Sergei Suponev family and children. TV presenter Sergey Suponev: creative life and unexpected death


He is very similar to his father. Another ten years, and he will become an exact copy of Sergei Suponev - a kind, charming handsome man. This is how the audience remembered the host of the programs “Star Hour”, “Call of the Jungle”. Sergey passed away two years ago. He was survived by a son and a little daughter.

The son of Sergei Kirill got on television very early, at the age of five. Therefore, now, at 19, he has the experience of leading several television programs. Dreams of a career as a director. He studies at MGIMO (of course, at the Faculty of Journalism, however, international), plays music, smokes Captain Black, drives a Daewoo Nexia, which he recently crushed. And he really does not want to work ... on TV. He came to the interview with his girlfriend.

“Anna and I have been together for six months. With her, I learned to be serious, responsible. We study together at MGIMO. I noticed Anyuta a year and a half ago. She seemed so inaccessible to me, I was very afraid to approach her. Somehow I still decided and wrote to her on “ICQ” that my name is Cyril and I want to get to know her. Since then we have been together.

Before meeting Anya, I did not know that there is a real cinema, that there is Tarkovsky, Kalatozov, Fellini. Since I became interested in cinema, I have one goal - to become a director. Tarkovsky once said: “The only way to show your feelings is through cinema.” I agree with him.

- What about television?

- Not very attractive. TV is a drug and I don't want to feel like a drug dealer. I myself will never sit in front of the TV.

Wouldn't you like to work on a popular show if you don't like it?

- I would. Because of money. But I wouldn't look. When I have children, I will forbid them to watch TV at all.

- Even the program "Star Hour"?

- No, "Star hour" is possible. This is an educational program. But there are very few of them.

- So, the profession of a journalist does not attract you at all?

“I don't want to do what I'm told. I would like to come up with something myself. I know for sure that I want to have my own business, and not depend on someone. I will never be able to sit in the office, sort out papers. Now there are few real programs, everything is somehow artificial. At the last TEFI, when I learned that Starry Hour would not receive anything, I got up and left. There were no more worthy programs in this nomination ...

- Your first experience on television - the Yum-Yum program that you hosted with Nastya Strizhenova?

- No, the first time I appeared in the Marathon-15 program. I was then five years old. And I got into “Yum-yum” when I was about ten years old. It was included in the morning program for children and lasted five to eight minutes. The concept was dad's: Nastya and I taught the guys how to cook breakfast from improvised products. At that time, apart from scrambled eggs, I couldn’t really cook anything, so we learned along the way, along with the viewers. Letters came to the editor with the following content: “Everything looks so terrible with you: mayonnaise is dripping on the floor, your hands are dirty. Look how beautiful everything is with Makarevich!”

Then there was the program “Everything is Possible”. There I no longer wanted to shine as the son of Suponev, so I came up with the pseudonym Venopus (my last name is the other way around). My co-host, Alexey Vostrikov, introduced me as a hereditary Greek fisherman. We found people of interesting professions and tried for ourselves what they do. There were very interesting programs about diggers and ringers. But the funniest story was on the New Year's program. The director had a friend, like two drops of water similar to Sting. We decided to make a story “Sting in Moscow”. Allegedly, the star flew precisely to the shooting of “Everything is Possible”. We “met” him at Sheremetyevo, drove a limousine, security guards, everything, as in life. And then the pseudo-Sting played in our studio, and I and my co-host accompanied him. Fake Sting very naturally opened his mouth under the plywood, he performed the “Cowboy Song” and was dressed in a cowboy hat. In general, everyone was delighted. There were a lot of email responses. And only one particularly attentive viewer wrote: “Something your Sting is clamping the wrong frets on the guitar ...”

- The last project in which you participated was closed quite recently - the “100%” program on ORT. Your colleague was Nikita Belov, now a famous DJ.

- We invited stars, discussed all sorts of topics, for example, with Anastasia Volochkova the rules of good taste, and with Dmitry Dibrov we discussed the topic “Money”. When we asked him how much he needed for happiness, he said: 43,646 rubles. Apparently, at that time he needed this amount.

Did you get into college easily?

