Sergey kapitsa quotes about the media. Brilliant quotes by Sergei Kapitsa


Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa - Born February 14, 1928, Cambridge, England (since 1935 lived in the USSR). Soviet and Russian physicist, TV presenter, editor-in-chief of the journal "In the world of science". Since 1973, he has consistently hosted the popular science television program Obvious - Incredible. Died - August 14, 2012, Moscow.

Quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases - Kapitsa S.P.

  • Russia is being turned into a country of fools.
  • Before you act, you need to understand.
  • Life is not guided by logic, but by emotion.
  • Television is engaged in the decomposition of people's consciousness.
  • The lack of competent management hurts science painfully.
  • Failure to understand certain things does not mean the presence of God.
  • Leading means not interfering with good people's work.
  • Culture must be planted! Even by force. Otherwise, we will all collapse.
  • Gathering a herd of Rams is easy, it is difficult to gather a herd of Cats.
  • The Internet will change the contours of intellectual property rights.
  • 50 years ago there were as many bicycles on the ruble as there are now cars.
  • Mathematics is what Russians teach Chinese in American universities.
  • Only contradiction stimulates the development of science. It should be emphasized, not glossed over.
  • And what will remain after the current generation? Will their text messages be published as a warning to posterity?
  • In a woman, vulgarity can be repelled. sometimes she also attracts, so go figure it out.
  • Money is not the purpose of the existence of society, but only a means to achieve certain goals.
  • What is my main difference with the church? I say that it was the man who invented God, but they are the opposite.
  • If everything is subordinated to money, then everything will remain money, they will not turn into a masterpiece or a discovery.
  • History for a long time was an "adjective science" - it was "applied" to the point of view of this or that ruler.
  • Major figures do not let people close to them. Richter didn't budge. Father is too. They valued themselves and their time.
  • I have everything I need - I have a dacha on Nikolina Gora, I have an apartment in Moscow, a car and a computer. Nothing else is needed but ideas.
  • Television, the strongest means of human interaction, is now in the hands of those who are completely irresponsible about their role in society.
  • Some fear that if we lose God, we will lose what remains of our conscience. I don't see any contradictions here. I think you can live according to your conscience and still not believe in God.
  • If instead of the billions that are spent on the military, there were millions on education and health care, then there would be no place for terrorism.
  • The suit disciplines the man, internally organizes. Once upon a time, BBC radio announcers read the news in tuxedos and evening dresses, although the listeners did not see them.
  • Moscow, despite many things that annoy me, is still my city. You have to be able to filter it all out. Every person should have filters - from spam.
  • We deprive the poorest segments of the population of the fact that they do not have access to the Internet, we deprive them of information, thereby driving them into even greater poverty. Everyone should have access to the Internet.
  • Women used to dress more boringly. Now there is a colossal range: from monstrous bad taste to very decently dressed people. But for some reason you notice the second much less often than before.
  • Attempts to formalize the greatest achievements of science as someone else's discoveries - this is just a way to satisfy the vanity of their authors. In fact, these achievements belong to humanity as a whole.
  • If you pretend to be a clever man in front of people, speak to them in some foreign language - they do not forgive you for this. If you speak seriously with people and they do not understand, they will forgive you.
  • Not a computer can bring a person, but the Internet. The remarkable Russian psychologist Alexei Leontiev said in 1965: "an excess of information leads to impoverishment of the soul." These words should be written on every site.
  • A modern experimental physicist needs about a million a year - for devices, for the entire infrastructure that provides his research. Yes, this is an expensive pleasure, but a boutique on Gorky Street is more expensive.
  • I knew Akunin when he was still the scientific secretary of our editorial office, the Pushkin Library, which published one hundred volumes of Russian literature. What attracts me in his detective stories is that his detective, as a statesman, has responsibility for the task assigned, for the interests of the country. Responsibility is a concept that has practically disappeared now.
  • Nowhere have I seen more hunted men than in America. They are in a terrible state, aggressive feminism is finishing them off. I remember, in Boston at the institute, a respected teacher, a Russian mathematician, was walking along the corridor, and some secretary was carrying printers. He opened the door for her, and she accused him of sexual harassment, although it was an instinctive movement for him: a woman drags a heavy piece of iron. There was a public scandal, and he had to leave the institute.

Physicist Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa needs no special introduction. From 1973 to 2012, he remained the permanent host of the popular science TV program "Obvious - Incredible" and proved that science can be entertaining and interesting.

