanted.

The roles that I played later were completely unexpected. And in Chichikov, and in Figaro, and in Vysotsky, a lot of work was invested, each role became a test.

Who became the main person in your life, strongly influenced your fate?

Sergey Bezrukov: First of all, this is my father, artist Vitaly Bezrukov. He worked at the Pushkin Theatre, and I have been there many times, reviewed all the performances. "Robbers" in Pushkin was a famous performance, and I remember my father in the role of Karl Moor. I watched The Robbers when I was five or six years old and understood little about Schiller's tragedy, but I wept with my father who played the title role. I grew up backstage and really liked the theatrical atmosphere.

My father prepared me for the stage since childhood. He tested my strength: on the 45th anniversary of the Victory, my father staged the first act of Arbuzov's play "My Poor Marat" in the assembly hall of our school, and I played Leonidik. At the age of 14, I played Romeo in a school play, practically my age, and my father, who staged the play, was a monk. He looked closely at my roles, in the school performances that he staged with us, saw how much I was turning into a character, whether my emotions were genuine ... Then he prepared me for entering the Moscow Art Theater School. I was accepted into the course of Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov, a master who taught us how to survive in this profession. Teacher, master, sensei. He certainly had a great influence on me.

On October 18, actor Sergei Bezrukov turns 45 years old. The actor decided to sum up the results on the show "Evening Urgant" on Channel One.

In June, the artist fulfilled his childhood dream and assembled a rock band, which was called "The Godfather". The team debuted with the song "Not About Us", which on the very first day was in the Russian TOP-5 of the iTunes chart.

The Godfather met this summer

Sergei's family life also does not stand still. Very soon, his 34-year-old wife Anna Mathison will become a mother for the second time. Two years ago, the couple had a daughter, Maria.


Ivan Urgant was interested in Bezrukov's well-being. "You're 45 in a week, damn it! Do you even understand what's going on? Tell me honestly, how do you feel? - he asked.

Sergey replied that at the age of 19 he first played a musician-drummer in the 1994 movie Nocturne for Drum and Motorcycle, so he always feels like 19.

Bezrukov admitted that he was not going to rest even on his birthday. On his anniversary, he arranges a concert in the Moscow Crocus City Hall, where he will perform for the first time with his new group.

“All my relatives ask me, why work on your birthday? And I just can't stop working. I decided to gather 6 thousand people. These relatives will come. Only the closest and dearest, ”Sergey jokes.

Today, October 18, Russian theater and film actor, musician and founder of the Godfather group Sergei Bezrukov celebrates his birthday - he turns 45 years old! In honor of this event, "Owl" decided to collect facts about him that you may not have heard of!

1. The future actor grew up with one complex - for a long time he was shorter than his peers, and was very worried, considering himself a "short man". But his self-esteem soared after one beautiful girl out of three "applicants" chose Bezrukov.

4. Bezrukov is one of the most cheerful people: a smile rarely disappears from his face. For this he was nicknamed the "sunny boy." In "Snuffbox" - the theater where Sergei worked in his youth, they said that this "nickname" had passed to him "by inheritance" from

5. One of the most important roles of Bezrukov is "Sasha Bely" in the TV series "Brigada", which at one time was considered a cult. The actor warmly recalls that project, but complains that "White" can still turn to him. By the way, many fans of the actor decided that it was this image that he embodied in his music video for the track "Not About Us". See for yourself and draw your own conclusions!

5. There are many roles in Bezrukov's career, but he still has an unfulfilled dream: he wants to appear in the form of some kind of "freak": with a terrible nose, a strange body or "moral inner horrors."

6. This year, Bezrukov, unexpectedly for many, announced the creation of his musical project - the Godfather group. The actor has repeatedly spoken about his love for music, and now he decided on a full-fledged "experiment": first, the first track appeared on the Web, one of which was A the other day group... But before that he already had experience - he sang with the Lube group in the TV series "Uchastok".

On the day of his 45th birthday, Bezrukov, together with his group "The Godfather", will give the first concert, the rock performance "Crazy Birthday". It will take place on the stage of Crocus City Hall. Guests are in for a lot of surprises!

And on December 10, at the Moscow Palace of Youth, the legendary actor will perform a one-man performance "And life, and theater, and cinema." Tickets - at the box office Ponominalu or on the website.

Cover: Stylenews

On October 18, Sergei Bezrukov, artistic director of the Moscow Provincial Theater, celebrated his 45th birthday. By tradition, he always spends his birthday on stage, communicating with the public in the format of a creative meeting. But this time, the audience was in for a truly grandiose surprise: Sergey Bezrukov gave the first rock concert in his career - first performed with his rock band "The Godfather".

“Some people like to receive gifts on their birthday, and I like to give gifts. And today I have prepared a gift for you - this concert with the Godfather group. You are all my guests today! Throwing a rock concert in this huge hall for your birthday is a real madness, which is why I called my concert "Crazy Birthday"! - said the hero of the day to the audience, who filled the 6,000-seat hall of the Crocus City Hall.

In addition to the songs of the Godfather group, the concert program will also include songs to the verses of Vladimir Vysotsky and Sergei Yesenin in rock arrangement performed by Sergei Bezrukov, and, of course, congratulations from colleagues.

The team of the Moscow Provincial Theater showed a theatrical skit, sorting through all the iconic images played by Sergei Vitalyevich in the cinema and on stage - from Yesenin and Sasha Bely to John Silver, whom Bezrukov plays in the performance of the Provincial Theater "Treasure Island". At the end of their congratulations, the artists rocked their artistic director in their arms, and then a huge birthday cake appeared on the stage, into which the hero of the day was dipped face in the tradition of the good old film comedies.

To congratulate Sergei Bezrukov, the young Yaroslav Degtyareva, the finalist of the "Children's Voice", also appeared on the stage. Yaroslava played the role of the daughter of the protagonist performed by Sergei Bezrukov in Anna Mathison's film "The Reserve", which will be released very soon. Yaroslava came to congratulate her on-screen "dad" by singing the song "What planet are we from" in a duet with him.

In addition to the songs of the "Godfather" group, the concert also featured a composition from the future musical production of the Moscow Provincial Theater. Earlier, Sergei Bezrukov announced that his next work on the stage would be the role of a historical character in a rock opera. And on his birthday, from the stage of Crocus City Hall, Sergey Bezrukov presented a duet from a future production - a rock opera about Stenka Razin, where he will play the main role. “Work on the rock opera is still in preparation, the premiere will be in a year and a half. Composer - Timur Ezugbaya, author of songs that I perform with the Godfather group. Bezrukov said. - Together with the actress of the Provincial Theater Vera Shpak, we sang a duet of Stepan Razin and his wife Alena «.

Sergey Bezrukov:

“I very rarely arrange anniversary celebrations. And now for me it is not so much the date itself - the 45th anniversary - as my debut as a rock musician. I am very glad that at least at the age of 45 I managed to fulfill my youthful dream - to gather my own group and sing songs that were written especially for me and are in tune with my worldview. This does not mean that I decided to do only music - no, I still shoot a lot, do theater. This is just another facet of creativity, which is extremely interesting to me, from which I get high, drive.

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