Is it difficult to enter MGIMO? In the same place, the main thing is a creative competition, at which I wrote how we did “Everything is Possible”; essay on books read and English - I was fine with that. At school, an Englishwoman didn’t put me at a desk with the rest of the students for a long time, I sat on a chair near the door so that I wouldn’t interfere with anyone and didn’t do anything. Since then, English has been like a mother tongue to me.

- Your grandfather - artist Yevgeny Suponev served in the Theater of Satire. Did you want to become an actor?

- No, the actors are hypocrites, they try on other people's faces, I would not like that.

- I was told that you were invited as a host to the updated "Star Hour" ...

- Two years ago, they wanted to restore the program, they were looking for a host. When I arrived, they told me that I was too similar to the previous presenter, the same appearance, the same manner of speaking. And the producers wanted to see a different type ...

- Your car is good. Did he earn money for it?

- No Unfortunately. I get a little money, I help my mother come up with questions for the “Armchair” program (my mother works on television, now, among other things, she is the editor-in-chief of the Star Factory-3 project). My questions fall into the sixth and seventh groups in terms of difficulty. With Anya I tried to do translations. But they pay little for it, and it takes a lot of time.

How old were you when your parents divorced?

- Ten. It was a difficult period, and I don't want to remember it now. Most of all, I was worried about my mother. They lived together for eleven years, met at school, my mother was waiting for her father from the army. Divorce affected me less, because my father and I often saw each other, went on vacation, he helped us as best he could.

Which parent went to school meetings?

- Nanny or mother, father was very busy. I am a spoiled child, as a child I was capricious, and therefore I often received a belt. One day my father beat me up for calling a boy a fool. I was kicked out of the second grade for bad behavior, I was the only one who went to school in loose clothes. Didn't want to wear a uniform. Then I was transferred to the school where my father studied. There I took up my mind, although I did not study well. The head teacher told me: “Your dad studied so well, take an example from him.” And I knew that he was still that hooligan - he skipped classes. And once he even set fire to the chemist's dress ...

- Did your father help with advice on the part of the weaker sex?

- I remember once complaining to him that the girls do not take me seriously. He said to this: “Probably, you are a lot of clowning. We must do everything in moderation: be a little clown, a little serious.” I remember this advice.

I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy success with the girls, but they perceived me mainly as a friend. I remember I was friends with three girls and once at a birthday party I kissed all three. In such a I was not serious ... (Laughs.)

For the last two years I have been living on my own. Mom moved to another apartment, to her grandmother. In my spare time I play drums with my friends in two bands. I was drawn to music after the tragedy with my father.

The tragic death of Sergei Suponev at one time pretty much shocked the whole country - the presenter and producer played a significant role in the development of Russian television and enjoyed the respect and love of those around him. Alas, the accident put an extremely untimely end to Sergei's biography.

Sergei Suponev became a truly famous TV presenter in the second half of the 90s. He started from the bottom - initially, back in 1980, Suponev worked as an auxiliary worker.

In 1986, Sergei began filming his own stories for the popular youth television project Under 16 and Over.

In 1989, Suponev got the place of the host in the program "Marathon 15"; Sergei turned out to be more than worthy as the presenter - and already three years later Vlad Listyev himself offered him the position of the host of the new children's quiz "Star Hour". This show was the first really successful Suponev; later Sergey began to create his own projects - and he succeeded a lot in this field. The King of the Hill, Call of the Jungle and Dandy - New Reality programs have in many ways defined the face of children's entertainment television.

Suponev's affairs went uphill; alas, on December 8, 2001, the popular presenter crashed on a snowmobile near the Tver village of Edimonovo. From an extremely strong blow, Sergei died on the spot. 12 years after Sergei's death, his son, Kirill, followed in his footsteps; unlike his father, Cyril died not from a fatal combination of circumstances, but from his own hand.

28-year-old Suponev took his own life in the house where he lived with his mother. Valeria Suponeva left the house for only 10 minutes; alas, this was quite enough for Cyril to carry out his plan. Returning home, the woman found her son in a noose; alas, it was too late to save Cyril - he was dead.

What exactly prompted Cyril to commit suicide is not exactly known - he did not consider it necessary to leave some kind of farewell message. However, it seems that Cyril still had certain prerequisites for suicide.