Remaining the editor-in-chief of the journal "In the world of science" and vice-president of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Sergey Kapitsa for many years spoke about science, technology and culture in a way that was understandable and interesting to everyone.

And to this day, his vivid quotes and thoughts are more relevant than ever:

  • If instead of billions, which are spent on the armed forces, if there were millions for education and health care, then there would be no place for terrorism.
  • It is easy to gather a herd of sheep, it is difficult to gather a herd of cats.
  • History has long been an "adjective science" - it was "applied" to the point of view of a particular ruler.
  • Only contradiction stimulates the development of science. It should be emphasized, not glossed over.
  • Moscow, despite many things that annoy me, is still my city. You have to be able to filter it all out. Every person should have filters - from spam.
  • If everything is subordinated to money, then everything will remain money, they will not turn into a masterpiece or a discovery..
  • Television, the strongest means of human interaction, is now in the hands of those who are completely irresponsible about their role in society.
  • The main miracle is that we live.
  • And what will remain after the current generation? Will their SMS be published as a warning to posterity?
  • In a woman, vulgarity can be repelled. Sometimes she attracts, so go find out.
  • The suit disciplines the man, internally organizes. Once upon a time, BBC radio announcers read the news in tuxedos and evening dresses, although the listeners did not see them.
  • 50 years ago, there were as many bicycles on Rublyovka as there are now cars.
  • Do you know what my main disagreement with the church is? I say that this man invented God, and they - that the opposite is true.
  • Culture must be planted! Even by force. Otherwise, we will all collapse.
  • Nowhere have I seen more hunted men than in America. They are in a terrible state, aggressive feminism is finishing them off.
  • Women used to dress more boringly. Now there is a colossal range: from monstrous bad taste to very decently dressed people. But for some reason you notice the second much less often than before.
  • Math is what Russians teach Chinese in American universities.
  • I am a Russian Orthodox atheist.
  • A modern experimental physicist needs about a million a year - for devices, for the entire infrastructure that provides his research. Yes, this is an expensive pleasure, but a boutique on Gorky Street is more expensive.
  • Nothing prevents a person tomorrow from becoming smarter than he was yesterday.
  • Leading means not interfering with good people to work.
  • Not a computer can bring a person, but the Internet. The remarkable Russian psychologist Aleksey Leontiev said in 1965: "An excess of information leads to impoverishment of the soul." These words should be written on every site.
  • The son of the Nobel Prize winner Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa and the godson of the Nobel Prize winner Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, Sergey Kapitsa was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the TV presenter with the longest program experience. Since 1973, he has consistently hosted the popular science television program Obvious-Incredible. Being a scientistthinker and educator, he left us many interesting and vivid statements.

    If instead of the billions that are spent on the military, there were millions on education and health care, then there would be no place for terrorism.

    History has long been an "adjective science" - it was "applied" to the point of view of a particular ruler.

    If everything is subordinated to money, then everything will remain money, they will not turn into a masterpiece or a discovery.

    Television, the strongest means of human interaction, is now in the hands of those who are completely irresponsible about their role in society.

    What will be left of the current generation? Will their SMS be published as a warning to posterity?

    Culture must be planted! Even by force. Otherwise, we will all collapse.

    Mathematics is what Russians teach Chinese in American universities.

    I am a Russian Orthodox atheist.

    A modern experimental physicist needs about a million a year - for devices, for the entire infrastructure that provides his research. Yes, this is an expensive pleasure, but a boutique on Gorky Street is more expensive.

    Leading means not interfering with good people's work.

    Not a computer can bring a person, but the Internet. The remarkable Russian psychologist Aleksey Leontiev said in 1965: "An excess of information leads to impoverishment of the soul." These words should be written on every site.

    Take a look at the same computers. They have, roughly speaking, hardware and software. Software costs 10-20 times more than hardware, because it is much harder to create a product of intellectual labor. So it is with humanity. "Iron" - energy, weapons - we have as much as we want. And software - call it cultural potential - lags behind.

    It's time to not only create something good and important, but also actively implement it. After all, the same commandment “Thou shalt not kill!” does not require explanation - it requires execution.


    50 years ago there were as many bicycles on the ruble as there are now cars.

    The Internet will change the contours of intellectual property rights.


    I have everything I need - I have a dacha on Nikolina Gora, I have an apartment in Moscow, a car and a computer. Nothing else is needed but ideas.

