The sister of the murdered Oksana Aplekaeva is pursued by a maniac. The sister of the murdered Oksana Aplekaeva is being pursued by a maniac Escort diva could have been killed for chatting


The investigation completely abandoned the version that a businessman named Mikhail was involved in the murder of the ex-participant of the reality show "Dom-2" Oksana Aplekaeva. The man really saw the girl on the day of her death, but then he left to celebrate his birthday with his wife. By the way, after this story surfaced, the wife announced her intention to divorce the entrepreneur.

The investigators established with accuracy: Oksana, having dined with Mikhail, went to a certain event, where, apparently, she was killed. However, the place of death of the unfortunate has not yet been established. According to the main version of the investigation, the girl died after witnessing the events that took place at one of the parties.

As already reported by Rosbalt, Oksana is on various shows. At the international motor show, which began in Moscow on August 26, the girl presented cars at one of the stands. Practically on the first day of the exhibition, Oksana met the general director of one of the companies, Alexei, and his deputy, Mikhail.

The men took a phone number from a pretty blonde and promised to call back. As Alexei later told during interrogations, he soon left the capital on business, and returned after the death of the girl.

According to a Rosbalt source in the investigation team, the situation with Mikhail was more complicated. He said that he had a birthday soon. On August 29, the businessman called Oksana from a work phone and arranged a meeting in Crocus City. Mikhail, having arrived there on a motorcycle, went with Aplekaeva to one of the restaurants of the exhibition complex

“During interrogations, Mikhail admitted that he could not spend this evening with Oksana,” said the Rosbalt interlocutor. - His wife and other members of the family were going to attend his birthday party. The appearance of Apleaeva there was completely inappropriate.

That evening, according to the investigation, Mikhail apologized to Oksana that he could not see her home, left money for a taxi and left to celebrate his holiday. “Because of this whole story, Mikhail has already had serious troubles,” our source notes. “After the whole situation with Aplekaeva surfaced, his family was on the verge of collapse.”

As for Alexei, his testimony that he was outside Moscow on the day of his death is being checked, but it seems that this businessman is also not involved in the murder.

According to the interlocutor of the agency, after the departure of Mikhail, Oksana made several more calls, the last of which was to a close friend. The girl told her that she had to stop by "for one event", after which she would go to her home.

“Our main task now is to establish what kind of event it was,” the source notes. - After all, it seems that's where it is. So far, from her calls and SMS messages, it is not possible to understand where she left Crocus City.

According to investigators, Oksana was a very sociable girl, she had acquaintances with famous athletes, actors, as well as people who were very similar to criminal authorities.

During a search of Aplekaeva's apartment, various records were found that contained the names of young people and girls, as well as various amounts of money. Information appeared in the media that Oksana could be involved in the business of providing sex services to wealthy people.

“The materials seized by us do not allow us to unequivocally say that Aplekaeva was involved in such cases,” the investigators say. - She kept several notebooks, where she wrote down all the events related to her and her friends, and gave some calculations. It’s like diaries: who, what party was, what they did there, what things (sometimes very dubious) did certain stars and various wealthy people, who gave money, how much and to whom, etc. Of course, she had information that could compromise some people. The case with Mikhail is indicative in this situation.

According to the main version of the investigation, the murder is just connected with such excessive awareness of the girl. “She witnessed one very unsightly moment, about which we ourselves still know little,” the investigators say. - By nature, being quite talkative, Oksana mentioned this story in communication with friends. Certain people didn't like it very much. She could be dealt with as an unnecessary witness.”

According to our interlocutor, several friends of Aplekaeva are aware of these events and guess who could have killed the unfortunate woman, but they do not tell anything during interrogations. They are just afraid of reprisals. “While we talked only with a circle of people close to Aplekaeva, none of the well-known personalities in the country volunteered for interrogations,” the investigation team notes. Law enforcement officers hope that they will be able to fully understand the girl’s diaries, establish this very “ugly story”, and also determine which event she went to on the ill-fated day. Then it will already be clear why Oksana Aplekaeva was killed.

Recall that on September 1, there were passers-by on the side of the 50th kilometer of the Moscow-Riga highway. The deceased did not have any documents with her, she was listed as unidentified. On the same day, acquaintances of Oksana Aplekaeva turned to the Moscow police department with a statement about the disappearance of the girl - she did not appear either at work or at home.