It may seem to someone that there was nothing to complain about Cyril in life. Behind Suponev Jr. was a successfully graduated faculty of journalism from MGIMO and considerable experience in television; Suponev held quite worthy positions - he happened to be engaged in both producing and directing. Kirill worked on his own projects; in parallel, he had time to study music - Suponev was listed as a drummer in the Romeo Must Die team. At the end of 2013, the group was supposed to break up. On his last day, Kirill had to go to St. Petersburg; there the band was supposed to play one of their last concerts.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to find out exactly why Suponev decided to commit suicide. Kirill's friends and colleagues said that he reacted extremely painfully to all sorts of failures and career troubles. To some extent, Kirill became a victim of his own father - many (often unwittingly) compared Kirill's achievements with those of Sergei; these comparisons, alas, usually turned out to be not in favor of the younger Suponev. Cyril actively tried to get out of his father's shadow - and even refused to take the position of the host of the "Star Hour" program that had been vacated after the death of Sergei; unfortunately, he never managed to rise to the level of Suponev Sr. It is quite possible that it was the combination of several failures at work with the breakup of the group that caused Cyril an unusually strong depression - the way out of which the host found by no means the best.

Last weekend brought tragic news: the 28-year-old son of a TV presenter and creator of a number of popular children's TV programs died in the capital Sergei Suponev Kirill Suponev.

Suponev Jr. was knocked down by creative failures?

The incident happened in a house on Osenny Boulevard, where Suponev Jr. lived with his mother, Valeria Suponeva.

As the mother of the deceased told the police, she left the house for literally ten minutes, and upon returning she found her son in a noose. Unfortunately, it was no longer possible to help him.

A note in which Cyril would explain the motives for the fatal step was not found. Law enforcement agencies are conducting a pre-investigation check on the fact of suicide.

Kirill Suponev was the son of TV presenter Sergei Suponev from his first marriage. After graduating from the journalism faculty of MGIMO, Suponev Jr. followed in his father's footsteps, starting to work on television.

He held the positions of director and producer, worked on his own television projects. Friends and relatives of Cyril noted that the young man was hard to bear career failures and fell into depression.

Another area of ​​activity of Kirill Suponev was music - he was the drummer of the Romeo Must Die group. The musicians, who had been playing together for a long time, decided to end the project at the end of 2013. On the day of the tragedy, Kirill had to go to St. Petersburg to participate in one of the final concerts of the band.

It is possible that the completion of the musical project, to which Suponev Jr. devoted more than one year, against the backdrop of creative failures on television, pushed the young man to a fatal step.

In 2001, immediately after the death of his father, Kirill Suponev was offered to replace him as the host of the Star Hour program, but Suponev Jr. refused. According to friends, Cyril was an ambitious person and did not want to be compared with his father.

"Star hour" by Sergei Suponev ended on the ice of the Volga

The television career of Sergei Suponev reached its peak in the second half of the 1990s. He came to television back in 1980, but initially served as an auxiliary worker and administrator. In 1986, Suponev began to shoot stories for the TV show "Under 16 and Over."

Popularity came to Sergei Suponev in 1989, when he became the co-host of the Marathon 15 program for teenagers. In 1992, Vlad Listyev invited Suponev to lead the children's TV quiz "Star Hour". From that moment on, Sergei Suponev began to actively work on children's television broadcasting, not only as a presenter, but also as a producer, creator of new programs.

He has such projects as "Call of the Jungle", "Dandy - New Reality", "King of the Hill", "I'll Sing Right Now" and many others. Suponev worked on entertainment programs not only for children - in 2001 he became one of the creators of the reality show "The Last Hero".

At the very peak of his career, tragedy struck. On December 8, 2001, the 38-year-old TV presenter rode a snowmobile on the ice of the Volga near the village of Edimonovo, Tver Region. At some point, Suponev lost control and crashed into the snow-covered wooden walkways of the river pier. Sergei Suponev died on the spot.

In addition to his son Cyril, Suponev left a daughter from his second marriage Pauline who was less than a year old at the time of her father's death.

Sergei Suponev came from a creative family - his father was an actor in the Theater of Satire, his mother worked there as a pianist. Suponev's maternal half-sister is the famous singer and TV presenter Elena Perova.

On the tombstone of Sergei Suponev, an epitaph was engraved, which his father came up with: “Your stellar path in this world has gone from the screen to the souls of the children.”

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