    The lack of competent management hurts science painfully.

    Failure to understand certain things does not mean the presence of God.


    And what will remain after the current generation? Will their text messages be published as a warning to posterity?

    Mathematics is what Russians teach Chinese in American universities.


    A modern experimental physicist needs about a million a year - for devices, for the entire infrastructure that provides his research. Yes, this is an expensive pleasure, but a boutique on Gorky Street is more expensive.

    The suit disciplines the man, internally organizes. Once upon a time, BBC radio announcers read the news in tuxedos and evening dresses, although the listeners did not see them.

    Money is not the purpose of the existence of society, but only a means to achieve certain goals.

    Culture must be planted! Even by force. Otherwise, we will all collapse.

    Before you act, you need to understand.

    If you pretend to be a clever man in front of people, speak to them in some foreign language - they do not forgive you for this. If you speak seriously with people and they do not understand, they will forgive you.

    Television, the strongest means of human interaction, is now in the hands of those who are completely irresponsible about their role in society.

    In a woman, vulgarity can be repelled. Sometimes she also attracts, so go figure it out.

    Major figures do not let people close to them. Richter didn't budge. Father is too. They valued themselves and their time.

    Moscow, despite many things that annoy me, is still my city. You have to be able to filter it all out. Every person should have filters - from spam.

    I knew Akunin when he was still the scientific secretary of our editorial office, the Pushkin Library, which published one hundred volumes of Russian literature. What attracts me in his detective stories is that his detective, as a statesman, has responsibility for the task assigned, for the interests of the country. Responsibility is a concept that has practically disappeared now.

    Attempts to formalize the greatest achievements of science as someone else's discoveries - this is just a way to satisfy the vanity of their authors. In fact, these achievements belong to humanity as a whole.

    Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, (1894–1984), engineer, physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Nobel Prize in Physics 1978

    You can't do good work with someone else's hands.

    In the past, it was widely believed that discipline is needed in order to make a person work. This opinion is wrong and must be eradicated. If so, then such a person should be persecuted. Discipline is necessary for people to work in concert.

    Of course, one must be able to overcome difficulties, but one must also be able not to raise them before oneself...

    At the heart of creative work is always a feeling of protest.

    A person is young when he is not afraid to do stupid things.

    Money must turn around. The faster you spend, the more you get.

    In words, only love is explained, but deeds should be written.

    Where doubt ends, science ends.

    The main sign of talent is when a person knows what he wants.

    Science should be fun, exciting and easy. So must be scientists.

    The more fundamental the pattern, the easier it can be formulated.

    The interpretation of the experiment is a matter of taste.

    A good experiment is one that does not agree with the theory.

    Science does not need to be painted with fiction. She is interesting in her own right.

    Only contradiction stimulates the development of science. It should be emphasized, not glossed over.

    The ability to limit freedom in the country is a matter of good manners of the government.

    If there is intuition, then there is a pattern.

    Mistakes are not yet pseudoscience. Pseudoscience is not recognizing mistakes.

    The topic of work must be changed every eight years, since during this time the cells of the body and blood completely change - you are already a different person.

    Collective creativity is nonsense, but creativity in a team is the only kind of real and fruitful creativity.

    When theory coincides with experiment, it is no longer a discovery, but a closure.

    Deception is a necessary element of a democratic order, since the progressive principle is concentrated in a small number of people, and with democratic government, according to the desires of the majority, progress would be stopped.

    Leading means not interfering with good people's work.

    Geniuses are born by an epoch, not geniuses give birth to an epoch.

    There are two ways to limit a person's freedom: through violence and through the education of conditioned reflexes in him.

    The mass media are no less dangerous than the means of mass destruction.

    The whole history of mankind consists of mistakes, and despite this, every government considers itself sinless. This is the law of nature and must be obeyed.

    To be happy, a person must imagine himself free.

    Freedom of creativity - freedom to make mistakes.

    In life, a person with endurance always wins. And it is necessary to withstand not half an hour, but years.

    Life is like a card game that you play without knowing the rules.

    In 1921 Kapitsa came to Cambridge to see Rutherford. He refused to enroll him in his laboratory: the staff is already staffed.
    - And tell me, please, professor, what is the accuracy of your work? - asked Kapitsa
    - An error of about 10 percent.
    - So, you can make the same error in staffing.
    The capitol was accepted.

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