At first, the search case was transferred to the Krasnogorsk Internal Affairs Directorate, next to which Crocus City is located, and then to the police of the Istra District, on whose territory the corpse was found. Friends from the photo identified Oksana Aplekaeva as the deceased. Later, her own sister did the same.

The examination showed that the girl died from mechanical asphyxia, that is, she was strangled. according to part 1 of Art. 105 (murder) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The permanent superintendent of the television station, Ksenia Borodina, believes that neither she nor the guys should have gone to Oksana's funeral.

(Kazan, September 12, Tatar-inform). Yesterday in Ufa there was a funeral of a project participant. The body was brought to her hometown of Ufa in a closed coffin.

At the funeral were only relatives of the model. None of the participants in the TV project came to see Oksana on her last journey. Young people, busy with their own affairs, simply did not find time for this sad event.

Alena Vodonaeva, who left the project that made her a star more than a year ago, learned about the death of her colleague from the press. She was not even going to go to Oksana's funeral. And Vodonaeva now dismisses her acquaintance with the tragically deceased model, fearing to get involved in this whole "muddy story."

“Why did I even have to go to the funeral?” the girl was surprised. “We haven’t talked to her all these two years. Of course, I’m very sad that the person died, I condole with her relatives. But I have my own business and spend time on I don't want a funeral. Moreover, this is too muddy a story..."

Roman Tretyakov found out only on the day of her funeral. The young man returned from his honeymoon today. The tragic news greatly agitated the former participant in the reality show.

“No one even called me and didn’t tell me,” Roman admitted in a drooping voice. “I just found out now. I don’t want to talk about it now.”

The permanent superintendent of the television station, Ksenia Borodina, believes that neither she nor the guys should have gone to Oksana's funeral. Too much time has passed since the girl was a member of the project. For the past two years, the beautiful model has not communicated with any of the participants.

“I didn’t consider it necessary to come to the funeral, because I didn’t know this person closely,” Ksenia explained to LIFE.Ru. “She didn’t maintain relations with anyone, so none of the guys went to the funeral. It seemed to us that this will cause more respect. Many people like to go to funerals in order to once again light up, knowing that they are burying a public person. Everyone here acted honestly. Including me. At such moments, only relatives and the closest people should gather. "

Oksana was buried on the outskirts of the Severnoye cemetery in Ufa, surrounding her modest grave with several mourning wreaths from her parents, grandmother, sister, neighbors and relatives. Even Oksana's old grandmother came to the cemetery. “Don’t open her face,” Oksana’s mother asked the movers. “We don’t want anyone to see him after death, we want everyone to remember her the way she was, smiling and cheerful Oksana Aplekaeva.”

During a two-month investigation, investigators from the Moscow region managed to establish the cause of death of the model and former participant in the reality show "Dom-2" Oksana Aplekaeva. The girl was strangled during sex, and investigators do not rule out that it was a manslaughter.

Shocking forensic evidence calls into question the original version of the brutal rape and murder of a model who allegedly crossed the path of one of the influential regulars of secular parties. Now the detectives are inclined to believe that the death of Oksana Aplekayeva was the result of a sadomasochistic sexual intercourse, Trend reports citing a source close to the investigation.

In any case, investigators are now confident that Aplekaeva's death was violent, although at first there were doubts about this.

"Various versions were worked out," the source explains. "This examination should have clarified a lot." According to one of the initial versions, the girl died from poisoning or an overdose of potent drugs. If this were confirmed, the criminal case would have to be closed altogether.

Now the investigation has taken a new turn. The murder has been proven, and those responsible must be punished.

"It is possible that some of the injuries were received during sexual pleasures," the source continues.

Regarding the strangulation of the victim, he says that it could have happened by accident, "in a fit of passion." “And then the frightened lover got scared and decided to throw the body on the highway,” the law enforcement officer concludes.

The notes found in Aplekaeva's notebook also speak in favor of the version of sexual contact with a tragic end. "Party, Rublyovka. Birthday of the oligarch. 18 girls," wrote Oksana. Investigators suggested that the well-known model organized parties for the wealthy residents of Rublyovka. And later, in Oksana's phone, they found a photo of intimate content from these same parties.

Recall that the spectacular 31-year-old blonde Oksana Aplekaeva disappeared in late August, and in early September her friend sounded the alarm. About a week later, the body of the model with traces of strangulation was found in the Istra district on the side of the 50th kilometer of the Moscow-Riga highway. The body was found by truck drivers.

Since the deceased did not have any documents, for a long time she was listed as unidentified. It took more than a week to establish the cause of the girl's death.

There were no signs of a struggle at the place where Aplekaeva's body was found. It appears that she was brought there already dead shortly after the murder. The body was only slightly covered with branches. Jewelry and a mobile phone were also missing from the victim.

According to preliminary data, before her death, the model was severely beaten and raped.

In the last days of her life, Aplekaeva worked as a model at the Moscow International Motor Show, which opened on August 26. The girl represented the cars at one of the stands.

On August 29, the model left the car dealership in the company of a businessman, and no one has seen her since. Shortly before her death, she made a mysterious call to her friend, saying that she needed to stop by "for an event." The investigating authorities have not found out where this mysterious meeting was held and why.

The defiler of Aplekaeva's grave was detained

Meanwhile, in Bashkiria, operatives detained a 50-year-old vandal who allegedly defiled the burial of a deceased model. The attacker was caught red-handed in the Northern cemetery of Ufa, where the infamous star of the Dom-2 television project is buried.

"This man stole metal tombstones, fences and monuments and sold them to non-ferrous metal collection points," Ufa policemen say.

In the detainee's garage, police officers found a whole "collection" of fences, monuments, plaques with photos and names of the dead, as well as a full bucket of crosses, crescents and stars from tombstones.

According to investigators, the detainee will be charged with vandalism.

"Unfortunately, Aplekayeva's relatives did not write a statement to the prosecutor's office on the fact that her grave was set on fire," investigators complain. "Therefore, no separate case was opened to desecrate Oksana's grave."

Recall that the grave of the infamous model Oksana Aplekaeva, who died under mysterious circumstances in Moscow, was burned on the day of her fortieth. The fire destroyed the monument to the deceased and all the wreaths on the grave.

Escort diva could have been killed for chatting

According to one of the latest versions, Oksana Aplekaeva, before her death, spread compromising rumors and gossip about her influential acquaintances. She was happy to rotate in a variety of metropolitan parties, and among her friends were both big businessmen and alleged crime bosses. The model scrupulously collected any interesting information about them, and shortly before her death she allegedly witnessed some scandalous episode shrouded in mystery.

In part, this version is supported by the results of a search in the apartment of the deceased. Various records were found there, which contained the names of young people and girls, as well as various amounts of money. Information appeared in the media that Oksana could be involved in the business of providing sex services for wealthy people.

“The materials seized by us do not allow us to unequivocally say that Aplekaeva was involved in such cases,” the operatives say cautiously. “She kept several notebooks, where she wrote down all the events related to her and her friends, and made some calculations.”

The entries are like diaries of sorts: who was at what party, what did they do there, what things (sometimes very dubious) were done by certain stars and various wealthy people, who, how much and to whom gave money, etc. "Of course, she had information that could compromise some people. The case with Mikhail is indicative in this situation," the investigators concluded.

From the records of Aplekaeva it also followed that the model took her girl friends with her to the birthdays of rich people, thereby providing escort services. Girls were taken to Rublyovka in whole groups, at one of the dachas 18 students of model appearance took part in a sexual orgy. Aplekaeva filmed the depraved pleasures of rich and famous people on mobile phones, and after her death, both mobile phones disappeared.

As previously reported, the murder of Aplekaeva could result in a real porn scandal. According to some reports, the model was organizing group sex parties for the oligarchs from Rublyovka. Aplekaeva's clients included people with very high-profile surnames. Numerous debts that have long poisoned Oksana's life could push her to take a risky step, the publication believes. However, one of her wealthy acquaintances could commit murder in response to sex blackmail.

On one of the pages in Aplekaeva's notebook there is an entry: "Rublyovka, oligarch, birthday, 18 girls." It is not difficult to imagine the extent of the sexual orgies organized by the ex-member of "House-2", given her extensive connections in the modeling and show business.

How the charming girl got involved in the criminal business, no one can now say. However, during the searches, computer disks with address databases were seized from Aplekaeva's apartment. All of them are encrypted, and specialists still have to work on them.

In addition, there were several cells in Aplekaeva's apartment. We can say with almost absolute certainty that Oksana provided the premises for filming home videos, and her apartment was turned into a kind of porn studio.

The investigation is being conducted by the investigative department for the city of Istra at the regional prosecutor's office. A criminal case was initiated under part 1 of article 105 (murder) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

A two-month investigation into the high-profile murder of model Oksana Aplekaeva has stalled, although detectives are increasingly insisting on the mafia background of the crime. The mysterious death of a former participant in the reality show "Dom-2" could be a reprisal against an unwanted witness to criminal "fun".

The Investigative Department for the city of Istra at the Prosecutor's Office of the Moscow Region extended the investigation of the criminal case on the murder of Oksana Aplekaeva, the star of Doma-2, by a month. During this time, law enforcement officers will have to complete all the planned activities, Rosbalt reports, citing a source in the investigation team.

If the investigators do not have new evidence or information about the crime before December 5-8, then the investigation will most likely be suspended “due to the inability to identify persons subject to criminal liability.” So far, there have been no serious shifts in the disclosure of the murder, and all the suspects turned out to have an ironclad alibi.

As the investigators explained, over the past two months they "did not have time to implement the entire plan of planned activities." In particular, not all the witnesses have yet been interrogated, and all the circumstances of the case have not been studied, including with the use of special technologies.

Having worked out several versions that seem to lead to the alleged killer, the investigation returned to its original positions again.

Nevertheless, the operatives are more and more definite about the circumstances of the mysterious death of the model. According to them, the girl died after witnessing some events that took place at one of the parties. Just the other day, detectives learned that it was a "closed event for special people." This is how Aplekaeva herself, as well as her friends, called such parties.

Familiar girls during interrogations categorically refuse to even hint what kind of special person they are. “We can only guess what these closed events were,” the operatives say cautiously. “It seems that the status of the people who took part in such parties does not allow even mentioning them.” According to the assumptions of the investigators, we can talk about both the bosses of the criminal world, and about oligarchs or representatives of power structures.

“Even minor questions about such events cause panic among Oksana’s acquaintances,” the detectives added.

Fatal curiosity version

According to the information collected bit by bit, the operatives have the following version. Oksana witnessed some event at one of the parties “for special people”. Aplekaeva was an extremely sociable girl, so the participants of the event came to the conclusion that she could talk. After that, the fate of the model was decided.

As an example, one of the operatives told the following story. Another girl, also a participant in such "closed events", found herself in the company of influential "authorities" of one of the groups near Moscow. Forgetting about the guest, or maybe just sorting through the alcohol, the mafiosi began to watch a video right in front of her, which depicted the massacre of the leader of another gang. Mafiosi kidnapped him, shot him in the legs, and then gave him to be torn to pieces by fighting dogs. Only in the morning the "authorities" realized it and staged a real hunt for the witness.

They were looking for a girl under the pretext that they allegedly “liked her very much” and they again want to invite her to visit. The witness of the terrible scene first hid with her friends, and then, through acquaintances, went to the operatives.

The maximum that the police could do was to send the girl to her hometown, away from the “authorities”. Her story alone was not enough even to initiate a case. And the gangster captured on video is still listed as missing.

Oksana, according to her friends, was extremely naive, she could simply not feel the danger in time.

The operatives really hoped that Aplekayeva's mobile phone would help them. However, no personal belongings were found near the model's corpse. The victim's phone was also missing.

Worse, since the disappearance of Aplekaeva, her cell phone has been silent and does not give any signals at all. “All the technical possibilities in this direction have not yet been exhausted,” the investigation notes, “but the chances of getting closer to solving the crime are getting smaller. It looks like this will be another “hanging”.”

Recall that the spectacular 31-year-old blonde Oksana Aplekaeva disappeared in late August, and in early September her friend sounded the alarm. About a week later, the body of the model with traces of strangulation was found in the Istra district on the side of the 50th kilometer of the Moscow-Riga highway. The body was found by truck drivers. Since the deceased did not have any documents, for a long time she was listed as unidentified.

There were no signs of a struggle at the place where Aplekaeva's body was found. It appears that she was brought there already dead shortly after the murder. The body was only slightly covered with branches.

According to preliminary data, before her death, the model was severely beaten and raped. However, this information was not confirmed later.

An examination showed that the girl died from mechanical asphyxia, that is, she was strangled. A criminal case has been initiated under part 1 of article 105 (murder) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In the last days of her life, Aplekaeva worked as a model at the Moscow International Motor Show, which opened on August 26. The girl represented the cars at one of the stands.

On August 29, the model left the car dealership in the company of a businessman, and no one has seen her since. Shortly before her death, she made a mysterious call to her friend, saying that she needed to stop by “for an event.”

Aplekaeva's acquaintances have something to hide

As previously stated by a source in the investigation, an overly talkative socialite could be dealt with as an unnecessary witness. Moreover, several friends of Aplekaeva are aware of these events and guess who could have killed their friend, but during interrogations they do not tell anything. According to investigators, the friends of the deceased are simply afraid of reprisals.

It is possible that they have something to hide. As a result of a search in the apartment of the deceased, various records were found that contained the names of young people and girls, as well as various sums of money. Information appeared in the media that Oksana could be involved in the business of providing sex services for wealthy people.

“The materials seized by us do not allow us to unambiguously say that Aplekaeva was involved in such cases,” the operatives explained. “She kept several notebooks, where she wrote down all the events related to her and her friends, and gave some calculations.”

The entries are like a kind of diary: who was at what party, what did they do there, what things (sometimes very dubious) did these or those stars and various wealthy people. “Of course, she had information that could compromise some people,” the investigators concluded.

From the records of Aplekaeva it also followed that the model took her girl friends with her to the birthdays of rich people, thereby providing escort services. Girls were taken to Rublyovka in whole groups, at one of the dachas 18 students of model appearance took part in a sexual orgy. Aplekaeva filmed the depraved pleasures of rich and famous people on mobile phones, and after her death, both mobile phones disappeared.

According to some reports, the murder of Aplekaeva could have turned into a real porn scandal if the witnesses had not shied away from cooperating with the investigation. The press reported that the model was organizing group sex parties for oligarchs from Rublyovka, and sex blackmail became the reason for the murder.

On one of the pages in Aplekaeva's notebook there is an entry: "Rublyovka, oligarch, birthday, 18 girls." And the extensive connections of the deceased girl in the modeling and show business helped her to hold large-scale events of a piquant nature.

During the searches, computer disks with address databases were seized from Aplekaeva's apartment. All of them were encoded, but it was not reported whether the specialists managed to decipher them.

In addition, there were several cells in Aplekaeva's apartment. With a high degree of certainty, we can say that Oksana provided a room for filming a home video, and her apartment was turned into a kind of porn studio.

The shocking truth about the death of the star of the show "Dom-2" Oksana Aplekaeva was revealed. The girl died 10 years ago, but these details have surfaced only now. Oksana was killed in 2008. Recall that she was taken away from the auto show, where she worked as a model, by a certain young man. No one else saw a living star. Investigators conducted a re-examination and found out that Oksana's body was abused by an employee of the morgue near Moscow. He actually raped the deceased after death. The employee confessed to everything, he was fired and they did not plan to punish him any more.

On the body of the victim found strangulation marks and many bruises. Based on the position in which the victim was lying, the operatives concluded that the attackers had thrown Oksana out of the car on the move, and then returned and tried to mask the traces of their atrocity.

According to one version, the girl was kidnapped during the Moscow International Motor Show, which took place in those days at the Crocus Expo, where she worked as a model, and before her death she was severely beaten and raped. According to another version, Oksana was killed by one of her former lovers. Aplekaeva's acquaintances claimed that shortly before the tragedy, a certain young man threatened her. Also, the media actively discussed the assumption that the girl witnessed some events that occurred at one of the closed parties, and they decided to remove her. The case has not yet been solved. However, a few months ago, investigators, using the latest technology, made the same re-examination.

It turned out that someone had had sexual intercourse with the corpse of Oksana Aplekaeva in the morgue in Istra, near Moscow. The study showed that the biological fluid belonged to a forensic expert with 12 years of experience, 37-year-old native of Mordovia Alexander Alukaev. Alukaev was detained by operatives, but after interrogation he was released. The maximum that would threaten him is liability for desecration of the bodies of the dead (arrest for up to three months), but the statute of limitations on the case has already passed, reports

“I confessed to everything. You can't argue against science. I had to quit my job of my own accord. I haven't been able to find a new place for over three months now. With my wife, of course, after this incident, my relationship went wrong - she left and even changed her phone number, which she had had for more than ten years before, ”Alukaev told Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Judging by the man’s page on social networks, he liked to relax with his wife abroad, and also enjoys playing computer games and goes hunting and fishing with friends, Life notes. Alukaev's page has now been deleted. The medical examiner's friends don't believe he could do such a thing. “I do not believe and do not allow such a thought. We worked together with Alexander, and I know him as a highly qualified specialist,” said Andrey, one of Alukaev’s former colleagues.

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